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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Becs I was so into dork I didn't mention about ufinding u'r dad. I'm sorry but I was laughing thru the whole purse thing. I had to there was no choice. Loosing u'r dad in a purse is going to be a story that will always be told.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2013

    Becks they found your dad good news

    annie is your daughter correct?

    Dork I  hrew up in mouth I can not even fathom that incident. Stay off the internet we will help u  sue u will b rich

    dont think about that now please

    Listen to NM

    UFO is on the way

    I feel so bad who is with u?

    This personn can document every name of nurse doc that touvhed u time and dates names take pics I know its gross but you need pics thats what they told me when I went after dick more

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    Good morning sisters, 

    Just a quick pop in, it is time to do my wound care. Please pray that it goes well for me. Will visit a little later, my brother is coming to visit. And NM, thank you so much for the advise, you are spot on.

    Love you all,


  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    NM, your advice for Dork is awesome!!! Also, we don't have a true belly button after DIEP, right? It's fashioned by PS so would what she read even be applicable? You survived unzipping. I survived diffuse peritonitis after ruptured appendix. You will survive this Dorky! We won't have it any other way.

    UFO forgot me last night btw!

    Annie is fine with me now. Why is she doing the crying thing???! I don't get it. The other Gma makes big deals out of it. Probably thinks I lock her in closet or something.

    Cami, you are simply the best and I love ya! You are the cheering section, the rah rah goil in dis place. I hear cheerleaders get a lot of action too!

    Lara, you crunk? Twerkin like Miley. Careful of that guy last night, he had something white dripping down his chest....ewe!

    Speaking of ewe....I went in to try to talk a patient into being evaluated because he kept refusing. He told me I am "stunning" and then I noticed a pup tent being erected under his sheet. EWEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hugs n chest bumps. BBL

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2013

    Becks u r stunning

    My mom is having hernia surgery mon

    So I'm staying over Sunday and Monday see how the rest if the week goes

    I have to b there Sunday because if I'm one minute late she will stand in the street

    Wtf drives me nuts

    Pray for my sanity these next couple of days

    Shoot dork you r like 3 hours from me I wish I could get to u

    I feel so bad I'm really praying for u

    Cam what's in

    Where's kat

    Where's gdie

    Hi Juliet

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    Naughty!! Had to take double and triple look Juliet!

    Lara, where do you live. Way over there I take it. How is Undies? Wish you could go take care of dorty.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    OMG Dork be very careful and I hope u can check back in.

    Chit I've been mostly napping today, I'm so much fun. I could be a party planner.

    Lara keep us up on u'r moms recovery, is it day surgery or not?

    Dork now listen to NM she is so smart and knows all this stuff. And don't forget everything dated, but for now just take care of u'rself and heal, u don't need to use u'r brain yet, let that rest too.

    Becs see I'm glad u have Annie I knew it would be all right. hahaha I like the homemade tent the guy had.No matter what u can get them going.

    Wow Goldie is gone  long time--I didn't know she'd be gone this long. Hope she's having fun.

    And Kat we haven't heard from which is not like her. She's probably got lots to do with her family now. She's always running around helping someone.

    OK it's time to start drinking for most of us, especially after what Julie posted.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    EHH, I started a post before dinner and was almost done. When I got back on the computer, stoopid mese jest closed the window. Beck did say to rest my brain. lol. Or was that Dr. Cam Legal? 

    I talked to all of you but do not have it in me to rewrite my post so jest jumping in. 

    I do have to recomment about Beckers and the pop tent, OMG, soooo funny. And what a great compliment but yes, eeeeks. lmao. 

    Lara, I wish your mom well. Do update us. 

    Juliet, did I congratulate you on your trip gift? wowza, almost as ferciting as de hot boy in de pic above.

    Bernie, tinking about you and hope all is going well. When does DH come home? 

    NM, great great suggestions. I do have a question for my HtL nurses, wow we have three! The area around my nasty wounds was bright red but has turned purple. From what I read, that means healing, do I have this correct? I reread your tips and words of wisdome ~big sigh~ I do feel better about things after that, thank you thank you thank you. As for my boobs, dumbASS me pulled off a dressing on thursday that had that bebriding ointment. It was jest a small aread or nectrotic tissue. Well stupid me put rolled gauze on it and when I gently pulled it off, zipped open most of the scar. I jest can't win. I will get this all down to a science once I am nearly healed. I am not a good nurse or doctor, nope surrendered mese licenses. 

    Lori and Kathy are detained. Lori was on a trip and just getting home todey. She bese good. the dearheart send me a message after I sent her one to tail her I got her prize in de mail. Kathy is good, it top secret crassiflied 411. She in witness portection hehe, jk. but she is fine. I hope de goils don't mind me being dere spokes poyson. 

