how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    hahaha Julie--well I don't have any hair on m legs anymore maybe that's why I'm colder--haha I have figured something out. And no I don't want to hear about "frost" u can't even go outside here,LOL

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited January 2014


    Nice to see you SuZ...I hope you are feeling better.

    Red...vaca is over already?  That went by fast.  Rum and cigars and new friends....sounds like you had a really great time. And never say may some day meet some of us....some of us have met and really the only close loungette to me is Julie and I get to meet her Sunday Funday....Right Julie?? Meeting at my house...

    Is there more weather in the north this weekend?  No OT being offered yet. got lost?  My brain is mush

    DorK...I too am glad your dad is somewhere he will get help. Just love the poem.  

    Bernie..what a do you stay sane...or are you?  haha must be busy making beautimus things with your DH....Hope you poop in and say hey, hi , whazzz uppp.

    NM..I dont blame silly Sadie ...I could make a cocoon and just sleep all day..cumfy and warm...yes I say warm cause its damn chilly in FL right now.  Are you getting back into the work swing?? 

    Hi Addey...glad you stopped in.

    Ola to Chrissy B and Aly 


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited January 2014

    Ise sitting here watching cricket then tonight will watch tennis. My DD1 has gone to the cricket with her father which meant I didn't have to go. Joints don't like me today.

    So nows Ise going to gets a little drinkie. DH has just rung to tell me where they are sitting but its so hard to see folks in the crowd.

    Oh gosh you goils do have some 'adventures'


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited January 2014

    Red, I am going to be in Ontario in June.  Have met some of the goils last year which was great.

    Still not gots that dwink.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited January 2014

    Sane - don't know the meaning of the word.

    Storm front moving in this evening - thank god we don't have the awful weather some people get.

    My aunt came up yesterday with stuff for the alien.  She makes all her own cards and made one for baby girl.  Considering we don't know - that was surprising.  Every one so far says it's a boy - I've always thought girl.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Bernie interesting that she brought something for a girl. U'll know very soon--I'm sure that will be a happy time for u.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2014

    Sue, you gots meese schedule down right. YES, I will have to get up beery oily, and NO I can not sleep on a plane, or in a car. Can't sleep sitting up. Only time I was able to sleep on a plane was flying home beery oily in de morning, after having chemo the day before. Plane was not full, so I would get a pre board pass, go straight to the back of the plane, pray no one would sit with me, and I could lay down and across all three seats and sleep. One time I woke up and my wig had twisted and was sideways on mese head!!! LOL! Hap Happy Boyfday to your DB.

    Cami, I tink you wuz home alone last night. I hope you grabbed a few Tenders to come and stay wif you..........HA, of course you did! And good for you, not letting Julie complain about the "frost".

    Julie/Cyn, mananna is the day. I hope y'all have a GREAT time, and don't foyget a picture.

    Alyson, I hope you were able to get  your dwink on last night, or what ever time it was, lol. What will you be doing in Ontario? It's so great to meet a breastie, isn't it?

    Bernie, arrival of the alien is getting so exciting. Are you sooper stoked about this? I would be going bonkers, just LOVE babies.

    Red, hope you are able to check in with us. And glad you DH was able to make it there to spend some time with you. Did you find out why the doc wanted you there last Monday?

    Kat???? Where are you my dear. I hope not lost again. J/K, how did things go with your appt.? Continued prayers for you and your DD.

    Dorothy, what about your dad? And how is your DD doing.

    Lara, where are you? And what are you up to?

    Anyone ever notice, that when it's quiet around here, it's cuz we are missing Katrinka and our Adorkable???

    NM, it's the weekend, so I always assume that is why we don't see you in the mornings on Sat. or Sun., like we do during the week. Maybe your putting up some more pictures, tee hee hee.

    For all of you sitting in this artic blast, STAY WARM!!!

    BBBB, this is for your XF (ex friend).


    Be back in a few, need to look for a DOTD.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2014

    Couldn't find a BS (bull $hit) cocktail, but found this one.



    Dark rum 1 Ounce
    Blue curacao 1⁄2 Ounce
    Pineapple juice 3 Ounce
    Lemon juice 1⁄4 Ounce
    7up 2 Ounce
    Ice cubes 10 Medium


    1. In a cocktail shaker, add dark rum, blue curacao, pineapple juice, lemon juice and ice cubes and shake well.
    2. Strain into a glass topped with ice.
    3. Top with 7up or any lemon soda.

