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how about drinking?



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Karen, thats a wonderful idea, and maybe you can do a search, as there are prolly places near her that deliver, or that they could pick up food at. I am not sure how many could go in on this with you, as some of us have already sent her some help...I won't mention names, but I do know that she has received at least one gift card, at least one check, and help with housekeeping. If anyone else wants to help and is able to help, maybe they can either send you a pm, or send her something on their own? I know EVERYONE is praying for her and sending her love! Hope you think of something to eat....I don't have much to choose from yet, on this "eating plan" I am on, so everything and anything sounds good to me!

    Wishing a really good evening to all of you girls.....peace and love!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Thanks Kat--but I always have mixed feelings about her going home. I mean she's a hard one to keep down--but maybe with the vac it'll remind her to relax more---I hope this is it for her--this has been horrible.

    And I lubs all of u--so let's be happy that Dork is better. and NM u have a cold u have to take care of u'rself.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    I know Cami, can you be the one to keep an eye on Dorkie???? LOL, none of us could keep her down if she wanted to do something though. Dorkie you are STRONG! But Cami is right, we do worry about you, and you will need to be sure to rest!!!

    Maybe we will all feel so much better tomorrow night and we can have one of our awesome HTL partays....hope so!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited October 2013

    Totally unhealthy dinner.....1 egg omlette with cheese, sauted mushrooms and onions and hash browns....and I ate all the hash browns which is way more than one serving....So I best get a second walk in today....I didn't walk till 6 this evening but going to go for my 2nd walk.....and tomorrow need to get back on schedule....bbl

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Karen it does sound goo tho.

    Kat U'r right it takes a village to hold Dork down and we have to be the village from afar---I'm hoping that vac keeps her somewhat under control===to bad we can't have an extension cord to one of us we'd hold her down. I would imagine this time her sister will help out or someone that vac. sounds very intimidating so u know she can't just do things willy-nilly. /so I'll keep tabs on her.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    Ennybuddy dwinking tonight? I being good goils, I promise. ANd mese will bese good when I escape dis place. It true I gitting bailed out tomorree, yippee Skippy.

    I love you goils so muchly, been behind in reading but catched up, it only took me turdteen hours and boy oh boy did I read some chit. can ye say chittender? sorta like a bartender cept chit tenders are mean and wickick and say bad tings to my Kat. I beg to differ on the allegations of immed hatred, Kat does not have a mean bone in her body. ok, maybe two but dey only mean when peeps chit on her. dis not de place for chit.


    speaking of witch, I made beeee ems dis aye emmmm and it was most awesome. still have more beee ems that r shy but I keep taking mese chit meds and in time, it will be okay. me feeling queen of de hill. I been doing nothing but sitting back and doing fun tings. I updated my phone as prompted and ohmesegawd, tings changed. mese DD said that de iphone trying to portend to bese an android. but ennyway, mese bin loading apps into mese phone. i tink ye all should try dis one, it soooo fun.


    Keep farting, love each other and dwink! I will try hard to catch up with everyone, time for more sleep!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes! Rainy ayem today, but still dark so I can hear it but not see it. Except that Sadie comes in wet. Sigh.

    Wahine--Hooray for DorKy going home!!!! Now if there was only some way to be sure she gets the REST she needs. DorKy, are you paying attention?????

    Karen--good idea to get some meals in for DorKy and her Dad. Or a cleaning service. I'll go in with you!

    Cammy--I am taking care of myself. I was going to work some this weekend, but now I'm not going to, going to lay low and try to finish off this cold. It's just mild so far, and I'm working on keeping it that way!

    DorKy--only you would find a fart app!!!!!!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Pussywillow Dotty

    1 shot wiskey

    1 shot dry sherry

    4 ice cubes

    Sprite to fill

    1 splash grenadine

    2 shots sweet and sour mix

    Use any 16-oz. glass.

    apologies for the formatting mess that I expect will show up below this

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    Just cking in

    Dork I am glad u r home

    u want be to get some farts delievered to your house ooops I mean food

    PM me your fav place to eat k

    we all pull tgther here

    yea and this is not the place for chit

    stalking us because we r so great lol

    ck back in later


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Oh yeah, we can say that Dotty....chittender, chittender, chittender!!!! Actually shouting it! Love your turd pic, you go girl, and you have been dropping the kids off at de pewl, well except the few that haven't learned to swim yet and are shy. Good for you! When you get home, you better go straight to bed, no, don't take Pants wid ya, just go dere by yerownself! And sleep, rest, watch tv, post here, send emails, etc. Really relax, or we all might show up on your doorstep!!!! Like NM said, only YOU would find a fart app!!!

