how about drinking?



  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited January 2014

    Spawn of the devil update.

    Went over to see her yesterday, I had run out of tobacco so asked her for a roll up, she said no because she didn't have any rolled up.  Ten minutes later she took a rolled cig out of her tin and smoked it in front of me.


    only place for her

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014

    ok we need to pay her a visit! bernie

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    My First good Morning Ladies----oh mese head--wowsa-

    BBBernie now it more days for that little alien in coming?Oh more waiting, but how do u feel? I hope better

    Dork I'm sure u'r sleepin now cuz u stayed up late, I saw Chrissy on de floor and u's just flying around, and I member Alysun coming in for a quickie---no no jello shot. I'm glad cuz I will stop drinking now--they are good for breakfast too. But I'm a respected business woman now beside being a lawyer, Dr. I am also capable to an extent for answering phones.Oh a phone, just one that' enough for me--I[m not like Josephine from Laugh-In answering all the phones just one phone.

    Hi Julie-do u know if Lori got her plane all right? Is it this week u'll see her or next week--I already forgot.

    OK NM will be here soon cuz she gets up early so I will say Hi NM now, cuz I will be going back to sleep, I hope

    Did u know (I didn't) that when they have like the state of the union address and all thes important people on the dias are all in line to take over as President if something happens they pick a person about 10th in line to be President and he has to stay in a locked for safety room by himself during all that so if some crazy tragedy happens then we will still have a President. And he would be let out of this hidden safety room to be our President. Didn't know that and we don't know who it is either. Just a little sumptin to get u'r day started.

    Oh my oldest DD is named Jodie, spelled dat way. LOL I hope Jodigirl comes back

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2014

    Goodmorning, Loungettes!How is everyone this ayem?Sadie went back to bed this ayem, I'm tired
    and wish I could do the same.Shouldn't
    be so tired so soon after vacay, should I ?Ah, well, I'm blaming it on the cold.

    Julie--LOL, poor
    puppies!The charge nurse at one of the
    nursing homes I go to has a Standard Poodle pup named Millicent that he brings
    to work with him, she is a huge hit with the residents!Champagne jello shots?Sounds great!

    Cammy--I usually
    love my showers, butin this cold I have
    to force myself to get naked and wet.I
    got a space heater for the bathroom and that helps a lot!

    LOL @ the Breaking

    Wahine--Hoping Lori
    gets out OK!

    Aly--the sun is over
    the yard arm SOMEWHERE!And always in
    the HTL!

    Red RH--can I get in
    on the champagne jello shots?

    Wahine--I've never
    had a jello shot, either!Maybe the
    Lounge needs a shot virgin party to fix this state of affairs?Cammy and Red RHcan be our instructors!

    Adey--I've never had
    pudding shots, either, same idea?

    Wahine--kids are
    really adaptable, aren't they?

    DorKable--I had
    Cigna once for prescriptions, it was nothing but trouble.Keep good records, this kind of thing will
    keep happening.Keep sending copies of
    all your correspondence with Cigna to the HR department, too.If they get enough hassles, they'll change
    contractors next year.

    got it!Welcome to the Lounge!What's your favorite adult beverage?

    DorKable--So glad
    your Dad is happy where he is, sounds like he's were he needs to be.And so much pressure off your shoulders!Good question about the fridge in cold
    weatherNot sure how that works!I saw the story about Grace on the news last
    night, and saw a pic of her, she's sweet!When do you want the HTL Caribbean cruise to be?I vote for soon!If we open it up to the entire BCO site do
    you think we could fill up a cruise ship?And will the pool deck be topless territory, so we can see and share all
    our stories?Would we totally freak
    outeveryone around us?:)

    Wahine--I've always
    thought of people in southern states as being lucky for not NEEDING to know how
    to drive in snow.Why should people be
    able to drive in snow if they don't see it but rarely?And if they ever catch a news report about
    OUR driving during the first real snow of the winter season, we look just as
    inept.Just like Maniacs can't drive on
    multilane freeways. . .

    like you are really let your hair down!

    Chrissy--Aha, there
    you are!Move over, I want part of the
    extra soft mat you're lying on!

    BBBBBernie--so the
    countdown is Sinead 6,Bernie 8?I'll rent an airboat and we'll take devil
    spawn out for a boat ride.We'll
    "forget" life vests, and come back lighter than we left!

