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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Hi Everyone---Oh I don't know how u keep all the tests u have and wht u do in u'r head. I get a test they give me instructions and I totally forget for the next time--all I remember is usually being in a big tube and told not to move and that's enough for me to know or remember.

    Well Lori someone is having nice weather--ahem--I'm relieved u heard from Dork and happy things are going as well as can be. I hope she's up for all this. I kind of skimmed a little since I had  couple of bouts with my D earlier I hope it's done for the day--I always get so tired after. and not to busy today --just a little so I'm glad. So much for this Dr. figuring anything out--tests for nothing.

    Oh Molly poor baby, but it seems so long for her to have all this. Kat I hope u'r doing all right this is a difficult time, I know.

    More phone stuff


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited December 2013


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    That's the way/

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    LMFAO!!!!!!! Winking

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    Oh My!!!! Talk about a gushing "guy-sir"!!! Singing

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2013

    Greetings from Myrtle Beach SC! I have not been able to get internet except for going outside so updating from my phone. I've had a real nice time and got a lot done. My Dad has been in pretty good spirits.  I miss de hail out of all of you. And I am still praying for Kat's DD as well as Red's DD. Will try to catch u tomorrow. I love you all, you are all collectively in my daily prayers. Dwink up now! CheeRs!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    Safe travels home, Dorothy!!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Keep safe Dork.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    My gawd, I heard my daughter swear today....she actually said damn! I have never in my life heard her say a swear word and she is 38!! Poor dear broke down as she didn't feel like doing Christmas, for the first time ever. I know the feeling. But I assured her she does NOT need to get any presents, we just want her to be ok. Tomorrow will be so stressful. She can't eat yet, so was also worried about her grandparents having to see how she has to eat, etc. Really breaks my heart. Thank you so much for the support from ALL of you. Means the world to me.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013

    Babes, drove to Dublin (80 miles) In a very scary gale to pick up Dh - home from work for 5 weeks.  Only seen him for 10 days over the last 3 months, so please excuse me if I go MIA. Last night was a full moon - and you all know the effect that has on me.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    Glad you made it home safely, Bernie!! No probs about being MIA, you will be having fun, fun, fun, with your reunion with your DH! Tell him hello from me, ok? He's a keeper! Shall we all go outside tonight with a large empty, open purse, for Junie??? I forgot what we are supposed to say, though......

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Kat prying like mad for the results tomorrow, u'r poor DD all this and stress too---I feel so bad for all of u. prayers going u'r way.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited December 2013

    Had to drop in for a minute to tell Kat I'm praying!!  And to LOL at your 'guy-sir'. 

    Julie - I had to do a double-back scroll on that one...LMAO!!

    DorKy - glad you checked travels home.

    BBBenie - If I don't see ur bootiful face for more than a week...have a very Merry Christmas, so glad your dh home.

    Aly - Praying for you and DD too.  Sucks to have to wait so long for test results.

    Lowee - forgot what I was gonna say....cept JeanBean is taking Femera not dat other thing I sed.  I a hot mess I tail ya, having way tooo many 'craft' moments.

    Cami, Lara, NM, MUAH!!

    And where has Beckers, Mrs. Vino, Karen, and ChrissyB been??  Who else???  Oh well, lubslubslubs & tons of prayers and positive energy a flowing to all in need!  G'nite all!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited December 2013

    Hi all just quick note to say it's seven years today I was diagnosed. Not bad considering BS and once didn't think I would make two years. So here I am and intend being around for a very long time. I made scan appoint for later in January - my choice.

    Kat big hugs.

    I have baked today - fruit mince pie, Belgium biscuits and shortbread. We are crazy to do this in summer.

    Tonight I will certainly be having a drink.



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


    lori the only reason i know the prep for the tests is that i got the e access thing and on the appointment page  ,it gives you your tests  and any prep!found out i got a uti so more antibiotics which will last over christmasBawling

    was planning on going to disney today but  will have to postpone, anyway have a good day lladies

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013

    ok ,thought i would get up and do some work!

    bernieHappy have fun


    dorty-safe travels

    cammi-hows the working girl? hope joey is feeling better today

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2013

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!How is everyone this
    Thirstyday morning?

