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how about drinking?



  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited December 2013

    Juliet - Big hugs and best wishes.

    Wahine - Sending prayers for you and your family.

    NM – I hope you have a super fantastic trip. Thanks so much for the lovely DOTD! I shall enjoy for sure!

    MemaSue – thank you for the nice words, much appreciated.

    My DH has asked me to work with him full time again and so I will probably not be able to post anymore so I will wish you all a most wonderful Christmas and/or Winter Holiday and all the very best that life has to offer in the New Year. You have been cherished friends and I think of you with fondness and all the love in my heart wherever you are and wherever I am. Thank you for your friendship and for the many hours and years of joy you have brought me.

    Sending prayers to all for peace, joy and happiness.



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    That was such a sweet post, Beans, But I am are not allowed to stay away from the HTL....I know you will be super busy, but just pop in every now and then, ok? I loved the avatar you had up yesterday of you (you are soooo beautiful!), but now it is gone. :(

    I will NOT let you leave us, no sirree bobarella.....NOT ALLOWED, and NOT APPROVED~~~~~~!!!!!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Beans I was just getting to know u--Kat is over ruling u'r DH--and I'm right with her. As if this counts, Try to pop in once in a while maybe if u can, just to say hello.

    Oh I'm so old I can't stand it--I remember when a 1 yr old birthday party was balloons, cake, ice cream--maybe pizza or something for food. My kids just left to go to a hall, with an open bar, a disc jockey all kinds of food and about 100 people oh and a professional video guy--like a wedding. WTF--It's my SIL's cousin's baby and my DD said I don't know what to give for a present? Excuse me--I said what would u buy if it was at the house----same thing. If they have the means and want to do this fine, but u'r not obligated to act any different. Well that's my thinking and we all know about my thinking. So whatever. hahaha The baby will probably fall asleep before it's even over. Well I would anyway.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013

    kat, the swamp is open,and if she get her arse to fl it shortens the transport. i'll pick her up. take care

    and beans you can't leave there

    working tonightBawling

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013

    “Friendship is the purest love. It is the highest form of love where nothing is asked for, where one simply enjoys giving.”


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited December 2013

    Hello HTL,

    WHAT Beanius???? I hope you are able to come by now and then...well, you know your stool is always available for you. about your tenant? I thought you had a really good relationship with her and hoped that she would continue to want to live there? She must be some kind of desperate to try and scam such a attentive landlord like you and DH..Im sad that someone could do that to you and that DH is physically suffering from the stress..Shame on her. i'll ride shotgun with Julie and pick her up for a one way trip to the swamp.

    Cami..sounds like quite a shindig at a hall? He's turning 1? I also remember birthdays of the past being at home with ice cream and the tail on the donkey favors..maybe pizza ...or really extravagant ...a bowling party or a few friends to the movies...hell, I didnt get a hall for my baby showers...times have changed and the more simpler of things are gone and mostly forgotten.

    Glad you are feeling better Lara.

    NM..counting are smart to get a hotel for the night before...way too many people book their flights for the morning of the day their ship leaves and this time of year especially with the weather you are taking a chance and putting a lot of faith in mother nature. This is the second weekend that she has clobbered people with storms....(btw..when did we start naming winter storms?) you never know what that bioatch is going to pull.




  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Cyn I thought the same thing---cuz I thought I don't remember calling a winter storm a name---now they are--to much to remember all these names.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2013

    lmao at Bernie "talking American", you sooo funnny Bernie. I know you not trying to be but you are. I would LOVE to hear you talk. One of these days girl, we gottsta chat or skype or sumting. Great advise to Katwinka.

    Kathy, my prayers will not stop, I also praying several times daily for your DD and for YOU. Poor dear, you jest have so much going on (((((Katwinka Kat aka Kat Kat (mese like it) ))))))) oops, dat wuz a hug but en thought up a new name for you. as IF you really need anudder.

    I also enjoying all the funnies from Julia and mese Bernster the Bootiful Biker Babe. You goils jest keep me laffing.

