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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2013

    Wow, went to post and it logged me out! Glad I did it in Word! Couldn't get it to upload a picture from the puter. I guess they are still working on it.

    Love all de fairies Dork, and of course Stella is de best of de bestest. And yes she is welcome to the Shady Lady any time. You did a great post to everyone! I also think you and Lara DO TOO MUCH!

    Kathy, my DH is just like you, which is one of the reasons he is usually up at 1 or 2 ayem. He just starts thinking of things and can’t sleep. Now granted he goes to bed at 7, but I have known him to get up before midnight! Glad you were able to go back to sleep. OMG, that is hilarious that your DH tells them at check in that you are a screamer, he is so funny.

    Lara, when is your birthday? And do your docs know about all of the exercising you’re doing? I would say if you can do without revisions, then do it. I would hate for you to have to keep going through all of this BS like Dork.

    Lynne, I hope that lil girl child of yours is ok. Didn’t recognize Boy George, had to go back and look. YEP, dat be him. I think you have 4 total? Oh how wese wish dat Cami could find doze “D” pills. Too funny the boy fairies, sure glad Dutch wasn’t a part of that.

    Dr. Cam, good luck today Ms Lady, do you know what tests you are having? I hope you get results right away too.

    I say we have a recall!!! That contest was fixed. Dork, you can’t handle 3 Tenders for a week…..LOL!

    Chrissy, seems like Stella best behaves with you and with Cami. Nice that you are teaching her to make pretty things. She really does LOVE to have pretty things.

    Not sure who Dita is, I thought that was Dork? And Dork, you shore keep me’s entertained! Glad that Stella called you. And of course I will hailp you wif a picture. And you REALLY have to STOP trying to bathe your electronics!!!

    Just now noticed the new format for us to type in. We can add videos and images, I wonder if they can come from out computers??? Certainly they will put the emoticons back and that they are still working on it?

    Ms Raquel, you just as beautiful as de rest of us, and just as beautiful as in that picture. So I am putting meese fingers in meese ears and humming beery loudly.

    LMAO again, Dorky using the little tree icon to pee on!!!

    Bernie, what did you delete?

    NM, I rarely comment or share things from FB that are not from my own friends. Too many freaks out there. Oh yeah, I meant to tell Cami that you DID do the teaching for awhile.

    A brisk 21 degrees her dis ayem! I did cover what I could in my garden, but I think it’s too cold. Leaving in the morning for Moab, no camping though. Daytime temps around 80, so will be nice for riding. Be home Wednesday afternoon. Our anniversary is tomorrow, 4 years!

    Edited to take out HTML that doesn't need to be there and was added because I used Word. Also Cami, I hope the docs are careful what they say in front of Joey. So sweet that he wants to go with you!!! Love that kid, give him a BIG HUG and a Kiss from all of us.

    Happy Sat image Day

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2013

    Oh shoot, I give up! There is not as much there, but I don't know how to get rid of it all! I hope it isn't always going to be like that!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited October 2013

    How I feel about exercise right now.... (c:


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Dork?? You still sleeping or are you back in de tub??? :-)

    Hope ebberybunny habbin a gut dey. I'm off to wurk and will be back soonliest!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Honest... I am headin to work but me tender wont leeve mes alone...


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2013

    OK, been out and done my visits for today, picked up another bag of Honey crisp apples. Got some cider in the crock pot with some mulling spices. Got laundry in the machine and a load on the line. Getting stuff done today!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    I love honey crisp but they are like $3 a pound here!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Ohhhh I bet your house smells lovely right now with the cider in the crockpot! Yummmmm! I am doing "kalua pig" in the crockpot today, so right now my house smells like mesquite (liquid smoke mesquite flavor)! NM, you got to see sumtin funneeee dat our Bernie posted....and now its deleted! Not fair!!!! lol.

    Bernie, What did you delete before I got to see it???? We all LOVE all your funneeeees ya know!

    Lori, Have a fun trip, and fun riding!! Dang it is already that cold there in the ayem? wow. I think this week our nite temps will get down into the 50's, which I love. Yeah, that was Dita von Teese in that pic...this is who she is... Dita Von Teese (born Heather Renée Sweet[1] on September 28, 1972) is an American burlesque dancer, model, costume designer, entrepreneur and occasional actress.[2] She is thought to have helped re-popularize burlesque performance[3] and was once married to Marilyn Manson.[4]

    OH goodie I see some of our options have come back to our posting box. But not that nice arrow to recover our posts...>Dorkie, just right click in the posting box and click on "undo" if you lose your post and it should come back. Glad we have bold, etc again.

    yes Cami, best of luck today! Glad Joey will be with you.

