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how about drinking?



  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited December 2013

    That's twice I deleted my own post. damn

    First, mese DD is ok. Stupid idjit doc jus wanted to tell her in personlike. O, an says, it's yo mama wit da RB not you Jenn. He left a phone message at WORK to tell me I had the RB. But gots ta put us tru 3 days o hell over her neg dx. Okay, deep breath ...

    Chrissy, afor midnite gots ta say Happy Burpday, um Hasty Boothday, er Humpy Burrday. Whateber. I gots you a pressy but my cats ate it. Sowwy. Hope you had a great day!

    Goldie WTF! I'm so I don't grr um damn! Day after Christmas. Chit. Okay, so whos got da keys to da UFO. I needs to come an gib you a {{{huggle}}}. I join Dork and NM in de inflatable chapel. Prayers for you. Kat, I'm still in here for you too, your daughter and Molly. Bernie, sayin words for your friends too. NM is protecting me, so I can pray proper like.

    Cami, gib Dork back da ski mask. Mese be tinkin twas you skulkin aroun but pparantly mese canna read. I blames it all on yesterday's DOTD and da sippy cups and da cool stwaws. Me left eye will neber be da same.

    Anyone else here got the RB and menopause? Dey getting tired of mese strippin down in da mall to cool off and mese getting tired o being tired cuz o nite sweats. Boo erns.

    How did I miss de elf on a shelf? Again, gotta blame da likker. Me thinks me needs to wander down to da bar. Gets me a dwink in a sippy cup and a stwaw. BARMAN!!!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited December 2013

    I goes away for a few days to the land of Aus and youlots has a party. We had a great party, didn't we Chrissy? tink Ise going to have to finds a wagon to get on and ones without food too.

    today hadx such great lunch at restaurant where nephew works. yummy yummy yummy.

    Hasz one for me folks.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Alyson glad u had such a good time. It's always good to hear.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    Oh! Soooos first ting I see when I look for you guys was that MAN! Oooohhhh, he was so ...... CLEAN!....Ha, ha! And he had that Martinitiyni waiting for me...

    Bet you gals missed THAT one!

    I'z been "sick!" The Doctor said so... but das alright... I have pills now... for a UTI, that is invisible. It's funny to has someting, and not know it!

    So See? I am beginning to sound like youze guys.... okay?

    Oh wait.... redreading.... YOU are RedRidingHood... I looked you up... You deleted 2 posts! Ha, ha! I'm glad I'm not the only one that does that! My DD, the youngest one gets those FHF... HuckingFotFlashes.. She has such a hard time! I gave her a little giraffe hand held fan, and she got it caught in her hair, and I had to cut it out...! Damn kid! She should LOVE this 0 weather we are having!

    And so now I can say "Huggles"!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!Today is a very unusual day, I actually get to start a little later in the ayem since my first visit is only 3 miles from my house!Leisurely second cup of coffee , here I come!

    Cammy--Nah, you don't sound wimpy about your job, you sound like you know what you want and aren't getting it!Big difference, there!

    Goldie--you gotta love it when someone is taking a pill to manage the side effect of a pill being taken to manage the side effect of another pill. . . . . .



    Chrissy--the official DOTD tester for the HTL!

    Juliet--Talk about potty humor!LOL!!!

    Red RH--Just in case you didn't notice there is a bar in the Inflatable Chapel, too, the bartender there doubles as aminister/priest/pastor/chaplain!

    Aly--sounds like a great lunch!

    Cookie Sugarplum's DOTD is theBlood Orange Cosmo

    1/2 oz Triple Sec

    1 1/2 oz Orange Vodka

    1/4 oz (fresh) Lime Juice

    1 splash Cranberry Juice

    1/4 oz Orange Juice


    Shake well with ice and strain into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with a slice of orange, and serve.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2013

    First off, I had messaged with Kathy yesterday. The "runner" they found was 1mm x 20mm. And she may have to do rads, her kids are having a hard time with this happening again so soon. She says to send a big thank you (again) for all of our thoughts and prayers. She will be home tomorrow. Also, her other DD, had a 5 year old lab who dug it's way under the fence and was hit by a car and killed. On a better note, her Molly is doing better. So please continue to pray for her and her family.

