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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Morning all--NM we could use this DOTD (drink of the day-Chevy) for many days, it served so bootiful, I think I'll ask the tenders to serve it just this way for us and the cupcakes, NM U have to get the exact number of days so we can all count down with you. I so excited for u--u work so passionately hard and u really need this and Sadie will be happy so this is great.

    Kat win or lose u sound like u'r having a great time. u see u have a great DH like some of the others here, so u guys make everything fun that u can do--which makes every situation (even hards ones) a little better) I see my DD and SIL enjoy each other with so much conversation and talking and helping each other all the time and I'm so glad she has a good man (broke) but good and this travels through the whole home==so it's a blessing or maybe cuz u could be a sniper everyone's afraid of u. LOL not me tho

    Lori u don't seem to have close neighbors and work hard and u always sound happy with u'r DH, u guys don't realize how happy that makes me.

    Oh I started sappy this morning--I will have a coffee with Kaluha please Tender, heavy on the K.

    This is getting to be quite a process this week learning how to use a phone, (I know), the computer a little differently, How to read my handwriting for my messages that I send, learning my new TV stations and how to use the remote and with this time change it's even harder for me, Now I don't know what anything is called but I saw my GD stick something in the computer and run something and I was like WTF are u doing? And he splained it to me ??? And I told him he has to teach me and he actually daid he didn't think I was ready, cuz he didn't want me to be under to much pressure. Now I'm not telling u that for a OH JOEY story, this is a computer story--I have loads to learn so I can get full use from this thing so that is going to be my newchallenge.

    Karen what u;'r writing about sounds so interesting to me, I love the topic of the brain and how it canbe used in situations and all those things.(I didn't say any of that right, but I think u can deciper my thinking by now)

    OOHH this coffee is mighty gooood ==Barman another please, I don't see anyone in the HTL yet inless day are on da floor???

    Monday no funday--Have a wonderful day and I'll be back to read the mornings girls.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Oh I bumped right into Julie and Chevy, sorry girls. Ad Chevy this doesn't help my spelling by any means hahaha

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


    hey cammi,when you learn the puter will you teach me

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2013

    Cami, we are getting ready for winter, but day temps are still nice, in the 60's and cold at night, freezing temps. But it's always sunny, so that is a HUGE plus. Joey is just too cute, teaching you how to stir the chili! I gather that was suppose to be his job, but he wanted to go out and play instead. Good to see a kid go out and play and not sit in front of a tv or playing video games. My closest neighbor is about a half mile away. I can see them cuz we are up on a hill.

    Chev, working for Coors, you def. belong here. Had a regular here and her fave was Coors Light, and another gal who worked at a beer factory, forget which one. I've been called Goldie Hawn in the past, but it actually came from Goldilocks. Back in the day I used to have a CB radio in my car, my handle was Goldilocks, and peeps that I talked to shortened it to just Goldie. Yes sit back and bark orders girl, and you will get what evah you want. Altho we might laff at your for barking. Was a spell in my life where we did Kamakazees after work! And you can take your clothes off iffin you want, 'specially if you're more fun!!! Ya, this group is a hoot for sure! But also very caring and supportive when need be. And you can be 50 too while you are here. We will be patient, you will get to know everyone soon. If you have any questions, just ax? You get fresh eggs? That is awesome. Oh wait, you STEAL them??? Bernie has lots of animals. And Kathy (Wahine) and Cyndie have been to her part of the world and have met Bernie.

    Cyn, how are the allergies? Bernie makes a good point...........if you get here to read that is.

    And you are NOT an arse Bernie. But I have to say, when I first saw that, I thought you said nurse. That dinner plate looks might yummy.

    Karen, such nice words from Bernie, she is so right. My grandson is gifted with his reading, but struggles with Aspergars. He is in 2nd grade, and reading at 8th grade level. In a regular school, but I wish his parents would explain his condition to him, do you agree with that?

    LOL Kat, yep cow manure, we jes call it cow. Lord knows there plenty of it around here, as it's open range, but we go and buy it. Got everything pulled out, cow in and all rototilled and ready for the spring. Putting all of that money in the machines is what keeps those casino's inviting you back. Glad you got to see Hunk, funny your DH actually called him that.

