how about drinking?



  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited January 2014

    Peeking in on you to say I loves ya big time!!!!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited January 2014

    Evening all, well late afternoon here.

    Just had ncie little drive round waterfront, stopped for an icecream, sat and watched the sea. Now we need a drink.

    Waiting to hear how DB is- he had heart attack Saturday night. I am worried about him because he has had heart troubles since he was 28 when he got endocarditis from an infected scratch.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    BECKS I'm glad u pooped in. Hope things are going well with u. we all miss u.

    Bernie how are u doing with u'r "company" I hope u stocked up really good. and yes a girl, well or a boy either is fine.

    My SIL is so funny--he looking out the window watching the Vortex coming right at us, showing Joey--WTF u can see it-I didn't bother what difference does it make--it's really cold.

    Leave it to u Kat about my app'tment but really if it's so horrible I'm not going out it's just a check up --my 3 month--haha now 4 month exam.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2014

    Good morning
    Loungettes! Another Monday, some schools closed because of frozen/burst pipes,
    more snow expected, in other words a typical January morning in Maine.

    Julie and
    CynCyn--hopeyou had a great visit!

    BBBBernie--ah the
    joys of waiting on a bundle of joy's arrival!

    Wahine--I did see an
    ad for Captain Phillips yesterday , looks interesting.I'm not much interested in award shows, glad
    you like them.

    Oh my goodness, I am
    seeing a report of a fire in a retirement home in Canada, with many deaths and
    lots of still missing people.How

    Wahine--great ghost

    Cammy--lubs you too!

    Mema--The workload
    for the care center did jump up a bit over the weekend, but there's almost
    always someone willing to help out and that makes it workable.Dysfunctional Family movie, hmmm?Sounds interesting.I've thought for a long time that a
    "normal" family was just a TV thing!

    Chrissy--it was a
    great trip, even if I am glad to be home with Sadie!Glad you had a good Aussie Day!

    DorKable--Your Dad
    is sure persistent, isn't he?Is SC
    where they were before you moved your Mom closer to you and the rest of the
    family?Hope the exBF smartens up and
    stays away.Been thinking of you.

    Chevy--so hard to
    see a pet not at his/her best.Here's
    praying the next vet visit fixes the problem!

    Julie---Great pics, so glad you two got to meet up!Yeah, exercise classes/structure can be a
    good thing, sometimes I could use that too.

    DorKable--way cool
    that you were talking to someone who knows where Etna is, most people in Maine
    don't know!And Sadie seems happy to
    have me to play with her, too.Not that
    I like playing with her or anything. . .

    ORLA--it's actually
    a bit warmer, it has to warm up to snow around here.Tonight it is supposed to go back down to the
    single digits again.Sometimes wish I
    could just stay inside, but I gots ta work, like the $$$.

    Red RH---Wow, what a
    to-do over an expired passport!And
    thank God for friends, neighbors and dentists willing to help out!Glad you got some party time in, even if your
    head is still aching! And I did relax on Sunday.Total couch potato day.

    Dinosaur?What dinosaur?

    Aly--I would be
    worried about DB, too, with that history.Adding him to the prayer list.

    Alien Count Update:

    Boy:NativeMainer, Camillegal

    Girl:RedReading,BernieEllen's Aunt, Bernie Ellen,Juliet62, Camillegal,

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Green Dinosaur

    2 oz Midori Melon

    2 oz Vodka

    2 oz Triple Sec

    2 oz Gin

    2 oz Rum

    2 oz 7 Up

    2 oz Sweet and Sour


    Combine all
    ingredients and stir. Serve in a highball glass over ice.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Good Morning

    Whoa NM what a drink--I think it's needed around here to warm up bodies. All the schools in Chicago and the suburbs area (me) are all closed maybe tomorrow too--it's way to cold to really leave u'r house but people are of course, but some businesses are closed too--it's brutal out there.== NM u'r getting more snow? I don't know what's worse anymorewe33333333323wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

    wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwhgbbb this was from my Katie-Kat-she does this when she wants attention or a treat.

    I did my usual slept on and off last nite so again I'll have a effed up day and be miserable, but Joey's home so that's better.

    Lori's leaving today, right? Safe travels Lori--u'll be so happy.

