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  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013

    image unselectable="on">


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013

    image unselectable="on">


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited December 2013

    Cyn I know that is true. She was mean to her ex betch she is. Still love her music. They had kids to.  Idid see rosie O'donnell she filmed herself on a gay cruise. Men and women that had children I think. It was a specilized cruise. So sad about her wife.

    Kat yes I will, Glad your back I am thinking of u everyday and in the chapel (hugs)

    Juliet whats going on u have chest painShocked

    cam u never miss athing yes I do not sleep this topomax Im going off it pee to much, cant sleep, stomach pains. Im over the nerve pill

    I did see my PS she thinks no revision

    I am seeing another PS albany me, I think the way these are on are causing the pain. You girls kept sayong the implants to big. Well I was in la la land in PJS they did not look big, now yes when Iput on certain things they are big they are to big for my body and the one is kinda weird in the moddle

    My PS says well any one will operate on u for a car paymentShocked

    Bottom line I do not trust docs anymore, no mor epills over it Ill live with the pain.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited December 2013

    Crockery ha my mom is going to england in the summer bernie

    My dad and step mom the other parents are in puerto rico with my brother and wife

    They both have b days days apart, must b nice they were acting like a Zipped up mission my sister just told me


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!White and fluffy out there now, looks like winter.Sadie's been having a ball running around in the snow.I have to make her come in periodically and warm up her paws!

    BBBBBernie--Thanks for the lingo lesson!Love the idea that names can only be pronounced with chemical assistance!

    Goldie--Insurance companies, and health care reimbursement companies can be real pains in the anatomy when it comes to getting testing done.All about the dollars and cents, never about what makes medical sense for an individual case.Good thing you have a doc that will go to bat for you.

    CynCyn--I do know that crockery is what we call china--plates, platters, saucers, bowels, cups, etc.Am I right, Bernie?As to teabread/brak, I'm curious, too!Many years ago I went on several cruise vacations, took my Mom on the last one.I decided then that if I were to wait to find someone to go with me on vacays I'd never get to go anywhere, and found out that solo cruising isn't bad at all, and now a days there is more focus on the single traveler, so it should be even better!And it is amazing the entertainment you can get on a cruise.And really not any more expensive than any other vacation trip.I am so looking forward to next month!

    Julie--good point about next month now!

    Hmm.I just spent several minutes trying to peak through the fingers.Am I naughty or what?

    Furry--crochet an evil elf?Really?What fun!

    ORLA--be careful coming off those pills!

    Wahine--are you sending cultures in that your tenant is collecting?I'd be careful about that, if it comes back bad go in and get a second culture yourself, to be sure it comes from your property.I wouldn't put it past this gal to take a culture from somewhere else and pass it off.Maybe one of her grandchildren are really behind all this?Praying for you, hard.

    ORLA--I'lljoin you in the chapel.No revision?Why?Sounds like your PS is another pain in the anatomy.I don't like the idea that you are living with pain.

    Cookie Sugarplum's DOTD is theChristmas Pudding

    100 ml Southern Comfort

    100 ml Drambuie

    500 ml Guinness Stout


    In a 6 2/3 Paris Goblet add Southern Comfort and then Drambuie. Top up with Draught Guinness.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    Oh Lara, please don't give up...if a revision can be done safely, that is. My first PS was a real A-hole, and I would have been mutilated for life (I have heard horror stories, plus he was sooooo mean to me)...the one I ended up going to was an angel, and did marvelous work, even hugged me! I hope you can find a really good one, and yes, they are out there, but it may take some looking. I don't want you to end up with all the surgeries that our Dorkie has had, that is just awful. What does that mean? Your parents were on a "zipped up mission"? Mese is

    Ok Cyn.....sheesh you are bending all our arms, and mine just said, "Ok, ok, I will go on a cruise with you!". LOL. I really would though, but can't make any more plans till I know what my DD will be facing. It would be fun traveling with are very sweet and very fun to be around! And I agree, you can just go on a regular cruise, and if you go with D, it doesn't need to be a gay cruise....esp since they cost so much more! I guess because of the celebritites that entertain during those cruises? I have never been on one with famous people entertaining, but have been on them with famous people cruising.

