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how about drinking?



  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013

    image unselectable="on">

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013

    goddammit this site hates me and the bloody fire has just gone out.

    FIL is 72

    Dh is 46

    DN is 26

    I am 53


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013

    I want


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013

    I have

    image unselectable="on">

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013

    I have


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    wow Bernie u had a nice car first car!

    I always wanted a baby blue mustang

    Mybe I should move to Ireland

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    my first car was a red celica 2 door stick shift loved that car!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2013

    Hi Adey - I hope DorKy can help u with the vac info. But I have never heard of HBOT. Can you explain in a little more detail what ur docs are telling you about it?

    Good morning Karen. I'm sad that your mom didn't make it to dinner, but sounds like you & dh had a nice time. Speaking of windows...I had a friend come over and he washed all my windows inside and out, took screen off cleaned them, even took mini blinds down and cleaned them. He cautioned me not to 'run into' the sliding door thinking it was open. Give ya a clue how back it was...LOL.

    Aly - Prayers going out to your great nephew (((Aly)))

    Dory - u cwack me up with the games and the cars. My 1st was a Studebaker, with push buttons on the dash...LOL! I did get all clear on my scans and muga..woohoo. Glad your dad got his 'feeding mom' privileges back so he’ll quit the threats to take her outta there. Can’t tell you how happy I am that cleaning goil, I’ll call her E, is working out so well...I feel like HE had a hand in us finding her. OK, so by the sounds of will have Zach for at least 8 weeks, since u have so many supplies? OMG...I was hoping u’d be ‘attached’ for only a few weeks. (((Dory)))!! And yes I did LOVE driving your Infiniti...felt like a Cadillac to me!

    Bernie - Thanks for the name of your FIL...He and Sinead have always been in my prayers, but I agree with Dork...better to have a name. Loved the ‘unnatural acts’, getting to where I can’t do those things anyway...LOL!

    NM - is the hyperbaric the HBOT that Adey talking about? What is that? I am going to sitting at the computer for most of the day....will have to try the timing...will go 15, then get up. Thanks for the encouragement..Muah!!

    Oh sweet glad it is not mese mind, but then agin it is mese mind among other things...LOL. Am going to thrift stores tamary to find Mama dress, cardigan and purse. Will def post pics. You have a safe trip to GC tamary K? By the way...U R 1 HOT SEXY that pic with u and ur Camaro...daammnnn!!!

    Hi Lara!!!

    Gotta git moving....BIG HUGZ to anyone I missed!!


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013

    You know, why can't we use names? DH is Dave

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    HI everyone!

    dayem Lori you sure wuz (still is) one hot mama!!!! Looks like a photo for a magazine! Your first car was awesome! Oh oh, didn't realize that was a virus that Cami's computer has. Yikes! Hope they can bix it up without too much moola. I hate it when people get their jollies hacking computers or sending viruses out. SOOO mean, and sooo stupid. None of us (ain't nobody) got time for dat! Glad you were able to call.

    Would love your first car Bernie, a Jag, wow! Praying still for Terry. Did you DH get to his job site ok? Love the funnies!

    Sue, Can't wait to see the pics of you dressed up as "Mama"! Loved that character.

    Fun hearing about everyone's cars! Once I had a 351 mustang, with black vinyl roof....very FAST, but it just had primer on it, and it ended up staying that When I married my DH I had a taurus wagon, all the bells and whistles, and a baby blue BIG truck w/ matching camper on it. Kept them both in perfect shape. WELL, we still have the truck (gave the car away), and DH usually drives it now, but doesn't take care of it. I might have told you here, about a few wks ago when my neighbor saw me back out the truck and drive off, and he stopped me and said "Oh, I didn't know you knew how to drive the truck". LOL....and it has been MY truck since I bought it in 1992!!!! I guess he only saw me drive our car...have a SUV now, love it.

    Lara, is your pain any better? Haven't mentioned it lately, or I might have missed that.

    Looks like I missed the FB probs and the bco probs, was out all morning, getting blood work. Waited almost an hour, then a gal that had just been there for a few min, goes up to the front desk and says shes in a hurry and how much longer will it be. They took her RIGHT IN without even noticing I had signed in almost an hour earlier!!!! Then someone almost backed into me at after that I was very careful everywhere I went!!! Got my flu shot, putting off the Shingles shot for a bit.

