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how about drinking?



  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013

    My darling Karen, you did the best. Guilt and hindsight are destroying, please don't go there.. I still don't feel that I did right for my parents. But I did, the decisions I made at the time were the right ones.

    You my lovely are grieving yourself. Let alone worrying about your mum

    My heart goes out to you.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    LOL, that IS funny that some of the gals thought "skin", real skin, was being given out!! Oh yes, Chevy, we ARE a fun bunch....some of us have been on here together for years.....and we made us this awesome utopia called the Hot Tatties Lounge (HTL for short), and made up hunky Tenders who are our bartenders, as well as gorgeous Wenches who bartend, cook, whatevah. Our Lori made up a video of the pictures we all added to make this lounge "real"....she put it to music and its an awesome video she made! Some of our real faces are in it too. (yikes). It is good learning more about you and getting to know you, you fit right in! Glad you found us, thanks to our Cami!!! Yippppeeeeee Skipppeeeeee!!!!

    OMG Lori, that read so will be "putting some cow in there and rototilling". I am imagining you do mean cow manure, but first pictured ground up cow! lol.

    Chevy, I'll also look for the allegra generic. I used to take claritin, didn't work, I think I also tried clarinex. Then I have been using the generic for zyrtec (cetirizine), but nothing seems to work and I take them daily, year round. OK, I looked it up... fexofenadine...what dosage do you take?

    Bernie, Good idea for Cyn, that it might be that mold. Not sure her landlord really had it taken care of the best way possible.

    WooHoo.....CyndieLouWhoIsOnAJetPlane today.....yay!!!! GIve D a big hug from us too, ok?

    Yeah, that was stewpid of me to put so much in the dang $5 machines. Usually I put not more than $100 in, and hit something, but NOTHING was hitting last night. AND of course, when they give you those strong drinks, then common sense goes, and stupidity kicks in! Trying to remember....ok didn't even drink till last night...then had...2 apple dumpling martinis (didn't even finish last one) during dinner, then a Long Island. OK, now I can't blame it on dwinks....jest my own stewpid thinkin, thinkin I could beat those machines!!!! DH was nice and replaced what I lost....he felt sorry for me! So now I can still gamble today.

    Funny pics of "arses"!!!!!  And what fun with all the names....I still haven't had time to do mine, but I think Lori might have figured them out for me. Thanks Goldie!!!

    Yeah Dorkaroni, what did our Stella de Bella de Ball do??? Pray tell!!!!


    Praying also for those in the Phillipines hit by that deadly hurricane, and now its heading for VietNam, etc. Very devastating.

    Nice dwinks NM!!! Wow, snowing there!!! And ya know, they have all the Christmas decor up here, and it seemed soooo early, but shoot Christmas is just next month! KennyG even did some Christmas songs, as he said he wanted to be here at Christmas, but that didn't happen, so he wanted to share some of them with us.

    Happy SUnDey FunDey...gonna lie by de HTL pewl, and have Hunk wait on me!! OH yeah, my DH humbarresed me in front of the "real" Hunk. OH YEAH, after I hugged him (duh!) then my DH mentioned to him how I always look forward to hugging "Hunk". He called him that...sheesh!!! Was my face red! BUt its


    Katwinka Whats Her Name

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Oops bumped Bernie and Karen.....but the Tenders caught you both, whew. Karen those are good words that Bernie wrote to you. I can imagine how hard it is, but you DID do what was best. (((Karen))).

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Kat hahahaha what u'r DH did--OMG he's funny and sweet to replace u'r money so u can continue gambling. Now as they say watch who sits the longest without winning and when they finally give up go right there. LOL It never worked for me but u do get a reputation for lurking.

