how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014

    its a candy!!!

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited January 2014

    Hello ladies.

    Cyn I take efexor (sp) every morning along with gabapentin 3 times a day. I take it for my hot flashes and night sweats but efexor is actually an antidepressant. While gabapentin reduces things like leg cramps and restless leg syndrome. Together though they are supposed to control some menopause symptoms. I'm on a low dose so maybe it doesn't affect me the same way. I find myself more tired but I think it's a combination of lots of different things. Goldie, Cyn and Julie?? Dare I say that sounds the the party of the year? It'll be cider, beer and...what for goldie?

    Elizabeth Dahhhling, I am so very sorry about your furfriend. We had the same experience last year. We still show pictures of her to everyone. It never seems easier to lose a best friend. (((ED)))

    Bernie, pleurisy really sucks! And hurts. With all else going on right now, this is the last thing you need. In the old days they bound your shoulders back to force the lungs to open so that you were able to breath properly. I'm sure nowadays they have a pill for it. Sorry you are having to put up that this. Saying prayers for you.

    Aly, sorry about your DB. Hope he recovers well. Prayers for you and your DB. Hope also that I get to meet you in June. 

    Kath, now your DH too?!! Good lord. Your whole family is down and out. You need a live in nurse or something girl! Chin up it'll get better. And I will happily do your drinking for you! 

    Julie, I love Turkish Delight. Yum! That boy needs to pull hims pants up. Hims nearly falling out. Drool. Gotta try that drinking game. Almost makes me want to watch the state of the union address.

    DorK how you doing honey? {{{huggles}}}

    Gotta be at work at 7 so off to my bath now. Night all.



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    OH Everyone is having so many problems--I just pray they all work out for the very best and everyone starts feeling well.

    Cold and windy today nd there's no school again tomorrow--it's just getting colder Oh and then more snow. I'm glad of course but a lot of people aren't.

    Well I'm tired and hope I can sleep tonite and hope everyone is safe and feeling better with all good results.

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited January 2014

    Cammy, you asked about my appointment and I forgot. It's now tomorrow at 11. I'll let you know what's up tomorrow night. Fingers crossed for the best kind of news. 


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2014

    hey, ya'll missed my alien vote, GIRL.

    I am going off of effexor but only because i can now take prozac again. all is right when I has mese jack n zac, not to be funcused with ZACH de vacm

    Chevy, so so sorry, praying. 

    NM, you asked me a question I tink but mese hurrying and replying by memory. trying to tink of de city in your hood that I crossed at work, dern. 

    geez, so many have ailments and woaze. sorry BBB, feel better, chit on not dwinking. 

    Sue, enjoy yer visit. 

    Cyn, love getting matching tat's. and good Lord, high price for a retainer, dat attorney better perform (his job his job), pervs! 

    Kat, prayers for DD, always.

    Beckers, how bout dat? I thought you went on a one way trip on de ufo to sumwhere. good to see ya face

    geez, so much more to say but i promised mese dernself I would be in bed by midnight. crazy day, Dad was moved, he took it quite well. sad thing is now the dept of aging or sum chit is involved and if he does not behave, he will be owned by de state. de tings he did at the home are considered elder abuse. oh mese nerves. so I cut my hair, that'll bix me for not being in bed. mese bangs was trying to poke mese eyes out.

    Lara, knock it off, stay away from de gym dern it. I gonna hunt ye down and hurt ya. 

    so sorry not to comment, I wish I could remember what I wanted to say. well gotta go. well in five minutes, will slug down dis dwink. i gonna buy shares in de JD company cuz mese making dem rich ~burp~

    I love and care for you all deeply and feel bad but I know you would not wants me to. so I will finish gitting numb so will not feel bad, deal?

    cheers dEARs! and add some peace, love and harmony 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Dork it's just nice to see u visit here and u don't have to direct things if u don't remember, cuz I know I forget, when I'm reading I think OHG then I forget when I'm writing.

    I was sleeping so  nice and woke up cuz of my goofy D,which only makes me more exhausted and I bet I'll be busy at work today again, cuz of the weather and I'm so bitchy I don't think I should talk to anyone today LOL Oh I had a man (not literally) yesterday that did not want to speak to me at all, He wanted the boss --the MAN that owned the company--I trued to tell him he will tlk to him, but I needed all of the info to send to him--He was livid that I would disrespect him so much that he couldn't speak to him right then. Well he was lucky I controlled myself cuz I was livid too--and I ain't pretty when I'm pissed t other people So I hope today is nicer and not as busy. Well we'll see how it goes.