    Yeah, Lori you are right, my mom unpacked and repacked several times, for the past few trips. THEN no matter how much we tell her NO LIQUIDS in purse or carryon, there is usually either a metal sharp nail file, or liquids. Remember that big bottle of "prune juice" that was really vodka, that she had in her carryon, and TSA let her keep it? Wow. She can get away with chit that I would never get away with.

    Hi EVERYONE!!!!!! Happy Monkey Dey!!!! Hope Dorkie is resting at home!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    OOPS missed seeing your post Bernie!!! I know my DD's would not want me to mention their names on a public forum, FB is okay, because it can be limited to friends. We have some strange lurkers on this thread sometimes, and they can search easier the more names they have. Prolly ok for you though, since I don't know if anyone else lurks here from Ireland. Just gotta be careful sometimes, and our latest drama sorta emphasizes that! But if you are ok with us calling him by his name, I will try to remember to do so! He's such a nice guy too...we both liked Dave a lot, and you, OF COURSE!!!!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2013

    LOL YES I remember the "prune juice". That was a classic. You prolly should take her suit case home with you, or is there somewhere you could hide it at their house. Glad you DID NOT get hit. My first car was the Pinto! The Camaro, I got that when I was 39.

    Bernie, you sure gots some nice cars there girl!!! Schweet! As for names, I think some people would just like to keep that private, where others don't mind names being mentioned.

    The Hyperbaric Treatment ( I know, as a friend of my son's had to do it for a long time, she is paralyzed from the waste down and had trouble with some surgery) anyways you are put in an apparatus of sort, and it is filled with pure oxygen to help healing. I think she was also in isolation. But that gives you an idea of what it is.

    HBOT = Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

    HBO Chamber2008.JPG

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013


    Sounds like a wine day!

    Sometimes u need to be assertive

    Pain is the same

    Called pain doc again why I have no cream

    Why I have no MRI


    Ill just deal with the pain

    On another thread a women gave me to good PS in NYC

    I'm going to call

    My ps is a b itch

    She goes I'm the boob doc

    After I told her I had nuero pain

    Then she goes I can take your implants out and you will still have nuero pain

    Hate her

    I think I need a revision smaller implant she even said these were to big once she put them in me

    Dh makes fun of me in a good way about Halloween so I found this scary jammie pants and they glow in the dark with pumpkins in then lmao

    Can't wait till he gets home



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    ((((Lara)))), I do hope you call the PS in NYC....gotta be better than the one you have now! Funny about the jammies. Hate all your pain though, that sux.

    Oh I see that now Lori....too bad you didn't get to keep your Camaro, but yeah, not out there with the ruts in the roads, and when it floods, etc. Neat that you took such nice pics though!

    My cuz in HI worked at a Hyperbaric company till she retired...I think there, they mostly had people with the "bends" from scuba diving, etc. Sometimes really, really, bad cases. I didn't know that was the acronymn (or initials) for that!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Anyone dwinking tonight??? I gotta stretch that 4oz of wine..... Hope everyone is doing well. Chrissy, are you getting better? Sounds like our Dork is getting better, thank GOD. Think I might lay by the pool and have Hunk wait on me, hand and foot, and everything in-between! LOL.....

    Cheers! Chairs!


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited October 2013

    Good Afternoon Ladies,

    Winding down my week..yeahhh...just one more day till the weekend for me.

    Where did Cammi's DD take her computer to? Tablets are hard to get used to.

    My first car was a Plymouth Volare', Red with a white vinal roof. then I had a Doge Dart (kat..didnt you say DH had one of those or am I thinking of someone else)? Then a Ford escort (piece of shit). Many more but my fav is the one I have now my little Penelope Ota.

    Lori..more maters?? Wow! Love the little buggies you are selling...You are simply gorgeous!! You look like one of Charlies Angels.

    Mema..your going to be Mama from Mama's family for Halloween? I have to see this.

    BBBernie..I just love you guys...What is Sinead's actual due date? You had some awesome cars. Esp the Jag.

    NM, glad to hear your day was nice on Sunday.

    Dorothy you better be resting ! Its great that you have E to clean. You certainly should not be doing anything like that while you are healing.

    Karen , your house cleaning is bad I have to work I would be all over this place..needs dusting soooo bad and I have two sliders that are a mess..cant keep them clean as the sea mist makes they dirty and streaky..I dont think I could ever get them clean enough to walk into one by I have seen that happen tho.

