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how about drinking?



  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited November 2013

    Thanks Cammy!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!The weather was really somethingyesterday.Wild winds, drivingdownpours with the sun shining, then it cleared off and was beautiful!And all just about 60 degrees!Back to chilly today, though.

    Juliet--gotta love those co-workers who share everything, including illness!It's too bad that health care employers tend to really push employees to work sick.

    Goldie--haven'tstarted packing yet, but I have started my packing list.I'll start packing pretty soon.Probably be done by Christmas.And yes, I did answer that 88 year old lady, I told her they could resume relations as soon as she felt up to it.I suspect from the gleam in her eyes that they may not have waited until they got home!

    How can anyone treat another human being like that??

    ORLA-- hoping your teacher is safe and sound.

    Wahine--So good to hear that your DD2 is doing so well and coping with the neck brace, AND getting looks from the men!

    BBBBBernie--Now that is my kind of aerobics!

    Cammy--hmm, you're a working lady now?That could be taken a couple of ways . . . .Have fun with the emoticons!

    Mema--I am spending a huge amount of time daydreaming about the cruise, and lovingevery minute of it!

    CynCyn--I'm booked on Norwegian Cruise Lines, the ship is the Epic.53 days and counting!

    Beanie--pour some of that Effen Vodka on the spider bite and clear it up!

    I ran into 3 or 4 people yesterday who thought Turkey day was next week, too.Must be an epidemic!

    Chrissy--Good work,wish I could see your pics!Good idea about limited prints.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is theWorking Lady

    1 oz Cognac

    1/2 oz Cointreau

    1/2 oz Strawberry Liqueur

    1 dash Lemon Juice

    1 oz Orange Juice

    Shake well and pour in a cocktail glass, frosted with strawberry.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2013

    Lara, what happened with the last phone interview you had? Perhaps you said and I just foygot? And how is your pain, is it getting any better?

    Kathy, I sure hope you are feeling better. But are leaving this morning for Vegas??? I don't think I would be capable of packing and unpacking so much. Nor do I even have enough clothes! Well, have fun and I hope you win lots of moola, safe travels. Never had Brandy Alexander, or any of those drinks that Cami mentioned.

    Oh Cami, you nutty woman. Not being able to call in sick cuz you would be the one answering the phone! Hope you can make your luncheon on Saturday. We will all come and hang out wif you tomorrow, I hope you have a ride???

    Hey dere Suzi Cootie, where ya been and whatcha been up to? And when is your trip? I don't imagine your DH has changed his mind?

    Julie/Cyn, how fun if you guys can get together soon. Soon as Julie is feeling better, yee haaa!

    Cyn, that's awesome that you and D can make all of those visits, just a couple of months apart. LOL about the boys finding the rocket!

    Heellow Beanie doll baby. I'm wif you, but hadn't thought of it until you mentioned it, about Thanksgiving being 3rd Thursday....hmmmmm! Seems like an awfully long time for a pider bite, maybe you should get it checked out? And you still have those migraines? You poor thing. And Stupid Femara not being nice eeder. I'm so glad to be OFF of those STUPID pills. (((((BEANS))))) But mese do like de effen Vodka. Any plans for Friday?

    Chrissy, having your prints in the Gallery is so exciting, how big are they? Can you take a picture of them hanging in the Gallery?

    Oh mese oh mise NM and the 88 yo, and not waiting until they got home! I wish I could feel that way. I also love the fact that you are day dreaming about your trip, like I said, the time leading up to it can just make it that much more enjoyable. Has Sadie been to that kennel before? If not, perhaps you could take her for a visit? Or maybe that is not necessary?

    Elizabeth Dahling moosta still be sleeping.

    Well, my mom being the nosy f*ck that she is (that is what us kids call her), called the motel to speak to Eric, that is the son. She just couldn't believe he could do such a thing, as he idolized his father. Of course he said it wasn't true, and the police were making a lot of it up. My mom told him she would be a character witness for him...WTF??? Court is scheduled for Monday, so if there are pictures to prove it, then he will get time. The couple were placed in a nursing home and they will not disclose which one, and Eric is not allowed to know or see them.