    NM, glad you will not be at work this weekend. And try not to do too much work at home, except wiping the floors after Sadie comes in from the rain! Just lots of rest, and cuddles with Sadie, ok? OR we might show up on YOUR doorstep too! lol.

    Lots of prayers, please, still, for Bernie's FIL....her DH went to England to be with his dad for his triple bypass. His health isn't so great, so lots of prayers that he can do well for this surgery, and afterwards.

    Hahaha, "PussyWillow Dotty'....Pants, Jock, Hunk, ChileBoy, Eric, etc....puleez make a lot of the DOTD's for all the loungettes, even the ones who aren't on the thread today...we all can use some good dwinks!!!!!

    Love you all, and hope everyone has a good day today....hoping our MIA gals show up too....miss you girls!


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited October 2013

    Good Friday morning loungettes!!!

    Yeah, DorK is getting released!!! but DorK better be a good girl and be a patient at home, not a care taker....and yes, please let us know where you love to eat......

    We got a dusting of snow last night.....Drove DD to the bus as riding a bike with a huge duffle bag doesn't is leaving Sunday morning for Taos for a week and the kids must bring the luggage to school before they leave so they can "pack" at since I was already in the car, I drove to the mall and walked for 40 its time to clean and cook Shabbat dinner....its just DD and me, so need to make sure I don't make too much....thinking of making chicken soup....don't usually make it but for some reason a pot of hearty chicken soup with lots of chicken and veggies sounds good


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    Hi karen a egg with mushrooms not bad

    hash brown mybe so what you walk a lot

    yes dork be good

    no drinking or moving

    cam I have fear net on

    this week is my last week of class went by so fast

    my next class starts the day before my favorite hoilday

    Halloween cam we need to watch scary movies all day

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013


    Full moon eclipse tonight

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Bernie, Does that mean that you won't get to see it? Hoping its a clear night tonight, for good viewing! (And that we don't forget to go outside and look!).

    WooHoo Lara, yup your favorite holiday is coming up quickliest!!!! Gotta decide if I want to be the headless butler again (but that costume is soooo hot as it goes to the top of your head, where the cut off neck it), or wear one of my other costumes...and then I put the scary music on really loud, and get everything creeeeeeepy for the little ones! Some of them are scared to come up on our porch, so then I am always pulling off the head of my costumes to show them I am really just a grandma! My mom used to just put a stocking (hosiery) over her face and hold a flashlight under her neck, and omg it looked so scary, the kids would talk about our house all over the neighborhood when I was a kid. And my bro, who is older, used to play a mummy, with his friend all scary looking in a wheelchair and they would go around scaring kids, not gettng candy, but it was fun running into them and would always have a crowd around them.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Sounds like a good plan, Bernie!!! Also, remember our Junie used to open her biggest purse and hold it open outside, under a full moon. Anyone remember if she said anything too??? Seems like she did. But then you were supposed to get a windfall of money sometime after that. I can just picture all of us doing that, and Junie looking down on us and cracking up laffing!!! Sure miss her!

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited October 2013

    Hi Bernie.  Praying for your FIL.YEAHHHHHH  Dorty's agoin' home!  You'll have your own vac??awesome!

    Kat...I don't understand all the stuffs that has been going on here...I think I get the just tho... What a really chitty thing . In the words of our Ms. Vino and of course Sweet Brown. "Ain't nobody got time for dat". (Can you pm me what was said Kat)?.

    I'll bbl when I go to work...

    Luv us girls


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    My DH just sent me this....


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013


    That sounds fun! A headless butter lmao

    Bernie I like that story

    Cammie where r u

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Kat I always love the furbabiy ones.

    Good Morning ladies--

    NM I'm glad u'r going to take it easy today and the weekend especially now u need to.

    Dork is coming home with her vac--now don't start cleaning the house with it--just rest or u'll be in trouble Missy

    Oohhh Karen chicken soup always sounds good to me (home made of course)

    Kat I hope u got a good night's sleep last night I think u needed it and hope u feel better today.

    I missed Julie and Lori somehow or didn't they check in yet--I'mlatetoday My DD was using my computer and trying to clean it up a little.