    (((Karen))) u have done all u can do, I know u might not feel that way, but think u moved them close by just to help them and u are always helping u'r mom she knows u'r there for her and how much u care--What else can u possibly do but what u are doing. U'r a loving daughter and that means so much. So don't feel gulity ever, it saps u'r energy. And that is needed now for what u need to do.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    OK I have to share this stupid story---my kids went shopping and Joey's home so he told me he was going out to play and asked me to go into the kitchen and Marty made Chili today, so he was teaching ME how to stir it and put the big spoon back on the holder when I'm done and make sure I get at the bottom so it won't stick???? And if I can remember to do it every 10-15 minutes and he would set a timer if I needed it. I glared at him--he hugged me and said just in case u forgot how to do it. BRAT

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


    stupid computer keeps kicking me out.


    Karen,you have done so much for your parents, its hard to watch their decline,my niece has hopefully got her wedding booked for july 5th,just waiting for final confirmation from the venue but my first thought this will get mam through the winter. she's busy thinking about when she will go shopping for her outfit ,and wearing her oxygen more when she movesSmile

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Julie--those drinks are to beautiful to drink--not really but I do see the cupcakes too.

    aaa the wedding is getting a date--it always seems so far away and before u know it u'r buying u'r dress and going.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited November 2013

    Hi ya goils!!!!

    Lol Cami, I think us Aussies are so used to getting beat by the Kiwis that it's not a problem........some of us actually even barrack for them!!

    Aly I sure do hope you are improving but still taking it easy.

    Bernie those pics are hilarious! Love the lily white bum!......hahahahaha! Sure hope yours is feeling better.

    Hi Chevy!

    Mmmm, what's that Stella been up to now? Does she need to come for another visit?

    Lara I hear you on being sprayed with perfume in the department stores, I end up sneezing like crazy just walking past those counters!

    Cyn hope you really enjoy your time in Texas!

    Karen don't beat yourself did the right thing moving your parents closer to you and I'm sure your Mom is happier closer to you than she would be so far away and alone after your Dad's death. There is no way to tell if the move contributed to his demise so don't go there. ((((((hugs))))))

    Kat nice that DH made up your losses.......we call those machine 'one armed bandits' coz they have a habit of stealing your

    Lori, I love how productive your garden is through the summer and doing the cow manure top up over winter is the perfect set up for next seasons crop. Is the winter warm enough where you are to grow a winter crop or does it get too cold? There are some winter veg that we can grow here but there again we don't get too many nights below zero and certainly no days. Really glad to hear that Danielle is up and walking all be it with a walking frame being on her feet is a good thing.

    Dork, hope you're looking after yourself and still taking it still have a lot of healing to do.

    NM how long till your holiday begins? I know you did tell us by my memory has done a bunk and deserted Love those DOTD's, I'll have too try that Chocolate Snow Bears they sound soooo yummy!!

    Awe Becks, I sure hope things start to improve for's been way too long.

    Beanie baby........oh those migraines are horrible!!! I did read somewhere that when they are bad sit with your hands and feet in hot water as it pulls the blood to the extremities and alleviates the pressure in the head........might help a little and costs nothing to try.

    Mema, hope you are doing okay.

    Julie keep those hunks coming......they make my mouth water!!!!!

    I have finally finished going through my photos and have chosen about ten that I will get printed and then I will have to go through and whittle them down to four. When I've got the final four sorted I will post so you can see.

    Have a great day all!

    Love n hugs n TITTIES UP!!!

  • StellaTwinx
    StellaTwinx Member Posts: 64
    edited November 2013

    Hi ho ladies! Oh how I have missed you beautiful girls.

    Uh, it is true, I have a bump, jest like BBB's niece does. But I am afraid, DorKy Mum does not know that mese baby mighten have a mole on its face. She will kill me when she finds out the truth. I have detained her so she will not see this.

    Chrissy, can I come back to Oz and give baby moler focker up for adoption in your country? That way he/she will be an Aussie. I am hoping to find out the sex of my bump in two weeks when I go for ultrasound. I hope you do not mind, Mum from OZ, I scheduled it in your town. Please promise not to tail Mummy Dorfie k?

