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how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013

    Hahaha Lori, can't milk Billy goats.

    A git is an annoying little shite.

    Just put the horse in for the winter - so now have to shovel shite every day. Hard life.

    Watching Come Dine With Me - slowly losing the will to live. Bloody show off cooks.

    Wine O'Clock.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Bernie I love you're wine time--it's anytime Love it--it'll make u relax---I don't like what u said but u'r just kidding right?

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2013

    Did someone fart? I heard it and come a running as fastly as I could. Sorry I have been MIA, so much going on. first and foremost, I praying for Goldie to get an all clear berry quickly (((((Lori))))). So tired of peeps having to be skeered. Red, was it you whose DD's doctor freaked you all out in making her come in to be told eberyting is a-ok? What an SOB.

    I can't stay long, gotta git mese hairs done at 1 pee em. I am going out tonight, so fircited, I am meeting up with a bunch of class mates for a mini class reunion tonight at a bar. I have a designated driver so look out RHS class of 79's, I gonna set de town on fire!

    Prayers to all that need em, Lori, Kathy, Kat's puppy and DD, and Lara and ED and love to ye all goils! so sorry to be short but better dan not reporting at all, right? One more ting, mese disability was fiinally approved late friedey, that was going to be termination day had it not gotten done, oh my nerves. I gonna guzzle some DOTD's, tanks NM.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2013

    oh chit, I missed CHrissY's bday, I make it up to her, rounds of wodka for all, cheers! bdw, LOVED de photos that our Chrissy shared, facetime with bwesties---- notting better dan that! Rounds of hugs goils! cheErs!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013



    congratulations on your 10 years chrissy,you are a very special lady .

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited December 2013

    Julie where did you find him? Can I borrow him just for a wee bit? I'll gib him back I promise.

    Dork yeah it was me with the stupid doc who wanted face time to say all is ok to my DD. I agree - SOB. Oh hey, I posted on FB about FURB. Picked up a bunch more votes. My DGD was the first. What a sweetie. Oh an yeah it was mese dat farted. I had chicken wings wit poppers. Makes ya fart eberytime. 

    Cami, whatcha doing today. Are you still feeling sadliest? I was hoping that hunky tender was gonna make u feels all better. I see yous sayin hi, so hope so. Dere are some bery bad elves around dis site. Bad elves. I hab definitely stepped outside durin hot flash but no snow. I think da nite sweats worse Cuz ya can't sleep thru em and can't go for a shower eberytime.

    NM, I second that prayer. Kat, hope ur DD gets nothing but good news now. That your Molly continues to get well and feel so bad for us udder DD who lost her furfriend.  neber saw no bridge neider. What's dey talkin bout?I really did have some very nice nurses. Too easy to forget how hard they tried to make me comfy in an otherwise uncomfortable time. Gotta keep da good stuff in mese head, let da bad stuff go. 

    Bernie still praying for your friends too.  

    Goldie, still tinkin about yesterday's post. Made me sadliest. If you going to da inflatable chapel, can I sit in your pew? Holy inflatable butts Batman! Yes, ise goin back to work on Monday, no drains. But I still swelling up - right boob now bigger dan de left. Silly ting. It's ok tho. Ise an accountant, so mostly ise sittin. Hopes you get bestest news soonest.

    Chrissy, really nice pics. I hope I get face time wit some of de goils sometime. Ise only 2 hrs inside Canada and can hit buffalo in same or Detroit in 3. You do all look so happy, but den dey probly said, smile, and u did. Lol. No really, looks like ur havin fun.

    Bernie, lub lub, lub de elves winnin de lottery. Big much laughter. I'm think you guys gots bigger winds dan I do today. Cold but not so much windy. What part of Ireland, I bin der once when I was little, always wanted to go back. Still tinkin of you. Big hugs. 

