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how about drinking?



  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited September 2013

    Good morning, been up since 4am, in one of my weird cycles again. The house is immaculate.  By the time DH gets home (hopefully next weekend) I'll be back in sleep mode.

    Sinead and the alien are progressing well.  Sinead has turned into a rabid hyena, can't wait to see what happens when mummy nesting mode kicks in.  She told me that her life is not going to change when the alien arrives.  Yeah and pigs might fly.

    Sis from hell is planning to come over for 6 wks to help out.  Better start upping my meds now.  Stockpiling wine as we speak.  DH has already hidden the keys to the gun cabinet.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited September 2013

    Bob Smith gets home from work one day and finds his wife has been crying. "What's wrong?" he asks.

    "John, promise you won't get mad, but I went to see the new doctor today and he told me I've got a pretty pussy."

    "WHAT?" he shouts. With that he grabs a baseball bat from the cupboard and storms down to the doctor's office and through the reception area.

    Without knocking he bursts into the doctor's office. The doctor is in the process of giving an old lady a breast examination. She screams and tries to cover herself. Without waiting, Mr. Smith charges up to the doctor, smashes the baseball bat down on the desk and says, "You flaming pervert how dare you say my wife has a pretty pussy!"

    The doctor replies, "I'm sorry Mr. Smith, but there has been a misunderstanding. I only told your wife that she has Acute Angina.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Good Morning BBBernie u got me on that joke, I thought the husband had 2  different names, and then the end wasnt what I expected--as usual made me laugh.

    So Sinead doesn't think her life will change? Well maybe it won't. I mean if she doesn't care about ever sleeping, living a life of worry, having this tiny precious bundle depend on u 100% even when u feel like doing something else, loosing all sense of oneself into a tiny person, listening to sometimes crying that won't stop, changing diapers all the the time and finally when they start walking that totalling ends u'r sitting and possible living with throw up on u, well just a few things at first well maybe nothing will change for her. LOL

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    BTW---I miss Lori-it's seems so long. I hope she is having a super time.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes! TGIF!  Finally!  Gonna be another long day, but at least I can sleep in tomorrow. 

    Becs--My PCP has given me that promethazine cough syrup in the past, that's what I'm going to ask for when I see her next.  Stops the cough and the gagging that it triggers.  Nice stuff!  That and a Z-pack and some prednisone and taking some time off when I feel that sick should keep me out of the ER this winter, right?  Sexting?  Really?  How brave of you! 

    DorKable--I know you can do the dressing change, but you could look into getting a visiting nurse to come and help you with it if you'd rather not do it yourself.  So good to have you home and able to post more regularly, even  if you are rather under the influence, as it were!

    BBBBBernie--So glad to hear Sinead and the alien are doing well.  She'll change her tune when little alien is taking up all her time and energy and sleep and energy and time and sleep. . . . Good luck with sis from he##.  Have lots of wine and lots of good drugs available!  So good DH will be home soon! 

    LOL, A cute angina!  I was expecting the wife to have been referring to the Veterinarian! 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the  Candy Apple Martini

    Chill an 8 ounce martini glass

     1 oz stolichnaya vanil vodka

    2 oz dekuyper pucker sour apple schnapps

    1 1/2 oz hiram walker butterscotch schnapps

    Shake a handful of ice cubes, vodka, schnapps.

    Strain into chilled martini glass

    Garnish with apple slice and caramel sauce. 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Oh Julie looking at hime doesn't make me think of the F word Friday, but the other F word.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited September 2013

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2013

    lol bernie

    Juliet yummy tender

    happy fried egg day

    dork glad your home stay pilled up

    Cam fear net has scary calling movies on all day

    Lets get the party rolling

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2013

    funny pictures

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2013






    vintage funny photo: Vintage Funny vintage4564576.jpg

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Lara I have SyFy on all day--every kind of Storm in the world.

    Oh the cat---the 2nd one didn't come on for me.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2013

    Funny Confession Ecard: I just gave oral sex to a Pumpkin Spice Latte.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Lara---Snowmegddon on SyFy--Not bad. of course I'm all meded up but it's OK

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    Omg, what awesome jokes!!!

    Happy FRIED day! I'm in bad mood. Not good. Guess I'm tired.

    I'm fighting a booboo face. Went to pick Annie up from her other grandma's and she flat out cried because she didn't want to come with me. Feeling deflated.

    Lub you goils.

    Thanks for letting me vent...