    Oh how I have missed you girls. And I see another new girl here, welcome to Chevy, I will make you a drink. And I will make you laugh but today I am not laughing cuz I skeeeered, oh so skeeeered. What will I do if de bump is born with a MOLE?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Stella I told u when u were here to keep those tiny little legs of u'r crossed--we should have sewn dem up, it wudda taken only a few stitches for dem, now look what u did--and just how r u keeping u'r mum dorky subdued? It bettr not be illegal, 'r mum has been bery sick and u snukked out for some fun and now look what happened, no fun now is it. And dat bump grows u know--and we know it wil hab a mole all ober de face one huge mole, now u shamed rite? but u'r mum stil lobs u anyhoo so she's a bettr man than I. U sily twit.Happyhahahaha

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited November 2013

    Katwinka – tanks for de whispers! Dunno, usually I don’t get migraines but every so often, they have plauged me for many years. I hab been to docs for it but have found nothing dat helps. It’s like a bad cold or something. So like with RB you jest keep on going and I twy to not led it get me down too much. I hope you are having fun in Tunica and thanks so much for the well wishes!! AND HAPPY HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!

    Chevyboy – I remember about the tamox and your hearing, that was awful. It is so good to see you here and your dwink wif OJ, wodka and amaretto soundes wunnerful!!! I will snag one mesef and I tink punch mix or anything wif wodka is a-okay!

    Juliet – love de kitchen utensil cartoon and de Jack Frost!

    Alyson – Glad you are not too hung over…hey I like your saying about God and strong shoes.

    CyndiLouWho – Yippee to see you here! Sawwy bout allergies, I get them a lot…then lately these migraines…You know, I’m starting to tink maybe this is a pre-holiday tension thing that’s giving me some trouble. NEway it is great to see you and I look forward to hearing about Austin.

    MemaSue – Oh good idea to wish Wahine and her DH a bunch a money on de anniv!! I will jump in on that wish!! And okey, I will call de doc in de ayem.

    Cammi – you make me laff bout Chevy and de chickens! She is so funny! De ting with de migrains too is that there is a thing called an aura and that is the worst part, that part has no pain but it’s scary cuz it affects my vision, it’s like all these lites and zig-zag patterns in my vision dat lastestest bout 20 or 30 min. De foyst time dis happened I was prolly 28 and it skeert me so bad, I called my doc and tode him and he said, “classic migraine.” After that I usually get a dull head ache and feel kinda spacy for a day or so, so advil or Tylenol are about as good as anything I’ve found, well, fukitols are de best, but I try not to take dem all de time cuz I get too dang happy. Tanks for aksing and I hope I did not bore you wif all me blah blah blah…love the story bout Joey, what a sweet brat!

    Karen – Glad you are having good weather, it is awesome here in area 51 too. I do wish you the best with your Mom that is so difficult so I’m sending you and your family many prayers.

    Chrissy – Howdy to you! Hey, thanks for the idea to soak me hands n feets in hot H2O, I will try that, sounds like it might help cuz it is blood vessels in the brain that constrict and that’s when the vision problems occur, then when the vessels relax the hedake starts. Thank you so much!!! I look forward to seeing yer pics!

    DorKie – You quack me up wif all de peeese in yer pants and suckin de percotini fountain dwy and de hairless dog!! How is eberyting else going? I am so happy to see you here, do you gots time to pull up a hammock and have a few slugs of wodka wif me by de pool?

    Hello Beckers – I am so sorry to read about your BIL…I send many prayers to your and your family. I’m sorry for your DH with so many losses, that happened to my DH too and it is so hard for them, I really hear ya, too with losses in my fam and then RB, sheesh. I send many prayers, hang in there and I hope you do not work too many hours.

    Bernie – LOL at de cow n de dog n de a$$. N cremated beef, you are so darn funny!

    NM – yeah, I will get thru 5 yrs and daz about it for hormonal tx for me. I’m glad you got through it. You give me courage as does Goldie and I be holding hands wif DorKie cuz she is struggling too. The migraines are a mystery, de list of triggers is everything I like to eat or dwink, plus sleeping in, good sex, bad sex, no sex, change in de weather, being relaxed, being tense, yes, pretty much a mysterious list of everything and nothing. Now I’m thinking it’s pre-holiday stress starting. So I’ll warn anyone who is sensitive to de holidays to start looking out for things that trigger freaking out!!! Oh yippee too I love the Chocolate Snow Bear and the Christmas Snow Storm and the Snowshoe…these are great! Thank you!!