    Love how you inserted the TURD pic into our SatTURDdey, Lori!!!



  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013

    Ok it all went wrong with the font thing, will try again.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013

    didn't work, goddammit.

    Anyway news update. The she devil from hell ( the sister that can only be named, when crossing oneself with a garland of garlic around the neck and a stake in my hand) has hit me with a flanker. The spawn of the she devil ( know it all eldest niece is arriving MONDAY FOR TEN DAYS, not that she has been at all influenced).

    DH is due home Tuesday - I'm so not telling him.

    NM - spot on with the fight or flight. Being BP I am so aware of this.

    Right now in drinking mode.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    *handing Bernie TEN bottles of wine, for ea day of She Devil's visit*....Here Bernie, but save them till Monday, I am sure you have enuf bottles until then. Sheesh...and does she plan to stay with you? Yucko!!! Smart not to tell DH...don't want him to decide not to come home! Hate that....vent here, or send me an email, ok? (((((Bernie)))))



  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    For Bernie! Even dozen! so you have a couple for the weekend!! Ane dis way you have 2 a dey while the she-beast is there.


    SO NOT loving this new tool bar :-(

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    Hi gals.
    Bernie I'm hysterically laughing at u'r description, u are so funny and see we all wonder what was deleted.
    Lori and u'r poop--hahaha I'm laughing still at u'r post too--Have a wonderful time on u'r get away and Happy Anniversary. BTW I don't have a clue what u guys are talking about, but I can't figure anything that my computer has been doing to me--I think in time I will, just not now.
    NM I like when u'r home, cuz u pop in here and u'r busy today.
    Kat u and NM are cooking and those smells sounds great, nice food and drink. Kat where's Dork? Lori is right u know u both think u'r doing nothing but u's busy doing something. She better be sleeping, but getting up soon or she'll want to party all night. Poor Dork and her holes.
    Adey as funny as that picture is, I'm sorry u still feel like that.
    Lara SyFy again today.
    I'm so glad to come here u guys are GRRREAAATE, as old Tony would say.
  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Cami, I haven't heard from Dora today.....hope and PRAY she is okay! I just got home myself. It was a cute pony painting class BUT I was the only adult!!! Three were 4, 6-8 yr olds, and ME. So the kids just did their painting soooooo quickly, some in 15 min, but not sirreeee bobarella I took the entire class. I brought a pic of "Star" a horse we had when my late DH was alive...and it was my DD2 on it when she was just 14 1/2, a yr after her daddy died, but she looked so pretty sitting on Star and riding her! Of course it DIDN'T turn out how I wanted it too, but it was fun.

    Bernie, we are keeping you stocked with wine, and more if you need it! Why don't you leave and just come here to the good ole broke USA???

    OK, I am LATE, I'm late, for a very important date....with my bottle of Seagrams and with my Diet Coke.....C ya Later Alligater...


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited October 2013

    Happy Sat Turd Dey to everyone!

    I started reading back from the last time I left a post but realized at the rate I was going that It would take me until next Sat Turd Dey to Im just jumping in..

    Hope Beckers is having a fun time with her buddies in the cabin..sounds like a good time..

    The food and smells sound great there really is something missing from the whole Fall and Winter holiday seasons when you live in a tropical climate and I miss it more and more every year.

    OT is the theme for the next few days. Time to get busy.

    Latah my friends.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    I'm still at work but will come see if a Partay going on when I'm done. Can't start dwinking until I'm done with the meat slicer! Like all my fingers, but I will ketchup quikliest when I get to da lounge!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    Cyn U'r OTing again??? Don't u'r eyes hurt? Just pop in when u can.
    4 U knew u'd be working late, Good Luck
    Kat I was crackin up the kids were little? Hahhah That is cute--Did u know that before?? U'r so cute.
    I'm watching Elton John concert on PBS-=Always liked him.
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    This show was great It was from London and 2013 but I think he was high as a kite--as said in one of his songs when he wrote some of these, Not that there is anything wrong with that.
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited October 2013

    Oh my...gone for a little over 24 hours and 3 pages to catch up on!!! the only problem is I still struggle with the "drunk" speak!! so I skim the posts, then I miss out of so much!!