    On lighter note, or maybe not, I dunno. My dad was found. mom called me some weeks back saying she had something to tell me and that she had lost my dad. I thought chit, we lost him over a year ago. She lost her little bit of his ashes in fancy box. Well, fast forward some to when she donated a purse to my last nursing facility. I guess they found him, on Fri 13th no less...and he almost went home with another woman as a bingo prize. I picked him up. He was "hanging out" with my old boss who was having much too much fun with this scenario. Good lord, my life is F'd up.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2013

     diet pepsi, decaf. I am a good goil

    I had a berry hard time last night and I tink I has more trouble. I swear it aint mese fault. De hospital in filthadelphia gave me de pseudomonis infection, particularry pseudomonas aeruginosa which is the variety mese contracted. I tink I told you already that it likely came from de catheter. It can be quite dangerous in a wound such as mese imbilicus. I won't even describe how nasty it is. I know I know, mese being a killjoy. Back to de wound care, last night I was berry careful to have eberting set up on a sterile surface. I went into the bathroom to do the first part of removing the old dressing and then rinsing with a saline solution to clean the area. Well when I pulled off the dressing, I pulled someting off that should not have come off, part of mese gut. I started bleeding very hard, it was squirting. I quickly applied pressure and de first time I looked, it started shooting blood again. So I got it to stop but sadly, I do not believe I was told to use the saline to soak it to pull off and I pulled off skin in my smile incisionn (hip to hip), and another small area that I have on my right boobie. 

    I called the nursing agency early this morning and a nurse called back and said she would be here in 30 minutes. When I told her how my PS has been dismissing the fact that something was terribly wrong and that they were refusing to do anything for me, the nurse said that she will call the PS and tail him that I absolutely need debridement to clean out the infected areas without doing further damage to the tissue that is trying to regenerate. So keep yer fingers crossed that someone at my PS office will help. Dr. Dick Ego is on vacation so hopefully, another doctor can bix this mess. I have been pretty scared. I sort of wish I stayed off the internet as I found that in someone just out of surgery with a wound such as that in my naval, the infection can be deadly. Please pray that I can beat this infection as it is antibiotic resistant and takes time to get the right ones. I came home with only one although they were pumping me up with several at the Hotel Kennedy (dat wat I call de hospital cuz I was given so much love and respect). And it was THEIR doctor that found this infection. My assholedicktor was bashing doctors from NJ but he gonna have to answer to the Pa Medical Board.  NM, can you  hailp me with this? 

    Oh so much more to tail but I heard Cammie having a lampshade partay. waiting on dat UFO. 

    ps, lost half of what I wrote here, did have some in my clipboard but well enough cuz I went on a cursing rant about my PS and how his name should be Dr Dickstain. he gonna bese one sorry SOB> Dis goil taking him down. My sisters want me to sue, too much stress to possibly lose. I jest can't do it. I talk about it but think it would be too much on me emotionally. And my only loss is more pain and suffering and damaged outcome. Tings did look bootiful when I came out of de hospital but went down hill super fast, within two days, things got worse.And sadly, at four weeks out, I am in worse shape then the day I was discharged after de procedure. If you goils can help me bash him, PM me and i will give a name. I have done this to my PS here in NJ (the first one) and for a few other friends whom are now in witness portection. tehehe. again, sorry so grim. Dis has been DE hardest time of my life emotionally and physically. The BMX was easy compared to dis. ok, brb, gotta smoosh some pills and snort dem. snort dem, hehe, I hear that kids actually do this with the meds I am taking. so I wish I did not lose the deep part of my theries on why I keep failling......only had one successful surgery which got f'd up after the second revision, dat was in december when I had the right implant out. Mese was titless for EIGHT months. well not really, I had de unafoober.  

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited September 2013

    Dorfy, I am sorry sorry to hear how awful this has gotten for you. :-( just cannot fathom for a second what you must be going through. Did the nurse freak when she heard what you went through last night? Hold on I gotta upchuck in my lampshade! Chit, oh chit. What did you take outta der? How big is belly button wound? Wish you were here cause my PS would hailp you! I wouldn't want Dr. dickstain to touch you for debridement. No friggen way Jose!!!!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013

    this is my christmas /birthday present off my familyLaughing, a weeks vacation in tunisia.

    dorty dory ,did you like your present?

    ((((((((((becks))))))))))), i like your dad going traveling!

    nm have apeaceful weekend,   with lots of sadie time. it was not too bad floating to oncology,had all surgical pts,the rn giving me report started explaining a snb! so told her had personel experience on that one! you know safety is the big item this year, well we had a fall,going to love hearing how we could have prevented that one as the pt went into v tach   and coded and in the process fell to the floor!

    kat and lori ,hope your enjoying your trips

    sue, well if you need help with a body ,you know where i am!  hope you can solve things with dh,one of the patients was watching dr phil and the show was about the problems with men!   so i did ask how were they going to fit it all in  in an hour. or could ask alli and borrow her slugger

    bernie,so glad the alien is progressing

    cammi,cyn,lara,bernie,beans  have a good day, who have i forgotten? its my thyroid

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited September 2013

    Good morning Juliet.

    Dorty see if you can find out if any one else has had a case against Dr should be put up against a wall and shot. Right now concentrate on healing and then go get the B******.

    Where is Wahine.

