how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2014

    thanks for the dwinks and the support,Undie. 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Sub zero temps again,
    apparently the January thaw happened while I was on vacay.IT was almost 40 degrees one day, I've been
    told!Minus 5 with wind chill warnings
    today. . . .

    Goldie--The porthole
    window was a bit odd, but kind of fun, too!Sadie die a bit calmer repeat of the Mommy's Home dance when I got home
    from work yesterday, it was so funny!I wonder what will happen today when I get home.Hmm, now that I think about it I was doing a
    bit of a Happy to See Sadie dance myself yesterday.I guess we're just a pair of dancing
    fools!I've heard of people having to
    have their heads covered up to sleep when it's cold, but not when it's
    hot.Odd how our bodies like to sleep,
    isn't it? Keep in mind when you are packing that you will have access to a
    washer and dryer, and if you forget something critical you aren't in the back
    of nowhere, you can buy things if you really need to!

    Cammy--I've been
    looking at the DOTDs you posted, they were GREAT!I can't wait to try them out.You did a wonderful job!I planned to go back to work on
    Wed/yesterday, it was the big meeting day and an easy way to get caught up on
    all the happenings with all my peeps, and my hear about my new ones.

    Wahine--Poor Molly,
    sounds like she is taking things in stride, good baby that she is.I found the over the door shoe organizer at
    Burlington Coat Factory, I think.I
    remember looking all over for one, thinking it would be quick and easy to pick
    one up at Wal Mart or some such place.If I'd thought about it sooner I'd have ordered one online.If you can find one with clear pockets I can
    see where that would be easier to find things, although it only takes a couple
    of seconds to peek into a bunch of those pockets to find what I was looking
    for.I would also recommend taking some
    zip lock bags, gallon size, for packing wet things like bathing suits and to
    keep things fromleaking inside the
    suitcase.I read about the over the door
    organizer on the Norwegian cruise line web site, it was a tip posted by a
    frequent cruiser, and then I saw the same suggestion posted in a couple other
    places.I all ready had the smaller
    hanging organizer for the toilet articles, that one does have clear pockets and
    smaller ones that were just right for baby powder, trial size deodorant, and
    bigger ones for tooth brush, comb, some with velcro seals for hair bands and
    small items.You are very right about
    the small vanities in some hotel rooms!

    Mema--Amazing how
    fast a dog can spin around, isn't it?Sadie spins and then flops on her back for belly rubs, all the while
    wiggling like a stranded fish.So silly
    looking!She's not a big one for
    kissing, though, not that I mind either way.And it is so much fun to come home to such excitement, isn't it?

    DorKable--Oh, DorKy,
    I wish I were there to drive you.Your
    Dad needs to be evaluated at a crisis center, this is a good thing.This should get him the help he needs.Praying!

    CynCyn--First day
    back at work was good, lots of changes to catch up on--one nurse out for
    emergency gall bladder surgery, one nurse supposed to be out for elective
    shoulder surgery got cancelled at the last minute, the company has suspended
    the bonus program due to Medicare payment cutbacks, we now have to had log our
    visit times and mileage as well as enter it into the computer.So much changes so fast!As to the detox tea, I can't really say
    anything about it without knowing what is in it.There are literally thousands of detox teas
    out there, each with different herbs and such.Generally speaking they are not problematic, not sure how helpful they
    are, but people can have allergic and other reactions to any of the individual
    ingredients.Post or PM me the
    ingredient list and I'll give you the info on them.

    Goldie--Wow, what a

    sugar of 500?No wonder he's off his
    rocker.And the admit to the psych unit
    will be a good thing, he needs care that is not available in the home setting.Still praying!

    Aly--Glad the scan
    went well, nothing serious found!

    Wahine--I saw the
    slide show on fb--WOW!

    DorKable--OK, now
    your Dad is safe and you can relax a bit.Get some sleep, let the medical folks do their thing, then work with the
    info you get.Still praying!

    Undy-- I am Flying
    Slop Tray.Yuck.I'll stick with Princess Glitter Sizzle!

