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  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Good Morning all

    NM it's frosty here too bt I like it like this and the sun comes out just warm enough--haha But Joey goes to school with a jacket and a hat--he is so kinda wimpy I never wore a hat unless I was in church then it was a scarf or bubushka and one of the nuns told me to leave the church cuz my scarf was indecent--It had balerinas on it--Big deal so I missed church. She thought I was corrupting the boys--what aconversation about that. Geeze-The nuns saw everything as dirty-we didn't til they told us. Oh well

    BBBernie NOW the door--WTF are u doing in there. Oh somehow I hope u have a happy day and drink and eat u'r good food. Oh did I say DRINK yes Drink, u can drink all day u know,yes u can.

    Lara U must be getting to the hospital by now--I hope everything is going well and u'r DH is doing well. I was going to say WTF are u doing to everyone, but u know u'r Dr. would have said that anyway. Please let us know and hopefully u can get rest too today  And yes u and I both know u would be the first one killed in a scary movie with ur blond hair--it's just the way it works. LOL Joey loves blondes and he always says oh she's the first one gone and that's his favorite--so it's well known act !.

    Kat I can't believe u'r parents are gone so long--they'll be all right-right I mean do they have someone checking in on them there or is ;r /dad better there than here (u'r mom too) and u 2 are leaving for all over too. Geeze if I was the type to get bored I'd be envious of u--but for whatever reason I never get bored. U know Joey came to me the other day and said he was bored and we talked--I told him bored was just a word that's overused. And just looking at the trees and seeing beauty, reading a good book, watching a good TV show--non fiction so u can really enjoy it. And best of all u'r imagination always keep it occupied and u'll never be bored. Well he came in my room a couple of days later and said Oh--I'm so unoccupied. My thoughts didn't get thru to him, at least he didn't say bored. Brat

    OK I'm missing omething----what's happening with Adey--it sounds like what Dork is having--WTF is going on with everyone? I didn't see a post but u guys seem to know more than I do--which is not unusual. And I didn't see anything from Dork, I don't think. Now I don't even remember. I had a bunch of calls yesterday cuz my comp was down and not everyone knows my new no.--so my sister was all over me about letting everyone know--She's turned into the Goddess of communications and I told her and she said now that we're older we always have to talk--duh I told her we always talked and if she was that worried she could have called besides my DD's would have called her--Bossy woman.Then she made me make all these phone calls to give my new number to and I had to call her back when I was done and my BIL called and told me to call him back too. See how crazy Italians are--yes we are.

    U know if I didn't adress u personally it's all right cuz I love all of u--u'r my bwreasties and I don't like when anyone is hurting or sad or floopy but I want to know. OK




  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Oh I bumped into Adey and Lara----Oh today is huming day, I forgot Adey.

    Lara just rest as much as u can now and I'm glad ur parents are home tomorrow. Jst so u'r DH heals and they control the pain. I didn't know that was that painful I'm so sorry cuz u'r worried already about caring for him--it will be fine.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    My DH's brother Steve (his half-brother) passed away this morning, we just found out a few minutes ago. Stoopid cancer got him. He was a kind, gentle, man, and just in his 50's. I don't think he was in pain, and was still in the hospital. Very sad. So glad my DH and his DD went to see him in Knoxville a few days ago, and he KNEW my DH, and had a semi conversation with him.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2013


    Kathy - OMG, yes, so glad DH got to see Steve and that they had some conversation. So sad to hear this and so young too. Will there b any services and will dh go? I jes gotta say it again FURB! BIG HUGZ to you and your dh!!!

    Bernie Babe - yourself on your B-day and Anni-Day? Well you have all of us to ParTay with...I kno not the same, shoot. And did I see that dh will be gone til Nov? Thank goodness you have 'pa' around to help, hope nothing else falls apart today. See that you have many bottles to dwink and lots of cake n goodies to eat...ENJOY!! Loved the 'wheel' pic. Our 20th was Monday, we bought each other a new couch for the living room. Even if I had that 'wheel' we never got that far, DH fell asleep on the new couch!