    Here's to a good weekend to all.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited September 2013

    Billy-Bob was walking into town one day wearing nothing but his gun and his boots. Just as he began walking down Main Street he was confronted by the Sheriff.
    "Hey, Billy-Bob, ya mind if I ask you what you are doin' walkin' down Main Street wearin' nothin' but your gunbelt and boots?"
    "Well Sheriff, it's a long story."
    "I ain't going nowhere", said the Sheriff.
    "Well Sheriff, a couple hours ago I ran into Mary Lou in the saloon. We had ourselves a couple of drinks and then we started to feelin' kinda frisky and Mary Lou said, 'Why don't we go out to the barn?' So we did. Then we started getting real close and cuddin' and smoochin' and Mary Lou said, 'Why don't we go out back and go up to the top of the hill.' So we did." He continued,
    "We started cuddlin' and smoochin' some more and the next thing I know, Mary Lou had taken off all her clothes and she suggested that I do the same. So I did, all except my gunbelt and boots. then Mary Lou laid down on the ground and spread her legs apart and said
    'Okay,Billy-Bob, go to town'.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Oh Bernie u'r to much.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Dork I'm sure our nurses will understand exactly what u'r talking about, I don't have a clue--bt if I saw that much bleeding (I don't do well with blood) I would go back o the ER--I don know why u have to do this when it's such a delcate happening to u'r body--Please don't use the internet now, later u can. U wrote this not to long ago so I don't know what's going on now--does the nurse come out at all hrs--have u been taken care of now---Go to the ER as soon as u can is all I can say--just to let them clean it and look at it. and properly put u back together Tht's my opinion. Please. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Becs how sad Annie felt that way--well she probably didn't really feel like that but maybe it was bad timing cuz something was going on. U know how much fun and how she loves u-but sometimes kids just have a comfort zone for that time and that's all it is. Is she with u now? I hope so. And besides u haven't seen u'r DH and don't always feel good and tired so u have lots going on.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2013

    Dork they are all put away til u get better--no lampshade party.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2013

    Good Saturday Morning, Loungettes!  Supposed to be nice today, rainy tomorrow.  Gotta get all the laundry done today if I can!

    Oooh, wouldn't I like to find him in my shower!


    ORLA--Partay!  Partay!  Partay!  Partay!  Partay!  Partay!  Partay!  Partay!  Partay! 

    LOL,  the things men will make love to!

    Yeah, Aunty Acid, I can too! 

    SyFy has some good stuff on, sometimes.  Sometimes It's so funky it's funny when it's supposed to be scary, though!

    Becs--children can be hard on the heart, can't they?  Glad your Dad was found, your life is indeed very odd, I must admit!

    DorKable--Yes, I will help you with making sure the dickhead doc gets what's coming to him, but not until AFTER you are more healed.  You have 2 years to file for malpractice, so we aren't going to waste any energy on that right now.  You need your energy for healing and taking care of yourself, the other stuff can wait until you are in better shape and can afford to spend the energy on other stuff.  First--you were not told to wet the dressing before taking it off because the wet gauze is supposed to dry into the dead tissue and pull it off when you take the gauze off, it's a form of debridement.  It's a poor form of debridement because it also damages good tissue, but it's a favorite of surgeons everywhere.  Your agency nurse will help you with this part and with your PS.  We know how to get things taken care of.    Second--while infections in the belly button area CAN be fatal, you are getting treatment, so you are not in the category of people who die from umbilical infections.  That is a small group of people who do not seek treatment for much too long, and usually have other health issues like drug addiction, malnutrition, poor hygiene.    So please stop spending energy worrying about that.  Third--You have been through a huge surgery, which is a huge stress on the body, and you are having a predictable emotional reaction.  You feel like the bottom of the barrel and it's hard and frightening and frustrating.  Been there, know what it’s like.  Keep taking the pills, and keep repeating to yourself it will get better, because it will.  I had dead belly button tissue and 6 inches of "unzipped" smile incision.  But I survived and you will to. Four to six weeks out is the hardest time emotionally after DIEP surgery.  You are in this phase, and it's ok.  It WILL get better.   Fourth--while you have told us about the belly button and the smiley incision, you haven't mentioned any problems with the new girls.  So take a look at them.  Are they pretty?  I bet they are.  Do you look good in a blouse there?  I bet you do.  The rest will clear up eventually, but this part will be with you forever.  You WILL get through this, you WILL be fine, and you WILL have a nice body again. 

    Juliet--Tunisia?  Looks wonderful!  Can I hide in your suitcase?  I promise I'll sleep in the beach and never come near you until it's time to crawl in the suitcase to come home!  Don't you love how the powers that be assume that every fall or injury is preventable?  Pretty soon we won't allow patients to stand up without 2 assist just in case!  Did the patient survive the code?  Seems to me that would be the bigger issue, but what do I know? 

    BBBBBernie--What a marooon! LOL!

    Cammy--good point about kids and comfort zones.  Sometimes they just don't like change at the moment, too. 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD  is the Baron Saturday

    2 oz. White Rum

    1 1/2 oz. Southern Comfort

    2 dash(es) Peychaud Bitters

    1/2 oz. Lemon Juice

    2 oz. Sugar Syrup

    Soda Water


    Shake all ingredients except soda water with ice. Strain and pour into a large old-fashioned glass half filled with crushed ice Fill with soda water. Garnish with a lemon slice.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2013

    dorty ,please listen to nm, she's been through this and she does know best.

    nm you don't have to live on the beach unless you really want to!   its an all inclusive and the bar opens at 10amLaughing,so it will be what diet!