    Well I did not finish reading, just had to stop at the point where our Bernie Babe wrote that she is speaking English, tooo funny. Will try to come back after reading some more. But I going crazy here. Bored crazy but in a funk. Got some very bad news this week, a dear friend of mine lost her beautiful 26 year old daughter in a car crash on Tuesday night. The gal was set to graduate tomorrow from Stockton with her Master's Degree. Girls, hug your kids tonight, we jest never know. Please pray for my friend Marchelle if you would. Such a tragedy, I am truly heartbroken.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2013

    Lara, I found Jingle Farts on youtube but there are a few variations. and I am going nuts, can't get sound on youtube video's, forgot that I have been having a problem since I switched computers this week. My old windows 7 crashed again and I can't get it running Sad

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    Oh Dorkie, it broke my heart when you first told me about your friend's daughter dying in that car crash. I don't know how her family is dealing with that, it is just horrid. Prayers going out to her family and all those who knew and loved her. Just so sad. Ok, now I have to rat on cwacked me up when you wrote about Bernie speaking English! At the beginning of your post you were right about her "talking American"....but then you! Ya know I am just habbing fun wid you! Oh no, your win7 crashed? Dang. So much keeps happening lately.

    Well stoooopid us read the newsletter to the condo assn meeting at 7:30 and wondered why not many people were there. Well shoot, it was had said it would be from 5:00 to 7:30 and all we read was "7:30"! Shoot. BUT I got to meet our sweet 80 yr old tenant (its the one in our townhouse that is giving us grief, not this lady), and she had the place looking so beautiful. I had met her son who was the liason when we rented to her and only my DH had met her during the year, so we took her a small gift, and she gave us some heavenly homemade cookies! Her DH was in ill health which is why they moved here, and he died after they had just been there 4-5 months. SO glad she is happy there, and is so nice and sweet! Some of the board members mentioned meeting her and only had nice things to say.

    I usually have more lights and decorations outside than others on my street, but not this year. I have put nothing out, and our house looks like scrooge must live here! Just can't get into it, and no time anyway. Glad I got our tree up and decorated before our trip or the inside would look un-christmasy too. Does everyone have their homes decorated? Anyone doing a lot of baking? I had one of the Icelandic Christmas brew beers today....needed it! LOL.... I am trying to write while I can,not sure what this week will bring, but not looking forward to finding out whats in store for my DD. Oh, a friend posted this on FB....what a nice use of Christmas lights!!!


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited December 2013

    Oh noBawling well dork when I visit ill bring my laptop

    Very nice lights DH and I watched the x mas light competition last night one person had like 1 million lights

    It was amazing what they did to the houses


    NM will be crusing soon

    gotta dig the cars out blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    They have a loud horn they blare when you here that you have to move your car for th eplows so weird

    ill b back later


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Early morning here----

    Dork what a horrible tragedy for u'r friend--I can't imagine the feeling she has but I don't know her and my heart fills with so much grief--so scary, so young. Bless their family for strength.

    Kat I'm just glad to see u anytime, and I remember when the older couple moved in and u said her DH was sick, I'm glad she is so nice and u feel good with her being there. (((PRAYERS))) always going u'r way, when it comes to DD's it's a whole different story. And I'm surprised u got any decorations up, but some years it's just not in the cards to put them up so don't worry---Just put a big blow up bottle of beer with a huge sign and say I did this instead.

    We are still getting decorations up , I can't believe my SIL he just keeps finding things nd keeps decorating in and out. Les worked til 2 today and then they went to a party--got home around 7 and had a nice nite just the 2 of them --Joey and I had our nite and we leave them alone--Marty cleaned the house (super) and thought Les wouldn't have to worry about it when she got home--they are just so nice to each other, all the time--I'm so happy she has him now if he had money it would be perfect. My other DD just doesn't have this and I feel bad cuz she'll never know the feeling of having u'r best friend as u'r DH.They have comfortable money because of her, but he sure knows how to spend it foolishly and she lets him. It breaks my heart she feigns happiness but I know her--Oh well. All of a sudden my mind went to my DD's of course. OK enuff

    Lara what r u doing up BTW--u usually aren't now--U know I'm going back to bed. I lways do thruout the day.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    My computer jumps when I get to the end so here I am again.  It has gotten colder now tht the snow has stopped, and windy too-So another stay in day, too much icy places even walking, I fall on my own, I don't need a push. LOL I only had a few calls yesterday for work, so I hope none today--I feel bad when it's this cold and people need a furnace going cuz they're so cold. And all I can do is email them, and can't make anyone do anything. They need time off too--this is a crappy business to many emergencies when they have a job lined up. Whoa I'm really going on and on--Yep I took pain meds so I ramble then stop completely. LOL I told Joey we were going to make cookies today umph, but Les's GF is coming over next week-end and they are going to make all kinds  of fun cookies so that'll be nice for them. Joey loves to bake so he's going to do most of it. I have a simple, simple receipe, my only real problem with baking cookies is the timing so we'll see. OK I'll be back Latah

    Lubs u gals so much and prayers going out for u.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2013

    Good snowy morning, Loungettes!Blowing and snowing, but light fluffy stuff, can sweep it off the deck except the wind blows it back!Gonna be a good day for baking and generally puttering.