    Lara good luck with your pills girl. Dats a tough ting to do. Specially since da pain is hard to face. U seem to hab a plan tho, so I is right behind u on dis. Just don't fart on me. Lol

    Today, I ran da children's Christmas party for work employees. 85 of us went bowling. Not me!! Pizza, beer & pop. Santa and his elves came and gave each child a present. They were so anxious waiting to see if their name was called. It was cute. Two of mese granddaughters were the elves. They LOVED it. But now I aches from de top of mese head to da tip of mese toes. Ouch. Worth it tho. Lol.

    OK so, gonna go sit in front of my TV wit my DH for a bit and unwind. Hugs 'n'kisses.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013

    imageapparently willie is the new reindeer!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Mese been prayin' today to St. Jude--I like him, he's always so quiet and listens to me about mese girls here. I always pray to him.

    Bet den I was working too, I got so tired mese eyes were closing, but I battled on and den my Katie-Kat came and snuggled and we took a nap. she must of known I wanted one badlyest. hhaha--phones are quiet now.

    Red I dun not no how u dod all dis stuff u do and goin back to woik too, Oh mese oh mice--WoW I not so sad anymores I just hab days like dat sum tines.

    Oh Crissy I du not tink I complimented u on dos boootiful pics. u posted and I saw de bridge on dat one.

  • jaybird627
    jaybird627 Member Posts: 1,227
    edited December 2013

    Hola ~ !!!!

    C'est Moi ~ !!! :)

    How the hell are all you gals???

    I see that I've missed A LOT (nekkid men and a bad elf??? - LOVE it!!!).

    Okay, just a quick update:

    All is well in my crazy, hectic world. Avery is growing, growing, growing!

    I'm sending out Christmas cards and so far I have Lori's addy and I think DorK's also. If ya want a card from us this year (just a card, no missive or any other blahblahblah about my super fantastic life) you let me know. ;) (PM me here or through Facebook)

    That's all. I kind of forgot about this site for a while (been busy raising Avery and really busy with work!) but thought to pop in here for a quick "Hello" and "Happy Holidays" and such.

    Best wishes to all of my 'old' friends here and also to those I don't know.


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013

    good morning bernieHappy

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2013

    doog gninrom loungettes ~hicccup~ did mese weallly wEEly see mese Janise here in de lounge so irrrr;ee in de aye emmm? and did red rooobin really fart? omg, mese sub blimmmm-allly pulled sum fingers and mese made farts happen on dis night. it bese a mirrror ack-uuu-lis night cuz mese dwunking mirror-akkk-uuuuu-lous dwunkinless so dan early in de morning. who dan early ye ask? whaaaaale, he a dude dat i went to highar education aka colllll age with, dat anudder story bout Dan Earley. ask mese wen mese soberliest n-sted of fwunklyest, errr mese means median mode to sey dwunkLIIEST tehehehehe burp, oops. mese git so furcitied seeing de Janis aka stoorleem weadder goil dwinking in de lounge, ooooh mese gawwwwwd, she de goil dat sayed halo to mese wen mese wuz widdle n succh. I mighten foygib her fur being absentLIOOOOO-SO fer sewww long cuz i know no nose dat her schweeet Avery mean medium's n mode jest so presh-shus to her, hicccip. so foygib mese far poooping in de lounge but uhh sumbuddy pulled mese feeeen-gar n mades mese fart up a stwang o farts in a row (row row roooo yer boat, genteley down de stream, merrrilee marylee barleyee barlee farted in de stream.hehehe, whale wuz not weeeeely mese dat farted in de streeem, wuz mary lee who done it. but who cares ehhh? so mese dwunkliest of eberland n it seven ayeee freaking emmm in de morning manana ~boyp~ hiccup oh szuuuuuz mese for all de rakkket. but I tail ye why mese here in de our so flucing Dan Earlllee in de morning,k? cuz mese waiting for de katwinka-burp_dinka goil to weeeport. ooops, mese twies to speak-uhh de english soooo sawry, bin dwinking de whole hole puka night a-long, no chit, who dwinking wiiith mese? ~burp oh mese, sawry again n agin, ken me has a gin n sumting? what me gotta do ta git a dwink round dese parts of de UUUUUU-essss-of-aye in dis dan early peee emmmmmm? oh no, jest peed mese pants, oh mese gawd, it always bout mese cept win it about mese Chwisssy B whom it SHOULD (should in itateaks but cant find de eye-tail-licks button here, hehehehe, anyone wanna toke-a de willie? me do now, bbl )after de toking aka schmoooooking, pls DO NOT TAIL on mese.