    Cammy--yup, getting
    more excited and more frantic, still got to get Sadie's kenneling set up!

    gota system of plug in thingys in my
    car and adapters for the work lap top, the cell phone, the GPS, an iPod, and
    one that doesn't seem to fit anything!My big concern isn't having a phone if I get stuck, it's getting stuck
    where there is no cell coverage!Good
    idea to wait in FL for you, stay away from the cold stuff in ME, except I might
    need to scoot home long enough to visit Sadie.Maybe I can stay in the kennel with her. . . .

    Ambon--According to the Webtender:

    "Pisang Ambon is an emerald green, exotic
    specialty. It is based on the recipe of an old Indonesian liqueur. The secret
    of Pisang Ambon lies in the juices of many tropical fruits and herbs from the
    Emerald Belt (South-East Asian islands).

    Pisang Ambon is used in long drinks and cocktails,
    but is also very well suited to pastries and desserts.

    Note that when this was written, in June 2000, Pisang
    Ambon were no longer available in the United States. "

    from <>

    Julie--LOL!!!Poor Santa!


    Wahine--Poor Molly,
    she's trying so hard to be a good puppy!It's just in a pups nature to want to play.Thanks for the update on DorKable.That is a great card, thanks for sharing!
    I've seen Northern lights from here were I live, a few times, once is was just
    a red wash on the sky, other times it's been flickering arcs of white, looked
    like clouds.How romantic a proposal
    that must have been!

    Aly--that's planning

    you're having a good time, and getting things done, and have some time with
    your Dad.Keep up with the drinking!


    BBBBernie--aarrrrrrooooooohhhhh!Enjoy your time with DH!

    Mema--We've upgraded
    the bar in the inflatable chapel and added a small buffet so we can spend more
    time attending to all the prayers that need saying.

    Aly--Congrats on 7

    Juliet--yuck on the
    UTI.Yuck on antibiotics.I wonder how many people aren't computer
    savvy and show up for tests without having done the proper prepping?

    Cookie Sugarplum's
    DOTD is the Northern Lights

    1 oz Vodka

    2 oz Raspberry

    3 oz Pineapple Juice


    Pour the Absolut
    vodka, raspberry liqueur and orange-pineapple juice into a highball glass
    filled with ice cubes. Stir well, and serve.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Good Morning

    NM Yummy on the DOTD --sounds like a good one to me.

    Julie more Aunti-B's she really hangs on u doesn't she--feel better Julie.<3

    Aly I forget it's hot there and u'r baking--I would feel strange with a warm Christmas, but that's just me

    Goldie kind of warmish where u are too, u'r in my prayers Lori.

    Kat and DD also so in my prayers

    Yea Karen, Becs etc where are they? Gotta stick their head in sometimes to let us know.

    I have to charge my phone and get ready for my day--OMG believe me I'm having some trouble with this simple job--I feel pretty useless sometimes. Well we'll see.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2013

    Cami, sometimes mese feeble brain remembers things and sometimes not....usually NOT! So, all of your tests and the docs see nothing wrong? Don't ya love it! Hoping things will be a bit quiet for you on the phone, as the holidays get closer. Kat was the one that talked to Dork, not me. But we are always glad to hear reports of another breastie, no matter who reports it. Hoping for no D today. How is Joey?

    Who dat by da fountain Kat? Your poor sweet daughter, she has to be so scared and then to be so concerned about how she eats in front of her grand parents. How does she have to do it? I think it is about 7 am there, well at least as I write this. Praying and thinking of her today. Please let us know how it goes.

    Glad to hear from you Dofey and I hope you are having nice weather too.

    LOL, we understand Bernie. ENJOY dahling!

    Open purses to the moon Kat "Fill er up".

    Suz, you jes HOT, not a hot mess.

    Hooray Alyson for 7 years and MANY MANY MORE! Cheers!

    Julie, glad they caught the UTI, my DD called me yesterday in tears, she has one of those and I think kidney infection. She left it go, trying to get rid of naturally.......didn't work. Well, you will have to see if you can drink with your Aunti B's.

    NM, of course you will want to get home and see Sadie. I hear ya on being stuck somewhere with no coverage. Pwoud Mary can vouch for me on dat, bein out in de boonies. Sounds like that Pisang Ambon might be pretty yummy, eh?


    Really loving that DOTD, Northern Lights.

    Hope your day is an easy one Cami, and I'm doing just fine. Didn't get around to calling mese doc yesterday, to check to see if insurance will cover my tests, so need to do that today.


