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how about drinking?



  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013

    Beautiful Babes

    NM do you know what toss off means here? Made me laugh.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    I have not had time to read

    hope everyone is farting and drinking

    I have a ton of school work, and the holiday I am going crazy

    poop in latah


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    *cough, cough*....Mornin Ladiez!

    So nice to see so many loungettes dis ayem!

    I still am having horrid coughing fits, and am sick of dis sore throat/coughing/no voice thing. Itz da pitz. Hoping and praying that I do NOT have a coughing fit on the flights home tomorrow night (red eye) and Sat ayem. Bad enuf habbing dem in public, but on de plane...yikes.

    Bernie, mese lubs your Winebulance! But I alweddy saw dat....mese tinks youse had it parked behind your pasture, so it was always on call for you....wuz mese right? LOL. Love your "reduce the wine" cartoon too. OK, youse habs us in de suspension mode...whut is "toss off" in de Emerald Isle???? pwease tell us, pwetty pwease...

    NM, oh yeah, definately look for internet cafes in port...even on the little privately owned islands they sometimes stop at, there should be internet. Thats how we check on emails, sometimes have had to check on the ship and yes, it is SO pricey. Sounds like you will be all set way before your trip, thats good! I always wait till the last minute to pack and then usually take too much.

    Sue, Hope that zicam keeps your cold from progressing. I was at my DD's in TX the night mine started, and didn't have any with me. I am afraid my DH might catch it since I did have a fever, and all this coughing, and our Iceland trip is just a little over a week away. I forget what money we used in NZ, but if you call your bank you can ask what charges they would have if you used an ATM at the airport when you get there. Then the money comes out in the currency of the country you are in, We have a good plan with our CC, and its much cheaper than getting it changed at the airport kiosks. Some countries have an "exit fee" I forget what they call it, but you can always do a search and find out. When they do have an exit fee, or tax, or whatever they call it, it has to be in that country's currency.

    Lori, Hope you have a good time in town today! Going to see any movies?

    NM, Oh I know, I had to search far and wide for a NEW Win7 laptop. They are out there, but you have to watch and make sure it is not a refurb one. If you think you might be close to getting a new one, it might be a good idea to look now, before they become too scarce. And I think mine was only $399 or so???? I forget, but it wasn't too much. My crippled little netbook might have bitten the dust, as it was hard to use last trip so I am bringing my laptop now. I bought another small tablet with keyboard, but it doesn't seem to work very well, was prolly too cheap!

    Whew Beans, so its is back to 5 yrs total for your meds? I do hope you can find the one that works the best for you! Can't tell ya how happy I am that you are BAAAAACK here wid us!!! I think its unaminous!! Youse is a fixture here, and we can't function gud enuf when you is away. When ya gonna start cewewbwatin? I thought I had your bday written down as the 24th, but guess I am bemembering wrongliest. SO, happy happy birfdey eve!!!!

    Dorkie, dorkie, dorkie, how ya doing today, hun? Hoping youse is better!!! Giving Zach a vacay soonliest????

    Lara, Oh yeah, wese is all a fartin and a dwinkin and a habbin fun!!!! Don't do tooooo much schoolwork, gotta hab time ta dwink! Speaking of dwinkin, mese sure hopes mese feels like habing a dwink today. Not fun being too sober in Sin City!! lol.

    And to all de resta me bwesties, habs a fun ThirstDey!!!!! My personal barrista (DH) jest came back up wid me iced coffee....oh yeah, time to wake up!



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Hi eberyone--just poopin in for a little taste,

    NM that DOTD sounds good for this time of year and almost sounds ike a medicinal drink, Kat dat sounds good for u.

    Kat coughing spells are so annoying and disgusting especially if your with udder people U really have a biggy u'd better get it out of der. Hope u feel beter.

    Hi Lori--OK u'll be home this week-end and leaving on Monday, I think I got it straight--How lomg wiil u be gone?

    Birfday tomorroee and Chrissy's showing--her pictures sillies---

    Lara u'r so busy, we won't be sharing out movies so much Damn.

    Well I'm home, didn't say to many kinky tings, but I did some, My BIL was there for me the whole time and all went well--he took some biopsies down my throat??? And I still am a perfect asshole so he'll call sometime next week.

    Dorky are u OK???

    Bernie (((HUGS)))

    Julie and Bernie LOL

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited November 2013

    Decide to stay off the drink for a couple of days and there are pages to read. Now truthfully maybe it was too much drinking.