    Lara - Sending up some prayers for your DH. I saw Vicky Lawrence on the Dr's last week. She was talking about the very same thing...scary when you think it's jes a bad tummy ache. And she didn't have the fever either that usually comes with the attack. (((Lara)))

    NM - thanks for splaning the HBOT. Sounds pretty cool actually. I joined up on teh BookBub. Haven't downloaded anything yet, but todays deal sounds right up my alley.

    Eve - My onco will not sign off on my maryjane card. boohoo! And good advice about the library, ours does it here too, but I only read when I'm away, so I'm better off paying the .99 so it's there when I want it.

    Cami Dahhhlink....u jes cwack mese up with ur stories. I never wore a hat either but did have to pin that thingy, veil, to my hair just to walk into da church. LMAO u corrupting da boyz wif ur balerina scarf...too phunny.

    Hi Julie!!

    Dorky - good to hear you are being goot goil!! I bet you are close to ecstatic that you got your hair done too. Hoping you and E got your closet squared away too.

    Adey - I jes love that camel !! Thanks for the laugh. How did the wedding go? Can't blame u for not wanting to haul the bellybag around.

    Lori - hope u having fun!

    Aly - what tests? I missed something. And you had polio and now RB...dang, how much can one take?? (((Aly)))

    Beckers - so happy to hear from you and even more so that you had a fab time!!

    Chrissy - hope you enjoyed the Ballet...more importantly that your slight vertigo and loss of hearing didn't but a damper on your driving or the show!

    Cyn - Yes, there should be somewhere you could file a complaint. In Nev its the Constables Office that handles landlord/tenant. Chrissy is so right...there are as many laws to protect YOUR rights as the other way. Call your local PD, they shud b able to direct you.

    LUBSLUBSLUBSLUBS all ya'll!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    Happy Humpdey goils, so nice to see you all visiting. It took me awhile to get here today, I tink I stayed up too late last night, ooops.

    Bernie, wishing you the happiest of birthday ever. I sorry that I failed in wishing you happy birthday on time but heck, it still your birthday here so you can keep sailabrating when you wake up in de morning. I am sorry about the issue with the door. Also glad that Pa was able to help ya. I baked dis cake for you and made in Irish Color jest for you. Wishing you and your DH a happy anniversary too. Cool that you were married on yer 50's! that is AWESOME.


    Kathy, so sorry to hear of Steve's passing but glad he is now resting peacefully. And I quote Mema Sue in saying FURB! It is especially hard when the RB gets those that are just too young. I pray that there will be a day that cancer is a thing of the past. I doubt I will see it in my lifetime but I can hope for future generations not have to go through it. Please give your DH my sympathy.


    oops, jest noticed the little Michael Jackson on the side of this but nonetheless, it is pretty and I like the candle. Hugs to you (((Kat)))

    Lori, have fun at the Grand Canyon, we;'ll mis you darhling.

    Sue, nice to see you. How are you making out with the ribbon sales? Hope you collect lots of money for your people suffering from the RB.

    Cammy, you are so far from boring. Cute story about de nuns. I could say someting about them tinking you wuz trouble but will bite mese fingers. but oops, one word slipping out ... priests. enuff said. I hope and pray you feeling good as can be. How is the D? Hope it gone goil, you go through so much and mese sorry. I jest love ya.

    Lara, OMG, so sorry your DH is going through hell. He is lucky to have you. Glad your p's will be back to help you. I hope you are feeling better taday.

    Hello Chrissy, Karen, Cyn, NM, Addy, Julie and Eve. And whomever I missed, six rounds in yer honor.

    I gottzta run, have to make my big outting of the dey which are two bank runs, both drive throughs. Out of savings into checking, chit, wish money grew on trees! and if it did, my luck would be that I'd git this tree and still be broke in no time lol


    Wishing you all a bootiful fun dey of dwunkeness! CheeRs!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    seriouslee, ain't nobuddy here for five hours n turteen minutes? Pants? Jack? Mr. Big?? Can ennyone tail me where eberybody hiding? no? well chit den, I gonna hide too. come n find me goils, guess where I am!! tehehehe. but really not nice to nessapear, I not a good finder. What? Snowboy de Tender, what did you say?? Ohhhhh, why of course. See ya later bwesties, mese gonna hab an orggggie with de tenders, all of em.

