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how about drinking?



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    HI GIRLS!!!!! Just got home a few min ago and actually read all the posts from today!!! Yay!!! You are all on a the war stories, the chicken stories, the sex ed dog stories, etc. ROFLMAO!!!! Tired though as we had some drinks, did some more gambling, then the 5+hr drive home. Have a TON of chit to do as I only have 2 full days then leave again. Will be in TX while Cyn is still there, but diff cities... Sad

    The bravest, most honorable man I have known is my late DH, and what he did while a Green Beret is something I have never known anyone else to do and only myself (yrs later) and his 2 brothers that were also Green Berets knew about it. He gave above and beyond, thats all I can say about it. Rest in Peace, Jackie. I still love you and miss you!

    Karen, Hope you figure out how to get what you need, till you can walk on the new flooring! It will be nice to have that tile.

    I have a gazillion shows to watch that were taped, so I am gonna get some vino and sit back and chillarillo. Hugs to you all!!!!!

    PS. I did get to hug "Hunk" again today!!!!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Julie u are so funny and no my timing for the stirring was off according to Joey.

    Eve I can'telieve u did that, OMG u'r to kind hearted, But u's funny u'r kids knew. hahaha

    Kat u'd better rest u have more traveling to do.

    Chevy u'd better check u'r ferries cuz Stella could hide in them for the winter. She's good at that.

    Karen when the floors are done u'll be so happy.

    BTW I had a bery bery busiest day today, but damn I have to say that name not like I forget it everytime I'm saying it.

    OK latest news--A bill has been passed that porn actors have to now wear goggles when making a movie. Just so u know for the next movie anyone here is going to make.

    Oh Lori (I don't know why I thought about u when I said porn) but see I told u u look like Goldie Hawn, Chevy said it too.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Kat u just mentioned u'r late DH was a green Beret and I got chills---Whatever he did do just being a Green Beret was amazing and I'm sure u'r whole family is super proud of him.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Yes Cami, he did a LOT to just become a Green Beret, but then he went on to also be the Jump Master in his he had to coordinate the jumps, push the scared ones out....etc, Lots of training for that, you have to be tops to do that. Two of his brothers were also Green Berets, but not jumpmasters. BUT his brother that was injured badly in VietNam had his jump boots bronzed....and he shared it with I had to display this pair of BIG bronzed jump boots on a base, for awhile. LOL. But this bro was blinded and ended up in a his masters after being blinded...and counseled others. My DH died first (at 41), then both of those brothers are gone now too. He had 8 brothers and 2 sisters, and out of 11 kids, just 4 are still living. Thats why when I finally did my parachute jump last year, I felt he was right there with me, it was very surreal and I loved doing it. He was such a special guy, hundreds showed up for his was so touching. Thanks for getting chills, that was so sweet to read!

    I was the only one in MY family to be in the military though, although my husbands had all been in the military (hmmm..Army, Navy and Air Force)....

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    Chevy lmao!

    Eve that's a no no dating sites eeck

    Cam I love that u answer the phones ! Do u answer like this? Who's this? Lol

    Hi Juliet

    NM when are u cursing again

    Kat glad your home how is the back?

    I'm awake!


    I have a cold dh is so cute he always knows when I get out of bed I hear honey r u ok ?

    Watching the boogey man can

    Just got a call for another university we will see not getting excited. But pray for me. The nuerotin seems to be helping but still need the pain pills ever day

    Dork where r u

    Kate the floors will look amazing funny when dh had he's boys night cigars and a fire men are so funny male bonding



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!Nippy this ayem,gonna be a chilly one. "Blustery" is the word being tossed around by the weather guessers.Would have liked to have slept in this ayem, but the alarm and Sadie had other ideas.

    Cammy--isn't snow surprise fun?(j/k)

    Eve--funny the reactions we have to knowledge like that, isn't it?

    Beanie--find a clock that isn't working, set it for 4:30, put a sticky on it that says "wine time" and drink whenever you want to!A spider bite is a big stress on the body, no matter where it happens!

    Chevy--Welcome to the worldas it runs in the HTL!Funcused is a normal state of mind.Add in the effect of autocorrect (which speaks an entirely different language) and things get interesting very fast!

    Poor Eve, you really have learned some things the hard way, haven't you?

    Karen--At least the wine is in the right place!Funny how creative we can be when pushed to the limit by something like new floors, isn't it?