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Julie u'r so cute.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Well, the big snow turned
    out to be nothing but a dusting and bit of rain.All that wet has frozen up again.

    Hi, Katie-Kat! I see
    you've taken typing lessons from Silly Sadie!I'm betting the work calls were busy yesterday.

    Goldie--So sad, so
    many missing after that fire.I wonder
    if they had an evacuation plan or if the fire was just too fast moving.Such a horrible thing for everyone involved.Did you see where they've brought in airplane
    de-icing equipment to melt the ice so they can look for the missing.So scary.

    Mema--Wow, you are a
    busy lady, no wonder one thing got past you!I hear you about the calendar being the life-saver, mine certainly
    is.I've been to some yoga classes that
    use the blocks and other helpers, great idea in my mind!I know I need the extra help, especially at
    first, and it's fun to see progress as you need the blocks less!

    Mema--ok, got your
    alien gender vote logged in!

    Alien Count Update:

    Boy:NativeMainer, Camillegal, MemaSue56,

    Girl:RedReading,BernieEllen's Aunt, Bernie Ellen,Juliet62,

    again (thanks for catching the goof)

    Alien Count Update:

    Boy:NativeMainer, Camillegal, MemaSue56,

    Girl:RedReading,BernieEllen's Aunt, Bernie Ellen,Juliet62, Wahine,


    Alien Count Update:

    Boy:NativeMainer, Camillegal, MemaSue56,

    Girl:RedReading,BernieEllen's Aunt, Bernie Ellen,Juliet62, Wahine, Cindielou,

    ORLA--why do you
    always seem to be overdoing things?Freezing pipe are not good, but freezing pipes in a school are even

    BBBBBernie--Yikes!Pleurisy is painful!Wine may not be the best cure, but it must
    help!Hope devil sis will be helpful and
    not bothersome.Can you play up the sick

    Wahine--Wow, it is
    amazing the gizmos and gadgets that are out there these days!

    Aly--Praying for
    your DB.

    Julie--you signed up
    for a 5K?Good for you!Yup, I did my neck stretches!

    CynCyn--Another meet
    up scheduled, hooray!Yikes, that is
    quite a retainer!That guy better be
    GREAT!You may find that you do best
    taking the Effexor at bedtime.It can
    help you get to sleep at night with the sleepiness it can cause. The dry mouth
    is a common problem, too, sipping water, chewing gum, sucking on hard candies
    can help.

    Cammy--there are a
    lot of young people out there who will not understand tearing the phone off the
    wall!Just like they don't understand
    the broken record reference.

    Oooh, YUM!

    Julie--the only way
    I could watch an Obama speech at any time!

    Wahine--Will a
    Seagrams/Diet Pepsi work for you?I can
    do that after work tonight.Praying for

    Chevy--tears for you
    and your fur baby.

    Red RH--I took
    gabapentin for hot flashes while I was on arimidex, it worked great but it did
    make me feel tired.

    DorKable--'s OK, I
    forgot what I asked!So your Dad needs
    to behave or be owned by the State? Sounds like a plan to me.And while what he did is considered abusive,
    it was his dementia talking, not himself, I'm sure.Still hard to deal with.Glad the move went ok.He may find that he's happier in a more
    structured setting.Did you cut just
    your bangs or ALL your hair?????? And no apologizing for not addressing
    everyone, you've got plenty enough on your plate, we're glad you check in and
    let us know you're ok!

    Cammy--what a
    jerk!I would want to say something
    stoopid like "I'll tell the boss you want a call.I assume he knows who you are and what your
    phone number is by telephathy since you won't give that info to me? "OR, "yes, sir, I am sending this
    text:a man wants to talk only to you,
    won't give name or phone number,Please
    call him ASAP. "Then there is the
    trick of hanging up the phone while you are talking, everyone assumes the phone
    or the connection is the problem, no one ever thinks you would hang up on

    Alien Count Update:

    Boy:(3) NativeMainer, Camillegal, MemaSue56,

    Girl:(7) RedReading,BernieEllen's Aunt, Bernie Ellen,Juliet62, Wahine, Cindielou, DorK,

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Florida Freeze

    1 1/4 oz Dark Rum

    1 oz Orange Juice

    2 oz Pineapple Juice

    1 1/4 oz Coconut


    Pour all ingredients
    into a blender with 3/4 cup of crushed ice. Blend until slushy. Pour into a
    highball glass, and serve.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2014

    Oh wow Sue, touching the ground! I was thinking touching toes. No way could I do what you posted, prolly not even wif a block. Would fall right over! Have a voondavah time with Maddy. And glad, sooper feeling bettah!