    Need big drink and another scan have 'something' on thyroid and nodules have grown so it has to be checked out.

    Kat do hope that cough goes. I am still getting coughing spells but not so many.


    Which means drink with the boys from over the road tonight - good fun them boys are.

    Smiled at the lovely boys some of you have found but I like mine a little older and a bit more mature!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


    I need some

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Alyson I hope all goes well for this test---When r u going?

    Julie   gooooood.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    cammi glad everything went well and you woke up! rest tonight,in work tonight,

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2013

    Heyya goils! Sawry to read wese got some hackers amungst us (Kat/Alyson).Notting worse than a nagging hack-in cough. I tink I might a caught a widdle sumting in here too cuz mese jest started de hacking. Mese'd prefer hacking for money inted of coughing. I hope wese all feel better. Aly, praying for a good word on yer tests. may ye pass with flying colors. and flying monKeys too. Cammmmmmmy! You soyvoyved de anniestezia? Yippee! good ting cuz wese need ya around here to keep us laffing. I'd ASSuMe that yer boss gave ya a few deys off to recoup (nope, not talking chicken cooops, oh hail no!). ~don't git her started, notdo EBEN git her (or dem) started!

    Tanks to doze of ye that posted bout farts. Cuz farts RRRR sofa king fun. I gonna git honest with ye all here k? It not easy but gottstz come out sOOner or latah. Ok, so ye all know I had a wicked time with de constaypation right? It WUZ tough suviving with taking three RX poop drugs each day....taking de pOOp syrup, taking de pOOp pill and taking de pOOp juice mese made from a packet of chit tasting chit dat 'spooSED to bese tasteless, UGHHHH. but ye know what? I amditting dis now to ye all first cuz dis is BIG....but mese missiing being regular soTOspeak, cuz ya know why? I miss doze stanky loud bootiful farts that come with contispation. I miss sniffing dem under mese covers den saying PPPPPP UUUU den coming up for air den covering mese Bell'as face with covers and making her smell too. I tail ya goils, if ya wanna make a dog frown, jest make er sniff de most obNOXXious farts in history. And why I tail ya dis? Cuz when mese wuz hospittalized, dey tail me that farts IS a good ting and dey ACTUALLY like dem when happbinnings in hospiTALL fart enviromint. k, enuff but had to confessh dat mese miss doze wicked nasty eye burning farts mese was habing. dont be a hatin now, k? cuz if ye not like farts, den GO TO ANUDDER TREAD! heheBurPhiCCUPfart, ooops.

    So hailo to all ye goils, mese fart sing when I hear each of you poop in here for dwinks n laffs. But mese cant tawlk to all ye cuz mese effed up to de Maximillian'st time todey. ~hic~ but mese heard dere a boyfdey here and dat calls for a mean sailabration!


    Happy Birfdey mese Beanie Bean! Yippee, it a reeeezon to parTay. So I gots mese parTay shoes on and I am ready for dis one oh hail yeah! So again I say "lets GIT DE ParTay started"! tenders, wenches and fallunteers, weze gotzta decorate dis place, woop up so wicked cakes and BLOW on de tenders ... uh balloons whilst dey hold dem...or better yit, have dem blow in de bloons cuz mese AND wese, I tink, are too dwunk! so I say one ting and one ting only....


    ~now lets partay~


    uh Ohh, dis how I feel, so berry tired. I come back tomorree and partay more. SEE YE ALL HERE K?


    Beanius, I write you a birfdey poem:

    beans beans de miracle fruit, de more ye eat de more ye toot

    de more ye toot, de bettah ye feel so eat more beans with ebery meal. (I am)!!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited November 2013

    I need a drink. Car ran into me at a set of lights. I stopped he didn't. Not a lot of damage but will be expensive. Luckily he has insurance.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Oh Aly, how awful. It is a big headache trying to get your car fixed etc. Its raining in Vegas, and because of not wanting to have an accident (we saw many of those this afternoo/evening), and because I am still sick, we came back early. Had a wonderful elegant buffet at Mandalay Bay, but decided against going down to Fremont St to hear our favorite band. Too messy out.

    Cami dear, am glad you are through wid de heiny scope....and youse survived it! YAY!

    Dorkie, your posts are soooooo foooking funnneeee!!! Love your fart stories, and how you make poor Bella smell them. Oh gawd I tink mese smelling a foul fart right now, but DH says he burped. Hmmmmm..... Reminds me of a yolk I heard years ago...."What did one burp say to the other burp?"....well he said "Let's be stinkers and go out the other end". Hahaha...dats yer fart yoke, Love all your Birthday wishes to our Beans!

