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how about drinking?



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited December 2013

    Hey dork im coming after the hoildays partyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

    Ill give u exact date soon

    I cant wait ill cry meh

    red thanks u Bawlingmust be exhausted

    dork how are u going back u will be exhautsed to... cant u do this chit from home

    yeeaaaa cammie got payed I need to find something like that just a little cash I cant go into a major job again traveling every week like that I still cant believe I did that through these surgeries

    well I sen undie pics yesterday she feels my boobs have migrated one is flat and off so seeing PS todat then I am getting my medical records and seeing some really good PS at a hospital on the 27th listen im bringing the cavalary my dad and husband in the room. So she does not get snotty with me. Which she does . Im entitilted to a second opionion.But she gets bitchy witchy. So ill have evryone in the room ill post later let everyone knoe what the witch says if I do not go woth her on revision ill be going to my third PS.

    I have not so good luck with these docs

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited December 2013

    may be subject to copyright.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Good Morning all--I see the little elves are on board agin--I don't like these little elves, it's their faces, so scary to me cuz of the smirk--So let em have it--BTW Lara I used to like those cookies--not now LOL

    OK Lara I'm glad u'r taking the troops with u--u need back up--go in by u;r self with a little microphone on u'r should and as soon as u need them just turn u'r head and say back-up, back-up needed and let them come in--she'll be much more compliant. ll this mess has to get cleared up really.

    BBBernie it will be soon, won't it.?

    Dork Now what, u tink u were bordering on insanity, no no I tink u went more over the line.. But tht's OK here u can do that. We ll do--Hey u got 8 in. of snow? Holy chit dat's lots, who measured it a man> well den u got about 3 inches.

    (((Goldie)   (((Kat)))

    NM we need u'r countdown so we cn dream about it too.   Page one.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    I'm back my computer bounces at the end?????When I get one I can only take Excedrin for any relief, which they frown upon, but /Tylenol  and stuff doesn't cut it. How long have u had it?

    Well our day here started great, Leslie went to get my meds and something for Joey last nite and locked the door somehow--cuz these new cars re crazy, since it a loner only one key in the car. Marty upset he can't get to work and he worries about all the customers he has--Les feels terrible she has to work this afternoon so if he does go in, I don't know it's a mess he usually leaves at 3:30 ayem and I wondered why he was still home. Chit we never get a little ahead--we are doomed people for shoah, but it could be worse, I know. Right now we are having a big thing about Christmas as usual as Rosannah ?Dann-Danna said it's always somethin' if not one thing it's another, or like that Well our last name should be Alwaysomptin from the Country Island of noluckland. It's a small Island that just floats  all over the place. We re the welcoming committee. Cuz we know a lot about this place. We could be on FU Island but we've missed that we're are a that's good.

    Gotts to get more meds today and then at the end of the week, my job is paying for them at least. OK BBL I hope everyone has a decent morning. 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!How is everyone this brrrrrrry morning?Getting pretty with a little bit of snow on the ground now.Definitely keep warm time.I wish I could take Sadie with me wen I'm working, she sleeps in the driver's seat and warms it up for me!But, it's a bit too cold for her to be in the car all day.She's better off at home all curled up and warm and napping.

    Cammy--I did havea pretty good day yesterday, even got to eat breakfast for lunch!

    Goldie--thanks for the link, I do like to read those reports.Moola, Moola, Moola!

    BBBBBernie--calf with shorter legs????Oh, my, what that man's wife must have thought!

    ORLA--Glad the weaning is going OK so far!Tell Undy I'm thinking of her.

    Julie--90% for you is the ONLY way to do retail therapy!A July 5th wedding?How fun!Outmaneuvered by a a 3 year old, how funny!

    Wahine--Hang in there, check in often, even if briefly.Praying for you and yours.

    Cammy--hooray for a paycheck!


    Red RH--eating out is supposed to be fun, right?So you should be having all kinds of fun!But I hear you about the tired part.

    DorKable--the count is 32!!!

