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how about drinking?



  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited October 2013

    Good Sunday morning....DD is off on her school trip....when I dropped her off she realized she forgot a the NOT nice me goes "would you like me to go home and get you one and come back?"...DD goes...would you? and I go "NO"....its 15 minutes each way!! I told her if she really needed one and they stopped for gas she could buy one (yeah, right like we need another travel pillow)!!!! She gets home Friday afternoon......

    DD enjoyed a beer last cookies....he tried his b'day cookie this morning.....He thinks he wants steak for dinner tonight.....big deal cuz Sunday night is always leftovers or "catch as you can" meaning whatever you want feel free to make it....think I'll see if Mom wants to come and it can be her b'day dinner too...hope she's in a better mood than yesterday...she was kind of "witchy"....don't like when she bites my head off.....beginning to regret moving them here....first Dad gets sick and dies and I really don't think that mom is happy even though sometimes she says she is....yesterday she was complaining that she needs to meet people her age that all the people where she lives are soooo old!!! complaining about not having a car etc, etc....she would never move back to Florida but I've feeling badly about some ways I know it was the right thing to do, but in others I just don't know.....

    Going to go read the paper and eat a banana choc chip muffin and then go for a walk....nothing planned for thinking that maybe I'll dust the is sooooooo, soooooo, dusty!!! we really need to find someone to clean a couple times a month....we do the basics, but dusting is not one of them.....

    Wishing everyone a great day....when I come back later, I'll address everyone.....

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013


    OMG, I love the "Drunk-O-Meter" Bernie, the irish drunk jokes are such fun! The thing that surprised us when we were in Dublin with our tour on our 1st trip, was the bartender in the little pub around the corner. We enjoyed talking to him, but noticed patrons were buying HIM drinks, and he also snuck a few on his own. Then when we were at our hotel after dinner, HE was in the hotel bar, still drinking! He was so nice though, and by then we felt we were friends, but it surprised me that someone that works in a bar, would buy drinks at a hotel too, as they are more expensive there. Didn't notice many drunks, but shoot we just got to see you in the daytime on THAT trip!!! Jest kidding!!! You and your DH are such good hosts, we thoroughly enjoyed spending time with you. Hope we get to do it again sometime!

    Ok Lara, is the Home Sweet Home movie a new one or an old one? Might search for it, haven't had a good scare for awhile. Then I'll prolly regret it, esp since it scared YOU! Cami, have you seen it? Yeah Lara, what is "ver deracinated"? I had to go back a page and see it for meself. Mese tinks mese jest skims over de woids mese don't recognize!

    NM, sooo funny....Maverick and Sadie BOTH think that is our favorite thing to do. Mav does the same thing, if I am petting him and stop, his nose flicks my hand right back to where he wants it. If I am in an outside chair with an open side, and I stop petting him, suddenly his head is in my lap! Like...."hello, I am here, remember???". LOL. My DH hates it cuz if he is outside even far off at the other side of the yard and sitting and petting them, or lying down with them, all I have to do is open the door and they see me and come running. He hates it that I seem to be their favorite. Maybe the next time we adopt a furbaby, HE will also lie with them the first night even though they are smelly and need a bath badly!!!! Funny what you wrote about alcamahol being a remedy for virginity!!!!

    OK....want a funny??? And I HOPE I really didn't offend her!!! BUT I was responding to an email from someone here, and I was going to start with "OH,", etc., and I accidentaly hit the H first, and then the O, and it got SENT. Darn touchy laptop....that touchpad gets me everytime. OK, so SHE gets a message responding to a long email from her, and all I said was "HO". SO while I am writing a long response about what happens, forgetting that it took several minutes to write, I then see she had already seen it, and wrote "You calling me a HO? lol". The things we can get in trouble with on the internet!!!! And for the gal I accidentally sent that to, I DO HOPE you know it was an accident!!!!!

    Karen, Good for you in not going back to get your DD that pillow. Maybe she will remember it next time!!! I would have done the same thing you did. BUT years later, I do regret some of the things I did or being so strict with my kids. They were so GOOD, but if they did something a smidgen wrong, they sure KNEW IT. Would love to do those years over. Of course, hindsight is 20/20, and raising kids is so very hard, that you do what you think is right at the moment. When we think of it years later, we are looking at it with rose colored glasses. I am very close to my girls too, but every so often Iet them know that I wish I had been a bit more lenient. But I was a lot more lenient than MY parents were with me! And this generation seems to be even more lenient with THEIR kids!!! (Not you, I am talking about my kids, and their friends). I think you did the right thing!!!!! Hope she has a great time there!

