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how about drinking?



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Hah, I BEAT you!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2013

    LOL, you beat me! Getting bumped around here is usually a good thing, as there is always a Tender to catch you! It said on the instructions to only use water on the laminate flooring. And when I got my steam mop (at a Home and Garden Show) they said to use distilled water only. No streaks or anything, best $150 I ever spent.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2013

    Oh, and yes we have a swamp, it's near Julie. We also have Tanya, with her louisbille slugger, and she goes around getting peeps in the knees and Dork has people.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Okay little Speedy.... I'll check it out!

    Well, so what? I have a Ditch! Right next to us! Does that count? And I don't have a clue as what else you said? Can I still stay?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2013

    Not sure about the ditch, we have to hide bodies! And what don't you understand? And I'll try to 'splain, or better yet, have Cami do it!!!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Okay..... GOT it! I LOVED the video!

    I remember that song from about 11 years ago, when I..... I mean when we went...... and there was dancing and lots of drinks, and I thought I died and went to heaven.

    But that SONG just DOES it! thanks...

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited November 2013

    Lol Chevy, you are cracking me up..........sounds like you fit right in!

    Lori they are for sale that's why I've had to add a watermark to the ones I have posted here. It seems that any and all photos I want to sell must be watermarked for copyright. It would be nice if they did sell as well as a few more as I would love to get myself a new I guess I have to decide now how many prints of each photograph would be made available.............or id that wishful

    Mmm, think I'll line up at the bar and get the tenders to make me one of those DOTD as well as the sweet treat to go with it......yummmmm!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Mornin ebberyone! Quick hello again...running out to a new hairstylist...mine left the coop...hoping for good results! Plus a gazillion errands and stuff to do as I have to leave house at 6 ayem tamarra.....sooooo eurly!

    NM, We always worry when we have to just leave our furbabies for the day at the vets...since we got them from the dog pound too. BUT Sadie knows so much love with you and she has good experiences at your aunts, so I am hoping she will enjoy her stay where she will be boarded. Sounds like love and attention there...right up her alley!!! Love the DOTD....yummmmm~~!

    Cami, Yes, I think my DD1 was going to call the dr for something to take for the flights...not sure if she did though, but that is her call. I had to get her registered for miles, check us in and print boarding passes, so I'm leaving the other up to her to do. I love hearing about your new job, you are a hoot!!!

    Oh Chrissy, those are GAWGEOUS pictures! The top one looks like a painting! And those 3 you are framing together will look amazing. YAY!!!!!

    Oooh good snack Lori! Sheesh I worked so hard for 2 darn weeks on that diet, but then Halloween came (candy!) and our trips resumed, so gained back what I lost. I need an entire month or two without travels, to get a handle on it! Glad you will be able to help your waitress friend, very nice to do that.

    Oh Lara, that pain sounds awful, good advice from our NM. Hope you get to see the dr!

    Julie, Cyn, Sue, Dork, Beans, Beckers, Chevy, Eve, Bernie, Karen, and everybuddy else...have a wunnerful HUMP DEY!!!!

    Hugssssssssssssssssssssssssss on the Run,


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    Yes I should go to ER I calle dmy primary they said to go to the doc that did the surgery so I hung up on them

    Let see PS will not to anything

    The doc that remove dthe breast I owe money to so idk ill go to ER

    You go on we MD and u go nuts thinking I had sepesis

    love u all

    poop u later

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2013

    Lara, if you are going to look for help on the internet, you need to just stay right here on BCO. I'm sure someone else has gone through the same thing. STAY OFF the internet! They might tell you that it's cancer Singing

    (that was suppose to be a funny)

    Kat, I hope you get your hair cut how you like it. I struggle with that all year long until I go to MI and have my friend cut it! So once a year, I get a decent cut. I hope your DD does well on the flight. I can't imagine it will be too long of a flight?? You girls are gonna have a blast! ENJOY my friend.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013

    HI babes. off to england in the morning for Chris' funeral. Back Sunday

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2013

    HUGS Bernie, Dave and Chris's family. Safe travels.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited November 2013

    Ditto to that travels ladies.....wave as you fly by Wahine!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Safe travels Bernie, I'm sorry it's for this reason.

    Oh NM good DOTD and Lori this gorgeous figure person has to add that goodie. Oh NM I know Sadie won't feel that way--u have her trust and love her so much.

    Lori see u'r being sweet again helping that waitress out, u and u'r DH are so nice and happy--I love it

    And Kat hope u'r DD calls the Dr. u do have enough to do and be safe and just tell the pilot to flip the wing when flying to say hello to us.

