how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2014

    Bernie I love you but all is fair in love,war and the 6 nations,   CYMRU AM BYTH

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014

    I'm back. My DD1 was real sick this ayem, so right after I posted here, she called and needed me to take my g'son to his class thats far away. Poor dear. She did make it to her rads appt, hope she did ok with that. Can't taste anything at all, makes it hard to want to eat.

    Cyn, yes I was skeered to try the circular needles, and didn't know they come in diff sizes. SO the only one I found in the needle size I needed was waaaaay too long----29" instead of maybe 12-16" long. So it got real stretched out and was very difficult because of that. I went to Michael's and 2 Wally Worlds and can't find anything shorter. I found youtube videos esp one by one lady, that were really good. If I can find the right length circular needle, I will work on doing it better. And she 'splained real well how to cast on, etc. I need to practice, as now my 9 yo g'dau wants to learn. Maybe I can try to just make a straight scarf for her Hitty doll. Oh, she told me there is a group that knits accessories for their dolls, called the "Hitter Knitters" or sumtin like dat! When I was looking for needles, this nice older lady started talking to me, and invited me to their church to knit with them every week! Good thing I have an excuse of not having time to do that, as I have toooooo much to do. Glad you are standing your ground with the boys. HOPE they listen this time. Cracked up over next time you will be talking to them from the OTHER side of the door! Just hope you are the one INSIDE. Yes, I saw the finale of Coven. Liked it! Didn't know next one is Circus. Is that in the fall? Also didn't know about Bates motel coming back on. I forgot now what the last episode was about!

    Guess I need to get more stuff done around here, looks like things are going to be bizzy for a long time. Got a letter from renter thanking us for doing so much and taking care of things so it today...then just now she called twice and apparently the sewer line is backed up. Sheesh............

    Beansie, why delete your post??? Not fair, c'mon back and repost, ok???

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2014

    I think the AHS season 4 Circus is rumored and not confirmed..but I did see the Bates Motel commercial..Jodi's bf is the one who mentioned circus..I think its a great idea and I read that it could have something to do with Nazi Germany , also a good idea. 

    Kat..your poor much to deal with.

    Yeah..Beasie..come back :(

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited February 2014

    Hi all. Mese gots me brewski and me Dr. Ho so ise good. 

    Kath, mese DH has picked 2 of da 3 places we be goin to next year. Da Mayan Riviera in Mexico and Hawaii. We know nada abouts Hawaii so ise gonna hafta count on you for de advice. Da turd place will be Spain or Portugal he ain't decided yet.

    Bernie, Yay!! I would so love to see your Ireland. And this invite to dinner is above and beyond. We was goin to take you and your DH to dinner. Can still do that if there's a restaurant you really like!! I'm in, either way!

    Cami, I can't remember a single thing you posted, ise sowwy. But hugs anyway cuz I lubs ya. OK just gots off me lazy ass and read da posts. Yes, I am so excited about meeting Bernie, maybe I can meet you too. But I know Bernie lives in Kilkenny Ireland. All I know about youse is Illinois. Chicago is about a nine or ten  hour drive, which I would do in stages. Are you near there?

    Dork, how's your daddy and your mom? Sorry you keep having to go thru this shite. Off early with pay? Cool. Mese lubs dose days! You still didn't answer tho, did a sober Dork post yesterday? Lololol.

    Julie, you and Cyn and Lori down to three days till facetime? Totally cool. Have you decided what tablet you want yet? Hope you had a great vacay in VI Lori. (((hugs to all three of you))) Cyn nice dat Willie decided to bisit wit you. Mese house had a distinct odour today. Yup, mese DH fired up de Cuban cigars. Lol. Or something. 

    Mema, you been quietlyest lately. What's up? You okay?

    Lara, hope you feeling better! 

    Chrissy, open up, more jello shooters coming your way.

    Aly, looking forward to meeting you in June. I have 2 possible Italy dates. If I knew about when you were coming, I would pick the other one for Italy. That way I get the best of both worlds - you and Italy. :-)

    K need to sleep now. I go to work earliest and I lost my wonderful temp today - she gots a fill time job wit da governmint. Ise jealous.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited February 2014

    Ise bin knitting, can't drink and knit. It would be knit one drop one lose one if I was. Finished my knitting Kat so maybes its time for dwink..