    Julie, that Jack Frost sounds a bit like a Blue Hawaiian drink.

    Chrissy, the slot machines here are also called one armed bandits. Our winters are too cold, we can get below zero at night and that is farenheit, not celcius. I think -18 in celcius, so no winter garden here. Well, I shouldn't say that. I do have some greens and a couple of herbs growing in the Shady Lady.

    Ooooooooh Myyyyyyyyyyy Gooooooooodness! Literally LMAO at Stella and Cami.

    Oh darn Beans, I din't know you have had doze migraines for many a years. I hope dey gone foy now. I used to get those aura tings, and I too went to da eye doctor. Dey told me dat was migrain wifout da headache. I hope the hot water helps, let us know if you try it.

    DorkyDoodle, you foygot to mention to Chebby dat you daddy libs wif you now. Maybe he can baby sit for Stella........LOL!!!!

    Love the baby stella Kat, too coot. When do you go home? Nevermind, I see it's today. Are you going home with empty pockets?

    Thanks for the drink Alyson. As for me, I don't watch any sports and not a Gear Head". How are you feeling?

    NM, interesting info on the casino decorating. Bummer about having to bring things in, in the dark. Can't they wait until next weekend? Maybe just turn the water off and dis connect it?

    Monday no funday......good one Cami. I got this in an email, and of course immediately thought of you!


    If 4 out of 5 people SUFFER from diarrhea...does that mean that one out of five enjoys it?


    If a cow laughed, would milk come out of her nose?

    ...Whatever happened to Preparations A through G?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2013

    Ooops, forgot the video. Watch this Chevy.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited November 2013

    Good Morning loungettes......Thank you t all the Veterans and the families who served their countries....My Dad served in the Canadian Armed Services in wasn't till after he passed away that we saw his pictures from Korea...don't know why he never shared them, but Mom gave them to me when we were sitting Shiva (the mourning week after the funeral)....He ran away to the Canadian Army!!!

    Chevy....oh I remember the old much nicer than the new one!!! I live across town from you...I'm near Leetsdale and Monaco by GH high school.

    Lori.....yes, I think your grandson should be told, but its a step by step process as he grows he needs more information.....

    Relaxing morning...didn't get out of bed till 6:15!! what a slouch!! Both DD and DS have school and I have the day off...DH always works!!! not sure what leagal holidays he gets, but often he is working on them!!!

    Going to go jump in the shower and then go for a walk.....want to do a little retail my favorite second hand store that has 25% off for seniors on Mondays!!! Also meeting a girl friend from work (now retired) for lunch....Feels like a "me" day....I promised myself that I wouldn't do any work for work today, but I do have a report to write for an early morning staffing tomorrow...since I neglected to do it up to now, I'll do that report as well as read for my class.....but the rest of the day is for me....might work in the yard a bit and maybe the basement....nah...going to wait on the basement till this gorgeous weather is no more!!! Its still fall here...50's and sunny all week....gotta love Denver weather!!!

    Have a great Monday!!! bbl

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited November 2013

    Haha Goldie.....I get in to read just don't always respondeyvous...Allergies are still crazy...Chev....I take Wal-Mart's otc allergy chit.  It's just annoying and usually at its worst in the ayemm.  

    Yummy looking meal Bernie...

    What's this about Stella??

    Cammi...why do you not like chickens?  I met Bernies chickens and I came home alive...they actually had a baby cute....hard to think that at one time they were what comes out of an egg..

    Buttered NM....I saw some very pretty pictures of snow on the trees from some friends up there...really making me homesick for New England.

    Alyson...You played sports? In school?  

    Beanz......glad to see you so often...How are thing in Nanu? Aliens behaving?

    How's Dorty Doin?  DORTY !!!!  

    BECKERS???? Where you be chickadee?

    Julie I'm leaving you in complete control of the state of Florida in my me proud girl..