    hi casmille, ye de real deal ya knows? i type again n twy harder, hi samille, you de weeeeel deal n mese tink ye gotta quit dat darnest job o yers, k? y mese ax, cuz mese cornsoyed bout de mentallistic health of mese cam n tink she need an FN bwaaaake, k?

    so ENUFF bout mese, jest ye all tail mese WAT ye tink of mese, k? oh hail, who gib-asheeeet? Red, goil, mese feeling ya now, hate hate loathe n em morteefwied over ye goilsi cock-dar, oops make dat docktar, how DARE hese fur skeering de beeefuckingeeeeevies outta yese, ughh.

    i beg ye a-dooo teheheheh, chirps. chEErps chEErs, i git dis write amen barMEN baby hail yeah, foygib mese tawking non sensical bull chit, k? it mese menTALL health dat skipping n trippin out but i jest laff n mese laff more so get it???lol....ken a goil take an aye emm BEEEemmm chit around dese part of de country wifout gitting scar-rooooot-tin-eyezed?????????????????????????????? hic~

    uh oh, has me told ye lately dat mese lubs lubs ye, has mese tailed ye lately dat mese really really cares bout all ye goils to de point of wanting to find de amateur swamp land for disposing of de junk, IS DAT A cardinall sin? hehe, cyn? where shese bese? i GOOOOOOOOO NOW, hiccup cheeeeerBURPsssss!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2013

    oh mese oh mise, bumped ye boyneee, oops de spell chick is off, meant berNIIE we;; inking bout bernie but tawking to I tink mese Juleeee-et? high, i see willie i see france, mese seese juleeeeeese underPANTS tehehehehehe, dwink up now all goils, k? ch ch chia chia chia pet! pet mese partisssipants, ooops, gotta stooop dis farting n washing of de space here, right? I GO NOW oops, dainty lil fartaaa strikes again and aGAIN, ooops, she finger it otu!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2013

     it's getting cold here, day time temps eventually are getting close to 40, but it's so late in the day that it doesn't last long. We have a tiny bit of snow on the ground, night time temps are dipping into the 20's and teens, tomorrow night is predicting 7 degrees.'s sunny, so that is a BIG PLUS. LOL @ seeing the bridge in Chrissy's pic. You are SO witty girl.

    Lara, are you ready to come off the pain pills now? I didn't think you were, since you were trying to get more. You poor dear. Pain is in the arm?

    Ha Ha Julie, I love the drunken elf wrapped in newspaper with his fire in soup can.

    Now Bernie, don't be laffin at me. How was I s'posed ta know they were billy goats, like that woulda made enny difference. So what then do you do wif a billy goat? Or is he jes a pet?

    Love all of the holiday cartoons.

    Dofey, glad to know that we can still lure you in wif a fart!

    Chrissy? 10 Years? WOW, that is awesome! A HUGE congratulations to you. Were you diagnosed with stage IV from the beginning?

    Red, that is a GREAT idea about asking for votes on OUR definition of FURB. It comes up in Google on the first page at number 5. I was actually able to vote again, so I did! Yes, you can sit next to mese in da chapel, tanka ewe. Wow, no drains? I wonder why? That is prolly why you are so swollen. My job mostly consists on sitting on my arse too, also referred to as EWWA, from our sweet MemaSue (Ever Widening White A$$). I go to MI once a year, that would be awesome if you could make it to the Big D. And Dort is in NJ, but I don't think close to Buffalo, not sure. Your bowling/Christmas party sounded wonderful. But I love anything that involves kids.

    LMAO, speaking of EWWA, I bought me a butt yesterday, was only $10.00. Can't wait to get it and try wif my new jeans and boots I got.

    Love the Willie Weindeer Julie.