    Lara, Lara, need to STOP over doing it? Or are you trying to beat Dork in surgeries! Need to tie you down girl.

    Kat, good job for keeping up the alien count. I am partial to goils, but I will go wif boy, so Bernie can have some good help on the farm. I'll help drink for you and Bernie. I hope DD2 is feeling better, and would like to say the same about DD1, but I'm afraid that won't be for awhile. When do you get results for your back, also hoping your DH is feeling better! Good luck on the scope tomorrow for him. Good grief Charlie Brown!

    Oh no Bernie, not what you need! I don't think I have ever had that, and I think it is quite painful??? Oh, I hope you feel better soon.

    Alyson, hoping for good news on your brother, and glad you will get to go and visit him. And a trip to Ireland in your future....SWEET!

    Thanks for the reminder to stretch meese neck Julie.

    Lucy, dat sucks about the X, and now you have to have a lawyer, dayem! How sweet that Jodi wants matching tats wif her mom. Do you know what and where. Uck the X! I didn't take Effexor, so can't help with that. I think Kat might have tho.

    Oh shoot, just read Cami's update on ED's Lacee. Elizabeth Dahling, I so sorry you had to have her put down. So so sorry. Gentle hugs, and may you find peace with all of the sweet memories you have of her. (((((Chev)))))

    Nope, can't see any ditzy Cam, you are safe. I get weirded out with those nuclear tests, with they would just call it something else.

    LOL @ the drinking game Julie.

    Red, maybe you can let Cyn know how much Effexor you take. It was offered to me, but I declined. I am a beer drinker too, but will drink just about anything! Crossing my fingers for your appointment tomorrow and will say a prayer too, for the added protection.

    Dort, so where did they move your dad to? Some kind of assisted living? Will he be able to bisit your mom? I sorry about this, but that has to be a relief for you. Can you tell us what he did? And I so happy to see your purdy face here. How is your baby girl doing?

    Sawry you got the customer from hell Cami, I hate when that happens. Doesn't happen to me very often, but once in awhile. I actually had to block one customer. She ordered the wrong thing, and said we changed her order and it was our fault!

    NM, I did not see that about the de-icing on the nursing home. I can't hardly even think about, just makes me sick. That just has to be one of the most horrid ways to die. You are doing good on the alien count too. Love your comments for Cami to use.

    I got a wonderful call yesterday from Julie, to confirm our plans. She has the sweetest voice and a very strong accent, that I was not expecting. I guess because you live here, is why I wasn't expecting it. So the girls are gonna pick me up at the airport, we'll go out for a bite to eat and then they will take me to my dads. Isn't that awesome? I am so very happy that they are gonna make that drive to see me! I can't wait. And it looks like the weather will warm up by then. Dolly tonight, then taking this happy ass to the islands, beery early in da morning!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2014

    YIKES! My first leg of my trip is Phoenix to Atlanta. That flight for this morning is CANCELED! I sure hope things clear up by tomorrow morning.

    Kathy, I meant to ask how your parents are doing. I think they are still away?

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2014

    Quick poop in goils!

    Wanted to tell Lowee to have a safe trip and already things are not going as planned??  Yikes is right...hoping your flight for tamary is a GO!  Soooo glad you are gonna have face time with Julie and Cyn...that is very sweet of them to do da driving.

    Bernie - saying prayers u git better soon (((BBB)))

    My bad I don't have time to get to everone...but ya'll knows I lubs ya.  Latah!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    I ditto what everyone said....everything was purrfect and you all addressed everyone, so I am taking the easy way out! LOL, Just have a minute anyway.

    Lori, I sure hope your flight tomorrow is NOT cancelled....well I hope none of your flights are cancelled. Scary with the bad weather hitting so many states. YES< so awesome that Julie and Cyn will pick you up and you all will get to be together and have dinner!! So super! (Not supper, super! lol).