    Lara just go to ER and report back to us,this is so way to long.

    BTW Miss Chevy, I'm not a journalist but I do report actual news stories so it's all true if I report it.nanananana Oh and u will be happy to know I'm totally loosing my voice cuz of this job--I'm talking way to much to real people and I've been up for hrs. working--it was much easier to talk to the people in my head before, I didn't need my vocal chords, now they're used to quiet and are mad at me so they are taking away my voice, but I'll let my fingers do the talking, (no not walking, I'm so lazy I don't even do that)--I'm ready for a nap, but in the middle of my work day. Well I did sneak a pain pill in maybe that's why. just one tho to ease it a little.

    Oh and I washed a load of clothes this morning, but not enough coffee yet. I'm working on it.

    Dork u'd better call the Doctor if u'r feeling the same way---u have to keep ahead of this horror, it's just to confusing and I still can't understand all the things about this vacuum--Is this a new thing or something that's been around for a while? and Thank God no one I ever knew needed it, but it does a good job so it's a blessing that it can help it--so let it and don't do to much.

    Wow this took me forever to write I had to stop a little. So BBL

    Lubs Lubs Lub u all and u all know I'm saying HI to eberybody

  • Eve1956
    Eve1956 Member Posts: 67
    edited November 2013

    Native, quick before I forget! Suggest you send along something with Sadie with ur home scent on it, like her bed, a blanket. You might even consider checking out Comfort Zone on I bought the plug ins about 4 weeks ago and I couldn't be happier. They sell a spray on version too, which people put on collars, dog or cat beds. Comfort Zone emits a pheromone that mothers give off to calm their babies, and make them feel secure. We can't smell it but they can!

    Haven't had a chance to read through all the posts but wanted to let you know before I forgot. This brain ain't what it used to be but I'll take it!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    back from ER on s strong anti body antibiotic

    its an infection no need to drain it

    I just inhaled a sandwich now going to bed feel icky

    Dr.Cam ill b watching scary movies

    popped my pain pills and anxiety pills now ill drift through in bed watching scary movies

    white blood count was a little down nothing to worry about

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Glad u listened to us Lara, sorry about the infection Oh u'r another one with infections, drink loads of water wash it thu. Rest my sweet orange.

    Eve I never heard of that---NM that's a wonderful idea--Good thinking Eve. Even tho u won't remember later u got it in time.

  • Eve1956
    Eve1956 Member Posts: 67
    edited November 2013

    Oh Lara, glad they diagnosed you and out you on an antibiotic. Camille's right about drinking tons of H2O.  Sleep a lot, a lot. So glad you've started treatment before it got any worse!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    SO glad you went Lara, and have antib's now! Gotta kick that infunction to de curb!!!! Geez, so many problems and infections and lotsa pain with both you and Dorkie. Just not fair!!!! Remember, alcomahol does not mix with antib's...sorry to be de bearer of badliest newz, but heck I will dwink for ya, ok??? YOU REST NOW!!!

    Thanks for all the nice words about my DD and is two flights each way. AND NO I will NOT ask the pilot to flip the wing, Cami!! LOL....btw I love your posts so much, and I foiget to comment on dem. So many girlz now I can't keep up when I am on the run.

    Lori, I think she did a good cut....but I don't like how she styled it, so will see what I can do with it. Sheesh had to be on the go from 9:30 to after 3, just got home. But got Sprint to fix the gremliins in my phone, and funny thing, well not really funny, BUT he was telling me I need a new one, and I know that .Mine is about 4 yrs old...BUT when I explained the amazing plan I have, then he said to keep this phone cuz any others they have would void my plan. I mean it is so awesome and I have had the same price for over 10yrs. But it is an expired plan, so gonna keep it as long as I can!!!!

    OK, as Lori knows, I have NOT yet packed....lots to do as I am taking presents too, so gotta get all the stuff I need together. Will get to see the g'kids play basketball (there are 5 games) and also one of them cheers too, plus will get to see their Co-op home schooling, and my DD2 that just had surgery will be doing the biology lab for the kids there.

    Cyn, I don't think we fly over Austin....just going to Dallas, or I would DEFINATELY wave!!!! LOL.

    Dorkie, are you ok? You been too quietliest, girlfriend!!! How is our pg Stella???

    Bernie, I'll be thinking of you on your trip to England, and especially for when you see Chris' family and are at the funeral, etc. Very sad. Glad you are able to be there though. (((Bernie))).