    4. Garnish with cherry and serve chilled.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2014

    Good morning,
    loungettes!Going to warm up here, but
    the wind is blowing a gale.Just can't
    catch a break!

    Cammy--change can be
    sucky, can't it?I like routines,
    too.And I'm joining you in the chapel
    for prayers for everyone.

    DorKable--Hope you
    caught up on sleep and got lots of bidness taken care of.

    changes are a pain in the anatomy, aren't they?Right now I have 2 different passwords on my work lap top, I usually
    change them together so they are the same, but I can't remember how to change
    one of them!Arrghh!I think Sadie is settled back in, too, but
    she does really try to go with me every time I leave the house.I'm working today so maybe I'll take her with
    me, it should be warm enough.

    Cammy--those big
    chain reaction crashes are horrific, aren’t they?I cringe every time I hear about one.More prayers needed, obviously!

    Goldie--do they
    still make at 3 ayem??????? Haven't seen one in a long, long time!Enjoy your trip!

    Wahine--You did good
    summing up your day so early in the ayem without benefit of coffee!And I can't get mad at Sadie, she's just so
    silly cute!

    Thanks for the cyber

    Mema--I've seen ads
    for Osage County, looks interesting, let me know how it is when you see
    it?A bitch session meeting is more
    bearable if there is lunch after.

    Cammy--Have a good
    afternoon with Joey!

    Red RH--Glad you are
    having such a good time, glad your DH made it finally, even if only for a few

    Julie--thanks for
    the prayers about the cold weather, it is getting tiresome!

    CynCyn--Yeah, I'm
    getting back into the swing of things at work.Surprising how fast that can happpen.And I don't blame Sadie, either, I'd still be in bed cocooned up and
    warm if I had the choice!

    Aly--I bet it is
    hard to find them in a big crowd, but it's fun to try, isn't it?

    BBBBernie--It will
    be interesting seeing what gender the alien will be!I take it sonograms to determine the baby's
    gender aren't routine over there like they are here?

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Wind Chill

    2 oz Gin

    1/2 oz Curacao

    1/2 oz Lemon Juice

    1 tsp Sugar Syrup


    Pour all ingredients
    into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, strain into a
    cocktail glass, and serve.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    GOOD MORNING VIETNAM (yelling, in my Robin Williams voice).....ooopsie....(changing to MY voice).....GOOD MORNING LOUNGETTES~~~!!!!

    LOL @ Lori's  comment....that when its quiet in the HTL it is cuz Dorkie and meesie are missing! Yeah, we both can talk a lot and write a lot....LOL. Nice to be missed! 

    I have spent most of the time the past few days, sitting with a heating pad against my back. Seems to help. BUT got a refill on meds, so hoping it will help enuf that I can do a few things. My DD2 and g'son were going to be here tonight, but she had a sore throat yest, so wants to make sure she isn't sick, and will drive up tomorrow (10-12 hrs) if she thinks she is well. We're all trying to be well around DD1. I wonder how good those face masks are, NM, or Julie, any input on that? IF someone is sick, and keeps their hands washed, would the face mask help if there might be a little coughing? Don't want to risk it, but in case we are stuck and have to be around her if sick, I want to be prepared. (Geez, once a GS and GS Leader, always a GS, right?).

    A little concerned about my MRI, even though he said he doubted it, my spine dr DID mention the possibility of the "c" word. But OMG lying on that hard table for 30+ minutes on my back, made it SO PAINFUL to get up, and was hurting all night, afterwards. I didn't get claustrophobic though, maybe the .25 (tiny) xanax helped, and also I was thinking of what my DD1 has to go through, and figured this was a piece of cake compared to that.

    SO GLAD your DH finally got there Red, and you were too busy *wink, wink* to write sooner. PLUS the expense of their internet. Did you ever find an internet cafe away from the resort? Usually we can find very reasonable ones, but not sure about Cuba. This is a vacay to remember, huh! And of COURSE, you made a lot of friends, that is just who you are, and I know you will keep them for years and years. One day we all should meet up!!!! A few of us have met, but not nearly enough.