    Yes, so glad you have that night planned before the cruise, NM! We try to always do that, and sometimes plan for 2 nights, if we leave from Europe. The year they lost our luggage before our cruise from Barcelona, we had two nights there on our own, and thank God for that, as they didn't get our luggage to us until the last minute that we HAD to leave the hotel to get to the ship on time! Haven't had any bags come up missing lately (knocking on my head....I mean knocking on wood!)...I think they track them better now. But yeah, flights, esp in winter months can be delayed, so you were smart to plan things like you did.

    OK, I got up early to wash my hair and get to the airport on time as my parents arrive back this morning. They are in Atlanta right now, waiting for their short flight here. Dorkie is flying to Myrtle Beach this ayem, with her dad, to try to help with his house there. They had a sale that fell through, so am praying a good buyer will come along and they will be able to sell his house soon, even though it is very sad for him. He is up in NJ permanently, so it will be good to have that taken care of. ALSO, our Red has said to tell everyone hello!

    Ok, hi to all....have a good day....hugssssssssssssssssssssss,


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2013

    Cyn, he really is a great doctor. He is in Scottsdale. I stopped going to Tulsa as it was too much trouble, and not really necessary after I was done with treatment, and they wouldn't take me at the new hospital in Goodyear. So I actually asked my husbands rheumitoid doctor if he could recommend someone, and it was Dr. Buresh. He also made the cover of Phoenix magazine. Did you find your Tex/Mex Chili recipe? D is coming to visit you, right? For Christmas. Ok, that is affirmative! For how long? Is her DD coming too? Ok, I'm not gonna count the current day or day of leaving. I prolly don't need to count the day before leaving either, as that is when we go see Dolly.

    My doc!


    Julie, I am sorry for any pain, but glad it is not your heart. I hope you can get everything bixed up.

    Fur.....LOL, did you buy the book? Don't feel bad about the cards, I didn't send any last year, but only cuz we were busy with other things. And I only sent out about half this year. I'm bad.

    Lara, so glad you did not fall in shower. And a monkey you are not! Which drug is that, that you are going off? I see, the Topomax. Not sure which is worse, pain or being in a stupor. Certainly there is someone that can help you, doesn't seem right that you have to live in pain. Search the boards for gals in the same area, that have good things to say about their surgeons.

    Kathy, I didn't realize your tenant was that age. I wonder if someone is egging her on? You are another one, no need to be worrying about Xmas cards, you have WAY too much going on. How is Molly doing? Glad your parents will be home, I'll bet that has been a worry for you too, and I hope your dad doesn't get grumpy about having to come back. I sure don't know how they do those long flights, I guess you just get used to it, eh?

    NM, I'm hoping my onc pulls through for me, time is running out. January starts all over with out of pocket, so I'm really hoping he can pull this off for me. Pisses me off as we have given them SO MUCH MONEY over the last five years. You naughty goil, twying to peek trew da fingers...LOL. I can say next month too, and 42 days!

    Dort, I sure hope you are up for that traveling. Sorry that the deal fell through on your dads house.

    I guess everyone is biddy during the holiday season, at least I hope that is why it's so quiet in here.


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited December 2013

    Goldie thank u

    Omg kat lets go cursing with cyn we would have a blast

    Well u see the zipped up mission is what happens with 4 kids I knew something was up I wanted to go they knew that so now I'm mad I'm sounding like a brat I know but god I deserve 5 days in Puerto Rico wtf

    NM I need to b careful I know it's very hard I read horror stories about topomax I actually was have three severe symptoms

    I slept for half hour I'm drinking wine but I did fogurexthis out the topomax takes your short term memory away I forgot to take my klopin for panic for 2 days that and cutting down the topomax that's why I slept 2 hours last night my eyes are black right now I have oinionnoir very light hopefully ill sleep soon

    Love u all

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited December 2013

    wtf pino noir

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited December 2013

    beware of hush missions lol from parents!

