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how about drinking?



  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited October 2013

    Partay hasn't started yet....just got home from parent-teacher conference with DD.....she isn't doing awesome....she has a tough, tough schedule, but she is holding her own.......all A's and high B's and that includes AP World History and AP chemistry....a mom can brag once in a while!!!

    Going for a walk and then will crack open the bottle of wine.....what should I have with it? ice cream? popcorn? soft pretzl? quesadia? or all of the above!!!

    C u in 1/2 hour!!!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Karen, I vote for all of the above!!! Although I am not sure about ice cream and wine??? But then I have not been feeling too well either! I do like pistachio ice cream though!

    That is awesome about your DD. My 2 high school boys are in all honors and AP classes too. My 10th grader is taking AP Chem and AP World History too! Hope they both(your DD and my DS) test out of them for that college credit. Last year as a freshman he took the AP exam for Human Geography and got college credit for it. That was $79 well spent instead of college tuition for it! Brag on Mom !!!!!

    Cami, I was born at St Francis Hospital in Evanston and lived in Paletine and Arlington Heights before we moved when I was 12. My grandparents were in Glenview until they passed away a few years ago and I still have an aunt in Park Ridge. Emerson Street is named after my GGG grandfather. I think it was for his dairy route if I am not mistaken. My brother did college and grad school at U of I. I L L--I N I :-) He marched in their awesome band! My Dad's dad was a dentist (sorry Cyn!) and ended up editor for the American Dental Association downtown and started Dental Health Day, which is now a week. I used to love going to Marshall Fields and all the stores downtown at the holidays and looking at all the windows! Water Tower Place, etc....

    Have fun at the ParTay everyone. I am calling it a night and taking a new book to bed. Still a little under the weather.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited October 2013

    Partay is on!!! Still haven't decided what to DS just made some eggs and that smells good but not sure if I'm in the mood for it....I think a cheese quesadea might just be the think....and the ice cream is Neapolitan or coffee (which I won't eat but my DD loves it).....and popcorn too......Time to pour a glass of cabernet....who is joining me!!!

    4Sew....DD plans to finish Algebra 2 by end of semester and then take pre-calc second semester so she can take AP calculus next year as a junior......she is very driven!!!! Oh and my DD#1 lived in Chicago for 5 years....West Rogers Park...she left when she got married 4 years ago....

    DorK....since you aren't drinking, I'll have an extra glass in your honor!!!! Sure hope you are doing okay....((((((((((((((((((DorK))))))))))))))))

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited October 2013

    Wow! so many things going on!

    Karen you deserve a little brag time as you sure do have something to brag about! Those marks are very good and any mom would be proud.

    4sew sounds like you also have bragging rights as well.......Such bright children!!!

    The vertigo is still there and the deafness and ear ring as well........such a pain!.......It must be improving a little though as I can now read the threads and answer but in short throwing up (TMI).

    Cami are you feeling a bit better? I know Dork will be now that she has the vac happening......she sure has had a bad run poor love but hopefully this will be the last of it.

    Lori if you see an old duck trying to happy dance and still stay on her feet, well that will be me celebrating your last Arimadex!!! Woohoo!!! Give yourself a few weeks and you are going to feel like a new you........fantastic!!

    NM hope you are kicking that cold to the curb and your fur baby is snuggled up close keeping you warm.

    Lara I love pistachio anything! Wasn't sure when I first tried them but now I have always got some in the house and add those salty sweet nuts to loads of things!

    Tender those jello shots are amazing! Thanks!

    Kathy, you are such a wonderful friend to all of us here.......checking up on us to make sure we are all doing just fine and if not, offering your shoulder for us to lean on.......Thanks.

    I know I've forgotten some but you know its just because I'm old and forgetful and not an on purpose'll probably catch you next time round and forget someone else.

    Love n hugs to all! Titties UP! Chrissy

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    Chrissy, that vertigo has to stop soon, so if u'r a little better that's good.
    NM I hope u wake up feeling well.
    Karen and 4 u should be bragging those are amazing kids u have and the grades are awesome. U both have big bragging rights. And 4 I hope u feel better
    I'm feeling OK so it's all good.
    And 4 I certainly know where u'r talking about, It's north of me but it beautiful there--and when I was little we always went to Field's an saw that beautiful tree and looked at all the windows too. And u'r GG started the dentist thing Wow impressive.
  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013

    Ok that's sorted. Have to copy and paste through the link.

    House guest has been a pleasure. Totally changed attitude.