    ORLA--good for you for sticking up for yourself with your PS! WTG, Girl!


    Woops, gotta run to work, DOTD is Kahlua in anything you want!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    NM Have a safe warm day and Kahlua and anything is great,it, but started my Auntie-B today so again I have to wait.

    Red I was thinking, maybe u can try to rest alittle--it's lke u started so quickly and there is so much for u do to especially with the Holidays coming. So try to take care of u somewhat..

    I have a feeling most of my calls today will be about furnaces, cuz this is when they break And Dan really does try to get them first.

    Joey's home sick today, maybe if he's up to it we'll try those cake cookies today, My DD bought Lemon cake sounds good actually. I hope these cookies are goo cuz they'll be our signature cookies, easy and cheap and making different kinds of cakes will mke them different too. Well we'll see. I sometimes too make stain Glass window cookies too--it's like fudge with marshmellows in them--no bake, just a matter of melting chocolate and mixing marshmellow and something else and shaping into logs and tightly warpping them, 2-3 logs and refridgerate.  I'll see. that's more toward Christmas tho--theyre pretty especially if can find different color marshmellows. When I have made them everyone asks how, they are good.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    Oh poor Joey, (((Joey))).....hope its just a 24 hr bug. I am up waaay too eurly, so don't know how my g'dau is doing yet, either. Dang all dis chit going around. I still have an occasional deep cough....might be cuz mese wuz a baaaad goil in Icelandia...I mean sheesh when it is dark soooo many hrs of the day and night, what else to do but dwink? And their beer was berry berry gud, so had to have at least 2 a day....the doc in the box guy will chit foah shuah as he said NO dwinks at all. He doesn't know any of us, dats shirely true.

    I jest can't get in the mood to write, I have read most of the recent posts, and think of you all, and hate the bad things that are happening. Funny though how Cami wrote about it...I loved RoseannaDanna (sp) too, that was a great character....all of her characters were so good. And thanks for the reminder about the cathedral church cookies...LOVE THEM and so EZ to make....yeah, gotta find the colored mini marshmallows. I may make them too, good idea. ALSO tried sumtin for de foist time at the church pageant on Sun nite...I know I am in de dark ages, but nebber tried dem before....white chocolate covered simple is that to make! Gotta do that too.

    I skeered mese g'son yesterday...had to take him miles away to a class in the had moved my seat back so I could wait in the car and catch up on chit during the class. SOOOO......forgot to move my seat back till after we left, and was driving down a hill, CHIT....stoopid me moved the lever and my seat went all the way forward, smashed me into de steering wheel and set off the horn!!! LOL...had to reassure him it was ok, I just wasn't thinking. Glad de airbag did not go off!!!

    Prayers for Lara, Bernie, Goldie, Dorkie, Cami, Red, Unde, Joey, and I prolly missed a lot of peeps, but ya know I can do a prayer for all of you, and your families too. Glad that Red found the bar in the inflatable chapel...took you long enough! lol. We have bars hidden all over the place. I thought of you all at the swim up bar in the Blue Lagoon when I got my champagne and DH had his beer....with icicles hanging off the bar!

    Good DOTD NM, going to get the Kahlua out for mese coffee. My DH bought the Patron coffee stuff, and he is really going through it.

    Love you ALL,


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


    this made me think of you bernie

    hugs and kisses kat and your family and joey and lara

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Kath it great to hear from u to think of all of us, but don't waste u' energy writing to us now, u have enough going on to keep u busy, so don't concern u'rself, buut keep in touch for all updates on u'r family---but of course if u want to come here to vent or just get u;r mind off things we're all here for u, Concerned so much about u'r DD---and I hope Molly is OK too. (((prayers))) for u;r DD,

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2013

    Cami, PLEASE do NOT answer the phone like that!!! LOL @ your farting brain. Yippee for a paycheck! Are ya rich? Maybe you could buy Elizabeth Dahling her own chickens.....Bahahaha.

