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how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Juliet.... I love that!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Oh No Bernie....I am soooooo sorry!!!! (((((Bernie))))). Just a poopin time to post you all!!! So you know, since I was asked, my DD1 had her panic attacks the morning we were leaving.....thought she could overcome it....went to airport, went thru TSA screening, went thru gate, got halfway down the ramp to the door of the plane, and she had to leave. Really broke my heart, I was so hoping she could do this. And I know she wanted to be here with her sister. On the full planes, I had an empty seat next to me on both flights (her seat). I still need to call Delta, but not sure if they will let her use the ticket later or not. Just very sad. I had a good time here with my DD2, SIL, and g'kids.....they are on the go every minute, so since she can't drive yet and is still wearing the neck brace at least i was able to help out with all the driving. Having PAU HANA right now, then we are all (6) going out to eat. I leave early in the morning for the long drive to Dallas, then 2 flights home. Then one day at home and I am on another trip. Maybe I will grow my own wings soon......

    Cheers Dears!!!!


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited November 2013

    Saw this on fb and thought it was fitting for here....hope the mods don't get upset with it.....

I think the irish got it lol

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited November 2013

    Just poppin in to say hi and I see that Bernie has had some more bad news...........Oh Bernie, I'm so sorry! it's all so sad for you right now........Big ((((hugs)))) to you.

    Dork I sure hope you are not doing too much girl, you don't want to go backwards in your healing!

    Oh Kath, so sad the DD2 had a panic attack right at the plane door.......hopefully she will be able to get to see her sister soon. Sounds like DD1 is recovering well from her surgery now that is a good thing. Enjoy your next trip and I know you always

    Cami, even with all the gliches with the phones it sure sounds like you are doing okay and helping out a lot. Good on you!

    Hi to everyone else!

    Love n hugs n TITTIES UP!!

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013

    Chris' funeral was awesome. DH had the honour of riding Chris' beloved Harley with Christine as pillion. Their son Jack gave an eulogy that broke our hearts.

    My friend Liz ( the friend that came to stay when I was having chemo and came over just for New Year because DH was away, working), Her father died yesterday evening, a few hours after crashing his car into a tree. No one else was involved. There will have to be an autopsy as they believe he may have suffered some sort of black out.

    DH has to go back to work again Friday because of that B***** that let him down over returning to work.

    Life's a bitch.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Oh Bernie U have having such a crazy rough time and I am so sorry all of this sadness is happening for you. (((Bernie)))

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Dork it's always nice to see u post and u always say something--Now again Don't overdo with u'r new room, Let the lady who does all this do whatever she can, or anyone else, not you.

    Elizabeth--no Dahlink--but I like ED hahaha Yes u'r right about stella she lives in fairyland and she is a troubled little fairy but everyone takes care if her or we don't see her for a while u never know.

    Kat I'm glad u'r visit is going well, but feel so sorry for u'r DD, I so know that feeling --I've done exactly what she did one time, I have flown but it's horrible the feeling u have u can't even describe it. Fear, but different kind of fear it's debilitating and once u say I'm not going u feel it leave u with such great relief but just feel bad that u can't go. U'r poor DD.

    Karen that' hysterical at first I thought it was real, cuz I thought yea they would fund something like that, then I knew France wouldn't. Funny stuff.

    Hey Chrissy--well I'm trying.

    Lara I actually didn't see the 2 movies I was going to but today I am cuz nothing else is on for me. Hope u'r doing OK

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Oh Good! I don't have to go back pages, to find you gals... or whatever I meant! So sorry Bernie Ellen! Sounds like a beautiful service..... My older friend, who I used to work with, was on his way to work one morning... And same thing happened... His truck crossed the road, hit a pole and a tee, and he was gone. They said it must have been a black-out also....

    For you gals going through a lot....



    Morning Chrissy! And KAREN! THAT was soooooo funny! And true! I had to send it to my email buddies!

    Wahine... It's so hard to under-stand panic-attacks! Unless you have had them.... I used to get them when I was young and raising the girls... Laying in bed, and just SURE I was going to die! Had to get up and try and walk them off... Then, somehow they just quit.... after about 6 months... Don't know what sets them off...

    Miss Camera.... You can just call me Dahling! Ha, ha!