    Lori, You sure are selling some big toys! Hope you are able to get the things sold that you hope to sell. Harder when you are waaaay out there, I would think. Molly has to be on her pills all this month (30 days), then we wait a month, then a lumbar injection and maybe has to stay over at the vets, then a month later, another lumbar injection and I think its every more powerful or more injections at that time, as they know she has to stay over, then. So by the end of December, I hope we will know if those heartworms all got killed off. You wouldn't know it to look at her, though! So happy, frisky,running and leaping all over the yard. They are both 11.5 years old (or so we guess) and look as healthy as pups. No, Julie and I aren;t on the same diet (well I don;t think she is on a diet, that is), but I think she couldn't drink because of working nights???

    Love your bathtub pic, Julie! And speaking of pictures......*hint, hint*, but I know, I haven't posted any yet either.....but you are more organized than I am!

    Dorkie, Hope you got a good nights sleep with Zach the Vac! Cyn, Sounds like you have been soooo bizzy! HI to Alyson, Eve, Cate(?), trying to remember names, OF COURSE our Chrissy, Sue, etc., etc., etc. I did hear from my relatives in Sydney (St. Ives) and she said the cinders in the air are scratching their eyes and there is a lot of smoke I didn're remember the reason the Blue Mountains got their name, and she reminded me. Its because of all the eucalyptus trees which emit oily droplets, which give off a blue haze. Hence, the oil is feeding the fires....just skipping from one tree to another, to a gazillion. Praying they can get all that under control!

    We get Bloody's today, as well as Beer, and Cheese, and looks like the Wenches were bizzy all night preparing a big buffet for us too. And the Tenders made all the dwinks they can think of, the percotini fountain and the mimosa fountain are going full strength....FUN!!!!

    Big Hugs!


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    I know I always just type fast

    I like hat I mean that everyone has to understand my words lol

    bernie good one

    goldie cheese platter and beer yum

    I like a cheese platter and wine

    Yup I am over qualified I think, and prob want the twenty something

    IDK something will happen soon

    Not worried about it to much

    Hi Juliet How was the trip?

    I am making my gravy today with pork sausage

    Kat I got that movie at red box its really insane crazy scary

    They really do not even talk in the movie ,and this guy is scary

    watch it

    wheres cam


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2013


    LOL Kat - wish I cud say I did. I threatened to buy new ones, got some goot advice from a couple goils on where to shop, jes haven't done it yet. The only thing I still have is...wait for it...da Microphone!! I still cwack up when I think of those videos from last year. WOW, can't believe you found that pic of Hunk...incredible! HO??? Who u calling a HO?? That is funny...and no goils, it wasn't me she sent that to. I hope she doesn't take offense cuz we ALL make mistakes. Glad to hear Molly is getting back to her ol happy, frisky self. That heartworm some scary chit!

    DorKy - Yep...dem weird dreams cuz of ur drugs. Still doesn't make for a good nite sleep no matter how you slice it. Thank You for sharing my pink ribbon story...I'm flattered that your dad is easily impressed with your status here in lil ol Mesquite...LOL. How is he doing by the way? He is doing more for himself so u can rest? Are ur sisters checking in on you too? I still pray like a mad woman that this is the last and that you'll heal up real soon!! If u don't...gonna have my peeps drag ur ass here to me so I can take care of you...MUAH! I too loved your dr suess poem...but agree with the other goils...soften the f-bombs or get permission from the mods b4 posting.

    Cyn - tanks fer gittin mese mind straight about ur trip. Now I am weally fercited you git to c D...woohoo!

    Chrissy - Hearing loss...omg! I didn't kno vertigo cud cause that. (((Chrissy))) I don't envy you having to go thru all that paperwork, but it is a good feeling once done and getting more space.

    Karen - hope you had a nice bday sailabration with your dh and your mom. Hugz to you that she snaps at you.

    Aly - my friends that were here from is cheap too...1 or 2 is her limit...but boy is she phunny when she lets loose. We spent lots of time on my patio...cooling down here, perfect time to use it.

    Julie - SnarkSnark...LOL

    Lara - Back in the day....I loved movies like cujo, shining, carrie, but not anymore. Never heard of home sweet home...think I'll pass anyway. Sad about ur job hunt...jes doesn't seem fair ((Lara)) hoping something comes along soonliest!

    NM - I vaguely remember something about setting the timer. Haven't done it yet...but really need to. Once I get going on something I don't want to stop til it's done, but then I suffer for it for days after. I've gotten better when it comes to fixing dinner tho....I do rest cuz my back starts screaming at me....don't kno Y I can't do that with the cleaning...I'll work at it.