    And Beckers too, will be thinking of you for the funeral for your BIL....that is so sad too.

    Big Hugs to you all....I will try to poop (yuppers, on poipose) in when I can. Be GOOD....nah, don't do that....HAVE FUN!!!!!


  • Eve1956
    Eve1956 Member Posts: 67
    edited November 2013

    Hugs to Bernie and Beckers. Sorry sadness has crept into your lives again. I watch a series called The Long Island Medium, do you get that TV show overseas? Totally believe our spirits live on and watch out for us and the other precious souls, whose lives have crossed with ours. Know we will meet again, on another plane. 

    Wahine is right Lara about no drinking with antibiotics. Want you well so I'm volunteering to drink for you too! Have a wonderful trip Wahine!

    Dorkie, where are you? We get worried when you don't check in for a while. It seems like it's been forever since you chirped. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Oh wait.... Chrissy, you must be dreaming! You say titties'up? The last time my titties saw up, was about 10 years ago.... I mean SERiously! If I want them to point "up", I have to duck-tape them to my neck... She's dreaming goils!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    eve you are so sweet! And can thank u

    Kat I know no drinks that ok

    I just woke up dh tried to put a back hot pack around my arm lmao!thats not working

    Eve wow u can hang with cammie and I we love spooky things and burble in spirts ! Thanks for drinking for me...

    Kat where u going now ? I am surprised that with all the travel you do not get sick

    When I was waiting I almost asked for a mask eeck I hate germs

    K drinking my water, and then sleep oh and some tea

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    I know, Lara, I worry about getting sick all the time...not only from being worn out, but ALL those germs that all those people leave behind. This time is to Dallas, and a long drive (2.5 hr) to my DD2's house to see her. Haven't seen her and she had that surgery last week. IT will be fun flying with my DD1....we can visit a lot! I need to stay well, as I only have 1 day when I get home, before the next vacay flights. Wonder if my furbabies will bark when they see me and think I am a stranger??? lol.

    DH is wearing a heart monitor again, but he will be keeping the g'kids tomorrow too, so that their mom can go with me to Dallas.

    I really will try to keep up with you all. And have some fun parties...we are in dire need of some happy times here!!!!

    Chevy, I thought of you today while running errands....saw a cute fancy girlie chicken ornament! Many moons ago when I was a young newlywed and moved to NC from HI, we lived out in the country. Back then you didn't fence in your dogs. SO one of my furbabies thought it was fun to chase chickens that the people around the bend and across the street had. One time he brought one home in his mouth and I tried to rescue it....was alive but NO feathers on it....sad to say I was unable to save it. I even brought it inside in a laundry basket. Even sadder was, those neighbors poisoned my dog and he died in the woods...our other dog led me to him. But that allowed me to leave my abusive husband...was really only staying for my JoJo, as he only was close to me. (I named him after the Beatles song..."Get back JoJo..".

    OK, can someone help me pack?????

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Wahine..... Yes, I know..... My moron neighbor who has the chickens, rescued a chihauha, or whatever she is....

    She said the dog chases the chickens and caught one, and really hurt her.... but so far, just a few feathers and a sore spot!

    She should KNOW that SOME dogs, will do that! She told me she chased them when she let them out of their coop before, so she does it again, and darned near lost one. Their old dog, nor OUR dog does ANYthing to the chickens..... just sniffs them....

    Sorry about YOUR dog.... but I'm glad you are not with that Husband! ..... Okay I'll help you pack.... where are you going?

    And what kind of steam mop was that? I was talking to you this morning, and I can't go back a page, or I will lose this....Loopy

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Yes help me pack, Chevy....going to Dallas..... (I don't have any "ex's" in Texas, but I love that will sing it....)

    I think that was Lori with the good steam mop.

    Hey Cyndie, Hawaii just legalized same sex marriage!!!! Sounds like a good place for a wedding and honeymoon.....

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited November 2013

    The basement floors look the walls need painting!!! I have laminate floors in my kitchen and in my living/dining room....I love laminate...had it for 14 or 15 years in the kitchen....I know how wonderful it is....part of the reason is the basement is cost....carpeting is less expensive...also its warmer than laminate for the basement.....The only carpeting we have on the main floor of the house is a couple area rugs....we have ceramic tile in the family room and hallway, and hardwood floors (the original floors) in the bedrooms....the hardwood floors need re-doing but I don't want to deal with the mess, so not doing it......

    IT got to the 60's today.....going to be in for a rude awakening when the seasonal weather finally hits!!! I'm loving these gorgeous days....

