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how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2013

    Camille! I jest checked here to make sure ye okayest and walaa, abarakadabbara, ye here. Hi Cyn, mese had de SAME question as Camille. You working now? hic~ nice you see you two here is de middle of de night. I here cuz me slept til de sun wuz nearly going DOwN. As I say, life begins when Poppa goes nighty night~hiccup~! cheer to all.

    will de at de fountain, oh hail yes yes yes. who meetin me dere? Cammy? oh yes YES YES! de fountain is faaalowwwwin. Cerca la pronuncia di cotini su Forvo, la più vasta guida di pronunce nel mondo. Impara a pronunciare cotini come un madrelingua. oh mese, how'd dat happen? dis foundden bese maggikal. oh sumeone come and see. and TASTEburp~ i gonna pop out cuuz mese be humbarrased if de bubbles come out mese ass hic~butterFRY! heHEhehehe.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2013

    uh, oops, me has to pee pee BERRYBAD and de torlet is out of effing ordr. wdeF??? i holding but it hur-ten foysirtTIN. ~hicc

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2013

    just picked up with some reading but not caught up....jest has to comment to Bernie, mese bootiful babe. ((((Bernie)))) I can NOT belief you are facing yet more death. I jest sed a prayer for you....I sawry bin a bad year for you. I telled GOd to please make it up to you in de year 2014 and also for de rest of dis year too. ENuFF is effING eNuFF. I lub you BBB ♥.

    i go with dis blanky Pants jest brought me n heading to mese faberid kiddie de floor. don't step on mese plese, k? love y gals n miss yall too. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013

    4sewwhat, surprised to see you back, my dear.

    Always remember,

    Tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Dorky u can pee liked a man go outside. wait no toilet?? Dat has handed to me manyyyy tines when I had D cuz I flush so much I brake de chain hahahaha--I bery strong woman. yea rite. U feel OK? Cyn has to work now???? I hab to work tomorrwww--I stil can't say it----I need de monies but don't like da work, it's not goin to make me rich but the holidays are here and we r poor peeps in IL--Les starts her PT job Tues. and Marty will be home so he's de cook now, not me and Joey already said he's only a kid and he has the responsibility of homework and school--I am turning him into a brat I know but he's my brat hahaha

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited November 2013

    Short trip Cammi.  Sunday to home Fri . Are you going back to England ?  I am so sorry.  

    Imagine...hope you are having a good visit with DD2.  I'm sorry DD1 got all that far and couldn't do it.  Sounds like my irrational fear of driving and I know it makes me very anxious..sweaty palms...etc...awful.

    How is your DD doing?  Where are you going next?

    Hi Lara....How did the job thing work out? Hope your feeling better babe.

    Ok....Julie.  when are you free? You live too closely to hook up for drinks.


    Lori.....calming down at the Shady Lady?

    Miss you my MemmaSue

    Chrissy...thinking bout you too...and Jeanbeanlius.

    Hugs to all and all that I may have missed.


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited November 2013

    Ps....determined to make that advent calendar

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2013

    Good windy morning, Loungettes! We've got quite a breeze, but almost 60 degrees, so will be an interesting day. Cold again tomorrow, apparently.

    Cammy--hope the weather were you are wasn't as bad as predicted!

    Karen--take a deep breath and keep on truckin', I'm sure you'll get it all done!

    Juliet--If I didn't get it from you I must have gotten it from someone else on Fb.Appropriate it is!

    Chevy--a Harvey Wallbanger sounds a lot like a Golden Cadillac, which I love!I still remember the day I was discharging an 88 year old lady from the hospital when she asked me "When can my husband and I resume relations?"I had to ask her what she meant, she replied, in a whisper "you know, marital relations."I almost died of embarrassment when I realized what she was asking!Around here Hot Damn is a brand of cinnamon schnapps.

    Cammy--glad you are safe, good idea to safe the likker!

    CynCyn--OT this time of year is nice, isn't it?

    DorKable--sounds like you are having a great time, not sure what you were saying, but I'm sure it was funny!

    BBBBBernie--thinking of you.

