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how about drinking?



  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited October 2013

    Chrissy just pooped in !!!! LOL

    Chrissy your outfit sounds lovely....hope you enjoyed the manicure...I'm past due for one!!!

    Kathy...thanks for the update on happy that she is doing better always put a smile on my face

    Julie's back!!!

    Hi Lori, Cami, Orange, Sew, Cyndie......and everyone else....

    Went out to eat with DD....DS didn't want to go as he was sleeping and DH isn't home....we went to this place called Bull N Bush....shared fish and chips and each had a side salad and of course I treated myself to a glass of cabernet...nice treate with DD......

    Early morning tomorrow....even earlier than work days....doing a health fair from 7 - 10...its about 45 minutes from my house and need to be there by 6:45 to set up, so I'll be leaving by 6 am!!!! means I get to kiss DD as she is getting up and then leave pronto!! I did this same one last year and forgot how early it was...its at a neighboring county DA's office......When I'm done need to go over to Mom's to do a couple things...may see if she wants to go out to lunch.....Then need to get DH's b'day present and card....his b'day is tomorrow...but he's not home till Saturday night!!! We will celebrate when he gets home and DS gets off work as DD leaves on a school trip for a week early Sunday....I tell you, lately it seems like we cross paths...what's the saying...its hard to get the 4 of us in one place at the same time!!!

    Need to go tidy up my desk in the kitchen and see what bills are hiding (and maybe past due!!!). Then may be back for another glass of wine...who wants to join me?

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited October 2013


    Sadly, you are proving our point that we do not appreciate an outsider in here. You clearly do not understand the culture of this thread and your comments are no longer appreciated, nor will they be entertained. With all due respect, kindly remove yourself from our thread, as Wahine is one of the longest members of our group, and as such, took it upon herself to speak for the group to keep the continuity as it has always been. She is one of the kindest most supportive sisters I have ever known since joining BCO. She is none of the things that you are saying, nor what your DW is saying on other threads with respect to "cyber bullying." There are many different threads on BCO and in time your DW will find a place she can settle in and feel at home. Thank you.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited October 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2013

    good morning all,thanks for the smiles chrissy, bbl

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes! Gonna be a short post, I slept in a bit and don't have as much time as usual. The cold is staying at the annoying stage, the asthma is staying asleep, not feeling too bad so going to work this ayem. Will decide about tomorrow when tomorrow gets here.

    To whoever asked about mileage, I do get mileage, but the software system we use calculates it and tracks it. I keep a general eye on it to make sure the paycheck is right.

    Good news about DorKable--especially the already smaller puka part! Told you all that VACs work great!

    I made a great soup in the crock pot yesterday. I marinated stew meat in apple cider with a bunch of spices mixed in, then put it in the crock pot with some potato chunks, and large cut carrots, and a couple of cut up Honey Crisp apples. Filled it up with a splash of cider and then some boullion. It smelled and tasted soooooo gooooood! I took it in for the pot-luck lunch we have after our big every-other-Wednesday meeting and it was quite a hit. I is so pwoud of mese!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Gagliardo

    1 part galliano

    5 parts peach vodka

    3 parts lemon juise

    1 part syrup of roses


    Shake well and serve in a cocktail glass. This is a home cocktail of American/Internet Bar del Pozzo, Pavia, Italy.
  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2013

    Woops on the formatting stuff, still working with the new layout.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2013

    my computer is acting up,won't let me post more than a line.

    have a good day everybody

    dorty and cammy feel better

    lori congrats on finishing the dreaded med

    cyn-cymru is welsh for wales

    back in work tonight so will sleep today,will try to post the pics later,got stopped for a suitcase inspection in Atlanta,tsa pulling out lots of candy,then the 2nd guy opened the other case to find my dirty underwear and my belly dancing outfit, very short inspection

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    wait a second

    What is going on

    Who said what to kat

    Kat PM me tell me what happened

    Becks thank you

    I'm pissed wtf happened who offended u!

    Someone fill me in ASAP

    No one talks to my friends rudely

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2013

    Rut Roh............Not liking what I am reading, hugs to all of my friends. Hate when things like this happen, I am speechless.

    Again Kat, meese think I will call you Dora'sKeeper, thank you for the update. I am skeered for her to go home.

    Dort, not talking like you aren't here, I jes so skeered you won't rest when you get home. I gonna send Jocks over and have him tie you down and NO SPANKINGS eeder.

    Lara, I have had that sciatic nerve damage before, but don't remember it affecting my back, just the back of my leg. OMG, it was horrible excruciating pain and kept me in tears. I was told to step on a marble, with like the middle of your heel, for like a minute. Suppose to be one of those pressure point things. Didn't work for me tho.......image

    Julie, welcome home sista!

    We have to head out early today, plus going to see Gravity and YAY it's in 3D.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Becks u said it best--I tried but sometimes things don't come out right for me but I know what I mean---so I ditto becks.