    Lowee - I swear u sed little things....dey not little. I'm jes funkassed I guess. Aww tank u for saying dat about Mama for halloween, but I'm still gonna do it. I might post a pic...mebe not...LOL!

    Bernie - LOL....I do get into that 'ya think u can dance' mode quite often.

    Cami - where u b??

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited October 2013

    I come here often for the humor and want to thank you all!

    I did take quite a break though and so as well as not knowing about the tender thing I don't know what happened with Dork. Surgery I imagine. I was just wondering if "vac" means that you came home with a wound vac? I am getting fitted for one on Monday and am curious for info. My abdominal incision is not healing well. I tried surgical closure and one hole stayed closed but the other opened up again. So the vac. I am also doing HBOT. Has anyone had experience with it?

    My new favorite thing is pudding shots but keep them in the freezer, it's like smooth booze ice cream!

    Wahine- I love, love the story of Junie, her purse, and the full moon.

    I'll get you one of these days Cami! Although HBOT is daily so it will take some doing. (c:

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Hi Adey, Yes Dotty got the wound vac, and her at home wound vac she named "Zach" It is helping her SO MUCH, helped heal the wound that wasn't healing at all and was just getting bigger. Now it is shrinking and healing. I hope it will help you a lot too....send her a pm or just wait a bit and I am sure she will drop in to the HTL and can answer you. I have no idea what HBOT is (didn't know about the vac before either!), but one of our health professionals hopefully will be able to answer you about that!

    Some of our gals favorite Holiday is going to be here soon.....


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    How is everyone tonight????

    Haven't heard from Dotty yet, so was hoping she had popped into the lounge. Hoping you are just resting and taking it easy Dorkie but you know me....I am worried bout you. Has anyone heard from her today?

    So many nice posts this morning. and hope everyone had a good day! I went over to my parents to do some work, plus helped my mom get all her clothes together. She didn't want to try anything on, but I insisted, and yuppers, a lot of things she was going to take didn't fit anymore. She is not heavy, but just a bit bigger than she used to be. NOW to hope she doesn't unpack it all and think of taking other things! My dad told me I should have locked it and brought it home with me. She keeps forgetting they will be gone for 7 wks, and is always surprised when I tell her.



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    sôrrryy  my cômp is dôwnn oot

    tthhîs my gß

    gß thîñg  împpôssîle tô wôrk  ît  îß tîñy îmîss û àll  î"m fîñè ßoosôb

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Awww Cami, wonder why it is doing THAT? Weird. Glad to know you are ok though! And Dorkie too....I jest herd frum her....she has had a bizzy day and hasn't been on the computer. Cami, is there something in the settings? Looks like it has picked up a different symbol or something. Just to be sure you are still on English, can you go to your Control Panel, then Clock Language AND Region? Make sure its on English? Also check the Windows Live Settings from the same area, and make sure it is on English? IDK, just trying to see if its sumtin like that. Hope it gets right again, soon!

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited October 2013

    Hello everyone,

    Hi Adey!

    When do your parents leave Kath? Glad you heard from Dorty!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited October 2013

    The HTL seems to be quiet today...hope everyone is okay......I spent the day working in the house....washed the dining room windows inside and out....boy do they look nice....funny story...when DH washed the kitchen windows, DD asked if we got new glass in them!!! Also dusted the living/dining room and family room...I can't believe how dusty the house gets...other than going to the store to get Endust, didn't run any errands at all...felt so good....and feel good about what I did in the house as I can see the results.....Today is the first Sunday in several weeks that DH has not spent the whole day working....what a treat for him...One of his hobbies is refurbishing/refinishing stereo speakers and he spent the day doing that....much happier person today.....Dinner was just DH and me....cooked steaks for his birthday dinner....well he cooked them......Mom decided not to come...she said that dinner was too late....told her I would pick her up at 5:30 or 5:45......she originally asked if she could bring a guest, but the friend said NO as it was during the game...but Mom said she wanted to still come and see the kids...told her the kids weren't going to be here, so she said well I want to see your DH.....but couple hours later she called and said she wasn't going to come....I think her friend talked her into staying and watching the game where they live....that's okay with me.....I will invite her another night this week, but dinner will still probably be around 6!!!

    Cami....strange font...

    Nice to see Adey after her hiatus...hope all is well with you

    MemaSue, Cyndie, Orange, are you today

    Lori...are you selling your ATV? never been on one...look like fun but hard to drive.....I think cheese goes better with wine than with beer...but then again, I have't had a beer in several years.....