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013

    can you all get a cruise to Ireland

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013

    ok, now pay attention cos I'm on wine o'clock.

    Aodhan _ Aiden

    Coinneach - Kenny

    Carrick - Craig

    Cathal - Charles

    Conchobhar - Connor

    Daithi - David

    Deaglan - Declan

    Eoghan - Owen

    Niall - Neil

    Padraigh _ Patrick

    Proinssias - Francis (WTF)

    Tadhg - Timothy

    Turloug - Timothy

    Aoife - Eefer

    Sabh - Sav

    Aibhlinn - Evelynn

    Caireann _ Karen

    Caoimhe - Keeva

    Cliona - Kleena

    Dainhim _ Davina

    Dearbhail - Dervla

    Eibhleann _ Eileen

    Eithne - Enya

    Maebh - Meave

    Niamh - Neave

    Bernadette - Bernadette. It's normal it's French

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Oh Lara, u'r in a pickle--mybe they thought since u don't feel well they didn't want to overdo for u and they thought it was best u didn't know. It could be that simple. U'r meds are very confusing to me but I know NM and Julie understands them--they sound like very hard drugs to take tho--listen to the girls they know. I am sorry tho that this is dragging on and on for u, it would be nice to just start to feel better.

    Lori u really got a good Dr. Tht so good to have that. I didn't realize how important PS's are to all of this I thought it was pretty routine before. Wow---I hope u'r doing well I like to see u'r posts in the morning.

    Julie Glad u'r pain isn't u'r heart, that is always scary. Well to me.

    NM good for Sadie and the count

    BBLdown is really going and u r so organized.

    Fur--I like that book

    Kat I bet her kids or grandkids started all of this and she went along for the ride with trying to do this to u. NM is sharp get u'r own testing done don't count on hers at all. And prayers still coming u'r way.

    I didn't know Dork was going--Oh I hope she's up for that, she should know, but....

    I started this over an hr. ago, My phone has been ringing like crazy, Bad electrical problems around here maybe cuz of snow and cold. ???

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013

    imagethat stinks lara, hope its like cammi said they want you to rest

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited December 2013

    Hi Ladies,

    Nothing is more frustrating than a lost post..especially a LONG lost post...pisses me off.

    Soooo here we go again...DS asked me today if I wanted the TV now or at Christmas so

    it will be more Christmasy...asked him if he was trying to buy time..he said no that he

    could buy it my response was I would like it Tuesday so my Christmasy

    Christmas specials can be viewed on something larger than a bread box.

    Bernie...seriously cannot pronounce anything on that list but Bernadette. Maybe I'll try again

    later after a few Nattys.

    Wahine, forgot your folks had been in HI...home just in time for the holidays..nice..How are they

    reacting to all thats going on with your DD etc? Once you know whats going on let me know..a cruise

    sounds like a lot of Lara?

    Lorilou..I have no recipe yet..tho I still have to check the Contessa. Snottsdale is a ways to drive for you

    how often do you see him now? Cool that he was featured in that mag.

    Fur...what book are you reading/read? What did I miss? are so many things planned for the single traveler.

    Lara..the SE's you have are horrible..may be a stupid question but cant they give you something else?

    I remember when Rosie did that cruise...whats going on with her wife? Am I understanding right , that

    your parents went on a vaca and didnt tell you? "stealth mode" vaca.

    Cammi ..I think I spell your name different every time...have I said that before? Whoahhh De'ja vous

    Is your phone ringing off the hook for work? Do you get paid by call? Thats a nosey dont have

    to answer that.