    Sue, are you getting lotsa rain too? The sidewalks are flooded, we thankfully have a car, but saw lots of people walking in the street, up Las Vegas Blvd, instead of the sidewalks, as they would be soaked. A couple came up in the elevator with us, and they were soaked up to their knees. If your kids and their spouses are playing MyVegas, I can highly recommend the dinner buffet at Mandalay was awesome. Amazing food, and champagne, wine, beer too. Best buffet by far.We did the buffet at Aria too, but Mandalay Bay was much better.

    Looks like more rain here tomorrow. But I'll be resting tonight so maybe we can do the things and see the show tomorrow night. I hope all you others will get well too, not fun being sick! At least in the HTL we cannot pass on germs to each way jose! We can all be well here and partay the night away!!! Going to have a big BIrthday BlowOut for our Birthday Beansie!!!! (I started early, actually had 2 glasses of de bubbly tonight, most I've had since I got sick....woohoo!!!)



  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited November 2013

    Has had me drinks now has to make dinner. Not easy.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Hi Alyson, I just went pee and I seed that u just said Hi.--Are u making somptin good- It's da middle of da nite here---We hab pee time here in da middle of de nite.



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    Hi Cam Im here ok mama yes perdictable, but it was creepy with the kids. I like the pyschological stuff. You need to get red box location, they have ton of movie they do not show on TV also there is netflex.

    I am up early yes trying to get this work done. Under pressure is not that a song ?

    Oh the fart song lmao Dork perco land come come see the circus in my head

    I had a reaction to the bactrim and nuertoin went to ER twice

    my mouth swelled up could not breath, looking for a new primary to. I cant keep  going to the ER

    My lymph nodes were swollen and then my arm pit had a lump and it frrrrrrrrrr hurt

    ER doc goes infection give sme bactrim and then back to ER after reaction

    so on nothing Pain doc want sme on lyrica now nope not doingthat and its hard to get mese pain pills

    dork send me some in the mail is that legal? any way ill call pain doc tell them I need to sleeppppppp and give me another nerve pill not lyrica

    Now the lymphedemia I need to go to a clinic

    IDK puke at the mouth I am

    Kat stop coughfing lol feel better

    NM and kat they have email on the boat

    I need a vaca to dorka poo house, still giving u a after turkey prez and its not the guts of the turkey


    u gotta stick your hand up their butt

    At sea world they have the orca whales and they are in horrible condition if you want to sign the petition to free them after watching black fish Im telling everyone to sign it .

    alyson sorry about the car accident heres some scotch

    cam watching slither now

    Hi cyn, mema ,goldie yes no call back on a job yet sucksssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

    k poop


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!How is everyone this ayem?I am glad it's Friday, that's for sure.And looking forward to a better day at work.Yesterday was all education (actually, orientation, stuff I was supposed to get a year ago and didn't).Found out a lot of good stuff, and heard some very helpful info, but it was very frustrating at times and I was in tears at one point.Thank God for half pills of Xanax!Back to seeing patients today, looking forward to that.

    Can I ask for some prayers for a co-worker of mine, please?Her 21 year old daughter was found dead in her bed by her boyfriend yesterday afternoon.Apparently she went to bed with a headache, her boyfriend thought she was asleep when he went to take a nap, when he woke up he found her cold and stiff, called her Mom in (they all live in the same home) and her Mom realized she was dead and had been for many hours.My co-worker is taking it hard, naturally, and was hysterical when she called the office yesterday afternoon.

    Goldie--That's what I've heard about Windows 8, but I'm running Vista and that isn't supported anymore.What came after Vista but before 8?Maybe I can get that version. . . .

    Mema--Glad you know your Vit D status, too high is as bad as too low!I don’t have a laptop currently, so all I'll be taking is my Kindle Fire.Mostly for reading, but I can connect to the internet if I want. I expect I'll go to the internet café for that if I feel the need.And I love my Carhart car coat.Great for snowshoeing and playing snow fetch with Sadie!

    BBBBBernie--I have the feeling that I am about to be humbarrassed--what does toss off mean there?

    ORLA--take some time to enjoy the holidays, girl!