    Hahaha, Love the Swamp Water DOTD, Lori! OH, and the "tenant from h3ll" returned a few days ago, and was so impressed on how clean it was left, and on the work that was done. My DH thinks if she wants to stay past the lease, we should let her. Me...on the other hand....would rather have it empty for awhile than put up with that stress. We'll see. Just wanted to let you all know that for now, she is very happy. Which reminds me, I need to make up a new lease for our other tenant (nice old lady), which we add that she can vacate at any time due to health. She is so sweet, we really like her, even though the movers ruined the wood floors from entry, thru living area, to back bedroom by moving in a huge piano. It left deep, deep scratches throughout. Her son moves junk for a living (and makes a ton) and I think he prolly got it free and hired one of his guys to move it. Just hoping whenever they move that they really fix it.

    Dang I am rambling....see Lori, its not quiet anymore!!! lol.

    Cute that your aunt made a card for a baby girl, Bernie! SHOULD WE have a CONTEST to see what the sex of the baby will be???? Who wants to keep up with the votes??? IF we do, I will vote "GIRL" like Bernie, since I trust her intuition. So far...... BOY:0,  GIRL:2

    Still on this diet, but yest was a hard day, and the lack of calories might be catching up with me, so I don't have the energy I normally have. OR could be from this back pain. Sue, how is your back?? Are you still able to do your walking? I need to sooooo badly, but with this cold, I want the treadmill instead of outside. Still waiting for that part, though. OH, and not sure you  would like week3 of this SuperShred diet, as that is the week that NO alcomahal is allowed. You might like the regular Shred Diet...I got that book but haven't read it yet...maybe it allows for more likker? OR at least the 2-3 drinks per week???? BUT today I get a REAL hamburger on this diet.....wooooohoooooooo!!! I missed the pizza day, didn't realize how much it would have helped me to have those 2 slices of pizza....I forget what I had instead, prolly soup. Dumb me! I bought some super yummy soup at Earth Fare last was lentil soup but all beans hardly any broth and was soooo yummy!!!

    OK, enuf boring talk....ya know once my fingers do the walking, they never stop talking......

    Hope everyone has a great SatTURDdey!!!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    Took this from another site...


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    That's so cute---Good Morning Ladies--

    Kat I think u should wear those rubber gloves too cuz u'r hands cary loads of germs. Kat I don't like what u said about u'r back, when do u find out,  damn weekend another wait.Prayers for u and u'r family still going on for sure.

    Oh u guys find drinks all the time--it would take me forever to find one--I'd get it ready the night before so it would be handy. But they both sounds good. Lori, u're leaving in what 2days---U have to be so furcited. Did u talk t u'r brother yet? I hope so for u'r mom's sake, but if not when he's ready he'll talk to all of you. U'll see.

    Dork do u feel better about u'r Dad, that he is safe--still saying prayers for u and Lori. It's all so scary.

    NM our weather isn't super cold yet, it will start in a day or 2 then below zero, that's not any wind chill crap either. I'm not going out, oh wait I have to see my Onc Monday, but I don't have to wait to long so I can get home fast and get cozy warm  fast. an u'r working today NM or it sounds like some kind of meeting u have to go to. U'r a trooper. I never liked meetings, never paid attention, but my job was not  important like u'rs I would listen if I did something like u do.                     

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    Gloria Richmond's photo.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Continued--my screen was jumping, I wish I had the energy this damn computer has. Jumping WTF.

    Anyway Red should be home today, her DH lost a few days of vacay, oh after all that planning. Geeze all the places u need a passport for. I thought not in that area--I've never had one and by now they would probably not issue me one.

    I was up so much last nite now I can hardly stay awake. Oh well what's the difference.

    Why do all of us (or most) have really bad backs? I never had all this before-when I take a shower it takes about an hr for my back to calm down. I do special PT and wow after Im in pain and I don't go crazy doing anything. Oh well to me it's a SE, but it's a crazy one to ruin our backs. OK I'll BBL my eyes are closing on me--well not off me.

    LUBS U ALL, sorry if I missed someone--Sue LARA where are u, r u OK? Julie, BBBernie Beans My mind is slowly going now.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2014

    It's Sa-turd-day...woohoo!!

    Cami - u got me rotf about da gas. It's not disgusting, in fact it's healthier to release it, whenever and whereever. Yep, it'll cause some to b humbarassed, but what da heck. If I don't get rid of it, I gits horrid stomach aches, so go for it girl! Onc on Monday?? is it jes routine or?