    HUGGGGLES (in Goldiese)


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited November 2013

    NM.......buttered was Buurrrrr

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Cyndilou? so you must know my Daughter? She lives in Orlando! I've HEARD of Venice Fl, but don't know much about anything there.... only where our Daughter has taken us!

    You guys I never knew about chickens. When we first got married in 1957, we moved into this old converted garage, waiting for first baby. I was then 21.... So those neighbors, Bea and Estelle had chickens. And eggs.

    So I said one time.... "Why don't you just let the eggs STAY there, and then you will have baby chicks!" Because they kept eating the eggs! And I thought WTH? Just leave them all alone, and a baby chick will hatch!

    So Estelle FINALLY said, "Because we don't have Roosters!" And I said, "I KNOW, but you already have the EGGS!" THEN he said.... "GO ASK BEA!!!" I guess that was my hint to STFU and go ask Bea!

    That day I learned that even Chickens DO it! I had no idea! I had never saw a chicken or anything ELSE DO it.... except dogs.... but they didn't lay eggs!

    And one day, living at the SAME house, I learned about these two neighbor dogs hurting each other, and they couldn't get apart! And I called the FIRE DEPARTMENT!

    And they I was embarrased. I just thought...... oh never mind.

    Sorry girls, but I was NOT born on a farm, or knew anything about the birds and the bees, evidently...... Ha!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2013

    Morning DahhhLinks!!

    A moment of silence and prayer for all who served our country, they will never be forgotten. My DH survived VN while many of his buddies did not. May they rest in peace.

    Missed yesterday cuz of football. Didn't win this week tho, neither did my Aunties. I was really hoping they would...oh well. But I did read back and you all had mese cwacking da hail up!!! Chickens n eggs, Stella ?? Oh Noooooo!!!

    Love the Jack Frost...I printed it...will have to try it for real.

    Chrissy - I am doing OK...musinex is doing it's job, cough at least productive now, thanks for asking. Can't wait to see the Final Four fercited for you!

    Beckers - my heart aches for you...hope you and yours are having better days (((Becks))

    BeanieBabe - u splained da migrain aura perfectly. Skeered beejeeezzz outta me foist time it happened, dis was like 10 years ago. Still happens but not frequent...when I foist see da zig-zag...I take ibu's, advil, whatever I have with me...helps calm da after-aura-ache. Mese jes habs to keep pinchin meseself dat u bisiting da lounge more...teehee...lubs it!

    Chevy - youse fittin right in here...cwacking mese up!! Dem some adorable chickens, but we will need to kno their's a thing here. Not that we'll remember them, tho some will, some have good memories, not me. I lived in MT for a few years...really miss the fresh eggs...sigh! Remind me to tail u story of mese son and the dog hurting his dog.

    Cami - your Joey stories are jes too funny and now u gotz ur 'job' stories to entertain us wif...oh and not to mention u bicker bicker wif Chevy...LOL!!

    Aly - what is a gym slip?

    Eve - warm welcome back...don't stay away so long K?

    Bernie - I'da burnt the 1st dish on 1 bottle of wine...then I'd pass out so never mind on a 2nd dish.

    NM - LOL about Stella having to take her bb to ps! OH your migraines were alot worse then mine. My DB used to get them like you, awful...glad ur not plagued by them anymore.

    Julie - love da posts...Amen to the gratitude!

    Lori - funny u shorten it to cow...I jes call it chit cuz dat what it iz. Thank u fer posting da video link for Chevy...wonder now if Eve has seen it...hope she comes back soon and sees the link. Dang it getting cold in da nite there. We won't eber git as cold as u, and u git snow too right? LMAO on the pooppoop Maxine...loved it and yes...we tink of Cami!

    Cyndielou - surprised to see you...but happy happy...u habing a goot time girl?

    Gotta go git morning feedbag on mese dh, to anyone I missed...xcoose me...I still lubslubslubslubs all ya'll!

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013

    ok, chickens are gits. don't even ask about the goddam (I've gone all american) turkey and well just do NOT get me started on the goats.

    On a more serious note - most of the family are dyslexic and barking mad.

    When my mum was a girl she called her father and said "look our Dan (collie dog) is pulling the neighbours dog backwards up the road" Hey hum. First sex education lesson.