    Gorgeous weather this morning (almost col), then nice enough to sit outside and read in the afternoon...

    So nice to see everyone here today...Cami, Lori, Chrissy, Sew, Kathy, NM, Cyndie....but where is DorK? Tomorrow I doing an education table for Komen at the Ballet and they are giving each volunteer 2 tickets to the ballet so I'm taking Mom...when I signed up, I never gave any thought to seeing the this is a nice treat...Mom is happy to be going.....It is Giselle....haven't been to the ballet in years and years and years!!! I "man" the table for 45 minutes before and during intermission...doing it with one other person...Not sure what mom will do but I'm guessing she'll want to hang around the table...need to encourage her to find somewhere else to wait!!!

    Going to pour another glass of wine.....anybody up for partying!!! and I agree the contest was rigged but then again our dear DorK does deserve to win....Okay let the party begin!!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    Hiya girls,

    Happy Sat image Day, what's left of it anyway (I stole the pile of chit from Dr. Camille P Legal, thank ye).

    Ok, who other than Karen said mese contest wuz rigged? Huh? I need to know. I got peeple you know. And I tink I not gonna talk to de perps eber neber again cuz de contact came from mese fart and I worked hard as did de auditors. I ken only sez one more ting, MY attorneys will be in touch. You all saw de disKalamers or not? Geez, a goil git no respect.

    Bernie, I second what Kathy said. I feel your pain eber so much. Me gonna be praying for Ye to get through dis. And chit, all while your DH is coming home. wTg a$$holes, ruin a good ting for mese love, Beeyouteefull Bright and Burning with anger Bernie. K, dat not what BBB really stand for, sawrie.

    Me is in de berry pissy mood dis Sat imageDey. Tank ye God dere only a few minutes left.

    Lori dear, have a great time with your hubby. Will miss ya muchly.

    Kat, tanks for saying nice tings bout me, you and Cam love me yep. De rest, not so sure. So what, I am nuts, ya got a pwoblim with dat? I got people ya know!

    Lynne, what do you do for a living? Maybe mese pain meds make me foygetful but I don't bremember ye saying. oh me so nosey.

    NM, thank you so much for the detailed answer to my question. You are so imfornative and me always aporsheate yer help. Thank you!

    Cyn, so sorry you have to work. Me had de wenches and tenders deliber enuff natty's to git you true it. Send with lub, on de rocks. Nice to see yer face peak in de door. And me sawry for de mess de tendars made, de wenches will clean up. Dayhem, dey some really really piggish boys, eh?

    Well I has to try hard to git some likker in me blood. It bin a bad day in DorkAville. Tank God again it almost ober. Jest six minutes to go til SundeyFUndey at de lounge.

    Cheers to those that love me! to de others, well no comment cuz mese already prolly in big twouble for being mean. and for de record, mese kidding bout de fixed contest. well half kidding at least tehehehe. I gotta go and find out who else say it fixed. Mese auditors and me worked berry berry hard on de contist and thought it was fun til me accuzzed of chitting, i mean cheetin! ok, cheers to all, some sour some not lol.


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Hiya DorkieContestRigger!!! LOL. Jest kidding. But mese has a quesionable ting to ask youse....did you weally give our dear CyndieLou a pyramid of EMPTY Natty's???? Shhhh.....maybe she won't notice dat, and will jest tink she gots a big pile of unopened Natty's.....yeah dats it, I bet she won't notice. LOL, you so silleeeeee! I wish the :poop: thing would work here....did you just copy and past Cami's Turd? Oh that sounds funny..."cami's turd"....well Cami to you that would prolly sound good, since that stooopid "D" (dis D is not for you, Dorkie!) has been around toooo long. I know a regular turd would look good right now! lol.

    YAY, it is SunDey FunDey at Dork's neck of de ye can get outta de dumps, and sailabrate!!! Hmmmm.....what you wanna sailabrate? Well, how bout that even though you have a lot of healing to do, you not only survived the RB, but also that horrid infunction! Your body been woiking double-time to get you all healed....jest wish it didn't have to take so durn long. But you always rise above adversity, and I know you will rise above this situachun and come out on top!! (NO, not on top of Pants silly, just on top of all that has been going on). Geez, get your mind outta dat guttah!