    DorKable--Hang in

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Orange Crisis

    1 oz Triple Sec

    1 oz Apricot Brandy

    2 oz Peach Schnapps

    2 oz Light Rum

    1 oz Cream

    1 splash Grenadine


    Shake all
    ingredients in a shaker with ice and pour into shot glasses.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    Oh Dorkie, I am SO SORRY (yes I said the "s" word) that I was asleep early last night and not there for you. I had to get up at 6ayem and I am NOT a morning person, so knew I had to be in bed early. Have a lot to do before leaving for my dr, then a full day with the g'kids, and taking to classes. I am SO GLAD you wrote here again and said Jessica is safely at home, and her car is hidden. I hope the cops can keep her ex BF away from her, and if he gets close, I hope the cops can get him and put him away. How scary it must have been last night, after you already had a totally tiring and stressful day. I prayed for ALL of you as soon as I saw your email. I am so glad you are not going to try to be at work today, you have had so much stress, and so much going on. DO NOT EVER feel badly about venting here, we ALL do it, at one time or another. We are all here for each other, you remember that, dearie. OK? Let us know when you feel up to it, how things are going. I hope right now you are fast asleep.

    Orange Crisis, perfect DOTD, NM! Sounds so yummy too. Love the Sadie happy dance and the NM happy dance! I really never knew your hair was sooooo long, thought it was short, but I guess you usually had it pulled back in pictures!

    Gotta run so I can be ready in time to leave so early. Then straight to my DD1's as my DH will already be there with the kids, and I have a full day there, plus taking g'son to his class far away. Hope to have my computer with me, to check in on everyone, esp Dorkie.

    Love and Hugs to you all,


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    P.S. Unde, I don't like my cocktail name (FLying Vomit)...would rather have Flying Orgasm!!! LOL, hope someone gets a GOOD name.....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    First NM Oh it's so nice to read u in the morning, that's how it is supposed to be and I knew Sadie would be over the top with u being home.. Aren't they the best how they love us. And u make the DOTD look so easy, I would be up the night before searching for one and hold it in my computer so I wouldn't get screwed up. It was like this big thing to me, so I'm sure glad u made it look so easy.

    Oh undie please sweaty cum--that's worse than vomit Kat.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2014

    So nice that the doc came in to let you know all was good Alyson. And Sean is definatley some eye candy in my book!

    Cami, you guys in the midwest and east coast are really getting slamme with weather this winter, and for us it's totally the opposite.

    Kat, I wonder if your brain is out somewhere with mine???? You want to be mine scarecrow sista? Glad that you are not worried about your parents, maybe you will hear from them today. You can email your dad, can't you? You have a full day and a full plate too. My goodness.

    Oh Dorothy, I have no idea what to say to you girl. Those little doll plates just didn't do the trick. If nothing else, I hope you can get some rest today. Also praying for your DD. A gun???

    Hope to at least get a smile from ya.



    Awww, poor Sadie thought you had left her again, I think. Which explains the extra dance. As for packing, I like to take a LOT, as I like to have choices in what I wear. Pretty sure I won't wear everything I take, but thinking my DD will want to wear some of my things too. As long as it will fit, and I don't go over 50's going!

    Hmmmmm, I'm Einstein's Toupe. Not sure what that is or might mean. So I guess I will keep my Sugar Lusty-Heat. Oh my, Kat's name is horrible, YUCK! LMAO at Cami's name!!!!! Letter "C" and May. But good to see you Shannon.

    I'll be checking in through out the day.
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Dork I hope u'r sleeping now cuz it's well deserved and since when do u think u can't tell us things about anything--u know we all love u and if u have a problem(s) we're here, maybe not at the right time tho, but anyway we can help. One thing like NM said it's good where u'r Dad is--I'm very relieved. But now about u'r DD??? What the hell is going on. This is crazy stuff. When u'r up to it please tell us maybe we have some ideas for u. or at least listen. We all love u Dorky and want to help anyway we can.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2014

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2014

    Cami, you jumped in front of me on purpose, just so I could bump you into the pool!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2014

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited January 2014

    image unselectable="on">

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited January 2014

    15 days to due date

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited January 2014

    Ok now pay attention, this is confusing.  Just found out that my ex DH's ex (after me) had been having an affair with Chris (DH's friend who died in October).  My DH and my ex DH unfriended her from FB when they found out. Now, she has had a go at me for not understanding why she was so upset at his funeral. Hello, have I missed something here - I thought it was all about his wife and son.

