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how about drinking?



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    OMG Lara, that is AWFUL! So glad your DH finally decided to go to the ER and get things checked out. Hope he has a smooth recovery, and hope YOU are able to wind down some. Can imagine how stressed you must feel, with worry about your DH,and the job search, and the pain and so much other stuff. (((((Lara))))) Will pray for your DH, that all goes well! Let us know, ok?

    Interesting about the cars, Alyson! And you all had smaller cars before we finally decided to get with the program and try to conserve fuel. OH yes, us Americans are verrrrrry wasteful indeed. 'Cept not wid our likker, oh no, no no, gotta make sure we don't waste any likker! Dang it, girl, you had polio too. Wow. That must have been awful to miss so many things while you were growing up. But I do believe you DID make up for it at University....*wink*

    Is Chrissy at the Russian Ballet tonight? Hope you have a great time Chrissy, and get back home safely!

    Dang, spent all afternoon getting my parents errands done, and you all know how lucky my mom is,right? Well I was buying a ribeye steak and she was going to buy 2 seasoned porkchops, for dinner. Her pack was marked down to sell by tomorrow. HOWEVER the price "with card" before the MarkDOWN was lower than the markdown price. So I asked the cashier about it when we were checking out, and she was going to call the meat dept, then she just says "I'm just going to give it to her". I was like WHAT? For free? Yuppers. That lady is lucky...hmmmm Luck be a Lady tonight! Took forever to get her meds even though I called them in, but finally got hers and my dads wasn't coming up right. He had signed up for prescription coverage so I instead planned to get it tomorrow. Long story long, when we get to their house he tells me it won't take effect until Jan. AARRGGGHHHHHHH. Ok, I tell him I'll pick it up tomorrow and you ARE refilling it, no matter the cost. He says, For my Blood Pressure? I'm like, "YES!". Then he says well I'm taking the B12, B is for Blood Pressure, right??? Ummmm.....NO!!!! I mean, even with coverage my mom's cost a small fortune, several hundred dollars. *Yawn*....hope I didn't bore you all to tears....

    ANyone Don't tempt me to hog all the Tenders for meself now! Oh yeah, we do need to save up some energy though....big Birthday Partay Blowouts this week....first our Bernie tomorrow (oops prolly tomorrow already in Ireland, well after midnight at least), then our Allison (MrsVino) on FriedDey, and then our DorkaRONI on Sat-Turd-Dey(her favorite day!). And your DD too, on Friday is it, Dorkie? WooHoo. I bet we will have a giant cake with the Tenders popping out of it! Or several...



  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited October 2013

    Good I started this post it said Good Afternoon....TGIT !

    I love hearing about all the cars . Especially the makes and models that are outside of the US..wonder why they do that? Come up with different names...wouldnt that get confusing? Cars in other countries always look so much smaller to me. Enjoy the Ballet Chrissy! Hope you start hearing better soon.

    Alyson..of course wine is a fruit as Beer is a veggie. When do you hear about your results?



  • Eve1956
    Eve1956 Member Posts: 67
    edited October 2013

    I wouldnt think having 1-2 glasses, if I could get it down, during Chemo would matter. However, I wouldn't want to drink enough to overtax my liver. It would be having a hard enough time processing all the drugs and chemo treatments I've been flooded with.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited October 2013

    Tripped right over Kat and Lara.....whoahhhh...steady girls....lemme buy you both a dwink..whats you poisson?

    NM...Im going to have to look up that book bub...or was it book bud? oh boy....I gotta go back a page and figguer it out.

    Have fun at the Grand Canyon Lowie.

    Orla...I think a movie review is a great idea. I hope your DH is a o K after his soigery. Men is right...I think they dont think..dats why I have minimal interactions with the species..they are harry and smelly too.

    What Luck Wahine....Pork chops taste better when they are free...well, everything does. I found chicken one time that was miss priced...every package was marked at like .5 / .6 or .4 cents...I grabbed as much as I could and they honored the pricing at the register..I should have taken them all but think they grabbed them right off the shelf after I took what I did. I love Suzanne Plechette...she was Bob Newharts wife ...and she was in the Birds with that other lady that has the cat sanctuary here in florida..I foiget her name...yeah, I see the resemblance. Jimmys on the Mall was always a favorite but fell out of grace when they continually didnt have Prime rib available. The mall is very wasnt always that way..they filmed part of Mall Cop there.

