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  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited December 2013

    Can I says very rude words - just lost post - long post.

    Bernie you can't expect the US goils to be able to pronounce anyting cause theys don't speak English HEHEHE. And I loved the hedgehog.

    Kat lots of prayers coming your way for DD. I lits lots of candles on Sunday people tink I bes a firebug.

    Its hot here too hot need nother cold one.


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited December 2013

    You got it right ...just one boob...just the problem boob... dont know why...seems i havent had both done for a praying that you will be ok and make it thru this all ok.

    Alyson, Im hating on the post stealing gremlin too. are a fabulous  cook. Absolutly everything you made for us was delish...jodi still talks about that meal and she is a serious food snob...she liked the leak potato soup in Wales  too.

    Where are the missing girls? 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2013

    Good frigid morning, Loungettes!Looking at 10 below the donut, and that's NOT factoring breeze chill.And more snow coming.Sigh.

    Wahine--I usually travel with just a carry on, so I don't have to worry so much about lost luggage.I may take a garment bag this time, 'cause I'm thinking of taking a dress and that will give me a bit more room, but I have to keep reminding myself that I don't need much in the way of clothes, really!The only times I've had lost luggage have been on the way home from vacay, so not so much of a hassle. I take a bag that I can check on the way back and fill it with dirty laundry.The I can just chuck it in the laundry room and right into the washer.Thanks for the Dorkie update!Enjoy seeing your folks.

    Goldie--praying your Onc comes through for you!All this insurance crap is such a pain!

    ORLA--Yikes, you definitely need some medication help!You have got to sleep, and got to be able to at least remember to take your pills.What are we going to do with you?About recon, one option you have is to take some time off from recon, and use the time to do some research on PS's and options.

    BBBBBernie--someday I want to see Ireland, so you have to live for a long time, until I win the lottery that I never by tickets for. . . Love the names, cannot figure out how to get from some of those!

    Cammy--sounds like busy day at work, hope you have time for coffee, or wine, or whatever!

    Temp update--15 below the donut on my back deck.Sadie is peeing in record time this morning!

    CynCyn--I thought we evicted the post stealing gremlin?Guess we've got to do another search for him!It's about time they started catering to single travelers, we have good $$$ to spend, too!

    Wahine--sounds like your parents are home and things are getting back to "normal"!And you find time to make truffles?You rock!I can understand why missed phone calls bring panic.Calls on my cell from my Mom do the same to me, even though most of the time it's something small.

    RedRH--we all go through periods of posting all about ourselves, it's part of this lovely journey we're on, and it's ok here!And waiting periods are the hardest of all.

    Wahine--of course you can run away and hide, as long as you hide here in the Lounge!And give your Mom a few days, people with memory issues often have a flair up when they change environments.She settle down again.Praying for you and DD and Thursday.

    Aly--yes, you can say rude words, the Lounge translator will render them harmless!

    Cookie Sugarplum's DOTD is the Don't Be Rude

    2 oz Absolut Mandarin Vodka

    2 oz Sprite

    2 oz Orange Juice

    1/2 oz Strawberry Margarita Mix


    Stir OJ, Sprite, and Vodka, then add a splash of strawberry

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Good Morning all my ladies.

    Kat I think we are all waiting for Thursday for u and u'r DD--we all love u.

    Lori I know the same thing is for u--I just want to know everything is all right There has been a lot of chapel time, more than usual so I'm glad we have one---it's great a chapel can be anywhere so I take advantage of that.

    NM it' to cold by u, it's not that cold here and it's enough for me, but u have to go out in this-Oh I was just going to give u advice sorry, it's automatic really u know more about what to do. Then I ever did, ever.

    OK here's the thing Lara, I know what my pain is from and I manage it as best I can--I cheat and take pain meds I know, but u'r pain has me so puzzled and I think the Drs. better figure it out and help you. There is no Doctor reason that u should have to suffer like that so much and u'r to young and I don't like it. Copy this  and send it to all of u'r Drs. It's time they can figure this out and d something.