    CynCyn--no snow yet,later in the week maybe.Love the Advent Calendar!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Golden Cadillac

    1 oz Galliano

    2 oz White Creme de Cacao

    1 oz Light Cream

    2 oz Orange Juice


    Combine all ingredients with 1/2 cup crushed ice in an electric blender. Blend at low speed for ten seconds. Strain into a champagne flute and serve.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    good morning all

    glad your safe cammi and that you managed to save the likker,i'm proud of you

    cyn as soon as I can drink again we must meet up.back to employee health this am for check up,still coughing up the nasty stuff though,been on anitb's since Thursday. should have worked this weekend but too sick to do so,thnking of taking alli bat to the co worker that came in sick with the respitory virus.

    nm-have a good day

    dorty and lara feel better


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2013

    Cami, I did have company on Saturday, I was cleaning/organizing our closet. Weeding through clothes and re-organizing. Needless to say, I did not get done! And with ED so close behind you, you best not stop fast!!! Hoping that bad weather missed you, I am hearing a lot about IL and IN on the news this morning. My brother had his power knocked out and it is still not on. LOL that your mouth farted.

    NM, have you started any packing yet? I know it's a bit away, but still.

    Elizabeth dahling, the yellow fruit in that drink is a kumquat. What a name, eh? LMAO "electric pleasure seeking hoo-haw instrument of happiness!" I think we all have one of those, and it HAS been the topic of conversation here before, referred to as "the microphone". Named after a SNL skit, I believe. You are NOT too crazy for us. I've never had a Hot Damn.

    Love the wine rack Julie. How are you feeling? Nevermind, I see.....not so good. And you always have the swamp for that person who came in to work sick.

    Hey Cyn Cyn, welcome home sweetness. Don't you and Donese hook up again around Xmas? No calming at the Shady Lady, gots to keep dat place hoppin!

    DorK, yooze shirley iz de party animal goily. Hope you made it to de potty and din't wake up you daddy.

    NM, did you answer the 88 year old lady??? Cute! Never heard of a Golden Cadillac.

    Yeppers it's Monkey Day and back to work. You too my dahling Cami! Since you are now among those of us who are still working. My mom sent me a news story on FB, a motel that she used to work at, the police found the owners parents tied to a bed in one of the rooms, so they wouldn't leave, laying in their own feces, ages 92 and 78. My mom was good friends with them back at the time she was still working. We are shocked!

    The Golden Cadillac


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    Thank goodness cam you are safe

    My teacher sent us an email she was being evacuated

    Now what will they do with my class, I do not know

    Juliet feel better

    bernie you r right I agree

    Goldie hot stuff How r things?

    I cynnnnn glad to see u post


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Hi Girls!

    Julie, Wonder if I caught what you have? Got sick the night before I left, but not sure what it is yet. How awful you got sick cause a co-worker brought it to work!!!! They should know when to stay home and not pass all those germs around.

    Cyn, Glad you got home safely too. Was a "toss up" yest, as that 3+hr drive to the airport is awful, so much construction, a gazillion trucks on the interstate, and it was so windy I am surprised I didn't see a truck topple over. Looked like some close calls though. Supposed to leave in the ayem for a quick trip to Sin City. I have to feel better though!!! We were both so sick our last trip (and me in ER), that I want us well on this trip....also plan to see the group I took you to see on Fremont St.... Yellow Brick Road. Love them! My DD1 mostly panics from being somewhere and having no control, being stuck there, unable to leave, I THINK. So getting on a plane feeling so nauseaus and knowing she would be stuck there, I think is what got to her. I had a blast, but would have enjoyed the trip so much more if she could have been there too!

    I tell ya, my DD2 rocks the neck brace!!! She had her long hair down and fixed so beautifully, wish I had taken some pictures!!! Totally forgot. So she takes me out to lunch and this guy is flat out staring at her. Well, me, being mom, thinks he is being rude, but also thinks how could he resist looking at her? After we sat down, I had an "Ah Ha" moment...he was prolly staring at her neck brace!!!

    Bernie, YUPPERS you are right on, girlfriend!!! Well said!

    Well I need to try to get well, skimmed some posts, and for the life of me can't remember what I wanted to comment on. Hope this will be a good MonKey Dey for all!