    Red did u find out what u'r MO wanted or do u find out today--tell us OK?

    I have to get my meds ready for the day--see how I keep myself busy? I wonder how my work calls will be?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2014

    Bernie, what can I say, other than I hope you have wine! But on a serious note, I hope all goes well with the visit. Is she staying with you or with Sinead?

    Kathy, so sorry the depression is setting in with your DD, I hope she find a way to get in a more positive mode. Wow, pain already? That didn't take long. Always thinking of her, as well as praying. Can you go to a place that sells excercise equipment to try things out and see what you might like?

    Sue/Cyn, what is it you are trying to touch the ground with???? Some kind of Yoga position I gather.

    Sue, we are going to see Dolly Parton, and yes the chicken shoes are for ChevyBoy, aka ED or Elizabeth Dahling as she likes!

    Chrissy, a BBQ in the park on the creek sounds simply wonderful. Did you partake?

    Dort, so glad you checked in, and I wish we had a real HTL for you to come to. So sorry for everything that is going on. I'm hoping to hear more as I read. Glad your dad was not able to escape.

    Oh I love the picture of Cyn and Julie, and Julie and Reese. SOOOO CUTE! So glad you guys finally made it happen, and I hope you can do it lots more times! I will PM both of you with my schedule, but I know Julie said she was suppose to work. And I am so with you on exercising being more like a chore.

    Good golly ED, is that all it took to get you back in here, a pair of chicken shoes??? Glad it made you smile, but I'm so sorry about your furbaby. How old is she?

    Lara, can you go on disability for now, then go to work when you are ready?

    Red, a vacation never to be forgotten! So glad your DH finally made it and you had such a good time. You will get the hang of everyone and our lives, just give it time. Joey is Cami's grandson, and he is such a little gentleman, you won't believe it. But I'm sure someone else will come along and tell you, before you get to my post.

    I see you Becks!

    Alyson, sending prayers your way for your DB.

    Cami, are you able to get out for your appointment? I know my family in MI has gotten slammed with the snow and cold. We leave here tomorrow, and I fly out Wednesday morning.

    NM, tanks for the Green Dinosaur. I heard about that nursing home incident, just tragic!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2014

    MonKey Morning DahhhLinKs!

    Now here is da any of you believe I would forget a promise to my gd Maddy?  Well guess what, I did...uuuuggghhhh, jes rip my heart out noooowww!!  I have tx tomorrow and told her I wud come get her and take her to 'mema/papa's house' for a few days.  I didn't put anything in my phone calendar which has been my LIFESAVER.  My desktop calendar is full of appointments W/T/F which I will have to cancel all but one.  I was on those toopid drugs for my back 3 weeks ago when I saw her. Am glad I am done with all that!  Anyway, when I got the call yesterday to confirm I jes said 'of course I'm coming to get you!'  If you all remember she was soo sick the week after xmas and cudn't come with AM and Sommer, so I guess I told her I'd b back in 3 weeks.  Catastrophy averted!  Amazing what I can do with a clear head...sheesh!!  She is really excited about this visit and that she won't have to share us with the other 2 kids.  So today I have to get both mine and my DS budgets finished and the corp W2's/3's submitted on-line...ugghh.

    Red - yes I am totally better.  It sounds like you and DH, even after all the passport and money outlay, had a really wonderful time.  I had to LOL about the archery lessons, mental picture, cud see why u say 'mastectomy' LOL.  I confess, I too had to look and look to find the dino in the pic Julie posted. 

    Kat - glad you found a couple you are interested in and even more so that they have 'cushioned' treads.  I wud love to b able to 'fold' up this thing, it is 2'x6.5', and does take up the room.

    Beckers - peek-a-boo too!!  How're things going??

    Cami - I'll soon have little arms hugging me too.  She doesn't kno I'm sick, so I won't get as much attention, but I'll take what I can get.  OK, so jes 3 month 4 is right by the time ur weather clears....stay warm dahhlinK!

    Bernie - I am going with a boy, jes cuz.

    Lowee - I love Dolly, even tho I'm not C&W, she makes everything sound good to my ears.  And yes, YOGA, some positions require you to toucimageh the ground...not there yet...LOL.  They allow blocks like this. 

    damn jumping screen  brb

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2014

    Aly - sending prayers for your DB too. 