    Lara, I hope the compression sleeve helps, and they want to do more surgery? What this time? I know you said revision, but how so? Yes, tell Unde hello and that we miss her. And DO NOt go to a doctor you do not like, especially if she is going to cut in to you again. If she didn't do good the first time, what makes you think she will do bettern the next time?

    Julie good for you on the retail therapy for you self. Cute about 3 year old brides maid.

    Kathy, I was afraid there wouldn't be much news. Continued prayers for all of you. Are you at least feeling better? I am having the bone density done this week, along with mammo. The other tests nuclear bone scan and CT aren't until Dec. 26. So far my insurance has said it's ok. Would really like to get it done before the end of the year, since I am caught up with my out of pocket.

    Beans, git dad pwetty lil head outta da snow. How much did you get?

    Red, I think if you aren't up to having everyone over, you tell them!!! Don't do that to yourself. Or if they want to come over, they do all the cooking and cleaning up afterwards. I mean come on, you just had surgery! Sorry too about the swelling, glad you are getting that checked out. That is why they put drains in!

    Dofey, I do believe you commented on mese scare, I jes trying not to tink about it, but it's beery hard. I go this Thursday and then again Dec. 26th, as mentioned above. Ye talk to ebbery one, but you do not say how YOU are doing. I don't like dat, it skeerz me. I worry so about you, and Lara too. All the pain and problems.

    Bernie, we have no doubts you can deliber dat little bundle o joy. Is March the month? I'm half afraid to ax again, cuz I know I axed befoy.

    Alyson, 3 day headache? You poor dear, I hope you have something to knock the edge off of it.

    OMG Cami, who measured Dork's snow, a man? I'm a telling you, you need to be a stand up comic! Your job is paying for your meds? You have benefits? Sorry that Joey is sick, and I hope you don't get it, maybe the anti b's will help keep it away from you. Is this how your cookies look?


    NM, I'll bet some of your patients would love Sadie. My count down is at 50 days! I'll pass on the Kahlua, and substitute with some Bailey's.

    Kat, glad I refreshed before submitting, or I would have bumped yese. I know you wouldn't have minded, as a Tender surely would have caught you! Are your grand kids staying with you? OMG, I too am glad that air bag did not go off, that would have been horrid. For real, there were icicles hanging off the bar?

    Good one Julie!

    A chilly morning here, bottoming out at a whopping 3 degrees. So that Bailey's will be quite yummy dis morning in mese coffee. Or a few of these.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    LOL @ Lori and Julie's pics! Yes, Lori those are the cookies, or I think I usually call them ez peazy to make and they look and taste awesome. How funny you and I both have bone density this week....apparently I am a few yrs behind on getting it done...oops. YES there were icicles hanging all down the sides of the bar, as there were slats of wood going across it, from water to roof. AND I had ice all over my hair...was trying not to get it wet, BUT the hot steam ended up getting all over my hair, and the cold frigid air turned it to ICE. My DH said it looked like my hair was white. But the water is full of minerals and soooo warm, actually HOT in some areas, there were prolly 200 peeps there, or so, but not crowded, as its huge and has a lot of sorta private areas. Then when it would fog up you could hardly see anything. Our pkg with flt and hotel included the Blue Lagoon, a drink, as well as a face treatment. THEN went to the airport from there, so didn't get to get very fixed up. Just hate it that they eat Puffins and Horses (whales too, but thats ok by me). Did NOT try any of that...the fresh fish was amazing.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Lori yes those are the things to make-I used to mke them for some specil occasions to cuz they're so pretty and yummy, I think that's why people liked them they made a pretty plateful. OK u know I'm praying' like mad for u and Kat's fmily--this is all I don't like any of this crap, and that's what it is crap--I pray u'r tests are uneventful just a PITA and Kat U'r poor DD all she's going thru.