    Cami...Sophia Loren...whoo ..hottie and she still has it. I had to google Sophie Tucker...she sang Last of the red hot mama' are lucky to have Katie cat who likes to snuggle you and follows you around...cats are usually so indipendent...they make me sneeze. are you and zach making out today??

    Your rib roast sounds wonderful Bernie...

    I better submit before I have to start over again saying good morning.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    Girls, gOOd eBENing. Have to be quick, having ice cream time shortly. I started a post this morning but did not get far. I was able to make a hair appt and get out for some pamperired. The shampoo goil but a pile of towels at the front of my chair and I was easily able to sit back. Genious as I wood neber ting of doing that. Towels made the bend to the sink much easier, woo hooo. I've gotta buy some low fat icecream for me or I gonna be piling the fat back in my belly and that would not make me happy cuz it was so much of an ordeal to git it outta me. Food tasting so good, no more nausea.

    I will read a little later and catch up with ye lovelies! CheerS!

    ---what I started this morning.


    toTTaLLy aDd here!

    Goood morning lovies and good evening to BBBBernie, Alyson and Chrissy B!

    I am also enjoying eberyone's stories, tank ye all for playing with me. Ya see, I get so bored and love gitting to know mese breasties! What fun.

    Chrissy, I jest love the things I learn from you and always git a chuckle outta the way you tail a story. And I LOVE the new words I learn from you ~~I stopped her cuz I needed to bremembar de word she said. I learned another similar word from a Scottish coworker - "doesn't she jest tink that she is de bees knees" tehehehe.

    Was nice to see mrs Becksters pop in, so happy you having some awsome family time, notting like it. I toast you, cheers!

    Can a goil git a dwink around here? been HeRe for turdteen minutes and nada, sheeeesh. who hoggin de tenders??

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited October 2013

    Hi all. I was measured for the vac and will get it on Monday. I have a wedding on Saturday and didn't want a fanny pack! I'm doing the hbot every week day and am catching up on movies. (c: I like it because I feel like it's good for me. It does make my wound ache a bit. Thanks for always being around. Good vibes always being sent out for all of you. Cheers!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    BBBBernie Alone--- on 2 such important days, well Cyn gave u a beautiful cake and i can have as many tenders that u want and we'll be with u in spirit. I'm kinda spooky so don't get scared.

    Kat u are always running aroubd u are something. And getting everyone meds taken care of too, I'd get so confusticated everyone would be taking the wrong stuff.  LOL B for blood pressure.

    Lara u'r poor DH--oh u must feel awful--I'm sure he'll be fine but why did he wait, silly man.

    Eve I'm no medical person but when I was in Chemo with about 12 other people almost everyone drank when they got home, the nurses woukd just say could u wait for like 24 hrs so it gets thru u'r system and everyone would say sure, but no of them did. I was a fun group during that time--I always had different groups cuz some only got chemo so many times and I was on the let' see how much we can give a human body before it goes crazy.

    Cheers All


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited October 2013

    Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary BBBernie!!!! What a shame that you have to celebrate on your own but we are here to celebrate with you......woohoo!!!!!

    Kathy, I just can't fathom how you girls manage with the cost of your meds being so high.......there is no way I could afford to pay what you do, it's incredible! I think your mom and dad are just precious and your mom gives me many a chuckle over the things she does although I know to you it is more frustrating.

    Lara I can't believe that your landlord had done nothing to fix your ceiling.........the others are right, you need to find out your rights as a tenant as well as where you can go to have the laws enforced as far as a lazy landlord is concerned. Here we have a tribunal and there are certain responsibilities that come into play on both sides and must be adhered to otherwise the tenant can take the landlord to court and end up living rent free while things are being sorted if the problem is not dealt with by the landlord. I know as I was a landlord for many years and had to make sure that things were repaired as soon as they were reported otherwise I would end up with no rents.

    I have to be a good girl today and no drinky poos until after I decide to either drive home tonight or stay with DD and that won't be decided until after the ballet. I'm getting organised shortly as it's a two hour drive and I want to take it very easy as I still have a weird feeling in my head but the vertigo has, I think, finally lifted........yeah!!!! The deafness however has not......grrrrrr! I am really looking forward to seeing the dancing tonight! The program is not a full ballet but excerpts from about's a two and a half hour program so I get to see

    Dork are you being a good girl? Are you resting and letting Zac do his thang? We're all watching you to make sure you are!