    Orange...did you go to the PS or the a good girl and get checked out....

    DorK...what about are you doing? do you need to go to the doctor? the pics....the rainbow is amazing....not sure about the technical stuff about pic sizes....

    NM...I think I missed why "aunt" can't take care of Sadie? Our dogs have not been to a kennel....usually my DS is home....when he was gone last year, we found people we knew to stay at the house....and paid them the same price as the kennel....don't need someone here during the day, but want someone sleeping in the h house with the dogs...

    Safe travels Bernie....hugs to Chris' family during this tough time

    got to run....have a Day of Caring meeting.....volunteer committee....its a breast cancer survivor event started by a women almost 30 years ago who had breast cancer...the event is named for her and she is alive and doing of the signature events of the day is a survivor fashion show.....

    so I'll be back later and have to wait till I get home to pour a glass or two of wine....DH has a friend coming over for dinner and beer!!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2013

    Lara, darling - so glad to know that the ER people figured out what is wrong and hope auntie B has you feeling better in a hop skip and a jump in de pool time. I feel for you, gentle huggs coming atcha ((((LARA))), mese faborite orange) ))))))

    Karen, glad the floor came out to your liking. It is always great to get house projects done, especially oneds that are cosmetic. I always enjoy the feeling of change when the job is done and everything is back in order. I have never had laminent but I thank ya for getting the conversation going. It is good to know what product to use when we make spills of alcamahol to wese floors. i don't know about you but I am a big time spiller of dwinks.

    Bernie, wishing you a safe and relaxing trip. Sorry for the reason though. Embrace being with family and friends at this tough time. And drink plenty. And have some catchers in de rye sort of peeps for you on standby...jest saying. lol about us all asking about yer buttocks - now DAT a funnee word, tink about it " BUTT OX" I like the word but hate when my Bernie has bruises of de butt for short.

    Kat, you have a wunderful FUNderFUL trip mi dear. We will miss you. Poop in wen ya ken, k?

    Chrissy!! I jest love your photos, always has. Sincen I was a baby I tink I loved them. how ya feeling? Is there any improvement to yer hearing? I been praying for ya lovie.

    NM, tank ye tank ye, you are de best loungette. I wuz worrying bout de pains I was having. Den todey you tail me and mese home nurse tail me too that the pain is normal. And tankfully, the stabbing sensations have stopped. Oh tank God right? And de other goils are right, Sadie will know you are coming back to git her after yer time away. She knows you go away in de winter time before and will know it again. Cuz she trusts you with all her sweet widdle heart. Try not to worry about her while you away or before you even leave. And I know jest how precious she will be leading up to and coming back from the trip. And you will miss her, especially sleeping with her. I know because I sleep with mese dog. And at 53 years old, mese had a toy doggie in de hospital that I portended was real. Dis only last month. yep, it true. I try to post a pic of my baby.

    Chevy, you and Cammy cracking me up always. And Cammy with organizational skills, tehehehe, dat will be DE day! ha Cam! We can't help but love her so, right? sweet that you said our thread is de best one here. Dat if mese alcamahol satshirated brain read it right. me dwunk from 10 aye em til bed. you too I hear. Boys, get her a wodka is it? Or rum? dern mese brain dern it to hail. So nice to have you here. we always welcome new goils. did you reveal a real name so we can give you a fun name? or you pick it, you can be ennyone you want here! wooo hoooo, dwink up girl.

    Eve, that goes to you too. Well you both not new but newER. so i say but who de hail do I tink I em saying so? nebermind. what is yer faborite dwink? I have our tenders line up five at a time of yer faborite, ok? You need a play name too. I tinked of one already but it not nice so i will not say. and you git to yay or nay what anybuddy pick for you, ok? geez, I asking questions of ye goils dis night. and if ye not answer, that is fine. cuz we accept de plead de fifth here. that bcuz a fifth sounds and reminds me of likker and god knows, wese all lubs lubs lubs likker ~ hiccup ~ oh mise, dat not nice, sawry!

    Cyn, the Dorfy-meister is happy for you. Keep henjoying your fayecation, ok? I miss ya around these parts. And me sorry too for not posting as much as I read. shame on me.

    Lori, OMG, asking Cam how the porn stars look with googles, you a funnnnee goil. That whole bulletin cracked me up as Cam always dues. Glad ya got yer chit manure in order and de farm land ready for spring. I am ready for spring, did you know that? I envy your temps about now, we have been in the 30's and it depressing to mese. How is yer hubster doing? He had a lot of testing done, right?