    Kathy...too funny about your father saying you should have locked up the suit case.....when do your folks leave? Thanks for keeping us posted on DorK

    NM...relaxing week-end good for you

    HI is your FIL? and your DH? How long is he in England? when does he travel for work again?

    Hi Alyson, Chrissy......its morning by you.....have a good Monday

    Need to get ready for work tomorrow....have to look over a test kit to assess a kid tomorrow....haven't given this test in a few years so want to get up to speed....busy day tomorrow....think its a pretty much non-stop day!!!! and I have to leave by 6:50 for a 7:15 meeting....every other Monday are early days!!! I realy prefer my 8 am starts!!!! So won't get a walk in before work, so will have to remember to walk a lunch....I guess I should also look at my calendar for tomorrow!!!

    Will try to check in before bed time in a couple hours, but if not, sweet dreams loungettes......see you in the morning!!!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited October 2013

    Need to be here. As I said on another thread heard this morning that my great nephew - aged 18 has just been dx with lymphoma. He lives in Australia.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited October 2013

    Im so sorry to hear about your great Nephew horrible to be so young . What is the course of treatment?

    Hi Karen...what is it that you do in the schools?

    I'll try and check in later...

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    So sorry about your nephew, Alyson. Hoping treatments will work for him, and will kick the lymphoma to the curb. Very scary, I hope he is coping with his dx, as that is especially hard to hear since he is so young.

    Karen, OH you thought of the right word for Cami....her FONT....I kept thinking of a diff language, but knew that didn't sound right. YAY, ou thought of it. Now, how to get her to the font area of her computer? hmmmm...

    OK Cami, I think Karen got the problem figured out. NOW, this is how I could do it on Windows7, is that what you are using? If so, go to CONTROL PANEL, click on APPEARANCE & PERSONALIZATION. Then do this....(you will see the FONT choice)....

    To restore the default font settings

      You can remove any changes that you've made to your display settings.
    1. imageClick to open Fonts.
    2. In the left pane, click Font settings.
    3. Click Restore default font settings.


      • This also removes all manual changes that you've made to your display settings.
  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    Hello my beautiful bwestimoonies!

    I been resting, working and resting some more. I do sorta like NM does. But I count. When it time to work, I do my best work from my sliding desk chair. Right now, I do 20 tings at a time. And I make the rules as I go. For example, if I am loading de dishwasher, i count each fork and each knife as one ting. And I cant count tings that are not fully put away. So I make piles, den but de piles into a bag. Den take a break for an hour then do ten more tings. I up to 20 tings but was straightening up mese kitchen table. It was easy cuz a lot of it was mail and each piece counted as one ting.

    NM, I hadda laugh when you said you did not comprehend the word Lara used. I looked it up. Still do not know what she said but it was funneee to me. So glad that Sadie gitting her mommy love. My Bella helped me to poop todey. Weird but true. I had her jump up to my lap after portecking zach's hoses and putting mese jacket on mese lap. I help her while I pushed and walaa, I poooped. I tink I got all de kids to the pool, turd dey in a row woo hoo. oh mese oh mise, now I know what I saw in the dotd, the Gagliardo. and funneee as hail that you did it on purpose. I will let de other goils find de word within the word. I made it easy cuz I know de goils all dwunk! ~hiccup

    Bernie, I wanted to ask again bout your FIL but you might have posted, mese bad cuz I only read through Addey and no refresh cuz mese too dwunk. When is yer grandbaby alien due? Baby must be getting close. I couldnt behappier for you and for sweet Sinead. And so nice to see funnie tings from you again.

    Kat, my Mandi used to do the same thing when I would stop petting her. She would nudge my hands with her nose, too cute. I had tears in mese eyes the last few days. It was over seeing my Bella rolling around on the pool cover and enjoying the heat from the sun. My Mandi loved sunbathing on the pool cover. And I not mad at you for calling me a ho, I actually flattered lol. I tail ya, I figured out dat Zach is gay. Cuz he sucks! HA, you made that joke but I sharing it here.

    Adey, I tink we have berry similar issue. I will be happy to tail you anyting you want to know about Zach the Vac. I had a big vac in de hospital, he was big Mac de Vac.

    Get this goils, I noticed that the nurse accidently left de silkagel package ting in the reservoir of the vac. The tank is funneee looking as it has the stuff that zack sucks but it mixing with the dry pack ting which burst open from de body fluids. I take a pic for enny one who want to see lol. as IF!