    Red - so glad u n ds had a lovely 3 days together. Thanks for drinking for us too. Wish we cud meet too...u are a hoot! Safe travels home!

    Julie - my back is much better thanks to drugs and pt. But haven't been on either for about 2 weeks now. That is a good thing. LOL on Maxine and not shaving legs...I can only get away with 'not' shaving about 3 months outta the year, believe me, I take full advantage of it too. Woohoo...tamary u meets da Cyndielou...wese spect a pic or 2 ya kno.

    Cyn - yes, feeling good. Ditto to u about tamary w/Julie. I jes kno you 2 will have a gr8 time.

    Aly - really, in Ontario in June....Oh u n Red jes hafta meet if at all possible.

    Bernie - funny about the card for a girl. Can't wait to find out now. As far as way without da booze n de willie.

    Lowee - too phunny bout da wig. I've never slept on a plane either, and can't in a car either. Always envied my dh, he can sleep sitting up within seconds. Loved ur Maxine for Bernie...da xf needs that coffee mug Maxine has too. She prolly wudn't get the message tho, peeps like that never do. Ya kno, da name of ur DOTD is nasty but da ingredients sound pretty good.mmmmm.

    NM - we are planning on going this next Thurs for August: Osage. A friend of ours loaned us the Captain Phillips DVD last night. DH has to work today, Fish fry after work courtesy of some friends from Alaska, and then he works on Sunday (payback for Fri off), so hoping maybe to watch it Sun nite. Am surprised it is on DVD, as it was showing here at the theaters jes a few days ago.

    Kat - I'm not liking even the hint about that and your back. When will u get the results? Gonna hafta hit the chapel and have another talk with Him. I say get the face masks and use them if you have to be around her. But of course, limit ur time as much as is feasible. And remember the bleach rags too. I did read about week 3 being the toughest, but didn't kno it was NO Booze tough...heehee. I miss walking, but it's not good for my back, so am doing the elliptical and some yoga. I'm sooo proud of you for maintaining on that diet, especially with how full your plate is. I kno I'd b drinking every day....sheezzz, I do drink everyday. But seriously...(((Kat)))

    LOL on da horse on da couch and I luv the sprinkle kindness post.

    DorKaroonie - how u b? how u daddy? I'm praying for you, check in when u can K?

    JeanBean - u working ur fingers to da bones? Missing u!

    ChrissyB - where u b?

    And anyone else I'm missing....ya'll got my lubslubslubslubslubs and prayers too!!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited January 2014

    Oh Ge so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    Dork I am so sorry about your Dad and your daughter restrain order god men never stop

    Wahine Heres your brain

    Cam yea Ive been in pain and dealing with a lot of crap.I had this big paper due

    No unemployment extension yet so money has been an issue for me kind of down too this weather is unreal. Its snowing again and its so cold the wind takes your breath away.

    Sean Connery is handsome devil

    Hi Juliet

    Im just jumping in

    Undie post I would be Einstein ash tray lol

    Cuba cyn yea not a good place we were re routed on a cruise from there or IDK some other country

    NM glad u r with sadie

    Thats about it with me Im still sending resumes I go back and forth on what to do work not work IDK

    kk ill pop in latah

    lov eu all





  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    OMG, people killed at a shopping mall in Maryland this awful.

    My DD1 is having a bad day, so I am sad about that. Plus the med I took made me woozy....will take half next time.  Sue, I think its prolly  good the diet doesn't let me drink, or I might not want to stop!!! lol, jest kidding. Walking is not good for your back? It helps my back a lot, but only if its level....when there is a small drop in pavement or grass, omg that hurts like heck. I miss the treadmill soooo much. Good for you with the elliptical and yoga!
    Cami, Hope you are sleeping now....I think I could take a good long nap, but too much to do.

    Big HUGS to you ALL!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    OOPSIE I bumped into ya, Lara! AND darn it, I knocked my brain out of your hands and now it is rolling down the hill...sheesh, can't catch a break!  Wish your money situation would improve, that is a lot to deal with. Hmmm....Einstein ashtray....interesting....still better than mine!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    Want to wish our Chrissy a Happy Australia Day!!!! It is on the 26th, and even though its the 25th here, it should be the 26th down under.....happy celebrating!!!!