    Another thing my mom has come to visit me--remember when I told u I lost my fingernail about a month go and it's growing back--it's my mom's nail--I never had hands or nails like my moms--it' uncanny--Now tho my mom was wonderful, she had a snippiness about her so she's here with me to be snippy of course--It's so funny, cuz I looked down at it yesterday and it was a little unsettling, it doesn't look like any of my usual nails, one thing it's new and white as can be. but strange, cuz she always had bad nails, thin and small and this is what I have. OK it's shower time and Joey is home sick--he's not allowed by me--yea like that will last.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2013

    Lara, your family is going to PR but did not invite you?

    Bernie, would love a cruise to Ireland. Could you imagine all of us on a cruise ship???

    Cami, my doc is an oncologist, I did not have a mastectomy, so no PS or BS for me. Are you feeling any better? Where's Elizabeth Dahling? So nice to feel your mom with you. And Joey is sick AGAIN? Poor baby, I hope he gets better real quick.

    Julie, that TP holder is adorable.

    Cyn, LOL @ Snottsdale! It's about a 4 hour drive. He said I only have to come once a year, but I asked if I wanted to, can I come every 6 months, of course he said yes. Also, I suppose we have to wait and see how my tests go. LOL on the gremlin, but I haven't seen him! They did a mammo on just one boob? WTF is up wif that? Do they think your other boob is immune to the RB? Here's the link for the recipe, if it's the one you were looking for.

    Kathy, praying your worries are small in regards to your parents. Just not something you need right now. I too think of you daily and I hope Molly is doing ok too. I haven't heard about my bone density test, was just done last Thursday, but I'm not concerned about that one. I think I will call my onc today, mostly to see if he got my insurance to pay for CT and Nuclear Bone. And if you run off and hide, most certainly with a Tender, you will get NOTHING done! How long is your DD going to be there? Do they stay with you? And doesn't she have in-laws there as well? I know Thursday will be hard for you, but know that we are all praying for you and DD. Please at least let us know what the doctor tells her. Are you going with her?

    Awwww Red, you don't always have to be happy and funny here. In fact, we would rather you let us know you are down, so we can be supportive. We all have those days, we refer to them as being down the rabbit hole. Your trips sound fabulous! Please be sure and get extra large suit cases, for any stow aways! Oh I hate that damned waiting. Praying all is well with your DD, and I forget what it is you are waiting on? I know you just had lumpectomy.

    Looks like Alyson found de gremlin! Awaiting your "rude" words.

    NM, be careful out there girl.....brrrrr! How much snow? LOL @ Sweet Sadie peeing in record time. Highs here for the next 4 days are ranging from 50-65, I'm loving it! I think my countdown is at about 45.

    Cheerio's Deario's

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    Good Morning Girls!

    Dang it, started tears this ayem....just thinking of my DD and what is ahead just kills me inside, it really does. Yesterday with the stress of my parents being back here and just thinking of all we need to do for them almost sent me over the edge. I think I need to TRY not to worry about the "what ifs" with my parents...but thats hard to do when something comes up every day. I know "worry" can be a killer too, so I need to figure out how to deal with that. Thank you ALL so very much for all the prayers, and I will try to update you if I can. If not, I will ask someone else to do that, ok? This stress from the tenant too has been affecting my DH and I...its just too much. Oh, just looked up the "tenant that is being a beyotch";s bday, and she is just 69, thought she was older. She looks it. Was very nice, and very picky to start with, which we liked, as she is very neat with everything. BUT we knew she was tight with her money, so I guess she thought she had figured out a way to get us to pay for all her medical probs, etc. SO GLAD that test turned out negative, now we are waiting on the 2nd test. And good idea to do one ourselves there, if this one does not turn out good.

    Oh, CynWhoLivesAndWorksAtTheBeach, you are sooooo right about Bernie's cooking! She made the most amazing Traditional Irish Dinner for us, and an awesome HUGE Irish Breakfast, too. There was so much of everything, and it was all sooooo very good! I still don't understand why they just did 1 Lori they think the other one is immune? WEIRD. Plus, you take the time to be there, and pay the co-pay or whatever, so it also seems like it would be less expensive to do both at one time than at separate times. PLEASE make sure they are checking both, ok? And so sorry about "D" being down about losing her dear friend, it will help her so much when you both are together again....soon, very soon......

