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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes! Long meeting over with yesterday, made for a long day, didn't get home until almost 7 pm.Today may be a long one too, but the newest nurse will start next week and 5 of my patients will be shifted to her,which will help a lot.Since I've been training her she already knows these people and I know she'll take care of them the right way.oH, boy, I just realized how egotistical that sounded!

    Chevy--yeah, I remember taking up the old carpet and all the stuff underneath it, what a job!I clean my floors, laminate, linoleum, whatever, with vinegar and water.Once in a great while I'll give the extra grungy kitchen floor a Simple Green mopping.I've got a thing like a Swiffer Sweeper, but with a refillable bottle and washable pads, I can get the floors pretty clean with just water, use the vinegar to help keep down bugs and smells that Sadie brings in.After I vacuum with a small shop vac to get up all the dog hair, that is.I've had Grasshoppers, they taste good, have a bit of a kick, too!

    Goldie--it is so kind of you to help out that waitress. I'm sure she is so grateful!And Sadie will be just fine, I'll only be gone a week, and I'm checking with a couple of friends who may be able to take her for the week, one of them is her Uncle Jim who is responsible for my having her in the first place and who loves her as much as she loves him.But I've used that kennel before, I even pay a bit extra for extra TLC.The first time I left dogs there (I had 2 at the time) when I went to pick them up after almost 2 weeks they came out, greeted me, then turned around and ran back into the kennel area to play with the worker there!

    Chrissy--Good luck with the pics, I'm betting you will do just fine!

    Wahine--I'm pretty sure Sadie will be just fine, she's a lovable mutt that everyone loves to pet and make of, just a natural ham, I guess.Good luck with the new hairsylist!

    ORLA--and people wonder why the ER gets used so much--it's the only place you can go these days that where someone will (finally) see you!

    BBBBBernie--praying for you and Chris's family.

    Cammy--I keep telling myself Sadie will be fine, and I know she'll get good care.If I hadn't already paid for the cruise, though, I would reschedule my vacay!

    Eve--Thanks, I will check out the Comfort Zone thing, and I will send her blanket with her, and one of her toys.And some of her favorite treats.And her favorite food.Good heavens I sound like a first time mom!

    ORLA--sounds like your immune system is in full swing, the Aunty B's will certainly help.Enjoy the scary movies!

    Karen--Did you do the tile yourself?I'd love to have tile in the kitchen, usually do that kind of thing myself as much as I can.

    DorKable--glad to be of help!

    Woops, running late, gotta get to work!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    good morning all

    bernie safe travels,prayers and hugs for you,dave and chris; family

    kat safe travels


    cammi-congrats to les on her job

    lara,dorty feel better soon

    chrissy-great photos

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Maybe I would be "Elizabeth Darling?" I think that name is sooooooo apprapo! So you mean I don't have to go invest in a steam mopper? My little Bissel mop thing will be just fine after all? I mean with either Bona or that Vinegar mix?

    Yes, ME with a Fairy Garden....! Except it is now "put away" for the Winter... I will set it up again this Spring!

    You guys, I think this whole THREAD is a make-believe garden! Er, I mean Bar! I feel like I am in Alice In Wonderland here! Ha, ha! And you don't get into trouble? Well, I mean if you DO, no-one cares?

    Dork, YOU should write all that down in a book somewhere! I mean about when we were talking about the birds and the bees! And what YOU did! I am soooooo backwards, I mean I WAS! We were married when we were 19 & 20..... And it wasn't until 7 years later, that my gal-friend across the street said to me.... "Has your Husband ever kissed you...... THERE?????" And she snickered. So I said ....... "THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?.... Oh for Gods' sakes NOOOOOOOOOOOoooooo!"

    See we were talking on my front porch late at night, because our Husbands both worked grave-yard shift.... But then, it wasn't long after, that he DID!!!! Wonder where he ever got THAT idea! I had no clue! I mean WHO in their right mind teaches you THAT stuff??? I ask.

