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how about drinking?



  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited November 2013

    whoopsie!!! I tink I bumped Wahiney in da pewl. Put mese glasses on so I can hab a closer look!!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    OOPS, Beckers you missed bumping Dorkie into de pewl, but mese came by and bumped you BOTH into de pewl. BUT de Tenders iz in de pewl, and deys are skinny jest watch out for some big rudders..well, ya know, gotta watch out fer der know!! Didn't mean to bump ya both, but mese sees sum happy smiles on yer faces...yuppers!!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Hahahaha, wese all bumping ea other into de pewl toonite!!! *splash*...

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited November 2013

    big rubbers??? Me n Dork blow em up and use 'em for floatation devices.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited November 2013

    Evning all,

    Another lazy day, lots of sport on TV not sport as you know watching rugby and netball.You lot don't know about such tings.

    Hopes yous all well this day -tink Sunday has started in the east.


  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited November 2013


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    LMAO Beckers! I wrote "rudders" as I was picturing their big guy parts sticking out like a rudder...but mese didn't 'splain meself berry well. BUT if you and Dorkie want to blow up big rubbers, well that can be fun too!!!! LOL.

    Alyson, what is "netball"? Is that like what we would call badminton? My DH plays racquetball,which is a little similar to squash, but not quite. Funny about all our different terms and games!


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    they always put me as goal defense or goal scorer in netball because i was tall ignoring the fact I was useless at games,even worse at rounders

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited November 2013

    Netball is like basketball, usually played by girls. there are 7 on the court with 4-5 reserves who sometimes will be subbed into the games but you can't substitute as you do in basketball. There are set positions and you cannot go everywhere on the court. What I was watching was Fast Fives a shorter faster version.

    We won we beat the Aussies something that is always sweet. I drink to our success and the Australian defeat.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    *klink* (glasses hitting for a toast) Alyson....cheers for that good kiwi win!!!!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited November 2013

    Slainte, Bottoms up, whatever you waant

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013


    image unselectable="on">

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    hows your arse Bernie?

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    happy anniversary kat,hope your night turned into a winnerWinking

    cammi,chevy ,Bernie and dorty hope you drank responsibly and stayed on the floor

    lori good news on dannielle,hope she cont to improve, prayers for all those under treatment right now especially your nephew aly

    beans wish that migraine has gone, any ideas what triggers it for you?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2013

    Good morning,. Loungettes!Snowing this ayem here, shoulda done some outside work yesterday and didn't.Ah, well.

    Goldie--I had fun with the word games here yesterday.Great news about Danielle!Horray!

    Mema--I had that song stuck in my head all day yesterday, now it looks like I'll have it again today!Could be worse, I suppose.

    Cammy--yup, can tell you took some meds, you get very entertaining.Old fashioned remedies are sometimes the best!

    Beanie--I don't think I could have done 10 years on arimidex.I got so tired of being tired and stiff and sore all the time.And the bottom line is that science has no idea how long is really best.Sigh.Gotta find a way to kick those migraines to the curb, and soon!

    ORLA--skin samples?I have this mental pic of the sales ladies handing out little squares of skin "And this is from a fair skinned 18 year old, feel how soft and see how light it is!"

    Wahine--Happy Anniversary to you and DH, and may Lady Luck smile on you today!

    Chevy--ooh,chocolate coke, yummy!I found a vanilla Pepsi the other day, it was wonderful!And any drink is acceptable here, the only rule is you have to share the recipe!

    Alyson--keyboard woes, yuck, makes for funny posts, though!

    Juliet--I agree with that most important kitchen utensil!

    CynCyn--allergies are not fun, are they.Hope you get over them quickliest!What are you allergic to that's bothering you this time of year?

    Mema--second dwinkies are good dwinkies!

    Cammy--Where's you find the thumb?Aha, now I found it!Yeah! More thingys to play with!

    Karen--I wouldn't have the discipline to not eat all the cookies at once!You have a strong will!Watching our parents age is hard, isn't it?

    DorKable--Wow, you are dwinking some GOOD STUFF!Not fair to tease us with saying Stella has a secret and not at least giving a clue!Let me guess,is she preggers?By Moler Foker?

    Beckers--Wow, so much death and loss for your family.Praying you all find some peace and a way to go on without too much pain.

    Wahine--Glad the food was good, even if the winning was elusive!