    Skeletor progressing well. Mumtobe spitting feathers cos they cut the maternity benefit in yesterdays budget. so she will be down by 800euro.

    Warm thoughts and prayers for all going through difficult times.

    Torrential rain today.

    DH's dad had a heart attack sunday, has to have a triple bypass. Big worry about the op because he is grossly overweight, high blood pressure, etc. Hasn't looked after himself in years. No one in the family was surprised it happened. I know that sounds hard but you have to help yourself. We are praying for him.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    Good ones Bernie--u'r back---'Sorry about what going on tho, cutting moneies there too, Praying for u'r DH Dad let us know wht's happening.
    Well everyone should be waking up soon and I'm getting ready to go to bed. Hope everyone is feeling better today..Remember NM how u really feel. And Julie should be back today--miss that girl. And Dorky should be resting today with a vacuum on--Oh Lordy what a big puka she has now. Oh I just thought of that. Well she better stay there longer Oh my belly button hurts so bad now thinking of her--see she affects my hernia cuz I worry--I know I'm dramatic. But that sounds so painful to have a vacuum plugged into you. UGH--I can't even stand the thought of plugging in a vacuum OOOHHHH Mese fart is with u Dorky.
    Kat I know u keep in contact with Dork the most so tell her we miss her.
    And how is Undie--anyone know.
    I had a lot of letters to write during the night (I guess that's why they think I'm crazy) But I knew what I had to do. And I just took a shower so I smell just luscious from head to toe---so if I'm arrested I'll smell good. Oh I won't get arrested I;m not vicious just passionate . OK I'll check back later it's still dark and my Katie Kat aid with me al snuggly when I was don like a little baby with her little arms around me so I didn't sleep but cuddled.
    Oh Les went to school for Joey last nite with that gifted reading program and the teacher said Joey should stay in there til 8th grad cuz sshe see so much potential in him and he understands more than his age and (get this) he's so nice and she just enjoys him with his manners--he gets that from me. LOL I threw that in and that's an old Grandma bragging so u know I will. OK 'll check in later.
    Lubs u all.
  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes! And Tender! I have definitely caught a cold, sigh. Now to keep it from setting off the asthma. So far, so good, but I may have to take a couple of days off work later this week. We'll see.

    Tender--Great pumpkin punch recipe!

    CynCyn--root canal, OUCH! We'll start loading up the UFO to be with you!

    Cammy--all the changes going on are just too much, sometimes. I mean, really, what good are all these changes doing, any way??????

    Wahine--thanks for the Dorky update! And I'll drink for DorKy and for you!

    DorKable!!! I remember all the beeping and how crazy it drove me. I think I cried for 2 straight days cuz of the beeping. I've seen a lot of people with the wound VAC and it won't take months to heal you up, trust me. 1 month, maybe, but you will be surprised how fast you can heal up with a VAC--IF you rest!

    Mornin' Karen!! I don't use nail polish or anything like that cuz my nails will split and peel too. I wonder if it's the polish remover?

    Becs--ANOTHER honeymoon with the hub???? Wow! Good for you!

    Chrissy--I see you sneaking in! C'mon over and drink with me!

    BBBBBernie--LOL!!!!!!! Best partays are in the oddest places!

    Goldie--I've got the zinc, Vit C, oregano tincture going, drinking and drinking and drinking, and already thinking about taking a day off. At least I'm not working 12 hour days right now. and the new patient coming on that is an hour plus drive away from the office is going to another nurse, yeah! OK, I shouldn't be happy about that. the new Clinical Manager is trying very hard to make sure that the work load is fairly evenly balanced, and doing a pretty good job of it. CONGRATS on taking the last arimidex. I did that this month last year, and I feel SO much better now (ignoring the cold symptoms). Give it a few weeks and you will notice less stiffness, less achiness, more energy, better memory, just overall better!

    Tender-- I love candy corn, gotta try that drink!

    4sew---now THAT is the kind of coffee I need on a regular basis!

    Wahine--I've actually been expecting this cold to show up for the last week. There's a cold making the rounds in one of the nursing homes I visit regularly, and the Assist. Director of Nurses and I had a longish sit down and talk in her little closet of an office last week while she had it, so I figured there was no evading this one totally. So far it's just annoying, I'm just really worried about it triggering the asthma, right when my PCP is moving to a new office (the old office system was bought out by the big local medical center). So I'm paying close attention to taking my meds and all the little things I can do to keep things under control. And since I've been working with VACs for years, in the home health setting, I've learned what people worry about when they first hear about it. and for those who are worried about DorKy, it is very unlikely that she will have it on for months, usually even the biggest holes heal up in a few weeks, having one on for 2 months is unusual. And she will not have to stay in the hospital the entire time. Carrying the suction machine around is annoying, but at least it can be shut of and disconnected for up to 20 minutes at a time so people can get a shower--and yes, they can shower with the dressing in place!