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013



  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013

    Wow, big shock Lori, so sad to hear that. xxx

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Joining you in the Wine Aerobics Bernie!ThumbsUp

    OMG, my mind is sick too....I also read that Lori, and was horrified.....forgot to even mention it. I gotta get well, usually I would not forget to comment on something like that. Are they still alive? If so, I do hope they can recover physically from all of that. Would be awfully hard to recover mentally from that kind of abuse, too.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    lori-how dreadful

    drinking in spirit with you,i hope you don't have it kat, ,yeah he came to work because he didn't want to use his pto or have a sick day! hopefully you get to enjoy your trip!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Good Morning all----

    Just poppin in to say hi--I'm a working lady now LOL

    Cyn I thought u'd be gone longer, that was fast.

    Kat u better not be sick, cuz then u'r DH will get it and going there u can't be sick to much fun to have. But I'm so happy u had a wonderful time with u'r DD and no I'm sure he wasn't staring at her neck brace he's seen those before.

    NM I forgot about golden Cadillac drinks--they were all popular around the same time--the pink squirrel, brandy alexander,especially made with ice cream, pink lady--all creamy and so good--Oh and a grasshopper--

    Lori I'd like to call in sick today but I will answer it myself so I don't think it will work, I need a Pink Cadillac.

    My GF called for us (sister and cousin) and her to meet for lunch WED. I was so mad cuz I'm having that stupid test on Thurs. and I told her I can not go to a restaurant and not eat never, ever so she's trying to reschedule it for Sat. I hope everyone can make Sat. beside I;m working now those dopes.Happy

    Oh on the site that I use for my job it has like 50 emoticons --and they have a dancing one--so I'm having fun with them--poor guy Dan doesn't know how siky I am really.

    Hey Lara I have to check our movies, even tho I'm busy I can still watch TV

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2013

    Monkey Morning DahhhLinKs,

    Cyn - I've missed u too! That week went fast for u and D, and now u r home and up to ur arse in woik and OT. Well wif xmas around da corner, gonna need lotsa bacon eh? Muah!

    Dork- oh I am sooo fercited that E is still coming over and she paints tooo?? What a gold mine we found in her. You see your other PS today? Mese tinks?? Let us kno what he says K?

    Bernie - OMG...prayers to Liz and her family and BIG HUGE (((((BBB))))), saying prayers that you and yours get a f'n break!

    ED, Cami and 4 - cwacking up wif da batteries, electricity, paddles...clear...LMAOROTF

    4 - congrats on finishing nasty rads. Keep us posted on your surgery next month too.

    Karen - I cwacked da hail up when I read 'the head bigger' post...that was a good'un!

    WaWa - I had no idea ur DD1 was that much afflicted with the anxiety. Very sad that she didn't make it to see her sister. I jes can't imagine that kind of crippling anxiety, give her hug for me K? Glad to hear DD2 is doing great and of course she gonna get the 'ogles' she is beautiful with or w/out da neck brace. Hope u get to feeling better soonliest so you can enjoy your sin city trip...and win lotsa moola. :-)

    NM - 88 and still got it going on?? Hat's off to dat lady and her dh!! Yep....I like da Hot Damn schnapps. Jes a wheels, dressings, etc. WooHoo....da basking in da sunshine cruise getting close...I envy u.

    Julie - as always....thank u fer all da sexy u post. Makes me wanna go stock up on batteries too...LOL. Hope you knock that nasty upper resp to da curb soonliest. Aren't u and ur co-workers required to wear mask when even a little sick?

    Saying prayers for all who knew and loved sad...FURB!!!

    Lowee - That is soooo wrong...jes f'n wrong!! I hope they arrested the owners...a-holes!

    Lara - love da pintrest me laughing too...LOL!!

    Lubslubslubslubslubs all my bwesties...have a wunnerful Monkey-dey!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    sue if you don't have the flu shot you have to wear a mask while in work but otherwise your supposed to use your comman sense ,,you get called into the office if you call in sick but if you turn up to work sick its ok! he has a new baby so between the bills from that and he's buying a house so I can understand why he didn't want to take the pay hit but I wished he'd taken precautions like putting a mask on as soon as he came to work because he cost me missed work,antib's for 10 days ,I had to reschedule the mo appointment .the one night I called in I was the 3rd person,so it does have a knock on effect. feel a lot better today and per employee health chest is now clear,and only my left ear is cloudy!

    hope your all having a good day

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited November 2013

    OMG is wrong with people?

