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how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2013


    Lara, I searched high and low and found this. I am posting this for the new girls to enjoy! This poor guy has been trying to catch farts since 2012!

    PHOTO REPOST COMPLIMENTS OF our sweet (and at times not so sweet) Lara/ORLA/Orange.


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    Omg I remember that now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Nerdy

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Okay! I am having a drink with HIM! The guy above! Imagine an arrow pointing above! (I don't have one.)

    I am having a drew-scriver.... yummy too! I am having soooooooooo much trouble with my ears... My hearing aids cause MY ears to make MORE wax than you would think is humanly possible! I am almost out of ear candles.... Even bought a Water-pik! Does not work. Even had them flushed out by my Primary Care.... Well THAT was a waste of time!

    Came home and used 3 ear candles on ONE ear, and got a ton out! So I'm rationing my last 2 candles. Supposed to get more by Tuesday.... So if I don't answer when you TALK to me, just talk LOUDER! Ha, ha! That is my only complaint.... Yes, I KNOW am am lucky. Just for that, I am having a Hot Dog for dinner.

    Wonder if DH would mind terribly if I brought HIM home with me? (the guy above?) Probably not a good idea. Looks like I have to sweep those steps... or maybe not.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    just tell hubby you got a new stair cleaner!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    Juliet good one that would b me it's funny my step moms mother is in her 80s thanksgiving she's bombed by 10 am

    I have never cooked thanksgiving in my life

    To stressful

    Black Friday I never go to much traffic ill go blitz

    I hate being around a lot of people I get anxiety ridden

    NM just heard snow next week you?

    Can hope your message taking went well to

    I'm having a fart drink with dork

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited November 2013

    Running short on time......

    feeling stressed and anxious...time to pour a glass or 2 or 3 of wine...first need to drive DD to where she is having dinner tonight and bring my contribution for dinner....then come home and it will be candle lighting....then its time for wine.....

    have a great Friday night and Saturday....see you tomorrow night

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    enjoy your wine and weekend Karen and relax at some pointSmile

    lara was planning on going black Friday shopping but rescheduled mo apt is for that day Sadat 9am so limits my shopping

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


    you know who this is for!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    OMG I'm LOLin' so much those pics and recipes are priceless and it would be nice if Santa came to town like that. Good Stuff hahahahaha

    I'm reading Karen's post and I started reading it really fast cuz she was in a hurry, then I remembered she was hurrying not me.

    After I said it was quiet (my job) the phone started going---one of them I forgot to get the phone #, and Leslie says Mom it's on the phone--oh the magical mystery of technology.--He wants so much info I might as well ask them how much they weighed when they were born. I even have it written down My GF and I were LOLing so hard when I told her I got this job, she said what made u think u were capable of using u;r brain anymore????Then she says u can't type, u can't spell even with spell check etc. We could not stop laughing tho--I don't get insulted obviously. But I have to keep this job until he fires me, which is inevitable but for a whike I can get by--til I have to do the books hahaha I had yrs of taking those classes thru HS and took them at a Community college and worked at a couple of places where I did bookkeeping--but forget it, So there is no way I can go that far in this CAREER that I've chosen out of desperation. This is all my cousin's fault and I'm sticking to that story.

    Tomorree is Saturday YYYAAAYYYY

    Lara Scary movies all day without any interruptions I hope there are some good ones on for me. Oh did u watch MAMA yet or What would u rather do? That last one Leslie said I would like it??? So those 2 are on my list for tomorree. I hope u have a decent day. I'm flying on Fukitol a lot. Shocked I think u can tell right now.

    I lubs u all.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    News Flash---Saudi Arabia does now want their woman driving because it will hurt their ovaries, Poor women they should grow some balls and wack all those men.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    OMg on the floor spit my coffee out cammie............................................................................

    watch mama and purge oh and the conjuring all new very scary the conjuring

    Do you have redbox? If u do have someone get you movies they have a tonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

    it is only 1.32 to rent one

    poop in later

    julietBawling Limit your shopping no fair

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Hi Lara why are u up so early--U should be sleeping----I don't even know what Redbox is---But I know Purge sounds very familiar--I have to check this out . R U all right??? Lara I was sleeping so nice and my Katie-Kat woke me up on purpose cuz she was hungry, She leads me to the bathroom (as usual) takes her bath in the sink,, I fill her little bowl and she eats like 5 bites and goes back to sleep, like Ok let's cuddle--Now I'm awake. Kinda

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    CAMMI!!!!!! Are you still awake? Your post was sooooo funny! YOU were hurrying??? Oh HAH!!! Loopy I can just SEE that! Yes! My phone even "talks" without putting it up to your ear! And it's a DAMN good thing, because without S P E A K E R Phone, I can't hardly even HEAR! So did you tryit?

    Your phone is resting on that plastic cradle thing, and "rings" when someone is calling you. And it would be helpful if you had a pad and pencil handy, for jotting down information! ... that you might want to use later?

    My SIL has a Red box! Is that what you guys mean? She dyes her hair red too!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2013

    Just pooping in for a quick one loungettes. Having company coming this morning, so we had to get out of here yesterday, early, to get to town and get back so I could clean. However, we didn't get back home until after 3. I spent 4 hours cleaning and still have more to go!