    So now, even still, I consider myself quite shooled in that area of expertise. I am what you would say "a know it all."......... Ha, ha! THAT is funny! but true.

    Native, or Mainer, or whatever your name is...... I tiled my kitchen floors myself, but only the heavy-duty tiles, (not ceramic) like what is in grocery stores! Only THEY epoxy and buff it till it has that brilliant shine! But I really like ours..... And I put up the little ceramic tiles in our bathroom.... on the walls.

    So Cammi... I'm pissed at my neighbors.... because they let that little rat dog chase the chickens, and HURT her! They are such Dinks! Next, they will probably get Cows. Cows, so they can get their milk, like they got chickens to get their eggs.

    You would THINK we live smack-dab in the middle of the country! I meay Hay is all over their back-yard... EEEeeeks!

    So now I know about the Mole.... sort-of.... more or less.....and the not pregnant Stella, or someone? Or she WAS, and that is where the baby with the mole came from? The one that went to reform school? With the focker boy?

    Am I even close?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Good Morning Girls---

    Julie u sound like u'r in a hurry this morning. Have a good day.

    On NM I never meant to imply in any way in any form that u could or would leave Saide in a lurch when u went on vacay, I know the first thing I said was what about Sadie, She will be fine--she's such a friendly furbaby and so loveable that she'll be well treated by anyone----So don't worry, u'll only be gone a week she'll be fine.

    All travelers be safe and I hope u pack well for the weather.

    Dorky, u cwrackin me up eben in de morning; and bad Stella have we found her yet? _ I told Chebby she might be hiding wid all the fairies dat Chebby outs in her yard, cuz Stella very very sneaky, I know, she libbed wid me for a while--too long a while for shure---you just take care of yeeself cuz Stell done did herself already--so don worry we'll find her. I have to god to my email for now---dis job is bery difficult for me, cuz I way too lazy---Eberyone says --Oh it will give u something to do, it'll keep u busy, after all all u need to do is sit.--well mese tells u goils I told dem FU AND all u know but me=cuz dey tink I'm habin fun and I'm not--yesterday someone called and I didn't unnerstand 1 not eben 1 word he said--his accent was so heavy and he did not want to speak to a woman-whoa, even do my boice was raspy he new I was a woman or 1/2 a woman, he did not like dat--Oh what I wanted to say, but mese bery nice and finally just got a first name and # and sent it off. I getting to opinionated to be dat nice but I was and I woke p dis morning in more dan usual pain so I took my meds and I'll get tired and crabby to de customers---I not bery nice.

    Eve oh Lara and I are into all the spirit kind of things we love to watch those movies on TV--Lara u rest all day today. So if a good movie is on u have to tell us--we watch so much we can write a movie ourselves.

    Gotta Go BBL

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited November 2013

    Hi Girls!

    Just Popping by for a quick drink to celebrate finishing rads yesterday, since this is where I was when I started them!

    Hope everyone is well and things are going the best they can with whatever struggles you are facing. For those that have sent kind messages, Thanks! You know who you are Winking

    Watch out for Chevy! She and Cammi can get wild! You will have feathers flying everywhere!!!

    Take Care!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2013

    Forgot to mention yesterday Chev, that YES that was Drink of the Day.

    Chrissy, I hope you can make lots o moola with your pictures and that they ask you to do more.

    Cam, cracking up again this morning at you and talking to peeps in you head, so much easier and you didn't need your voice. How many calls do you get a day?

    Eve, you gots dat right about our brains and good ideas for NM and Sadie. I just love how we can help one another out.

    Lara, that sucks about the infection. I hope the anti b's help real quick. I'm so so sorry that you and Dork are having such a time and other girls just breeze right through reconstruction.