    Lori, I loved the grand canyon, I tink it one of America's most bootiful treasures. But when I was dere, I was skeered to get close to the edge cuz i thought i would get sucked down over the rails. I hope you can enjoy it. If DH has the chits, he can jest fling it and maybe hit people riding on a donkey lol. Makes me ting of the rock group who's tour bus wuz traveling over a river and stopped on the side of the road. Remember that? They emptied the chit tank into the river and it landed on a boat load of tourists. I LMAO tinking about it. Dahem, can't remember the group. I hope someone can come up with the name. it was GREAT to see you here last night, always a spayshall treat when lil ms innocent pops in de lounge at night.

    Karen, happy BD to yer DH. The beers sound really cool. I once got my BIL beers from around the world as a Christmas present. He is a guy that has eberyting and wants to nothing but he loved it. Nice to see you here too. And it yer DD bday too? I hope I not funcused about that. But happy bday to her too. I love the cards you send me, always make my day a widdle more happy.

    Mema, you saying you named yer microphone Hunk? hmm. it so berry nice to see your face in de lounge too. It is like old times here. And dat warms mese fart. I really do love the avatar pic of you hot mama. I wonder who took that pic. hehe. You got an all clear on yer scans and muga ting right? Mese Dad doing real good. I thank God that he got his feeding mom priveledge back. De day I got home from de hosspital he started on it again saying that if he is not feeding mom by monday, he is pulling her out of there. I tell him he can't. He says I am paying for it so I can. I say you can't do that to mom and again remind him of how terrifying it was when she first got there. Ya see, he missed that as he was still in SC. he remembers you. He asked me about about the cleaning goil and how I afford it. And I tail him again it was a gift from you. Bdw, she coming back on wednesday to help with laundry and decluttering. I have this big ass box that zach came in. It has eight weeks worth of changing supplies, extra reservoirs, hoses and chit so there is eight boxes that I need to find a place to store them. She gonna help me organize and put in mese DDs bedroom. - it starting to look like my 3rd bedroom before I moved Dad in there.

    Lara, be patient with the job search. We are in a horrible economy but de fact that you are even getting responses and even a few interviews is good. It will come to you in God's time. I tail ya before, when one door close, a better one opens. Plus you healing now so would prolly be so hard to work with all the pain you have. And I tink I still have nightmares over the kujo movie all these years later. wheneber I see big dogs, I imagine them attacking me despite my love for all doggies. I only met one in mese life that I did not like and that was 40 years ago. ya see, I had a paper route and this custoemrs dog would chase me on mese bicycle and grab my pant legs. well one day I kicked the dog and it yiped. I felt HORRIBLE for doing it. and it did not stop the dog from chasing me. I tailed the lady that I refused to deliver her paper. She was known as cheap skate cuz she never gave a penny tip and even deducted for holidays where there was no paper. Holidays were great cuz I did not have to pay for the paper and all other clients would pay the regular amount so my profit would be super sweet on those days. I had a paper route for 5 years, bought my first car with paper route money. It was a 53 plymouth cranbrook aka the bomb. It was a funny looking car. I jest googled and found one for sale in SC. This is a pic of what mine looks like cept I had a light blue car and dark blue roof. I paid 75 for it and sold it for 300 and bought a 72 plymouth duster. oh de memories!


    mine looked more like this:


    But the blue on the bottom looked grey and the dark blue top was rusty blue. I loved that old car. there is a photo in my senior yearbook of my car. i used to pile eight girls in it and we would smoke willie. we used to think we were being inconspicuous with parking in a neighborhood and each of us had an 8 pack of beer. De best feature was de hole in de floor to toss contraband if needed lol. I believe it was the first year that a one piece windshied was made and also the first car to have two tone coloring. I could easily list every car I have ever had. the last American made car i owned was my first brand new car, a 1982 chevy cavalier. It was the first year made and the thing was a lemon. I tink de lemon law came into affect a few years after I unloaded it. when I left the showroom, the car popped into nuetral while riding down the highway. The transmission was never right. The AC compressor blew at less than 50k miles. Then I had a rod knock jest as soon as the warranty ran out so I traded it in for a toyota corolla, a 1988. I had refianced it cuz I lost my job and owed several k more on it making my toyota payments steep. but i tink I prolly boring you goils.

    For fun, would like to hear each of your first car make and model and maybe fun stories? Or maybe a partay these. and BDW, dis is de car that I was in when at de drive through seeing movie kujo. speaking of drive thru movies, did you all hear de story of de theater that had a sign on de marquee showing "closed for de winter"? well dis dumb blond froze to death in the lot waiting for de movie to start bahahahahaha! oh mese jest so funnnneee todey!