    OK, I'm so one-track-minded that I saw 2 x 4's in Karen's post and was trying to figure out how some little gauze squares was going to help the situation.Had to think before I realized she was talking about lumber!

    Juliet--LOL!!! And we call some people "chicken"!

    Wahine--My thanks and prayers to your Jackie, may he be smiling down on you!

    Cammy--ok, why do porn actors have to wear goggles when making a movie?And have I just humbarassed myself by asking and exposing my ignorance?Do you ever do the Ghostbuster's phone answering thing: "Ghostbusters. Whaddaya want?"

    ORLA--I was cursing again yesterday when my work computer froze up for the third time in an hour.OH, you mean cruising?In Jan, just about 2 months to go!Hang in there with the neurontin, it takes a awhile to get the full effect, and the dose often has to be tweaked to find the best dose for an individual.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Veteran

    2 oz Dark Rum Rum

    1/2 oz Cherry Brandy


    Pour rum and cherry brandy into an old-fashioned glass almost filled with ice cubes. Stir well, and serve

    Pasted from <>

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2013

    Karen, I wish there were a way I could convince my step daughter to get my grandson the help he needs. I wonder if his school has a counselor. Glad the wine was not held captive in the basement.

    Cyn, no need for you to respondeyvous right now, as you are on a rondevous! Cowboy boots? I know they wear them in TX, but FL??? LOL @ buttered NM.

    Chev, I did not know that chickens "do it". Hmmmmmm, Bernie might be able to 'splain. Did you see the video? Would love to have seen your fairy garden. They really have some cute things out there.

    Yes Sue, we get that white chit here, but not yet. Several years ago we got like 5', got snowed out and couldn't even get home for days.

    Bernie, some times I can't tell if you are being serious or telling one of your jokes. Have you ever in your life had so many concerned about your arse???

    Cami, don't you have caller ID to get the customers number? Did they call back? And you love to smile, you can't fool me. I think some of my family got snow too. Hmmmm, thinking of me when you think porn? WTH??? And you messed up the chili? Nawwww, couldn't be. Joey jes gibing you a hard time.

    NM, has Sadie been to that kennel before? Being loved and cared for by people with special needs, she will indeed get lots of attention, but I'm sure she would rather go to Auntie's. Ha ha, love the idea for Beans and her clock, cute. Cracking up over the 2x4's being gauze pads and not lumber.

    Eve, same thing happened to me and a girlfriend, and we found out how babies were made. We were totally grossed out and said we would NEVER have any children, how could people do that??? OMG, sending that man money. My mom had a similar thing happen to her, but it was to rent out a room. Gal sent her a check, and said she sent too much and for my mom to send the remainder back to her. Good thing I caught it.

    Poor Beans, all funcused. We don't change time, we change time zone. Currently on Mountain time. Let's stick with wine o'clock, k? And you really think the pider bite caused the migraine? I so gwad you back here tooo. Aliens or not.

    LOL Julie and your patient who's heart rate was up.

    Welcome home Kat and safe travels to TX, but I know you and your girls will have fun. How is your DD2 doing? Well, both of them for that matter. Glad you got another Hunk hug. I know how proud you are of Jackie and how much you miss him. He will always be in your heart. Thanks to you and your DH's for your servieces.

    Orange, funny about how Cami is answering the phone, "who's this"? Sounds like things are good with you and your DH??? I know you were dating before, as you were separated. And I thought you were gonna send me photos?

    Putting an ABP out for Dork, and maybe someone should check on Stella!!!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    oh yes which do u want? Kat meant Karen

    I type on my I phone then I mess so drunk I mis spell I should spell check soory goils

    My fingers get tired I write and type all day

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Good Morning my sweet ladies---

    NM u are so so nursey a badaide patch for floor boards-so cute--See how dedicated u are, OK I will tell u about the goggles cuz u'r a nurse so u should know this----well their might be sone fluids flying around and getting in the eye can cause different infections--we especially how often they do this. This is a medical hazard--I;m telling the truth. Remember u and Julie heard it here first. Well I doubt if u 2 will have to worry about this And

    Julie I LOLed when u said about getting up with a patient.Lori there is still snow on the fround--It's funny the first time we see it we act like what is this strange white stuff falling from the sky?? every year I'm surprised to see snow. How silly.And when u get snow sometimes it travels here and I know it's going to be bad here.