    OK, on to the next page. . . .

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2013

    Tender--that vodka, honey and ginger reminds me of a cough remedy a doc gave my Mom many years ago--equal parts honey and whiskey, take by the teaspoonful until you don't care about the coughing any more and the throat doesn't hurt! Hmmm, I should mix up some for myself! What is Lillet Blanc?

    ORLA--I'm glad the VAC helped your Mom. I know it's annoying, but what about health care isn't these days? And your poor back, what can we do to make your back better?

    Karen--you and your DD have such busy lives, how do you keep it all straight?

    Chrissy--yes, Sadie is keeping me nicely warm, snuggled up in bed or against my feet on the ottoman when I'm sitting in the living room watching TV. She seems to know I need to slow down a bit, she keeps getting underfoot!

    BBBBBernie--LOL for both, and so glad you figured out how to post stories again! Even gladder that the house guest is being pleasant! Praying for DH's Dad.

    Latah, Loungettes (and Tender).

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    I'm trying.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited October 2013

    Cami.....nice story about your Joey....keep bragging...he's a wonderful sweet boy!! Feel better...

    NM...feel better...hope the cold doesn't get the best of you and turn into asthma the "porch" joke!!!! hope your fil does well with the surgery are you today....getting lots of rest, I hope......

    Do not like the dark, dark mornings....can't get motivated to walk in the morning in the dark and cold....but I walk at night.......will try to walk at "lunch"...not that I get a lunch at work, but taking 20 minutes for myself sure makes a difference!!! Need to figure out a way to keep my walking back slacking the past couple weeks!!!!

    Got to go get dressed as its an early morning today...need to leave a little after 7....long busy day today!!!

    Hope its a good day for everyone...

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Good Morning All,

    I hope everyone gets to feeling better and gets some rest!

    Bernie, nice to see you back in the lounge! Glad to hear your house guest has been a pleasant experience. Sorry to hear about your father in law though. My dad had multiple bypass several years ago and has been doing great since. Hope it will go well for your family too. Hugs and prayers

    Karen, I don't like getting up when it is so dark either. Not at all looking forward to dialing those clocks back soon :0(

    Lara and Kat, I hope your backs don't give you too much trouble today

    NM and Chrissy, feel better! No more ringing ears and no asthma allowed.

    Cami, glad you are smelling so Purdy! now get some rest and practice what you preach!!!

    Dork, hope you feeling dandiest soon

    Beckers, when will DH arrive??? Soon I hope. How long has he been away this time??

    Lori, First Pill free day, yeah!!!!

    Julie, welcome back!

    Cyn, good luck today. We are all there holding your hand!

    Tender, what's on the menu today? How's work at the software company? Cami posted a pic on another thread!!!

    I think that covers everybody, but probably not. I hope so, but if not, my apologies. Reference above photo for coffee!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2013

    so sweet of you 4, to try and cover for Cami and her faux pas. I hope the shopping list DH sent back to you wasn't for bread and milk! And AMEN sista on getting to be old enough that our nice neighbors will help us out.............oh wait, what am I gonna do? I don't have any neighbors! And you taking a good book to bed.......uh huh!


    I'll have to send those jello shot recipes to my brother, they take a bunch when they go tubing, then when they get back to their friends cottage, which is right on the river, they watch all the drunk ones come through and through out any leftover jello shots to the tubers. I had a couple when they came back, but just too sweet for me, would def. give meese a tummy ake!

    Lara and Kat, we need a nice massage therapy for your backs.

    Karen, pretty sure partent/teacher went just fine for you and your DD. If I could just get rid of the hot flashes and perhaps get a little libido back. I'd even keep the hot flashes in trade for the latter!!!!

    No other drugs Kat, just for my thyroid, which I truely believe was damaged from radiation. Usually younger girls will be put on Tammy for awhile, usually 5 years, and then they are putting them on AI. Arimidex causes bone damage, so you can't take it any longer than 5 years. Tammy is actually good for the bones, which is why they are putting some girls on it for 10 years. I am very grateful for these drugs, but just as grateful to be done with it.