  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited January 2014

    Happy Aussie Day Chrissy 

    Hey issues SUCK...and seem to always be lurking.  I hope things get better for you...ewww and that weather you describe.....terrible..I've turned soft living in warm climates.  

    Sue, yoga is a good way to get limber...I go on occasion but Im not all that into it and I still cant touch the ground and I hate the cat and the cow..A fish fry sounds yummmmm.....I dont get to eat fish much ..I usually get it when I go out to eat.  What kind of fish did you have ?  Salmon?  

    Kat....I am impressed with you sicking to your diet, especially without being able to drink...this is a diet I will never try. ..better run and catch those brains before you get lost again...lololo j/k .


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014

    kat.masks are good,plus wiping doorknobs,taps and the toilet handle help cut down on bug transmission, best defense of all ,soap and water and good handwashing

    see cyn tomorrow!

    have a good evening people

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Hi Gals,

    Kat I'm so sorry u;r DD is having a bad day--it's bad enough to go thru, but then to feel  it it's awfyl. And u and u'r back aren't so good either Ohmy.

    Lara I'm gld u poked in,Oh money problems are so stresfull, it makes u feel worse--to me it does. How can u work being in pain??? What a mess.

    Wow I hear nothing about the shooting today, I'll see tonite. Horrible. I've been on my pain meds all day so I'm a little off, it's like I'm drunk--oh maybe I'm drunk/--

    Joey and I will have the house to ourselves tonite.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    SLUMBER PARTAY AT CAMI'S HOUSE!!! WooHoo and we can meet Joey too!!!!  OOPSIE, am I inviting us all over, without asking permission? Yuppers, mese iz guilty. Nice for you two to be alone tonight, you are both SO special!

    OMG, really??? Julie and Cyndie are REALLY meeting up tomorrow???? Awesome! And yeah, ya know we want pics, cuz we are nosy!!! Well, really it cuz we lubs you both, and want to see you. Have a blast and we can't wait to hear all about it!! Hey, I could drive you there....ummmmmm....nah.....I wud prolly get everyone lost. Haven't found my brain yet, since it rolled off of Lara's hands....

    Well next time I will take half a pill, just had me feeling so woozy and weird today. Don't know how some of you do it, with those meds. But I guess we build up tolerance.

    Who is dwinking???? Dorkie, are ya gonna drop in here tanite???? Lots of Gentleman Jack/Diet Cokes are sitting on the bar, jest waiting for you to show up. Oh I see a bucket of Natty's too....some wine, some wodka dwinks.....hmmmmmm the Tenders and Wenches are just standing around waiting for us all to show up! Think I'll take Pants into that back room and keep him busy.....


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    Funny of the day

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Oh all I see are little kittens and I want them all.

    Joey and I slept on and off all night. but his arms were around me the whole time so we were comfortable.

    I can't wait to see pics of tomorree, u 2 are going to have a wonderful time and u'r weather will be fine--not like here--Oh it's just going on and on.but u guys will be fine.

    Kat and Dork I hope u 2 are having a good nite's sleep.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2014

    Kathy, I'm sure I'm repeating what someone has already said, but I reply as I read. Can't stand to hear the mention of possible "c" in your spine. OMG, why would he even put that in your head, until he knew??? That is NOT right, especially to someone who has already dealt with it, and has a daughter going through it. I think he should go the swamp! I hope you get results right away. As for the germs and a mask, the mask might help some, but I'd bet those germs can still get in. When doing chemo, your immune system is comprimised, easier for you to get sick and harder to get better. I say, just stay away if you can, or limit time, not worth the risk. Loved the kindness kitty and I foygot to give you a hug back, when you were passing them out, my bad. (((((Kat)))))

    Cami, YES, I'm getting essited, and no I have not talked to my brother. He is not much for calling people, never has been. Would NEVER answer his phone, ALWAYS let it go to voice mail, and if he felt like it, he would call you back. Best was with a text, he usually answers those. As for drinks, I just Google the name of a cocktail I want to find. I wasn't looking for the swamp, but it popped up in one of my searches. So say I would Google "Swamp Water Cocktail", then I would go to Google Images and see if there is one, if there is, I go to the website and grab it. I HATE when the screen jumps and you can't see what you are typing....GRRRRR! Is Cami and I the only one this happens to? And what Sue sayed about the onc tomorrow, routine?

