how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014

    well meet cyndielouwho at noon,so got the address and phone number and phone is charged! have a good day ladies

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited January 2014

    Ok as per usual. I cannot keep up with you all.  Been drinking since the dog passed over the chicken.

    Shocking news report.  Sis (grandmother of alien to be) _ she the first borne of the devil, is arriving Wednesday. (a week early).  She phoned to tell me the good news this am.  As Darling D would say - I am so fercited.

    Obviously birth is imminent - I am in cleaning mode - Sinead is comatose.

    Ok - new countdown -not counting today - three days to the arrival.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    OH NO, I hope you have enough wine to endure the "devil-sis" visiting. Yikes!!! Also hope she is loving to her DD, and does not stress her out. Love the term "since the dog passed over the chicken"! lol

    Well shoot, looking at new treadmills, since we think the motor burned up, maybe when it flipped me and couldn't move right till I was able to roll off. Don't mind the price, its all the heavy stuff I would have to move out of the way to get it upstairs where we like it, plus have to hire someone to haul the huge one downstairs and new one upstairs, take off door (I know that part is easy, but it adds to all the chit), etc. Ours was an expensive one, and even though we don't use all the bells & whistles, its hard to find a really good, powerful one without all that crap on it. But the new ones have power-assist when you want to lift the platform up and out of the way. Aaarrghhhhhh.

    Yeah Lori, she was depressed because of what is to come, since she is now losing some function already, plus the pain. My DD2 still wanted to come but I said she needed to ask DD1, since she is the one that needs to stay well, and once she said "possible cold", DD1 asked her not to come. :(  Not sure what cocktail it is, maybe I can find out when I am there all day Thurs. Well, the "c" mention is waaaay back in my mind, not stressing too much over it, but very upset about the deterioration as there are things I want to do. So glad your trip is coming up soon!!!! WooHoo!!!

    And WooHoo about the meetup today...YAY!!!! So happy for Cyndie and Julie. Remember our first meetups years ago, we would all get fercited for days....weeks even! It is almost always a super-duper instant connection! Hope this is the first of many get-togethers for you two. And will you both get to see Lori when she is in FL on her way home from VI?

    NM, I haven't seen either movie, but Captain Phillips is the true story of that Captain that was kidnapped on the open seas....won some awards I think. I am waaay behind on movies, haven't even seen The Butler yet. Tom Hanks was the Captain in the Captain Phillips movie. The Osage one has Julia Roberts, Meryl Streep, etc. I watch all the awards shows, but miss the movies till I have time! Tonight is the Grammy's show I think, and that will be awesome, all the good music! There is a rumor that Beyonce and JayZ will do the opening number....

    Ok chickadees, didn't address all, but love you all!!!!  Missing our DorkaRoni and her nice long posts! Don't go down that Rabbit Hole, or I will extend my long ladder and come down there and drag you up! Same for you Beans! Come on back everyone!!!1



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    A friend posted this on it from someone else...

    Carol Green's photo.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Lori I love this thread--everyone explains things so well, cuz we all do such different things and going to do different things. I'm soo furcited for u, and u'r kids it will be the bestest need to be with vacay ever for u. U'r going t be lovin' and huggin' so much and talk and just catch up. It sounds magical to me to just be with u'r kids.

    Oh Kat u'r poor DD, u kknow about pain meds can anything help her, even for anxiety--I don't know what to say for any comfort for u--I am so sorry she has to go thru anything let alone this . and I know u'r giving 110% of u'rself My prayers are going to u like crazy.

    Dork u'd better check in cuz we're worried about u too.

    Lori those shoes are hysterical, EB has to see them--so funny.

    Cyn and Julie have a wonderful day today--enjoy each other and of course pics.

    Lara I wish u didn't have all this pain---

    OK I'll check back later


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2014


    DH is usually off today, glad he is working. We DID watch Capt Phillips last night after the fish fry. It was fabulous...I highly recommend it.

    Cyn - it was alaskan halibut. I can't stand salmon and I've tried 15 ways from sunday. But I do fix it for my dh. I don't mind the cat and cow....I can't touch ground yet either, still have to use blocks.