    Becs--interesting floaters you got going there, where'd you get them?


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Chocolate Snow Bear

    1 oz Amaretto

    1 oz Creme de Cacao

    1/4 oz Chocolate Syrup

    5 oz Vanilla Ice Cream

    2 dashes Vanilla Extract

    Combine all ingredients in an electric blender and blend at a low speed for a short length of time. Pour into a chilled champagne flute and serve.

    Sloshy Teetotaler's DOTD is the Christmas Snow Storm

    1 oz Kahlua Coffee Liqueur

    1 oz Godiva Chocolate Liqueur

    1 oz Van Gogh Vodka

    1 oz Goldschlager

    2 oz Cream

    Pour ingredients over crushed ice in a shaker. Shake until frothy. Strain and serve in a wine glass

    CookieFloppy-Feet's DOTD is the Snowshoe

    1/2 oz Peppermint Schnapps Schnapps

    1/2 oz Bourbon

    Pour peppermint schnapps in shot glass, top with Wild Turkey, drink it up!

    Noelle the sparkly beer guzzler's DOTD is the Snow White

    1 part Beer Beer

    3 parts Sprite

    Place Sprite/7-Up into glass. Pour Heineken to top off. Mixture can be varied. Good summertime drink

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited November 2013

    Chit NM idk..itchy/watery eyes...sneezing...hoping the TX climate will help.  I'm allergic to Reese and take allergy meds daily but whatever this is those meds don't touch. Happy Sunday Sunday everyone!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2013

    CynCyn--make sure you aren't allergic to anything you use on Reese, too--shampoo, flea powder, whatever.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2013

    That was lots o fun NM, and made for lots o laffs.

    Sue, you right on "sugar" X 2. Guess dat cuz me so sweet! Ha ha ha!! You'll have to let me know your take on Gravity if you see it. Capt. Phillips was goot.

    Cami, make sure you are up to the job and don't take on any more than you want to. I like that it gives you something to do though. Just remember, it's ALWAYS YOUR CHOICE. Oh I can see you and Chevy being a hoot. so nice that you have such a great friendship.

    Beanius dollink, have you always gotten migraines, or is it since you started the Femara? I have only ever had one of those, and don't EVER want another. They are absolutely HORRID. Not sure how many AI's are out there, Arimidex is one that can only be taken for 5 years. For me it was doable, I didn't like it, but I managed.

    Lara, LOL @ skin samples from Macy's. Whose skin?

    Kat, congrats on Sweet 16 years. Happy Anniversary "Sloppy BurbsAlot, Cookie Pickle-Pants, Judd the Frosty Dope Dealer! Kenny G will be nice, we are going to see Dolly Parton, forget the date, sometime in January. WOWSA $400? I don't think we ever lose any more than about $100, but we are wussy gamblers.

    Chevy, I do not think I could say that, not even sober. You will git the hang of things and if not, well.........jes hab anudder drink and don't worry bout it. Oh no you don't! You DO NOT fix your own drinks here. We have Tenders that will do that for you. Just give a holla, Pants, Jocks or one of the others will get it for you. Or one of the Wenches.

    Cyn, maybe being in TX will take care of those allergies. I have a feeling SOMETHING will tho! Have a fun trip girl. Bubbles Angel-Pants, fits you poyfectly.

    Karen, you have 2 names that fit you well, with your cooking! Cookie Peppermint and Betty Lou (we should change that to Betty Crocker). Sorry about your mom, and you could be right, about it being YOU, not being ablel to accept it.

    Dork, your names are poyfect fo sho! I will jes call you Tipsy Party Hoarder. You silly silly mental goil! Mental is a state? Where it at?

    Beckers, our hearts go out to you, your husband and your families girl. Gosh, that is alot! (((((BECKERS))))) Mese no tink it a good idea for Dort to be on a stool, might want to rethink dat one.

    Yay for the win Alyson, but Chrissie prolly not too happy!

    Oh wow, das a white bumm dere Bernie!

    NM, the "S" word.......and I'm not talkin "sorry". We worked a little outside yesterday after we got back from taking Lilian to the airport. Pulled everything out of the garden. Today we'll be putting some cow in there and rototilling. Or should I say DH will be doing that. They won't let us do 10 on Arimidex, because of the bone damage. LOL, you thought the same as I on the skin samples. OMG, Stella preggers by MolerFocker??? NO WAY. Fairies can't get preggers. Dizclaimer-I really don't know that but, but it jes can't be).