    Cami, I am trying to keep calm. It is what it is and nothing I can do will change that, right? So I am looking for my big girl panties!

    Red, I am so sorry for the scare, but thank the good Lord that your DD is A-OK. We can drink to that! As for the menopause and hot flashes, mine was brought on by chemo, but you haven't had that, have you. You just got done with lumpectomy. Are you on any hormone blockers, that will surely do it! I have ended all treatments, most recently the Arimidex, and still have just as many hot flashes. So I say, get used to it! It's one of the lovely gifts from the RB. LOL about your eye and the stwaw. I NEVER wear long sleeves, if it's cold out, I wear a blazer or sweater, something that can easily be removed and then I pull out my fan that I keep in purse.

    Alyson, we knew you and Chrissy (and I think there were others) would hab a goot time. As for habin a party, is there a time when we DON'T party? Welcome home.

    Oh my Elizabeth Dahling, your DD getting her hair caught in the fan. I have got mine sucked in to a hair dryer before. I keep fans everywhere! The folding kind and electric ones. I even keep a folding one over at my neighbors. Electric fans, one next to my bed, one next to my chair in the living room and one on my desk for work.

    NM, you got that right about the pill for the pill for the pill! I forgot to mention in my message to you, that I recently got off the Arimidex and Lipitor. But I see my cholesterhol is elevated, so I started that back up. Didn't even look at my thyroid results, will do that later.

    I had messaged NM with my blood work results, and she answered me, so that is what I am referring to with her.

    LOL Julie........what bridge???

    ED, did you see the new chicken coop?

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013

    Babes, still trying to catch up.

    Prayers for K and her family

    Lori, thinking of you.

    I got confused about the birthdays - no change there then.

    Back on my stoopid non sleep cycle.

    Yep, it's winter here


    Gale force winds

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013

    Chickens are gits. The guinea fowl are worse. They do not lay in the winter due to the decreased amount of sunlight. At least the bloody cockerel does not go off at 4am.

    image unselectable="on">

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited December 2013

    Ooooo Julie I jest lubs, lubs, lubs my birfday prezzy boy! Oh boy! Talk about a H O T flush!!!!! Phew! So glad the shower was still going!

    Yuppers I tested all de DOTDs and ie can tells you wight nowa dat dey is all A-OK! Yes compalints from dis liddle chicken!

    Aly and I had a great time wif de udder goils at de get togedder in Sydney town! So much laughter was shared and sooooo much talking that I came home wid a sore throat and no of a change for my DH as I had to be quiet for a few

    These are the goils when we went for HIgh Tea at the American Club. Starting on the left front and working around the table there is Tammy, Jenn, Mandymoo, Aly, yours truly, Lyndal and our photographer was Trish.




    image You all know who this

    More to follow.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Chrissy Thanks for the pics---I love to see beautiful smiles on u'r beautiful faces--u all are great.

    Great pics gals, funny--and I bet there really isn't a bridge in that picture.

    Lori I'm so glad u talked to NM, we are so lucky to have our own medical team here and wonderfully good too.  ((Lori))) and u talked to Kt nd she'll be home? Crazy stuff going on and I'm sure she anxious to be home for her DD and the kids too. This is all FURB to me==U ladies all amaze me--nuff said.

    Now Chevy that DOTD is very healthy and maybe can help u'r UTI so get a straw and drink up. Oh u could leave the vodka out--no no that would be a sin.

    NM I'm glad u can relax a little today with a 2nd cup of coffee--and honestly that DOTD sounds great to me. I'm going to try that Beerita soon, of course I can just mix beer with the juice but I don't know the exact amount to make it taste right, plus it's easier, so I'm not going to start on my anti-b until I have it this weekend.

    Lara I'm watching Ghost Town right now.

    Oh I had my first call this morning before my coffee and I email the info with a little message that even if there's a mistake don't even tell me cuz I did it with no coffee.