    So sorry to hear about Veggy's passing. I did not know her, but know the hurt of losing a dear friend to the RB. Prayers being sent for her family, may she rest in peace.

    Elizabeth Darling...........I think that is too long of a name and may just have to be shortened to ED! So your pick, ED or Chev....LOL! I'm saving the brussel sprout recipe too. LOL @ Grapefruit.

    Cami, I'm sorry that peeps are telling you that your job will be good for you. That's a line that could be posted in "the stupid things people say" forum.

    NM, tiling really isn't that hard. We have a machine to cut the tiles, which makes it much easier as opposed to having to score the tiles to break them where you need the cut. But if you are just lining them up, no diagonals or anything, then you just need to cut the ones that go along the wall or any obsticle. I did diaganals and with a little design in the centers of some, so a corner on each of the 4 tiles had to be cut.

    Keeper of the swamp, sorry you are not feeling well, hope you are better soon.

    Lara, you too......and Dork!

    And NO, that guy is NOT Tender material. That dog stopped on a damn dime!!!

    Oh SHOOT Kat, what happened with DD1 that she didn't make it. I hope she is ok!

    ED, I had to go back and look at the guy you wanted to take home, the one laying on the steps nekkid, the steps you said you might have to sweep. Well, I had to go back to look at the steps. Why the hail you looking at the steps woman???

    You girls have me in stitches! Lara, I love Duck Farts and ususally get them in Laughlin, but only with Bailey's and Crown....and on the rocks.

    Ok, to go with the brussel sprouts that ED posted.



    3/4 cup sugar

    3/4 cup water

    1 cup fresh cranberries

    1 lemon, cut into wedges

    1/2 orange, cut into slices

    1 1/2 cups dry gin - Bombay Sapphire, Beefeater or Tangueray suggested

    1 cup chilled Ginger Ale

    4 mint springs


    1.Bring sugar and water to a boil in a medium saucepan, stir until sugar is dissolved. Remove from heat; pour off all but one cup of syrup, reserving any extra for another use.

    2.Heat the syrup to a boil and then reduce heat to medium. Add the cranberries and simmer for 2-3 minutes until they just begin to burst. Remove from heat and let cool in syrup.

    3.Place 2 Tablespoons drained cranberries and 6 Tablespoons cranberry syrup in a large pitcher; add the lemon wedges and orange slices.

    4.Using a muddler or wooden spoon, vigorously mash the fruit.

    5.Stir in gin and let steep for at least 5 minutes.

    6.Strain into a medium pitcher.

    7.Fill 4 glasses with crushed ice and 1/4 cup ginger ale.

    8.Fill a cocktail shaker with ice and then pour half the cranberry mixture into the shaker and shake vigorously for 10 seconds, strain liquid into two glasses. Repeat.

    9.Mound additional ice on top of each glass and garnish with 3 candied cranberries and a mint sprig

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Okay I'm ED? I mean like a "guy" thing? Oh well, I was a dog before.... right? What EVER!

    Wasn't he GORgeous? And I didn't even post him! But he is mine now....

    You know what is so great about you gals? It's that you mention EVERYbody! Like you actually KNOW them!

    And you dis-paraged Cammi? I'm TRYing to teach her about a phone... Baby steps.... She needs TLC..... You know.... as in Tequila, Liccorice Schnops, and Cadbury's Chocolates.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2013

    Chev/ mean we DON'T know each other? LOL!

    ED=Elizabeth Darling, not a guy thing at all. Just like NM is Native Mainer. Oh, and I foygot to ax, what is an ear candle. I have this really funny image in mese head! Can you hear me??

    Cami is WORTH a LOT, and she will get the phone thingy, I'm certain of it. But the TLC sounds NASTY!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Okay.... I love all my names...Winking I have hearing aids you know... So I make way too much wax for my own good... Or it won't come out, or whatever the hell the reason is.....

    You buy these ear candles... then you light one end of them... stick it in your stupid ear, and let it burn.... The flame burns, while forming a "suction" ..... and it burns down, warms your ear and wax, and the wax is drawn up into the candle. When it is only about 3" long, you take it out, run cold water over it, cut it open, and you will see all the wax that has come out. I will post a picture. But I am now OUT of the damn candles.... I will get more......

    I had my ears "flushed" out, but it didn't help. So I am left to my own resources. Even bought a water-pik...... didn't help. So candles it is...

    Goldie.... thanks! You make me laugh... but I STILL like "Elizabeth Dahling"..... Ha, ha!

    So is NM a real Native Mainer? I'm TRYing.....

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Only I do it myself.... With a foil-covered paper plate...


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2013

    Good SaTURDay morning, Loungettes!How is everyone this ayem?

    Juliet--If it weren't for the body art that would be one yummy bike rider!

    Oh boy, now I wish I were still having hot flashes!

    ORLA--do I need to fight you for the firefighter?????????

    Juliet--Sadie gets spoiled everywhere she goes!

    Chevy--I still have some of the earrings I wore in high school!