    Did anyone notice the little boxes on the top of where we post--mine weren't tere before

    Lara I go around in circles when I explain--so hope someone explains to u

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited October 2013

    Cami all those little boxes are your tool bar and if you hover your curser over one at a time an explanation of what each symbol is will appear. There was a tool bar there but it has changed with the latest update. :)

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2013

    good morning, chrissy loved the wedding photos and yes cammi becks said it best. lara hope the sciatic pain is better this am. nm have a blessed day.dorty behave.speak to you all later

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    Ok I blocked tender

    I think I see what happened

    I never liked 4 im sorry I had a weird vibe

    so tender was the husband


    Im pissed

    kay heres a hug

    I love u all Ive been on this thread 2 years and ill tell u right now u goils are my friends

    why would her husband post here?

    wtf is wrong with people

    and he liked computers better not being trying to hack us


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013

    and she's slagging our Kat on other sites. Best thing - ignore.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013

    ok this stupid thing is not working again

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2013

    good morning bernie

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Lara I knew u'd figure it out

    I hope u;r pain is a little better, but I know this takes a while and I have SyFy on right now--HIVES ??? So I'll be itchy the whole time---well another year with no bites from any mosquito or anything.,, I can't imagine how distasteful my blood must be. LOL

    Kat a few years back my cousin was helping our FG move and she heard something like snap in her back and was doubled up for a few da. Well every since then she get horrible back spasms whenever they come and that was a big side effect after xhemo--it was like her weakest point and it would attck her back to keep her bed bound for like a week. at a time. So I see what u mean by hurting u'r back it's something that stays with u. I never hurt my back but over this time I have degenerative discs and vertabra so I think it's a SE from something, cuz wow it can hurt. But like Lara and u I think u'rs is worse cuz I see what my cousin goes thru and yet she waits on me-She's so kind and I get so mad and she covers me if it's chilly and she 6 yrs older than me and I can not stop her- but I know all of u hurt more than me mine is just chronic and lays there and doesn't really hurt unless I move around. hahaha Hence my laziness comes in.

    Thanks Chrissy now I have to figure out what everything means--but I was excited to see them

    NM I hope u keep everything away so u don't get sicker and try to rest when u can.U know what they say medical people are the worst patients cuz u push to hard. So don't push, unless the opportunity presents itself.

    Oh Ju;ie just seeing u'r name I feel better--u were so missed.

    It is raining I have the window open tho cuz I can hear it and it's not pouring. So I like the sound

    I need my hair cut but I usually wait tim my DD has a customer then after I get one. Word of mout this getting a few women this so maybe she'll get more and she won't color (but me or her sister) because she's said that's ot her good point, but she honestly can cut any picture or what u want so well. I remember years ago she would take 1/2 hr to cut my hair or anyone's oh it was brutak altho she did a good job. Now 2-3 minutes and she's done I love it. I feel so bad for her cuz if she never got sick she could work in a good salon, but she can't take reg. hours or the stress of it. so she just does it for people she knows. Well I'm thankful for how good she is tho.

    OK I'll be back

    LUBS u all.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Jest got up, hard night, but YOU ALL are so amazing, and I appreciated your comments, support, and LOVE, so very much!!! It was awful reading what 4sew was saying on the other threads, all lies, somehow she thinks I had a vendatta out for her. She doesn't realize it was that I was just pointing out that she and her DH were fooling us and not being honest when we asked. It had NOTHING to do with any remark about Alabama...sheesh. Glad some of you had the same vibe, and didn't like what was going on. I think the reason her other thread-mates think we were mean to HER, is because they don't realize that its her DH posting here too, and saying lies and mean things. Oh well, someday they will see the truth....for now, just gotta wait it out.

    Julie, its wonderful having you back, and hope to hear about your trip soonliest!!! This new format sux, but we have gotten around it somewhat.

    Oh yes NM, hope you don't get worse by working today, but sounds like you are monitoring your condition, and will make sure you will be okay.

    Love what you posted Chrissy....soooooo true....we should finisssshhhhhhh all de bottuls here....

    Cami, Hope you do get your haircut. Oh Lara's back and your cousin's back, and I think Sue's back too, are much worse than mine. Once I get moving the pain lessens, its worse if I am lying down, and FORGET getting those wonderful massages from my DH, as if I lie on my tummy, then its excruciating to get up. But when it spasms its so painful and it freezes you so you can't move. Mine is also degenerative discs like yours, sometimes it gets better with time (or so the dr said), but mine just gets worse, and they said it got aggravated by the work I was doing. I don't know how you can lie down so long with your degen it more painful when you try to get up? Walking helps for me, but only a totally straight surface, so treadmill works well, outside when you step in a low area you aren't aware of....omg the pain!

    Now I can't see the prev page with all the posts!!! Well, YOU all know if we don't mention everyone, we are NOT ignoring someone! Just can't remember ebberyting. Loved Becks's post, Bernie's posts, Chrissy's posts, Cami's posts, and all those that supported what I was going through. Oh Lori, I bet it was a shock to get on the thread today! Hope your day is wonderful....I am anxious to see Gravity too, should be really good. Did you see the spoof they did on SNL last was funny, about the Gravity movie. Karen, have a good day today! Hoping our Dorkie is not let "out" till she will be totally ok at home!!!! We are all watching you, girlfriend! We will tattle on you in a heartbeat, just to keep you healing, and RESTING. LOL. Lara, glad you felt like I did! I need to read back to see if you mentioned what they think will help your back. Must be horrid pain!