    Whoa Jaybird, LOOOOOOOONG time no see! At least here anyways. None the less, glad you stopped by. Hopefully you grabbed a drink or sumptin ;)

    Dork, oh mese gooness, Ize tink you jes getting home from your night out wif your HS peeps. Mese also tinks you will beese asleep ALL DAY LONG! When you wake up, and I hope it's not wif a hangover, tell us how your appt. went wif Dr. P. Rick. I do beileve you had one?

    NM, thanks again for your help, and EVERYONE for their support. I just try not to even think about it, which is hard, but I'm trying!

    Today's DOTD, THE HAPPY ELF!

    If you looking for something fun to serve for the holidays this year, you just found it.  This is a quick and simple cocktail to shake up as guests arrive for the festivities.

     While I always enjoy wine with appetizers, a holiday inspired drink is the perfect way to get your party buzzing.

     Serve these up and offer an old Irish toast, "May your home always be too small to hold all of your friends."


    1 ounce melon liqueur (such as Midori)
    2 ounces citrus vodka (such as Absolut Citron)
    1 ounce white cranberry juice
    Maraschino cherries, for garnish

    In an ice-filled shaker combine all ingredients and shake vigorously.  Strain into a cocktail glass and garnish with a spear of maraschino cherries.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2013

    IMPORTANT! I JUST POSTED THIS ON FB, SO MOST OF YOU HAVE SEEN IT. It came from our sweet Unde, who has been MIA.

    I made it MUCH shorter though, so in a nutshell!

    BEWARE: IMPORTANT SCAM. Beware when shopping and using your credit/debit card. Cashiers are putting a cash back on your bill, then taking the money their self, usually by passing it on to their friend, who is in line behind you. CHECK YOUR RECIEPTS!

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013

    Lori my beautiful Babe , I would never laugh at you. When I couldn't ride my horse any more. I decided to retire her but she is still fairly young, so the old farmer (prostate FURB) I met when we were both having rads told me - get illy goats (castrated - ouch) as companions for her and they will live an play happily ever after. Apparently the females are too busy going off looking for whisky and men. But enough about my miss spent youth.

    Sinead has seen one of the goats asleep an Ash's back when she was lying down.

    He is the farmer that taught me how to deliver breech calves. Good knowledge may come in handy when the alien is due.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013

    Hoping our Kourageous Kat is home safe and sound.

    Can you believe the anniversary of Pearl Harbour and her parents where there on their honeymoon

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013

    Lori - my dear - how the hell do you buy a butt? A butt here is your bottom.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2013

    Oh Bernie, you iz cracking me up. A butt is the same thing here, our bottom. I posted some earlier, might have even been for you, for when you fall off your bar stool. Actually, now that I look at it, it is not padded Bawling. It just pushes up what you already got!

    Well, picture just aren't posting for me! They are called Tush Ups.

    I was getting DH a pair of slippers for people with rheumatoid arthritis and saw them. Thought for $10.00, what could it hurt. I have a flat behind, I think from sitting on it too much Singing

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Good Morning my goils, yes mine.

    Goldie how do people think of all these effin ways to screw the ordinary folk--Bastards, Everyone works hard for their money in the trust of mking their life easier the shop online, now people don't have to leave their house to cheat and steal--as my dad would say -just shoot em---he never shot anyone, but that really pisses me off Chit

    Surprised to see our Dork but as Lori said she must be coming home finally, sounds like u had a gooood time Dorky. I didn't fart Dorky--I just had my big D Oh how I hate this.But my sweet Joey stands outside of the dorr if I need things, which I do.

    Oh Lori it's cold by u too---we're cold too supposed to get snow today??? Don't know how much probably not much in my opinion-the sky doesn't look like it, just cold

    Bernie and Julie the first thing I usually see in the mornings are u'r pics and either makes me smile or drool , either way it's good.

    NM must be tired I hope she's having a good rest. She worked yesterday.

    LLLAAARRRRAAA --I hope u find some rest from that awful pain.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    OMG I just answered the phone and I always say DFC (the name) and this time I said DCIS no wonder I have trouble answering this damn phone. Shouldn't be initials.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2013

    LMAO.........that is too funny Cami. Can you say what the initials stand for, DFC for instance "Hello, "Don't F**king Care" how may I help you?