    Yesss ! Okay Chrissy..... I will stand on my head, and then it'll be titties-up! or wait.... Nope, won't do it. Duck tape will work better.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2013

    Elizabeth Dahling, thank you for splaining the ear candle. So glad I don't have excess wax, as I would be in great danger if I had to attempt to do that myself! Yes, I is up oily in de morning. LOL, you are good at busting on Cami....LOL!

    Cami, sounds like you are getting a little more comfortable with the new job? Miss ED, now I'm thinking of Mr. Ed, the horse of course! Do you get the weekends off?

    Laraa, after 5 shots and attempting to do ear candle doesn't sound very smart either, I would certainly burn something down!

    WoW Dort, how nice that your cleaning gal is painting for you. She must be a very special poyson and I hope you are continuing to behave. How are your folks doing? And how are YOU doing? If you check back in when you are less sober, we might not ever see you!

    Oh Bernie, that is just horrible, OMG and WTF is right! (((((BERNIE))))) Sending more prayers your way dear.

    Wow Kat, I think you WILL grow wings. So sorry your DD wasn't able to make it, darn. Glad you are having a great time and DD2 is doing well.

    Oh that was a good one Karen, I hadn't seen that one!

    What a coot picture ED, that baby and furbaby. LOL for Cami to call you just "Dahling".

    NM, what are you and Sadie up to today.

    Chrissy, when do your prints go up in the gallery?

    Quiet night in the lounge, looks like everyone is toast and passed out on the floor. I will be quiet and try not to trip over anyone, or step on anyone.

    Going to organize and get rid of clothes today and try to get my closet cleaned out.

    DOTD for Elizabeth Dahling....MY DARLING COCKTAIL

    My Darling Cocktail Recipe


    50ml Grey Goose vodka

    15ml French orange Cognac liqueur (grand Marnier)

    12.5ml freshly squeezed lime juice

    2 tsp Demerara (brown) sugar

    6 kumquats


    Tall glass filled with crushed ice


    Add Grey Goose vodka, lime juice, Demerara (brown) sugar and kumquats into a sling or highball glass and muddle. Fill the glass with crushed ice and stir. Add the orange Cognac liqueur, before garnishing with kumquats.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    Sorry bernie jeezzzzzzzzzzz

    kat oh u must go through what my mom goes through with me

    I have had plenty of times where my mom had to leave a store, or turn around because of my anxiety

    DD was nervous because of her sister I understand, then u feel bad because you cant be there

    karen lol

    juliet love that fart post

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!55 days and counting!I'm sitting here in the fog and chill and fantasizing about coffee and bagels on deck in the sunshine. . . .

    ORLA--I promise that while I'm cruising I'll be thinking of all the Loungettesshoveling snow!I've used Redbox on occasion.You can return a movie to any Redbox, not just the one you get it from.And you can reserve a movie online, too, I think.I tend to forget to take movies back, so I don't often use Redbox.

    Farted ONa butterfly or farted OUT a butterfly?

    Chevy--I'll have to look into that ear candle thing, I've got very itchy ears. . .

    Cammy--got both days off this weekend, and not working the weekend for the rest of November, but I am working Turkey day.So's my brother so we can't get together that day anyway.I've allready scoped out 2 places advertising free meals, one at lunch time one at dinner time on that day--local churches, so should be really good food!Sounds like you are getting the hang of the whole work thing!

    DorKable--Oh, boy, new paint, new furniture, what fun!

    BBBBernie--oh NO!I am praying for you and your friend's family.

    Juliet--they are all lap dogs, no matter how big!

    Wahine--Oh, your poor DD1!She tried so hard, I am sure she is also disappointed.


    Chrissy--good morning!Or whatever time of day it is where you are. . . .

    BBBBBernie--so much heartache for you and yours.Was the father a relatively young man?

    Chevy--Cute pic!

    Goldie--Sadie and I are up to some house work, maybe some baking, lots of cuddles and some games of fetch.

    NEAT Cocktail!

    Juliet--I saw that on Fb and shared it on my timeline, thanks for letting me steal it!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Good Mornin'

    NM u'r both working Thanksgiving? OOHHH well the good thing is u have only maybe 44 days til u'r trip then so u have that to look forward to.

    Lori didn't u have company yesterday? And then u go cleaning today? U'r to much girl, And yes Miss ED is always picking on me from the first day we met and stalks me as u can see---If she was my neighbor she;d be 5 ft behind me everywhere I go. But she's really old, older than me so I'm not to hard on her. And the police aren't involved anymore. Oh the DOTD sounds Yummy.