    Kat my DD1 has friend who had much same as your DD.= so knows what youse going through.

    Big hugs to all brain rather fuzzy. Had to take stuff for pain. Most my probs from RA, fibro, post polio, yose name it I gots it. 

    Hopes youse have had a good day. Still got to tink about dins - wish someone just told me what to cook.

    Big hugs.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited February 2014

    Ooo Red!  What sort was that one?  It as yuuuuummmyyyy!!!!!   More pweese!!!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited February 2014

    Red 1-17 June Is will be dere.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2014

    Chrissy, I tink Red passed out but I shoot anudder one of those chots atcha, ready? aim FIRE. I having turdteen pudding chots mese dern self. 

    so sweet that Red and BBB getting facetime. and Lori, Julia and Cyn too. berry furciting. 

    mese find out todey that Dad gitting discharged dis week. de meds are helping muchliest. I worry about one med, it is called respirol I tink. se's are horrid, specially for old people. NM, any thoughts on that? it is said that it is quality over quantity of life for dad but geeze, the s/e's are scary. 

    Kat, so sorry that your girl had a bad day. chit, so unfair. I forever sending prayers up for her. glad ya like de grilled cheese sammy. come tomorree for anudder, k? keep up de awesome work on the diet, that is amazing! 

    and all you goils knitting and crocheting? I know how to knit but could never make anyting that looked like anyting. drinking is my hobby, i do not have many others. well music, yes, I make music. 

    Cam, wese gitting anudder blast of snow on wednesday, dis area has set all kinds of records with snowfall dis year. we had next to nothing last year, it insane. 

    yeah, Beanie, whatdidYaSay den remove? inquiring dwunks wanna know. miss ya. 

    BBB, I envy de goils who got to hang with you. i hope someday you make your bucket trip to NYC in de USA. I come to see you dere as I do not see myself ever being able to afford a trip abroad. geez, my kid has been to London and mese, I been to nowhere outside de US cept for Canada and Mexico. I need to find that rich man that I was dreaming about. please, someone tail me he is out dere hehe! a goil can dream!

    Cyn, sorry bout de slob boyz. I hope dey step it up and respect you and your home. I hope they know you are not kidding when you say you will put em out. punks. boyz stink.dis why most goils dwink! well anudder reason ennyway! 

    Aly, sorry you has to take pain meds for all de ailments, sucks for you. can you knit me a bun warmer, mese ewwa is cold. it is warm there right? can you send some heat here? it nasty and cold n icy here. mese no like. I come see you. can you fly me dere? I stay with you. or Chrissy. whomebber buys mese tickets gits to host me hehehehehe, oh mese so bad! ~hiccup! dont blame me, blame de jackster. 

    well hello to de rest of ye goils. mese dwunk but should not dwink more n go to bed. prolblem is mese slept a nappy from 5-9 so not tired. to dwink or not to dwink, DAT is de question. 

    I go now but first say I want the tits of de goil that Kat posted, dey are berry purdy tittiies. ~hiccup~, oh mese writing with one eye opened again, litarally again. gots to go. love ye goils, good night. and to de goils jest waking up, good dey! chEErs! 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited February 2014

    hey dorky girl ise makes real good champagne jelly. Now that's one big shot hehe .

    Must not let dindins burn.

    Stupid phone tinks I can't spell!

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited February 2014

    Darling D, I think the drug you mean is Risperdal also comes under the name Risperdone.  I took this for two years after my last breakdown.  It is a powerful Antipsychotic drug that balances the chemicals in the brain and yes it can have serious side effects.  More so in the elderly.  However, in my case the benefits far outweighed the risks.  The only side effect for me was weight gain - more like being bloated.

    I am sure your dad will be closely monitored and his life will be a lot easy if he is not having all those strange thoughts. xxx

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited February 2014


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited February 2014


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited February 2014

    Red you are more than welcome at my place and you must meet the goats.