    Ize a woyking lady too, so will grab me some of doze drinks, along with one or two hunks and head for the shower!!!! He he! SillyHeart

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2013

    Morning DahhhLinKs!

    It's Twos-dey...woohoo! Only I have to go to Vegas today for mese Herceptin and xgeva belly shot so my time is short dis ayem. Was thinkin I'd spend da nite, but now don't tink so, prolly drive back dis evening.

    Lowee - my DD booked me for the trip. No dh not going, so I will have bungalow all to myself...unless I find a gf to go, but either way...I'm ok with it. And I will have a FANTABULOUS time! You mama sumpin else, guess she doesn't wanna believe a grown child cud treat their parents that way. I'm very curious about this story so keep us posted K?

    NM - I giggled a bit cuz I too am making a list and mine trip isn't til the end of March. I'm mostly now wanting to kno if they use US monies in NewZea...will have to google it later.

    Cyn - cwack mese up bout da no...don't tink if found by ds's that they wud moob out. But now I'm funcused...didn't one already moob out cuz u make him pay rent? or is he comin up wif da moola now?

    JeanBean - I lublub da effen wodka...let's safe some for ur bday parTay on Friday K? Are you planning n e ting spashall for ur spashall day? And yeah...I agree wif Lowee...dis is tooo long for dat pidey bite to still be bugging u and wif twinkling lites too...sumpin not right...try to get it checked K?

    Chrissy - U Rock!! Since ur opening is Fri night, same as da Beans B-day...we will hab to party like cwazy. Jes too ferciting!!

    Julie - I get it...jes don't like it, we all kno hosp's a hotbed of bacteria anyway, so yes...dat guy shudda been wearing a mask. Sorry u ended up getting the short-end so to speak. Glad u are feeling better tho. ((Julie))

    Cami - is Mama a skeerdy moobie? Tamary me and 3 of my gf's are going to see Last Vegas at da moobie house. Heard it was good, will let ya all kno.

    Where's da DorK? Aly? ED? Karen? Eve? and da others?

    WaWa - Safe travels and have a Fantabulous time! How long will you be gone this trip?

    Gonna git my spin in and den moob mese ewwa and get to da doc...latah ladies!

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited November 2013

    Mornin' Dollinks,



    CyndieLou – I bought all de gwoceries for this thirsdey over de weekend. I have a 2013 calendar I got for fwee and it doesn’t hab turkey day anywhere on it. In Sept it had a 31st dat wus funcusing too…just wut de dizzy bwond needed. Maybe I’ll hab two turkey days – tee hee!! It almost always for de whole bean life bean on de turd turdskey.

    Wahine – Sawwy to read u r sick…I hope de cough gets better quickliest.

    NM – Soundez like sum cwazy weather u r habing. Hope u r staying warm. Tanks 4 de advice to pour effen on de bite…actually it is healing so no more worries bout dat.


    Tanks for de Working Chick, I mean Working Lady dwink too, lub it muchly!

    Juliet – Wow!

    Hi GoldieLuvBug – I am so glad you are off de AI’s must be soooooooooooooo wunnerful.


    I cannot tell you how happy I am for ya, I am still happy dancing for you to be dun and I tank u for de hugs…

    Now for de boring part where you can stop weeding if u are falling asleeeeep…I called me MO doc yesturdey and talked to her nurse. Foyst I aksd if I could jest stop all de hormonal tx and she said no, dat dey want me to do de whole program (figured dat wud be de answer). Well den I got funcused cuz she sez it posta be 5 years of AI’s eben dough I already had two years of tamoxifen. I tot it wus posta be 5 years total of all de hormonals...So I’m bery sorry I called cuz dat wud mean not just 2 but 4 more years of AI’s. She sed I cud twy a dif AI maybe for 30 dayz to C if it felt better, so I’m not sure if I shud cuz I already know de devil I’m on and I’m skeert to twy a different one. I tode her I’d tink aboud it. She aksd if I’m depwessed too which I twuly am not, I am tweedledee-happy to be alive n just wanna not be achy, dizzy, n fallin asleep all de tyme. So I will hafta decide wud 2 doo doo and for how long I’m gunna doo doo it for…

    Dat is sucha stwange story bout Eric and I’m glad de old people are in a nursing home. I hope it is not true, please keep us posted, and yer mom is going to be a character witness?