    OMG NM, that is BRRRRRRRRRRRiest COLDliest....geez louise....glad Sadie even goes outside...seems she would just want to pee right there in the house (But I don't want to give her any bad ideas!). I am so proud of Molly too...she had only 1 accident and that was right when we brought her home from the vet she was still not feeling so great. She is an outside dog, so at 12.5 yrs old to get used to having to hold it till we walk her, well, it makes me proud of her. AND she has to stay in such a small area inside, day and night..when she would rather be outside running, but she does not whine, just is being so sweet. Hate that this will go on till the end of Jan or so....but am hoping and praying all those horrid heartworms will be long gone and never come back. She looks like herself now, so its harder to see her having to just lie there. We finally got back into the 50's and it looks like it will even hit 70 degrees by the end of the week, but will be quite rainy by then.

    Lori, my DD2's inlaws used to live here, but they moved near Allison a few years ago, as her FIL got a job at the base there. So they split the holidays...this year they are again coming here for Christmas (well they leave to go home on Christmas Eve morn), and I think its because my parents are here. And this year her inlaws (parents, sis, and niece) came and stayed with them for Thanksgiving, but its a very long drive for them, too. They stay in a really nice hotel (your favorite, btw) as it was getting harder and harder to fit an extra 5 people here, when the kids are teens now. I hate it, but it does make it easier. At her inlaws, they stay with them and sleep all over the place, but we have a lot of nicer, and more breakable stuff. Would rather they could stay here with us, but I just had to accept that. We used to have 2 large guest rooms at our prior home, but went down to just 1 guest room here, and NOW is when we could use an extra one!!!! lol. Yeah, I haven't heard on my bone density either....hope we both get good results. AND hoping your insurance will pay for those other tests and you can get them worked in before the end of the year! Glad your dr is working on that with you. No, I won't be going with DD1 to the drs on Thurs, as her DH will be there with her. I need to go over there prolly 7:30 ayem or so, to be with the kids. I have some christmas craft kits that I hope they might want to do.

    Cami, wow, that is so strange, but stranger things have happened....does it comfort you to feel like you have your mom's fingernail? I hope so! I know she is there with you ALWAYS, but this is a visual sign, so its pretty neat. PLEASE don't get sick from Joey, ok? And I hope he gets well very quickly!!!!

    Lara, that was good advice you were given take some time and really research which PS will do the best, for you. Its just awful when things don't work out as they should...bad enuf to get the RB, and go through surgeries, and tx, but then to have problems after that, its just not fair.

    OMG NM, here we travel almost constantly, but you pack waaaaay better than we do! Sometimes we buy a lot in different places, so I also like to have extra luggage for that. But we do need to trim down, it was very awkward and heavy to have such large heavy suitcases (and one had another large suitcase nested in it that we never needed) while in Iceland, with the stairs up and down to even get into the hotel and then down into the lobbies. This way, like you said, you won't have to worry about lost luggage too. We get to check free bags, so it makes it harder to downsize!!! I know you will have SUCH a blast!

    Yeah, when are we planning on a "HTL Hotties" cruise???? Wouldn't that be amazing!

    Julie, Love, love, love your funny pictures!!! Yours too, Bernie!!!



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Me again---OK I don't understand this one boob thing, I've heard about this before and it doesn't make any sense to me. I'm sure there is a concrete reason, but it just seems so common snese thing to me.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited December 2013

    Kat nice butt

    goldie u crack me up you get one thing from my post u blonded just kidding yes they took my brother and his wife not the whole family there are 4 children

    Cam I will copy that and send to all doctors

    silent night dealy night is a good one

    cyn her wife has some disease diagnosed after marriage . She did carry a baby for them , not Rosie the wife. I want to say a rare form of cancer IDK

    we should all go to Irealand wow that would be amazing

    NM yes u r right

    Im not going to talk about these crazy complications anymore no fun

    I have to see whats on now I have been writing a paper since 6

    I went to go outside to the store went right bcak in its another stoem here snowing like crazy.


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited December 2013

    Good Twos-dey Morning DahhhLinKs!

    JeanBean wha-chu-mean??? Ya gotta find time to at least say 'ellooo once in awhile...K? Say yes...puleeezzeee!! Like Kat sirree bobarella!!!