    SIL and her uncle Bob (love that name) arrives in an hour and as the dog as over the yard it's so WINE O'clock

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013

    why have I suddenly gone blue?

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013

    On a serious note. DH's grandfather was a prisoner of war in Japan. Pronounced dead, his wife went on to marry an American GI. Big shock, 3 years after the war her first husband turned up. The shock nearly killed her.

    He had had both legs amputated due to rot and eventually died of yellow fever.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013

    Lest we forget

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    Bernie yum that food looked amazing

    I have never had yorkshire pudding Juliet

    Joey stirring the chili cam thats cute

    Karen are you taking classes for your license? To keep you updated

    Chevy u have chickens?

    Cyn whats up.............................

    Hi mema, kat sounds like u r having fun

    I cant wait for turkey day

    be back latah

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013


    hahaha sorry @daniellebertholee and @Tiffany Myers  but u have 2 admit its funny but you guys arent as stupid as them

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Oh my GOD Bernie.... You just cracked me up laughing, then I felt bad! Okay, so I'm Irish too! I wasn't BORN there, but my ancestors were! Maybe that's why the men in my family all thought it was patriotic to DRINK? I mean DRINK until the point of no return? And why can't I ask about the goddam turkey, or whatever? Can we actually SAY that on here? And you don't get in trouble? It was funny, anyway. But actually those were some sorrowful stories.... I'm sorry.

    My Dad also served in WW2..... He was one of the Navy men that went to Hiroshima the day after the Bomb, to help clean up the city...! With brooms.... etc! He never told this to anyone, until after Mom passed away, and I was all he had left.... I even wrote down some of the things he told me....

    I remember we drove down-town, to celebrate when they announced the War was over.... Eveyone was honking, and celebrating.... No more black-shades, and air-raid sirens!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Okay....Hi Orange...


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    No Orange.... just my neighbors do.... I am their step-mother though....Winking

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Just thought I'd poop in to say hi---I'm working bery bery hard today only a few mistakes like not getting a phone number. but I figure maybe dey call back, someone asked me technical questions, LOLing is all I could do--loads of calls today, cuz it's Mondays prob.

    Lara no scary movies on much today, but I hardly had time to looke. Wow O'm tirrred.

    I neber minded chickens, day were fine then Chvvy came along and all I hears is about chicken and procuring eggs all de time. She prints pics of chickens, all kinds, talks about dem first ting in de morning and last ting at night she's still being good here but I know She's had whole posts about their feet. ooooo so maybe if she stays drunk she'll talk about drinks.. dat's good.

    I hope everyone is having a good day.U know when u talk nice to people (as I'm forced too now) u can't help but smilie--it stinks.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2013

    Good evening, Loungettes!  How is everyone this evening? 

    Juliet-- a glass of wine makes a lot of paperwork go easier, doesn't it?  It may not improve my performance, but I certainly enjoy it more!

    Chevy--Stella is Dorky's alter ego, she's a fairy, made of paper, that travels around the world visiting Loungettes and drinking vodka.  She's a bit of fun and lots of trouble!

    Cammy--61 days is the count!  Small wrinkle, though, Aunty's Bed, Breakfast and Kennel won't be open, Aunty is going to Vegas to visit her DD2 for a month, she's leaving just about the same time as me.  So Sadie will be going to a kennel near my house, one that is small and provides work opportunities for adults with mental handicaps, so the animals there get lots and lots of one on one attention so Sadie will be happy there.  Hmmm, better make an appointment at the vet for her, make sure her shots are all caught up. 

    Goldie--I do plan to wait until the weekend to move stuff, unless I get off work some afternoon. 

    Karen--My Dad served in the Korean war, too.  He, too, said very little about it.  There are a couple of pics of him during that time around somewhere, I'm not sure where they are.  I think Mom has them, somewhere. 

    CynCyn--the allergy thing is annoying, to say the least.  Sometimes, when the allergies flare up I double up on the OTC allergy pills for a few days and that seems to help some.  OK, Buurrrrr makes more sense than buttered!  I was wondering what I was supposed to be buttering!