    Morning, Cammy!I imagine you're back to bed by now, just
    like my Sadie.Interesting trivia about
    the State of the Union address.

    Alien Count Update:

    Boy: (5)NativeMainer, Camillegal, MemaSue56,Goldie0827, Alyson

    Girl: (7)RedReading,BernieEllen's Aunt, Bernie Ellen,Juliet62, Wahine, Cindielou, DorK,

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Flight Delay

    1 oz Blue Curacao

    1 oz Coconut Rum

    1 oz Creme de

    (Fill to Top)
    Pineapple Juice


    Build with ice. Can
    be shaken, or left layered

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited January 2014

    Right, there is no sun today so I can't see the bloody yardarm - wine o'clock it is then.

    Seeing all the news reports about your freak winter weather, hope everyone is safe, sound and warm.

    She who must now be ignored (ya know the wan - as we say here) Saw me out of the window this morning.  I waved - she turned her back thereby missing my next finger gesture.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Bernie u'r so funny.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited January 2014

    Hi everyone

    pass the champagne jello shots

    no one will take me away from the snow kk

    Bernie lol

    Lets do ROBO tussin shots im sick got the dreaded cold

    saw pain doc urine test every month happened again no meds came up in system WTF

    mese so frustrated they r going to do a metallic rate test on me I am pill central not even my anxiety meds showed or depression 12 years I have been on these......... take all thsese meds every day

    party started



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Oh Lara meds don't show up? Is that strange, cuz I never asked about that. But I guess they should, how is the pain for u? Wow it's been going on a long time and now a cold??? u'r immune system is stll shot I'm sure. Take whatever drug u need they'll never know. Stop going out in this weather

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited January 2014

    nuero pain last a while

    Dork a poo has had it for years

    Cold sucks

    Poop in latah

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited January 2014

    Lara, neuro pain? Is it fibro? I only ask because my daughter has fibro myalgia and is in constant pain. Constant headaches? Zingers galore, then weird numbness? Aches in everything? Skin on fire? If that is it, then my heart really really goes out to you. Fibro and the RB would be a horrible combo.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited January 2014

    NM, you foun mees.....shhhhhhh! don tell nobuddy dat ise here coz dey will all wan a bit of my softy rug.  Ise jest layin here waiting for dem ta drop dey jello shots an Ise be ketching dem dat wat ise done neds ta moove......coz i can't coz ise too dunkliness....woohoo!

    TITTIES UP!!!!

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited January 2014

    Adey, Kath, I figgered it out! Pudding shooters! Sustitute 1/2 cup Baileys fir 1/2 cup milk and ya got it!!! Mese so smart. Hiccup! Gotta get da instant puddin tho cuz if youse cook it, poof no alcamahol. Not de ting. Not de ting attol.

    Dork I tink it was Julie, but coulda bin NM or Bernie, who gived mese a berry fine young feller around Christmas time, hic/burp. But hims was playin wit scissors way to close to alls da good bits. So mese gibs him a time out in mese pool shed. Cami worrit he'd get cold but mese tole her dat ders a heater in der and de hammock and udder stuff - he be ok. I put hims on ice! But mese Tinks 2 months might be too long. Tink hims learnt his lesson?

    Chrissy opens your mouth, mese going get da record. Ise still on mese bar stool an I gonna jus dwop dis jello shooter in ur mouth from here. Open up! Hic. Oops. OK, de floor is comfy too. Here. Take it. Da room is spinnin.

    Bernie, I hep youse drag da body to da swamp girl. No questions asked. Dat woman sounds like a real biotch. I saw Beckers in here a bit ago wit a picture of a little girl baby. Mese tinking dats one more for da girls. 

    Mese dwaggin mese self back up on da stool to get champagne shooters for Lara and NM. Where'd dwy go? Lara, NM, mese gots your shooters. Come an get em!

    Cami, I took dat boy outta da shed. He was purty chilly eben wit da heater. I gots him warmin in da tub now. Youse tole ur apsirin what it's for? Lololol. O dang. Hi Chrissy. Falled off mese stool agin. Managed to grab da shooters tho. Here you go. Hey Cami, twy dis kind. Good eh?

