how about drinking?



  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited February 2014

    Babes.  Still raining.

    Klever Kat - love the woolly hat idea.

    Red let me know what things you like to see and do.  Where does the tour take you?

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2014

    bernie can't imagine who you would like to fall down the stairsHappy

    dorty go with your first answer,

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited February 2014

    bad Bernie lol

    How nice you all are meeting

    Dork and I tryed just things pop up thanks for the hug dork

    Kat this most b so hard when I was under for idk 6 hours my mom I was told was praying and crying for me I think it bothers her I have the heredity gene I can't imagine. My niece was has a disorder I forgot the name she was in hospitals since birth my brother and his wife went through hell she's such a loving smart 4 year old. They saw the best doc for this disorder and they infiltrated on her when she was a baby she has a mark still so no more docs she will b of short stature she is always hungry so they have to monitor her eating its mean parents say stuff to them and then they say what she has and people feel like idiots we have bracelets we all wear if any one has questions people can b so rude I had gained weight and I remember this girl says when r u due? I almost choked her that is a no no to say that 

    I was in bed at 5 I know this cold

    Ck in later

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited February 2014


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited February 2014

    Just settling down with a nice glass of Red to watch Ireland play Scotland in the Rugby.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Apologies for being MIA
    yesterday, I played couch potato (recliner potato? Since I don't have a couch)
    all day yesterday.The most energetic
    thing I did was cuddle with Sadie after hanging out a load of laundry, needed
    to warm up my hands, poor pup had to put up with cold tummy tickles.She is so indulgent, poor, long suffering fur

    DorKable--Sadie will
    get into my coffee, too, once in a while!EsPECIALLY DURING THE SUMMER WHEN I TAKE MY COFFEE OUTSIDE ON THE DECK
    AND SIT ON THE STEPS.OK, not sure why
    my new keyboard got stuck on caps there.I don't imagine alcahahol is very good for doggies, although I know
    several that drink beer on a regular basis, along with their hoomans, and don't
    seem any the worse for it!Ugghh, don't
    like legal schmeegal beagle test stuff.PIA.

    therapy is such a fixer of things, isn't it?

    Mema--gd is
    certainly a rude awakening, that's for sure.

    ORLA--it could be
    metabolic, some people do metabolize drugs faster than others.Hooray for the Ultram working for you!

    Wahine--I cannot
    imagine how anyone could handle having all that done to them!Bolted down, sounds very Frankenstein.I would definitely freak, every single time!Maybe you need to tell DH to count treats,
    and remove that many calories from the din-din dishes every day.Maybe then he'll understand?

    BBBBBernie--I don't
    know, I've seen wind a rain do a lot of damage!

    hymn, would love to hear it sung, in English and Welsh.

    ketchuping on all the posting you couldn't due before when you were so busy
    with life!Too bad the post gremlin
    found you.We'll have to organize
    another gremlin hunt soon.

    Red RH--9 days, must
    be more like 6 now, hooray!

    DorKable--don't you
    love it when the computer starts doing things on it's own?

    BBBBbernie--Told you
    rain and wind could be serious business!I honestly thing that kind of storm is more dangerous that alot of others 'cause no one really takes the
    m seriously until the garden is ankle deep in water and the basement is filling

    Julie--I have a
    Kindle Fire HD.The more I play with it
    the more I find it can do.I did have to
    get a blue tooth keyboard, trying to type/text on the screen keyboard doesn't work
    wellwith my fat finners.I found an ap for facebook, e-bay, and lots
    of places I go regularly (not that I downloaded all of them, just a select
    few).I don't use the 3G connection, I
    connect using the home wifi, so I can't speak to that part of things.The more I learn about the kindle's abilities
    the less I feel the need for an iPad.Can't say as the kindle is better, but it does work well.I hear that reading books is better on a
    kindle or galaxy than the iPad, but with Kindle reader aps available for iPads
    I'm not sure how much different it would be.I took my kindle on vacay, got on line in the airports, was entertained
    all the time I was traveling.

    Cammy--a good
    night's sleep is a WONDERFUL thing!

    you are having a weekend!Hopefully
    Sinead and company bring back a doggy bag of good stuff to eat.Maybe not having to go to dinner with devil

    Wahine--Wow, so much
    work with big animals, I think I'll stick to doggies!Much less mucking about with small
    animals.I'm sure knitting is much like
    bike riding, you'll get it back fastliest!

    ORLA--Waking up in
    an amazing place is a lot of fun, even if only for a week!Hope you get to Italy someday, maybe we can
    go together?I like traveling by myself,
    but that big a trip calls for company.

    Wahine--there are
    liquid iron supplements, the version for babies is in liquid form.Vitamins come in liquid form, too.DD's doc can give her scripts for them if she
    needs them.It sounds like you and
    treadmills are destined not to get along!Hope the Nordic Track treats you a lot better!I cannot believe the other store clerk didn't
    even offer a bandaid or paper towel!Good grief.Glad you let the
    store manager know why you didn't buy there.I bet the staff there get some education PDQ!