    ~whispering~ don't tail Cam. or mese Mommy or Daddy, K? ya ken tail mese sisters and de men in my life, cuz it ain't a real orgggie, jest me n de tenders downing lotttts and looads of fqngiks, ooop burp ~ I mean dwinks. I hope someone join me cuz franklee, mese a widdle skeered~

    cheer, peace, love and haPPy deys bwesties

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Kat I'm so sorry to hear about u'r BIL--how sad and how young. I'm sure u'r DH knew and he said his goodbyes to him. God how we all hate this effin. Disease. It's so cruel and like I say has no rules.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    OK Dork I caught you--I knew u'd be up to something as usual, I thought that vacuum would hold u back alittle but noooo not u, u little rascal. And yes we had a priest like that who liked young girls, but those days we just laughed about it==he'd walk in on us when were were changing our clothes and say It's all right I'm a priest and we just laughed at him . How could we have been so stupid. He used to drive about 6 of us home after a basketball game and my girlfriend and I would be the last to be dropped off but I always slept at her house so we knew enough not to be alone, but never told anyone--no one would have believed us then anyway. And one time I told him we were staying at my Aunts house and he said hop in I'll take u and we got in and he said I'll drive u wherever your aunt lives and I said Colorado--Of course my GF and I thought that was hysterical and we went to her house. And my GF and I still laugh about it. Another stupid story.

    Anyway I'm over at the fountainny enjoying the view--no no not the TV show the view from over here--I can see the tender backside all the way down and they do turn around whenever I scream--wow I'm losing my voice. I like to looook.Bwahahaha

    Lara u'r DH will be home tomorrow right? I hope u feel well enough to help him. I had an scan and an US not to long ago and they both read that my appendix was not inflamed or infected it was still in good shape. Well then I remember I had it out when I was in my 30's so I have no idea what they are seeing since all my organs are playing flip flop something else is sitting in that spot. Even my insides are screwed up along with my brain's memory.

    OK I'm blabbing to much as usual since I've been indulging in the fountain--ooo good view again.

    Ilubs u all so muchly I can't eben tell up--wait I just did.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited October 2013

    Well girls I made it to and from the city driving myself......yay! Felt a little weird for the first few km but settled down and the trip was uneventful.

    The Ballet was incredible! I was transfixed through the whole performance.........those tiny little much grace and strength and the guys?! Well what can I say.......they were so powerful with their lifts and their athleticism was mind blowing! They performed the whole first act from The Nutcracker, an excerpt from Don Quixote, and then they did the lead dance from Romeo and Juliet, Carmen, Aladdin and Bolero and finished up the performance with a comic adaptation of the Cancan. Wonderful!....... I think we well and truly got our moneys worth. They also announced that they will be returning next year to do the whole ballet of Don Quixote so I think DD is booking our tickets as soon as they are released.

    Now to recover before returning to the city tomorrow night for DGS graduation..........they say there is no rest for the wicked, all I can say is I must be very, very wicked......hahhaha!

    Kathy, Once again my condolences at the loss of your sad.

    Dork? Are you misbehabing agin? Ise gots to talk to dose Tenders coz dey is leading youse astray dat's fo sho! Not dat it takes much but hail girl! youse is still healin!!! no ways can youse be habin ogies yet!......

    Lori hope you have a fun time at the Canyon! Travel safe now you hear?!

    Lara some men just need to be slapped as they really do not go to the docs when they need to........walking around for two weeks? OMG! no wonder the poor man was in so much pain and that is just soooooo dangerous! I'm so glad it is now sorted and he can get better but Oh! what a worry for you!

    Cami, youse is one smart cookie gal......even back then to neber be alone wif a priest! Some of dem did and do some bad chit!

    Hi to all de udder gals that I have not addressed but youse know I lubs y'all!

    Got's to go to da shop to gets some fresh fruit and veg as I'm out.....catch y'all later!