    SIL's brother was shocked yesterday at his son's birth - lot of explaining from girlfriend about why his baby is - (trying to be politically correct) a different nationality.

    Oooh eer missus.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2014

    DorK - am praying for DD and ur dad.  Your dad is in good hands now tho.  Don't let ur guard down ref DD's x...tell her to be extra cautious too.  (((D and J)))

    Kat - did look at the pics, beautiful but scary.  Hope u reach ur dad today.  Praying for DD really hard today.

    Aly - congrats on good test results.

    Lori - that is a beautiful canyon.  And yes Cyn, I did tube the Salt, but where it is closer to Scottsdale/Mesa area. 

    Bernie - OMG on the SIL's brothers surprise!!!  And the nerve of the mistress, what is SHE thinking...idiot.

    OK...gotta lots to do today, meeting at 10.  Am missing some of u I kno, will try and play catch up later.


  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited January 2014

    Bernie, no but she's missing something. Idiot or should I say idjit?  (c:


    Cami- PM me your new phone.  Maybe when it hits freezing again we can step out!

    Thanks to all for the pix and laughs.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2014

    Hi girls, quick check in to say that all is well as can be expected. I am going to head out to see my Dad. I talked to him and he is in good spirits. Ialso spoke with his psychiatrist. He will likely be moved to another mental health facility. I am not sure that he knows yet. I will not tell him what I know. 

    Sue, I am trying to figure out the relationships you are mentioned and am very funcused. Are you saying that this baby daddy is dead and no one knew he was of color? (pink I mean, haha). Very juicy gossip and I want to know more! I forgot that I had you toasting airplanes with me. It is a lot of fun but if I did it, I would be too dwunk too early. I do really enjoy watching the airplanes fly over. I thought I saw NM's plane but the timing was wrong. 

    NM, great photos of you, thank you so much for sharing. I hope your first day back to work was a good one. It sucks getting back to the grind, eh? 

    Thank you ALL for your kind words and prayers, keep em coming. I will probably not be talking too much about my DD's situation as it is very painful to talk about. But just the same, I appreciate the prayers, suggestions and kind words. 

    Again, I apologize for not addressing you all. I think I am caught up reading. Loved all the funnies. The one John/Jim one and I love my drunk name.

    ~Pickled Nipple, great name for me and how ironic since I do not have nipples lol. Thanks for the laugh Shannon. And Kathy, sorry you do not like that name, I do not blame ya. You could always use R for Raquel and your maiden name for the 2nd part. Ok, gotta fly. I also have to try to drop the kids off at the pool but they been shy lately.Loopy


    Pickled Nipple over and out!

    God Bless me and all of you and yours too. Love ya goils! ♥

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2014

    did I say someting that skeered ye all away? oh, oh mise. I tink I know. Me sawry for stanking up de lounge. I attempted to fart de wickedest farts of de year in de ladies room but it leaked out before I could get dere. But I blame ye goils for pullling mese finger. Yep,I tink ye all conspired to humbarras me for not being a loyal loungette. De bad news is that mese contapated again. I wish the doctors could give half of my digestive/excetion system to Cammy and I take half our hers. That  way wese both poop every day but only once or prefarrbilly twice. HA!

    You girls are so awesome. It helped me tremendously to just write what is happening in my life, then to see that so many are praying, giving advise or giving me hope and inspiration. What can I say? mese lubs mese bwesties. 

    I wrote a poem but axardentally foygot to make it to mese friends vs jest one fwend. Please take a moment, if you have one, to read through. This is how I feel about you all. 


    Dern typos, my editor messed up and did not catch de error. Last sendsens should weed PS I love you my friendS and lover of my farts!

