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how about drinking?



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    LOL Bernie, I love the "Bernie's Babes"...makes us ALL feel spechual! Omg I wish I could have a BIG glass of red....but I will have it cyberly wid ya, ok? Jest don't knock me on the floor on your way down. Maybe we should START on de floor as we have in the past, so we won't all fall down (like dat nursery rhyme).

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    thanks for the wine Bernie

    omg I just spaced on what I was going to say

    welcome newbies


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013




    My number 1 fear



    , Saturday

    funny pictures

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    sorry about the first post ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

    I liked the second ouc

    its the 50 shades of grey halloween costume

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited October 2013

    Oh my.  I'll take your bottles Lori! Hoping for a slower night so I can hang with you all later. Glad the Dr visit was routine and nothing serious.  

    Time for coffee....Have a relaxing productive day NM.


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    LOL, Bernie and Lara are on a roll (but NOT that toilet paper roll!!!!). Love the "50 shades of grey" costume. Speaking of "Fifty Shades" I thought the books were rather dull, the first one was more interesting to me than the other 2, BUT a woman wrote a book called "Sugar" that is supposed to be a lot steamier than 50 shades, and I think it will be released in a few days. OK just looked it up and its by Jenna Jameson, who is a cop porn star and its out already, even Walmart has it. Might be some good reading with that big glass of vino....


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2013

    Cyn, do you really want them? I might be able to get 3 more months worth, if you want those too.

    Kathy, no competition with your travels, mine are all within driving distance and usually for just a long weekend. I have a feeling the next one is to Laughlin, the 4 dayer.

    Cute costume Lara.

    Tanks for de wine BBBB

    My schedule: Tuesday and Wednesday (this week) Grand Canyon. Friday, DH has colonoscopy. Oct 29 - Nov 1, gone, don't know where. Nov 5 - 9 Lilian will be here.

    May I have more wine Pa Leeze????

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2013

    Morning DahhhLinKs!!

    Welcome newbies...we always hab a goot time round here.

    Cate - I had TCH chemo and after bout 4-5 days when the se's weren't so bad...I had a wodka every now and then. My docs said 1 glass of wine was fine. But since I don't like wine...I had what I liked. Jes pay attention to your body, you'll be fine!

    I missed da moon last night...waaaaaaaaaaa!!

    Cami - I had sumpin to say to u but forgot what it was and u on da other page. Can I jes say I lubs u n tinkin bout u...K!

    Bernie, Chrissy, Aly and Eve you goils cwacking me up...missed da parTay and da blood bad!

    Bernie - saying prayers for your peeps and thanks for da wine, but u know me...will toast ur vino wif a mcvodka K?

    Kat - hmmm....well if I get that Sugar book...I'll have to order some 'play' things...ya kno, da ones dat come in plain brown wrappers...LOL.

    Lara - pretty neat idea for a 50 shades costume.

    Lori - whew, glad things OK with DH. And it sounds like you will be bizy bizy the next few weeks. What little things u talking about selling? And....I forgot to congrats u on 5 years and NO MORE MEDS, at least for the RB.

    Cyn - u been tooo bizy too. Countdown to Austin in 3 weeks...but u R or No going to get to see D? Reese loves baths?? Mine hate em, but they sooo purdy and smell licious after so I try to get them to groomer every few weeks.

    Karen - have to agree...cookies w/out the yuk tube icing. Wish him happy B from us too.

    NM - I shud take mese pooches out for a walk too today, it is booTful and sunny/warm here. But have soo much inside to do, mebe I take urs and Kat advice...and rest in between. Hard for me to do tho. I don't have kids come on Halloween either, used to decorate, but don't anymore. However, one of the biggest parties in this little town is on Halloween, I'm thinking of going as Mamma. LOL!

    Dory - so glad you are home and got Zach working. Hope u got lots of good rest last night too. Still praying that you heal up quickliest now.

    OK...time to get my EWWA in gear...hope I didn't miss anyone...