    Gosh Kat, you would think there would be a way around your phone plan. I wonder if you could find that same phone on line, and just put your card in the new one. That is if you have a card in your phone. Our old ones do, but not the iPhone. How in the heck will you get ready to travel again in just one day when you get home? When do you return (from Dallas)? Uh oh, how come DH is back on the heart monitor?

    Chev, titties up, you could lay on your back too. Oh wait, that might not work either, nebermind. My steam mop is not available in the stores and comes from a company out of Canada, I'll have to look at the name of it. It has micro fiber cloths that stick to the bottom of it for the cleaning. Not sure if that's how all of them work or not.

    Karen, our floors do get cold in the winter time since we have a modular and it sits up off the ground. But when I see how dirty the floors get, I am very glad that I don't have carpet.

    Dork, my DH is just fine. Yes he had the same tests dat our sweet Cami is getting, down da throat and up de ass. He actually has follow up appt. today. And I figured since Cami reported on the porn peeps and their goggles, she moosta seen dem, right? You have me sucked right in with your Stella story, and bremember she went to Mema's too. Glad to hear that you still have the nurse coming out.

    Chev, Dork is a hoot for sure! I always look forward to her stories! I thought you were gonna say you would wake up your DH from laffing so hard. So how did you come up with your name "Chevyboy".

    NM, the folks that will be caring for Sadie, will prolly fall in lub wif her and not want her to go. Cute story about your other 2 furbabies running back in to the kennel. And you do not sound egotistical, you are good nurse and you should pat yourself on the back. Helping out the waitress, her name is Basia, will be fun and the weather over in Laughlin is much warmer than here. Our rooms at the casino are free as well as the drinks! So, we will have a good time. I did most of the tile in our house and in the Black Smith Shop outside. It's easy, and I enjoy it, but it's hard on the back! I could only do so much and then have to quit.

    Chev, I mean Elizabeth Dahling, my laminate flooring instructions said to ONLY use water, nothing else. I have people see my floor and ask how I keep it looking so good, that thiers is all dull. Then they say that they have used vinegar or some other cleaning solution. So I say just use water. As for The HTL, I think we ALL STAY in trouble! It's a great escape from the sucky reality of BC, aka RB (rat basTURD). And I have no answers for your questions, nope, nuh uh, not going there. Maybe Cami will!!!

    Hey Julie, I agree wif Cami, you sound in a hurry! Hope you grabbed a drink.

    Cami, I'm sure NM (Native Mainer for Chevy) did not take it that way. Sawry you woke up in so much pain. Can't you tell them that today won't be a good day for youo and you can't work? I too get customers with heavy accents, and I just straight up tell them that I am having trouble understanding them. But for someone to say they didn't want to talk to a woman???

    Today's DOTD, Green Fairy Cocktail


    3 ounces Lucid Absinthe

    1 ounce Creme de menthe

    5 ounces homemade vanilla citrus simple syrup

    1 squeeze fresh lemon juice

    1 European-style sugar cube

    1 sprig of fresh mint

    Lime wheel

    Mix absinthe, creme de menthe, simple syrup and a squeeze of lemon juice, and pour into a martini glass. Use absinthe spoon with sugar cube and drip ice water slowly over the cube using a drip system (glass pitcher with small spout), allowing the sugared water to mix into the martini. Ignite the sugar cube and drop it into the glass. Garnish with fresh mint and lime.


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    trying to post before stupid puter kicks me off again! off to employee health for my cough so will probably be on the antib's too .bbl


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited November 2013

    Good morning loungettes.....

    NM...we paid someone to put the tile in and grout....they laid the tile in less than one day and did the grout the next day.....not a job I would tackle....I love the tile!!! the old floor in the basement was 50 years old!!! Lori....only reason I don't mind carpeting in the 2 rooms in the basement is that one is DD #1 room and it only gets used twice a year when she and SIL come to visit for a week.....and the other room is DS room and how much traffic does that room the main part of the house, its all ceramic tile or laminate or hard wood!!!! So easy to come...I sweep the family room and kitchen daily cuz of the dogs..