    Goldie – De migraines have popped up for many years so I can’t blame on Femara. I will call de doc dis week about fatty-tigue and see if dey wanna switch me to Armidex. I will get through this cuz it’s only another two friggin years, plus a little. It will be nice to finish someday. You do give me courage cuz I know you did it!!! I’m so glad you only had one migraine ever, they suck. Some years I don’t get them at all and them some I do, not usually more than a few times a year. LOL at whose skin samples.

    Chevy – I dint know you worked at Coors, that is so funny, you do belong!! I have been MIA here for a long time too because I lost my sense of humor for a while. My Bro got RB earlier this year and it was a chit-a$$-mf-awful-difficult time. He got thru surgery, chemo and rads and is back to health. Then all de hormonal changes I bean thru with chemo induced menopause, tamoxifen, RB terror in general, femara, etc etc, made me a difficult wife too, mood swings, dizziness, biotchiness, itchiness, etc, etc, and we were battling bixons for the longest time. I read on BCO that breast cancer isn’t good for relationships – ha ha ha ha ha!!! NEway, that has finally evened out and I’m feeling a sparkle of life again and so is me DH, we have been like peas and carrots. I am so grateful to my DH for helping me get through all of this. He has had a tough time and he's hung in there all along and I am just so grateful to him for the many times he's picked me up off the floor with one meltdown or another. This am another migraine and he just sat with me and was really nice. Soon I may be up to writing my essay series again on why I need a drink. I think I will title the next one, "A WEEK OF MIGRAINE HEDAKES AND WHY I NEED A DRINK."

    Orange – love the sweater!

    OMG it’s Stella! Wud is this about a bump and a mole and a…..BABY?????

    Take care my fwiends and tanks so much for the hailp wif de hed!! Love n hugs,

    Beanie Brain

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    What IS if about this thread? Every-time I read you gals, I want to have a drink!

    Okay, wait.... I'll be back.... THIS is better now..... I don't remember having THIS much fun.... at least with all my clothes on! Just kidding.....

    It's best I post on this thread when DH is not home, so I don't have to behave...image

    Yes, Hi Chrissy! You talked about Karen? Moving her folks closer to her?

    I wanted to do that with my Dad, after my Mom passed away, but the more I looked, the harder it was.... I just KNEW he couldn't come her to live by me... from California. He had a hard time breathing anyway.... and he COULDN'T live at this altitude... Things kind of took care of themselves.... but at least he didn't have to think about moving "away from Mom and their home."

    And Chrissy, you always give good advice!

    Oh for God's sakes! Where is Karen! Okay.... I found you.... My Grandma had Alzheimer's..... It started out so slow, but it just breaks your heart, when you actually realize it, and you can't do anything about it! I used to just cry all the way to work, when I left her at the Assisted Living by my house.... Every day I would run down the alley to check on her.... to make sure she only had one dress on.... and would go eat in the dining room!

    Little Karen.... just love her.... don't let it hurt you too much. I was the only one my Grandma knew.... after awhile. I would pick up hamburgers and eat lunch with her.... and feed her.... And later when I had to move her to a nursing home I would just make sure they put those leg-warmers on her.....

    It is just not easy! Some days you will want to strangle all the nurses and Doctors! And you will cry and feel helpless.... it's okay. A care-giver is an angel.... Don't feel guilty.... just be thankful you still have her.

    Okay.... yes, the Denver weather is gorgeous! I went to the Mills and bought the cutest pair of Sketcher suede clogs! Cuter even than my Croc Clogs.... Ha!

    Bernie, you little rascal you! I love your pics!

    And Wahinee beanie! I see what you did! You are ALL rascals! Yes.... it is Fexofenadine.... even the generic is not cheap, but like Zyrtec, they all work a little differently. Won't hurt to try it I guess....