    Lori no I don't get insurance I just needed the money for my meds, cuz I told my DD to just pay bills and stuff cuz I was getting paid, but I got it a couple of days late so I had to wait for the $$$ to get my meds--a couple of them anyway and I have more to get this week--They are not on the same time schedule so every week theres a few I have to get. Like 4 a week--It's so stupid acouple of times I have to get 6 or7 so it just depends, but this Osco always seems not to have a full amount of my meds sometimes so have to go back--Like I take meds that no one takes or everybody takes. WTF??? Well my stuff isn't very important anyway.

    Lara I'm watching Chiller--The nightmare room. kinda scary , I guess it was a series a few years back, but I never heard of it--it's been on all morning

    Well Marty got some hrs in today our neighbor drove him to get the extra key and Joey went to school, he seemed fine. Kids, they're sick one day and fine the next--we'll see. He hates to miss school--fool. And when Marty gets home Les should be going to work-so she made a crock pot of pork so we'll have pulled pork for dinner. She got a few recipes for crock pot dinners for the week, so when she works it's fine, Personally I don't care, but she thinks for her family. She took after my mom not me.

    OK my prayers are going to be said for our girls here. I pray that they are listened to.

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited December 2013


    NM - tanks 4 de DOTD's

    Juliet, DorK, Alyson, Bernie- LOL!

    GoldBug - got bout 6 inches...actually have been getting out for snowshoeing which is super fun. Been cold though and finally is warmer today. How's it where U R?

    Sending hugs and prayers to eberyone

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2013

    Hey girls,

    Laughing my ass off at all de funnies, love the group therapy, made me spit out mese dwink. And that stupida$$ elf again but chitting de chocolate chip, now that IS funny.

    Oops, did I forget to tail ye all that I did follow Dr. Cammy's order and went to mese dr yesterday? Yep, I a good goil for a change. Dr game me some yummy amoxicillan for de crud in mese lungs to hailp my sore throat. De doctor also tailed me that the pain in my thumb is tendonitis. Now how in de hail does one get tendonitus? Maybe from operating a mouse? That chit is sooo painful. it is same ting as having a trigger finger by mines in a trigger thumb. I am still feeling like crap but at least I know this should be cleared up by Christmas.

    Kathy, so nice to see you report in. and OMG on the seat, ooops. I am glad that everything is ok. I have done that before and learned to neber eber adjust seats while driving. Sending more prayers to you and to your DD.

    Lara, good for you in rounding up your troops to take with you to your PS appointment. And I can't wait for your visit, wese gonna stay up all night and party and fart. Maybe we record some farts on youtube so wese can share with de goils.

    Alyson, sorry bout your headaches, I think a few dwinks can cure that. but seriuosly, mese hope it goes de hail away.

    hello to eberybuddy else. Tanks for de love and for de laughs, you goils are de best. I gotta git moving, have had mese Christmast tree here since Saturdey and still not decorated. well the lights are on it but that is it.

    Peace and lots of love coming to each of you from mese. Dwink up and say yer prayers. chEErs!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


    back in work tonight

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Hi Dorky FINALLy u listen to my---now we both on aunti-B's, I don't know which one I'm on , never took it before--so no dring my dear Dork-no no no none. Hear me. U have to feel good for Christmas---

    Ok of course when someone comes over u always offer them something, a beer, wine, even water now or pop or cookies. Well I outdid my self I ws in my room and she came to visit an acquaintance, so she'll never come again, but without thinking cuz I was taking some meds--I said would u like a Pain pill or Xanax. Then I laughed and said I was kidding but I didn't have anything else to offer in here. That's why SOME people don't come back and that's why some PEOPLE don't leave me alone.OOOOHHH I'm tired today so my Joey's home and Les isn't so we talk now===BBL 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2013

    OMG, Camille, I jest spit out mese tea (yep, dwinking tea with honey)...did you all hear Dr. Cammy Legal? "-I said would u like a Pain pill or Xanax"....then she says people do not come back or they DO. You make me LMAO girl. I jest love you Camille ♥

    Juliet, sorry you have to work tonight, I'll drink for ya (just testing to see if Dr. Cam is watching)...