    Kathy....enjoy your time with DDs and grands......hope your DD is having an easy recovery are you feeling...

    DorK....glad NM put you at ease and its nothing to worry about....not so worried about you now...

    Chevy.....need to get you information about the Day of will be April 26th....would love you to come....and they are looking for models.....would you mind messaging me your email addy and I can send you the information....also are you on fb?

    Taking Mom out to lunch today and to run a couple errands....I have a couple of my own errands to I have to do for work (no time to do on days I work!!!) and want to bake some I guess I should get busy.....Have a great day...

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    Good one Juliet

    yes karen I got my Anti-Bs

    Cam I see zero scary movies on today meh

    I was reading and forgot what I was going to say

    Oh yes Chevy in my world it is all glitter dust and fairies, and mermaids

    OMG did anyone see black fish about the orcas at sea world

    Seaworld should be burned down, it was so sad

    No whale should ever be kep in captivity ever


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    the flu screen was negative so just on antibiotics and mucinex.

    hope everybody is having a good day

    congrats 4sew on finishing rads

    lara hope your feeling better

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    oh good Juliet!

    Feel betterNerdy

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Oh Julie I'm glad u went, now u will start feeling better.

    Lori she won't admit it but Chevy got her name the old fashion way---the back seat of a Chevy--her first and lots of times. Lori this damn Angies list and Yelp gets lots of callers chit and today I learned a new thingy for Microsoft that Dan installed so he stopped here to teach me--OMG I used it once so far--it's confusing to me but he's kind of learning too cuz it's a new one only like a month old--U know my brain should not be unleashed onto the public and now it is. He's so so sweet he's just like his mom.

    Lara I don't think anything should be in captivity but they might be treated better maybe IDK--I'm trying to find something to watch but I have to keep on turning the sound off, but today wasn't to busy--Thank God.

    4 It's great that u'r done--it's nice saying good-bye to rads.

    OK I'd better reread my notes--he did everything so fast and he said I'll do it slow for u--he's 28 for God's sake what's slow for him is lightening speed for me.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Well Dang Cammi! You had to go and spill the BEANS! Ha! Nah, it was in the FRONT seat..... I told you! And it was not in the "Chevy"....~ It was in this little kind of stupid car with an even stupider mole-boy-focker. But you know how it goes.... all the begging, and whining, and saying he would love me until the ends of the earth, and I caved.

    Chevy was our first little dog.... and we had him for 14 years.... He was named after our '57 Chevy, that DH used to race.... both on AND off the track!

    And besides I was 10.... I mean 16 when I lost my whatever! ... It was soooooooooo long ago, I forgot.

    Okay, I'm going to use my spankin' new steam Shark mop! As soon as I dust the floor! Detailed report later......

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited November 2013

    Well it is for me.


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited November 2013

    Now I am crying because one of the sistas - the one I made the big girls panties is an angel.

    RIP Veggy

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Oh no..... not Veggy.....Sad

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    oh no,used to be on another thread with veggy, another star in the sky, too many new starsSad prayers for her family

  • Eve1956
    Eve1956 Member Posts: 67
    edited November 2013

    Congrats 4sew on finishing rads! Just noticed you started tomoxafen yesterday. I started today! Been on all 3 AIs so we'll be able to share this part of the journey and pray for few or no SEs. The laughs will keep you going.  

    Dork, r u kidding me, Stella's impregnator is Johnny Boy Walton? He's THE MOLER FOCKER? How did John Boy manage to catch a little fairy, even if she is very bad, bad, bad? Moler Baby must have been hit by the ugly stick too many times. Have you seen her? Purrr thang.

    Am I confused or did I hit the nail on the head?

  • Eve1956
    Eve1956 Member Posts: 67
    edited November 2013

    So very sad to hear about Angel Veggy.  RIP and sparkle brightly to light our way.