    Lucy, I foygot about your root canal, our dentist has a tv mounted from the ceiling, so you can watch tv during any procedures. I think the worst part about those is having your mouth open for so long. OMG, you are going to be in TX and won't have time to see D? That sucks big time.

    Karen and 4, you both can brag away about your kids and how good they are doing.

    Chrissy, I hope you too will be feeling like a new you soon too. And you're not an old duck either. Thanks for the happy dance.


    Cami, glad you are feeling a tad better, I hope it rolls into today. You are another one with bragging rights, on Joey. Flying Organda's need to go find a job elsewhere.

    Oh dear Bernie, did not see that one coming. The poor Ferrari! Glad to hear about your SIL, that is one less headache for you. But your poor neice and FIL. Sorry to hear that. I sorta feel the same about my mom, she doesn't help herself either, but dang, I love her so much!

    NM, that is good news for Dork, but the key thing that you say is SHE HAS TO REST! As do you! Kick that cold to the curb and keep that darn asthma away.Thanks for letting me know that things WILL get better now that I am off the Arimidex. I will not expect anything, as not to be disappointed if not much happens. Hoping you take the day off, or a few. Do you keep track of your mileage?

    Miss you Dorkiest, hope you are RESTING and feeling a little better every day! Love you girl.

    Nuttin new on my end, just anudder day working. Just glad and thankful that I work fwom home!!! Happy Hump a Hunk Day!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013
    I need to take notes
    Karen pre-calc amazing its very hard I was going to be a sports medicine doc, I dropped out of the program
    You must be soo proud
    4 I bought the new nike sneakers. They have color the new thinga nd very comfy
    ok well ive gone on a pistachio kick
    I bought pistachio ice cream and pistachio pudding
    cammie you used to make them, and you to Karen wow
    I would not know the first thing
    Cyn you will have a blast in dallas. I loved it their.
    I know the channels are screwy
    That vertigo chrissy sounds awful. Might be inner ear.
    what else idk ill ck back
    Oh goldie yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh no more of that pill
  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Lori, is that Ricky Martin? It looks like him! Glad I'm workin from home today too. Bakin more cake then off to rads. 13 down 20 to go. Ugh! One day I will be taking my last pill too though :0)

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Good Morning Ladiez!

    Bernie, SO glad your houseguest is behaving herself and actually being pleasant. YAY!!! You surely did not need any more stress. And I am so sad for your DH's dad...that will be a hard surgery for him, with his bad health. My DH died after his last bypass, which was triple...but mostly because they ignored his arrythmia in the hospital and did not have the monitors on him...he passed after he got home. SO I do hope someone is able to be there with your FIL after his surgery, in the hospital, to make sure he is being taken care of properly. Prayers for ALL of you. And omg Sinead is losing almost $1100 usd....thats a lot of money, and I am sure she needed all of it. Glad her young'un is doing well, and hoping she carries to term, safely. LOVED your funnees!!!!!

    NM, many tanx for dwinking for me and da bestest! Even wif your cold!!! Glad you are taking it ez, and hoping it does NOT trigger your asthma. If so, puleez get help, asap, ok? Glad you are taking all your meds!! Cami will like that, too.

    CYN, hoping they numb you well, and give you pain meds for your root canal today. Can you see us? No? Well, we are there, all over dat dentists office....but wese soooo teeny, and twying to be sooo quiet. But really we can yell if we want to, cuz no one else would hear our tiny voices. HOPING and PRAYING it all goes well for you, and you can rest when you get back home. Glad it is not as much of a B&B nowadays, and maybe you can have some quiet to relax.

    Cami, Well of COURSE Joey's teacher would love him so much, he must be a joy to have in her class. ALSO glad he will have gifted classes thru 8th grade, thats what my girls had, then he can take the AP courses. Also, I let my DD2 skip 8th grade, and then go off to the math and science school in Mobile. She got such a good education there. Now both my girls are home schooling their kids (my DD1 has her teaching degree)....because the school systems they are in are just not up to par. They can advance levels so easily and have tons of social activities..more so than if they were in regular school. GOOD NIGHT dearie, hope you are sleeping soundly now, since you were up all night!!!

    Hoping Dorkie had a nice sleep last night..she didn't sleep the night before, so rested and slept a lot yesterday. Today she gets the dressing changed, hoping it will not hurt too much, since the sponge helps (rather than the gauze which can be painful when changed).