    TITTIES UP! Chrissy

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Oh Chrissy I'm so glad u really enjoyed the ballet--the whole trip wwas worth it--I was a little concerned about u driving already so I'm so glad it all went well--but I do know u have really good common sense about what to do and what not to do---not like some people--no names mentioned or should I say name.Ahem

    I'm so glad Lori is seeing that Grand Canyon it is scary tho and I always miss her in the morning especially, I have gotten used to a certain routine and when it's broken it throws me.

    OK news for the night==There is a man running a marathon that's knitting all the way to try and break a record of the last person who knitted her way thru a marathon. I'm sure his kids will be waiting to bring him to show and tell.

    Dork I hope u'r resting missy and NM always take u'r meds, u've been working a lot and u need to be on board with them.

    Julie are u doing all right I haven't seen much of u or I just forgot.

    Oh OH I forgot to tell u---my stupid cousin Joanne has a grandson like 28 who has started his own business and he's getting bbusy--he's an Electrician--well now he needs someone to answer phones and keep track of monies going out and coming in and since I live 5 mins from him--my stupid cusin said I (me, Camille) can do it for him from my home because of all these new things now==so when I talked to her I said WTF year are u living in I did those things years ago I don't even know how to use a phone anymore. So she said just try it out and he just loves u so much he was thrilled that she came up with that idea and of course I said yea right-that love will leave quickly--well I'm going to try it out and I told him we'll see if he's happy and my feelings won't be hurt. I can't believe she did this to me. I told her like I don't have enough to do. I know that was really stupid but at least I don't have to take a shower every day.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited October 2013

    Kathy....I'm so sorry about your BIL condolences to your DH and the rest of the family...I hope your memories will bring you comfort is your DH feeling tonight?

    DorK....are you being a good girl??? I have a picture of a "money tree'....My SIL's grandmother gives all her children and grandchildren and great grandchildren money at Chanukah every year....she puts the money on a "tree" (I think its dried tree branches) for everyone to pick and tells them that money does grow on trees!!! The tree is getting pretty full as she has 3 kids, 17 grand kids and probably 30+ great was fun to see the one year I was with my kids at Chanukah....If I can find the picture, I'll try to figure out how to post it.....

    Chrissy....yes, you are sooo wicked....LOL....glad that you enjoyed the your gs graduating high school? I forget how old he is....enjoy!!! and Lori are just newlyweds!!!! when does you DH get home? how is his father doing?

    Adey, Cami, NM, Lori, MenaSue, Beckers.....whose hosting the next party??? How about tomorrow night? I'll bring the wine......

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013

    Deepest condolences to Kathy and the family. May he Rest in Peace.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013

    Dave's best friend, Chris, died suddenly yesterday evening. His wife found him dead after he went for an afternoon sleep. He was 54.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2013

    Bernie so sorry, another star in the sky ,condolences to you and dave

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2013

    Goodmorning, Loungettes!29 degrees here the ayem.Can see my breath and Sadie's when she goes out!Very chilly this ayem, I may even have to wear a jacket or sweater today.Sigh.And the computer is being soooooo slooooowwwww.I'm falling asleep waiting for it!

    Wahine--I've never seen the grand canyon.I was in a plane once, the canyon could be seen from the other side, I couldn't get close enough to a window to see anything but backs of heads. . . .If your mom is lucid enough to notice the difference between suitcases that won't work anyway!I seem to get pulled out for "random" carry on searches, too.I decline to go through the body scanner, make them get a female TSA agent and do the pat down thingy, and I still get though the line quicker than the people around me.I did get some odd looks from other passengers, though.I was VERY tempted to stop, turn around, and loudly say "I've already lost one breast to radiation overdosing, I do NOT want to lose my life, do you really have a problem with that?"but I didn't.

    Adey--Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike!

    ORLA--things will start getting better for your DH very soon now, hold on!

    Cammy--ok, I may be off base here, but wouldn't it be more important for someone who is less than perfect in the church's eyes to be IN church rather than kicked out?That just doesn'tmake sense to me, but then I've been told that I am not sensible sometimes.And indecent scarf?Really?What do they do if someone comes in with a see through blouse or something????

    Wahine--all my sympathy to you and yours and Steve's family.So not fair.