    Chevy--you really did live a sheltered life, girlie! 

    Mema--I am very glad to not be getting migraines anymore, too!  They were horrible, but once I got my high blood pressure under control they stopped. 

    BBBBBBernie--I'm joining you in a glass of wine!

    ORLA--Turkey day is sounding good to me, too!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    OOOHHH I just looked outside--we have almost an inch of snow--WTF I didn't even know---

  • Eve1956
    Eve1956 Member Posts: 67
    edited November 2013

    Oh Chevy, that's so funny about you calling the fire department! I remember when an older girl from a family my parents hung out with told me how babies came about and I didn't believe her! I remember being horrified someone could even think something like that up! LOL! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013


  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited November 2013

    Wahine – love de Stella pics, can’t believe dat goyl is pg…and wif de mole boy, I tot she hated him??? LOL about the guinea hens and de golf balls, dat a good story, sounds like so much fun.

    Cammi – tanks for de well wishes, I better today. DH and I decided it was due to a spider bite, may as well be that as anything, tee hee! De time changed here but me DH is refusing, so all de clocks in de house are different n my cell ph is different, same as me laptop, but wine-ockock is staying at 4 or 5 depending on if you change or not. I'm so funcused I was starting wino-clock at 3, but DH says 4 or 5, I think, I'm not sure. We’re sticking wif Utah and Arizona time. I think now is a good time for wine.

    Hayloooo Alyson, neet pics of the net ball.

    Karen – So glad you sound better today, the guys having cigars and good beer sounds awesome. Good luck with your class. I will second your thanks to all the Veterans and families who served. Love your story bout your Dad!

    Hello Eve, I don’t know if we mutt before, I bean, nice to meet you, can Stella and I go to da liquor store wif you. I won’t watch Stella though, she is in trouble and I don’t wanna get in trouble too.

    Hi Bernie – love the pics, how is yer arse?

    NM – Hope you will keep warm over there. We are still having glorious sunny weather, I feel so happy. Nites are cold, freezing but days are nice and warm. I’m glad you don’t get migraines any more. They suck. My mom got puky sick with them but not the aura. They are weird. I get chills and can’t talk right, and all kinda stuff. I’m so glad yours went away and thanks for wishing mine away too. Thanks too for the Jack Frost!

    Howdee Juliet – as usual your cartoons and pics are funneeeee! I will follow advise to keep calm and dwink wine. Are you drinking at 3, 4 or 5?

    Chevy – Glad u like de Lambo! Cars are neeeeet-O. I love your chicken story! I hab neber hab chickens (or chicken pox either.) Dey are so pwetty, tanks for de pic!

    Goldie – So glad you don’t git de aura tiings NEmore and no headack. They are just weird. We found a pider bite on my boobie and decided dat is what caused de stress in my bod and me to get sick. It’s healing and I’m feeling better, so thanks again for yer help. LOL at de diarrhea cartoon, dat is funny!!! And de cow laffing. My DH almost choked on chicken last night, no fooling, we were watching I shouldn’t be alive and then he was choking and he said wow, I shouldn’t be alive. This a true story. So is the pider bite. AND THANK YOU SWEET GOLDIE FOR PUTTIN THE LINK UP AGAIN, SO GOOD TO BE AT DE HTL! THANK YOU!!!

    CyndieLouWho – Things are great in Nanu but the aliens are not behaving.


    BTW, I lied I'm don't live in Area 51 but next door in Area 52. We see all de same stuff though. I hope your allergies are getting kicked to the curb. I finally got past the migraines (I think). Also hope you find de right boots.

    MemaSue – Wow anudder migraine suffererrerrer. It’s anuuder ting like RB dat I wouldn’t wish on de peoples I hate de moistest, even mole boy. I hope U don’t gettem too often, day scary fo sho. LOL bout de morning feedbag on yer dh!! So good to see u here!!

    Funny Disney cartoon Orange, thank you.

    I din't see Dofey so I hope she and Stella are okay. I hope I dint miss anyone else.