    SuZ, my DH can sit sleeping up too, does it almost daily, and falls asleep it in about 5 minutes. Glad your back is feeling better. Did you watch Capt. Phillips? Good movie. Oops, see that is for tonight. Haven't heard of August: Osage.

    Lara, glad you pooped in, but not happy that you're not happy! SadWeren't you gonna try for disabililty?

    Kat, what was causing your DD to have a bad day? Is she feeling sick, or is it mentally, because of what is going on? Poor baby. Sawry you couldn't catch your brain, that was nice of Lara. I do miss having you and DorKy here, you two are da party animals.

    Cyn, what is cat and the cow? Yoga move? I love Salmon, and so easy. Why not make it at home? Slice some lemon and oranges, lay on foil, alternating. Put the salmon on that, skin side down. Sprinkle salmon with lemon pepper and dill. Top with more orange and lemon slices, wrap it up in the foil and grill or bake for about 20 minutes.

    I think I'm late, but happy Aussie Day Chrissy! How do you celebrate?

    Slumber party at Cami's? Kat, do you think we might be a bad influence on little Joey? Or maybe we could learn a thing or two from him!

    YES, we want to see pics of Julie and Cyn. We already know what the two of you look like, but not together! Have fun!

    Putting out an AMBER ALERT for our Dorothy.


    I found the Cow and Cat Cyn.

    DOTD: OLD FRIENDS COCKTAIL. For Cyn and Julie.


      Grand marnier 2 Ounce
      Walnut liqueur 1 Ounce
      Canton ginger liqueur 1 Ounce
      Orange wheel 1 Medium (For garnish)

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2014

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2014

    Cami, I found these for you to give to ED. Tell her we miss her!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Lovely sunny day here today,
    hoping to be able to hand out some laundry to dry rather than freeze, we'll see
    I guess!

    Wahine--those face
    masks are helpful when used correctly--changed every 20 minutes or every time
    they get damp on the inside (after a cough or sneeze).Good (as in frequent) handwashing is better
    protection.Also sanitizing door knobs,
    counters, other frequently touched surfaces.Covering coughs with tissues is helpful, too, probably more so than a
    mask if hand sanitizing is done religiously afterward.Amazing how many things a tiny dose of xanax
    will fix, isn't it?Tenant from h3ll is
    thinking about staying on after the lease is up?Hmm, would that be with or without a new
    lease?I'm tending to vote with you and
    ask her to move on to stress someone else out.And there is nothing wrong with rambling, I do it all the time!

    An Alien sex
    contest?Fun!I say Boy, that make BOY 1, GIRL 2

    Cammy--Yesterday I
    worked doing some visits to help out the weekend nurse, we got slammed with
    admits on Thursday and Friday, 3 of them actively dying, so the weekend was
    busy.And I usually just plug a word and
    then "drink recipe" in a search engine like Google or Start and can
    usually find a few drink recipes with interesting names.Or I find a drink with a close enough name
    and rename it!Glad you're weather isn't
    too cold yet!

    Cammy--It's actually
    easy to get a passport, I got one a long time ago and the hardest part at the
    time was coming up with the money.I'm
    hoping a renewal is cheaper.My back has
    been unhappy since horseback riding last week, need to start exercising more

    Mema--Is Captain
    Phillips a movie related to Osage County?I'm really out of the loop when it comes to current movies!

    OK, just hung out a
    load of laundry.They were getting stiff
    a fast as I was hanging, so probably will be bringing in and hanging on the
    rack later.Had to fix another cup of coffee
    to warm up my finners!

    ORLA--praying the
    work situation sorts itself out soon!

    Wahine--Praying for
    your DD!

    Happy Australia Day
    to Chrissy!

    CynCyn--Yoga does
    work well, if I keep at it.Prefer to do
    it at home where I won't humbarass myself!

    Julie--Hope you and
    Cyn are having a great visit!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Meet Up

    1 1/2 oz Midori
    Melon Liqueur

    1 oz Vodka

    1 tsp Blue Curacao

    1 oz Orange Juice

    1 oz Heavy Cream


    Shake all
    ingredients (except curacao) and strain into a cocktail glass. Add curacao,
    garnish with a cherry, and serve unstirred.