    I’m missing aDorkable, MemaSue, Karen and hope dey are okey-dokey. Hi to everyone!

    Cheers! To your health and the almighty!



  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited November 2013

    Sue - Oooooooooooooooooo!!! MemaSue snuck in dere wen I was still wakin up!!! Hi Suzie, I hope yer twip to Vegas goes smooth. Dats a lotta dwiving so pweese be careful on de road. I foygot de BD wuz Friddey. It posta be 22 of 11 every year but maybe since turkey dey is late de BD be late too...maybe it'll be de 5th Frieddey and not de 4th??? I'm bixed up, will get straight wif more effen wodka.HappyHappyHappy

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Shhh ebryone must be sleepen alredy, I'm redy to meself.

    Beeenss I like u'r pics---funy--make me smiiy===

    Sue MAMA was spooky, diferent than skeery, but I did et my DD watvh it--we she's 43 or 44 but she still habs badly dreems sumtimes..But she sleeps wif her husband a lot. She started her newly job 2day and she lubbed it and she hasn/;t 4gotten anyting so the boss ubed her and said finlay someone who knows what I'm talking about, made her feel good.

    OKey dokey I tink I'm relax now  busy day 

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    HI girls, *cough, cough*...I have lost my voice, so hope you can read I do sound funny, and feel crappy, but SO thankful for throat lozenges and Dayquil so I was able to suppress coughing on the plane. Boy have I made up for it now!!

    Hey Sue, I yelled and you didn't hear me!! Funny we were both in Vegas today....but mese being sick, no one would want to be near me. This is a quickie trip. Catching the redeye Fri nite, but still seeing a show that night. Have a lot planned.

    Oh Lori I know...I must think I am still young....NOT! It IS hard to go on back-to-back trips. Not fun. But I was trying to fit in all the trips I could with my parents away, and trying to go around Molly's heartworm tx. So I was limited on which days we could be gone.

    Beansie, SO nice having you back in de lounge! Hope that spider bite is really going away and not causing any lasting effects. I hate that you were told you need to be on the meds for longer than you were originally told. That sucks.

    Dorkie, Beckers, Cyn, Alli, Aly, Cami, Chrissy, NM, Lara, Bernie, Julie, Karen, Eve, Chevy, and anyone I missed (brain drain).....hope things are going weally, weally well.



  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited November 2013

    TGIT girls..let's partay!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Sorry Cyn I'm a working woman now with the regular Sat. and Sun. off--cuz u know what a party animal I am.

    Kat u weren't supposed to take that cold with u, u crossed state lines with it. I think that's illegal/ But I'm sorry u don't feel well, try to rest whenever u can.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    LOL Cami....yuppers I crossed state lines with a cold, that's why I ended up in SIN city!!! Mese has sinned and mese is twying not to get ennyone else sickliest. You are sooooooooo funny, you cwack mese up!!!

    YAY Its Cyndie's weekend....TGIT....partay heartay!!!! I can't believe I haven't had a dwink yest or todey. (oops mese foigot mese had a draft Blue Moon downstairs)...well only one today. Hope to make up for it tamarra....either that or youse kin dwink for mese, otay?