    Gottsta work now I'll be back

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    I'm back I wanted to say to Lara I'm so glad we have NM and Julie to guide us in new meds and I hope this helps u'r pain.

    Lori see why u'r called the innocent one u and Eve took a while to figure things out--well most of us did those days, xcept maybe Dork oops she'll hear that calling to her.

    Kat U leave on Thursday?? How do u guys catch u'r breath.

    OK more business to attend to---RESPONSIBILITY

    BTW I 've been talking to one customer calling from a Dr.s office and I had to ask what kind of /dr. and She said a skin dermatologist but specializes in skin grafting for cancer patients so I thought Oh I've got a name here- but I don't use one u never know LOL

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    For the past week mt insecion site where the lymph nodes were taken is killing me

    its swollen and constant pain idk what to do


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Lara I'm sorry u'r in so much pain, I hope the nurses can help u or can u call the Dr.? I don't know how to help.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2013

    Morning DahhhLinKs.

    My ds, at age 7, takes Sandy (Rotti/StBernard) out for a walk. This is 1st female pooch I've owned in my life so did not kno she was in heat. DS comes running in with only leash in hand, red faced and crying his eyes out screaming 'mom, a dog is stuck on Sandy'. Neighbor lady had a hose on em, yeah, like that wud help. We had 13 shep-rot-nards later.

    Such heart warming stories about our 'men' who served, thank you all for sharing.

    Lara - my mom was on neurotin and pain pills. I took, seemed like a month, b4 she finally felt relief. NM says to stay with it too, that it builds in ur system. Glad u have ur dh to help take care of u (((Lara)))

    NM - don't feel bad...I'm with u on why the goggles...thank goodness Cami splained. But here's the thing...I kno u nurses have lots of 'fluids' flying around, shud u bese wearing goggles too? jes saying. And I was funcussed bout the butter too...glad that got cleared up. Too sad about Aunty's BBK won't be avail or Sadie..but what a cool alternative. Never heard of a kennel like that...there shud b more around for sure.

    Eve - u and 'da innocent one' cwack me up. My mom was very open about it and we had sex-ed at mese catholic school. Mom told me on da side the 'parts of sex-ed' dat was totally bullchit...I member laughing alot with her that day. No least u didn't give da scammer thousands like some do and u did catch on and shut him down.

    Julie - c...dat story of ur pt with sumpin up...good reason for da goggles eh? LOL

    Karen - u are very creative...and u have wine...there ya go!

    Kat - Glad u are home safe and gonna chillarillo for awhile. Have you heard much from mom and dad in HI? Hope xsis handling things right. And yes...update on ur DD's when u can...muah!

    Cami - am cwackin up over thinkin of Lori...I kno she a 'hot mama' but porn...noooo. and Stella hiding wif Chevy's fairies...but dat so much a possiblity cuz dat Stella one sly ho. How do u answer da phone? j/k

    Lori - mese tinks pider bite caused her allergies...I cud b funcussed too bout dat. Do u n dh have anymore 'adventures' planned b4 it gits too cold? I FINALLY told my DD to book my plane and bungalow for Cook Island. I will be single the whole week. Mebe I kin hide Jock in mese suitcase and hab him all to meself all week...sigh...ok...will jes hab to look for a 'mate' on da island...wish me happy hunting...wooohoo!!

    DH up - gotta run...latah ladies!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    Ill b ok I just talked with shan (undie) its just from feeling like im getting sick I hope

    Does anyone know what today is?

    Todays date is 11-12-13


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2013

    Hey girls! You habe all been so biddy dwinking. Sawry mese been quiet. It took me all morning and afternoon to read from where I left off on saturdey night. I cracked up so much, you girls are truly entertaining. Me feeling lucky to have found this awesome thread. I am hurting todey, having stabbing pains under Zach (new goils, Zach is the name I gave my wound vac, he is Zach the VAC. hehe. And yup, Stella is mine. I used to talk about a friend I knew, named know, the old "I have a friend who...." and that friend is you. I'd use her when I was saying tings to others that I feared people I know ie work with would read. Stella has a love/hate relashiionship with moleboy and is now carrying his mole faced bambino hehehe! Thanks for clearning that up for me.

    I gonna lay down for awhile. it berry cold here, at 35 degrees, crazy! I love you girls and have missed hanging here. I guess I in a funk of sorts. I have a cure, see you at Jack-O'clock! Cheers!

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited November 2013


    Yep Dork drink in Texas style!