    Cami - I agree wif da b-day parties for 1 and 2 year olds. They won't remember a thing! My gs 1st was that way and he was falling asleep on the wrapping paper as his mom tugged it off. Sheesh!

    Julie - as always lubslubs da hot dudes, but hafta say, loved the friendship quote...MUAH! Glad it's not your heart...whew! But hate that u are in pain ((Julie))

    Cyn - I thot I was losing my mind. Den da peeps at the bar sed da same thing. When did winter storms get named...don't get it...jes mother nature to me.

    Dory - so sad about your dear friend. I said some prayers for her. I just cannot imagine losing a child. (((Marchelle)))

    Kat - love the Christmas lights you shared with us. I don't decorate exterior anymore. We do still have lights up around the patio 365 days a year, is nice to turn them on after dark, but only us and da neighbors next door get the enjoyment. Inside I have a 'wall' tree, prelit and deco'd. Easypeasy, no enuf for me. But this year I bought 5 stockings. 3 for gk's that I will have for a week and 2 for mese pooches, jes cuz the kids will get a kick out of it. So I am done.

    Any news on DD and tx? Am still praying so hard. (((KAT)))

    Bernie - thanks for continuing to make me laugh..xoxoxo!

    Lori - my bad...thot it was u but wasn't sure. Even went back a few days cudn't find. praying ur doc gets ins to pony up so you can get ur CT b4 the end of the year. And yes...I kno of sev who's markers are/were in the thousands. ((Lowee))

    Cyn - Can't help ya wif da tex/mex. I use the tex chili in da bag and dress it up to my liking. But I tail ya...I jes love the internet for recipes, beats a cupboard full of books.

    Hello Fur - welcome to da HTL!

    Lara - I hope u get to feeling better, I hate pills too but sometimes I jes have to have em.

    I haven't addressed everyone but I gotta run!!

    Lubslubslubs you all!

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited December 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013

    just lost a long postBawling

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013

    Kat- glad molly is doing better wish some of the other stresses would go away! The swamp is ready, lots of prayers for thurs.

    Lara-have they tried lidocaine patches? Research the hell out of any new docs,you deserve a good one

    Dorty-safe travels,prayers for the family ,too young to be a star

    I love my mo! He just gave me the most rational reason for the chest pain,because the frb was so high in the breast ,the treated area includes the thin tissueof the upper chest and he thinks the scar tissue has becaome tethered to the ribsand that’s was causing the pain,he does not think its get a ct of the chest and a bone scan on Christmas eve.On the tamoxifen ,have to wait until the biopsy done! But then he said there;s other drugs we can try! Bugger .

    Just got my instructions off radiology, npo for 4hrs prior to the ctthen the bone scan to follow said drink plenty of fluids prior to test.

    Cammi=when you said you had your mothers nails, I imagined this little fancy box with them in,so glad you explained.Please give joey a cwtch from me and hope he feels better soon

    lori-hope you get your test ordered soon

    have a good day ladies

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited December 2013


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited December 2013

    Its an epidemic

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013

    cyn,thank you for my Christmas card, I also, why only one boob?

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited December 2013

    You are welcome Julie..

    I think they do two every other time but I dont recall both being done the last time.  The order I brought with me didnt have anything checked off so they called my BS and she said it was only the effected one they were doing this time.

    I got my TV...whooooop!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited December 2013

    It's that elf doing it I just knew. Stealing all our posts.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited December 2013

    YES.  That has to be it Alyson

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013

    our gift shop had a sale, i saw a elf on a shelf nightlight! there.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited December 2013

    See I knew it.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2013

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Let it snow, let it snow,
    let it snow!Got another couple inches
    last night.Cannot believe the number of
    schools closing for the day, but I guesstaking any chances with the kiddos is to be avoided.

    Cammy--yup, I'm
    careful. Got my coat, gloves, a blanket in the car, keep the cell phone charged
    up this time of year.And I drive SLOW
    when it's called for, irritates lots of people but I get where I'm going and
    generally on time, too, so there!So sad
    to hear Joey is sick, hope he feels better fast!Enjoy your clandestine cuddle time!Odd about your fingernail!