    Mema--stay with BookBub for a while and you will get some good stuff.I think they track what I download, 'cause I get more of that genre than the others after.I've gotten lots of free books and have enough reading to keep me occupied for a vey long time now, but I'm not stopping collecting!

    DorKable---Nice cake for Bernie!!! You are so talented!BUT, you shouldn't be up baking cakes, you should be taking care to NOT OVERDO!!!!

    Cammy--how interesting that they can see your removed appendix on your current scans!I would actually ask about that, just to see the look on their face!

    Chrissy--Hooray for a good drive and a good ballet!And you don't need to worry about Dorkable with the Tenders, I left instructions with the Tenders to tie her down and not let her move, so she can't hurt herself!

    Cammy--yup, up to date on my meds, thank you!And don't you just love getting volunteered for stuff??????

    OK, I've got to head off to work, can't get through the whole list of posts.Good day everyone!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    So much sadness. Bernie, when I saw your post on FB last night, my heart just sank. Chris was so young, and to die suddenly like that. Maybe he went peacefully in his sleep and was not in pain. But for his wife to find him, how awful. Prayers for his family as well as for you and Dave. Did he live in England? I hope Dave is handling this as well as can be expected, but extra hard, since he is away working. PLEASE give him our love, okay? And has Terry had surgery? Is he well enough for the bypasses? I just cannot believe that your birthday was hit with so much sadness (and your anniversary too). Losing Dave's best friend, your door handle breaking off, being alone for those 2 special events, and then my BIL passing away also. NEXT YEAR has got to be a good one on your anniversary and birthday....GOT TO BE BETTER than this one!!!!! Hope you had a large enough stash of wine at home! (((((Bernie and Dave))))), (((((Chris' family)))))

    Love you! Kath

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Will start a separate post now.

    THANK YOU everyone for your nice thoughts, prayers, and concern. I had posted to my BIL's wife on her FB page YESTERDAY mentioning how sad we are about her loss, but she just posted about him passing, just an hour ago. I hope my DH will call her so they know we would like to try to be there for the service. Would hate to find out when it WAS, and have missed it. Thinking maybe Saturday?

    Bernie, Will you or Dave be able to attend the services? Did he live in Ireland or England, or somewhere else?

    Cami, OMG the priest walking in on the girls dressing, and you all thinking it was ok cuz he was the priest. Thats how we USED TO perceive them, isn't it? Now we know how some of them were very perverted. I still hope it was the minority that was off-kilter. Your stories are just a riot. AND they saw your appendix on the scan?? HUH??? I lke the suggestion NM had, to ask them about that. And now you might be employed again? You silly thing! I know you would do a good job for him, and do more than expected, but just hope it won't be too much for you, cuz I want you to get enough rest, too.

    NM, yeah, I think my mom would know the difference betwn suitcases, she is still too smart, sometimes too smart for her own good. I think she was getting a bit upset with me late yest when I had to keep telling her what to do and what not to do. AND I had to keep stressing to BOTH of them how important their bp meds are. My dad counted his, and even though he just refilled, he will be 2 short, so I had to tell him to have it transferred to HI when he needs more, and NOT to miss any. We can always get another script here, but that would be better than having me fill it and mailing some to him, could get crushed, or even lost in the mail.

    I have my yearly physical interested in seeing my blood work results...was borderline on a couple of important things, and HOPING those numbers went down, cuz I don't want any more meds!!! My DD1 and g'kids will come and visit us before I have to leave, so I guess maybe I should straighten up the house! It would NEVER pass Dorkie's white glove test, though. Our ADORKable is sooooo very neat and clean! I used to be, but my DH is NOT neat, so I let too much slide nowadays.

    Hoping for a good day for everyone, no more sad news, just good news. Just heartbreaking, to lose our family and loved ones when they are way too young.



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2013

    Dork,the car game was so so much fun. Great idea girl!

    Kat, I don't know if you gave me the nickname (the innocent one of not). I just remember doing that picture in the jail, holding that sign that said "The Innocent One". So you prolly gave me the name, which is why I took that particular sign to hold.