    Wahine--Uggg, that tenant needs to go away.And stay away.As in got to Florida and come back and find out she doesn’t have an apartment any more and her stuff is in storage somewhere.But I suppose that is illegal, or at least not allowed.Do tenants have the right to dictate when work will be done?It would also serve her right to have to call 911 'cause DH is having chest pain while there trying to appease her, and you calling to say she's on her own until DH's health is better. But I don't wantyou and your DH to go through that.And what is being done about DD's ear pain?Doesn't matter what it's from, someone needs to be doing something about it.And you don't have to be fun or funny to drop into the lounge, you know that.Just pop in and have a drink and rest a minute.And I'll keep praying for you and your family.And even for your tenant.

    Cammy--starting to think about clothes for the trip.I get into Miami about 1 pm, gonna spend some time clothes shopping.Betting I can find more summer weight stuff there than I can here right now!I even think I need to get a second bathing suit, all the cruise packing list sites I've visited mention 2, 3 or as many as FIVE bathing suits!That sees excessive, but 2 seems reasonable.I love water activities and there's a whole water park on the ship!

    BBBBBernie--I've been thinking about you and your posts a lot lately.I was reading a book set in England, written by an author that is from England, so there were lots of references I would never have understood without the education you have provided!Jumper for sweater, for instance.I would not have enjoyed that story as much without your influence!

    Cammy--snowing and blowing hard here, too!

    Mema--I love the aroma of baking bread, too,Just so comforting and homey.

    ORLA--yup, I fix something like that on the weekend and generally eat it all week.Good thing we like routine!

    Beanie--Merry Christmas, Beanie to you and your family.I'll miss you!

    Wahine--I'm with you, no one should be allowed to leave the lounge!

    Cammy--all that for a 1 year old?Really?I suppose if they have the means, they can indulge but it seems like overkill to me.


    CynCyn--the vagaries of winter weather is one reason that I am flying down the day before.I like having plenty of time to board and get settled,startingmy vacay in a nice, relaxing way, with a good book and couple of adult beverages beside the pool, or exploring the boat, whatever I want.And I still remember one trip that my flight was delayed and I almost didn't make the ship.It wasn't even weather related!Don't want to go through that again.And when did we start naming winter storms?Good question.This one has a name starting with "E"?It's the first one here in Maine worth mentioning, how'd we get to "E"?

    Dorkable--Oh, DorKy, your poor friend.Praying for her, too.

    Wahine--so glad your town house tenant is a nice lady.I remember when she and her DH moved it, glad she's happy there.And those are pretty nice lights!

    ORLA--here in Maine if you don't move your car it gets buried.If you leave yourcar in a parking lot that's where they pile up the snow.Some people have had this done to them and not seen their cars for months!

    Cammy--enjoy your time with Joey!

    Cookie Sugarplum's DOTD is the Cookies and Cream

    1/2 oz Coffee Liqueur

    1/4 oz Creme de Menthe

    1/4 oz Creme de Cacao

    oz Cola Mixer

    oz Milk


    fill glass with ice, otherwise it can curdle.

    add 1/2 oz of kahlua, then add creme de cacao, and creme de menthe.

    add coke until glass is 3/4 full then add milk.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013

    As per usual trying to do a sunday catch up - while going around the house actually achieving - nothing.

    Beans - please keep in touch

    Darling D, that poor family. Prayers. Have candles lighting.

    Cyn I owe you an email.

    The difference even from England to Ireland is funny.

    E - crockery. I - delf (not to be confused with de elf).

    E - cupboard. I - press (how they get that one I do not know).

    E - boxing day. I - St Stephens day. (so no one in England knows the heck what I'm going on about).

    E - beer. I - ale.

    E measure of spirits in pubs smaller than the I measure ( I prefer the I measure).

    E - teabread. I - brack. (doesn't matter, it is bloody horrid).

    My favourite

    E - swede. (small purple thing). I - turnip. (large yellow purple thing).