    Goldie--Oh, my all
    of us on a cruise ship?There's not
    enough alcamahol in the world!But
    wouldn't it be fun???!!!22 days for me,
    Yeah!If your count is around 45, then I
    should get home just in time to stow away in one of your suitcases and extend
    my vacay!The first storm brought about
    a foot, last night a couple more inches, sounds like more coming over the

    Wahine--too much
    stress for you right now!Wish there was
    something I could do to take some of it away.Do keep us updated one way or another, ok?You know we worry when we don't hear from
    someone for awhile.Glad to hear that
    Molly looks and feels better, sorry she can't run around right now.Give her an extra cuddle, OK?I don't get free bag checks, so I have lots
    of incentive to avoid checking a bag if I can make it work. :)

    Cammy-- About the
    one boob mammogram thing--there are time, usually right after treatment when
    the "bad" boob getsthe squish
    every 6 months, but the "good" boob only gets it yearly.The reason is to protect the good boob from
    radiation exposure that can cause bc.But three years out from diagnosis?Not sure that that's all about.I
    would expect you'd be getting mamms on both boobs every year.Maybe someone screwed up?

    ORLA--how's the
    paper coming?

    Julie--saw that one
    on Fb, very funny!

    Mema--I think the
    Weather Channel started naming winter storms to increase the urgency/excitement
    factor.They carry on like every storm
    is the storm of the century.Sheesh.

    Beanie--I want to be

    Julie--we have got
    to go on a Gremlin hunt!At least you
    got instructions before the bone density test.I almost never get any instructions, and it makes me crazy, afraid I'm going
    to miss something and have to rescheduled and go through all the waiting
    anxiety again.

    CynCyn--hooray for
    the TV!

    Cookie Sugarplum's
    DOTD is theGremlin Fixer

    2/3 oz Vodka

    1/4 oz Apricot

    2/3 oz Dry Vermouth

    2/3 oz Pisang Ambon

    3 oz Pineapple Juice


    Shake and strain
    into a highball glass filled with crushed ice. Garnish with a mint sprig, and

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Good Morning all---Yes the elves are not as cute and nice as u might think. I am against all things with faces like dolls and clowns and now elves--hahah to many scary movies. Oh well---

    Well one week from today is Christmas Day and NM the countdown is getting less and less, u have to be getting more and more excited.

    Kat prayers for u and u'r family--tomorrow u will know more.

    Goldie it seems like u'r caught up in holiday time for all of u;r tests to find out everything, (((prayers)))

    And I hope someone has heard from Dork and things are going all right.

    Geeze what a way to start the day, didn't mean to do that really---OK I hope everyone has a good day and finishes up everything needed for next week. And blessed with good answers and solutions. That's the goal this week.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2013

    Kathy, I'm glad to hear that Molly is doing better, that is such a long time for that treatment. You say she has to stay in a small area, how are you doing that? She is probably so confused to be in a confined area, when she is so used to being outside. Hoping that the craft you have for the kids will help keep your mind off things for a bit. Are the kids handling things ok? Coming here to read and chat can help a little to keep your mind busy too, and of course the support. (((((Kat n Family)))))

    Yes Lara, call me Blondie, or Scarecrow will do too, that is what my DH calls me. Tell your folks they owe you a vacation.

    SuziQT, mese either no have much up and no lights outside eeder. Who wood see dem? LOL. I no worried anymore about my tumor markers either. Need to call today and check to see if they got my insurance to pony up. What are your Xmas plans?

    Dat a goilie Beanie. Good to see you pwetty face. But I missed the avatar you had up Sad

    Julie, just hate losing a post. Hate it, hate it, hate. And pasting from Word doesn't work too well either. So I use Notepad. Are you having nuclear bone scan, or Dexa? I know for the nuclear, it's lots of fluids and I was told nothing to eat 4 hours prior either. Your problems may not be more RB, but is caused because the RB. FURB! Hoping they can figure out a way to ease the pain Julie. (((((JULIE)))))

    Woo hoo, CyndieLouWhoGotaNewTV!! Still confused by the one boob, just doesn't make any sense at all, NONE!

    LOL Alyson, saying it's the Elf taking the posts, good one!