    Cyn, you are alergic to Reese? Oh no! That is terrible.

    Danielle is up and walking a little with a walker, has some kind of a brace that they call a "turtle". Prognosis is "looking" good, but really only time will tell. Thank you all for the prayers. I won't update anymore, as things are looking good. Unless something bad happens. Thanks again.

    Thank goodness, I thought the DOTD was one drink with all of those ingredients. I'm thinking, boy we will all be on the floor, or in the bafroom (puking). Glad to see it's 3 dwinkies. The Snow Shoe sounds like a good one to start with this fine, beautiful Sunday morning! High 67 today. I am dreading the coming of winter.........YUCK!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Becs u and u'r family have been thru so much the last few yrs. I am so sorry and I do pray for u all.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Bernie LOLThumbsUp I love this hand---u'r so peppy in our morning time. How is it, I mean u'r bum.?

    Oh u guys with double screen tings--not fair, I try to member and can't.

    Alyson first thing I thought was oh oh Chrissy, but she hasn't been on yet or maybe she's miss it. LOL

    Dork if Stella is preggs cuz of Moler Foker, she's a bad little fairy and send her to Chrissy--she'sll figure out how to take care of her. Don't send her here cuz I'm a woman with responsibility now--Oh Lordy, a fear of mine has been realized again.

    NM u got snow? but I'm sure not a lot r u would a said. And all dose drinks sound Yummy especially the first one. I tink I'll have a tender mix one up for me now. And member when I said mixin Diet Dr. Pepper wif Beer same idea with sprite wowza didn't really know u can mix beer at all. All the wonders of the world move over another one is coming.

    Lori u'r so sweet--I know I make a big ting bout my job, but it's not a big deal, I make it one, cuz I can't type like dis, but I use spell check and all I have is a red page to correct and honesty if it gets to much for me I can't do it. I know I'm a quitter but for some reason (meds probly) I have days where confusion reigns high and so does my D and I'm wiped out, So we'll just see as it goes. Are u getting ready for winter?, but it's still early for u right? Cuz so far no snow here chily, but not cold yet.

    Kat u have to win bfore u leave, it's only fair. But that concert sounded great--I heard he puts on a great show and of course I could eat 400.00 of food so I'd come out even.

    Cyn I'm sure u can't wait to get away, but I didn't know u were allergic to u'r fuurbaby, u must have lots of allergies then and maybe change of scenery wil help you, I hope.

    Beany that migraine better be gone I hope, like I've said I've heard they are horrible, well Lori knows. But I still think there has to be better stuff to take nowadays.

    Karen I'm sorry but u are seeing the everyday stuff now and it's hard to watch and hear. Maybe, just maybe she does have some deficiency in something that makes her like she is. I know she sees the Dr. but sometimes they fluff things off due to age and they could be so wrong--as we age things in our bodies change so much and drain important nutrients from us. Just like an older person can get dehydrated as quickly as a baby, but a middle aged person won't--and platelets can be low and on and on so unless she's getting tested for everything u can't rule the simple things out. Just saying

    Julie, Lara, Sue are u doing all right. If I left anyone out to say hi to remember I do everything by memory so it's not good.

    I wish everyone a good Sunday Funday---I'm off today hahahaha I like saying that tho. it's so silly.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    I can't beLIEVE how much I laugh when I read you gals! If I keep reading enough, maybe I will get to know you better?

    You know, I used to work at Coors.... so I beLONG here.... right? I worked there part time for 18 1/2 years..... and LOVED it. I just don't like beer. I mean I can't even stand a sip of it! We also served Coke products in the lounge, so I was happy...Ha!

    I TRIED to drink beer, because God only knows, my Dad drank enough for EVERYone here... But I met DH when we were 18.... I didn't drink.... Only that time on our wedding night... The night I nearly dit the bust!

    Later on in years I worked for Pepsi.... and during lunch, my gal-friend and I, who used to work together as Demo's would eat at Bennigans'! And DAMN if they didn't have happy hour at LUNCH time! So then we drank! 2 for 1..... and I mean they were water-glass full! We made the rest of our days sooooooo much fun!

    Goldie? As in Hawn? Winking You have built in tenders? and wenches? So I just have to sit back and bark orders? Orange juice, vodka and amaretto, is supposed to be a Bocce' Ball..... but just try and find someone who knows how to MAKE one.... I mean with BOTH shots of alcohol....