    Cammi! Damnit! Is Joey your GS or you cat? I forget! Your cat knows how to cook? Does he have his own chef's hat? Oh wait.... Your Grandson knows how to cook? And he's teaching YOU? It will never happen. Go back to bed and take your drugs.... I'll fix you some chicken soup.... I'll leave the feet out this time.

    Okay, Hi Beanius! This thread is just too damn funny! I remember SEEing it, one time a couple years ago, but never found my way here!

    YOU have those ocular migraines too??? Mine just go away on their own.... but in the mean time, you just try and hold it together and not panic, right? It's like you can only read out of 1/2 of one of your eyes!

    Yes, I wear hearing aids now.... actually the Tamoxifen only caused a small stroke in my brain-stem, the part where the auditory nerve is... So that's what happened. NOW I read where they have a test, because "certain" women have this "certain" gene, that pre-disposes them to these types of strokes while taking Tamoxifen. Blah, blah....

    So you guys, I'm trying to pretend I know what y'all are talking about.. But just be patient with me.... I'm old you know.... Well not as old as my age.... I'm actually going on maybe 50.... Yeah RIGHT! That's younger than my Daughter's...!

    And hi Bernie and Orange.... yes, I love orange juice.... in my drink.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2013

    Hi girls! Sawry mese got so dwunk last night, dat is a big oopsies! And speaking of Oopsies, I tink a certain little winged loungette is in big trouble. I say no more, I jest fed up with her shenanigans. hehe!

    Chevy, so nice to have you hear. Sorry about what tammy did to you, I wonder if that is why my hearing is failing me. I am only 33 years old (lol) and much too young to bese hard of hearing. I blamed mese job and de clients yack yack yacking and fussing n fighting with me in mese headset. I had no idea that tamoxifen could cause that. I am soooo over taking the stanking cancer drugs. I'd rather have ILLEGAL drugs, any day! hehe. Sorry that you had to deal with alzheimers too, hugs for what you went through ((((CheBBy))). It is a very vicious disease, as wicked at de rat basturd aka cancer. The girls here know that I am living the horror now with my Mommy. We had to move our parents, one at a time, back home. We first brought Mom from a hospital and placed her into a home. Then had to get Dad back home which was a huge challenge. I git so upset tinking about how horrid it was seeing mese Momma slip so fast. Dat why mese dwink so heabily! Hang around, you will git to know all of us and we will look forward to gitting to know YE! And if ye don't tail us bout yerself, I will ask sumbuddy who knows you to talk for ya. tehehehe!

    Beanie, hope yer head feels better. And Bernie, hope ye rump feel better too.

    Not gonna comment to all of you cuz I still tasting de hair of de dog. Been awhile sincen I got dwunk, at least turdteen hours bahahahahahahaha.

    I keep tinking it still saturdey night, sumting funnie going on around here. Well I go now, I have sumbuddy to kill, ain't gonna be any mole babies in mese family, oh hail no!

    CheeRs goils! need anudder hair of de dog dwink, tenders?????

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Hi little DorK! Well, Tamoxifen DOES warn about strokes, cataracts, flat-feet, and the list is endless, but of course we don't pay any attention to that list! It's okay though..... at least I didn't have to have chemo.... and I'm almost 4 years out.... now.

    I lost my hearing one morning! Haven't found it since...Winking I mean I woke up, after taking Tamoxifen for 14 months, and blam! Couldn't hear out of my left ear.... Then the next week, same thing with my right.... But WTH.... could have been worse. Quite a few women on here have had this happen to them also.... But hearing aids are better than not hearing....

    I don't even take Aspirin now..... Afraid of everything.... except this drink I made about 2 hours ago....Ha!

    I'm watching Nascar right now! One more race left for the season.... Are any of you gear-heads? \

    Do I have to behave? And not swear or anything?