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2013

    beanie in de lounge, hip hip horaaay ~hic~! Goils here ye here ye - da bean is DE author of de offishall htl langwitch. speaking of, when wese wuz widdle, we skeered a wicked witch outta de lounge, oh hail yeah.

    mese berrydwunk so fogrive mese, k? Lori, indeedy, what a horror, those poor elderly folks - all I can say is HOW COULD SOMEBODY DO THAT? To the swamp that kid should go and omg on the nosey fn one, geeze hope she doesnt do de court ting...Bernie, hoping life is bright for you starting at wine'ocklock whihh be now. i jest lub you. and Cammy dahling, forgot to menshion to you that mese jest so pwoud that you a woyking goil now, geeze Loweizze and scary Harry-ETTpoo. n u saved likker 2ly? omesegawsheeeze, bigchairs n bigcheers to ya. and to de likker too cheeRs to eac hbottle n jug.. Kat, nice to see ya face. one DWUNK IN TWO DEYS? doya hears mese hollorring atcha from here?? I tink Beckers heerze me in de Cal-ey-forn-i-ayeshiionPartOfDeNatshion! And you Juliet, de supplier of de best slurprizes, hope you feeling goodlier too. Chrissy B has an excellent point bout ya hiding dem dere schmooooookin hot boyz in her house. Huh huh huh? nice of ye to share jest piccs, ehh, you?? lool kidding wifyouGoilie goil! You gonna meet de CyndieLoUwhowantsyebetterforfacetime, woooo hooooo for ye two! n it is de wEAKend for CyndieLouWhoMustbetrashedbynow! ~hiccup fart burp and turdeen mo hiccps n furteen mo dwinks. and mese owns Chrissy B is fab and famous with her (pinky in de air) max ten LIMITED edishions, oh mese oh mise. So proud of yer pitchurtaking skills and hope yegit de camera of yodreams. Beanie from outta space I git ya with de fluckin anti h's. mese deC'ved too. same ting, tailed five years, two gone now five more with de whateberdefluckitcalled, chit, dey lie. liars liars why? why? why (i sez in mese bosston accent hehe~hic gottaPee. de htl bathroom doors out of order uh huhhh. locked. hmmm, wonderwho in dere? well haylow to all goils now heer me, gonna pass on out to de floor now so I goeth down for de counts tehehe, not ct dracula sillee spooky movie goilies, ye funnneeeee goils. hiya too. kk, mese flying northward to de floor. oh tenders, great yobs in decorations de la bwoken glass, ooopsies. boyz, turdeen rounds for all mese goils, lift yer glass and pass Out with mese.Ordwink, yer opinion counts x sixturd. happy zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited November 2013

    Cyn I'm up for a P A R T A Y!!!!! My pics go up in the gallery tammary and ise prerdy chuffed at being able to see them on a skippy!!!!!! Celebration now....come on!!!

    Awe Kat youse not sposed to get sick when you go to a place for fun! gitting sick is no fun at all! hopin the coughs get lost soonliest soes youse can enjoys dat show on Fliday night.

    Cami.......youse woikin goil you.......I know, youse jest trying to bees dat possible? coz wees all knows jest what a partay animal youse really is but I jest tink youse is tryin to bees a goody two shooes ta impress youse boss.........yes I knows youse is de boss an ise not sure the goodi two shooes is gonna woik lessen youse has all of de sudden becomed two persons........joory is still out on dat one so we jest wait n see.

    Dork? Where is yoise goil? Whatcha bin doing?

    Beans!!!!! Yay!!!!! good ta sees ya hanging wid da goils!

    Hiya to ebberbuddy!!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2013

    Good morning,. Loungettes!How is everything this windy and cold ayem?Wind chills in the single numbers today.Brrrrrrr.

    Goldie--Good idea about taking Sadie to the kennel for a visit!I'll have to arrange that, thanks for the idea! The also do a doggy day care, so I can take her in for a while and see how she does, which will probably be just fine, she loves playing with people and other dogs.That poor couple, and your crazy Mom, what a combo!

    Oohh, rubba dub dub!

    Mema--the list making is part of the fun, isn't it?

    Beanie--glad the bite is healing!Yeah, weather this time of year is crazy, but that's Maine for you!Why is your MO keeping you on 7 years of hormone therapy?The standard is 5 years total,not 5 years plus tammy time.You might want to call and ask again, and maybe speak to the doc directly.