  • ducky113
    ducky113 Member Posts: 8
    edited December 2013

    I think drinking got me through chemo. Diagnosed at 34...yup, let's just say a few beverages flew down for a while. Heck, if my hemoglobin was low, I'd have some wine...platelets low, then switch to beer. Don't get me wrong...not every night, but definitely the night before treatment. My onc told me she didn't know what I was doing, but whatever it was, to keep it up because it worked...true story.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Welcom Ducky see---there is some medicinal purpose for drinking,then u'll like it here, that's for sure. U'r so young too. Ohhhh

    Dorky yes I'm watching u, I can't even drink for u, hmm not many of us can--but soon we will make up for it. I'm over at the fountain tho, I lways can take that. and Welcome that- Dork u make me laugh.

    Lara I watched wolf tonight pretty good, not scary good just good. I can't complain about my room cuz I wanted light, but I don't even need any lights on to read there are so many twinkle lights. hahaha

    Oh I got some Christmas presents today just a couple, going light this year, but I did buy myself a gold sequin scarf to wear for Christmas that Joey loved so I could help myself, it's so sparkly.Really some like me should bring less attention to my body but I wear all this sparkly stuff, Oh I can't help it.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2013

    Happy twosdey night girls!

    Welcome Ducky, a fellow Jersey Goil, yippeee! Grab a barstool, make yourself comfortable. I will have one of our beloved tenders bring you a drink of yer choice, what'll it be? I LOVE your story but wish you were not here. You are much tooo young to have gone through so much. (((Ducky)))). I do believe that you are our youngest loungette ever. Girls? Kat, Lori, is that so? We had our babies Orange, Allison and Undie whom I tink were all in their late 30's when hit. It is unthinkable knowing you were hit with the rat bastard at the raw age of 34. Geez, I am so sorry. Hang with us, we will cheer you up whenever you are down, you poor dear.

    Cam, good for you in getting yourself a gorgeous sparkey new scarf! And I see you wearing it now by the fountain, you look maaahvelous! And girl, you know I am dwinking, had tea the past few nights. It is the anti b that is MAKING me feel better enuff to dwink. And I googled taking amoxicillan with likker and it is a myth that they do not combine well. There are only a handful of anti b's that cannot be taken with likker. Of course doctors suggest that we don't drink cuz we are sick. But for me, I am finally feeling better after nearly three weeks of a beery sore throat.

    Lara, these pics are for you. I know you would love them, maybe even more than you love that NJ tanning Mom lol.


    My kind of elf...


    He is a smart one though....


    ahhh, looks like the little schmuck took too much Vitamin V.


    Elf meets Wilie Nelson!


    Sounds like a great theme for a scary movie!


  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited December 2013

    Hi all. Mese takin up da torch and dwinking for all dose who can't. Yeah, mese good like dat. Cami, gotcha covered. Still hangin out at a chapel bar givin prayers for Kat and her fambly, Bernie and her friends, Lori, Cami and Dork who ain't feeling so good.

    So tooks de advice an called mese nurse navigator to tells her mese buppies have decided to be distinctly different sizes. Left a message, she'll call back. Rofl. Story of mese life.

    Guess I dint look so good at work today. They disivited me from da dinner wit de execs. Pooh. Kinda wanted da chance but was kinda relieved to jus be able to go home. 

    Abouts da SOB doc who made me DD and me wait 3 days to say she was fine... secretary calls wit a referral, take your mammo results. Turns out referral doc is a surgeon and appt isn't till Jan 15th. SOB or maybe dats sob. Now we knows less Dan before. But we both scart. 

    OK enuf of dat sh*t. I gots me a beer, I gots some good company, think I wander down to de golf course and sit on de first tee-off and dwink It. I see you all, I be der shortly. 

    Dorkable did youse pull ur finger agin?

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited December 2013

    Whos dis crazy elf. Him banned from dis place. NO elves in NZ well not silly one in red suit.

    Me tinks I need drinks - haves bad head maybes it will help.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes !Chilly, Chilly there this ayem!Glad to have Sadie to cuddle with and help keep the bed warm at night!