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2013

    good afternoon all, last night of three ,so no drinking until the am;so have several for me. bernies babes ,I like that

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Hi Ladiez! Oh I wish I could have several dwinks for you Julie! I just feel thankful this diet is finally letting me have a thimblefull (well 4 oz) of wine, finally. But here at the HTL I can dwink all mese wanna dwink! So I will have doubles, just so I can pretend I am dwinking for you too.

    How bout our Dorkie??? Dork, you up yet? Are you able to dwink yet? And how is Zach behaving???

    Hi Sue! That book might be worth it...dontcha have some toys hidden SOMEWHERE??? I saw it online at Walmart, but wonder if they would carry something like that in their store? Cyn is going to see D in 3 wks, but her trip later to TX is the one when she won't get to see her, BUT she gets to be in that special suite to see the Mavericks game (I hope I got that right).

    Lori, oh I know you will have fun in Laughlin....we may go to Tunica soon too. Its been hard this month, as one of us has to be here all month to give Molly her pills 2xday. We have soo many trips coming up though, but need to fit it in before we lose all our perks. Hope you hit the big one (slots girls, slots!!!) when you are there....or whichever big one you want to hit (gently though!). LOL. Hope you get to be here more, we miss you when you are soooo bizzy.

    Cyn, How neat that you can use Lori's meds! Better than having to throw them out.

    Hope you got to make some soup,NM, and that you really did have a lot of rest today.

    Karen, Hope your weekend is going well too, and all that cooking and baking! Did you ever come up with a nickname? Hope your Dh had a nice birthday!

    Bernie must have been here....I spy a lot of empty wine bottles....hmmmmmmm.....

    And Lara, I forget which parent has the birthday, but hope the celebration is going well!(note: just read back, and realized it was your dad's bday but you are celebrating today....have fun!)

    Love you girls!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Remember our "real" Tender, HUNK? Just saw a pic of him and his son that is so cute.


    When Junie and I were looking for someone to be "Hunk", and met him, it started a nice friendship with us....he always has a nice hug, and if just my DH is there,he always asks about me (for those that don't know, he is a pit boss at a casino, and looks really handsome all dressed up!). We just went up to him and asked if we could take a picture with him, and said he might be "famous" since he would be on our thread. He was so flattered. Anyway, he is the guy in the tv screen in the bar scene, in the video Lori made of the HTL.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Geez, am I the only one in the lounge tonight???? Where is everyone????

    Chrissy, I just saw world news about the fires in NSW. I know you have friends there, and hope everyone is ok. It broke my heart, not only about all the homes lost, but the beloved Blue Mountains are on fire too!!! They just said the worst fires are in the Blue Mountains. My relatives took us there for a few days on our last visit there, and its so beautiful. Just very sad, I hope they can get them all under control and put out, soon. I imagine the smoke from all those huge fires is covering a large area, too.



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    I am here Kat, sorry I am late but you will be uber proud. me and zach had a four hour nap. and omg, my dream was anudder wild one. I was at the PS office the whole four hours. they kept me waiting and waiting and waiting. then they were having a huge partay, it was in honor of the "high rollers", meaning patients that suck alot of money into cosmetic surgery. I got in big trouble for disconnected the wound vac aka Zach. it was not my fault, it got lodged beside the toilet. Crazy chit I am dreaming. but anyway....

    is the partay still going? I am late as usual. I am having an itty bit of JD but so weak. it is jest enough to feel it but not enough to make me trip over zach. wound looks great. the vac is a miraculous ting, wish I invented it.

    I also missed welcoming the new goil, welcome new goil Cate is it? I am sincere in wishing that your chemo goes easy and that you CAN stomach a few tasty dwinks of yer faborite likker. hang with us, tell us what kind of bar stool you want and we will have it cumstom made for you.

    well if eberybody gone, I wait for mese Australian mates to wake up and partay with me. again, I sorry for not addressing everyone but was SO nice to see a full house today. and felt good also to be reminded that I am one of Bernie's babes.

    Hello and welcome back to Julia. And hello and big hugs to the rest of you. I promise I read but too dern lazy (or high on pills) to write notes. I tink lazy, that my middle name. speaking of, where b Cammie todey? Has anyone seen her? oh, she with Hunk the tender? I love that story Kat, so sweet. and he IS famous in our widdle world.