    Cammy--I thought Mama was creepy more than scary, too.Still a good movie.

    Wahine--Have fun in Vegas, try not to get too over tired.

    CynCyn--I'll partay with you !

    DorKable--my, but you sound like you are having a great time!Good to see you, drunkliest or sober!

    Chrissy--I would love to see a pic of your pics up on the gallery wall, too!If you can do that without getting into trouble, that is.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Leaving Las Vegas

    1 1/2 oz Tequila

    2 oz Orange Juice

    2 oz Pineapple Juice

    1 oz Whipping Cream

    2 oz Coconut Cream


    Blend briefly with half a glassful of crushed ice in a pina colada glass. Garnish with a slice of pineapple, and serve, with straws

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    kat-feel better soon

    lori-i'm guessing his defense will be he could not afford someone to look after them and there were no local resouces to help people with dementia! so this was his best option to keep them safe(please insert expletive of your choice )

    nm-good suggestion of lori for Sadie to have a visit first .I know you will be happier knowing she' s happy

    dorty-if your drinking you got to be feeling better

    chrissy-wow a exhibited artist

    cammi-our working woman!(ps that is uk slang for a lady of the night!Winking) so glad dd had such a good day

    cyn -PARTY

    sue,beans,ed,karen,adey have a good day

    ps no runny nose today

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2013

    Oh my, what a shower that was that I had yesterday. That sudsy boy was right there to help! Thanks Julie!

    Pwoud Mary, how long do you have to do those treatments anyways? Hoping that all went smoothly and you are home and resting after a long day yesterday. And yes, my momma is sumpin else indeed. She just knows the relationship between the father and the son, so she is sorta leaning towards believing him, hence saying she would be a character witness for him. I really don't think she is physically up to any court appearances. She worked with that family for well over 20 years.

    Sweet Bean, they are looking at keeping women on hormonal treatments for 10 years, but I know Arimidex can only be done for 5, due to the SE's from it. So some women might do 5 years on Tammy and then 5 on Arimidex. I don't know anything about any of the others. Altho I am off of the Arimidex, I still have the hot flashes and I still have NO desire for any boom chicky.

    Cami, so glad the job went well for your daughter and she was even complimented on the first day......woo hoo!

    Ha ha Kat, yes I can read ok through your coughing! Just turn your head please. What shows are you seeing and when and where is your next trip. I know you are going out of the country at some point. How are your folks doing in HI, have you heard from them?

    Dofey, speaking of Dracula, mese tinks you have turned into a vampire. Staying up all night and sleeping all day! What's up wif Zach and you and de docs? How did your living room turn out? Did you go a bold color?

    I'll party wif ya CYn!

    Chrissy, take a picture of them on the wall.

    Oh Brrrrrrr NM, single digits? We have the potential for some nasty weather during the next week, snow/rain.......who knows! I shall pat meese self on de back for coming up wif a good idea, to take Sadie for a bisit. Let us know if you do and how she does! And we can all feel like we in Vegas, wif da Las Vegas drink.

    Julie, Erics reason to my mom was that his dad has ALWAYS told him, don't you dare, EVER put me in a nursing home. Link I have posted, in the news video, they say he lives in a mansion. How true that is, I don't know.

    Where are our MIA girls????

    Happy HunkDay Ladies............Cheers!

    Here is the news story, the video is at the top. Now my mom is back pedaling, saying that if he calls her, she won't answer the phone!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2013

    Cami, is your procedure today??? Heading out in the UFO, just in case. I got a little funcused, so not sure if it is today or tomorry. But no worries, we can just party party!!!! Do you get sick time off from work??? Thinking of you, and hope you aren't too anxious about it, I know you don't like to be put under. It will be ok! (((((CAMI)))))

    And it's the procedure itself that only takes a short time. Your time in the hospital is hours!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2013

    Morning DahhhLinKs,

    Dory - u was feeling no pain last night mese tinks? Did you c ur new PS on Monday? Did u tell us about it and I missed it? Wassup girl?