    P.S. Not wanting to keep this going on, but I jest noticed the "Tender DH" has now even deleted the awful last post he did (which I copied!) there, I can show that to anyone that wants it, although it was mild compared to the first long one that was very hateful, all directed at me. Hope everyone didn't share personal info with them!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    send me that one! Kat I just PM u

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    Teka stay off our thread

    whatever you are trying to do we do not care

    you are stalking and talking about someone you do not even know

    we all we continue to block whatever screen name u put upDO NOT THREATEN PEOPLE

    or cyber bully

    we do not care

    stop it now


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Gonna repost the DOTD that NM posted for us.....might have been overlooked with all the drama going on. Thanks for the SPECIAL dwink, NM!!! Love it,esp the name!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Gagliardo

    1 part galliano

    5 parts peach vodka

    3 parts lemon juise

    1 part syrup of roses


    Shake well and serve in a cocktail glass. This is a home cocktail of American/Internet Bar del Pozzo, Pavia, Italy.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Why do I see one thing I never heard of---the roses one. who finds this stuff. hahaha

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Hahaha Cami, I actually think we might have that in our bar! We used to always have the Roses Lime Juice in our fridge, and for some reason the Rose Syrup sounds familiar....unless its just because it has "rose" in its name. I swear (well not really) we have so much chit in our bar we need to get rid of!!!! This actually sounds like a strong drink....just what we need~!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Leave it to the Italians to mix Galliano and roses--- get u drunk and give u a flower for romance----

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    kat everyone

    I love all of u

    Just saying

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2013

    Good Afternoon. Loungettes! 

    Juliet--oh, boy, what a suitcase inspection that must have been!  Was the agent opening up the dirty undies and belly dancing outfit case male or female?  Would love to see the expression on the face of a male agent! 

    Goldie--I'm worried about DorKy going home, too.  I know it's much nicer at home than in the hospital, but I think she is overdoing things a tad.  Hmmm, maybe I should take a week of vacay and go take care of her. . . .

    Cammy--I know we medical types do try to push too hard.  I am NOT pushing, keeping the schedule light (well, as light as reasonably possible) and taking my time.  Right now I actually feel ok, a bit tired but ok.  Got the nose dripping like a leaky faucet, which is not nice.

    OK, time for this chicky to go back to work.  Latah, Loungettes!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Just got home, wasn't planning on shopping today but my DH took my dad out, and when I called my mom to see how she was doing, she was getting ready to leave in her car; alone. Not a good idea! She couldn't even (at that time) remember what she wanted to buy. Turned out to be a sq box of kleenex for the new cover we bought her yesterday! So I went shopping with her and got some errands done that I needed doing. TRYING to remind her to NOT go out driving alone....prolly scary enough for her to drive, but by herself she could totally forget where she was or where home is. Also trying to remind her she doesn't need to drive unless its something really important!

    Anyway, just wanted to let you all know I love you all too!!!!!! (So sweet, Lara!)

    Now I will check emails and if I have an update from our Dork, I will let you all know....

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Dorkie is being released tomorrow!!! YIPPEE!!! AND she will have to leave the Vac there, but will get her very own vac, I think she is calling it "Zack"! It will come to her house tomorrow. She is again hosting a dinner in her room tonight (really!)....sounds like an awesome hospital. And of course if you hear any screaming.....well our Becks will get to be with her DH for a few days.....another YIPPEEEE!!!!!

    Lowee, How was that movie? Hope you had a good day out! that Pants that put up all those dwinks on the bar? I see an entire bar full of the "Gagliardos".......yummmmmmmm.....should quench our thirst on dis ThirstDey, right?? Yummmmmm..... *hic*.....

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited October 2013


    Kathy...thanks for keeping us updated on DorK.....I'm glad that she is going on as there is nothing like sleeping in your own bed, but I worry about her not having proper medical care.....Sure hope she gets home health care....and help with her Dad....she needs to be the patient, not the care taker......I asked her DD about restaurants to get her a gift card of whatever.....never got an answer.....Any ideas of palces that would deliver that DorK would enjoy.....Anyone want to go in and get a few days of meals for her? Do you think she would like this? or get someone to clean her house?

    Haven't gone for a walk yet today....not sure why I'm avoiding it, but think I better get my behind in gear and go for one now....I think dinner is just me...DS is going out shortly for an hour or so....when I asked him what he was doing for dinner, he said don't know......DD is at a school event going to hear Leon Panetta speak...she is doing a model UN program at school....So I have no idea what to make for dinner.....don't know what I want....I haven't cooked all week...well not since DD pizza..not sure if I want that....or many things sound good....maybe a nice omlette with onions and mushrooms and hash browns.....I would cook if DS was eating , but not just for me......