    Karen, Hope you enjoy the ballet! I have not seen Giselle either, but since my DD2 was in ballet (and nutcracker) for so many years, I do enjoy watching it. I had fun painting with my g'dau today! She can't wait to put hers up. When I took her home, her mom mentioned that they should find a place to hang it, and right away, g'dau said "In MY room!". Duh, she is proud of it, and wants to keep it in HER room. I always take her to do things, but told my g'son we need to find something he and I can do together. But he is so involved in programming games, etc., and likes to play things like MineCrafter (sp?), which is all above my head.

    Still Sat-TURD-Dey here....oh I foigot, Sat Night Live in on.....gonna go watch it...TaTa to the Tatas!

    kat (oops my phantom printer jest turned itself on again, and I notice several blank pages it must have run through the printer while I was gone....weird! Well, I do leave it on, but I mean it starts making the sound like its printing, then pushes out the paper!)

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Just got home. Thought I would pop in and see what's up!


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013

    Happy Sunday, still can't copy and paste stuff.

    Going up to my friends today and then meeting Dave on Tuesday.

    So don't worry if i'm MIA. hahaha

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited October 2013

    Bernie.....have fun!!!

    Can't believe that I'm the first one posting this morning....everyone must have partied late last night and sleeping in!!! Have a great day!! bbl

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Good Morning Girlz!

    Bernie, Safe travels to your friends home, and I KNOW you will have a good reunion with your DH. Shoot, we will prolly hear the screaming over here...jest kidding! I know it will be great to see him, and we will surely miss you here.

    Yeah Karen, where is everyone else? OH I think Lori is traveling, Becks is on a girlfriend weekend, and Julie is still traveling, but where is our NM?

    Dorkie, Cyn, Lara, Undie, Sue, 4sew, Dr.CamiLegal, and ebberyone else, hope it will be a good SunDey FunDey for all. Dorkie and Lara, hoping you both will have less pain today. Last night Molly was barking so much at the far end of the yard, behind some huge trees at 1 ayem, so I ran out there in flipflops and it was pitch dark. As I got closer I could hear some loud hissing but of course couldn't see anything, and she wouldn't come away from there. So got DH up and he took a flashlight and it was a young opossum...Molly always barks and tries to chase off any animal that gets in our yard. Mav was sleeping...if it had been a person he would have been barking up a storm. So they had to stay in the garage all night, and now its raining! I always worry when they bark, as I hope the neighbors won't complain. USUALLY they are quiet, but if they are barking, there is something there.

    Guess it might have looked like this? (Shoot it won't let me copy and paste either, so no image)


    Time for coffee...hmmmmm and maybe a buffet (of Tenders)??????



  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    I'm here goyles! I am out delivering the 110 lunches we made to the ballerinas! Be back soon!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013
    cam is sic-fyi
    kat tsk tsk do not gpo outside at night for sounds
    Ask cam and I its our movies
    but u should b careful neber know
    dork u r strong u have been through a million surgeries u r doing good just rest
    Karen the food sounds yummy
    NM I can smell it to
    making ckn sausage in sauce garlic smell through out its raining here blah out
    Undie is in pain but she is in la la land like most of us
    Karen sounds fun maintaining the table
    I will pop in soon
    ooops hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Goldie
    Its in Nov right after the best holiday lol scary day but thats every day
    I love fall here its so pretty with the trees
    We are goig apple picking
    love it
    Bernie get the garlic load up
    heres wine,scotch,and te quila
    My text looks weird
    I never want a stink bug by me grosssssssssssss
    Now how can I visit u dork
    oh yes well I did a spiderman push up and well put it this way I almost went to the ER never again
    I was scared all night my implants were going to come out
    u goils are my best friends
    HI cyn heres a hug
    post more GF
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    Good Morning gorls.
    4-Marlin will u be done for the day now?
    Kat--Lara and I know better than to go out in the dark--WHEN U DOG IS BARKING---that's a scene in almost every scary movie we've ever seen, a dog barks u always go the other way. Of course we know u are a trained kier but it won't do any good as far as we're concerned. Oh so much to learn u little grasshopper.
    Karen I need to know---u do so much cooking and baking (loads) and have so many lunches and dinners--HOW THE HELL DO U STAY LOOKING SO GOOD. Do u actually eat???
    OK phone call BBL