    And your Joey is such a sweetheart, with all that he does for you. He certainly is a God send!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  I'm fee! I'm free!  the weekend duty has passed to another!  I am feeling very lazy, but have to get some stuff done today anyway.  Ah, well, after another cup of coffee, maybe. 

    Chrissy--great pics!  Australia and that entire area of the world is on my list of places to see someday.  Of course, I'm going to have to win the lottery first, and since I don't buy tickets that's going to be a minor miracle.  Ah, well, stranger things have happened!

    Goldie--no, turning weekend duty down is not an option right now.  Mostly I was bummed becuase I didn't look at the calendar when it came out and I didn't realize I was working Saturday until Friday morning.  Hopefully we'll find someone for the weekend position soon, but until then we all have to take our turns.  I was just feeling sorry for myself a bit last week, not sure why, and working yesterday was just the icing on the cake, so to speak. It wasn't a bad day, and I got to take Sadie to the dog park for a bit (she rode with me all day, needed to run off some energy).  Only one call out and I was home by 9 pm, so that wasn't so bad.  $345 dollars more for vacay!  Lipitor keeps bc away?  That would be good news.  And as far as I am concerned anyone can tweak any DOTD recipe any way they want to!  Hmm, looks interesting sights by the pewl, where's my bathing suit??????  And LOL at the Loungette the Elf portraits!

    Cammy--The extra money is helpful, unfortunately I'm salaried so I don't get overtime.  $5/hr for being on call, and $45 per visit.  Plus mileage to and from home.  it realy isn't bad, I just don't sleep well when I'm on call, always afraid that I won't hear the phone.  and I really do pray like that.  Prayer is supposed to be talking wtih God, and I figure any God who can create minllions of languages can understand plan English, and doesn't need me to pretty anythignup with fancy language.  I don't think in that kind of language, so it's hard for me to pray fancily.  I figure if God wants me to pray in fancy talk, He'd've made me think in fancy talk! 

    ORLA--Getting off pills can be very, very hard. Make sure you have medical help while you do it, things will be easier. 


    BBBBBernie--I like the idea of Wine O'clock!  Milking a Billy Goat could be entertaining---for the goat! 

    DorKable--You are like my Sadie.  She can hear a fridge open from a mile away, you can hear a fart from a ton of miles away!  Yeah!  Enjoy your mini reunion!  The Women of '77 are getting together for dinner on the 27th for a gab fest.  And Hooray for finally getting disablity approved!  I can imagine your nerves are frayed to the stubb, mine would be!  And now I can join you in your celebratory dwinky! 

    Juliet--I think I need a shower!

    Red RH--Why is it so much harder to remember the kindnesses than the horrors of treatment time?  There were so few of those for me that they should stand out in my mind, I would think.  Can't think of one of them, now.  Hope you got unwinded and unacheyed with DH!


    Cammy--glad you not so sad now!

    JAYBIRD!!!!!!!!!!!  Good to see you!  Glad to hear you are doing so well, my love to Avery!


    DorKable--me thinks thou are dwunkliest, indeed, DorKy! 

    Goldie--It's gotten cold here, too.  Hanging laundry out to dry, it's freezing before I get it all hung!  Nice breeze so it will still dry, but I guess I better hang the work clothes on the inside rack. 

    Love the Happy Elf drink!  I want a bunch! 

    Goldie--thanks for the reminder about card scams. 

    BBBBBernie--I can just picture you delivering Sinead's aliet! 

    Goldie--those Tush Ups are wild! 

    Cammy--I am having a very, very lazy day!  LOL answering the phone DCIS! 

    Cookie Sugarplum's DOTD is the Happy Elf!  Easy one! 


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013

    hello Janis

    lara- when your ready to stop them, make sure your doc knows so they can monitor you and prescribe anything needed, withdrawl

    can be dangerous if untreated, because it sends your bp and heart rate up

    bloody computer acting up so very short post

    lori and kat praying for good news


    ladies have a good evening