    Cammy--virtual Kahlua for you, right now, I guess, hmm?Remind me, what are the Auntie-B's for?Wow, what a cookie collection!Hope Joey gets better fastliest!

    Wahine--What doc in the box doesn't find out won't upset him!Just don’t say anything about having a couple of dwinks while traveling.Leave him to his ignoranceOh, boy, your poor grandson, must have been very startled!Me, I'm giggling ad imagining that as something I would do.Still praying for you andyours, Kathy.

    Julie--Love the 3 wise women!

    Goldie--Bailey's is good too!You've got it colder than I do right now, not that I am complaining.Don't mind losing that race!

    There is a video making the rounds at work of a little one who found the Elf on the family Christmas Tree, with toilet paper all over and little poopies(choco chips), it is hilarious!

    Wahine--Wow, wish you had a pic of your icy hair!

    Cammy--having pills refilled at different times is just annoying, isn't it?Glad Joey is feeling better, kids bounce back so quick!I do believe prayers are heard, and answered.I just don't always like the answer.

    Beanie--snowshoeing?Yeah!I'm looking forward to snow shoeing this winter.Didn't really get enough snow last winter to do that, even though it was supposed to be a cold, snowy one.Love the group therapy!

    DorKable--tendonitis in your thumb?OUCH!Tendonitis can come from using a mouse, or lots of other things you do over and over again.Hurts, too.I've seen some trees that only have lights and they are bootiful, maybe you don't need ornaments?

    Juliet--Love the panic attack treatment!

    Cammy---LOL. Would you like a pain pill or xanax?Too funny!Never mind the people who don't come back, and watch out for the ones who do!

    Welcome, Ducky!Another example of how doctors don't always know best!

    DorKable--creepy Elf!Good movie idea though!

    Red RH--umm, are you saying your DD's doc called her in, said everything is fine AND is sending her to a surgeon?Something is not right with that picture.I'm actually glad you got disinvited from the dinner, you need the rest!

    Aly--hope the headache goes away soonliest!

    Cookie Sugarplums DOTD is theGreen Headache

    2 oz Peppermint Schnapps

    4 oz Orange Juice


    Mix in a cocktail glass, and slam it! Be prepared for a five-alarm headache if you do too many of these.

    I figure if it will cause a headache it will cure a headache!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Good Morning Ladies.

    Red I'm very confused about u'r DD and the Drs. you need to explain better.

    NM winter is officially here there's more snow on the way and it's chilly-willy outside so it's really nice to see so many lights outside--so far we have the most--my SIL has gone nuts. And he thought my room is to cold (it apparitantly an addition) so he put a portable heater in here, the cat loves it and it is warmer, right now I actually need it. NM I'm taking an aunti-B for something to do with e-coli,, I didn't look it up, I know it's just some kind of infection--but I don't think I can drink with this one??? It's not a big deal really.

    Dork u'r like my DD1--as she says to Drs, don't give me something I can't drink on, so I guess there are a few maybe--I've been up a little while and thinking about this u little rascal, just like Jodie--u 2 would really get along. I'm so sorry I named her tht but at the time I was so stupid her fther said he had to name the baby--I always wanted Holly Dai of course , but then I named Leslie cuz I thought it looked like her. Oh when u'r young u believe these stupid things.

    And Kat my brains are going on fast track for u and u'r DD md I'm glad Molly is all right.

    And Lori I respect u'r wishes--just know (((prayers))) are being said.

    Red u must have looked tired for them to send u home, please don't overdo, it's easy to at first so be cautious.

    These elves are hysterical altho a bit spooky.

    Good cheers all around.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2013

    Ha ha Beans, could you just see all of us in a group therapy group? PARTY! No snow here, other than a tiny bit in the shaded areas, but it's been cold, especially at night. Today's high 42 and sunny, so not bad.

    Kathy, I thought the "Blue Lagoon" was just the name of the place, I didn't realize it was actually a lagoon, or that like a hot spring. Is this the place?