    Bernie, how is your FIL, did he have surgery?

    Lori, good to see you. Good that you can recycle the meds. I had less than a month of tammy left when I switched so just disposed of them. Nice of you to offer to get more for Cyn. I will be back to paying full price for meds in January but digging paying zero for eberything. Gawd, my hospital hopping addition gonna cost de insurance company tons. I hate that your insurance company jest dropped you. I know what you pay in premium which is waaay more than a salary of one year at minimum wage. Gads, will you be looking for new insurance?

    Lara, how is Undie'Cove'? Tell her to bring a hot boy to the lounge. Or Julia can do that. I am in the mood, hell yeah. But I need a boy that like a goil who is hooked up. hmm, wonder if any men find that sexy? tail them nothing to be jeolous of, zach aint that hot. and OMG, the movie Kujo, I saw at drive thru theater in the 70's/early 80's. Scary movie! So not my ting. speaking of, I wuz getting skeered of weird noise I kept hearing outside my bedroom last night (so I thought). I heard people in my bushes outside my window and had my big old crow bar ready. I kept listening and finally got up, drug zach out front to find no one there. I go to kitchen and hear noise again. darn it, it was zach!! the noise level is very low but it was making swishing noise that I had not heard. a goil can't git a decent night sleep around here!

    Chrissy, Aly, hope you goils join me for a partay if de other goils are having a life outside of de lounge.

    Karen, thanks for your card in the mail. It stacked up with a hundred more. Boy do I feel loved lately. Being so ill has its perks, foah shoah.

    Cyn, was the mold remedied yet? I love hearing from you, I know you biddy biddy working those crazy hours. maybe you can join me and the aussie goils for a late night dwink or 19?

    Mema Sue, so nice to see you pop in. If I may, I gonna brag to the goils here bout your project. Goils here, Sue been rounding up bars, hair salons etc to buy a ribbon in support of BC month. and she donate the money locally in Vegas area to needy woman to git their treatment, buy scarves and such. She work berry hard. She did same last year. Many of us had de distinct pleasure of having a ribbon on the wall of her bar with our name on it. I still have mine as she mailed it to me once pinkfreakingtober was over with. I am not a big fan, cancer talk is eberywhere and I can't git away. hate that eberywhere I go, TV, radio etc talking bout it. When at de hospital, was watching a series on de news each day which had berry special survivors featured. one was a man who had male BC. I sure related to all of the survivors and got tears in mese eyes. the man made me think of our Kity Kat's FIL who survived male BC. I miss Kitty Kat. some of us got to meet her in person this past May. She so purdy and so nice. She used to post all de time when I joined here in 2010. but i digressed, oops. I hope you feeling well Sue. you know I love ya.

    Chrissy, back away from de alkamahol! lol, oops, did I really say that? but i concerned bout yer dwinking now that the wedding ober. How is de wicked sniffles? hope n pray you feeling better love.

    NM, loved the DOTD named after Lori. I forgot to mentiono someting I noticed the other day with yer DOTD. It was de Italian drink. Can you tail me again de name of it? I do not tink you know but it had a berry funnnee word within the name of the dwink. I been tinking a lot about it but now foyget dagnabit. Glad you enjoying the weekend with Sadie time, woo hoo. i wish you could come here and keep my ass in line. but trust me, each time I tink about doing sumting wrong, I jest know you will find out and tail on me or jest come and kick my arse. Ya see, I have to tail on meseself wheneber I am naughty goil.

    For de record, I am out of likker. Dat a good ting as I will not be tempted. and I humbarrased to buy it myself. ya see, I walk horribly and bent over this late in the day. I am hooked up and i look horrible. i have nasty gray roots in mese hair. I need to get to the salon but do not see how I could lean back in the wash tub. ugh, big issues eh? jest kidding.