    Getting ready for a great area dinner At D' s sisters Barry's tho...a step up to Bud...Oh yeah ladies...livin the dream...Lol.



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    omg snow!Loopy

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited November 2013 creative??? not at all!!!

    Orange, hope you aren't getting sick

    DorK...sorry to hear that you are in pain....sure hope its just an itcy scab....please take care of yourself....I worry about you.....((((((((((((((DorK)))))))))))))))) your pics that you've posted on fb..."sand" angels!!!

    the tile floors are done in the basement hallway and bathroom....just need to put the new toilet down tomorrow.....told DH that the walls need painting...of course he's not interested in doing it....mostly cuz he's too much of a perfectionist.....Next job downstairs is to replace the carpeting on the stairs and in the 2 bedrooms...its almost 16 years old...only reason I remember how old is cuz we put it down when I was pregnant with DD#2......DS's been wanting new carpet for years and when I told him we were going to do it, he goes, I don't know if I want carpet but maybe laminate!!! Just might look into that....we don't have any wall to wall carpeting on the main floor of the house....Of course DH and I will make the final decision as I'm sure DS will be moving out in a couple years when he finally finishes University!!!

    The weather is gorgeous again here but as soon as the sun goes down, it sure does get cool.......

    Going to go start dinner.....BBL....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Dork why r u in more pain. I thought it was doing better, maybe u'd better call someone tomorrow, don't let it get out of hand---did u do to much??? I hope not.

    Lara u'r having a hell of a time too, I feel so bad for u. This should not be happening.Chit

    Sue u got the right idea an island with with anything u want alone Bwhahahaha

    Cyn u'r in TX now right--u people are so coming and going--which I do neither in any way, shape or form.

    U know u'd think I never worked a day in my life the goofy things I'm doing---I'm not really business like, I talk to people like I know them and say my usual stupid stuff, I have to act better--Yea me. Oh Oh Leslie got her part time job in the beauty shop she wanted, like 4 hrs a day and every other Sat. We were all so excited cuz that's the one she wanted talked to the owner about an hr, and the knew some of the same people and he does things old fashion with the books which Les knows how to do--no computer she was happy about that--right away Marty says well I guess I'll be making dinner every day and Les says well Mom u can too, as Joey falls off the chair laughing with everyone else and of course I said I have a job now so I can't--we all look at Joey and he says come on now I have school and homework, I just a kid, right like we'd expect that--he so serious about those things.

    Sue I just remember about u'r son and the dogs how traumatic and funny that was That was cool u could talk to u;r mom like that ---geeze when I got my period she gave me the box of Kotex and said talk to u'r sister. And that's when my sister told me everything wrong cuz she thought it was funny--so I figured things out myself. My mom was so shy about that stuff

    OK I need my rest, my job is exhausting. U know I'm going to be the drama mama of working now.

  • Eve1956
    Eve1956 Member Posts: 67
    edited November 2013

    Lot of people got married or had their Labors induced today because 11/12/13 is supposed to be lucky, numerically. Hope so.

    LMAO imagining porn stars wearing Googles. It would be so funny looking, who could take them seriously, let alone get turned on?

    Julie, you and your co-workers must have been in stitches when the heart alarms kept going off!

    Mema, can see and hear your 7 yo's distress over the Sandys delimna. LOL

    The for the Veterans drink of the day, Native.

    Lori, You do look like Goldie Hawn.

    Lara, what's neurotin? Have you tried a warm compress? So sorry you're hurting. 

    Camill, you are so caring to everyone when you have so much to deal with. Laughter is known to be a real medicine. So glad I found you ladies.

    Not a day goes by know when I don't read something from one of you that cracks me up.

    On a more serious note, and the reason for today, Go f bless our Veterans. We owe them more than we could ever hope to repay.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    My news release for the day from the Oddity----a Cat got caught carrying pot in his collar going into a prison---so as far as the guards were concerned tthey are now looking for the owner of the cat cuz u can't have 2 things in this prison--pot and Pu**y. They can't find the owner yet. Mods that could be Puddy. BTW this is true news.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited November 2013

    Hi goils!

    Phew!! I think I need a drink or three........I've finally got the photos sorted to my allotted four. There are three that will be A4 size and three that are 6x4 framed up as a triptich so that is my four.

    The first three are the large the second three the triptich.







    They were all taken around the town where I live.

    Love n hugs all!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Good Morning.