    E - turnip. I - swede.

    E mile different length to the I mile.

    E acre different size to an I acre.

    E alphabet has more letters than the I. So bh becomes V.

    E - wake (as in to wake up). I - wake (3 day funeral celebration of someone's life).

    Name pronunciations - later. Some can only be said under the influence of alcohol.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2013

    Good mornig my loves. Again I will make this short, just got caught up from 4 pages of reading!

    Dort, I am so so sorry for your friend, I believe you said her name was Michelle. Such a tragedy!

    Julie, I hope all goes ok for you too. You have been through much this year. I don't like the chest pain either. Is it from surgeries, or like your heart?

    Kathy, I think I would just have to ask that tenant to leave. No telling what she might pull next time and if she doesn't pay rent, certainly you have a deposit to hold on to? And for your DD, again, I just can't even imagine what you are going through. (((((KAT)))))

    NO NO NO BEANS, you can't do dat. I work full time too and I love me some Beans!

    SuziQ, mese  had to laff when you said to Bernie that you missed who Lori was, when she posted my update!!!

    Thanks my Beautiful Babe B.

    My insurance has always been like that, they will cover an X-ray, then if that shows something they will ok the CT. So doc put in my report that I am having new pain in my lower back. He will go up to bat for me. The other thing, for my mammo, they always do a "diagnostic" one. Well, scheduling called me (from imaging place) and said I didn't need diagnostic and she would call and get it changed. Well, my doc ordered diagnostic and says they do that for 10 years with cancer patients. He was a bit pissed off about that. Don't know what will happen there. Gal that did the mammo said she would have the doctor look at it on Monday, so I don't have to wait. As for the tumor markers, he is just being cautious. I guess they are not outrageously hi, I think it was like 54, but my last ones were in the 20's. I asked what numbers would really be cause for concern and he said triple digits and some even get as high as 4 digits. So, I am gonna try really hard not to think about it.

    Huggles and Kisses, and Happy Sunday Funday!

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited December 2013

    Good Morning



  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited December 2013

    Wish it were Two's day...but Nooooooooo another 12 hour day today..

    Julie...are you working today too? What is causing your pain?

    Lori, It sounds like you have a great DR going up to bat for you. I think mine are lacking in that dept...I go for a visit somewhere and a couple days later Im getting all these pisses me not paying them...One of my Dr's put in for an annual exam..twice in one year and Im still fighting that one...a holes. Everyone seems to want to pass the buck on to the next guy. Where do you have to go to be seen? Is it in your town or do you have to travel?

    Bernie..your expressions and words for things are quite different..between E and I and us here in U..or are we in A? What is "crockery"/"deft" and what is teabread or brak? We had some horrible gingerbread stuff in Scottland...I think it was was terrible..we got a sheit load of it too and even brought it back home just to toss it. Gross.

    Dorothy...I am so sorry for your friends horrible...and what a terrible time of year for this to happen..not that any time would be a good time. must have been the older tenant with the sick DH that you were saying that you hoped they would stay. The one who is trying to scam you tho. What is her deal? Had you experienced problems with her before? Is it only her or does she have people living with her? What is the course of action at this point? Seems to me you were right on fixing things as soon as she mentioned it she is lucky to have you.

    NM, You must have done this before? lol..cruising is one of my fav vaca's. I would love to book a cruise but I dont think that anyone would go with me..well, maybe my mom would but she would be a poop about drinking. There is a company that books Lesbian vacations ..its called Olivia and they are the last people I cruised with..they charter ships and have about 4 or 5 cruises a year..This one was in its been a while..problem is they are expensive..They have all kinds of celeb entertainment...a couple years ago they had Melissa Etheridge and I think this year Billy Jean King , Lily Tomlin, Maya name a few. They do all inclusive resorts and tours..etc..I can have just as much fun on a "Traditional" cruise tho and its hella more affordable.

    Cami...staying in and baking or napping sounds good to me...its sweet that Joey likes to bake...good foundation for when he is boys can barely fry and egg and make a mess doing it...Pancakes .....ohhhh my ....what a mess...and they arent great with their cleaning skills either. Boys are icky.(cept for Joey).

    Orla..I love to make something I can eat off of all week for left overs.

    Does anyone have a good recipe for Tex/Mex Chili (with steak not ground beef?)...XPB used to make it and I LOVED it ..I just dont know what she put in it to duplicate it...maybe I'll check with the barefoot contessa...I think thats where that freak got the recipe.