    Lori you are gorgeous and those legs seem to go on for ever! The car ain't bad the hood ornament is something to write home about....Wowza!!

    Cami, so glad you managed to get your computer's amazing what we can do when we put our minds to it......well done you!!! Glad to see you back.

    Hi to Sue, Aly, Beckers, Addey, NM, Karen, oh and I know there are more of you gals and my mind has gone blank!.......I was doing so well.....dang!!!!

    Must fly and try to make this oold face and body look presentable to be shown in may take a while so I best get to it.

    Love n hugs! TITTIES UP!!!!! Chrissy

  • Eve1956
    Eve1956 Member Posts: 67
    edited October 2013

    Karen, I was buying books all the time like you, and yes some were only $0.99 but even that adds up. I just found out, and was thrilled to learn, if you have a library card, many libraries provide free download of any book, even one from best seller's list, to your Kindle or IPad, free of charge! You can do the whole download from your home internet, anytime with just your library I'D #, by logging on to your libraries web site! I think download loan lasts for 2 weeks, then I guess you could renew. Pretty great huh? I can't wait to try it!

  • Eve1956
    Eve1956 Member Posts: 67
    edited October 2013

    Wish I could have but I was just too nauseated to drink. Barely ate and for 6 months only lived on yogurt and my then 75 yo mother's wonderful blended potato soup, made fresh practically daily. I had bad mouth sores and only bland could be swallowed. Couldn't have even gotten even the soup down without my wonderful Volcano Vaporizer. My entire family, mother included, embarced the healing power it had. It was fully endorsed by my Oncologist but at the time (2010 and 2011) it was still illegal here in CT. Thank God that is no longer the case! Marijuana is medicine like no other.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2013

    good evening everybody

    aly lots of hugs and prayers for the little one

    Karen too young

    lara hope dh feels better soon

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2013


    happy birthday bbbbb Bernie and have a great anniversary,you do get to repeat when dave is home right?

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2013

    Thorntons chocolate boxa little chocolate to go with your wine! you got several bottles right

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    What a beeutifool birthday cake for Bernie, Cyn! And awesome Harley cake for Bernie, Julie! I see the Wenches have also been baking all day, making a BIG, and very TALL cake too. The Tenders are having a competition to see who gets to jump out of that cake. So far, Pants seems to be winning! Looked for another cake, so we have plenty to go around. And a Big HAPPY BIRTHDAY BERNIE!!!



    Hope we have enough wine!




  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited October 2013

    Happy Birthday Bernie....Happy anniversary too....did you get married on your b'day?

    Orange...sorry to hear about your DH.....hope he's doing better and recovers quickly..... was the ballet? glad that you could get your hair done...what a nice treat....

    In a weird mood tonight....can't really explain.....going to go get my jammies on, make my lunch for tomorrow and then I'll pour a glass of cabernet......

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    I bumped ingo everyone earflier so I just read Chrissy's and Eve's stuff--geeze I forget things so easily;BTW good going EVE---

    Chrissy I know u'rll enjoy and won;t drive if u want to drink, well it is a 2 hr ride--u should wait til tomorrows to come home.

    BBBernie I love all the cakes and of course we have enough wine--that we always have and lots of drinks too so we can drink all day and let them eat cake. (whoever) probably me.

    EVe u can drink now if u want to. BTW 1-2 glasses of red wine a day is very good for u so it's like that spoonful of sugar for the medicine to go down. Yummy

    And on the news front--A husband and wife moved to a community for sneior citizens in Florida and the husban caught his 63 yr. old wife with a 22 yr old man, so he got his gun and shot the young man in the hand. Now I don't know which hand it might be the important one for this guy so it could be a major injury. Unless he can use both hands the same way. The first part is true, I added the second part. I think we should keep up with these stories.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited October 2013

    Lol Karen, haven't been yet......just getting my glad rags on and heading out the door. I'll let you all know tomorrow when I get back!


    TITTIES UP!!! Chrissy

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited October 2013

    poured a glass or 2 or 3!! pnut M and M's and popcorn......Going to get in bed and read....sweet dreams....