    I have come a long way from "the bomb". I am berry frugal but I like a nice car. After my Toyota, I bought and Infiniti G20 and have had 4 Infiniti's since. My current hot ride is a G37x, it is a 2007 and looks jest like dis. Chrissy and Sue have both driven mese car. Not trying to brag but well I guess I am. Hot huh? it berry fast and is a crash magnet. I have had three bumpers on de back, none my fault I swear!! lol.


    sorry so big and sorry to be a boasting but I LOVE my GG! and that is de only luxory I allow meseself, well dat aint de truth, I also indulge in alkamahol but that don't count sincen it free at de lounge! oh if only. I wish I could get de pic smaller so as to not fluck up de page.

    on to sumting elses

    I would love to learn more about mese breasties, if someone can tink of someting we can all do to tail more about us, please play, I love games but can't really tink of anyting cept cars then and now. I would have ye all tail us about de places you have been but omg, Wahiney de traveling Machiney take up 147 pages.

    I gonna have to come back soon, it a secret but 1st - I started dis post many hrs ago so foygive me if I missed any spayshall goils. and next, can I have a vote on who likes mese own langwitch or do ye prefer plain old boring english? I know Karen has issues with mese tawking 'spayshally win it weally bin a dwunkliest sorto dey if ye no wut mese meansies. well Nancy (in mese Regan voice), it is time for mese nap. Not really but shhhh, gonna put some color in mese hair, a widdle secret date mese hair has de most horrid gray roots. Match them with my new wrinkles from Dr PRick, discoloration of mese skin and in desparate need of a hair cut and a shower or a dern baftub cleaning and I tinking mese is purdy flipping mfugly (date means modderFluckingUgly)

    And finally for all still following, chit keep forgetting a point I want to make. Taught of yet anudder game we ken play, how bout ask each loungette a question, like sumting you always wanted to know. To pick which one to ask, pic de one above yer most recent post. Of course, de questionee would have de right to please de 5th. Does dat sound fun? I jest trying to tink of fun tings to do. I loved mese stank bug game but maybe cuz mese won! hehe! dere no winners or losers, wese just all winnders n boozers ~hiccup

    Oh, tank ye all who made suggestions about mese poem. Is dere anyone here who wanna take de time to change all de f bombs to de word of yer choice but needs to be close to de REAL ef word (fluck or phuck or hail might eben work). De name of mese poem is "what de hail is dis chit", here de cover, will take down fast cuz it may offend. but it a book, should be ok?

    EDITED TO REMOVE book cover....onna refresh, apply die and come back, hope my two pg post dont dwive ye all away. don't forget to answer mese questions, at least de first 26. OR else I tail de tenders not to serve you. oh i am a happy biotch when i feel good. did I say mese had anudder great dey? Wanna hear about it? oops, dat question 27. GOtta fly, will be back but first have to figure out how to remove pic above, mirght git me in trouble but ya know, it de drugs making mese boldlier. I so eshamed.

    ChherS Mi'Dears and as CB would say "TITTIES UP"

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited October 2013 sorry about your nephew....

    Cyndie....I'm a School Psychologist

    DorK......your post is too funny!!! you really had that big blue bomb of a car!!! My first car was a 1972 VW Super beetle!!!! bought it in 1973 and keep in for...well I don't remember how many years, but I think my next car was a not my DD's b'day....but rather Mom's was last week.....

    Don't usually watch football, but watched the Broncos/Colts game and we got creamed....lost 39 to 30........Waiting for the regular news to come on, but its all about the game....don't care for the after game stuff!!! oh well....maybe I should go read...I've been reading a book for a few week....or should I say its been on my night stand for few weeks.....and downloaded a few books on my no excuse not to read.....

    Sweet dreams...

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    quickly, I read where I missed and have to talk to Alyson. I am SO sorry to hear about yer great nephew. I like to have a name to help God when I pray. Also would like a name for Bernie's FIL.

    CAMMMIE!!! wese missed you deerliest, lub. Glad you checked in. about de font, tinking it is bco ting since de font on mese PC is not de same as it is here. jest a thought. so weird. I wish I could remote into yer computer to help bix it.

    Karen, LMAO at yer DD tinking u has new windows. OMG, dat toooo funnnneeee. and don't foyget to vote (new game or whateber I asked in my 18 pg rant ans showing off. and anudder vote for all, who wants to see ebery car I have ever owned. this is my faborite. it a car I had last year for sundeyfundey dwunken dwives to de beach! who wants a ride? goils can pick up some HOT men in a car like dis. I had two husbands along with turdteen boyflends dat year! tehehehe!