    Alysun, Jodi, you likes da shooters too??? Hic. What's ur favrit flavur?

    K, tink I needs to go check on dat boy in da tub. 


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    Taken today near Pensacola, Florida. Haven't seen snow in Florida since 1989. Snow. In Florida.

    (Taken near Pensacola)

    Those pudding shots with Baileys sound amazing Red!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited January 2014

    Mmm.....mmmmm.....tanks for de chootes Red deys berry yummy.......not eben gonna twy gettin back on de bar stoooool coz i jest fall offen it agin..........

    Keep dat boy warm!!!  no sain waht wood happen ifn youse don't!!!  Youse jest knows waht youse need to do an it don take no barf!!!!!........hahahahaha!!!

    BBBBernie......yup da swamp bees the bestest pwace fur dat poison dats for shoor!!!  Yay!!!! 6 days left!!!  woohoooo!!!!

    Oh yeah sumbuddy jest dropped mees anudda chooter gotta go get it afor it melts!

    TITTIES UP!!!!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Hey Chrissy, I almost stped on ya-rite der on da flore, u'd be hurt badliest if I steped on u., but I missed u completlyest.

    Re I so hoppy u took him in da warm water- u have to thaw him out, if u know what I mean cuz he's no gooood to any of us den. Red u a a real genius thinkin how to make the pudding shot, I would neber thout like dat at all. Woow-De hail with Edison, Bell, and Einstein, dey notin compared to u. Dey sound so goot and I like Baileys too so dat means u can make dem wid chocolate, or banilla pudding like really goodliest. Thank u,

    oops I'm on de flore, but I'm stayin here, in my corner where I habe my space wid anyone I want. opps-scuse pleeze--I expelled somtin--whew dat's why I hab my own space. OK I habe to rest a little just a little, I beeeeeeeeeeeeee baaaaaaaaaaak sozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited January 2014

    No it's nuero nerves from multiple surgeries hopefully it goes away

    It's only been 7 months since last surgery

    In 2 months I get nips and my sides tucked in the last ps did a weird stitch at the end like I'm a quilt lol

    Champagne Jell-O shots here's a round

    I have new to report I do have some news but do not want to jynx

    Watching fear net yesim awake I can't swallow this cold has got me



  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited January 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    My First Good Morning.

    Orange I know what u mean when u don't want to say anything about something, but that means some good news here, I'm sure--YYYAAAYYY, so when u'r ready we're waiting. But wow how long did these Drs. say this pain could last? Any ideas? It's so hard on u and yet another strange thing that no one really knows or tells about at the beginning. Well Lets just hope it stops very soon. Lara I miss Fearnet. I do hve Cloo and Chiller, that helps a little, but I liked Fearnet.

    I hope Lori is doing good and is where ever she's supposed to be.

    Kat how is u'r DH? Are u holding up all right?

    U know how many years I've typed (for a living) and I still can't type--how could that possible be, I use 2 fingers now--I never did, I think I've done my best and now I'm going down hill, I used to type with all fingers and about 70 words a minute, then came the computer and I swear these keys are a micrometer off of an electric or manuel typewriter-so if u learn on here it's fine, but if u don't it's different.

    Well I still had my D yesterday till night time. but not to awful bad, so hopefully it's gone today. Snow is starting tonite and going into tomorrow--they saying 4-12 inches or something similar in different areas. so it's shopping this afternoon so if it gets worse we don't have to leave the house, Of course my kids will, but not me. Big time scary movie week-end.

    OK it's almost time for NM to get here and my screen is jumping Drat.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Bernie I love it. hahaha

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!I've come to the conclusion
    that vacation spoiled me.I don't want
    to get up with the alarm any more.I
    want to get up when I wake up, slowly and gently,and without a care in the world!

    BBBBBernie--I love
    wine o'clock!What is with devil
    spawn?I can imagine she'd be
    complaining if she saw you out the window and you didn't wave, too.

    ORLA--how the heck
    can that test come up so far wrong AGAIN??????Something is NOT right.Either
    with the lab or with the sample collection process.Or somewhere.Aarrgghhh!

    Chrissy--Awwwwright!Jello shot drops for us!Hmmm, better send Sadie to the lounge doggy
    park or she'll be intercepting the shots as they drop, can't imagine what a
    drunken Silly Sadie will be like!