    Karen..where have you been? Im sure busy with your holiday meals.

    Hugs to all....

    Back to work (slave drivers)


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013

    working again tonight

    lori,its not my heart so I guess rads will get the blame

    kat- hope your having a good day

    nm- its next month nowHappy

    cyn-have a quiet day

    cammi enjoy your baking

    enjoy your day ladies

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


  • Furfriend2
    Furfriend2 Member Posts: 168
    edited December 2013

    Bernie, thank you fur the chuckle.

    I have to tell you gals I was at Barnes&Nobles Friday and I picked up a crochet book and low and behold one can crochet the evil elf. Well , I LOL when I saw his photo. Thanks goodness I didn't have coffee in my mouthLoopy

    I don't feel like Christmas cards this year, I know I am terrible.

  • Furfriend2
    Furfriend2 Member Posts: 168
    edited December 2013


    Oh my-just refreshed the thread and up popped this handsome devil. What a delicious dish- I 'll drink to this fur sureThumbsUp

  • Furfriend2
    Furfriend2 Member Posts: 168
    edited December 2013

    Think I need some holiday cheer bring on the eggnog.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited December 2013

    hi cynnnnnmnn

    They have a cruise for everyone love Melissa ethers he her music she could buy a cruise boat lol but who knows after all the alimony money

    Juliet lol

    Well over a foot of snow here

    Got really dizzy in the shower almost went down I'm just going off these nerve pills I'm sick of being a test monkey

    Bernie u crack me up

    The evil elf lol

    It's lurking every where

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    Hi Girls,

    Just got back from cleaning my parents house, betwn today and yest, put in FIVE hours there...wish I had that much time to clean MY house! lol. Hmmmm.....nice pics, Julie! Oh Lara, yes please do get off those meds. Do NOT want you getting hurt!!! Bernie, yes, just love all your posts!!

    Cyn, No, we had not had probs with this tenant before. I think when she thought she had bad mold, she thought "AHA!, Now I can make them pay all my bills!". She has changed 100% from how she was before to us. We have ALWAYS taken care of anything that needed doing, asap, and always done extra too. Today we had roofers (yes, on Sunday) put up a ridge across the top of the roof to vent, plus they redid the chimney ($$$)...and it really wasn't needed. The spa tub in master huge bathroom has mirrors to the ceiling, on all sides...well this is prolly 25 yrs old, so of course there is some discoloration at the edges. Not really noticeable, but now she was trying to get the workers to take them down, saying it must be from moisture behind them. SHEESH, it is ridiculous. Glad they knew it was just normal where the silver on the back sometimes comes off. I think she is pissed that the culture came back negative, but she did another one that we just sent in (more $$$), and I am praying it is normal too. Please help me pray about that! We just don't need her trying to blame her health issues on us, when there is nothing wrong with the townhouse. She is in her 70's I think, and has her grandchildren over often. OH, I am doing the countdown now....just 10 days till you see D? You're going there, right? And how about your birthday next month, will you get to be with her? Hate that you have to work today, but nice to get that moola coming in!

    Hi FurFriend, I don't think I've met you yet....pull up a barstool and join us here! Well, I am joining you in not doing Christmas Cards this year too, never ever missed doing them before, but we have had a lot of issues lately, so I am not in the mood, plus there is no time. Hope you stay in our wonderful bar!

    Hugs to you ALL!


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited December 2013

    That is just terrible Wahine..I will pray really hard for good results on that culture...Im sure you are right..she saw a meal ticket in that. D is coming here on Christmas day and will stay until New Years day. Now it 9 days because you cant count today and cant count the day she gets here. hehe..I am excited..she has been having difficulties with the passing of her friend and has been a bit down.

    Hello Fur, nice to meet ya...I did send Cards this year..I bought them way back in August.

    I love Melissa too Orla....D took me to see her the first time I visited her in Austin durring Austin City was such a good concert. Your right tho..she may not be worth as much as we think after her alimony...she was a shit to her to and her X was very bitter so Im sure she took her to the cleaners and I dont blame her..its so easy for Lesbians to back out of a relationship without recourse even with kids involved. Its a lot more difficult being a lesbian in the lime light backing out of a relationship.

    Even tho I complaine I am grateful for the OT that Im getting and hope I get more.

    Just hate working this late at night.


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013