    Love the DOTD, NM, sounds soooo good. And yes, Seagrams/Diet Pepsi works too. I actually like both Coke and Pepsi, so whichever is on sale is what I get. Just missing it since I have not had and likker since Jan 12. Had some champagne though, very little, and this week is cold-turkey! I will have a lot of making up to do.

    THANK you all for your prayers for my friend Shirley, she is in rehab now and hopes to be back home by the end of the month. They had "lost" her a couple of times, and she not only had the heart attack but was on ventilator a couple of days (no memory of it thank God), and then they found out she had A-Fib also. So this was a lucky wake-up call to her, and she is walking now, which she could hardly even stand up for more than a minute before this happened. Scares me since she is my age, but had done too much sitting down, and no exercize. BUT now another friends DH just had chest pains and went to one hospital and is being transferred to another hospital right now. They live in Banning, near Beckers. I was a bridesmaid (brides matron? lol) at their wedding about 4yrs ago or so. Sure hope he is ok, too young for that.

    Will check in latah and see if Lori's flights are still as scheduled. And Cyn, omg that is a horridly high retainer!!!!  Haven't we thrown that ex in the swamp by now??? NO, that would hurt your kids, so we have to keep him around. But someone needs to smack some sense into him....suing you...that is awful!!



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    Love that, Julie!!!!  SmileThumbsUp

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited January 2014

    love u all

    I need to get outta the snow

    Bernie can I come live with u



    Doek we party


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    We are getting snow, just a dusting, but already covered the streets, sidewalks, etc. Prob is, it will not get above freezing for a couple more days, and down to 8 or so tonight, so just hoping it doesn't end up icy. Gotta go further south than here, Lara! In fact, waaaaaay further south, as below us in AL, they are getting more snow. It is prolly very cold in Ireland right now, too.....   We all need to move in with Cyn and Julie!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2014

    Lori, the girls know what my Dad did, they can say. he is in a mental facility for evaluation, not sure how long.Have fun girl, you deserve that.

    go figure, my kids are ready to be dropped at the pool after days of working and now I have to drive back to work, came home to collect my vegas chips and get a kiss from my doggie.

    Cheers and luv girls! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2014


  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited January 2014



  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited January 2014

    Pic didn't work, oh well, still brrr!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    I can't get caught up, This damn phone keeps ringing--When Ii quiets down I'll be bck, But Adey What pic didn't work??? I'm confused and yes super BRRRR

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited January 2014

    BTW Wahine I didn't know what wahine meant until I read "Moloka'i" by Alan Brennert.  Very good.  About a lepor colony on that island.  Anyhoo, happy Tuesday all.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    Yes, my grandma (from England) was sent there when her kids were still teens. She contracted it from teaching kindergarten on Oahu, and was ripped from her family (my dad, his 5 siblings, and her husband, who divorced her while she was in exile). I never got to meet her, but she did not end up disfigured as some of them were. When we went to Kalaupapa, on Molokai about 2-3 yrs ago we met some residents (you have to be with a guide) who remembered her fondly, as she taught art there. Such sad stories. She did get to meet my older brother when he was a baby, and she was sent back to Oahu, but they had to have a wall between them, she couldn't even touch her grandson.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    Oh those flowers are SO pretty, Julie! Thanks for brightening up the HTL!

    Well, I got the call about my MRI, and to add to my deteriorating spine and degenerative disks, I now have 3 bulging disks. Wonder if that super hard fall onto my back on the treadmill deck could have caused the bulging disks? So can't see my spine dr till end of Feb (his busy schedule) and can't see the dr about the osteoporosis till he is back in his office. Sucks.  (But it wasn't the "c" word, at least)

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014

    how weird is it when we are happy its bulging discs!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    I know, Julie, sooooo strange how our perception changes. A friend posted this today, I thought it was cute....

    I hear that, Maxine.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    Will be spending most of the next 2 days at the hospitals....DH has an emerg EGD in the ayem, and then the next day I'll be at the other hospital most of the day with my DD1 w/ her chemo and rads tx.

    When will the FUN resume???? So much stuff going on these days for so many of us. Sucks. I need a dwink.........or ten............

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014


    kat you need this