    Lara - Big HugZ...I hope the job and money sits change soon for the better. Wish I cud take da bad weather away too. (((Lara)))

    Kat - OMG so sad for DD1, I am still praying for her. What new drug are you on for your back now? I was doing very well with the walking until this last spring. My lower back would hurt 'after' the walk. So I bought new shoes, new orthotics, etc. Kept with it until my MRI of my back in July. The pounding, walking, on surfaces with no 'give' like concrete, ADD to the compressing of my lower back. Some gyms have those soft-floors, kinda rubbery. Similar to some kiddie playgrounds now. If that were avail I think I cud do it, trouble wud be getting me EWWA there often enuf. The elliptical is my best option, it is just like walking, only no 'striking a hard surface'. I really miss my walking partners and being outside tho...sux...OK I'm rambling now. Hope the 1/2 dose will help and not make u so woozy. ((Kat))

    Happy Aussie Day ChrissyB!!

    Lori - love da 'old friends' cocktail. U gotta b pretty antzy now...won't b long b4 u on de plane de plane...heehee. Did u tail us what concert u seeing on Tues night? I fergit??? I LMAO on da Cat on Aging. I'm gonna steal it. Still laughing at dem chicken heels too, but when u say ED...u mean ChevyBoy whom we haven't heard from in awhile?

    Yeah Cami - tell ED to get her EWWA back to da lounge b4 we send some scary peeps looking for her. j/k

    NM - Wow what a work load. No, Capt Phillips is different. August: Osage County is a story about a dysfunctional family, kinda dark humor. I jes love Meryl Streep and Julia Roberts and it looks good too.

    Kat - yes, grammy's tonite. I like to watch mostly to see the 'shock n awe' Are you still watching Klondike? Am really upset that I missed it. Am sure they'll repeat one of these days.

    Bernie - hoping the truce continues thru the bisit and birth of alien. Hope u have lots of booze on hand...(((Bernie)))

    Hope everyone has a FunDey!! Cyn and Julie....FACETIME...WHOOP WHOOOP


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited January 2014

    Hi ya goils!!!   Awe gee thanks for all the Happy Aussie Day wishes, muchly appreciated.  

    Cyn was that you who asked how we celebrate?  Each little town has there own way of celebrating but in our town we start the day with a BBQ in the park on the creek.........most communities start the day that way and in the cities where there are a lot of immigrants, Australia Day is the day when they take their new citizenship oaths and at night there is usually fire works.  Most people organise a family picnic or outing to the beach or just visit with family.

    Kat you are dealing with so much right now........sending healing prayers for both you and your DD.

    Lori enjoy your trip!

    I know Red enjoyed hers especially when her DH

    BBBBernie, not long now and the alien will arrive.....yahooo!   Dang girl!  I sure hope sis from hell, devil spawn behaves herself while she is with you.

    NM so glad your trip went off without a hitch and I know Sadie is very pleased to have her momma home safe and sound.........what bummer that you have to return to work!

    Dork? Dork? Where for art thou Dork?

    Ah Sue, I was sittin here wracking my brain coz it dina want to werk........I jest knew I was missing sumbuddy.  How's ya doing girlfriend?

    Aly me old pal how did the cricket end up?  We all know how the tennis

    Hiya Beanzzzz,  love that bed does your hubby feel like makin me one?   It's just gorgeous!    Lucky you.

    Oh I know I saw Addey pop her head in as well as Kym, hi ya to you gals as well.

    OMG!  I just looked at the time and it's 4.17am and I haven't been to bed yet!  Better say nighty night and hit the hay before the floor comes up and hit me instead.....hahahahaha!

    Catch you all later!  TITTIES up...........

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    Sue, I think they are still repeating Klondike, do a search for it. I loved it...finished the last episode last night (#3). OK, will get Capt Phillips to rent, one of these days, glad it was so good! Would you pm me some info on your elliptical? I haven't even thought of that option. Still looking for what will work best for us. My dad has a recumbent bike, but I think it might be hard for those of us with bad backs to get down and sit to use it, at times. I think ellipticals might take up less room too? I am trying to get it as close or smaller than a footprint of 36wx70l, which our treadmill is. One thing for sure, an elliptical can't throw you! And I guess you can still watch tv while doing the elliptical, right? Is it easier on knees, too?