    It a Lamborghini and her name is Mary. no idea why mese tinking cars todey. maybe cuz I want a new one and can only afford a pinto.kk, carry on laides and .......


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Oh I love your posts Dorkie!! Such fun reading, and I DO like your langwich, but you can write normal or de fun way, whichebber ya want. My first car was my mom's, and since she had rides to work and was dating, I started driving it before I got my license (oops). Used to cut school and go to the beach on the other side of the island. It was a 65 Buick Skylark Convertible, but was a metallic blue color, lighter than this color. Was nice, cuz it was free, and she would ask ME when she wanted to use it, boy that was nice. Then when I left home in '69 and moved to NC and got married, we had a 64 Chevy Impala, burgundy color. Sure miss those big old cars....such heavy metal (no not the music!) and felt so much safer in them, even though they didn't have seat belts all the time. Well the buick did. Then when I moved back to HI 'in '72 (divorce) I bought the buick convertible from my mom for such a cheap price, it was awesome, cause you could have the top down almost every day. Like this, but prettier lighter blue, and the seats were blue too, but top was white.......


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    I want that Lamborghini!!!!!!!

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013

    Alyson, so sorry about you nephew.

    FIL, Terry, should be having his bypass this week. Praying all goes well.

    Skeletor is due early February.

    Dh went back to work Friday due home middle of November.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited October 2013

    All these posts have got me rolling on the floor! hahahahaha! Dork you are so funny girl I sometimes wonder where your head

    Alt, topping up your glass of sorry about you young but that's about the age that it seems to attack. Sure do hope he responds well to to his treatment what ever it is.

    Karen, I forgot to wish your DH a Happy Birthday so I'm doing it now......HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! I've forgotten what clean windows look like it's so long since mine have been done........there is definitely no way to confuse mine with new ones!

    Cam hope you get your computer working soon!

    BBBBernie still praying you FIL does well with his op. You must be getting excited about the arrival of Skeletor! Love that name you've given

    The virtigo is lifting slowly but surely but the deafness has not.........I'm hoping it will but this is the second time this has happened and I may be heading down the same road as my dad who was also deaf........I have so many of his traits that it wouldn't surprise me at all. Each day I seem to be able to do a little more which is a really good thing.

    Hi to every one else! Hope you all have a productive day.

    Love n hugs. TITTIES UP!!!!! Chrissy

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2013

    GoodMorning, Loungettes!I had a lovely relaxing SundayFunday, AND got some stuff done, too, amazing, isn't it?Sadie got tuckered out from playing fetch, cuddling, and supervising the house being dismantled across the street.

    Goldie--cute go-buggies!I'd love a ride, then to stop and try the cheese samples!And isn't Sadie so good to me?The things she puts up with!


    Karen--Change is hard for everyone, isn't it? So hard as our parents age.

    Wahine--LOL, I can just imagine how that "HO" post happened!I'm always hitting the enter key when I mean to hit the quote or apostrophe key and entering partially completed posts on Fb.I guess everyone's gotten used to me doing that!Funny how the furbabies attach themselves to a particular person.Of course, I don't have to share Sadie's attention, except when I have company. . . .

    ORLA--gravy with pork sausage, sounds yummy!

    Mema--The timer trick works really well for me.Sometimes I get into something and don't stop when the timer goes off, and then I'll pay for it later.But I actually get MORE done that way, cause I don’t wear myself outso fast.And it is AMAZING how many things you can do in 5 or 10 or 15 minutes!

    Adey-I didthe hyperbaric treatment after rads while I was waiting to get a mastectomy.It was easy compared to rads, surgery, dressing changes, etc, etc.I usually napped.The wound VAC is really fascinating, and so effective!A special sponge is cut to fit in the hole, a clear dressing is put over it, a tube connects the sponge to a little machine that creates a measured amount of negative pressure.It only needs to be changed 3 times a week or every 3 days.You and Dotty can compare notes!

    Cammy--what language does your Gf's computer speak???????Glad you are fine!

    Mornin', CynCyn!

    Karen--sounds like you had a nice relaxing weekend, too!It is nice to see the work you've done around the house, isn't it?

    DorKable!That package in the VAC resevior is supposed to be there, it gels the drainage to help control spills and odor!And it is AMAZING what our furbabies will help us with!