    I am going to bed, slept until 2:30pm and not real tired but I will put my dwunken ass in my bed and fall asleep in no time. See ye all on FRIED-DEY, wooopie!! 


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited January 2014

    Hi Dorky Ise here again now. Been sewing all afternoon and managed to get top of quilt together. Hopes you has good sleeps.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Sadie has gotten back into
    her morning routine pretty well, she has unmade the bed I made when I got up
    and made a nest for herself and gone back to sleep.Wish I could!

    Wahine--Hope you are
    able to get up easily this ayem!

    Cammy--thanks for
    the great welcome back!I say again that
    you did a GREAT job with the DOTD, feel free to jump in any time!

    Goldie--Love the
    rhetorical question quote!Sadie
    probably did think I left her again, I wads hoping she'd realize that being in
    the crate at home meant I was just going to work, butI'm sure she'll settle back in soon.Have fun packing!

    Goldie--that reminds
    me, I have to change my password at work today.Uggh.Haven't thought of a good
    one yet.

    Shmoly, what a soap operagoing on
    there???????The whole world has become
    so very self centered. . . .

    Mema--hope you had a
    good meeting!Tons of prayers, indeed,
    I'm doing that too.

    like your Dad is getting the care and attention he needs for his own
    safety.I think you are right not to
    tell him what the plan is until it is absolute and final.And let the doc tell him if possible!There's been domestic violence in my family,
    ended up in a murder/suicide, so I understand the pain of that situation.Am praying for your DD, you, your Dad, your
    Mom, and everyone around you.Hope the
    kids jumped into the pool enthusiastically!And no one is trying to humbarras you, you are indeed a loyal loungette,
    there are ups and downs to our participation and we all understand that!Great poem!Thanks for sharing it.

    Aly--what quilt
    pattern are you making?

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is Alien Nipple

    1/4 oz Midori Melon

    1/2 oz Butterscotch

    1/4 oz Irish Cream


    Add Butterscotch
    first, layer Irish cream on top, and pour in melon liqueur.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    NM my eyes feel better when I see u in the morning--it's so nice having u back, not just for the DOTD, but the balance of our lives her.

    Now goldie will be leaving and that throws me too, I am a creature of habit. Altho I'm always happy that u'r going for u, I selfishly miss u all.

    Dork that was boootiful and it's all true --2 ways, I'm confusticated, are u working today" I know u need to take some days off with all that's happening--My prayers are going for u'r Dad and DD for sure.

    Kat my prayers for u'r whole family u've got loads going on and I don't know how all u girls manage. And hoping u'r back is better so u can help u'r DD

    I really hope everyone has a decent day--I'm sorry I didn't mention everyone but I do think of all of u--and it's going to snow tonite and get super cold so I have to wash clothes.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2014

    Good morning, TGIF woo hooo for de mon-Fri goils.

    Cammy, I am going to work today, I did not go yeseterday cuz I was up all night and had to sleep then take care of bidness. 

    I also hope you all have a terrific and non eventful dwunken friedey. Cheers! 

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2014
    Adey, it was nice to see you.

    SuZ, is that water cold in the Salt River? How long of a trip is it?

    Oh my Bernie, those are quite the stories, WOW! Surprised that the mistress came clean, I mean why now?

    DorK, we love you too, thank you for a the beautiful poem. I ditto what NM said to you about your dad. I hope your DD is doing ok. Sending prayers your way, for and your family.

    Kathy, how did your DD do yesterday? Do you what "cocktail" she is getting?

    NM, I have 2 sites that I have to log in to regularly and they require password changes every month or so. I think I will just check our thread and use a word from here! Sounds like Sadie knows you are home to stay, hence going back to bed!

    Ooh, glad I refreshed, almost bumpdid Cami and Dork into the pool! Cami, it is sooooo cold out your way!
    Town day for us, also have to take the quad in, it's leaking oil pretty good. Hoping it's nothing serious, but need to get that bixed, so we can go riding and camping come spring.
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Bernie I did have to read that story more than once--it sounded like a soap opera story line--unbelievable.

    Oh Dork u didn't get much sleep last night--try to stay awake somehow.