    Oh Chrissy those are beautiful and the rainbow looks magical.What wonderful Pics.

    I hope u all have a good day today, I'll drop in when I can or at least read what's going on my organization skills aren't exactly honed yet. Neither is my brain or typing.

    Dork remember I'm going to nag u so I don't like this new pain u;r having. Plus I have a feeling u'r doing extra stuff--we al know u Dork, it;'s hard for u to relax, I know. It took a while for my GF to learn but she has thanked me for teaching her, now everyone calls us both lazy.

    Lara please let u'r DH take care of u.

    Kat aren't u flying with u'r DD who gets anxious, can she take anything--when I did fly I took everything so maybe she can get something==Don't people take Dramamine or benedryl while they fly and it helps, I don't know for sure.

    Lara I just got it or maybe I got it earlier and we will have--12-13-14 next year is that it? I forgot now. I'm so happy for Leslie getting her job yesterday--of course it's only PY but she excited about it after all it's a SALON. LOL--we should find out today when she'll start--Please say a prayer for her--this is difficult for herwith stress and pray that she can handle this, at least til next year.

    The snow has pretty much melted - Joey watches the weather and said it wikk snow next week tho a couple of times--according to him. So we'll see,

    OK BBL L:UBS u all

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!Yup. Summer is gone, even I have to put on a jacket now.Brrrrr.Oh, well, it is November in Maine, after all.

    Goldie--Sadie has not been to this kennel before, but I have taken other dogs there.My fear is that Sadie will think she's been given up again, she hasn't been in a kennel since I adopted her (or she adopted me, whichever way it was).I'm sure she'd rather be at Aunty's, but I know she'll get lots of TLC there, and good care in general.Plus I can get her washed and her toe nails trimmed before I pick her up, that's always a bonus in my book!

    ORLA--I cannot imagine trying to type on my phone while drunk!I sound drunk trying to type on that teeny tiny keyboard as it is!

    Cammy--Aha, now I understand the goggles!One must prevent exposure to bodily fluids, after all.Like wearing goggles is going to help in that situation!Good grief!

    ORLA--Have the incision looked at.Interrupting the lymph system increases the risk of infection and also causes lymphedema, both of which are best managed as soon as noticed.It could also be a fluid collection--that can occur even years after surgery, will feel more comfortable after it's drained.My rule is if it hurts, get it checked

    Mema--There are lots of time when we nurses do wear goggles.The kennel is a normal kennel, one of the many businesses in the town that "hire" mentally challenged adults.It's part of a program that provides supervised living (not quite independent living, but as much help as assisted living) group homes,life skills education and support,activities, jobs and transportation to mentally challenged adults.Most have mental retardation, some have post traumatic brain injuries.The businesses either get a tax break or a small stipend for hiring the participants.At the kennel these folks do a lot of one on one time with the animals inside and outside in the fenced in yard. The people and the animals seem to love it!

    I didn't realize yesterday was 11/12/13 until late yesterday when it was mentioned on the news!

    DorKable--those stabbing pains are annoying, aren't they?They are a good sign, though, that there is good circulation and the nerves there are still alive!

    Karen--I put laminate down in my living room, and love it.Easy to take care of, not that hard to do, looks like hard wood.The design choices are almost endless!You might want to check out the laminate before you make a final decision.

    Cammy--Congrats to Leslie on getting the job she wanted!Poor Joey thinking he's going to have to cook after school, so funny.

    Even--Laughter may not cure our problems but they make them a lot more bearable.

    Cammy--really?A kitty pot collar?Oh, my!

    Chrissy--great pics!Thanksf or sharing!

    Cookie Floppy Feet's DOTD is the Cookies and Cream Paralyzer

    1/2 oz Coffee Liqueur

    1/4 oz Creme de Menthe

    1/4 oz Creme de Cacao

    oz Cola Mixer

    oz Milk


    fill glass with ice, otherwise it can curdle.

    add 1/2 oz of kahlua, then add creme de cacao, and creme de menthe.

    add coke until glass is 3/4 full then add milk.

    it tastes like a minty oreo blizzard... very tasty and hard to put down!

    Pasted from <>

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Oh Wait! So Cammi, you say.... something about your "organizational skills?" You've GOT to be kidding! Tell me it isn't SO!

    And your typing? Could it have anything to do with spell-check permanently leaving your environment? I mean your coop?