    Lori, SO GLAD you do not have to be on any meds now, for bc. YAY!!! Wish you didn't need the thyroid meds, but you are prolly right that the rads caused it. I'm so glad my DD1 did not need rads to her throat and mouth, as so many times they end up with feeding tubes cuz it ruins ability to swallow, etc. Your garden is frozen already??? We were in the 80's yest, but think it will be 60's and 70's the rest of the week. Nice and mild temps though, but rainy now. What do you have planned next? You have been so busy these past few weeks!!!

    Julie, waiting to hear about your trip! Hope you slept well last night...takes me 2-3 days to feel normal, after long flights.

    LARA, hope you are feeling better today too!!

    And our Becks will get a special visit starting tomorrow....woohoo.....brown chicken brown cow time!!!!



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Hi Girls,

    I am quite upset right now. We have had a nice thread here, with HONESTY, and genuine caring. We have welcomed all newcomers and tell our life stories, good things, bad things, everyday things. I may get booted off the thread for this, but I have been here for 5 and a half years, and something has happened lately that really has me upset, so I will just lay it out here. Above all, even though this is a public thread, we have all gotten very close and are open and honest with each other. The one thing that upsets me more than anything is dishonesty. Well, we welcomed "4sew" with open arms,then suddenly "Tender" appeared. When we questioned the appearance of "Tender", "4sew" explained that he was a friend of hers, and his wife was having problems. However, "Tender" never told us anything about himself except he knew a lot about computers. None of us have had our husbands, or significant others post here, but it would be ok if they did, as long as they were honest about who they were. It turns out "Tender" is really "4sew"'s DH, as I just got a PM from "Tender" appologizing for something that "4sew" earlier said her DH had said. Here is what was written.....

    Oct 3, 2013 07:55am 4sewwhat wrote:

    Tender is a real boy. I know who he is, but he not me. He a good friend and his wife had breast cancer. He was here one time we wuz habbin a Partay. He the one helped me learn to post all de pics. He just a tender hearted guy what is mad, sad, scared, frustrated, lonely sometimes, and feelin helpless to help his wife udder times. he seen how much fun it is here and dat ebberybunny hear has positive attitude no matter what chit dey facing.

    He just wanted to play along and blow off some steam. He intimidated now and don't think he comin back. He say he tink he make you nice ladies uncomfortable. Don't know why he use my name in his cept that he thought it would get him past de bouncers! Instead it got him booted!

    Oct 7, 2013 11:52am 4sewwhat wrote:

    Hey Kat. That show sounds like fun. I think of that movie Cher did with stanley tucci! My DH laughed and said burlesque in BAMA might mean they strip off they coveralls! Are there still tickets? I should drive him over for the show!

    I hope I did not offend you...from Tender 21 minutes ago

    Add Tender as a Friend Block Tender

    I really was just joking when I made an Alabama reference. I hope you can forgive my irreverence some day.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013

    I have blocked Tender, ladies we have to stay tight. That is what has made us so good, so far

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    YAY Bernie!!!!! So did I.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited October 2013

    Me 3!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited October 2013

    Bernie I love your jokes! Hi neighbor Cami. I'm still dealing with healing from a past surgery and may do HBOT. Has anyone done HBOT that can give me some info? Don't know what Tender is but looks like that is a good thing. Cheers!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013


    I am very sorry if you or any of the other girls are upset. I did not lie about anything. He is my friend and his wife does have breast cancer. He has been struggling and did see how much fun and how upbeat everyone here always is and just wanted to play along. He thought it would be fun to play bartender.

    No he never said anything about himself, but he also never butted into any conversations going on either.

    He knows with what little I have gotten to know some of the people on this thread that I have honestly come to care about you all. I check up on things first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

    He also knows that I was upset because no matter what I do or say, you deliberately ignore me and he thought that was his fault. I didn't even know he was going to contact you.

    He also told you all yesterday that he was leaving in his last message.

    YOu probably have me blocked by now too and I can't do anything about that. I have not been dishonest with you and neither has he. I didn't "have" him post on this thread, he chose to. It is a public forum as you say.

    I told one of the other members that I felt like an intruder and I shouldn't be here. She assured me that wasn't the case. I guess she was mistaken.

    YOu are correct, this is a great group of people staying upbeat through it all and supporting each other. I wish you all well.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    4sew, THEN how come "Tender" sent me the PM appologizing for what "he" said to me about Alabama, when YOU said it was your DH that said it???? Thats why I copied your posts and Tender's pm to me.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Oh and he does know a lot about comps and was really truly just trying to help Cami and others and is the one that taught me how to post the pics.

    The Burlesque joke really was that and meant completely in fun.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2013

    well keep loosing my post, will try again later, have agood day everybody

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    You too Julie!