    I got more cards in de mail todey, you know who you are. tank ye tank ye, I love you all so much for your support, tips and laughs. you goils jest rock. And I jest knw I missing sombuddy berry special. For dat mese apollow7gizes. Gonna hit submit cuz mese keep nearly losing this. It sucks, mese last post was much better, I did a cheat here. 

    CheeRs goils!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Dork it's just good to hear from you and honestly I didn't think about sending a card, well I don't have u'r address but I never send cards anymore to anyone. I don't know why--I stopped after my mom died--cuz she would always remind me to send a card to whoever needed one and all the onfor died with her--so I just stopped sending them---I so sowwry don't mean to be rude, but my mommy made me do it, now I don't at all. But my prayers are always with u now cuz u really need them.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    PM me ne Cami your address. I suck at it too Cami. We can give it a try. How did dressing changes go today. Chit goil did titty unzip or scab just fall off? You are freaking me out ober here. Lara, can you go check on Dorty please! I need a drink but Annie is here. I rearranged my room. Bed no longer against the wall and all be dug gum if she didn't fall de hail outta bed last night. I freaked and she's like, "I'm okay, I'm okay" Chit! Now I'm on Gma biznatch's radar so I can't have her dumpin outta bed. Gotta go figure out how to fall proof my bed.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    My BCO screens are kind of messed up telling me I have things for my topics and then nothing else there. Or my meds are really working very well. Good thing I only have a few fav topics or I'd be all over the place well as long as I'm here I might as well post a pic of a little chick.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Not working ????

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited September 2013

    Just popping in to say HI....skimmed the posts from 3 days.....will have to go back and re-read to catch up.....Exhausted from the holiday.. and there are holidays again next week....can't even think about more food and more cooking!!!  need to inventory the leftovers and see what I can put back in the freezer for next wee-end.....need to do a little baking, but not much.....the weather is gorgeous almost too warm during the day, but nice and cool in the evenings...!!!  Not sure what is on the agenda for tomorrow, but DD#2 has something in the morning and then again in the afternoon....DH has to work all day to get ready for a big meeting in San Fran on Monday....don't know what DD#1 and SIL have planned....but mom is coming for dinner...of course, have no clue what I'll make, but thinking of something on the grill with potatoes and salad....

    DorK is home and sound good....prayers for her continued recovery...NM gave her great advice!!!

    Sweet dreams and see everyone in the morning...

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013

    Secrets from Women. Untold to Men Until Now.

    Never do housework. No man ever made love to a woman because the house was spotless.

    Remember, you are known by the idiot you accompany.

    Don't imagine you can change a man - unless he's in diapers.

    What do you do if your boyfriend walks out? You shut the door.

    If they can put a man on the moon - they should be able to put them all there.

    Tell him you're not his type - you have a pulse.

    Never let your man's mind wander - its too little to be left out alone.

    Go for younger men. You might as well - they never mature anyway.

    Never marry a man for money. You'll have to earn every penny.

    Definition of a bachelor: A man who has missed the opportunity to make some woman miserable.

    The best way to get a man to do something is to suggest he is too old for it.

    If he asks what sort of books you're interested in, tell him check books.

    A man's idea of serious commitment is usually, "Oh all right, I'll stay the night".

    Women sleep with men who, if they were women, they wouldn't even have bothered to have lunch with.

    Remember a sense of humor does not mean that you tell him jokes, it means you laugh at his.

    If he asks you if you if you're faking it tell him no, you're just practicing.

    When he asks you if he's your first tell him, "You may be, you look familiar."

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

    haha Juliet, funny. so right that we can't change a man unless he is in diapers, all of them are funnnneee.

    I crashed out on the recliner for 6 hours and getting ready to go to bed. Had to first take a pain pill cause these bullet holes hurt. I am feeling better mentally, thanks to all of you. You are all jest awesome support to me. 

    It has been so beautiful here, had a little rain tonight but needed, it has been awhile. we have a string on sunny days coming up but cool. We are going down in the 40's sunday night, time to put the heater on. I know this is mild to NM lol. I do love the crisp sunny days of pre-fall. I gonna have to get my pool closed. Love to keep open until late october but the leaves will be too much for me to handle this year. I get so down when de pool cover goes on. Nothing more i love to relax is sitting by the pool day and night, it is de next best ting to having a shore house. 

    Nurses, please let me know if the purple I see around me wounds/craters is healthy healing or a problem. It is dark purple like a bruise. I am tinking it is a good ting. Not a day goes by that I do not feel that I beling in a hospital but geeze, been in one half of the past month and like it at home better. I do what I Need to do though. 