  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited November 2013

    Hi Dollinks,

    Just wanted to stop by again for anudder dwink...I see Chevy and DorKie have been by and I love yer postessess. Chevy I'm a gear-head or a petrol head. I love supercars and super UFOs. And I foygot to menshun I live in Area 51 and my ranch is not just the Nanu Nanu Oasis, it is the Nanu Nanu Oasis-Casino. We gamble, dwink and watch UFO's ebery day! DorKie I hear ya bout de $%&*#&$$$!!! RB and like de tammy we will just get thru the AI's together nextest. Chuga-chuga-choo-choo all aboard de AI train. I gib hugs to Dofey and Chevy and all de goilies here!

    Thanks again to all you HTL hotties for your kindness to da bean. I hope you all have de most wunnerful nights...buyes, muah!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    OH NO!!! Our Stella is pg???? And wid de Moler Focker Boy??? (Chevy, that is de boy wif de mole on his face from de Waltons, John Boy). Oh mese, oh mise, where did wese go wrong? Thot wese wuz keeping tabs on her. Oopsies! And she will habs a little bambino in OZ? Holy Macaroni! Wese all must be dwinkin too in de woild did wese let THIS happen????


    A little bitty Stella???



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    kat r u home yet? I am here at de ole homestead---I don no how we went wrong wid Stella I tried my beastliest to teaches her goodlyest bit nope. So did u end up winning sumptin--I hope.

    Dorky I was at the fountain fore u, but I saved some for Beany and u and anyone else who's in need. I dit'nt slurp it all dis time.

    Chevy as u see by de pics ders not to much we don't do here so relax. An u can tell dem how u steal all da eggs when it darkliest out by u'r house and eat de ebidence rite away.

    Beany I hope dat headache goes to de curb fastliest. like now.

    It's bene a week we changed times and I still all mi xedd up in mese brain. it feels so dark and late. BTW Chevy my GS is Joey, my kat is Katie-Kat and I know u know dat u silly willy. and I did make a PB/J smwich for him --so dere.

    Bernie hope u'r bum is so better by now.

    Lubs u all

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited November 2013


    These are the Silver Ferns playing the Aussie Diamonds - we lost - as usual. Here most girls will play netball even if only at school. I did for a while but preferred field hockey. We wore our gym slips for school games and when my sister played they had to wear their black stockings as well. There are quite a lot of women's social teams as well.

    Don't believe Chrissy when she says we always win, that's only at rugby, very occasionally we might win at cricket.

    That's enough now you will all need a drink.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited November 2013

    DH has a friend over and then are smoking cigars and drinking good beer and have a fire going in the fire pit!!! Boys night out at home!!!! so can't open the window....but not going to complain

    Taking a class through work....and oh my....its way more work than I thought it would be...and I'm late in starting the assignment but I think I have till next week to do week 1 and week 2 assignments....think its something that I will have to do daily....but it is interesting topic.....Gifted students with learning disabilities....All the work is online, include online discussions....will let you know how it goes...

    Tomorrow is Veterans Day....I remember it being call Remembrance Day as a little girl and at 11:00 on Nov 11th, there was a moment of silence....and the poppy flower pins....I don't think any of that happens anymore....I have the day off work but my college student son and high school daughter both have school.

    Well...I need to get back to my reading...I've printed most everything off the computer...I can't read an article on the computer and remember anything!!!!!

    No more wine for me tonight....will uncork the next bottle tomorrow night....sweet dreams

  • Eve1956
    Eve1956 Member Posts: 67
    edited November 2013

    So many fabuloso drinKs to try. I can hardly wait to go to the liquor store and buy all the liquors I'm going to need. Wine gets so boring but it tastes mighty fine and makes me feel mighty fine! Thx goils for all the GREAT recipes!!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Hi Eve, I was wondering where you were and when you were going to pop into the HTL again! Stay around awhile!!!!

    Cami, No, not home yet, we go home tomorrow. Tonight they had an awesome stage band...the singer was new to the band but she could sing Norah Jones, Adelle, even Robin Thicke (Blurred Lines), and others. Loved her voice, really awesome. We don't usually listen to the casino bands but this one had us spellbound. So just had to get a nightcap to come up to the room with....the new vip bartender Jeff (and he is cute!) made me a Brandy Alexander....yummmm....enjoying it right now.