    I talked one time on the phone yesterday and that was enough===and we are supposed to get baaaad weather this afternoon, Oh I hope it's not as bad as they say,

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    cam r u getting snow?

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited November 2013

    Its Sunday morning and the lounge has been busy.....I have lots to do today for work and my class...hope I can get it done...I'm struggling!!! bbl

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    no nm, I think I got it from you on fb,thanks because so appropriate right now.

    Bernie-great tribute to dave off chris' family


    chevy I was thinking of the other ed, do you need the little blue pill,coz cammi says your old

    kat your daughter got so far,maybe next time,hope both dd's are doing well

    aly well done to the all blacks

    have a good morning ladies bbl

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    what the hell is a cumquat? I mean SERiously! I DO love Harvey Wallbangers! They are orange juice, Vodka, and Galiano, and a little cream! They are like an orange dream-sickle!

    Yes.... Cammi will say anything, to deflect disparaging remarks from her. I am not only old.... I am beyond repair! Ha, ha! I am sooooooo old, that even my Daughters are old! The blue pill? You mean like Viagra? Do WOMEN actually take that?

    People, might wonder..... do older people still mess around? (they ask)........ I say yes they DO kids! Not the same way, but yes we still do! So that ought to give all you nay-sayers something to think about. Just have a good electricity supply or a stash of batteries.... You foolish girls!

    I have to go tote that barge, and lift that bale... I am cleaning the castle today.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited November 2013


    is the electricity and the battery stash for the heart paddles???................. "CLEAR!"..................

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    No.... for ME! Ha, ha! You know what I did? We just laughed our butts off....

    I accidently hit him in the head with the electric pleasure seeking hoo-haw instrument of happiness! I didn't MEAN to, but I accidently did! So about 10 minutes later ... I mean after...... I finally said "Are you Okay?" "Did you like that?" Ha, ha! And we just laughed.... He said "I didn't know why I saw stars!"..... Shocked So as I was cleaning up the blood from the floor, I thought........ JUST kidding!

    Maybe I'm too crazy for this thread????

    So I rolled out one of those tube Pizza Crust things, and spread melted butter on it, and covered it with cinnamon sugar, and rolled it up, and cut it into pieces! They sure smell good! And I'm making Quinoa with Pomegranite seeds, diced celery and fresh pineapple and a little Lime juice.... with olive oil.

    Bah Habah.....Yes, when my ears itch, a candle will really help.... Sometimes putting a few drops of oil in there.... will help..... I use some of that "calm ear" because the hearing aid plastic parts make my ears itch also...

    Is it time for a drink? Have you gals tried a "Hot Damn?" Those are REALLY good..... Aren't they just coffee with cinnamon schnaps in there?

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    can omg r u ok? R u getting evacuated

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


    why is cammi getting evacuated,what did I miss? and has mr ed stopped bleeding

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Juliet! Too funny little funny face! Cammi? What is going ON? I was going to delete that little escapade..... but haven't yet....Winking

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited November 2013

    Chevy, maybe they make a "safety" model!!

    Cami is in the middle of those awful storms. Keeping a good thought for her!

    Love that Advent Calendar. Better than the chocolate ones!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    hope you and the family are ok cammi,please stay safe my friend

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Hi everyone, ))hic))) I'm little slushy cuz da wedder was so badlyiest and scarylyest aroubd dese parts, but not as bad as sum parts, niw it got cold, dat;s better--we hadf to hide for some time today--me" I was in de batroom with my D so I was safe--burp--whew dat burned. so glad todays over wit dat bery scary wedder, but when I saw my cat I knew it was fine den and started drinkin earlier to sabe de likker, someone had to si did I do it as much as I cood, u alllll wud be bery prod of mese for de rescu of all de likker, I di a gooood job,well I did ask a hunk to help me and keep his body ober me---shhhh__my kids didn't see dat oh and ED

    I neber asked about sex an older people, cuz I don't care about dat anymore---oh the batteries well yea always have dem

    OK Sleep tite--BuRp oops scuse me my mouth just farted

    Lubs u all

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited November 2013

    Glad to hear you weathered out the storm ok Cammi...was thinking about you today with all those nasty tornado's in your area...they did give me much needed OT today tho.....hic...stay safe..

    Love you guys...


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    OMG I'm so confused, I thought u were on vacation Cyn? Why r u doing OT.?