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited January 2014

    Oh Kat, are youse okay!  I bumped you right into the arms of Pants........oh what am I thinking, of course you're okay.......who wouldn't be in THOSE arms!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2014

    Hey girls! I do not have a lot of time but Lord I am bumming that I wrote a very long post and addressed each of you like a good goil. I thought it went through yesterday in the early aye em. But it is not here. I tink I must a tried to go back through to make sure i did not miss anyone, got distracted then closed the window. I can't even blame the gremlins. 

    Things crazy as normal here, it is my new normal. All is well as can be. My Dad is doing alright, still in the medical unit waiting for his sugar level to stablize before being transfered to the phych hospital. He has tried to leave a few times but thankfully, one of us got there quick enough to stop him. he was stashing some cash in his pants pocket in the laundry to take a cab to come and get his car then to to SC, the nut. He has been more stable over the weekend, one of us is with him most of the time. He also has an aide by his side 24/7. We are going to get the restraining order today as the ex bf was just released late last night. ugh, crazy crazy shit. 

    I drank de whole bottle last night and was actually in bed by 1 aye em or so and awake before noon. 

    Well, I am going to try to catch up from where I left off and at least read before I get in the shower. My DD is in there now which gives me time to hang in de lounge for a bit. I feel like jest turning off mese phone as the text messgaes between my sisters, niece and nephew are blowing up my phone. If only I could come to a real version of the HTL for a day and relax...we can dream, right? There, everything is perfect. I have a perfect life, I am young and bootifl with bootiful boobs and no wrinkles on my face. I do not have a care in the world as the tenders and the goils and BOYZ too are at my beckon call. hehe! I love you all and thank you for the support. I am soooo sad that my message did not go through, it was one of my larger novels!! LOVE you all and I thank you all for your support.

    And to de goil that left a message on my phone, tank you so much. I was on mese landline with the police when the call came through. But I was smiling as I listened and I hugged you back too meaning I wrapped my arms around the air.And I puckered up and kissed the air as if giving you a kiss back.  lmao. It made me smile then laugh at mese own silly dern self. Cheers girls!  

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2014

    Hi you guys!  You know I'm always here....  And what's with those chicken shoes?  WHO did that?  Goldie, you little chit, it was YOU!  Of course!  Cammi TOLD me you were up to no good...Ha! 

    I've been kind of sadly lately....  Don't know how to fix my Lacee dog....  I've had her to Vets, 3 times, for IV's, Pennicillin shots and also Prednisone, every other day.  He is treating her for Addisons disease, but she is still not eating!  And very Lethargic....  I'll take her again in the morning, for more of the same, but I just want her to start eating, and  not sleeping all the time..... I/we, won't let her suffer or be in pain, but I just don't know what else to do.... 

    I'll let you guys know tomorrow, and I'll read what I have missed! xoxooxxo

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited January 2014

    Good Afternoon Ladies,

    The facetime went off without incident.  Julie got here about 1145ish and we went out and had a great lunch and then a trip to the store to pick up a few things.  We hung out a littel when we got back.  Reese just loved giving Julie love and attention.  She is patient as he is a pain in the a$$.  



    LoriLou...PM me your information or PM Julie so we know where your going to be and at what time and all that so's we can meet up with youse.  Have fun in V.I ....remember your sun screen.  Have a ball.

    DorKies .... glad you found your way into the lounge...Your dad sure is a hand full...bless you girl ..for all you are going thru.  I hope they get his sugars under controll and he gets in to the psyc hospital soonliest...good luck with keeping the psyco Xbf away from your home and your you need this crazy bulsheit.  

    Mema....I dont like salmon but then again..I've never tried it either..I just cant wrap my head around eating a pink fish...Im glad you are doing good with yoga and I may try to get to the beach yoga class more often..its just such a chore and I dont think excercize should be like that..for me anyway..I am hoping the class is over before we've started.  I prefer the balance poses to the ones on the ground like the cat and the cow....NM....if I didnt go to a structured class I would do it..I need structure to excercize..the hooping I can do alone tho but enjoy the classes too. 

    Julie..hope you made it home ok....Im sure you did as your vehicle could probably drive itself with all the bells and whistles.  Thank you for coming here and spending your day with me and tolerating Reese...thank you all for the birthday greetings and gifts....I love girly bath things...and like Julie said..the boys wont want to use it.  

    Kat..hope your back is feeling better.  Good luck in finding a replacement tread mill.  