    Dorty, I hope that aunty B helps you muchliest and you can feel better. And you and Lara gonna get some face time? How far apart bese you two? Did you get your tree decorated? I put up my lil tiny one, so I have just a little tiny corner with some goofy stuff and decorated at the top of my windows. Love your Elf's.

    Cami, I don't think you want to invite us over, if you are offering pain pills and Xanax!! We might clean you out! And you wear all the sparkles you want girl!

    Hello and welcome Ducky. Amazing how the beer and wine helped you through chemo. I'll drink to that! So sorry you have to be here and you are SOOOO young! And gorgeous too! Pull up a bar stool and belly up sweetie.

    Yep Dork, mese tinks dat Ducky de youngest loungette, but she old enough to dwink!

    Red, thanks for your sweetness, but I not sick. Dey DISinbited you to dinner with the big mucky mucks? Dat wuz not beery nice, they could have at least let that up to you. Oh wait, I very confused now, about the mammo results and taking them to a surgeon. Are you talking about your DD's mammo results? And if dat nurse doesn't call you back, keep calling!!!

    Alyson, that is the Elf on a Shelf. It's suppose to be for kids, and he/she gets into mischief. But of course the adults have their version as well.

    NM, those are just our morning lows, you know when it's the coldest, right before the sun comes up. I think I win with the day time temps (see my post to Beans). But just with you, I know there are peeps here that have it MUCH warmer than me! LOL @ the Green Headache. I was thinking the same thing, about it CAUSING a headache. I dunno, peppermint orange juice?

    Cami, you have E coli? That comes from food, and is in the intestines. Hmmmmm, you are respecting my wishes? I'll have to go back and see what those are! I LOVE the Elf on a Shelf. Now if you want to see a creep one, my brother has started to collect Mark Robert elves, this is his newest one "Jack Frost".

    To go along with the Green Headache, I think we need a Blue Lagoon too.


    1 shot glass Vodka
    1 shot blue curacao (or orange peel, max 1.5 strip)
    4 shots lemonade
    Feel a high glass with ice. Add the ingredients in order from vodka to lemonade. Garnish with cherry and slice of lemon/lime.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2013

    Here's last years elf.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    Oooh how nice Lori, a Blue Lagoon DOTD to go with NM's green headache DOTD! And yes, that is the Blue Lagoon....with all the steam you really didn't see that large bldg that shows up in the pic you posted, there are large volcanic rock formations all around it too. Here are a couple more pics, we were near the bridge, but then of course RIGHT NEXT to the bar, I will try to find a pic of it too.

    Today is my DH's birthday...but lotta chit going on today. I am taking my DD to her dr early this ayem, and my DH has a dr appt too, plus now our tenant has found MORE mold...when she first told us about it right before our trip, we had someone out right away to fix where it looked like it was leaking from (a/c pipe above ceiling). WELL, now she has found it all across the top of the cathedral ceiling, right under the roof ridge. Never was there when she moved in...she has been there almost 3 yrs and is now saying all her health problems are because of the mold. WTH???? When it rains, it pours, so to speak. So now, even though its DH's bday, he needs to try to get some people out there and find the problem (roof?)...roof was replaced just about 5 yrs ago....and prolly get mold experts out there too. Yikes! oops, jest had annudder coffing fit.

    Dorkie, glad you went to the Dr, and you are right....alcamahol doesn't interfere with all antib's. I looked up the one I had, just now, and it is supposed to be ok. Of course next year they will say that one you should not have likker with. Auwe!

    Nice posts from you ALL!! can't keep up right now, but I am trying to read them all. Welcome to Ducky! This is a fun place usually, just we have lots of personal problems to deal with right now. Hoping things will be all fun and drinking games again soonliest!





    I think the swim-up bar we were at is in the middle, the small bldg in the water, above the middle section of volcanic rock! It is really a big place when you are in it, but shallow, so you can kneel and be mostly underwater (except your head). Yeah, NM would have been nice to have a pic of my icy hair, but didn't have a waterproof camera with me. Should have thought of that!