    So back here least tonight I am coach which is off the phone..well, for 4 hours out of 8 so Im

    ok with that.

    Latah girls..and if anyone sees the gremlin that stole my other post..grab em and hold him for me..he's mine!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    LOL Julie, esp at the toilet paper guy!!!! When are you going to find out about the endo, etc? We need to be sure to be there! My DD2 had endo soooooo bad, had the $500 lupron shots (6 of them, so it was $3k, and my DH had passed, so we were on Cobra) when she was about 16 and away at Math and Science School. So I had to overnight the filled syringes, kept cold with dry ice, to the nurse at her school. Was told she prolly couldn't have kids, and she had 2 surgeries while a teen. But she had 3 kids, stepping stones. Endo kept causing pain, so in her early 30's she had hysterectomy. I sure hope they can find the problem, and fix it for you, with as little pain as possible. (((Julie)))

    Well, my parents are home....yup....had a hard day and was having happy hour, but then got a call from HIS cell phone (which he rarely uses) to my cell phone...missed it, and went to voice mail, all I heard was a grunt. So I called him 2x on his cell, as well as 2x on their home answer. Chit. Got dressed, drove over there.....they are having dinner, oblivious to any problems! LOL. But there is a prob with their provider, as he can't get on email, tv is out, and phone will NOT ring. So my DH will take care of that tomorrow, plus he will run errands with them and take them both to eat. Well, unless my mom would rather run errands with me. Now comes the scary times...I always worry so much about them when they are here, any missed phone call brings panic. BUT tonight my DH and I are going out to FINALLY celebrate his birthday which was last week.

    Have not heard from Dorkie yet, hoping she and her dad got to SC safely.

    Lara, have you gotten any referrals to good doctors there? Got to find a GREAT deserve to have no pain!

    Ok, all other posts are on prev page, so that means I can't see them. Cami, you are really doing well at that job! And I wish your DD and SIL were here to decorate outside for me...I have SO much neat stuff, but just no time to get it out.

    Alyson, are you doing ok? And Chrissy? Where is our Karen??? Sending out an APB for Karen....hope all is well.

    Oh I made the BEST chocolate truffles today....super EZ peasy recipe....and they are sooooo good!



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    OOPS I bumped ya Cyn....didn't mean to, but this bartender caught am hoping you are not upset!!!!


  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited December 2013

    Hi all, Kat said I should pop in and say hi all by myself. Having trouble with my happy right now. Like I said to Kat, I reread my last two posts and not only were they all about me but they were depressing too. So I thought I should just wait for my usual good humour to reassert itself.

    Julie, I have a friend at work, my son by another mother, that I have been forwarding some of your gents to. He says he waits daily for my post, so see, those posts please both sexes. Lol

    Bernie, I would so cruise to Ireland! I don't know you well, but you seem to have a good sense of humour, which is tres important. (more french, eh?)

    We are actually taking 3 trips this year coming. Cuba or Mexico in Feb, Italy in June and Scotland in Sept. I am so done saving for retirement. I have things I want to do, places I want to see and people I've yet to meet, so....

    Lara and Kat my prayers are still with you both daily. And Kat I agree with the others, your tenant was put up to this by her kids or gkids. She's probably actually paranoid by now that she has this horrible thing happening. I know my mom, who is 76, gets scared of stuff. Paid a guy $100 to find out if she has bed bugs during the height of that scare. Maybe not your case, but if they got her scared they should be ashamed of themselves. 

    Anyway, I find out on Thursday what is happening. It's been a long wait. My DD finds out why she was referred to a surgeon on Jan 15. An even longer wait. In more than one way. 2 of my DD's have genetic testing on Jan 8. So again, we wait.

    My best Hugs'n'kisses to everyone. Have a great evening.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013

    hugs and prayers for all those waiting for news

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


    here you go red! cyn I see kat has taken good care of you

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Oh everyone's waiting for Dr. news, this is not happy time.  It's good to know things and go from there or of course even better all good news which is the best. And we all wnt to hear that.