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited October 2013

    Good night Karen.

    We do need to keep up with current events...thanks Cami.

    Safe driving Chrissy.  

    Have a wunnerful day Bernie!

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013

    Lara, hope DH is ok.

    Thanks for all the gifts.

    Me stuck at home - Door always sticks when it's raining and last night the bloody handle came off in my hand. Pa (sineads fella) had to come over and push the door in. Now I can't close it.

    We married on my 50th.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited October 2013

    Good night Karen.

    We do need to keep up with current events...thanks Cami.

    Safe driving Chrissy.  

    Have a wunnerful day Bernie!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    Thanks every one

    Im awake its 3 am I cant sleep knowing hes in the hospital right now in pain

    Im going to get there at 7 so I am doing laundry and cleaning

    The doctor said he had to plug something idk it happened so fast

    The doc was foreign so it was hard to understand, which I hate not knowing the doctor. In emeregency cases they have who every is on-call. whats funny is the doc who did my moms surgery 3 weeks ago was going to do his surgery, but this guy took him. My moms doc would of died if she saw me. She was so nice.She would joke and say what are you doing to your family lol

    Kat free meat ill take thta.The lady prob did not want to go through the trouble of calling the dept. You should of played the numbers

    cyn lmao ....I know right I can start my oen you tube review of movies. Then maybe ill get picked up to be an actress in a scary movie.Hey im blonde with the foobs lol

    I would be the first one to be killed off

    I love reading books. I have so many here. I tryto give them to people.

    Adey,dork hate that you have to wear that. It heals you so fast though. My mom hated it, she would cry and cry. Then she said f it and went outside with it on.strong cookies you are. well Im going back to my OCD now

    ill give u an update have know idea how im getting him around 6'3 guy is hard to keep track of lol

    hugs all

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!Chilly here this ayem,guess summer is ovah.

    Goldie--enjoy your trip to the Canyon, hope you have a GRAND time!

    Karen--Wine is fruit, coffee is veg, I'm drinking healthy, at least!Isn't it surprising how many books you can get for the kindle for next to nothing?

    ORLA--Ouch! $3K of damage?YIKES!Hope the housefaired better.Will you have to drive her back and forth to work?

    Wahine--I've often wondered what really happens to all the confiscated stuff at airports and other places.Somehow I bet the staff is rarely paying for listerine or prune juice or anything else like that!And just what kind of damage is someone going to do with a curling iron??????Go to the casino, say "hand over the money or I'll curl your hair"?????

    Cammy--sounds like your cat follows you around like a puppy!I'm always telling Sadie that’s she's following me around like a puppy.One day she's going to say something like "well, duh"to me.Then I really will have to review my meds carefully!

    BBBBernie--Happy Anniversary!What's DH doing to celebrate????And Happy Birthday, too!!!!!

    Wahine--Your Mom is a hoot, maybe you should pack a suitcase for real and take it home with you, and leave another suitcase there that she can pack and unpack at will. . . .

    ORLA--OUCH!!!!! Praying for a swift recovery for DH.

    Alyson--one of the advantages of the HTL is that all the time zones become one, and it's always after 5 pm somewhere!Drink whenever!

    Wahine--the cost of meds is crazy, just crazy.And your Mom is just so lucky, it's not fair!And your Dad with "B is for blood pressure"is just priceless!Big partay coming to the Lounge, YEAH!!

    CynCyn--NICE looking cake!!!!!!

    Eve--A little alcomahol should be ok, just be gentle with your liver during active treatment.The liver is one of the organs most damaged by chemo drugs.Fortunately, the drinks here in the Lounge are guaranteedliver safe!

    CynCyn--it's BookBub

    DorKable--Hooray for getting a little pampering! I know being bored isn't fun, but you need to be careful and DO NOT OVERDO!!!!!Even if you are feeling better!!

    Adey--Isn't it nice to be doing a treatment that actually feels like it's helping?Do you get to watch movies while you are in the tube?

    Chrissy--Hope you had fun at the ballet.

    Eve--I had forgotten about the library thing!The University of Maine library system even lends audiobooks for free, just have to download a software program, but the books can usually be transferred to an iPod or iTunes.