    NM - thanks for keeping count on da alien.  Now boys - 3 .   DOTD sounds delish but wud def get me hammered in no time, not that I mind...

    Kat - still saying prayers for DD1.  Is DD2 feeling any better, any plans for her to come soon?

    Dory - still praying for you and yours...update when you can...(((D)))

    Lowee - have a wunnerful time and check in whenever u can.  I don't wanna worry about u K?


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    WHEW, glad you saved the day, and will get to have your Maddy for a few days!!!!! Sue, if we had decided on elliptical, I found this one that takes up a lot less space, at sears online it was around $850 or so. BUT obviously since yours works well, might as well keep it and not replace it till you need to. But thought this was neat, since it was not as long.

    NordicTrack A.C.T. Elliptical at

    SO glad to see Beckers pop in!

    Aly, sure hope your DB is doing better, So scary.

    My DH hasn't been feeling good (some scary symptoms), so he was able to get an appt today (well they will fit him in), had to coordinate it in case my DD1 needs me to take g'son to class, or take her to tx. Is this why I have a stinkin headache??? Thanks for asking about DD2 Sue, ya know what, I have not called her yet to see how she is doing. Sheesh, things get so hectic I can't believe I didn't do that yet. Thanks for the reminder!!!

    Cami, glad you can stay in, but hope you rescheduled that appt! I know you will have some nice Joey cuddles today...stay warm!

    NM, LOL at thr Green DInosaur drink! I am updating the boy-girl guesses, as you accidentally had Cami twice, and forgot my name, so I am hoping it was Cami also, that said Boy. I don't know, but I didn't go back and look at the prev votes!

    Boy:NativeMainer, Camillegal

    Girl:RedReading,BernieEllen's Aunt, Bernie Ellen,Juliet62, Wahine

    Lori, Getting so fercited for your trip!!!! WooHoo!!!! Hope the weather is gawgeous for you, too!

    EVERYONE, hope you are all having a good day. Dorkie, hope things will settle down for you and your family, SOON. So many hard times for everyone right now, in one way or another.



  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited January 2014

    I say girl too

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    The Alien predictions:

    Boy: (2), NM, Cami

    Girl:  (6), Cyndie, Kathy, Red, Bernie, Bernie's Aunt, Julie

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited January 2014

    I say BOY

    Today I went to the gym way over did it Scaredbut thats me

    It was very calm out then it got dark then it started snowing this weather is so bizarre

    Yes goldie I should do that

    Kat thats a good tread mill its your thunder bolt idk on my crazy pills

    NM freezing pipes not good

    Hi memaaa you bumped my head ooch

    Cam u had a bad night I hate that Bawling I rented two scary movies I even like the cheesey ones but these were bad

    Juliet mmmm nice pics

    Yes Bernie I hope u r fully stocked with boozeIll poop in latah

    (fart) scuzze

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    Be careful Lara...I know, I know, its too late to say that now...but hope your body feels better soon.

    The Alien predictions:

    Boy: (3), NM, Cami, Lara

    Girl: (6), Cyndie, Kathy, Red, Bernie, Bernie's Aunt, Julie

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited January 2014

    uck it. I have pleurisiy

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited January 2014

    apparently wine is not the not the best cure - bah humbug

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    OH NO Bernie, I had to look that up. Do they know what caused it (I noticed there could be several causes)??? Hope you get well quickly and have something to take to help you feel better. Yikes. Praying for you, and that it was caught early. Gentle hugs, dear Bernie, {{{Bernie}}}. What a time for your DH to be away, and I hope the "devil sis" will actually be of help to you and not cause you more stress.

    edit: Just saw your last wine??? That will cause you stress, I am sure. uck it, is right!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    OK, not many of you will prolly be interested in this, but since I was talking about treadmills, etc, I just learned something. We have our tv mounted on the wall corner, in front of our treadmill, which was a pain to install in the corner, believe me (I had to do it, and had to get a swiveling bracket). BUT they make small tvs on tall stands that can go right in front of your exercize machine....and they are not expensive! And can be portable to move when you move your machine. Like I said,might not be many of you using machines (just me and Sue?), but might help someone else too. ANyway, here is a link to one of them....