    Kat it seemed like u'r parents were gone so long, now it's all back to normal for them. How are they doing--especially in this weather? I know this does keep u and u'r DH busier, he's such a winner and don't worry about u'r decorations, it's fine whatever u do.

    Dork hasn't written anyone right? I hope all is safe and good for her and her dad.

    Cyn I never mind telling anything u guys ask me----I get paid by the week, so it doesn't make any difference, but some days there really isn't anything like Thurst day for some reason, maybe everyone is getting ready for Fried-day--I don't know. Monday is usually the busiest day but that's about it, the calls just are random. But If I was there boss I'd have them working a lot harder hahaha. But this keeps me with  most of my meds and sundries. haha haven't used that word in a while. So it helps.

    Lara I'm watching Black Christmas, I think I'm going to change it--it's even to stupid for me. And U know I watch cheesy films.

    OK and Red BTW write anything u want about u'rself, if I reread my posts, I wouldn't have a post on here. I realize that while I'm writing it.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    Cami, yeah so many of us waiting on news from the drs! How are you feeling? Still on the antib's, right? Yeah, my parents were gone for 7 weeks! With all that has been happening I hadn't had time to miss my mom this time. She seemed even more forgetful today, but I think being here in their big house will help, as they were in a studio apt on the beach for 7 place to get away from each other! lol

    Red, so glad you came back into the lounge! Now, don't hog all the Tattie Tenders!!!! Just kidding, we have many Tenders and Wenches for everyone. I am dreading Thursday too....thats when my DD sees the drs and finds out what tx they advise. I have to get to her house sooooo early that day, and I am NOT a morning person! And like Cami said, if we reread our posts too, so many of them would be just show up, and if you need to vent, then vent, and if you feel like being silly, well go right ahead. And if you feel like you need some pampering, just take a Tender and go in the back room, and have FUN!!! ;)

    Lori, have you heard anything from your bone density? Hope it is all good.

    We have so many MIA gals....Beckers and Allison and Karen haven't been here for a LONG time. I'm getting very overwhelmed about all I have to do before my DD2 and family arrive on Saturday....can I just run off and hide somewhere????

    Wouldn't that be fun if we all took a cruise to Ireland and got to be with Bernie! I don't know of any that go there though, unless part of a cruise to England, etc., and then would prolly just be there for a day and thats not long enough! But yeah Red, you would love Bernie! Two of us have been lucky to get to meet her in person, and the 2nd time I went there, we even spent a night in her cottage! Awesome!

    Love all the prayers from everyone! Praying for all of you too. I know I may be debbie downer when Thursday arrives, so I am trying to post as much as possible before then.



  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited December 2013 a Debbie downer??? You know you can heed your own advice and vent if you want. Im sure your mom is just adjusting to being back like you said. I wish they didnt give you scares like they do tho...You and your DH are a blessing to them to be so close..thats one of the reasons I dont feel I can move to Texas right parents count on me being here and my gram.

    Good luck everyone with your results.

    I did finally go get that mammo done , last came back fine..they only did one..I thought I was due for both of them but guess not.

    Cammie..that sounds like a good job to have ....keep you on your toes.

    Red, I visited with Bbbernie also this past summer. Next time I'm planning on staying longer. She is the best hostess and her DH too. Looks like your traveling quite a bit this year Wahine..she always has something in the works.

    20 mins left of tonights shift...AMEN, BARMEN and WOMEN

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    WHAT???? Cyn, they just did ONE boob? Mese is berrily funcused about dat. OR did I just read it wrong? WooHoo you get off soon.....yipppee yi yo ki yay.......and then "your" weekend? Or does that start tomorrow night? You are right, both Bernie and her DH are the bestest host and hostess!!!! Yeah, I'll be a debbie downer by the end of the week if not sooner....

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013

    image unselectable="on">

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013


    my cooking