    Wahine--I am lucky to notHAVE to check e-mails while on vacay.Mostly I would want tocheck in here at BCO, but part of the vacay thing for me is a break from computers.I do hope to be pretty set when I leave so all I have to work at is having fun!I'll start looking for a Win7 computer.I've also got 3 laptops in the closet that do not work, maybe I'll see about getting one of them repaired.Don't need a lot of bells and whistles, and those were very good while they worked.I guess I've got options!

    Cammy--All of our drinks are medicinal, in one form or another!Perfect asshole?How sweet!

    Alyson--something on the thyroid sound yucky.Praying for you!

    Juliet--I want to go swimming!

    I have GOT to find some of that HOT Chocolate!

    DorKable--My oh my oh my, constipation farts are the stinkliest!I laff at you missing them!


    Alyson--YIKES!Glad you are OK, but the car thing is a pain in the anatomy.

    Wahine--watch out for flooding while it's raining out there in Vegas land!

    ORLA--Lyrica IS a pain pill for nerve pain.It's relatively new and has been success full with diabetic nerve pain,please give it a try!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD isFlaming Hot Chocolate

    1 oz Vodka

    3/4 oz Dark Creme de Cacao


    Fill a shot glass three-quarters full with creme de cacao. Top with Bacardi 151 rum and ignite. Allow to burn for 10- 20 seconds, extinguish and serve.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2013

    Still home Sue, we just went to town yesterday as we could get a lot of weather today, so didn't want to take that chance that we wouldn't be able to get out. And since you have been here, you KNOW what I mean! And I'm wif you on taking any drugs for as long as we haf to, to keep the RB away.

    Waiting to hear what "toss off" means in B's neck of the woods.

    Lara, going crazy is not such a bad place to go, especially if you're drinking! Oh my, what a time you're having with that pain and reactions. Why the hell won't they give you what you ask for??? YOU know what works for YOU! I have not seen Blackfish.

    No movies in town yesterday Kat, wanted to get there and get back, due to the weather. I sure hope your DH doesn't get sick and you can both be well for your next trip.

    LMAO Cami, at being a "perfect asshole". You are so darn witty, and just crack me da hail up! Was hoping they could rearrange the flying organdas.

    Alyson, praying for that scan to NOT be anything serious. Hopefully you can get that done right quick. And a getting run in to, darn. Glad no one was hurt, most of all. Will he do?


    And you certainly can't go wrong with Sean!

    Oh my Dort, you and your farting, and making your fur baby smell it too! Good grief Charlie Brown! When you go in for the "up the ass" procedure, well here anyways, everyone pretty much in the hospital is there getting them too, as the doc only does them on Fried Days, and they won't let you go until they hear you pass de gas, so ebbery buddy farting!

    NM, what on earth caused the tears at your meeting. I hope you are feeling better today, I know you are glad to be back with patients. OH MY GOSH, what a horrible ordeal for your co-worker! I can't even imagine. I am SO sorry and sending prayers her way. Oh how horrible. Um, was it XP that came before 8? My mom is on Lyrica, not sure how well it does, I just know she takes it. That Flaming Hot Chocolate should knock off any pain, that anyone is having!!!

    Ok, time for a special Par Tay! Wooooo Hoooooo, happy BIRFDAY BEANZIE BABY!!!!! I wishing you a most wunnerful day, as Junie would spell it. I sure she wishing you a wunnerful birfday too. Do you have any spayshul plans? I hope you have plenty of de wine too, and I don't mean whine, no no, you can't hab dat kind, not on you birfday!

    I bakedid a bean cake for a ewe.


    And picked out your party dwess!



    You are da coolest Bean I know. Happy Birthday girl, I hope you have a beaniful day! (what ever that means, lol)

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2013

    Forgot to mention, I looked up "Toss Off"..............LOL Bernie!!!!!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    Happy B day Beaniues

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013


    fart absorber kevlar 

    10:28:42; 18 Nov 2013 blog and forum codelink1

    cats fart ass butt gif pixel art nsfw 

    19:07:53; 21 Sep 2013 blog and forum codelink2

    boumerie kids fart comics 


    00:44:06; 06 Aug 2013 blog and forum codelink0

    comics fart amazingsuperpowers lie 


    21:32:54; 18 Jul 2013 blog and forum codelink0

    gif japanese weird shit fart wtf nsfw 

    18:45:11; 11 Jul 2013 blog and forum codelink0

    comics skydiving nathan bulmer fart 

    17:11:14; 23 Jun 2013 blog and forum codelink0

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013

    Such sad news about that poor young girl.

    Condolences and Prayers.