    Red RH--Look down,
    and drop my shooters into my mouth!

    Wahine--oh, boy, I
    can see the price of oranges and other stuff like that skyrocketing this

    Cammy--sending a
    Tender over with a blanket for you.

    ORLA--praying for
    good news!


    Cammy--What is with
    your jumping screen, anyway?Sounds

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the On the Floor

    2 shots Vodka

    2 shots Spiced Rum

    2 shots Cinnamon


    add ingredients to a
    16 oz draft glass, allow to mix, then chug

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2014

    HaPPy friedey ladies, woop wooop!

    Morning Camille, hope it is a no D day for ye.

    Lara, I am crossing mese fingars and praying for that good news. And the pain, yes, I know all about it. I was told that it would take a good year after de surgery to feel good again. Geez, neither of us has been able to git more than a few months without a scalpel hacking of body parts. And I know what ye mean about a quilt hehe, I have some major effed up looking boobs. I can not even esplain all of the defects. Mese jest happy to has any at’ll.

    Kat, glad your DH passed de swallow test, hmmm, that makes me tink bad tings, I guess I bite mese tongue (mese fingers hehe). Praying for your DD and hope she is not so sick, chemo sux de big one, bigger dan Mr. big’s big one tehehehe!

    BBB, sorry about de witch from hell, hope she go away soonliest. Baby countdown, so furciting! Keep up posted ebery step of de way. lmao at the chicken ting, ye funny!

    ChrissyB, I see you dere in de floor~hiccup~, whatcha dwinking down dere?

    NM, I know whatcha mean about gitting up after not having to for a period of time, oh boy do I know the pain. And lol at the thought of a dwunken silly Sadie. My Dad once gave our dog crown royal and he was so dwunk, it wuz funny to watch. But I do not tink it is good for the doggy and I wonder if dey git hungobers. My old Mocha used to dwink from mese glass by de pool, yep. He liked JD quite a bit. Maybe dat why he lived so much longer dan my other wiener doggies. He liked to steal coffee too. I would leave de room and come back and see slurp drips on de rim of my cup and know he was in it.

    Red, tanks for essplaining de boy in de shed, glad you let him out, I tink enuff punishment. I still saiabrating no chemo for ya, cheers!

    I hope de rest of mese goils are doing well. I at work so have to move on but I lift mese glass to all ye and a hello to ennyone I missed.

    I has to retake a test that I flunked last friedey, got a 65, only  mese 2nd fail in many years. I git two more chances, it is a tough one. The wording of de quietions is twicky and not fair. I try taking it without a dwink dis time, it on HOEPA laws, legal scheemal beagle chit! I gotta fly, love ye all. Peace out and cheers!

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited January 2014

    Retail therapy today - new phone - new jumper.  Lunch with an old workmate.  Bliss.

    Can someone please explain how to use new phone.  Worked out how to put on jumper by myself.

    Sun is over something, somewhere - so WINE O'clock

    Hosp check today for mum to be - yep It's still an alien.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited January 2014

    BBBBernie what sort of phone did you get?

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2014

    Morning DahhhLinks

    Jes a quick poop in.  All good here, having blast with Maddy, altho she is wearing me out!  But she is good girl and loves to cuddle.  Today it is raining and pooches bath day.  Can't postpone, they too funky.  Today is baking cupcake day...good thing to do on rainy day.

    Kat - at least a little good news that DD2 can swallow.  And we both kno where Dorky's mind went with that one.  Tell truth, mine too fer jes a wee second tho.  Still praying.

    Dork - no dwinky nestime u take dat test...How is ur Dad doing.  U prolly sed a few pages back, but no time for me to read too much.  Still praying.

    Bernie - When u say u got it to jump, does that mean ring?  Wish I was there to help.  Our Goldie is best at that sort of thing, but mayb some other can help too.  Countdown!  Oh n read out the tobacco....beeeaaaattttccchhhh!!

    Lara - glad it's nothing serious, and most of the numbness will go away, but will take a looonngggg time.  Let us kno bout da news.

    Cami - git off da floor!  Glad da D wasn't too bad yesterday.

    Good to see you ChrissyB.

    NM - I kno what u mean bout slow wake ups....been missing mine since having gd. 