    Camille, Juliet, Bernie, any late night goils partaying with me? I want a dwink soooo bad. Maybe when I am done mese anti-b's I will risk it. But jest hard to stop at one for dis alcamaholic! 

    Where is my goil Chrissy B? AIn't seen here here. I have seen her elsewhere, like in ebery other cyber bar out dere, hope she come in for a bisit and a huggle! 

    ok, gonna play a widdle of my vegas game and go back to mese big bed. ahhhhh.

    cheers goils, until tomorree. oops, dis IS tomorree. It 3:48 aye em here. I go now. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Julie I really enjoyed u'r ode to mankind. funny.

    And Karen how u do it, I'll never know now another Holiday is coming--more cooking and baking??? OOOHHH

    Dork it doesn't matter what hrs u sleep now or rest as long as u do so let u'r body guide u'r hrs. and I think purple is good too , but let the girls answer those questions cuz I just like the color purple so I have no clue.

    Joey came home last nite with a black eye from playing football and he's so proud of it. The kid can't even throw a ball. but match an outfit he's right on top of that. I couldn't wait for them to come home last nite--the dog misses them so much he cries 1/2 the time and comes by me and my Katie-Kat (altho nice now) gives him a look he's afraid of. The fiirst couple of hrs. it's fine then it's like I'm taking care of 2 kids and that's not for me.Then I didn't feel well, I had D and pain and my shoulders felt like I couldn't lift my arms and some dizzyness so I thought either I'm having an anxiety attack or a heart attack --so I took a vote and deciided it was probavly some anxiety cuz my pain was pretty intense.  I don't know if pain does that for everyone, it just sucks u thinking out of u and makes u shakey--Dork is that whatn happens, Lara==anyone???Usually I do nothing when I don't ffeel well but I cn't believe how much our dog goes ballistic when everyone is gone--I'm not enough so I have to give him my energy and I'm not used to that. LOL 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2013

    Good Morning, Loungettes!

    I`m doing this stem,s post on my kindle, just realized I can do this. Hmm, the incorrect is having trouble with some of my jargon. Not as easy as on the desk computer but I don,t have to get out of my easy chair.

    Dorky, yes the red calming down to purple is a good sign. Yes, keep notes of every thing that is happening. Write down all the calls you,'ve made to the PS.

    DIEP bellybuttons are done by cutting around the natural one, then a hole is cut in the skin being stretched over the belly and the belly button brought up through and sewed in place.

    Love the drunken dinosaur!

    OK got to head in and do some ketchup work, back for more later.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2013

    Yes, pain can make you feel very anxious, shaky, and very, very bad in general. I have found that my Xanax is just as helpful as a pain pill sometimes. Anxiety also makes pain worse, and sets up a spiral that can be very scary.

    OK, now I,m really going to work fora while!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    NM I thought so---but u telling me that relieves me quite a bit. I have never really had pain before (Thank God) my while life this is the first time i'm experiencing it ll the time--so it makes me nutsy sometimes==Like I need to be any nuttier. Thanks again--Oh i feel like I have my very own private nursing staff. LOL 

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited September 2013

    I couldn't believe how "dark" is was when I woke up around 6 this morning....yikes!!!  its really going to be dark at 5:30 when I get up for work....haven't gotten up much before 7 the past few days!!!  Fall is definitely in the air!!!  Love the cooler mornings and evenings...makes teh 80's easier to take!!! old is Joey?  He's your grandson correct?  does he live with you?  I can't remember from when you first started to post about him.....DS's dog is a whiner and crier!!!  makes me crazy...especially when he wakes us up at 5 am!!!  sorry you are having so much pain....

    NM...I have a kindle fire, but don't use it often, but have posted here when I do use it...mostly when I travel.....

    DorK.....the nurses are giving you good advice....

    Its quiet here this morning....I forget where Kathy is...I know Lori is on her celebration trip.....who else is missing?

    BBL...have a good Sunday...

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    Absolutely love the drunk Dino, so did the kids! Secrets from women, didn't show the boys that one. Like to think there is hope as they are boys! Yes I know that's dillusional ,

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    4 Have enough to drink so it won't be dilusional to u. I see u'r at our lounge today. We have a friendy lounge and have some fun here with wonderful women, u'll see.

    Karen Joey is 9 and he lived with me the first year he was born--My DD was very sick---so we've always been close and now we all live together, so our closemess continues everyday and we're both cuddlers so I love it. And it's funny but they went to  party and my SIL's cousin and her husband started arguing and he started to cry and told his mom he had to leave the room., cuz there is no arguing here--they've been married 15 years and really don't argue at all they like each other so much still and Joey gets the blessings of a happy homelife.  So he's a happy kid and I get blessings from him--which believe me helps me so much--he waits on me all the time and helps me walk and he just makes me happy.