    Lara..I rented The Purge yesterday. I thought it was really good. What was the really scary movie you mentioned a few posts ago? Is it new or old? I love scary movies.

    Hi and Hugz to anyone I may have missed.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    home sweet home very freaky cyn

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    I am here but partaying in de corner so mese people dont see a dwink in mese hand. ya see, I had the tenders bring me a comfy bed. come on in, we have pj partay! wooop wooop!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    WoopWoop Dorku's in the house and she better by lying down? I hope u'r feeling better Dork.

    Alyson I'm truly sorry about u'r nephew, way to young--he will be in my prayers.

    Lara how are u doing.?

    I still have to catch up-I was using mu Gs tiny little thingy to type here---My screen was black and just numbers and letters rolling over and over again and no way out--2 people sai I had to takke it to Toshiba it was wacked out and I called Tosh and they said to bring it in, they could not fix it on the phone I was totally virused. So I thought about it and thought (my mom used to tell me this all the time) if someone else can do it so can u. So I thought hard and mustered up my 139 IQ--which I'm sure isn't that anymore and I worked on ot for about an hour--have no clue what I did but I did it. My DD was astounded-so was my GS and SIL so I'm so glad and it didn't cost anything. So now I have to get caught up but my mind actually hurts hahaha


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    WOW, we have an IT expert in de lounge! Way to go, Dr. Cami Legal, aka Computer Whiz! Awesome that you fixed it yourself, I am truly impressed. Also, glad that now you can post here more often!!!!

    Cyn, No, I never knew anyone with a Dodge Dart. But it was funny, cuz I dated a lot of guys right before i met my DH....just for a couple of yrs, but seems like most of the guys had little red cars! My DH's was a Beamer, so that was a good one. Except one guy I dated for over a yr, he had a car lot, so picked me up in a different car every time. Was sorta fun, but he mostly liked the big "muscle cars". Glad you have just one more day till YOUR weekend!

    Yippee Skippee...Dorty is partying in de corner...woo hoo.....Glad you have a bed there, but remember, you are to REST in it, not indulge in other activities!!!! lol.

    Been watching some magician secrets DD1 used to love to do magic tricks and I took her to see David Copperfield when she was young...2nd row, so we got to see everything (I caught a few of his tricks by being so close). BUT one time I rented a magicians secret tape, and she didn't want to see it at all. Thinks they are wrong to disclose the secrets. But ME, is different, I am enjoying seeing how they do all these tricks, its fun!

    WooHoo, we are getting a full lounge tonight!!!!!

    Partay Hearty!!!!


    P.S. Alyson, it was neat to know that Wahine means the same thing in the Maori language as the Hawaiian language! I enjoyed reading that on your post on the Aussie thread!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Kat I'm the same way with magic, I want to know--I was going to say tricks but I knew that would be going straigt to the dumpster.I've seen a couple of shows and when I see how it's done, it's like oh that was so simple. but I can't do any of them.

    Dork u stay laying down right now. See she's starting to move around.  knew it.

    OK I still have to set up my computer I came here first----it's like new so I'm screwed again. Oh well I can come here so I'm happy.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited October 2013

    I needs a drink ladies,had horror CT scan. Took seven tries to get line in for contrast and the stuff always makes me shaky but today its worse.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited October 2013

    Feeling sad today....a young gal....not even 30 yet, lost her battle with the beast today....I didn't know her well, but she was an amazing young lady and an inspiration to anyone who met her.....She leaves behind her beloved DH and 4 1/2 year old just breaks my, so not fair...she was just too damn young to loose the battle....a beautiful lady inside and out.....

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    KATHY with 65 Buick Skylark Convertible, another hot set of wheels, I never had a convertible And shame shame shame on your for cutting school and driving without a license. Ya see, this is why Kat and I get along so well, I was really bad too. Sadly, the girl I used to cut school with was buried while I was in the hospital and I was planning on going to the viewing the night before but felt too horrible to get dressed and I knew I would not be able to stand for more than two minutes at a time. She and I started cutting afternoons in 8th grade. I lived in a very small town and got to come home for lunch. They did not take attendance in the PM classes so I would often cut and got away with it. I really did not straighten out my ass until my senior year when I started dating a guy that is a now a school psychologist. Funny story, I met him at Tom's Steaks, a little place I worked part time through high school and in college. He used to give me IQ tests and he constantly harped on my "behaviors", he drove me nuts. Karen, I hope you do not do that to your people lol. The guy was four years older than me and graduating college while I graduated high school. He moved to SC for grad school but we were still an item for a few more years. I decided enough of him after spending a week there and socializing with his piers who also seemed to be psycho analyzing every thing I said and did. Or maybe it was the paranoia of having willie with me at all times. oh I was a bad student but really turned around after meeting Dr. Bob. My aspiration was to be a sexretary to some hot guy lol.