    KK, I am missing sumbody very special but it escaping me now. i try to tink. I go from west to east tinging of mese goils. and sinced i have no sense of direction outside de US, I jest tink of my non US goils next. but I love ye all jest de same.

    ok, i ask again, who dwinking with me??? wishing you all lots of health,, happiness, peace and of course CheeRS!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    me again, question to those of you who have seen the dr suess poem mese sister write me. do you tink the mods will mind de f bombs? i was going to share it here cuz it berry funny. I had balls to drop it on facebook but i did. others may criticize but who cares. they can walk a mile in mese ruby slippers (the ones I stole from Lara) den make judgment, right?? hail yeah!! let me know what you tink cuz I want to share it. it is my story since the diep flap surgery. and oh, gotta count surgeries now, nearly up to 20 although many berry small such as debridements.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Hiya, but don't tail ennyone...*handing you a bottle of Gentleman Jack*....shhhhhh. LOL. SO glad you are here to partay with. OMG your dreams are soooo weird, guess the pain meds are working! Sorta funny about Zach making the noise and you thought someone was outside!! Don't know how you are sleeping with Zach, but he is doing you a woild of gud, so twy to stay wid him, ok??? I love being called one of "Bernie's Babes" too....makes us feel good, doesn't it? Cause our Bernie is verrrry spechual, so dat makes us verrry spechual too!

    Hmmmm......I LOVE what your sister wrote, and how she has the book cover to go along with it, it is hilarious, but sadly, talking about what you have been going through. I have no idea what the mods would allow. It would be nice if you COULD post it here, then all the other gals can see it, and laff too. I dunno....maybe if you post it, write above it, that you are hoping it is allowed, since it is about what really happened to you, put in a funny way. Then at least the mods know you were concerned about abiding by their rules for the threads. I say GO FOR IT, but with the caveat.

    Oh boy its hard to get a buzz with 4 oz of wine, well really its IMPOSSIBLE, so I will dwink more here in the HTL....soooo much likker here, it is a pair of dice, for shuah. Gonna jump into de pool light is on and it is so warm and nice...*splash*....come and join me!!!

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited October 2013

    Hi Ladies, the Bernies Babes. Have you heard from DH?

    Lori...dont go spending any money on refills on them because I have a perscription but if you have some left over it will save me a few bucks to not have to fill mine right away..and/or I can fill it the first time to get it going but not have to refill it as soon. I hear its a bit more than Tammy. Thanks for those gardening links btw. I think I need to wait till spring.

    Mema...I am going to see D in 3 weeks..its the trip to Dallas that I wont see her. Thats a business trip and its only one day.

    Welcome to all the new comers!

    Thanks for the Tammy /Arimidex info girls.

    So much I wanted to say but its taken me all night to say this little bit..

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited October 2013

    Hi ya goils! Dork, so good to see you visiting the lounge.......I'm cracking up at you dreams must have a guilty conscience or sumpink to get such dreams happenin.........what you bin up to dat wees needs to know?....mmm? So glad dat de vacuum is doin its woik an youse is healing....Yipeeeee!!! and it's about time too! Keep resting and healing coz you know we all worry about you.

    Do what Kathy said regarding the poem...... just love it......... or you could PM a copy to the Mods and ask if it's ok that way no one can get offended and you won't break any rules.

    Just taking it easy today, DH has bought a few boxes of paperwork in from the shed so I can go through it and throw what I can. It is all the old business records from when we used to import tools from France and we have to keep them for seven years before they can be thrown........the time has come!......yipeeee! More room in my shed for me when I'm done. vertigo is improving daily and I'm so thankful for that but the deafness is going to take a bit longer I think. The last time I had the deafness was when I came out of theatre when I had my knee replaced last took a good couple of months before it was back to the point I didn't notice it. That little episode left me with permanent hearing loss in the low range so I'm wondering just what this episode will do.......I guess time will tell.

    BBBBernie I just looooove being one of your are so sweet.

    Hi to all and sundry........we are such a large group now.....lovely but hard to remember and I never remember to take notes.

    Titties UP all!!!!!! Chrissy

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited October 2013 gals have been busy since yesterday afternoon....3 pages to catch up on.......

    Drinking a glass of wine but need to pour more...not sure why I'm feeling anxious!!!!