    GOD grant us the strength to cherish our stars and hold them close to our hearts. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Veggy OMG I thought she was doing ok==my prayers for her family, and she is a new angel-star in the heavens, So sad.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited November 2013

    I didn't know Veggy, but sorry to hear about her passing....damn...too many gals being lost to this dreaded condolences to her family and all the sisters who were her friend......

    Been eating way too many cookies....Made a big batch of chocolate chip cookies and had to eat one every time a pan came out of the oven....I have about 11 doz...probably had 12 doz between what I ate as well as DD and DH.....Need to start stocking the freezer with cookies again...its been pretty bare!!! Tomorrow, DH gave a request for a marble cake for Shabbat dinner dessert....DD wants streusel cake, but she is not home so that will be on the menu for next week....DD has Shabbat dinner with her synagogue youth group, but DS will be home.....DS is only working 2 days/week through the rest of the semester....

    Hard day today....I'm really struggling with all that is going on with Mom.....need to figure out what I need to do to come to grips with it all.....Ran some errands with Mom and took her out to lunch.....

    Do I or don't I open a new bottle of wine tonight??? Thinking I'll wait till tomorrow night.....

    Tomorrow is that means cleaning, grocery store and cooking!!!! Plus need to do the work for my class, but that may not be till Saturday night.....Too tired now to start reading.....

    Well....going to put the last of the cookies away.....Sweet dreams...see everyone in the morning!!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited November 2013

    Thanks Ladies! It feels great to be done.

    Eve, I actually did Tamoxifen for a couple months in the beginning and had no noticeable SEs. They did not want me to take it during chemo and rads so I just started back up. I am doing a hysterectomy/ oopherectomy with my exchange surgery next month. My onc wants me to go on the AIs in Jan. not sure what to do since I had good luck with the Tammy and they could tell at surgery that it had been working on the tumor.

    I hope the tamoxifen is kind to you too! Lots of successful ILC ladies here!

    Veggy is at peace now and may her family find some comfort knowing there was a place waiting on her wonderful soul.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!TGIF!!!

    Chevy--I would imagine your Bissel will do just fine for the laminate floor!Aha, I wondered if ceramic tiles would stand up to kitchen use.Don't really want a shinyfloor, just one that doesn't tear every time I drop a pot or lid!

    Slow down, Cammy, I didn't take it that way!Sorry if I implied that I did!I know Sadie will be fine, and I will be too!

    Goldie--good point about following the instructions with the laminate, that is always the best plan.Oh, my that Green Fairy Cocktail sounds sooooo yummy!!!!!

    Juliet--thanks for the puppy LOLs this ayem!

    Karen--MaybeI should do tile in the sewing room before tackling the kitchen.If the sewing room doesn't come out perfectly it's not a problem, and I can practice!

    ORLA--I haven't seen that, but will look for it!


    Cookie Floppy Feet's DOTD is Angel's Wing

    1/2 oz Brandy

    1/2 oz White Creme de Cacao

    1 tbsp Light Cream


    Pour ingredients carefully, in order given, into a pousse cafe glass so that they do not mix. Serve without mixing.

    Pasted from <>

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Morning gals! I copied this from another thread.... and just couldn't resist posting it here...! Seemed appropriate enough?

    444444444444444444444! You're HERE!!! I was hoping you would find this thread! I am still on probation I think.... How come YOU haven't posted any of your stash of MEN?

    Cammi has done put the word out about me.... but it seems to not bother these goils too much!

    Yes Cammimiester... Veggy is an angel! It's so hard to believe.... I didn't know her THAT well, only reading her posts, but a lot of these gals have met, and talked to her...

    Karen, sorry about your Mom.... I'll go back and see if I can tell what is wrong... You WAITED to open a bottle of wine??????? For WHAT? Can't you get more?

    And yes Eve.... word is out about Mole boy! Something about him living in my Fairy Garden with Stella? And I think they had a baby or something????