    Let me know your interests and then I will work out the best places to see.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2014

    And you need to meet Ash and see the baby chickens...wait..guess they haven't been babies for a while..You will Maybe meet.DH...........The Alien!!!!!!!!!!

    So NOW...sooooooooooooo furcited!!!!!! I finally convinced DorKado to get away from the frozen tundra and come to FL!   Yes our dear DorK is coming... found her a great idea online and she is coming to hang for a week.  Anyone else want to join?  I furcited to see my DORKSTER...we are going to put a label on Venice.....Lord help this will be great.

    Yuppie for mucho face time...LOVE you my girls........You all make me smile

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2014

    when? is dorty coming, so can come up and see her?

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2014

    She is coming Feb 26 till the following Wed....a whole week!!!!!

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2014

    When can u come Julie?

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2014

    Or we can come to see u

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2014

    And we see Lori day after Manama....sooooooooooooo excited

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Hi Everyone just peed, Like u need to know that. Yes u do.

    Dork when u'r dad leaves the hospital does he come back to u'r home or what is the deal.?

    Oh I'm sure Bernie is right Resperol is a drug for breathing difficulties. Resperidol is what Bernie said, the only maybe problem with that drug is u'r dad's age, for some reason the elderly seem to react differently when on it for a while, I'm sure it doesn't happen to everybody but it's a very confusing med for the elderly to stay on. They might just do it for a while to get him together. Don't be afraid of it, I'm not trying to scare u either, I just know on younger people it can be very useful usually. Drs. know this so I'm sure he'll be monitored regularly. My dad was on it, but after a day we spent at the races and my sister and I won a fortune, we realized we had to tell the Dr. cuz we never left his room, but we all had such a good time laughing and betting, then she called the Dr.In all fairness that drug had my dad going all over with us and we all had a good time till the races then we thought my sister should call. Prpbably cuz we didn't have any money that we won. My dad hallucinations were always so nice and fun it was almost a shame to take them away. And if u closed u'r eyes u were in some magical place with him, but we knew after a while maybe we should stop it and I knew that was the drug that was doing it so....

    Bernie I'm sorry u had to be on that drug u must have had a very difficult time. U've been thru a lot. U'r so sweet.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Temp dropped overnight,
    everything is sparkling with a coating of frost this morning, absolutely

    Cammy--no such thing
    as a slow day at work right now, yesterday was a typical Monday, crazy,
    crazy!But I got through it.Another busy day on tap for today, but such
    is life, right? More snow coming here tomorrow, too.Like you say, same old, same old, rinse and

    BBBBBernie--why a
    new hat?A fancy hat or a functional

    DorKable--Good thing
    you get paid for the day, otherwise it wouldn't have been worth while to get up
    and go in!Hope you got home
    safely.I'm not too jealous of Sadie
    getting to go back to bed, most days.SetfgedThat was Sadie saying
    "hi" right there.

    Wahine--OK, I'll let
    you off the hook for that med name for this morning.But next time you go downstairs, OK?Do you know what the rental is for other
    places in your area?Can you go without
    a lease, make it easier for her to move on in the next few months?Not sure about the details of all that stuff,
    not sure what's a good idea.Glad you
    are losing weight, I'm still reading about that diet and thinking about
    it.Eating often is a challenge for me
    with my work, but I probably could work out something.The no drinking thing is a concern, says the
    woman who hasn't had a drink since coming home from vacay 'cause she hasn't
    thought of making one at home since then!I think it's the idea that I can't that makes me want something

    CynCyn--Good for you
    for having a talk with the male adults you share space with.May then smarten up, and quickly!

    Wahine--Praying for
    DD1, can't imagine trying to have rads while throwing up.

    Red RH--sounds like
    2/3 of a great trip planned, or will you go on 3 trips?

    Aly--knittin' and
    rinkin', sounds like a good combo for funny stuff!

    DorKable--what's the
    plan after your dad gets discharged?Will he be coming home with you or going to a place with more help?Risperdal is a potent drug, not frequently
    used with the older set but it is used at times and can be very, very
    effective.The side effect profile is
    scary, but remember that most people do not have those side effects.You Dad is doing better on it, I say go for
    it.We use it in hospice care at times,
    when the lighter drugs don't work or when the behavior is dangerous, like your
    Dad's behavior was.If your Dad keeps
    driving off and/or threatening/abusing your Mom he'll end up in jail, that
    would be worse than some side effects that can generally be managed.

    info for DorKy!