    Funny about Joey telling you how to cook, Cami!!! ANd then you made him a sandwich...priceless!

    Nice pics, Alyson! When I see the Maoris, they remind me of Hawaiians. So looks like it could be a Hawaiian team too. Cool. OH and you were the one that told me that Maoris also use the word "Wahine", right?

    Well. we did not win all our money back, and if DH hadn't bailed me out I would be almost broke! But he played a lot of BJ (yes I hear the snickering, girls!) and Craps, so got some good ratings. Found out the band tonight will be playing here for New Years Eve, so just might have to make plans to be here.

    OK Chevy, 'splain puleez....what is this about chickens? Your obsession??? LOL, would love to know more about this!!! I know this won't be the same, but for some reason my mom always liked chickens, so I would do pottery chickens for her, and buy cute ceramic chickens, etc. Don't know what it was, but she likes them in her kitchen. Never got eggs from these OH when my late DH and I had a small farm on the side of the mountain, our neighbor had guinea hens. Now, realize, I grew up in Hawaii and never had a "fresh" from the chicken egg. day my DH found a guinea egg in our barn...and it was the BEST eating, yolk so deep yellow. So, he was a smart one for sure, and grew up in the country, he got a couple of golf balls and set them in the barn where he found that egg. Then the guinea hens would make the trek from their yard, down hill through our yard and down to OUR barn EVERY DAY and lay eggs!!! Funny....wonder if the neighbors thought they stopped laying??? One time he came home with 4 ducks....he thought they would stay in our barn overnight till he could get them set up the morning they were long gone. Guess they didn't like our accomodations.....or the horses ran them off! LOL. We sure had good fun times there.

    OK, I am not able to dwink and type at the same time, and guess what I want to do right now??? Right! So, toodles for tonight...sleep tight girls....sweet dreams.....



  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013

    Chevy, I have chickens

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013

    Dinner - One bottle of red.

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  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013

    Dinner - one bottle of red


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013

    Dinner - two bottles of red


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!Talking about temps in the 20's and wind chills for later in the week.Gotta give up on summer, I guess.

    Goldie--Glad you had as much fun as I did with the post yesterday!Yup, gotta deal with the

    "S" word, but it's all melted off now.BUT, I've GOT to get the garden hoses and furniture inside ASAP!For dragging my feet I'll have to do it in the dark after work tonight.Sigh.Amen for Danielle's progress, and prayers will continue!

    Cammy--yup, got a coating, it was gone by noontime, but enough to make for some accidents on the way to church yesterday ayem.No biggies, just little fender benders.Reminded me to get my studded tires put on soon.

    Chevy--laughing is what we are hear for, that and getting (virtually, mostly) drunkliest!Like you I don't like the taste of beer.Happy Hour at lunch time?What a great idea!Yes, we have a crew of Tenders (bar tenders) and Wenches (female bar tenders) who cater to our every need and desire.There is a swim up bar at one end of the heated pool, opposite the huge TV screen.There's a casino with an ATM at every door, these ATMs spit out $$$$ every time you walk by so you always have some to use in the casino.There's an inflatable chapel where drinking is allowed along with the praying.Hammocks everywhere, and lots of other amenities.Let the tenders know what you like and they will make sure the bar never runs out!

    BBBBBernie--Creamated beef?Sounds, ah, interesting!Love wineO'clock!

    ORLA--interesting fashion statement!

    Karen--I wish I knew something to say to help you feel better.I suspect your Dad would have passed away no matter where he was, and it's better for your Mom to be near you.Survivinglong time partners often have a significant decline in health after one dies, sounds like your Mom is going through this.Hard to watch, but you are doing all you can, the rest is up to God.

    Wahine--so kind of your DH to replace your gambling money!I remember seeing a show on the psychology used in setting up and decorating casinos, all designed to get you to spend more $$$.Everything from no clocks to having all the bells in the same key to busy patterns on the rugs to encourage keeping your eyes on the tables and machines, it was fascinating!

    Cammy--funny of Joey!

    Juliet--Pretty drink!And very timely!