    WaWa - I didn't realize u'd b there yest, thot u were arriving today...tail u how funcused I am eh. But u r right...been trying to keep a cold at bay as it is, so wud not want to b exposed. Are u winning? Prayer to da gambling gods fer ya.

    CynCyn - u hunged ober dis morning? Do u ever hab to woik OT on ur days off?

    Beckers - missing u...hope u OK.

    Lowee - I watched dat video, thanks for posting. I think those news peeps did a good job, their expressions and words summed it up for me..jes how I feel. And Dory saying da son need to b ditched in da swamp...right on!! MO wants to keep me on Herceptin til end of May '14. So 6 more months...that is as long as my MUGA scans show my heart is handling it. Next MUGA is Dec 3rd, so far so good.

    JeanBean - sawee da MO didn't hab better news, but I think a diff AI is not a bad idea, I mean, cud the se's be worse than what u going thru now? Mayb dey's b better on a diff one. I want u to hab a better quality of life whilst u taking dis chit. I don like u feeling all discomboblutated (((Jean))). Funny about ur calendar...but hey...y not 2 on ur birfday and another on Thanksgiving...woiks fer me...LOL!

    Cami - sounds like u gettin along jes fine wif da new job and really really good news bout Les and her job....woohoo!

    NM - brrr is right...hope u n sadie staying warm. I've been in a kinda panic about going to ID at end of the month as I thot I had given away all my big coats. Not that there is much chance of me getting too cold with my hot flashes, but still, I want to b prepared. Checked office closet and woohoo...still have my carhart jacket in I will bese fine. OOO...lublubs dat DOTD...yum

    Julie - foist I thot u sed chrissy was an those hunks u hab hiding at ur house. Soo happy no running nose today!

    BBBernie....where u b? Are u going back to England? Still saying prayers for you and yours (((BBB)))

    Lubslubslubs all ya'll and all those that I missed...have a wunnerful HUMPDAY!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    OMG Lori that is so awful....he looks like a respectable person....looks can be deceiving. IT was also interesting reading the comments from others, on that page. Very scary what happens to the elderly when those that should be taking care of them, abuse them instead. Awful.

    Ohhhhh that DOTD sounds good NM! Nice and sweet....yummmm. Not having fun in Vegas I have a slight fever and tons of coughing and sore throat, and no energy, nasal congestion too. Chit! Good idea Lori had, to take Sadie to visit where you will board her. Our vet also has "doggie day camp" and its so cute as they post pics everyday on FB of the dogs playing, usually post over 25 pics a day, and they also have video cameras recording them and I think their owners can view it in real time. Wonder if yours does that? Then you could see Sadie while you are away. EXCEPT from our experience, internet on ships is expensive and very slow. But when in port, you can find cheaper internet.

    Julie, that was so funny!!! OMG wouldn't that be awesome if you and Cyndie could have face time soonliest!!! Hope that works out. Are you still sick, too?

    Oh DorkaRoni, youse is sooo funnneeeee when youse is your Drunkease! And yuppers gals, it was our JeanBean who started Beanglish here in de lounge, which has evolved also into drunkease, or any "ease" you want it to be!! How ya doing Dorkie...home alone for a few days??? We gonna partay at your house????

    Chrissy, Oh I hope you do take a pic of your framed pictures on the wall. Awesome!! AND how smart to limit it to 10 prints each. Hope you can make some moola!!! My DD2 took her pics of Madeira from our trip last year, to the county fair, and won first prize. Not that her photography was so great, but the views were so awesome.  And I know yours will do so well!! I am so glad we got to see the pics you chose.

    Sue, you gonna get some rain today? They predict some for Vegas, and it sure is cloudy today. Hope your tx went well!

    We're going to see Veronic, who apparently does about 50 impressions of women singing, and is a protégé of Celine Dion. Then of course our fav band, Yellow Brick Road, and we have buffets at Aria and Mandalay Bay. Seen all the cirque shows, except have not seen the MIchael Jackson show. But this is such a short trip that we were hoping to go to our old haunts, like Ellis Island, the International shopping place (for Hawaiian goodies), etc. AND some relaxing time, but with me being sick, so far it hasn't felt very relaxing!!!