    Now we can shed some tears cuz Bernie can't drink till she is well, and I can't drink this week. More tears though for Bernie, since she is so sick.

    Any good news on your brother, Aly?? Hope so!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited January 2014

    oh yes kat those are what they have at the gym

    Bernie I need to look it up feel better

    No wine

    I'm eating everything today 


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    LOL Lara, shows how long its been since I've been to the gym!!!! (eat something for me puleez, I'm hungry)

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited January 2014

    Morning all.

    No word on DB as yet, still early in the Land of Aus. He is having lots of tests today and tomorrow. They want to see how much damage has been done.  If tings are not so good with him I will go and see him, DDH said yesterday I should go sometime. Will wait until DB is home.

    Bernie sending big hugs, pleurisy is the pits. Take care and keep warm. Just a  warning we are headed to Ireland 2015.

    Hugs for all.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014

    ((((((Bernie)))))))) couldn't you hit the @#$%^ and say sorry its the tablets i'm on for my pleurisy

    I went to the gym ,just went swimming! need to get back on the treadmill seeing I signed up for that 5k!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014

    found a new exercise


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited January 2014

    Hi Ladies,

    Bernie....really?? When does it end?  I feel for you sweetie...and not being able to drink??  That is tragic..especially with your company.  

    Thats a cool thing to have gym had tv's mounted on the wall...Im sure having it in front of you is better.

    Hi Lara..what movies did you rent?

    So next week Julie and I are going to meet with Goldie and have another meet up is looming...essiting!

    I have retained a lawyer in regards to my XDH and is outrageous expectations...3500.00 retainer....seriously...this guy better bust his arse up there in MA on my behalf is all I got to say about that. Hmph.

    Sweet Jodi text me today..wants the two of us to get matching tattoo's this summer..she says she really wants one ...I would rather be there with her when she gets it...XDH is going to love that...bastard. 

    Ok ya'll ....what are some of the SE's you have experienced with Effexor?  (sp).....Im only on like day 4 or 5 taking it and I get so tired at night and unfocused and have dry mouth.  Im not going to take it today until later pm to see if that helps with being tired.

    Latah tatahs

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Thought I'd pop in--I've really been busy today--I would like to tear the phone off the wall, but nowadays there is no phone on a wall.

    Bernie Oh what a thing to get now--well no time is good_ but that can be painful and I know u feel miserable--I hope u get help so u can just rest--well just rest anyway, u have to.

    I've barely been on here today, but I talked to Chevy and she had to put her dog to sleep, and that's so sad.

    Kat u sure have discipline and how is u'r DH doing? And of course prayers stil going u'r way for u and DD. Now is DD2 feeling better? I hope so.

    Lara I watch cheesey scary movies too--whatever is on I watch. Eat whatever u wnt and watch scary movies.

    Well here's some info--u know how we all get or have gotten nuclear tests, well it seems that that area of the hospital has all the makings for a dirty bomb. Yes what the hell are they putting into us. I know I watch to many crime shows too.

    I'm ditzy today I have been on pain meds all day so excuse me for my ditzyness. oh maybe u can't tell, well I can.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014


    the only way I would watch a politician making a speech

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    WOW Julie, you have been finding the hot guys!!! Wowsa! And I love the Salt in the Margaritas in feel sorry for those in the grip of this horrid winter though. Our temps have been quite low, and its windy, but no ice or snow, so I can.handle that.

    Thanks for letting us know about Chevy's dog, Cami. SO sorry for you Chevy, that is so heartbreaking. (((Chevy)))

    Cyn, Julie, and Lori....awesome that you three will be TOGETHER soon! What fun! And safe travels to you, Lori!!!

    My DH got in to see the dr, and will now have an endoscope Wed morning. Supposed to be about 8 degrees at that time, wouldn't normally want to get out, but this is important. He couldn't do it sooner since he is on strong blood thinners.

    Who's drinking for me tonight?? So sweet of Red to have a Pina Colada for me during her vacay! Now tonight can someone have some Seagrams/Diet Coke, or Long Island Ice Teas for meesie??? Purty pwease?????



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014

    drinking cider! and eating Turkish delight, so next a1c will be really good

    ed  lots of hugs and prayers for you , it s never easy to loose a furbaby

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited January 2014

    What is Turkish Delight and why does it sound so familiar?