    Cammy--The tenders have a fresh pot of coffee brewing, can you smell it?

    ORLA--quite a talent, jumping to conclusions!

    Juliet--good advice to finish everything!

    Karen--I had a nice sleep in this ayem, too.After I got up the first time at 5:30 to let Sadie out I went back to bed until almost 8!Haven't don’t that in ages.Feels good, doesn't it?

    Wahine--glad DD2 is doing so well, enjoy your visit!

    DorKable--oh, my, how embarassing for that poor trainer!

    Yeah, the Duck Farts are back!!!!!!!!!And a Moose Fart chaser!!!!

    Juiet--you are some wonderful cook!

    ORLA--possible snow up north next week.We're due any time now, really.

    39 days till Christmas,56 day to my cruise.

    Goldie--Oooh, can I have a pitcher of Cranberry Ginger Fizz, puhleeze????????

    Chev--we DO know everybody, at least after the first couple of visits!And yes, I am a native Mainah, born and raisedin Bah Hahbah(Bar Harbor, home of Acadia National Park).How long does an ear candle treatment take?It actually looks relaxing!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is your choice of Duck Fart or Moose Fart or Cranberry Ginger Fizz, or do like I plan to and rotate through all of them!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    I was up too early cam

    Chevy candles in the ear I recommend 5 shots before doing that process

    NM you will be crusing and we will be digging us out of snow


    Redbox is red and it is usually in gorcery stores. You pick horror or drama whatever and press on the movie and boom it comes out of the red box

    very simple they do not have store to go in and get movies antmore


    ck in latahHappy

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    oops I just farted on a butterfly

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Bah Habbah! Loopy I'm so impressed that y'all know y'all! One ear candle takes about 10-15 minutes.... and yes, it IS relaxing... You can sometimes hear it "crackle" when it is working.... I mean those of you who have SOME hearing in your ears... I do have a little in my right... But when I take the candle out, meaning when it has burned to the last 3 inches, I put it under cold water, and then cut off the burnt part, and cut it open, and you can see the wax that was in there. Everytime I have done it, I get out about as much as a Pinto bean. I would LOVE to use one, and never get anything out! That would mean I have no wax in there.... BUT even though I have used 5 in a row, I STILL get more out! It's no damn wonder I can't hear! And my ears "tickle" and "click" sometimes.

    Drink beFORE I do it? You mean my ears???? I'd probably fall asleep! Or what??? Be more specifical.....?

    Okay, I got Orange.... she farts on butterfly's...

    And Goldie talks to me in the mornings....

    Cammi doesn't wake up until about 2:pm..... lives in her room, with Katie-cat, and little Joey.... and doesn't know how to stir chili...without help.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Oh NM I'm glad u have off today, I always want to to have a restful weekend cuz I always thing u need to with SadieHappy

    Lori how do u do it--no not that---U and Kat never stop and u run u'r business and work so hard and always happy, u have such a wonderful outlook u work to hard as I'm thinking about this. I hope u have fun with u'r company and drink good.

    Miss ED I don't have a line phone, smarty pants, all we have are cells and they are all different so it confuses me more, but when I use the speaker it sounds more ECHOY CAN YOU HEAR MEEEEE????SillyHeart u'r so silly funny, EXCEPT for the candles actually, my borther uses candles and taught us how but I've never done it, usually when I get it done the /drs. do a good job-so I have to go anyway might as well let them work on something that helps me. And I have a pen and tablet always with the phone and then I type all the infor into the comouter and email him, him who, what, where and phone # but in another part I put in all their info plus their email add. so I'm comin along. Now today I was going to do some computer work and I can't find my tablet --the one I always keep by the phone but I have the phone?????

    Lara I just watched Woman--OMG strange as can be. Strange Sarurday, but I'm glad it's raining I love rain, nice rain. I'm home aloneBawling but I'm fine. LOL

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2013

    Hello loungettes!

    I am just poking my head in here to say hello.

    And Chevy, I prefer Elizabeth over ED so Elizabeth it is. You hit de nail on de head about Stella.

    Lara, thanks for farting on the butterfly, I get it, oh boy do I get it. LOL'ing here all by mese self.

    I have a painter here, thanks to Mema Sue. Ya see, de goil WE hired to clean also paints so mese getting mese family room painted, been under construction for a week now, can't wait to get the room back together and enjoy mese new furniture! wooop wooop, I wanna be de first to fart on the new cushions!

    I reading and tink of tings to say but chit, do not have the mental capacity to say eberyting that is on mese mind. I blame de narcotics for eberyting!!

    Will try to check back later when mese less sober. Luv you all!


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013

    WTF. Just arrived home to find out that my friend (in England) fathers has died after a car crash.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    oh no Bernie! so sorry ,your family and friends have had so much loss this year

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Bernie! I'm so sorry! I WONdered where you were! And I didn't even know you, except for you making me laugh! I'm sorry.... I am now Eliazbeth Dahlink!

    Okay.... who is "Stella" again? She is someone that really isn't? Say it slow this time.... like when you talk to Cammi....

    Dork? You have a "Painter??" Is he actually painting? Does he look like the guy on the steps? (meaning he isn't actually painting.)