    Hoping for a good HUMP DEY for you all!!!!!



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Oopsie I took so long to type, I bumped into ya, Sue....but I bumped ya right into a Tender's arms....and that smile on yer face says it all!!! LOL

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited November 2013

    Mornin' Dollinks,


    Cami – So glad de pics make U smile, dat makes me smile!! So, I’m funcused too, is your procedure today? And where do we dwive de UFO to? I hope you are okay.

    Katrinka – Dat is so awful to be traveling while sick, I am so sawwy you are not habin fun. You are amazing dough dat you can do so much traveling. Bout my meds, turns out me and my nurse were funcusing each other and I don’t have to take them longer – whew! So a total of 5 yrs and I’m almost dun wif 3 of ‘em. You hang in there and I hope you feel better soon.

    Cyn – Happy TGIT to you!

    DorK – So glad to see ya here! I wus wunnering where u were! Hip hip horray hic! But don’t tail me dat you gotta do 5 yrs after de 2??? Dat bout flipped me outa outer space, but now (maybe cuz I aks if I have to take any more at all) it’s back to 5 total. I just dunno how it cud be for soooooooooooooooooooo looooooooooooooooooooooooong???? I am so achy – waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!!! Hope u had a good sweep!

    Chrissy – Hey dere! Good to see you chuffed and wif de pinkys up!! Tee hee, let’s parteee!

    NM – It is cloudy, rainy and brrrrrrrrrrrr here too, hope you are keeping warm. As for de Femara, dere was a bix up and I got funcused so it’s just a total of 5 yrs, but now DorKy sez dey are telling her 7 years??? Wud up? So I tode dem I will keep Femara for anuudder moth and get some hic, hic, supplementaliments such as glucosamine, chonder-o-tini (hmmm is dat ne ting like a marg-o-tini?), msm and sum other stuff, bio-tini for my hair. It looks okay from de front but it’s real short in de back. My DH hasta keep cutting it all shorter to match up wif de back. Dis a fun disease, it’s like a box a chocolates, u neber no wud ur gunna git. Okay, I quit complaining now. Tank U for de Leaving Las Vegas, so juicy it shud get Wahine back to health!

    Juliet – hope u are habin a gud dey too! Glad ur nose is not snotty 2day.

    Goldie – Boom chicky! ROFLMAO!!!! I’m leaning to switch to Armydex in January. Did you have a lot of joint pain on it? Thanks for posting the news link, that is such an awful story. I feel for your mom too as she tries to believe him. 20 yrs is so long to work with a family.

    MemaSue – How often do you go for herceptin? And how are you feeling today? I hope okay. You may be right for me to switch too, I just dunno. I’m gunna twy to git more info about it.


    Have a totally rockin cool day EVERYONE!


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    good morning bernieHappy

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2013

    Good morning,. Loungettes!Sitting here waiting and waiting and waiting for my computer to get it's act together and get connected to the internet.Sooooooooo ssssslllllllllooooooowwwwwww.Probably time for a new one, but I don't want to do the windows 8 thing, haven't heard much good about it yet!

    Aha, finally connected!

    Goldie--yup, single digits yesterday, not so bad today.Temps in the 20's but no wind.Much betterer!.. Next step is to get Sadie up to date on her shots so she can go to Day care.


    Mema--Carhart is great stuff for cold weather!

    Wahine--I've heard of doggy day cares and kennels with internet access, but I don't think any place around here has it.And the internet on the ship will be expensive, so I won't be doing that much, if at all!Never thought about finding internet in port.Would be fun, though, to check in on her once or twice!I so hope you feel better today, that you can toss off that cold and enjoy your trip!

    Juliet--LOL, again!