    Chrissy--The cruise countdown is at 60 some days.Don't see the big countdown number on the sight this ayem.I sail in January.

    Stella--ah, my dear, we did try to warn you!If bump is born with a mole you will need to take him/her to a plastic surgeon instead of a pediatrician.

    Beanie--I used to get migraines, even my hair hurt when I got one.And the aura was freaky, I would walk into walls and doorways for a day or so before the headache hit, then would throw up for hours and hours, the whole thing would last for days.They stopped mysteriously and have not returned, for which I am grateful.Hope yours go away, too!

    Chevy--don't be afraid to ask for translations, we've developed our own language in here and sometimes we forget not everyone speaks Loungeeze!

    DorKable--sounds like you and Stella need to have a sit down and talk, I would love to be a fly on the wall when you do!

    BBBBBernie--LOVE the illustrations of dinner with wine!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Jack Frost--so pretty we needed to have it 2 days in a row!


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    good morning all

    Bernie-your killing me ,Yorkshire I want to make some,was bad this weekend had roasties nothing else just roastiesSmilehows your rear?


    aly ,I wish the all blacks weren't so goodSad but the welsh lions did have a good tour of AustraliaWinking

    chevy-chicken curry now we are talking

    good luck with your course Karen,personally drinking the wine before I start improves my performance

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Morning gals.... Hey Beanius! LOVE that Lamborghini! (Cammi, that is a car....) Yes, only one more race for the season, then it's over until Feb! sniff...

    And a Stella is pg? I mean really? Are we supposed to be making fun of her, or is this ..... Oh wait, I'll go back and try and find a "Stella"...

    See, you guys..... My neighbors who live across the irrigation ditch from us, built a Chicken coop! They bought 6 little baby chickens... So then they grew up, and live in this chicken coop, with a nesting area... And of course these "girls" lay eggs. When the people are out of time, which is quite frequently, they ask me to feed and water their stupid chickens and their cat. And I get to keep the eggs, which is about 3-4 a day.

    At first I was afraid of these damn chickens, because YOU know, they have beaks and feet, and flop around! But we are better friends now... And I bring them treats, when it is my time to tend. And steal their eggs. I WON'T do it when one of the "girls" is laying... I won't disturb her. So I go back later, and count to 6 to make sure they are NOT in their nesting box!

    So that's my chicken story.... We could say Cammi is NOT fond of Chickens.... And so we get to tease each other.

    I used to really tease her about her spelling! About her not knowing what "spell-check" is.... Do you think she gave a chit? Nope! You are right, and what's GOOD about this is, on THIS thread, she doesn't NEED it.... Ha, ha! But I can understand everything she SAYS! My brain has become accustomed to her lack of "sp-check".... image And I lived happily ever after!

    Morning Alyson! I watched a Rugby practice one time, at DU, and I thought those guys were going to KILL each other! Wow! And we were right NEXT to them!

    So KareninCo.... Okay I have you straightened out.... My DH likes to smoke a "little" cigar every day.... He walks up to the corner tavern, every day for 1 1/2 hours for a couple beers, then comes home and smokes his cigar... So that is also MY time, to do MY stuff, without being monitored...image I remember those red like paper flower pins!

    We live over by old Elitch's! I used to work there, and so did our Daughter's. I live a block from where I grew up... So where are you?

    Morning Eve... I had a glass of Riesling once...! It was REALLY good! But when we get a box, we usually get like a white zin or something.

    So Wahine! I 'splained about the chickens... Ha! Yes, the fresh eggs ARE so much better! Your story about the golf-ball, and Ducks was funny! But WE have Raccoons that hang around our Ditch in the early mornings! And a once-in-a-while Fox!

    That's silly I KNOW, because we live right smack-dab in the middle of the city!

    Bernie! You really have Chickens??? Does Cammi know this? Does she give you a ton of grief? Did you actually DO that burnt Turkey? What did you do, take a trip after you put him in the oven? To China or somewhere? That was funny about the bottles of wine...image

    So these are the neighbor "girls"... And they even have names.... not kidding, either!


    And good morning to Nativemainer and Juliet!