    Hope you all have a wunnerful eve, see ya manana. Just one more ting I founded to share:



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    AGAIN! I just laugh so hard when I stop by here! Ha, ha! Cammi, you little chit! I didn't know nothin' about chickens EITHER, until my dear back-woods neighbors GOT them! Damn things have beaks, claws and wings! And they make noise! And peck at my crocs! Oh who wouldn't?

    BUT, you secretly told me you love chickens... remember? She DID girls! And you have an inch of snow? Actually it sounds so pretty! like chickens.

    So Stella is not real? She but she is pregnant? And she is a FAIRY? Where the hell AM I? I have a Fairy Garden, does that count? Except I took it apart for the Winter.....

    GOD I'm beginning to sound like YOU gals! What is buttering? I'm lost..... again.

    Yes Eve.... My first name is EVELYN.... We must be sisters. I DID call the damn fire department.... they were all probably thinking.... "that poor girl.... someone go over there and show her what is going on." They only told me to leave them alone.... LIKE I WAS GOING TO GO OVER THERE AND SAVE THEM???? One was just crying and it really scared me!

    I was sooooooooo naive'! It's a wonder I knew how to get pregnant myself.... except I never thought that would happen. I MEAN we went together for almost 2 years before we got married, and it didn't happen during THAT time! Sure as hell, 3 months later.... Blammo!

    So who is pregnant again? Cammi?

    And Cammi, you made a mistake? Typing? Oh no! Pashaw! You who does not know what sp-check even is? Or cares...... Is your whole post underlined in little red wavy lines? Okay, I will do the interpreting FOR you..... I mean in case anyone asks.....

    Damn, I love you! xoxoxoxo

  • Eve1956
    Eve1956 Member Posts: 67
    edited November 2013

    Was very naive then and grew up to be extremely gullible. Born and raised in Manhattan so am street smart in that I know how to keep my eyes open and avoid dangerous situations where I might be mugged. But tell me just about anything and I'll believe it! Perfect example, post divorce was in a dating site and was emailing black and forth with thus GORGEOUS guy. Finally came out the pic was from a modelling site and he was a Nigerian scammer. But when I found out  at first he gave me this sob story and for the first time asked me for $. Only $100 for his sons school tuition. I felt so badly I sent $200! Then he asked for $ for meds for his ill mother. Sent that too but things started to not make sense so I began researching and found out he was well known, went by many names, and was doing this to many women. So I joined antiscammers group and we shut him down. My kids said, "OMG Mom, how could you believe that? You NEVER send money via Western Union to someone from the Internet!" What did I know? I had just set up an email account for the first time 2 years before! So embarrassing but true.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited November 2013

    I live in a ranch (one story) house with a basement....the basement is home to two bedrooms (son's and DD#1) and the furnace room where the extra frig and freezer are....Well today we are getting new flooring in the hallway in the basement and the bathroom....the floor in the hallway was the original floor from when the house was built 50 years ago....we decided to put ceramic tile on both that means till grout is put in, we cannot walk on the floor....Son is not too happy, but DH put some 2 x 4's from his room to the stairs, so he's not complaining too much....and it should be done tomorrow or Wednesday.....BUT in between now and then we can't get to the extra frig or freezer...not a really big deal, except the extra milk, apples and the fish ( and all the meat) I was going to make for dinner tonight are the extra mozzarella.....Sooooooo now I need to be creative to figure out what I can make for dinner tonight and tomorrow....Good thing I didn't tell Mom to come for dinner tonight.....Its not like the grocery store is far as its less than a mile away and I also walk there when I just picking up a few things!!! oh well...too bad that I didn't plan ahead.....

    So need to figure out what is for dinner tonight and if DD needs anything for lunch tomorrow....oh yeah....extra drinks are there too...but not my wine, so I guess I'm good there!!!!


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    good evening all

    Karen as long as you've got your wine,its good

    nm-sounds like Sadie will be spoiled rotten on her vacation.

    cammi- so did you pass the stirring the chilli test? and are you the one or are you the one in four!


    while we are on the subject of sex ,last time ,I worked, one of the patients was busy with their handsSingingso kept getting calls saying their heart rate was up! that wasn't the only thing!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013