    We're having the kind of cold u can only stay our just to go to and from the car--it's brutal, nit counting any wind chill next week will be below zero and snow tonight and into tomorree then the blast comes in. I watched the news last night there was a terrific accident on I-94, in Indiana, it was that type of snow where u'r blinded and there were at least 29 semi's and cars all on top of each other--OMG it took hrs. and hrs to get people out of crushed steel and of course some died but all were taken to hospitals--it was horrendous never saw anything like that before. And that was because of Lake effect snow, tragedy.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2014

    That is accident is right where my BIL lives Cami. News here is saying 40 cars and it happened in white out conditions. I have only ever driven in a white out once, and that was one too many. VERY scary! We leave Tuesday! Weekends go by fast. I will be in the V.I. before ya know it. Temps in the 80's with humidity in the same numbers, not looking forward to that! It will be a long day for me.

    Dolly concert Tuesday night, then my plane leaves at 6 am Wednesday morning. Meaning I need to be there at least by 5 am, so getting up prolly around 3 am!!! YIKES!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    OMG., I had heard about that horrid wreck in Indiana, and just now looked it up to see where it was, and it was right near where I used to live, in Michigan City. How awful. I feel worst for those that perished and their friends and families, but I also feel badly for those that were stuck out there in the cold, prolly with injuries. I mean we hate to go out when it is that cold for just a minute, and I can't imagine being stuck like that for such a long time. Just awful. I used to work in Valparaiso, and it was about a 30 min drive if I remember correctly. But I had moved there from HI, and omg when it would be snowing hard, you couldn't see where the road was and where the ditch was. One night I had to sit in a motel lobby as it was right below a very steep, tall, hill and NO vehicles were getting up it. The police would let 1 vehicle at a time, try to get up the hill, but they would come sliding back down. DON'T MISS THAT WEATHER AT ALL!!!  I feel for all of you in the frozen weather this winter. Last night our wind chill was below 0 and its about 10 today, so we have to have Maverick inside, away from Molly. Thats the only inconvenience we have, so we are verly lucky.

    Today I get my MRI....with my deteriorating spine, I hate it that somehow my bone density scans got missed for 5-6 yrs, instead of every 2. I may take a xanax beforehand, as those MRI's do make me a little claustrophobic. I can do them, just dread them.

    Thanks for asking about my DD1. She did really well yesterday (or had I said that earlier? I dunno, still haven't found my brain, and now it has run off with Lori's But it was a long day for their house by 8:30 (DH, while I got to drs at 8), then I didn't get to leave their house till after 4. AND I got us lost going to my g'sons class. I was trying to see how far it was from their house, so had the mileage thing on. Well, I missed the road, and we went 23 miles...when we finally got there, and I checked the mileage on the way back to their house, it was 10 miles! So its about 25 mi from my house to take him to his class, and 10 mi from their house (OR 23 if I get lost! lol).

    OK, didn't mean to be so boring, just got up a little while ago, no breakfast yet, so I am rambling.

    Dorkie, that poem was SO sweet, and we know you meant it for all of us. You are very spechual!!! Love you!

    NM, awwwww, Sadie is just so cute. And you are so sweet to not get upset when she unmakes the bed and gets comfy again! Thanks for the DOTD!!!!

    Cami, so glad you are inside and warm!!!!

    Oh Bernie, that is so awful about that "ex-friend". I mean, Chris was your and your DH's best friend, and for her to do that and wonder why you don't want to be friends with her??? Crazy. So sorry for all that drama, you sure don't need any of that. I love how you always inject some humor in your posts though, no matter what else is going on!

    Where is Julie? Did I miss you this ayem?

    EVERYONE, hope today will be a good one for ALL. Big hugs and prayers for everyone....


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    For everyone....


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2014

    TGIF my DahhhhLinKs!!

    Dory - soooo glad your dad is in good spirits and that he is being seen by a psy guy. I agree with the others...let the doc tell ur dad the plan. Mayb u can b there when they do tell him? I jes LOVE that poem. We are always here for you girlfriend. Please, NEVER worry about venting with us, or about not addressing each of us, jes keep venting and we will keep you close in our hearts and the prayers flowing. MUAH! OK, we'll pull your finger occasionally too!