    Karen with a 72 beetle super bug. So many kids in my graduating class has those and I was uber envious. here I was in a 26 year old car and boy was it ugly. But I did it up with blue chit that I bought from a fabric store. and I put carpet remnants on the floor. I remember passengers asking me to turn on the radio which would result in me doing my ritual song, I would put my hand on the fake radio (it was only a plate where the radio would be if ordered with the car, did not have one), then start singing in my terrible voice

    I've been drivin' all night, my hand's wet on the wheel(♪)(♫)(♪)(♪)(♪)

    There's a voice in my head, that drives my heel(♪)(♫)(♪)(♪)(♫)

    It's my baby callin', says, "I need you here" (♪)(♫)(♪)(♪)(♫)

    Ans it's half past four, and I'm shifting gear (♫)(♪)(♪)(♫)(♪)(♪)(♫

    RADAR LOVE ye goils I do ♥

    oh loving these memories. I having mese own nostalgia partay but hope you are all enjoying doing your part and sharing more about you. Cuz did is DorK declared Wanna know more about yese week and I tail ye way more about mese than you ever cared to hear! hehe! burp~oops, sorry. oh who am i kidding, ~hiccup~

    Back to cars...

    Bernie BBBlove with a Jag, omg I wanna live in Ireland too, Cyn, let's do it! and your cars make all mine look like junk. First car a Jag, not bad for a started. Geez. and now a Saab. I am very envious of your country Bernie, I think it is the most beautiful place in the world and I can only say by looking at photos :( who knows, I might jest invide myself there. I am so happy for Sinead, you need to answer when she is due cuz we are having a baby shower in de HTL, goils only. No more of this guys at de shower bullchit. I love your name too and also wonder if definitely a boy. And oh la la, I envy that you have a younger man, that is HOT! I have seen him and he is a cutie. And I love his name, my favorite male name ever, it is my younger brothers name. I am still praying for Terry. Please keep us posted, there is so much power in prayer my Babe. ((((Terry))) When is your bday? We are very close in age, looks like you are older (tongue sticking out). jk but I wonder how many months apart we are, I will turn 43 this month (minus uh 10=33 plus 20= de same as you. Oh I am cracking my damnself up. Hope u not sleeping on me. And I love your jokes, the dog balls joke had me LMAO. I am jest so happy todey BBB. a spayshall toast jest for you, Sláinte!

    Lori with her Ford Pinto, they were quite popular until it was learned that the gas tanks would blow up on rear impact. So funny that I used a pinto as an example of a poor people car. You sure made up for it though. I had no idea, oops sorry lol. And your Camaro, HOT HOT HOT but I think the blonde in the pic makes it steaming hot. lol, you do like like one of Charlies's Angels.

    Chrissy. I pray that your vertigo gets better soonliest and more, I pray for your sweet ears to be restored to where they were before you got the f*^#ing vertigo. I know that is horrible. Hugs for ya ((Chrissy).

    Mema Sue with a STUD aka Studebaker. They are neat cars, my cousin's boyfriend had an old one, by saying old I think it was from the 60's. It was bright blue. I wish you and I could have partied in your stud back in de day. Imagine the trouble we could find?? I am so glad your scans were all good, whew! here is a toast to ya, MEMA SUE, good health and lotsa wealth cuz you wealthy in love mi' dear, cheers! I am hoping to send ZAc de vAC bacK ito TX in a few weeks, key word hope. He already gitting under mese skin. He is a heavy SOB and makes nasty noises whilst he sucking. Shhh, don't let him hear so I whisper, I tink he a real pig in de way he sucks all day and all night heheehehe!