    CynCyn--Hooray for
    your and Dorky getting together!Pics,
    must take pics!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Meeting Starter

    3 cl Vodka

    1 cl Tequila

    1 cl Current Vodka

    1 cl Dark Rum


    Mix everything in a
    container (bottle, glass etc.), then it is ready for consumption.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited February 2014

    Party at Cyn's.  So wish we all lived closer to each other.

    I'm a naughty girl - owe people emails - will catch up I promise.

    I love hats. Formal, informal, lampshades.

    Bloody freezing here, another massive storm front coming in this evening and then another forecast for the weekend. 

    Main gates to the field came down in the storm last night - goats have now taken over the garden,

    Sis is being nice, apologised for being grumpy - now why does that worry me. LOL.

    Thursday is the official DUE DAY for the aliens appearance.  I have had a cleaning frenzy so can't be long now then.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited February 2014


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited February 2014


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited February 2014


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited February 2014


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014

    Good Morning!

    Oh wow, Bernie, make sure you don't get blown away....that is some heavy wind! Be careful, ok? Will the goats be ok out of the fence?

    SO many meet-up....awesome!!!!!    Lori and Cyn and Julie's meetup is almost here, then Dorkie and Cyn and Julie, then Alyson and Red, then Red and Bernie....sooo cool! I am stuck here for awhile, so can't go anywhere (except quick trip to Dallas) till my DD1 is okay. But you all partay for me, ok??? Dwink lots and lots and lots!!!1

    Yeah Bernie, I wouldn't trust the sis when she is acting nice...hmmmmm....whats up with her? Hope the alien appears soon and that Sinead has a very easy labor and delivery, and the alien is just fine! Let us know when you can....the alien has a ton of Aunties here!

    NM, Oops, been upstairs and downstairs a lot, and forgot to look up that drug.

    Alyson, I tried to knit a small scarf for DD1's Hitty doll, but it didn't work. Tried to do about a 1" to 1.5" w and about 6-8" long, and all it did was curl over!!! Maybe I can learn a simple crochet and do it that way? Would it lie flat better if I do crochet? Or would it help if I have a dwink or two or ten first?? lol

    Oh Cami peed, YIPPIE!!!! lol, youse so silly. Jest love reading your posts though! Bet its still wicked hard with so many phone calls with this nasty weather. Hang in there girl, you are really doing well, AND you are getting a paycheck....yippppeeeeeeee!

    Yummy dwink the name of it too!!!

    Chrissy dear, how is your weather there? Do you have any travels coming up?

    Alyson, the Bachelor will be in New Zealand next week...well of course they filmed months ago, but it will be aired here next week. So many places we didn't get to the Fjords, Alps, and that boat ride through there, since the weather had turned so we weren't allowed to go in there. I can't wait to see what they show on tv. I loved it when they were in Madeira last season, as I could recognize so many places we love. Sure want to get back to NZ someday!

    BIG hugs to all,


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited February 2014

    Kathy we are heading into another blast from hell starting tomorrow but lasting only till probably Sunday when it is forecast for another cooler change.  I'm heading to the city again on Thursday as I have my follow up ENT appointment.  When that is done I get to go meet my newest grand fur baby!!  DD who got married in Sept has got a now nine week old  Belgian Shepherd puppy and by the pics she has sent me, she is gorgeous!  Her name is raven because she is pitch black and will as an adult, weigh 25 - 30kg......she is one very big girl.

    I'm planning a road trip (1100kms) over to Canberra at the end of the month to visit my youngest brother and father to the munchkin in my avatar for his birthday.  I will be taking my elder brothers widow with me for company........we are great mates so should be a fun trip.

    Our Aussie threads get together is to be held in Auckland this year so I have lots of saving up to the bonus will be that I get to spend some good face time with Aly .......woohooo!!!!!  The only problem is, I have to wait until the end of November!!!!

    Cyn I wish I could just a flight and meet up with all you gals as well.........I so want to come back to the USA!