    Bernie Safe travels for u;r DH and hoping things will be good.

    Lara I can't figure this new stuff out in the TV I don't find fearnet ARRGGGGG I have chillow and cloo and SYFY but I'm all confused I always liked fearnet--and I woke up last night for a minute and a movie just started --Drag me to Hell-- OMG of all movies. LOL

    OK BBL

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Oops lara I bumped into u--but it did remind me of Kat and her crazy family scaring all the kids--I love it

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    channel 635 fear net

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Lara on my AT&T that's all sports--I sat going thri all the channels and on Demand I just can't find it GRRRRRRRRRR

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    I tried to search for it with AT&T and couldn't find it...ya think they didn't renew the contract with fear net?

    Cyn, I'll write to ya later, got sooo much to ketchup on today.

    Hugsssssssssssssssss to all,


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    oh yes mybe cam

    Just start from 100s and keep scrolling until u see it

    You can also go online we have time warner here they changed every channel

    so they sent a guide out but we lost it

    They said I can go online to look for the new channell by putting in the old one

    you have to find fear net

    or call them say wtf where is fear net

    we r so funny with are movies

    my mom always liked scary movies to

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited October 2013

    My fresh challah today was so yummy....yes, I snuck and ate one of the little ones (it was more like a large roll)...they are best right out of the overn.....the past couple weeks we've been finishing up the ones from the freezer from the holidays....also used a different recipe and when I double the recipe for some reason it taste different!!!. Soup is cooking, chicken is almost done....taking kugel out of the freezer....still need to make the spaghetti squash, asparagus and cut up fresh veggies (sounds better than raw veggies!!)... Also make DH's b'day cookie....he wants a snickerdoodle..he gets home late tomorrow night so we will celebrate his b'day then as DD leaves early Sunday morning for the week to Taos with school....DD spent his b'day with his mother and stopped by his brother and SIL...he's been visiting his mom for the past few day and today left for a business trip in N. family likes b'day cookies, made in a pizza pan rather than b'day longer decorate them as no one likes the icky tube decorating icing....Still have to clean and hope to be done by 2:30 when DD gets home as we need to run some errands.......Okay....time to get back to "work".....bbl....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Karen everything sounds so so so good.

    Lara I have the pamphlet left for all the channels and don't even see fearnet on it--This is a disaster to me-LOL I don't like the shows like fear factor and such I like the scary movies, Drat foiled again--I'm going go go over it again---the print is so small I need my glasses and a magnifying glass.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Verrrrry off topic, but if anyone is looking for an inexpensive laser printer, I just ordered one at an awesome price, just pm me and I will give you the details, and there is free shipping too.

    OK, ON topic....who is drinking tonight?? I finally get to have a thimble full of wine....yay....well really its 4 oz, but on a drinking thread that is but a thimble full. ANyone hanging out at the pool or in the casino???? ITs Fried Dey Nite.....and our Dotty is at home! Partay, partay, partay!!!! OH and Cami, OF COURSE they have the fear net channel here in the Hot Tatties Lounge! Come and get comfy. Oops before I partay I hear my DH mowing the back yard....think I better go and do some yard work first....then will be back to partay...

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited October 2013

    ITs candle lighting time but wanted to stop by and wish everyone a good Friday night and back tomorrow night.....and Kathy, I'll have a glass or two while you enjoy your "thimbleful"....

    ((((((((((((((((((((((DorK)))))))))))))) is home......I'll toast her too.....see everyone tomorrow night.....hugs...

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited October 2013

    Yay!!! the Dorkster is HOME!!! I'm hoping she's gonna be a good girl and just rest, rest, rest and let others look after her for a change........this time she has to heal!!!

    Have a good Sabbath Karen! Your cooking sounds amazing and my mouth is watering reading about your chicken soup......yum!!!

    Kathy will there be any time soon when you stop buzzing and start relaxing? Girl you make a busy bee look decidedly lazy!

    NM you have a relaxing weekend with Sadi.......let her keep you warm. I'm sure she won't mind at all and with a little luck your cold will ease to just a sniffle by Monday.

    Cami I hope you find your scary Movie you crack me up!

    Bernie nice fill in on the Blood Moon! I wonder if I'll see it here?

    Hiya Cyn and Lara and those others that I keep's not an on purpose thing, it just happens. Have a great evening all!