    BBBernie..always in my thoughts and the comic...guess we arent picky on or wine.

    Yeah, was a quicky...and it went by even quicker for me.

    Hi Lara, any new movies I need to check out?

    Yes, Julie...when you get better and can dwink it up again we will hook up for a few and then some...Just get yourself better.

    D comes back Dec 25-Jan01...and then I go back there in March.

    Wahine...hate that you are sick while traveling..hope you feel better soon...have you tried Airborne or the equivilant of when you start to feel sick? Hope DH doesnt catch it...I really liked that band too..Have fun!! MUAH!...

    NM..stay warm....count down is on eh? What cruise line did you book? You may have said but my brain is mush.

    Was there a convo about batteries??? remember about a year ago or more I couldnt find any bunnies but found a rocket?? Well, the rocket has been amungst the missing for several months now..I think Reese took off with it...maybe one of the boys will find it and they will freak out and move???? Maybe??? Doubtful.

    Yes, Sue ..right back into the swing of and OT...your right..I need it..badly and yes, with Christmas coming up..ugh.

    Chevy..ED.4...hope your day is wunnerful.

    There is a birthday coming up this week I think.....hmmmmmm yep ..yes there is...JeanBean from Nanu on Friday!! Whoop...partay in the HTL on Frieddey!

    Dorky....hope you are well and Zach isnt driving you too crazy..cling on as he is..he is doing good things for you and soon you can say good by...any idea when he can depart?


    Gotta run...doodie calls...oops ..duty!

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited November 2013


    Hi Dorky, Bernie, Katwinka, GoldieLocks, Juliet, Orange, NM, Sue, Crissy, Chevy, Cami, 4sew, Karen, & CyndiLou...and hope eye dint miss ne1...I thot Thanksgibing wus dis weeks...idnit turkey dey always turd turdsdey of de moth? wud up? it next wk???...need effen wodka to get it stwait.

    Goldie - such a sad story, like Cyn sez, wud up wif peeps?

    De pidey bite till wed n ugly. De hed still got lites twinkling all around. De Femara still sux. Ebery bone aches n now I must go sleep wif titz up.

    Lub n hugz,


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited November 2013

    Yes Beanius.....I was Fucused also...I always thought it was the second to last Thirstdey in Nov but I guess its always the last Thirstdey...CWAZY!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    WooHoo Julie, he is hot, hot, hot!!!!

    Nice dwink Lori.....we were actually talking about those drinks in Tunica. Bartender fixed me a Brandy Alexander without ice much better with ice cream though.

    Cami, Don't become a workaholic now, ok??? lol, you are such fun.

    Ok, trying to pack, cough, pack, cough....really armed with tons of cough lozenges and cough/cold meds.



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Kat u can't be sick--stop it.

    Julie u are so right. it's Catch 22 if u get sick while u'r working. U really can't

    stay home sometimes, but u also shouldn't go to work and pass it around. Get better all the way. NOW Ya Hear.

    Lara I watched Mama today, it was OK, but to predictable. LOL

    OK why did more than 1 of us think Thanksgiving was the 3rd Thursday of the month? Silly us.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited November 2013

    Julie, Julie, come on girl, own up.......youse is keeping that same guy hidden somewheres at youse house....we knows, dat's why wees get to see sooooo muchliness of his manliness......youse is da one sneakin around wiff the camera jest click, click, clicking and caturing da goodly

    Lori that story is just wrong on so many levels.......those people should be treated like the animals, no I won't call them that as it is an insult to the animal kingdom......there are no words in the English language that would describe them.

    My pics were delivered to the gallery today and they get hung on Thursday ready for the opening on Friday night.......getting excited now and wondering if others will like them enough to perhaps want to buy them. I have decided that they are limited editions and no more than 10 per will ever be printed.

    Hi to everyone!

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Oh Chrissy u have to be so furcited---we all partay Friday nite--I can't magin doin' anyting like dat for shoah--I hope we get to sees dem sumhow cuz u da celebrity. YYYYAAAAYYYY---BTW Julie keeps a few of da huks in her home dere all da time---but she shares wid us--Tank u Julie/

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Chrissy I'm lurking and saw u'r beeeutiful pictures that u are putting up this Friday----Wonderful choices.ThumbsUp