    To smalzty huh but u know when I talk about him (he's the only one I have or ever will) I get all blubbery.

    OK now I need a drink, I'll have a morning one--Bloody Mary and I love stirring it with the piece of celery-it makes it fun before u even drink it.--Oh pants got it ready for me already. See just snap my fingers and he's here--I'm using him today Dork, u can't drink yet. But I hope soon.

    Lara I have the SyFy channel on so far today.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2013

    Cami. I used to be a bartender and cocktail waitress. Figured I'd fit right in here!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    Welcome 4! Have a seat and be ready to have some fun in here!!!

    Cami, worried about you. Are you better this ayem? When it comes to heart attack, you don't want to mess around. Julie!!!!!! You are needed in cardiac sekshun!!!! Beaty in through nose take a dwinkie poo and exhale out through your mouth, pop Ativan and repeat as necessary.

    Hear tendahs are giving massages by da pewl today. I think we all need one!

    Dorty, you feel you are in over your head? They send people home all the time to be nurses and doktuhs. They unzipped my Pop's infected tummy incision and sent him home for my half blind mom to do his wound care! Holy chit. She was stuffin the gauze in there. She had a blast. Missed her calling I guess. When do you have follow up visit? Hopefully not Dr. Dickhead!

    Bbl. Had great time with Annie. Thank God cuz I wuz so sad.


  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013


  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    Did I spell dat chit right?

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2013

    Morning DahhhlinKs!!

    NM - wonderful advice to Dork...brought tears to mese eyes.  And to Cam too...I agree with the xanax b4 pain pills.

    Juliet - sounds like a wonderful wonderful place and all-inclusive...I'd love love love to b there right now with one of your 'eye-candy' boyz.  Thanks for the invite...have a great time K?  Loved the 'secrets of women'...shared some with my dh too.  Like to the moon...heehee!

    Beckers - didn't mean to, but did snicker a bit bout your bad bad.  But sooo glad he is home now.  Hope your heart is lighter now, I kno too how the gk's moods can sway and it breaks my heart too, but they do end up having a fab time with mema n papa.  I wish I cud send dh across the country...but he ain't budging.  It's not as bad as it seems, I really think it's all me and I'm jes getting tired.  OO got a bigger chuckle over da 'pup tent'...but yeah...ewww ewww and at same time....Best Compliment!

    Cami - Take NM's advice.  Ain't it gr8 dat we have such wonderful careing nurses at our disposal, well not disposal, but here when we need advice.  I wish I cud help u with ur pain...I can so relate, sometimes I dont kno how I make it thru a day.  But I do...we all do don't we.  Cuz we have each other...dat is da bestest!!

    Dory - glad and relieved that the 'purple' is a good sign, and I never thot of pulling off the dead tissue...OUCH!!  Still praying for you girlfriend!

    Bernie, still getting da biggest kick outta ur jokes.  U sed bad sis coming to stay...I'll be sharing mese killa or wodka wif ya if youse need it to get thru it.  Glad to hear Sinead is doing well.  She got a 'bump' yet?

    4 - WELCOME to the HTL!!  I too did my share of bartending and cocktail waitressing...this is a gr8 spot. You git lots n lots to dwink, and spashall tention to what ails u and lots of good advice from our nursing staff.  BUT...most of all and to me best of all....we LAUGH ALOT!!

    I kno I'm missing a few...please forgib...O Lara...I do hope you git thru dis weekend too. 

    Anyway...jes kno dat I lubslubslubslubslubs all ya'll muchliest!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Sue I'm glad to see u again--u'r missed--why are u in pain all the time WTF do we just attract it like a lightening rod.

    Dork I hope u'r doing better today, is u'r dad still staying with u? Don't forget pictures, journal and as soon as u can drinks.

    4--years ago they used to say if it weren't for divorce they'd have no waitresses===and I was one and a bartender, but I don't remember a damn thing for dribking. Plu they didn't have all these craxy types of liquor then Vodka was just vodka--no ither taste --of course that was my fav. drink.

    I just got done writing to the Gov again, did they really think I was going to stop--I don't think so. I was very polite and mentioned no names just the things they did LOL--no threats as usual AND I had spell check on so all is in order and I didn't write like a 4 yr.old I even used big words hehehe-Gee I hope they understand me now.

    Lara I'm watching Witchslayer Gretl??? Never heard of it and I'm sure I'll never watch it again.Shannon Doherty is the star. LOL

    Dorky prayers to u.