    ChrissyB...your Aussie Day is kind of like our 4th of July it sounds..  Very similar at least.  A good summer bbq sounds good.  I hope you had an enjoyable day.  

    Lara....Hope you are feeling better also.   You havent been around much....enjoying any scary movies lately?  What is your current recomendatons?

    Cami...I just love your relationship with Joey...he loves you so..  keep warm and enjoy your weekend.  

    Signing off to go rest up for my horrible late shift...they actually called me and asked me to come in early if I could...I dont think I will.  

    Latah girls


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME!!!! Love the pics of you both.....beautiful!!! I know you had such a great time together..and looks like Reese got some cuddling time in with Thanks so much for sharing pictures!!! Ummmm.....I don't see any dwinks in de pictcha....shirley you both had a dwink or three, right??

    Hi Chevy, welcome back! So very sorry to hear abour your furbaby though, hope they can come up with something that will help her. So heartbreaking.

    Well, off to look at treadmills and ellipticals.....this week will be so busy with my DD1 and g'kids, so am hoping to get something done today.

    Glad to see our Dorkie back too....but sheesh you missed sending a long post....darn it I hate that, as I love your posts!



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2014


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 2014

    Oh hell!  I TRIED to make it smaller, but it is not doing what I am telling it to....  Snooze

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014

    had a lovely lunch with cyn and reesie is a cutie, could have taken him home with me,  love cyns apt so close to everything especially the beach

    kat ,hope you and your dd feel better soon

    sue ,have you tried water based exercise ? would that be easier on the back

    yes lori, ,would love to see you 

    ed-where you been woman?

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2014

    I have not yet finished reading back but a few things...

    welcome back Chevy. awww, I feel your pain. I said a little prayer for Lacee. 

    Cyn and Julie, loved the pics, made me smile biggliest looking at dem. Cyn, it was nicing seeing a pic of your place. And I wanna be there about now. It was jest freaking snowing again but a flurry, with the sun shining. Sorta cool. 

    Kat, awesome about your diet, you go girl. And I agree with Cyn, not one for me. I just made a weak one aka de hair of de dog hehe. I gotta drive tonight so have to be good.

    Lara, sorry about the money issues. YOu are def not alone. I am hurting too. It just hit me yesterday that I am gonna be in big trouble and wondering how I can keep my house. For now, I am ok. When I bought this place, i made sure that I would be able to handle the mortgage on my base income only. And I am back to making that. however, at the time, I was not counting on having over 600.00 a month in credit card minimum payments. Something has to give. And I know it will as GOd loves us, hell we are survivors and God will help us. Maybe he will send me a man with lottas money. This man is a hunk and as sweet as a gay guy. he has a mansion in the hills and one at the beach. and he will buy us (me and him) one of those mansions here in town so that I have a short commute to work. hell, wait, I am not working, that's right. I stood on my boss's desk, took a shit, farted then told him I am outta here. hehehehe!!!  I hope God sends you his twin who has twice as much money, love and is a fun alcamaholic like us! Oh, he has a never ending RX of anyting we want hehehe. I am literally lmao right now at mese damn self!

    Chrssy, Happy Aussie Dey!! woo hoo, I am gonna catch de UFO and be dere soonliest, anywhere but here where it is cold cold cold. who wants to be picked up? A barbeque sounds awesome. And we bring de hot tenders to keep de dwinks flowing! Funny you said to me Dork Dork dork where fart de Dork hehehe! me loves ya and can't wait to git dere!!

    BBBernie, so sorry about losing your turkey friend. But remember, you gave him extra happy years by not eating him. and i know he is happy knowing that up in turkey heaven. Hugs to you. 

    Lori, have fun away and i know you will henjoy hanging with your babies, wooo hooo. I hope you git to visit our Fl goils too, how awesome that would be to meet Julie and to see Cyn again. 

    Cammy, you are so very blessed with having Joey, we all could use a little Joey in our lives. Keep on tooting goil, you really made me laugh and i jest love de hell outta ya. I hope today is a great day, dwink up now, k? 

    NM, I hope you are enjoying some fun time with Silly Sadie. I was tinking of you in making contact with a client in the state of ME. I told them in conversation that I have a friend in Etna and they knew where that was and not too far away! I thought that was uber cool since ME is a large state.

    well sorry for not talking to ye all. I gotta run unexpectedly so gonna hit sent. Love ye all! 