    NM, I also find the wound vac fascinating. I had not realized until doing research last night that the negative pressure was not only draining the gook out but also sucking the wound closed. I was trying to get info on the investor but got distracted (imagine that, mese distracted). I love your Sadie stories. Do you ever take videos of her playing? I took one of my Bella playing on the pool cover yesterday and will have it for anytime I feel sad. Doggies are the best therapy ever. I am sure you know the statistics in that dog owners have lower blood pressure, live longer etc etc. And I am sure that cat owners get health benefits too. I have never owned a kitty but just the same, I think they are cute, especially when kittens and they play. how are you feeling? Hoping you have kicked your symtpons to the curb. I have to thank you again for the knowlege that you shared with me and for viewing the horrid photos and giving your opinion. Oh, thank you too for letting me know that the dry stuff in zach's canaster IS supposed to be there. I will have to let my nurse know as she believed me when I said de other girl left it dere by acsardent. Hot damn, you are a wealth of knowlege.

    Cyn, love yer Ms. Penelope Ota, she a real beauty. ya see girls, i got to see her in person more than once and she a purdy one.I can picture little CyndieLouWho driving her Red Plymouth Volare' with the white roof, HOT. I had two plymouth dusters, a 72 and a 74. Is that the care car as the Doge Dart? I know there was a plymouth version of the Duster. I still see them on the road but very occasionally. I loved my 2nd one best as it had AC and freaking power windows, I was living the high life then. So glad your weekend is coming, hope you can get your dusting did and eberyting else did that you want to get did. I love ya, have I told ya that lately?

    Lara, my oldest sister had the Toyota Celica 2 door and I loved to drive it the few times she would allow me too. Her's was burgundy and also a stick. My old bomb had the stick on the shifter and it was a hard car to drive as no power steering or brakes. How are you feeling today? Do you find that the pain gets worse with weather changes? The PS that removed my implant back in Dec mentioned that it is the barometric pressure change causing extra pain. There were times that I still felt my c-section incision that was freaking done 22 years ago. You know I really feel for you, it is beyond frustrating when these PS's treat us as if we are just whining without a reason. ugh, I hate that you are suffering. Come to the lounge and sit with me in the sufferer's corner and we stop the suffering. Pants has de Willie, we have de perfotini fountain and unlimited booze. Den we step to the hell no, painbgone corner, yeeeeee haaaa! and a big EWWW to the PS that said she can take yer implants out, ef her and de mercedes she drove in on (escuze de grammar, I dont tink "in on' is proper english but what do I know, I was cutting school those days heheehe! oh mese feeling SILLY like Sadie tonight and dat hard to do. And I hate that

    Lori, ooops, we do call them drive ins, my bad. Did you ever sneak people in hiding in the trunk? It was pricing per person and that was the cool thing to do. I remember the old speakers that we hung on the car then in the later years, just had to tune into AM radio to hear the sound. Better than hiding in the trunk was going to a nearby side street, parking then tuning in for free. And of course, making out, ooops! great memories all around.

    and Camille in de house with her virus all bixed. OMG, I am soooo impressed. not sure why cuz ye a verry smart doctor/attorney ie legal lady and now an IT wizard. So nice to see you partaying, hope you still in de house. Gonna send you a message, remind me if you do not git it cuz mese brain is occuspied at de moment. i promise ya Cammie, I being a good goil cuz I know you and Lori and Chrissy and de gang will come and hurt me more if I am not a good goil.

    I really miss our sweet Beckers. But I know she having fun at her "conjugal" visit with her DH. Cheers to Becks!

    Where is Addy? And Alyson? And de rest of our new goils? I miss ye all, come in and git comfy. not sure what we up to dis night but know wese partaying. It a eberyting about dorK and friends partay.

    Really, i do enjoy learning a little bit more about mese breasties. We talk about dis and dat but I jest wanna know more. We gotsta come up with another game.

    So who did mese foyget? I tink I do good cuz I made notes for de first time ever. Go ME I am wonderful, smart and jest plain awesome (more like awesomely fugly). I love each of you girls so much that my fart is wanting to make mese eyes weep. but i tailed mydernself todey no weepy day so dere. I gotta go, I ten minutes late for ice cream date and mese date is calling, ooops. I hope ye all henjoying de widdle riddles/games/aboutME tings I gonna try to do. Ya see, I have time, nothing but time. Yet somehow I feel overwhelmed, gotta collect my chips first Daddy and I be dere. Oh, gotta fly now, no chip. no dale. hehe, I know me silly like Sadie from Maine and I like it. Hope ye all dooo toooo. PEACE girls and lots of LOVE.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    oh Alyson and KayKaykaren, sorry I bumped ya's, dat was NOT nice of me. You both have my prayers. Kaykay, how awful, here is a hug ((Karen)). And one for Alyson too (((( ALY )))). I am sorry you had such a hard time. But hang with us for awhile and we make sure de tenders make it all better. Well nevermind all better cuz dat not possible, specially for kayKay but I am sorry goils. And for de record, Alyson, de word sorry is forbitten in de lounge but dere are exceptions to ebery rule. I be back, really got to go before my baby Huey has a fit! I now 15 minutes late and tailed him give me 5 minutes at least 10 minutes ago, ooopsies.

    more Cheers and more love to all....