    DH just called...he is on his way home...yeah!!!! he's been gone since Tuesday morning...he had a good visit with his mother and brother..then he had a business trip yesterday.....Now he can celebrate his b'day with and more beer for his b'day presents from all the kid and me....DD and SIL bought his present when they were here last month and its been in the small frig in DS's room.....DH is a beer afficondo or connosouir (can't spell either word)!!! its fun trying to find new beers that he's not tried...he loves IPAs...lets see if I can "bat" 500!!!!

    DD leaves early tomorrow morning....she's all packed and ready to go...Taos for the week with school... glad to see you join us in the HTL

    welcome Cate

    Hi Eve....glad to see you check in.... keep resting and being a good patient.....

    Going to go pour another glass of wine......join us in celebrating DH;s b', wine and snickerdoodle b'day cookie!!!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Hi Chrissy!!! Hope this episode won't leave you with more deafness, that is awful!

    Karen, Happy Bday to your DH! Would love to have some beer, wine, and snickerdoodles! My Dh likes special beer too, but his fav is really his Guinness. He got me some of the Angry Orchard (like hard apple cider but sold like beer in bottles)...but I can't drink it yet. Just the wine.

    Night night everyone! Hope Dork can sleep soundly without all those weird dreams!!!!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited October 2013

    Evenin all

    No drinking tonight that was this afternoon. Sat out on the terrace with neighbours this afternoon just lovely. Told you I was a cheap drunk. Two glasses of bubbles in the sun. really good.

    Now Chrissy remember alcohol is medicinal remember. (Just thought about elderly lady I knew when young - never drank but when anyone had a cold or was unwell one was dosed on brandy or whisky in warm milk.)

    Wahine, I love cider almost cider season.

    Dh wants the computer, might let him have it; I will find mine..

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2013


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    Hi everyone,

    Hi karen yum the food sounded amazing k party at karens

    dork a poo I was lmao about the noise u heard and cujo

    I saw Captain with tom hanks cryed so hard a must see

    Goldie u r semi retired thats good me to lol

    If u really want to b scared, I know rent home sweet home ok I almost hid under all my covers, and I never get scared

    we went to a Texas place for dads B day he was on a sattle ha so funny seattle lol

    Hi chrissy, cam whats on

    cyn going  to Dallas fun

    Every postion I am qualified for send  sme thank u for your resume but we picked other candidates blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    Oh well


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!I'm looking forward to a very relaxing Sunday Funday, how's everyone else doing?

    ORLA--the 'net being down is never fun, is it?OK, Usually I can figure out drunkenese, and Dorkenese, and any other language variation we come up with here, but what isver deracinated???????

    Wahine--Yes, I am taking it easy.Picked up the back yard/Sadie's yard, and did one load of laundry.And 2 dishwasher loads, to get caught up.Today will be one load of laundry, and picking up the bedroom, it's starting to really bug me. Gotta get the summah stuff put away and the wintah stuff out, I guess!Gotta throw a lot of stuff I don't wear away, too.And poor Sadie, she is so generous with her time, sitting next to me every time I sit down for a few minutes of rest, sticking her head under my hand so I can indulge in my favorite activity of ear scratching. Or she rolls over so I can indulge in my other favorite activity of belly rubbing.She puts up with sooooooo much!!!!!!!

    BBBBBernie--I'll try a glass of red with you!


    Goldie--wow, Grand Canyon to a colonoscopy!That's quite a range!

    Mema--Sadie didn't get a walk yesterday, either, so don't feel bad.Maybe today, we'll see!Have you ever tried the timer method?Set a kitchen timer, I use 10 minutes for work, then 15 minutes for rest.When I'm in better shape I do 15 and 15 minutes.It's amazing how much can get done in 10 or even 5 mintutes at a time, and with rests in between you don't get totally worn out!

    Juliet--I'll keep your seat warm until you get off work!

    Wahine--I've got the chicken thawed, gonna put it and some garlicin the crock pot in a little bit so it would be ready for supper.

    DorKable--wow, you are having some really odd dreams!I wish they could be more entertainingly weird.And there is nothing wrong with being high and not remembering everything said on here, just check in and let us know you are ok.The DOTD I posted the other day, that you are thinking of, is theGagliardo.And yes, there is a secret word hidden in the drink name!