    Cami, I can see you looking like Sophia Loren, and know that is true. Do you have pictures to share of yourself when you were younger? Wow, being sent home for ballerina's on your baboobska.........hahahaha. Bubushka? Oh dear, I had to chuckle at the doc's saying your appendix is still good and you don't even have one!!!! And now you have a job?

    Lara, sorry to hear about your DH. Hope all is good and his pain minimal.

    Aly, 4 years with polio? That had to be awful! Glad to hear you made up for things afterwards!

    Eve, you only ate yogurt and taters during chemo? Are you done with chemo now? What is a volcano vaporizer? Just looked at your diagnosis, which was 2010, so you must be done with treatments.

    Julie, love the Harley cake you got for Bernie, poyfect.

    Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary BBBB. The 23 is also my son's birthday. LOL at Kat telling you to start on the floor for drinking, after the day you had. Good idea!

    Wicked Crissy, glad to hear the ballet was so enjoyable and your travels uneventful. Now to enjoy the graduation.

    Dort, you popping in, but not saying how you are doing. Meese no likey dat. How are you doing?

    (((((Kathy))))) (((((Bernie))))) for the losses in your lives. For Kat's BIL, FURB. And for Bernie, like Kathy said, I hope he went peacefully. Prayers for his dear wife. I just can't imagine finding anyone like that.

    Well, our visit was wonderful. It was so nice to meet Lilian's family. Her sister speaks English, but her Father, Aunt and Uncle spoke very little. But we managed and had lots of laughs and took lots of pictures! Tomorrow is DH heiny scope, have to leave very early, so I will not be posting. Then leaving Tuesday for Laughlin (I was right), T, W, and TH nights are free!

    For Chrissy and Cami, today's DOTD-The Ballerina



    How to mix

    Fill a shaker with ice cubes. Add all ingredients. Shake and strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2013

    Sorry for the bump Kat, glad Hunk caught ya and even saved your dwink!

    image@[]" src="">

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013

    Thank you all for the kind thoughts and words. Chris lived in England, so we will be going over for the funeral. Because he was still young and it happened suddenly there will be a post mortem but they are thinking heart attack.

    Normally in England it can take up to three weeks for the funeral so Dave will be home.

    Chris started work at 5am so he would normally have a nap in the afternoon and then be up to cook Christine a meal for when she got home around 6. She came home and he was still in bed so she went up to call him. I spoke to his son, Jack, last night and he said he passed so peacefully just looked still asleep.

    Two of my cousins, my friend and my sister-in-law's aunt have died suddenly in the past three years and all at early ages.

    All of these people were fit and healthy, my cousin and friend never drank or smoked.

    So, it's all a crock of shite. Live and enjoy ever day, it is not in our hands.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Bernie, Definately a crock of shite. We never know. Live life to the fullest (easier to say, than to do though)! In HI, our funerals would be a week or so after the person passed. Here in the South, it is usually within 2-3 days!!!! So a lot of times you never know till after the service has passed. SO quick. I was so hard after my DH passed, as I could not even get out of bed the next day without upchucking, I was in such grief. BUT I had to get up and get dressed and go to the funeral home and make ALL the arrangements, just like that. My BIL had to keep changing our appt at the funeral home, till later that day when I could (barely) make it out of bed. I think it is nice to have TIME to decide what you want to do, and you have more time to deal with it, esp how unexpected it was for Chris, same as with my late DH. When they pass quickly, like with a heart attack, they are not in too much pain (or it is usually a shorter amount of pain),but for those that are left behind, the pain remains for such a long time. I am glad you both will be able to be there for the funeral. (((((Bernie)))))

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Bernie I am so sorry to hear this awful news--it's so sad. U said they live in England so u will go there, but I didn't know they wait so long. It's maybe kind of good, u have a chance to mentally accept it. I gather England and Ireland aren't that far apart. Bernie so many things happened in one special day--u must be so tired from just having what happened happed, but of course this is the worst. My prayers for u and u'r DH.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Oh it's so nice to see Lori in de house in de morning.---but u'r leaving again> Well I'm glad u can do all this fun stuff. hahaha the innocent one I love it and u look that way anyway. The DOTD sounds yummy to me, how about Chrissy--oh come to think about it, she'll like anything.