    If YOU can figure all this out... just let me know...

    Thug Kitchen

    GET THAT SOUPY GREEN BEAN SHIT OUTTA HERE. C’mon, anybody showing up with that casserole from a can didn’t even fucking try. How about something much tastier that packs some actual nutrition in it? Bring this bastard to Thanksgiving and nobody is going to ask you to do the goddamn dishes.


    1 ½ pounds of brussels sprouts

    1 tablespoon olive oil

    1 cup quinoa

    1 ¾ cup water

    pinch of salt

    1/3 cup toasted almonds

    1/3 cup dried cranberries (if you can’t find any, don’t fucking sweat it)

    ¼ cup chopped parsley

    1/8 teaspoon of salt

    pepper to taste


    2-3 cloves of garlic

    2 ½ tablespoons red wine vinegar

    2 tablespoons lemon juice (about 1 lemon)

    2 teaspoons Dijon mustard

    1 teaspoon olive oil

    Heat the oven up to 400 degrees. Tear off any fucked up lookin leaves on the brussels sprouts and chop them into quarters (or halves if they are little). Toss them with a tablespoon of olive oil and spread them out on a baking sheet. Roast those sons of bitches for 20 minutes, stirring half way, or until the sprouts are golden and kinda burnt in some places. Goddamn delicious. Just trust. Boiling these tiny cabbage-looking motherfuckers is a crime. ROAST OR GTFO.

    While that shit is going down, rinse the quinoa with some water so that it isn’t bitter when you cook it (yeah, you’re fucking welcome). Throw it in a medium pot with the water and pinch of salt and bring it to a boil over a medium heat. Turn the heat down to a simmer, cover that shit, and let it cook for about 15-20 minutes or until all the water is gone and the quinoa is tender. Turn off the heat. Chop up the garlic all small and throw it in a small glass with the rest of the ingredients for the dressing and mix well.

    When the sprouts are done, toss them in a bowl with the cooked quinoa and the dressing. Mix that shit so that everything is coated real well. Add the almonds, cranberries, parsley, salt, and pepper and mix again. Taste it and see if you need more salt or pepper or whatthefuckever you think is missing. Serve warm or at room temperature.

    Serves 4-6 as a side, double that shit and bring it to Thanksgiving if you feel like being a popular motherfucker

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    damn Juliet I just took him yummy

    Its a raining men

    wow u new peeps are from the STFU thread, U must think we r the greatest, the funniest thread ever. Well for the most part we r always drunk so make sure u r drinking and taking time in the perco fountain

    Karen omg I love cookies


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    Good morning all

    Karen –is there someone at the neuro’s office, who you could talk with re your concerns ? the thought of your cookies are making my mouth water

    Aly- only support 2 teams ,wales and who is ever playing England,so will be supporting the all blacks tomorrow.

    Lori,kat and cyn safe travels and enjoy your time with your family

    Nm- sounds like Sadie will have a ball at the kennel.she’s such a sweetheart I’m sure she will get extra spoiling!

    Chevy-enough guys for you or do you need a couple more? Have been known to keep a stash in the basement

    For the new ladies,I am the keeper of the swamp,so any thing or body that needs to be know where I am

    Cammi-how are you doing today?Hope the job is not intefearing with your movie watching

    Lara and dorty hope your feeling better today

    Sue,chrissy,,beans,eve,4, have a good day.sorry if I forgot someone but I am on drugs

    Planning on staying in pj’s all day,official word is flu negative but have respiratory infection and acute bronchitis but there’s nothing cute about it. The mammogram on Monday was neg ,pain is now post treatment, was supposed to see mo today but had to reschedule, they do chemo at the office so could not in good conscience sit there coughing up my lungs ,so black Friday will be there instead of the mall

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Oh Damn Juliet! Atta girl! 44444444444 will be jealous!

    That last picture was of me, yesterday! Thanks for posting!