    Beanie--there is research on the AI's (arimidex, femara, etc) going for 10 years that will be reported on pretty soon.As the preliminary info comes out there's been more and more talk of being on an AI for 7 years, who knows what the protocol will be in another 5 or 10 years.Add Vitamin D3 to your list of supplements, most people with cancer have low levels and feel better on supplements, I know I do!

    BBBBBernie--It must be so nice to live in such a forward thinking area!I may have to start a winebulance here in Maine!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is Mulled Wine

    1/4 cup Brandy

    750 ml Red Wine

    1 cup Sugar

    2 sticks Cinnamon

    3 cups Water

    12 Clove

    Lemon Peel


    Simmer water with, sugar, cloves, cinnamon sticks, and peel of one lemon in a stainless steel pot for 10 minutes. Pour in the wine, heat to a "coffee temperature" (do not boil) and add brandy.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2013

    Sue, praying your heart holds out and you can finish your treatments. It's big enough, so I think you will be ok!

    Kat/Sue, you bof are sick? Sue, I'm hoping you can kick yours to the curb before it hits hard, and Kat, what is with you, seems like you get sick every time you go away. Well, not EVERY TIME, but you know what I mean. Hope you can enjoy the shows.

    LOL Julie, love the intestinal kiss.

    Beans, the UFO knows where to go for Cami, you jes come along for the ride and wif your wodka. But she is near Chicago. My bone/joint pain was very minimal, usually just in the evening if I were sitting and watching tv, when I first got up, my feet would hurt, but after a few steps they were ok. I also had muscle spasms in my legs at night, if I strected muscles the wrong way. Yep a big ole box o chocolates, no wonder I don't like chocolate!!!

    Bernie, hope you have a winederful day.

    NM, I will say it again, I hate Windows 8. I had to mess with the UPS system we had yesterday, and that computer has 8, well I effed sumpting up!

    OK, it's way to quiet in here! Where be ebberybuddy??? Cami, you doing ok? We are heading out to town this morning, as we have rain/snow predicted through the weekend, then weather permitting, heading to Laughlin on Monday to help Basia.

    Cheers ma DearZ

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2013

    Morning DahhhLinKs,

    Bernie - Wine and lots of it...I will keep up de prayers fer ya and hope like hail u don't run outta da wine.

    BeanieBabe - gotta quit saying baby cuz u habing a birfday tamary and altho u still a young'un u r catchin up to mese, an old'un...heehee j/k. I mean I am old but u not. I'll b on dat drip til end of May '14. I've been on da Aromisin pills too..and prolly stay on those AI forever. I too have all the se's dat Lowee mentioned. Those nasty cramps pop up all ober mese weird. And u cud set a clock wif me hot flashes...I still wish I cud sleep thru them, but o well...jes as long as I keep breathin I'll put up wif da rest. I do take a whole long list of supplements and I believe they help a lot. Good for you for going ahead and researching the diff AI's, praying u find one dat woiks better for you. ((Beanz))

    NM - I've been debating on taking my laptop in March when I go. They have in-room-safes, but I had the thot of losing this laptop, so instead I'm keeping my eyes open for a tablet for internet and game playing. Yea, carharts are great. Dh and I even had the full jumpsuit when we lived in MT and Elko, plus face masks, boots etc. But had given most away, gald not my carcoat type carhart tho. I took vit D too then thot to have my PC run blood work. Found out D levels dangerously hi so stopped. But found out what other things were low and so those r what I pay attention to.

    Kat - your cold sounds horrible...I can hear u coughin up here in Mesquite. Hope u feel better soon. DH and I on zicam...jes have little coughs n nasal drip, so far nothing full blown, cept when we blow our snouts...sounds like a gaggle a geese round here. And tanks fer da strategic bump into Jocks arms...I'm still smilingSillyHeart

    Lowee - u leaving today but not for Laughlin til Monday. Where u stayin, til then, Scottsdale or Phx? It was cooler here yest and Tues, looked like rain but didn't get any yet but lots a ominous clouds in the NE right now. Safe travels and have fun!!

    Cami - where r u...u feeling OK?

    DorK - wassup?

    Like Lowee say...where is everbuddie?