    Lara let us know how today goes for u and u'r DH, I'm just a little concerned about u, so don't stay away. BTW is u'r DH disturbing our scary movies--hmmmm don't like that.

    Kat Safe travels for u'r mom and dad, u do sound worried this time I guess I can'tblame u tho they'll be so far away and u'r used to them being so close. But like I said maybe they'll be better than u think being there, they love it there so much. I just hope things go well cuz u have a lot going on and u still manage to take care of everyone.


    NM LOL I don't know if u'r familiar with nuns but those days that was a punishment to miss church--not to me--but that's how they saw it. Cuz we used to go everyday, never missed unless u got thrown out for disrespecting the house of God--lots of disrespecting when u'r 11 and 12 yrs old. so NM 2 tests showed my appendix I guess I'd better ask, I'm getting so I don't want to ask any more questions cuz aot is happening and I really don't like it.

    And Lori this job thing I know this sounds silly but I don't want any responsibility for anyone's livelihood--I can't explain this exactly but I have days I don't talk to anyone, well except Joey, but I stay in my room and talk to u guys but I don't make any phone calls or want to see anyone--really I don't feel sorry for myself, I just don't want to expose other people to my mood or see the look on their faces when they see I'm in pain--so I stay in my world, I do my exercise alone, eat alone everything--so for me to be responsible for anyone else is difficult--I know I sound selfish and complainy but that's how I feel---but I will give this a try cuz I want to help him (if I can) and if not I can't--

    OK it's chilly here too so I'm nice and comfy in my blankets, yes blanketS--I layer then remove when needed. LOL

    Well I hope everyone has a good day and getting better and better.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    You are right Cami, I am much more worried for my parents this time. Since they will be gone 7 wks...their other daughter will be there, next door, but she is more concerned with HER wants and needs than for theirs. Plus, I notice my dad declining more mentally, where he used to be very sharp. I DO forget to take care of myself...we are always changing their filters in their house, our tenants filters, etc. I just checked ours a few min ago...usually like to change every 2 mo, even though it says "up to 3 months", but my downstairs one hadn't been changed for 6.5 months! Yikes. The upstairs one is harder to do (well its down right scary as I have to get on a ladder, and its right near the stairs), so I wonder if it hasn't been changed for an even longer time. YIKES.

    Trying to get stuff done before DD and gkids arrive....put all the "web" over all the goblins, skeletons, tombstones on the front porch and hung the severed leg. Oh my they might not even want to come in! LOL.

    Cami, you are just fine wanting to be alone a lot, I enjoy being alone too, just never have enough time for that. You have a lot of things you enjoy doing, like watching scary movies, writing letters, cuddling KatieKat and cuddling Joey. Sounds good, to me!!!

    Hugsssss All,


  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited October 2013

    Good morning all. I am saddened by Bernie and Kat's losses recently. I just wanted to come in to the HTL to hug you both and tell you how very sorry I am for you and your DH's. High five on the "crock of shite" Bernie. <3

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    prayers Bernie, and kat

    Cammie I just read dh your post about your appendix story and he goes stop I can't laugh

    U crack me up

    Whooo my friend came over last night I had a huge panic attack well we drank and drank then I puked

    We r home

    Thank u everyone

    He's resting he's more worried about me

    He doesn't need care

    I have that phone interview at 3

    In pain didnt take a pill for 22 hours I just took one feel much better

    Hugs everyone

    Dork ill b there to visit

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    oh Chrissy amazing the Russian ballet love it

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013

    Thank you all again, so much sadness. My neighbour and close friend just called in, his niece died today aged 27 undiagnosed brain tumour. he lost his nephew last year at 16 to the FURB.

    One of the ladies on the TNB has just gone to the hospice.


    Bad, sad times ladies

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    OH NO! OMG how awful, too, too young. Oh Bernie, you are in the midst of such sadness, my heart goes out to you so very much. Wish I could give you a hug and let you cry on my shoulder. Lots of prayers and love. (((((Bernie)))))