    That relationship is about Bernie's SIL's brother. His girlfriend had his baby, or so he thought it was his...but looking like he's saying 'Who's your Daddy' now.

    NM - LOL on Sadie remaking the bed to 'her' specifications and comfort. My Bella does that with the throw rugs. Meeting was OK, mostly a 'bitch session' which is usually the case. But a few gf's n I went to lunch after...that was nice. Wanted to see a movie, August: Osage County, but not playing til next week.

    Cami - Yikes, that is some horrid weather, am glad you are mostly stay at home kinda gal cuz den I kno u safe. Quit saying the 's' word...not allowed in da HTL. You got nuttin to be 's' for anyway honey. Wanted to get in the nuttin-honey...heehee.

    Lori - this was years ago as a teen-ager, middle of July or August, so it seemed fined to me. I do remember getting flipped over a HUGE river rock, losing my tube, and dealing with lots of bruises the next day. Ahhh to be young again.!! OK, u r gonna go to a concert on Tues night and be up the next morning at 3ayem??? YIKES is right, u'll b x-austed by the time u hit the island. That is unless u can sleep on de plane de plane.

    Kat - my bad, but had to giggle a widdle bout you getting lost, I kno it's not funny. Am happy tho that DD1 did well yesterday. Have you found out the cocktail and what the se's may be yet? DH and I spent this morning searching and reading about the Shred diet. Told him to think about it cuz of our dwinking. I can get it on my Kindle too, so we shall see. cool...cyber hug...Thank U!

    Adey - Sooo good to see you...where and how have you been?

    Gotta call mese DB, his Bday today...Latah Ladies!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Hi SusieQ--I thought I stopped saying the S word I must have slipped again--I live on a slippery slope for doing things out of order.

    Kat  I have to admit the getting lost is so part of everyday life and u'r in it too. I hope u'r DD is doing OK.

    It's Fried-day altho my super busy job, I have calls on Sat and Sunday--Well in this weather yes. everyone who is calling their box is not working--I was going to tell them--oh no no good thing I didn't--they can talk to the techs about their problems.

    Dork sometimes (well most times) I have so much gas cuz of all the stupid problems I have but I can feel it pushing out of my side and I laugh and of course instead of saying scuse me--I just say my side was complaining. Only people who know about my flying organdas knows what I mean--but I can not hold gas in at all, it's awful--I know that's disgusting, but there is no choice.

    Joey's going to my DD! home tonite there is a BD party there so he's so excited, but this time I'm not going with, he'll be home tomorrow morning, then later my DD2 and SIL are going to his sisters like engagement thingy  so it all parties, well Joey and I will be home. If it was my family I'd go, cuz if I have an accident everyone know what to do and helps me, but most are strangers and there's no way, I'll go. And take the glory of the brides attention to me hahaha

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited January 2014

    Ok, no time to read anything but my hubby arrived here on Tuesday night. We have had 3 lovely days together and are now prepping to go home. Souveniers bought, rum bought, Cuban cigars in the suitcase. He's getting a massage. I'm chatting to you.

    I have missed you girls soooooo much. but im home tomorrow and will have time to read and post.

    I have been dwinking mostliest for all yous who can't bese here in de sunshine wit me!! I am legend here!! Made lots of new friends. We will keep in touch. Wish I could meet all of you too.


    Gotta sign off - running out of time.


    Lubs lubs lubs you all.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014

    good afternoon all

    dorty-glad your dad is safe and getting some help,prayers for you and dd

    kat-you just took the scenic route

    red and loriHappyvacations

    bernie-why did i hear the corrie theme while i was reading your post!    hope she won't talk to chris ' wife but people like that have no common decency

    sue-hows your back?

    cammi-can i complain about the frost on my windscreen ?   lmao at the "gas"   the images in my mind were not pretty.Singing

    still having trouble posting except images wtf! but i can read.! stay warm and safe those that are in the polar vortex.   so scary watchign the news