    Oh Hot flashes when I was working and it snowed, I'd get a hot flash and go outside with no coat (those days I didn't catch thing easily) and put snow all over me--felt great Just a thought

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited December 2013

    I love the pics

    pooping in

    cam scy fi today

    I went on a interview yesterday we willc. The never call back. This one might I am in no mood to work so I hope they dont

    I can barely function in dopomax world



  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited December 2013

    Dere is sumtink I be forgettin in all dis. Dats all de really nice nurses who hailped me tru me op. Mary, tanks for warmin up me arm and massagin it before trying to put in de IV. She listened when I said dat da veins, dey look good, but are really hard to hit. And Susan who let mese wear mese own panties and socks AND taped da crystal heart me DH gabe me dat morning to me ankle under de sock, so I could keep it wit me. I knows I tanked de docs, but ise sumtimes forget the really kind hearted nurses. Ok all done. Back to da bar.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited December 2013

    Julie, that is an evil little elf!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Julie sooooooooooooo Funny. LOL

    Lara u know u will get a call back now that u don't want to work, Oh that's always the way.-Yel Sy-Fy today and some Chiller. Oh Haunted High is on next. Oh Lara this is insane--I could be sharpening my mind but I figure that ship has sailed.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    WTF I woke up and the HTL is empty, I'm still at the fountain, but I did watch SyFy and that movie was quirky--Now eben dough I just started drinkin I tink it's catching up on mese-oops I see a snowflake meltin on da flore oohhh stinkliest one at dat. But with the fountain dinks and da DOTD it's yummy btw I tink I spinnin unles I sitten on a stool (no no not dat kin) an I turn it all aber da place--wow dis turd drinc is bestest one. Now I go back to de flore-----on my matress cuz I sadlyest too.

    Lubs eberyone and (((huggies))) no dipes

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited December 2013

    Cami, why yous sadliest? Gots a pwetty fountain, I had em turn it up high, nice tender on mattress aside yous, tree diffrent dwinks and a sippy cup wit a swirly swraw. Don be sadliest.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Red Ok==see how cheap and easy I am--always have been. oops

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited December 2013

    Hey girl, dat tender, hims espensive, you no cheap date. You let's hims take good care of you. Get rid of da sadlies. 

    Besides, it's still early for you goils, de convos usually gettin hot just as I can't keep mese eyes open any mores. So, I outta sync here. Up too early, bed too early. Ise back to work on Monday too so ise gonna be missin you all. Not so sure ise gonna be much help. Mese brain seems to habe gone missin.

    O well.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013

    Beautiful pics Chrissy.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!I'm sitting here feeling sorry for myself 'cause I have to work today.Got an admission and 4 visits to do, so not a bad day, but I really, really wanted the whole weekend off, so now I feel selfish for being grumpy about working.Sigh.I'll keep reminding myself of the extra $$ I'm getting for vacay, and I'll get through it!

    Bridge?What bridge?Where bridge?No see bridge!

    Goldie--chitty news for Wahine's DD.And for Wahine.And about the DD's lab.At least Molly is doing better, that's a good thing.Don't get too bothered by the cholesterol numbers,recent research is showing that decreasing the cholesterol numbers don't make any difference to heart attack rates or survival.People with high cholesterol who exercise are better off than people with low cholesterol that don't exercise, they've found.

    Good Morning, Lord, it's me again.Please don't let me be grumpy with anyone at work today just 'cause I'm tired and wanted a day off.Help me remember I've got tomorrow off.Now, about Wahine's family:could You have a talk with their guardian angels?At least one of them seems to be dropping the ball, so to speak.More FURB for one DD.The other DD losing her furbaby.Please get Wahine home safely, no excitement, no drama.And thank You for Molly getting better!I really do appreciate that part, but why are You picking on Wahine's family?I'm asking You to stop picking on her family now, pretty please?With sugar on top?

    BBBBBernie--Seems a tad windy at Co. Donegal!I can't keep the birthdays straight, either.I figure if I can keep sort of straight on the names I'm doing good!Non-sleep phase, huh?Soundsvery not-fun.{{{bernie}}}}Um, I'm not sure I understand "gits", although I can tell form the context that it's not good!LOL, no sitter!

    Chrissy--Nice pic!So glad you are having fun!

    Cammy--I'm with you on the coffee!There is no morning, afternoon, or any time at all without coffee!BTW, I'm on cup #2 for this ayem.And I rarely wear a coat, I'd rather feel the cold than feel like I'm roasting in an oven!