    OK, gotta run for work!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited October 2013

    Good Monday morning...DorK is too all the pictures of everyone's cars....I would post but you know me, not tech saavy at all....but here is the run down of my cars.....72 VW superbeetle (orange) who I walled Oscar, 80 Toyota pick up truck (small one, white), Red square boxy Volvo (don't remember the year), Saab (blue, don't remember the year), Ford Tauraus (we bought DH's company car), 99 Dodge Durange (gun metal grey) and Big Bertha my 99 Suburban (copper color)....Last year with all the car rentals visiitng my folks got to thinking about a "new" car and the one I really liked is this Mazda 5 wagon.....but we don't buy new cars....of all my cars the only two I bought brand new were the Toyota and the Durango....much prefer gently used..........Well, got to run.....bbtonight...HUGS

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2013

    Everything is EFFED up this morning! BCO and FB! WTF? Glad I typed everything in Notepad, as when I hit "submit", it logged me out and did not post! Grrrrr!!!!!!

    Sue, you caught me. I went back to look at meese post and I did say little. I said we were gonna sell these little cuties. I also meant to post the picture then and duh........foygot. And if you dress up for Halloween, you have to post pics. That goes for EVERYONE.

    Awwww Adey, why didn't you tell us you were having surgery? Since it is your tummy you are having trouble with, just like Dork, did you have the same surgery? Hoping the wound vac helps you, like it has Dork.

    Kathy, your mom did that before with her clothes, didn't she? Unpack them? Bless her heart, she is so sweet. I still can't believe they will be gone for almost 2 months. And how is your BIL doing? Don't like hearing that Dort had a bizzy day. She posed to be resting. And how are your girls? I was pretty sure that Molly had something else to do after the pills, I hope those injections don't hurt her. Poor poochy.

    Dort, doze 10 and 20 tings best better be eezy peezy tings girl. Too funny about Zach being gay, leave it to you and Kat! I do not know of a group that stopped their bus and chitted on others in a boat! Dat is horrible!!! Loved your paper route story and how you bought your first car, I really enjoyed reading dat. My first car was a Ford Pinto, not sure of the year, but it was stick. And I find it funny day you call the outside movies the "drive through". We called them the "drive in". Girl, you are on a roll! I so happy to see you and to see you starting to feel better. LMAO, just read where you can only afford a Pinto!

    Karen, I need to do my windows too and dust. Keep putting it off, but I better get the windows done before it gets too cold. And I agree, cheese is better with wine, but not everyone drinks wine and not everyone drinks beer! So you ma dear, may have wine! I might even join you. As for the ATV, we are selling them as a dealer. Of course this one is ours, plus we have our quad. Had to buy one to check it out and get pictures and videos. Not hard to drive at all, drives just like a car, gas and break pedals on the floor. They will be under 10K with lots of the extras that most other companies charge you extra for, and sell for about 17K. Being a counselor, what kind of tests do you give to kids?

    Aly, that is terrible about your great nephew, he is way to young! I'm so sorry. I hope and pray for a good outcome for him.

    Bernie, I though it was your BIL having the heart surgery, my mistake. How old is your FIL? Do we know that Skeletor is a boy?

    Well Chrissy, your deafness won't affect you here! Kidding aside, I hope that is one of your dad's traits you can avoid. Glad you are starting to feel better.

    NM, Sadie was a God send, and yes SHE is so good to YOU! We can take her for a ride with us, she can ride in the back.

    Cami actually has a virus on her puter. I was worried had she not posted here or on FB. I tried to call and couldn't get through. Finally got her daughter and talked to her. She would let Cami use her tablet, but she doesn't know how to use it. Her DD will take the puter in today (I think) to get it bixed. My FAVORITE car I had was my Camaro, but I did not get to have it for as long as I would have liked, as I moved out here, and the roads here where I live were not good for the car, it would bottom out. I'm still getting tomatoes and made some more pizza sauce yesterday!!!

    DOTD - Flaming Lamborghini!

    Flaming Lamborghini

    Ingredients Equal parts: Kahlua, Sambuca, Blue Curacao and Bailey’s.

    Instructions In a large, warmed martini glass add the Kahlua and Sambuca Put the Curacao and Bailey’s in separate shot glasses Carefully light the Kahlua / Sambuca mix with a match. While it’s still flaming, drink it quickly through a straw When the mix is almost gone, douse the flame by pouring the Bailey’s and Curacao over it Finish the drink in one.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2013

    Me and my 1996 Camaro, with T-Tops. This was a stick too, LOVED this car!

    photo MeandMyRide_zps0e3d473a.jpg

    photo Mycar2_zps7f7f4893.jpg

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    goldie u are hoy mama wow

    DH must feel lucky

    You are to funny

    I love u goils

    Dork I love thaat car

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013

    Goldie, I love that car. My first car was a Jaguar followed by an opel mantra then a ford, mazda, hyundia coupe and now I have a saab

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013


    First car

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013