    Juliet--perfect cake for Bernie!!!!!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Happy Birthday

    1 oz vodka

    3/4 ox raspberry liqueur

    1/4 oz dark crème de ccacao

    1 oz milk

    Add all ingredients to an ice-filled cocktail shaker, shake, and pour into a martini glass.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    How sweet (literally!) to have a Happy Birthday DOTD for BBBernie!!!! Good one, NM. And cute how you wished Lori a "GRAND" time at the Canyon!! lol. We went there once, just a few years ago, I was in awe. BUT of course, while DH was standing waaaaaay back, I was hanging over the edge taking pictures! There was a wire or something to hang on to. What got me, was the parents that let their kids go to the edge without holding on to them. Its one thing if they risk their lives, but I hate it when it involves kids! Funny about giving her a suitcase to play with while I keep the packed one! She is also so lucid, that I hate for her to think she can't be trusted, so I do a lot of things over again just so I won't make her feel bad. I am taking her to her hair appt today but its a long one....color, cut, the works. She doesn't understand why I don't just let her drive there alone, so I have to explain that since her memory is not like it was when she was young (but I tell her she is doing much more than most 93 yr olds!), I would hate for her to have a memory lapse and she might not know where she is and get lost. Since we talk about her memory failings and I try to make light of it, she is ok if I mention that. Prolly would work the same with the suitcase, but when it doesn't involve danger for her, I guess I hate to take everything away from her. I have a feeling after being gone for 7 wks, there will be a lot more decline, esp with the confusion of traveling. They leave eurly Fri ayem.

    NO! It can't be happening!!! OMG its your birthday AND your anniversary, and the darn door handle breaks off???? If it weren't so awful, it would be funny. I hate it, you should have all good things happening today, esp since you are alone! THANK GOD that "pa" was able to help! Bernie, I sure hope the rest of your day goes better, and you can just enjoy your wine, your yummy prime rib, and your sweet furbabies. Try to pamper yourself SOMEHOW. But please, start drinking on the floor,ok? Don't want you falling off a chair and being there alone!!! HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to a DEAR FRIEND!!! Hau'oli La Hanau!

    Lara, I hope your DH is doing really well. He might have gotten more sleep than you did! Give him our best, and let us know how he is doing when you can. Your post was so funny today, even though you were sleep deprived! Good idea about playing numbers, but its HER that is lucky, not me! I am the one that always gets picked, like at airports when they "randomly" search your carryon, etc. Happens all the time. If they are bored and looking for someone, I can see them zero in on me, yuppers, then they point to me and tell me to come over there. NOT from the TSA xray of my carry-on, but sometimes at gates they do that, etc. When they first got those horrid full body scanners at the airiports but still had the regular ones, I would always get into the regular line, then I would get pulled out to go thru the whole body scannner. While my parents and DH would still be in the line with the simple scanner. Sheesh!!! Anyway, really hope he is doing well!

    Cami and Cyndie, Funny about keeping up with current events!!

    Its cold here too NM....and Friday will be the coldest morning (31), when we have to leave around 5 or earlier to get them to the airport on time! Of course a couple of days later the highs will be in the 70's again, but my Dad will enjoy getting sympathy in HI, by telling them how cold it is here! He can't wait to get back (to HI), but my mom keeps forgetting they are going, and when I tell her they will be there for 7 wks, she is always surprised it will be for such a long time. OF course we need to get their mail often and water her gazillion plants in the sunroom! Since its such a long trip I can't have their mail held, as I have to make sure any bills get paid. Will be nice for US to be gone some too, though! Will have 3 trips within a 3 wk period!

    Okey Dokey, gonna see what birthday festivities are going on, Bernie, why don't you just hang out at the HTL all day today? No doors to worry about, just fun, fun, fun, in the sun! Really hope your day will end up being a good one!



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    And a good stock of wine for the birthday gal....



  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited October 2013


    Happy belated birthday and anniversary!

    I do watch movies. (c: Today I am finishing 42.



  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited October 2013

    Boo, my pretty pic of Irish doors disappeared. Oh well!


    Let's try this.......

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited October 2013

    Poop. Of course the hump works!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    I'm home omg happy b day Bernie

    They r keeping him another night

    I'm drinking red a bottle gotta sleep

    I'm so upset he's in so much pain

    He had to get up and pee he can't pull on me I said just grab my arm now

    My parents are always away they travel more then u kat

    Thank god they wil b home tomm

    I can't do this by myself