    That was an accident.... One time when I was in Puerto Vallarta.... I ordered a screw-driver.... and they were doing shots of amaretto, so I just mixed it all together!

    And ONE time.... yet another time when our Husbands were gone Deer hunting, and the girls go our to play, right? Well my SIL and I ordered a "cup of coffee" after dinner.... (the good girls that we WERE...) and he brought us a Kamakazee! We asked..... What is that? And he told us.......because he misunderstood..... and we drank it, and loved that guy forever! THEN we went out dancing, and that's what we DID! The good girls that we weren't. By that time.

    Yes, Cammi is a little kiddle of mine.... She drives me nuts, not liking chickens like she does. Actually I don't like them either.... too much. But I have to pretend I do when my neighbors go out of town, and I am the official "chicken-sitter"..... At least I get to keep their eggs.... and their first born. (JUST kidding.)

    I think that's how I FOUND y'all! Because I was trying to see where Cammi was, and I saw she was up all night drinking with YOU guys.... Ha! Glad I found you!

    Cyndi, or whatever! Have you tried the generic for Allegra? It works better for me than Claritin.... I am the Queen of all Allergies... ALL rashes, ALL everything. And that works better for me.

    Okay.... I'll be back.... Thanks you guys.... for making me laugh!

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013

    Cyn, I would be seriously concerned that the mould is building up again and the spores are in the air.

    Can't actually remember what else was said.

    Welcome Chevy.

    The yard is over the dog so WINE O'clock.

    Cremated beef today.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    Bernie your arse still hurts

    Becks I am so sorry heres a drink

    Cam never heard of that one

    Kat happy anniversary kenny G .... and the food sounds lovely

    Just got back from church DH and I ran up all these big hills keep trying to loose th weight

    NM ha funny skin samples

    I hate when they spray u with the par fume

    the lady said a spritx I said no smells nauseate meNerdy

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    funny pictures

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013

    Orla, I am an arse

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited November 2013

    Thanks everyone about Mom....The docs are great...they are NOT dismissing anything!!! PCP is seeing her monthly and does blood levels on thyroid, potassium and I forget what else (some times CMP or CBC)....levels were WNL last month....her thyroid was off a couple months ago so he upped her far as the physical stuff...its neurological based....Parkinsonism......I've accepted that Mom does have the neurological stuff going on, but more the hard part for me is mentally not getting annoyed...its just so hard seeing her decline as I know what she was like up to know....I always had a young Mom who was so active and could do so the hard part is seeing her having trouble walking and sometimes just moving...she has 3 out of 4 symptoms (everything but tremors)......she used to ride a bike into her early to mid 70's, walk long walks and could keep up with me walking, go to aerobics etc......She still likes to be busy, but its so the symptoms vary...some days are worse than others.....The reason I moved my folks here was seeing Mom having difficulty as well as her being Dad's care taker...I was going down to S. FL monthly and knew it wasn't enough....I got a good dose of reality to know that I had to have them closer to me....and then with Dad passing away 5 weeks after bringing them to Denver is hard....Sometimes I wonder if the altitude has added to the problems (and accelerated Dad's death) but I didn't have a choice...there was no one in S. FL.....a lot of guilt and feelings to be processed. I'm so glad that Mom is around the corner (literally)...I can see her apt building out my back window....I can walk to her apt is 7 to 9 minutes and drive there is less than 5 minutes. ITs just hard accepting or is it dealing with the fact that she is not who she is...and separating what is just her age and what is due to all the neurological stuff!!! all the are you doing?

    Alyson....are you better? never heard of NET ball......will have to google it and seeing if I can find a picture of it being played your counting...not being exact or anything are you!!! hope your head is better today

    DorK...where did you and your Dad go to dinner the other night?

    Chevy....are you enjoying our gorgeous Denver weather? Thinking I might even bag up some leaves to just be outside...but it has to be this morning or later this afternoon as Mom wants to go shoe shopping...taking her to DSW....crazy me told her I would pick her up around noon as that's when I have to take DD to the lightrail....DD is going downtown with a gf

    Kathy...hope your luck turned did your DH do?

    Cyndie...feel better

    Lori, Mema, NM, Orange, Chrissy and everyone else...have a great day!!!! Off for a walk and then figure out what I'm doing!!!! BBL