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    Just a quickie as I have to get showered and get to my DD's house. NM, nice DOTD choice! Yes, when he proposed it was in the dome car on the train to Denali, when the mountain had "come out" which doesn't always happen. So there were a lot of people around, he knew I couldn't say no in front of everyone! lol. They gave us champagne, and the conductor gave us a signed pic of the mountain. My late DH also proposed to me on a train, but it was a retired train car that was an elegant restaurant.

    Lori, Hate that your DD is in such pain. Yikes....hope the kidney stone passes easily too.

    And Julie, omg you have had a lot to deal with lately, too. And no drinking over Christmas....can you look up your antib? My last one didn't say not to drink, it was Suprax or sumtin like data.(But my dr said not to drink, and after the fact, I looked up the other 3 meds and was not supposed to drink with them....oops).

    Alyson, I grew up in HI, so it was warm for Christmas fireplaces as we didn't have cold weather, so I always wanted to make sure Santa could get in the door! But once I moved to the mainland and experienced fall, and a cold Christmas, it just wasn't the same when I moved back to HI. I missed all the seasons too, so I prefer to live on the mainland. Your baking sounds yummy though.

    OK, off I go....might not get to write for awhile...thanks for all the prayers and hugs,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Kat we're right with u and pray for the best results.

    I want to drink this Christmas and I think I'll be done with my Aunti-B's by then I just have a few more days, Lori the Drs. find things but nothing that they are looking for, new things UGH--and u'r poor DD Kidney infection is painful I hope it clears up fast, sometimes u do need meds for certain things and that's one of them. Poor baby, it really hurts. U know we're all saying we'll wait to see our Drs. after the holidays and it's only a couple of weeks. I can't believe this so fast.

    Joey is fine of course, but don't kids just spread things and they kick it in not time. Oh my GF sent me a faux fur throw--beautiful, well I never saw it last nite--everyone wants it. It's so warm the underside is faux suede so it's warm. My cat isn't sure about it tho.hahaha

    OK catch up later

    Lubs to everyone and prayers too.

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited December 2013

    Okay, so I am heading to the chapel, I need to say some prayers for Kat and her DD, for Lori and her DD, and for my own DD's. {{{{{Kat & Lori}}}}}

    And now I need a drink and some food from the buffet (o look who's tending - the guy-sir) and get back down on my knees and thank God, and every other deity I can think of. Hello Gaia!

    They removed 1.3 cm. Clear margins to 6mm. 0 of 7 lymphs. ER+. Still very swollen and painful but he said that's because the position allowed him to do it all with one long incision. Meant he had to dig around the nerves for the lymphs. Rad doc on new years eve, oncologist on Jan 7. 

    My DH nearly cried. You know the cry with a big smile? I was stunned waiting for the other shoe to drop. It took about an hour for me to go Yippee!

    I pray everyone else who is waiting for results gets the same positive result.

    Talk to you later. I have some phone calls to make. :-)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Red relief for u and DH and u' family.

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited December 2013


    Red - Big Congratulations, so happy for you, way to go go!!

    Still praying for Kath and her DD and Goldie and her DD and ebberybuddy. I've been checkin for news and praying so hard.

    GoldieBug - tank 4 de kewl dwink Pisang Ambong.

    And Cookie Sugarplum - love the Northern Lights, very yummy!

    Allyson - Congrats to you too on 7 years.

    SueBHoney - You R def a hottie, sawwy bout de crafts.


    Hope Dorkie is having a good twip.

    Hi to ebberybuddy!



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Praying and waiting.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    Red, I am so glad for the good news! Hope the rads dr and onco will not have too much to do. So glad for the clear margins!!! 

    Lori, I hope your DD is doing better and that the pain is subsiding. Sounds very painful.

    I hope you got home safely, Dorothy!

    Gotta go, don't feel much like writing, but you all were so sweet with all your prayers, I wanted to let you know. (edit: I had to delete what I had written, couldn't stand to see this info on here....just didn't have good news.)

    Can I have a BIG drink, I mean like a big drink that I need a ladder to get to the top of?????


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Kat swim In the drink---I don't know what to say, it is hard to digest all of this--All I can do is continue to pray for her and all that will be done will heal her. I'm so sorry for u'r family to have all this going on.