    I think the Dr. Suess poem your sister wrote is HILARIOUS, but I'm not sure how the mods will take to the F Bomb.Unless you soften it up before you post it here?

    Chrissy--- getting rid of stuff is a good thing, and something I need to do more of!!!!!!

    CynCyn--you may do just fine with the arimidex, not everyone has significant side effects.It was bearable for me, even though I didn't really like it.Give it a try, you can always go off it if it gets to be too much.

    Karen--Happy B-Day to your DH!!!!!!!!!!

    Alyson--alcomahol is a vastly underrated medicinal remedy for lots of things--infection, pain, insomnia, shyness, virginity. . . . . . .

    Juliet--a dwink and a hot tub, now that's the way to relax!!!!!

    ORLA--I actually watched the Texas Chainsaw Massacre for the first time last night.It had some moments, but wasn't as gruesome as I always thought it was!Keep sending out those resumes, eventually someone won't work out and they'll be looking again!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Sunday Blood Sunday

    1 bottle (Cold) Beer

    2 dashes Salt

    6 dashes Tabasco Sauce

    4 oz (Cold) Vegetable Juice

    1 dash Cayenne Pepper

    Most specifically I prefer to use Regular V8 or store brand equivalent and Miller Chill as I find it gives the best flavor when mixed. Use no more than 4 ice cubes as both the juice and beer should be ice cold. Pour the juice first add in seasonings and tabasco. pour beer in large glass over top then sink in ice if needed and stir

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2013

    Sue, You too pretty to go as Mama for halloween. And da tings we selling are not little!


    Julie, how come you couldn't drink? It's morning, so it's ok now!

    You too Kat? Oh, are you both on the same kind of diet? How is going? And thanks for setting us straight on Cyn's vay cay. How much longer is Molly on those pills? And isn't there another step after that? I still have that picture of you, Junie and Hunk!

    Dofey, so glad you home and glad that you and Zach had such a nice nap. Now you do that often, ya hear? Yes, we HAVE to get insurance, especially for DH, becuz of his RA. But our cost at most, will prolly be about $1000 per month, meaning we save about $1500 per munf, we be rich in no time! OMG, you heard peeps talking in da bushes, but it was Zach? LOL! Glad to know that youse will tail on youself, but meese tinks it will be after de fackt and it be too late. You could put your poem up and just change the woyd to feck or phuck maybe?

    Cyn, I posted some other links here on gardening, it's a forum. I wonder if gardening in FL is similar to that of Phoenix. Their best time is to start towards mid or late winter, as summer is too hot. If I get more pills, they won't cost anything as I have met my deductable and would get 3 months worth. How long will you get to stay in TX with D?

    Chrissy, that vertigo is really playing with you. Praying it doesn't cause you more permanent damage, darn.

    Happy birthday to your DH Karen, but not so sure about mixing cookies wif beer, or wine for that matter! I'll partake in some of the brewski's but pass on de cookie, k?

    Aly, fun in de sun wif some bubbly, I sat dat the poyfect way to spend de afternoon.

    Lara, we are "supposed" to be semi retired, but really I have even more to do now! Just not sure how this new biz will go. Would be nice tho. Is your pain letting up any? Sorry about things not going so well on the job front. Do they know your age? Do you think that could be it? That they want young fresh candidates? Not that you are old, you are a baby to most of us! I had a girlfriend that had that problem. I mean she was way over qualified, she interviewed at my brothers place and they picked someone much younger and with less education than my GF.

    Having beer and cheese samples for our drink today, k?


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2013

    LOL NM, I too was wondering what Orla was saying when she said dat woyd! Glad I not the only one funcused. As for the Grand Canyon, I guess it will depend on how often DH has to hit the bafroom, if we actually go or not. It will be with Lilian and her sister (who will be here from Canada) and her dad, aunt and uncle (who are here from Taiwan). LOL at "YOUR" favorite activities with Sadie. As for the Blood Sunday Blood, I'll have to pass, dat too spicey foy meese. And since I bumped you, can I interest you in a ride in my new toy?

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2013

    Babe Bernie, how is your BIL doing?