    Alyson - hope the crash wasn't too traumatic.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013

    Lori my lovely, I'll let you explain then. LOL

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    So saddddddd

    ill be in the chapel NM

    I wonder what happened? are the police investigating?

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2013

    Happy Fried-dey DahhhLinKs,

    BBB - so good to c u, jes lub da 'reduce wine'. and what does 'toss off' mean there?

    Cami - Whoop Whoop! So glad ur arse in good shape, cwack up how u say u 'perfect a-hole...LOL. Will say some prayers that the biop's come out clean as a farts whistle.

    Kat - yes, rain rain's a 'turd floater' round here. I saw on the news NHP alone handled 60 accidents yesterday, twice as many as usual. That means Metro did bout the same. Peeps der jes don't kno how to drive safe on wet glad you stayed in. OHHH the Mandalay.....I did that end of October wif a gf. It was delicious and she is a wine drinker so that was a real plus. Thanks for the info on the 'exit fee', really good to kno. I did look up NZ$ and altho I don't kno the formula but saw that $1us is $1.20nz and $50us is $59.90nz. Any math wizzes out there can tell me percent I wud lub u forever...jes hurts mese brain to try to figure it out. Hey, I jes read that NZ does not have a 'departure tax' if that is what u meant? And yes, they have atm's everywhere. When I went to Alaska/Canada, I didn't think to notify my CC bank and they froze it...really pissed me off and embarrassed this time I will be calling the bank b4 I leave.

    Still have more to say...back in min.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2013

    NM - don't kno if they still have it, but try to find Windows 7. That was before 8 and what I had on this laptop b4...think I am Windows 9 now?? So f'n sad about your co-worker, I went to my altar and said a prayer for her. Can't imagine losing a child of any age. Love the flaming hot chocolate...but wud love a bottle of that other hot choco too.


    Lowee - I git it now, but looks bad bad bad up ur way too. Hope it dries up enuf to get out on MonKeydey so u can go to Laughlin.

    Aly - thyroid news and a car accident??? That is jes tooo much!! Praying all good with the thyroid and ubber glad u weren't hurt in da crash.

    Bernie - yea...I'll take 15 bottles o'dat cough chit. Was a bad night last nite so had to hit da pipe a few times...tank u Lord fer da maryjane!

    Dork - yep, mese cwacking up too on dose pootpoot stories...poor Bella! Mese xdh used do the same thing in bed wif the covers over my head...he jes plain ol stunk alla time but those were da woist.

    Lara - hate that u in so much pain, mayb u shud try the lyrica. Hopin u find some relief somehow ((lara))

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    LOL, yuppers Sue, its "departure tax"...mese feeble coughing bwain couldn't tink of dat! Glad NZ doesn't have that. We didn't go to the place you are going to, but we did drive down both main islands in NZ, and really want to go back. IT is absolutely GAWGEOUS there! You can search for "currency converter" and just print out the diff amounts if that is easier for you.....should also show the percent. OH YEAH, we have to notify our bank too and sumtimes on the 14th I rented a car in Dallas and used my DH's CC, then on the 19th we rented a car in Vegas with same CC, and they rejected it. So annudder phone call to de bank to straighten it out. Hate to have to let them know all the time, since we travel so much. Good thing you know to do that.

    Oh NM, that is beyond awful. YES, definately prayers for your co-worker. Has to be the hardest thing, to lose a child, even an adult child. MY heart goes out to her and all who loved her daughter. Hate that the meeting brought you to tears...but glad the xanax helped ya.

    Bernie, Love the cough syrup....seems like the nyqul and dayquil aren't really keeping my coughing at bay. Cough all night long, and throat is so sore. If I were at home, guess I would be gargling with salt water too. I just really don't want to be coughing on the planes. Guess we all need to look up "toss off", huh?

    Lori, awesome cake for Beans!! SO cute. Glad you made it to town and back safely. Hope you are able to get out to Laughlin, is that on Monday?

    Lara, omg that is awful that you keep ending up in the ER. And now you have to see about the lymphedema. that sucks. NM had good info on the lyrica, do you think you might try it? (((Lara))). I saw that "mama" movie, and it was a bit creepy...I didn't go upstairs that night, as DH was already asleep and I was up alone. Funny how the upstairs always seems scarier than the main floor.

    Aly, Hope your thyroid is ok!!! And that you don't have too much inconvenience getting your car fixed.

    Beanie Babie, Hope your birfdey is super duper fantastic!!!! Ya gonna habs wodka and cheerios for breakfast??? Love and Hugs being sent your way!!!!

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