    ORLA--hard functioning in the dopomax world?Sad to hear that, but is it helping the pain?

    RedRH--sounds like you had a couple of really great nurses, I'm a so glad!

    Cookie Sugarplum's DOTD is Grumpy Fixer

    2 oz Bourbon

    1 oz Lime Juice


    Ginger Ale


    Pack an old-fashioned glass with ice. Add old grand dad bourbon, lime juice and top with ginger ale. Serve with a sip stick, no garnish.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited December 2013

    Mornin goils! Well it's mornin ober dere but not here....uh uh no bees de middle of de night right here right now......fact I goin ta see ma bed berry soonliest but mees formating has somehow bixed itself so nows ise cin post de pics of Sydney.

    Dis here is de famousliest one, 'The Coathanger' better known as the Sydney Harbour Bridge.


    Dis is de view from our apartment at night. We were in the penthouse on the 29th floor.


    Sailing anyone?


    Oh and of course, the other icon of Sydney


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2013

    Bernie, I often wonder if I will EVER get a full nights sleep. Some are better than others, but never a complete night without waking up. Your windy winters are my spring, although mid week we had wind at 30, with gusts at 50. LOL @ the bloody cockerel! I know you have a goat or goats, do you use their milk?

    Chrissy and Aly, you look most beautiful and so so happy! There is just something special about a breasties meet! I mean look at all of thoses smiles!

    cami, I have stepped outside during the winter, with a hot flash, but did not rub snow on me. I have also fogged up the windows in our truck, more than once. And YeS, Julie and NM are a blessing to us for sure.

    Lara, if you're not ready for work, why even apply? Especially if you are managing financially without working. What does your DH do?

    That was sweet of you Red to thank your nurses. I always found them so much more helpful during treatments, than the docs.

    Love it Julie (the elf). Here is the one Mrs Vino did, that I was telling about.

    Edited to add for Chrissy. See, bigger is better. Also see below!!!!

    Red, are you up to going back to work? I don't think you said, if you had drains or not. What do you do?

    Well shoot NM, for having to work. Can you turn it down? Altho I don't think you would, as you would put the patients before yourself. And good way to look at it with the OT and more spending money. On the Lipitor, I heard something on the news in regards to it and helping to BC away! So maybe being on it isn't such a bad thing. Sweet prayer for Kat and yourself. You know, with all that is happening with her family, I had forgotten how sick SHE was! And I hope she is feeling better. I think your Grumpy Fixer would work better without the lime, coke and ginger ale!!!

    Chrissy, more photos! LOVE the veiw you had from the Penthouse! I only wish you would take up the space and make them bigger, the bigger the picture, the more I can enjoy them. Talk about being selfish!!!

    Alright, what is up with everyone and why are you not here? I don't think i farted or offended anyone. Cami, did you fart? Altho farts would at least bring de Dorkster back. Kat is traveling today, and I know will want to be with her DD and Molly ASAP.

    You can find me by the pewl!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2013

    Guess who's elf this is?


    This one could belong to several of the girls here!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Lori those elves are really full of mischief and of course everyone find the bad elves, that what we do. Who is tht lying whoa good butt--Oh well I can dream--Is u'r weather OK now? We are colder  winter tis the season.

    NM I like the DOTD'S name I wonder why--Of course u will work, but I'm sorry u'r scheduled to, OT will make u'r vaycay even better. And Thank you for u'r prayers, I say them alone too cuz they are perfect, I very seldom say a regulated prayer, I just talk my prayers, same thing, cuz there re too mny things to pray about.

    I can't believe Red u are going back to work alreay. Wow u'r something.

    OK shower time, takes me a while


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited December 2013

    I love these elf pics

    Dh manages a hospital the food department

    This elf is crazy my nieces have this thing idk it's evil

    Can I watched silent night deadly night at 1 am side effect to med can't sleep

    Mom u know if u can deal with the effects it is helping I still need a increase dosage again we will see

    I'm going to get off these pain pills

    I'm going to need one more withdraw off

    Not doing cold turkey I have and it's a bitch

    I was on them for months at a time

    Dilaudid was the worst

    All my shopping is done

    Kat I'm praying

    Goldie golden girl

    Poop in later

    Lounge is quiet