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Yessssss, de life of de partay is HERE....well she WUZ here, now she gotta be good dotter, den she be back, mese knows it. Dorkie, your posts are such fun! Feels like you are right here talking to us. You cut with a buddy, I usually cut alone and drove off to the beach alone! The one time I talked 2 of my gf's into just going across the street for lunch, we got caught, and the female principal thought THEY were the bad ones and made them stay at study hall after school. She thought surely I must never had done that before, and let me go. Can you believe we were still good friends after that??? And they had never cut before that or after that! Everyone was surprised when I would show up at school. LOL. But my bf had a 57 chevy which was cool, in the late 60's. AND a lot of the cool guys at school had "woody's"....ya know those big vans that were for transporting surfboards. BUT they would take the seats out of the back and have carpet, etc....more of a love NO I didn't go into any of those....girl scout honor. But there sure were a lot of them in HI.

    Oh Alyson, that must have been awful. SO painful. When will you have the results? ((((Alyson))))). Don't know your fav drink yet, but just tell the Tenders and they will fix you right up. OH? You say you would rather have a foot massage? They will do that too!

    Karen, so sad, esp when someone is so young and leaves young children. I am so sorry, it is just beyond sad.

    Cami, the magic they were showing, were the things like when they have a person in boxes stacked up, then they move the boxes apart and it looks like the person is cut into three parts, etc. Very interesting. I mean so many things...I have 2 more of the shows taped tonight to watch. One will show when they have something huge, like an armored tank, and make it disappear. I could make a comment about how we made something or someone disappear, but....nah....won't go there. LOL. Glad you are here more, so awesome you fixed that!!!! Hmmmmm....maybe you also used magic to fix your computer!!! jest kidding.

    Bernie, How is Terry doing?

    OK, gotta catchup on some shows. Just wanted to stop in and say HI to everyone and cop a feel from the Tenders, ooops I mean grab a drink from the Tenders....



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Karen that's such a sad story==this poor young mom----I hate this disease-much to young.

    Alyson, I'm sorry u had such a bad time with the testing, well at least it's over so have aother drink and relax.

    Dork I LOVED u'r post it was so interesting and yea u were (are) a baaaad girl bt u sure enjoed u'rself.and it sounds like u'r feeling better then too.And I'm so happy---the happy vac is doing it's job and u'r finally letting it--u'd better be so have anodder drink when u have u'r ice cream---sounds good--put the ice cream in a drink ooo yummy,'

    I still haven't caught up on my posts but I'm trying to set up my homepage and other little things that of course I know nothing about, but I'll do it sooner or later.

    Chrissy u still have vertigo? Geeze that's terrible--Oh I would hate it now---I had it once years ago and I thought it was fun, many years ago.

    BTW I never had a car in HS, my brothers did UGH but my sister and I couldn't so another reason I got married he promised me I could have a car, and I did-- Well we know how that worked out so I wouldn't recomment it.

    My DD said to me today I looked so sad and I was, cuz I couldn't talk to u guys so my cat must have known cuz she layed with me all day and cuddled

    I lubs u all so so so much

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited October 2013

    Found the chocolate, chocolate all gone, hehehe. Now to find a drink.

    Did try to post pics of some of the cars we had but it vanished into cyber space. Nothing like some of you,just cute little British cars then Japanese. Our first car was a Ford Escort, then a Mitzibishi Lancer, then a green one. About this time DH began driving a company car gee that's 30 years ago so I have had a small car and then more recently I have the former company car. These days I have a new lancer very different from the one we had 30 years ago. You would not know what they even looked like as cars from US in were huge at the time.

    imageThis is similar to the car DH had when we were 'courting'.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Alyson I like that car, it's so cute-I would like it now actually. LOL