    You are JUST precious....! Ha,ha! I just love someone who has more issues than me....image

    Morning Dork...! I think it's possible I COULD be learning to understand what you mean? So in other words this Stella is not pregnant? And there is some "moleboy?" Well, it's funny to think about, whatever it is! But it's not all real? Right?

    Morning Cyndi and Orange.... You had snow? Wherever you are?

    And Karen, I/we put Laminate in our house about 2 years ago, and I LOVE it! Not in the Kitchen, just our long living/dining room, and the bedroom! My DD and I put it down in the bedroom, but called this guy to do the loooong room! My knees were killing me! Too much getting up and down, but we did a good job!

    The hardest part is taking up the carpeting, and that damn border strip, AND the awful padding, and then all the wherethehelldidallthesenailscomefrom! Then I really cleaned that old wooden floor, and painted it... ALSO, taking everything out was a bitch. And trying to keep it all dry, whilst hanging around out BACK under this TENT, while DOing all this! You figure out in a hurry what you want to put back, and what you never want to see again.

    Hi Eve.... Yes, this thread is just the best of this whole site. I love to come somewhere where you make me laugh!

    Cammi! You made that up! About the cat? What are you reading now? Dr. Seuss? Or that 50 shades of whatever?

    Chrissy, thos ARE beautiful pictures... and of course they are, because you live in Australia!

    Wish I could watch Sadie, Nativemainer! She will miss you..... I put Lacee up on the picnic-table about every day, and brush and clean her, and tell her how beautiful she is.... and then I massage her... She is our 11 year old little Sheltie girl.

    Also, about the Laminate.... I clean our with that "Bona" and a damp mop.... Is that what you use?

    And your drink reminds me of a "Grass-hopper".... It was White creme-de-coca, green creme-dementh, (or whatever the sp. is) and cream.... Or I used 1/2 & 1/2 or milk.... over ice. And the measurements are optional....

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2013

    Cami, let us know how the new porn movies look with actors wearing glasses, and if they help.......LOL! And when I first heard that, about how babies were made, I was younger than 9, as that is how old I was when we moved from that house. Much too young for that kind of information!

    Lara, have you cut down on the excercising? I don't think you should be in that much pain, how long are you out from surgery?

    Oh my Mema, 13 puppies IS ALOT! No travels except to Laughlin. We are going there (end of the month, I think), gonna help one of the waitresses with some irrigation in her yard. She was taken by a fly by night company that came knocking on her door and she trusted them. Gave them $400 in cash for some work and they have done nothing. So she is trying to get her money back and we offered to help her. Shame on you DH for not taking the trip wif you. To the swamp with him (but just temporarily). You will have fun.

    Lara, tell Shan to get that lil self of hers back in here.

    Good grief Dort, have you called the doc? You poor dear, words can not explain how badly we all feel for you and I'm sure words can not explain what you have ben through.

    Glad you can check in Lucy and know you are having a good time. What is an "area" dinner?

    Karen, I love my laminate floor. We have NO carpeting what so ever.

    Cami, loved the story about who is gonna cook, I can see the whole thing unfold. Congrats to your DD for the new job. I hope she can hang in there for a long time. And where are you getting your news from? The porn channel?

    Eve, thanks for the compliment, and everyone else who thinks I look like Goldie Hawn (NOT). There is always something to smile about here, that's for sure.

    LOVE the photo's Chrissy. You are famous now. Will they be for sale?

    Almost bumped you into the pewl Chev. I can see where you and Cami are going to be a hoot. Well we know she is already. I use a steam mop on my laminate floor with just distilled water.

    Oh shoot NM, I never thought about how Sadie might feel. Oh I hope not, that would be horrible for her. LOL at what's the point with goggles!!! DUH! We have special needs kids that work at a grocery chain that we have out here and they bag groceries. Our friends son works there. Actually that's Danielle's little brother, the one that was thrown from the horse. VERY YUMMY DOTD!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2013

    And a snack to go with the DOTD


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Oh OW! Yes, I've been bumped! So "steam" is okay? My Laminate won't shrink, or melt, or holler for help? Or anything?

    So if we are temporarily pissed-off at someone, they "go to the swamp"..... I have soooooo much to learn.

    Cammi is still in bed.... she sleeps ENDless amounts of time.... Her Katie Cat will eventually drag her arse out of bed.....

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Oh GOOD LORD! You did it again! DANG! How fast do I have to type????


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Was that "Drink Of The Day?"