    Dr Cammy dear Cammy legal You is cracking me up about chili stirring lessons. OMG, that poor Joey tinking you gonna make him do the stirring and the everything in making din din. You people are mean. lol. and you have to just stop worrying your poor head so much about my pain. I worry about yours too but don't like to tail people who and why I worry about mese goils when I do cuz den they feel bad that another has to worry. Ok? I love you. Do you comprehend? Or should I git you wen you sober? hahahaha, dat a fuNNEEEE joke, "when yer sober" bahahahahaha. I too am highly entertained with you and our dear loungette goil Chevy. I still crack de hail up when I tink about the chickens and them having sex, den eberybuddy else talking about learning about de birds and de bees and your beeing skeered and freeked de hail out! So... I have a short story for you. Ok, so I was berry naive when it came to birds n bees. No one eber told me that people actually f*^K! And OMG when I ffinded out, I was like OMG om g omg ogm, that is, gross gross gross. I could not look mese parents in de eyes. And eberybuddy I knew that had babies freaked me de hail out. So my story Cam, and goils is short. I am in 6th grade, so turning 12...on my birthday...the dorK always has to say sumting funny to enny boddy she saw that would listen. So I am on my way to school in de aye em and I tell a crossing guard, prolly an uber cool 8th grade BOY, that on 12 years ago todey, I came out of mese mommy's hiney. He laughed at me and I tinked that he tinked I was funny. So I was a success, so I thought. Until I found out shortly thereafter where babies really came from. OMG, so humbarrasing to tink of de boy. and to tink more, he prolly had wood over what I said and I did not know it lmao. chit, I am crazy!. :-\

    Beanius, Beanie Beanny bop, where ya't? I came in hexpecting to see yer face in de lounge. I hope you can help me pack de UFO when a loungette needs us all to arrive, love and portect them. I hope tings are good in area 52. You so funnnnnneee too! You know I pray for you and mese goils eberydey. I care for you emenselee and do not like when you away. you need t ofollow drdorkaroni's orders and dwink dqink dqink in de lounge daily. ho kay?? and I not calling you a HO. Most of us know that the HO around here is Elizzzabitch, de HO dat is Moler Focker sister. And speaking of dem, for Eve and For Chevy... I tail ya a little more bout dese imaginary/semifake peeps. Ya see, first tere was Stella. And no she not a person so she here illegally. She an imigrant without de green or yello cards such as de ones that aliens get. And i mean aliens as in green people and such. not de ones with green cards so to speeach. So ennyway, ugh, dis a long story try to make short. so de imagination goes wild with de loungettes cuz tings to de story got added. Stella is a bad goil. I used to speak for her but someone, a berry bad loungette, created her own page here. Wuz not me and I neber tail who. But sheze got permission as this person is a real person in a sense winky wink ok, follow? So can't remember how John Boy Walton's face became a Stella chaser but story goes that john boy always loved stella and stoopid stella only wanted the money that she did not know he did not have. follow? so Stella always run away. But den she git dwunkliest and does stooooooopid tinks. Is it Eve or Cheby with the fairy garden? Well I would not put it past stella to wooo johnboy aka moler focker, which bdw, anudder loungette named de moler focker annyway, when Stella comes to de lounge, Moler follows here. De security peepled of the htl know his face and chase him away. but he hides in de pool house, or behind de free atm machine, or behind a large planter, he a good hider for a non fairy ya know? so Stella spent a good year in and out of reform school cuz she does bad bad tings and always git in trouble. she has flown to visit Lori, Chrissy, Julie, Dr. Cammy Legal whom lost her cuz Stella flew away. She was spotted in vegas and den nessapeared til she came home preggers with a moler baby, OMG and it a goil baby. A widdle goil with a mole, a ginormous mole that covers half her face, I can see it now. OMG, I gotta go now and find quick likker IV and jest plug in all night.

    Sorry I did not talk to all ye goils, I tink I talk to much and lose my voice, jest like Cam cept she did for real. girls, have a stellar n dqunken night ~hicc~ oppsies. sorry if I missed ennyone, round on me if so. love each of you that I know so well and the new goils included cuz I jest love mese breasties. i look forward to bisiting ye goils now sincen I was a widdle baby at I tink 49 years young. oh my stars, the tings that have gone on. once upon a time Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    OMG!!! OH MY GOD! DORK, you are JUST a scream!!!!!! I can't type anymore than this, otherwise DH, who is trying to sleep in here, will probably yell his head off, so I will be back soon! Geez, you guys are the BEST! xoxoo

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    This is the cutest thing I have ever seen!