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014

    well I had a box of cider and cyn had a box of beeR!

    lara-hoping things will get better soon

    e d -hope you get good news tomorrow on lacee.

    dorty-your dad is in the best place right now, prayers for dd ,hate the money worries this frb brings,

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited January 2014

    Dork I hope sooo it will work out

    Love the pics Juliet and cyn cyn yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    Cam Im ok I went out today its just to cold

    Kat I just lost my brain I was reading and then poof all gone I was trying to play ketchup

    Goldie yes I am not sure because I am a go getter like having lots of money

    Dork I am so sorry this is all going on jeez

    NM it must b freezing in Maine

    Chrissy happy Aussie Day

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2014

    WOOHOO....ChrissyB checking in. Sounds like lotsa fun on Aussie Day.  I am doing very well thank you...and you?l

    Cyn and Julie ooo and SirPoopsaLot too....u all sooo booTful....glad u got da face time and tanks fer sharing da pics...whoop whoop!

    Dory - spashally glad u pooped in.  was lmao at da pics in mese head of u n ur dream man n den u taking a dump on u bosses desk...baaahhahahahaha...if only right?  Hey...if cud happen...I believe anyting can happen. 

    Kat - I think the elliptical wud b a better choice as ur back degeneration sounds much like mine and it is, for me, much easier than the bike and or recumbent bike.  As far as size...funny u shud ask that as I jes measured mine.  It was in living room, then we moved it to garage.  I have been on it out there but want it inside.  DH wants in back in front room....I don't, so I WILL fit in spare bedroom.  There is a DVD and TV in there too.  Mine is a Sears model and it is Ipad compatible, so I can listen to music.  Also has a built in fan...woohoo...ya'll kno I need that.  Mine is easily 8-9 years old so mayb they have smaller ones.  But it does fit thru normal 3' doorways.  Hope u find a good deal either way.

    Chevy - sooo glad u pooped in too...but not liking the issue with ur furbaby.  Will say some prayers that the vet finds a solution and quick.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2014

    OOOPPPSSie....knocked Lara in de pewl...u on da receiving end of da knock down a lot lately mese tinks...?

    Kat - forgot to tail u...I ordered 2 more pair of FitFlops....woohoo..tanks for suggesting dem...can't wait...hope no probs this time.

    OK...gotta git feedbag ready....b back in de ayem...ya'll hab a gr8 evening (or morning) and STAY warm!!


  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited January 2014

    Hello ladies. I'm baaaaaaack. (as Arnie would say).

    Vacation. I had lovely time, my DH, not so much! Showed up at the airport on Saturday at 4am and we showed our passports and checked our luggage when they realized his passport had expired. They were very calm - sir, you need to go home and get the right passport, ma'am, you need to get on the plane because your luggage is already there. We will send your husband on the next plane. Well of course he never found it, so now he has to wait until Monday and go to emergency immigration to get a new passport. But first - he has to find his birth certificate - guess what? Can't find that either. Probably with his passport, which he used when he went to Tennessee golfing in April. So the upshot was, $475 for a flight in, $230 for an emergency passport and $50 for an emergency birth certificate. All of which depended on each other and he needed guarantors for everything. Our dentist guaranteed him for the birth certificate, our neighbours for the passport and his old friend verified the passport photo and all of them called in to the appropriate office and scanned their approvals so he could join me. Thank God for helpful friends and our dentists!

    Tuesday night at 9:40pm his plane touched down and I was waiting when he walked out of the airport. Yay - he had finally arrived.

    While I waited for him for 4 days, I took archery lessons (probably would have been easier if I'd had a mastectomy - I know, very dark sense of humour), walked the beach a lot and made friends with every child under the age of 13 on the resort. As we were getting on the plane to come home, one little girl asked her dad if it was okay if they took me home with them. lol

    Once he arrived, we walked on the beach a lot, went to a farmers market, took a horse and buggy ride and partied every night like we were 20. O my aching head.

    My thanks to eberones who was rooting for us.

    I have been reading today's posts and realize that it will be pretty impossible to catch up, so....