    Red - I love jello shots with or without the whipped!

    Gotta run...lubslubslubslubslubs to everyone!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited January 2014

    Here Red heres a jello shot pull up a stool

    Dork yes u get it R U UNDER YOUR DESK???????

    Cam thats is very good typing skills

    Hi mema hope everything is good for u

    Kat yes the test good thing

    NM I know its really weird I think its my meto rate IDK

    Im taking ultram and I actually feel better then the hydros The ultram is working  better


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    LOL At Dorkie and the swallowing thing! Oh Sue, it was my DH that had the endoscope, but my DD is having SOME trouble swallowing already, cuz of the rads. I spent all day with her at the hospital yest, that is, she had to drive herself there since I was in the worst traffic jam I have ever been in. They closed one of the gates to get on the arsenal, so the gate near the Space Center was backed up on the Interstate for miles, and on the highway I was on, for miles. Of course I had to merge with them. But what would take about 5 min took 45, so I had to call my DD1 and ask her to drive herself to the hospital and I met her there. And it was 9 degrees and I had to take the truck that is parked in the driveway and was covered in ice, and since its old, it took 15 min to even start putting out slightly warm air. Was blowing out cold air while I sat in it waiting for it to warm up. Yikes! Anyway, she did well, we were at the chemo part for 4.5 hrs, then rads doesn't take too long, but had to see dr, etc. So I was gone most of the day. The rads mask reminds me of the "crash test dummy", the part over her head is hard thick plastic mesh with just an opening for her mouth that they stick something in, to try to confine her tongue. Then it is solid hard, formed plastic that goes past her shoulders. Then she is attached to the table, in 6-8 places. Geez, even without panic attacks and anxiety,that would be hard to do!

    Lara, Wish you could start feeling better soon! Glad it may be good news that you are waiting to tell us...hope so, anyway! Hope your DH is doing ok, too.

    Dorkie, Good luck on your test! Is your dad still doing okay, there? Less worry for you, and safer for him, for sure! And I guess he is not driving, well duh, or he would have bolted out of there! Good thing he is not driving, hope you can convince him to stop. Hard to do.

    Bernie, OMG she is a total witch like my sister, I mean my EX-sister!!!! They can be horrid, can't they. And mine acts sugar-sweet to others so they think she is a saint. NOT. I guess she will stay till after the alien shows up, but hope she leaves soon afterwards. Do you have heat in your vehicles yet? I thought of you yest ayem when I was freezing in the truck at 9 degrees....stoooopid me didn't even have gloves on!!! I am so used to using the car, from the garage, and it warms up almost instantly.

    Molly did well....looks like no heartworms, but we STILL have to confine her for 2 more wks. Sheesh. And another test in 5 mo. She and Maverick are gaining weight as my DH thinks they need treats every time they move! He is a softie with them, but doesn't realize he is hurting them by doing that, too much. Aarrrrggghhhhhhhhh

    Sue, Glad you are having fun with your Maddy! We just had the g'kids overnight, but omg when I got home yest, they sure left a mess upstairs! And left things behind, too. But we love having them here.

    My DD1 is going to try to take her son to class today, and then get to rads...I am on call if needed......

    Good posts NM, Cami, Chrissy, and Red! Forgot all I was going to comment on.

    Hope Cyn, Lori, Jean, Allison, Alyson, Chrissy, Julie, Unde, and everyone else are doing well too!



  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited January 2014

    Geez Wonderful Wahine - so much to deal with.

    I forgot we speak a different language - LOL.  Jumper is Sweater (I think).

    Phone is a B***ard Samsung and it hates me.  Must have met my sista'

    Huge storm forecast for tonight - actually means heavy rain and strong wind..  When I see the storms the rest of the world get our storm warnings make me laugh

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014

    here are the English words to Calon Lan,this is a welsh hymn
    I do not ask a life of luxury, the world's gold or its fine pearls I ask for a happy heart, honest, pure heart. Pure heart full of goodness, More than the pretty lily Only a pure heart can sing Sing day and night. Had I wished worldly wealth, who has a swift seed; riches of a pure heart, virtuous, In a perpetual profit. (Chorus) Late morning and my wish Rising to heaven on the wings of song to God, to my Saviour, Give me a pure heart.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014