    NM, we keep one of those plugs that plugs into the cigarette lighter in each of our vehicles and I take our chargers every time we leave the house. That way we can charge the phones if need be while we are out. Or in case we get stuck somewhere for some reason. That's a lot of snow you got there. Be safe! Hey, you could just wait for me in FL, no need to head back to ME, right? Some of these drinks we find, I have no clue as to what some of the ingredients are. Like Pisang Ambon??? WTH?

    Cami dahling, I am not worried about my tests being so near Christmas. No family here to celebrate with, so it will really be just another day. We were gonna go to CA, but DH canceled that. How is Joey feeling?

    Weather here is actually pretty nice, I can't complain. The only thing I don't like is getting dark so early. But a just a few more days, and the days will start getting longer.


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2013


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    LOL @ Lori and Julie for those funnies!!!

    Are we supposed to do something before just the bone density scan? I was told NUTTIN, so I didn't do anything different.

    Lori, the vet said to keep her confined in a crate, but when I asked about our laundry room she thought that would be ok. So at least she can walk around and stretch out! BUT I bought a baby gate to use and it didn't fit, altho supposed to be adjustable. SO we have a card table across the doorway, which she can push open, so we also have something heavy on the legs (have bottom legs open to keep it from falling over). So its very awkward to do laundry or even get to the garage and outside. Didn't want to close the door as that would be toooooo isolating. I know it will be hard on Sat and Sunday with everyone here, just hoping she doesn't get too excited. My DH had her tied up outside by him while he was raking yest. NOT a good idea, plus the kids were out playing nearby so when I got back home, Molly was just shaking, and he didn't notice. Sheesh!!! It was warm, but I think she wanted to play with the kids. He thinks he is doing something good for her, but it is best to just listen to what the vet says to do, and do whats best in the long run for Molly. Oh, and it isn't just one christmas craft, I bought a whole box full, some are church related, like the things they make at vacay bible school, but the other kids weren't interested, so am hoping these 2 will be. I think I will make some too as some are angels, etc., and really cute.

    It was good I took my mom out yest as she had such a good time, and did so well. Since my dad has been really mean to her lately, she needs to get away from him and "breathe" and be happy. It is just hard with all I have to do right now.

    Yes, I heard from Dorkie, and she is fine, her dad is doing well too. She is very busy, so not much computer time right now. Its sad too, as it is a great house and so close to the beach. Some neighbors brought goodies over for them too.

    Wow, you sure have had a lot of snow, NM! So glad you are prepared, and drive slowly too!!!!

    OK, no more elves or gremlins can steal posts!!!!! Esp if we all drink the DOTD that NM posted, "The Gremlin Fixer"! LOL. When I lose my post, it goes to a different page and closes this one out. Is that what happened to you, Alyson? If it just clears the window, then you can right click, and click "undo" and get it back. I use that SO MUCH. I think I may have been Lori that taught us about that??? Even if you just lose a line or two, you can get it back that way. But when it closes the window, then I think it is gone forever. :(

    Big Hugs to all, hope you are feeling better Lara, and also hope things will go well for you and your DD, Red.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2013

    I think one time for a bone density test, they told me not to take any calcium. I think is was for that test, I don't remember. Then LOTS of fluids for nuclear, before and after (to flush it out of your system). They do make you empty your bladder prior to the test, which is good! I have a VERY HARD TIME holding mine!

    I think the kids will have fun with the crafts. Maybe the others didn't cuz they are older? Glad you had some fun time out with your mom, just wish  your dad wasn't such a grump.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    Beckers posted this on FB, an animated Christmas Card by Jacquie Lawson. I love all of Jacquie's cards, so hope you all enjoy it too......

    (edit: this one is titled "Northern Lights"....did I tell you about the boat ride LATE at night in Iceland to look for the northern lights? We were soooo freezing cold, and it was windy and the crew kept pointing at something looking like a white cloud arc that they said was the lights. I think by doing that, they don't have to give you a "raincheck" I know sometimes it is very beautiful there, but wasn't while we were there. Very disappointing, but we did see a beautiful display in Alaska, right outside my bro's cabin one night during a trip there when my DH proposed to me on the train to Denali.)