    Tanks Dork for the Jell-O shot ize  did opn mees mouf real wide an it jest falled right in!!!

    Time for bed coz it's 3 am and I fink ize drunked nough.

    TITTIES UP!!!!

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited February 2014

    Cami – Love your heartfelt story bout your Dad. My Dad lived into his 90’s and was having some fun senior moments too as he got older. Sometimes I see him now in my dreams, it is always so neeeeeet to see him and my Mom when they visit in dreams. Miss them. It will be 5 years since my Dad left and 18 since me Mom left. Miss, miss, miss them.

    Cyn – Hope U don’t have to move unless it’s better and on de Island. LOL at the heated discussion with certain grown men. So awesome you will get to see Dofy, Lori and Juliet Fun, fun, fun.

    And Red will meet Bernie? Awesome!

    DorKie – I was so glad too to know your Dad is doing better. That is so kool you will go to FL for a week!

    Wahine – Saying prayers for you DD1 and hope your back is better. I’ve tried knitting but didn’t like, I love to crochet though. For some reason, it is way easier for me. My Mom was a knitter and used de circular needles. She made beautiful things. She was so talented, even could make her own yarn from wool, she even dyed the wool first, then would spin it and weave it.  Wow, that tenant is something else. Glad you got a tank u, but now the sewer line??? Sheesh!

    Red – so kewl u will git to travel so much.

    SueBHoney – I saw Sue Bee Honey at the store yesterday when I was getting loaded up with cranberry juice and it made me smile thinking of you. Hope U R okay!


    GoldBug – hope you are having a good time. Miss ya!

    Alyson – I sawwy you DD’s friend  had to go thru that, same for my bro = FURB.

    Hayloooo Chrissy!

    Wahine – LOL at the jello, great pics!

    ((((Bernie)))) – I wish we all lived closer too. I’ve only met a couple women from BCO when I was in Washington. One lady lives in the same town so it was easy to get to meet her. I haven’t been able to meet anyone else yet, with the move and rehab of this cabin, my bro last year, work, and all the regular stuff, it’s been a crazy time. Love all your pics!!

    NM – We got a dusting of snow last night too – beautiful! - and it’s been colder which I don’t like but the worst is having a lotta clowds which make us have to use the propane generator more cuz not enuf sun on the solar panels. Ooooo, love the meeting starter DOTD, thank you!! Mine will hafta be virtual dough.

    Sawwy I pooped in and out yest. I was having a problem – duh.

    imageGot on to tell you bout my trip to the ER Sunday nite for a painful UTI. DH drove me to the ER which is bout an hour away at bout 11 pm when I couldn’t stand it anymore but the nurse said it would be too expensive (even wif insurance, which I have) so said I should go home and come back in the morning cuz it was not an emergency. Not kidding. The nurse said they would treat me if I wanted to but that it would be reallllllly expensive. We tried to get an estimate of cost but no one knew so I was told to keep a lot of fluids going and come back in the ayem. I’m not bitter, they were trying to keep me green in me pocket and they were very nice. So anyway, DH drove me back home and I was up all night dwinking H2O and peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeing every 10 to 30 min. Was very tired, but I felt better the next day (yesterday) so was hoping someone here would tell me I dint have to go see a doc. Now I need de dunce cap, but have pity on a fool. Finally I talked to a helpful nurse on de phone and aksd her if I could fight off de UTI wifout Aunt B. She said prolly nut. So after bout ten zillion gallons of water and 20 zillion peeeeeeees I stopped whining and drove mesef to de doc. I don’t have a regular doc since I’m new to these parts but now I do. Super nice doc got me in and out and all bixed up wif Aunt B. I aksed de doc if my bod could fight it off wifout med and he said prolly yes but it would take 10 or more daze and run de risk of it goin to de kidneys so best to take Aunt B. Blah, I really hate dis but it is wud it is. I got a better rest last night, but still dwinkin lotta watta and going wizzzz. Also dwinking cranberry juice. De doc sez something in cranberries, blueberries and lemons is good f dis problem.

    Well, sawwy agin, hi to everyone and hope you have a great day. Cheers!