    Kat, hope all will improve with your DD. I think her decision to say no to her sister was the right one. You don't have any pending illness, do you. Cuz if not, you won't have to do so much to stay sterile, although I agree with disinfecting commonly used surfaces anyway. It sure can't hurt. I am not even going to comment on RB in your spine. It isn't going to happen! False alarm my lovely.

    Cyn and Julie - hope you had a good day together. I didn't see any pics, everyone said they liked the pics. Where are they. ScaredI'm lost.

    Aww heck, jumping screen. brb.

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited January 2014

    I found the pics!!!!! Yay me. I am so not computer savvy. Just happy I realized I had missed a whole page of posts.

    Mema, hope your back is feeling much better. Kath, same for you. You are both in my prayers.

    NM, you work too hard and need to relax. lol TENDER!!!!

    Cammy, sounds like you had a great night with Joey. I'm way behind the times though so I need to ask, is Joey your grandson? son? best friend? Never did quite get the relationship. Everyone else just seems to know and goes forward with stories.

    Aly - in Ontario in June? Where are you going to be? Anywhere near me? I'm about an hour from Toronto. I could book a day off and we could maybe do lunch or tea or drinks or something!!??

    Dork - love the new man in your imaginary life. Can I borrow him occasionally? So sorry for all that you are going through. Been in the inflatable chapel lots lately with your name on my mind.

    Ok, I so know I am missing folks and I am sorry about that. You know you are on my mind though.



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    OMG I missed so much==WTF did I do all day, oh I know NOTHING

    Oh I LOVE -ED the pics of u 2 and so glad u got together. Tht was love at first site for Reese. 

    I can't keep up with everything.

    Dork always glad to see u but know a lot is going on so take care of what u need to. Hugs

    Kat u know my prayers are going u'r way and stopping at Dorks too.

    I pray for all of us, I hope it helps.

    Red that was so crazy about u'r DH, never heard that happen to anyone before--but what a great attitude u have. LOL Joey is my GS and we live together that's why so many stories. I like to be alone a lot so I'm left alone by my kids in my room that's designed for my needs-LOL but Joey can come in anytime and he knows it.

    No school tomorree for almost all schools in a 50 mile radius--it's going to be so cold so we'll see how this goes for at least 3 days too.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    Gut Ebening

    Sue, Thanks for your info, because of you I researched ellipticals and treadmills before we went out. Our current one is about 3'w x 6' long. And the deck can fold up. We both tried an elliptical, but realized we must be "treadmill people" And our deck was cushioned, and we are looking at another cushioned deck. The newer ones have a hydraulic system or something, as they raise and lower easily if you want it folded up (our current one is quite heavy to lift the deck up). We have 2 picked out, so I will do a bit more research. BUT I am so glad you mentioned yours, as I would not have even thought to try one. AND we can get them to take ours down and bring the new one upstairs...YAY.

    Deb, omg you really have stories to tell for years and years about this vacay!! So glad your DH finally joined you, but sounds like you kept busy and even had fun before he got there! Hope everything was ok at home when you returned. Nice to have you back with us!!!!

    Cami, wow you really are in the tundra this winter! Wonder how long your schools will be closed? Our temps will be low again, which is unusual for us, like 8 degrees temp. And we may get snow tomorrow, but just flurries. Today was close to 60. I am so glad you get to stay in a lot esp in this cold, snowy, icy weather. Didn't you have an onco appt tomorrow though?

    Julie, love those pictures!! Dinosaur? What dinosaur??? *wink, wink*   OK, glad you had cider, and Cyn had her beer! 

    Huggies, Huggies, Huggies, and MORE Huggies,


  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited January 2014

    Julieeeeee. Omg I looked at that picture 3 or 4 times. Maybe a couple more. Honest to goodness, I DIDN'T see the wee dinosaur until the last time I looked. I thought they were talking about the old motorcycle, which I examined quite closely for possible injury being done to it by that young man napping on it. Quite a respectable looking young fellow, wouldn't you say?

    I am still laughing at myself!

    BBBBernie - the alien is a girl! Good luck with all the company over the next little bit. (((hugs)))

    Lori have a great time Give your babies a kiss from me.

    Lara sorry about the money problems. It's tough making it all work out any time without the RB on top of it.

    OK I'm signing off again. {{{huggles}}}

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014

    Bernie - I say girl