    Beanie--love the
    coffee and smile pic!Can I bring a
    glass of wine to the Dog Beer partay?


    Red RH--we almost
    need a lounge vacation planner, don't we?Need to start coordinating all our vacays and trips!

    Princess glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is British Bulldog

    1 oz Vodka

    1 oz Butterscotch

    1 oz Coffee Liqueur

    3 oz Half and Half


    Pour DeKuyper
    Buttershots, Kahlua coffee liqueur and vodka into a highball glass filled with
    ice cubes. Stir in half-and-half until the glass is full. Garnish with a
    maraschino cherry, add a straw, and serve.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014

    Good Morning Girls...didn't get to bed till after 3 ayem....took HOURS to knit that hat (cap?) and even though there was a missed stitch (or three) and somehow I added 8 stitches along the way (lol), it actually looked good when I tried it on. Need to find softer yarn now, and see if my DD1 even likes this style. But really, those youtube videos were so good. I remember when I did knit as a teen, I always had my mom cast-on for me, as somehow I just didn't get it. But the videos were so much easier to understand, so now I got it. I had to sew a big pullover sweater for art class....lime green and hot pink stripes....those colors were hot in the late 60's and seem to be back in I also made a big, I mean about 3' across or larger wood mirror...a big huge flower with cutout where I put a mirror on from the back. It was nice they let us do anything artistic. And all the wild colors back then.

    NM, that British Bulldog drink sounds gooooooood....I will print it out as I actually have all of the ingredients. Yummmmm! Can't have it yet, but will, soon. I love hearing about how you cuddle with Sadie, can just picture you two! I hope the chemo dr is not trying to cover something up. Weird that he tells her he is trying to cure her, but then the med is supposed to be taken if you DON'T expect a cure, as it can feed the cancer cells. Then he said he didn't realize it was written on the form. HUH? She did take the first dose as she trusted them, but after looking it up on medical sites, she decided she will not have it anymore. Hope they can build up her blood cells safely, without feeding the cancer cells. Would iron supplements feed the cancer cells too?

    Julie, I LOVE your pictures, they are always so awesome!!!

    Hiya Jean Beans! Love your pictures too!!! And glad you popped in again....don't be a stranger.

    Sue, Is Maddy still with you? You must be exhausted!!! Fun, but tiring.

    Oh Lara, you just need to be WELL now! Too much with the surgeries and being sick. Want you to feel good!!!! Your niece sounds adorable. Is she totally ok now?

    Dorkie, How is your dad doing??? And YOU??? How is the puka? I cannot believe you have had that wound since August....unbelievable. Hope it is shrinking!!!

    Lori, I expect you are having a blast!! Hope the weather has been nice, too. Can't wait to hear about it when you get back.

    OH Cyn and Julie, you will be seeing Lori soon, is it the 4th or 5th??? So awesome!

    Red, you are traveling so much now, you can cover for me. Usually my DH and I are always gone on trips, but staying at home for awhile to be here for my DD1. She has had lots of offers for help, so if she is doing okay, we will get to go to Dallas to visit my DD2, this month. But all other trips were cancelled. Have you been to Italy before? Can't wait to hear about that trip when you get back.

    Bernie, Hope you are enjoying the game! OR at least, enjoying the vino! How are you doing with the pleurisy (sp)?

    Hugssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss to EVERYONE!!!! We need annudder knock-out partay in de lounge....been a LONG time since we had one. Guess we all have had so much going on, just haven't been up for it. But we are waaaaaay overdue.

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited February 2014

    Hi there. My poor back. Can't decide if I am more comfortable sitting or standing. My dishwasher decided it was tired too and was refusing to turn on yesterday so I called the repairman and he will be here shortly. Love this guy! Comes on a Sunday with only a $40 house call fee. He'll do it super cheap if you pay cash. No taxes- Yay! We're at 13% so it matters.

    NM, my vacay ended last week. Your timing is a bit off - now we're counting down to Italy. We're at 4 months and 16 days. Lol. I totally agree about a vacay calendar. If anyone is interested in Italy, go to Trafalgar Tours, Italian Dreams and you will be able to see our tour. Rome, Naples, Venice, Verona, Assisi and Rome again. Couple other places too.


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014

    Red, Can you use a heating pad for awhile till your back feels better?? Just don't use it TOO long, like this guy did....


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Good Morning Ladies

    Had a lot to catch up on--I've been roaming and lurking and even did some work this morning-yes someone called--the nerve of tem early Sunday morning.

    Well today is the big game??? the commercials are usually good, I'm really not a football person.

    NM isn't it wonderful to cuddle with Sadie--it's so relaxing.

    Kat I hope u'r day goes OK with u'r DD.

    Lara scary movie day (again) I'm watching Smiley???? on Shotime. Crazy movie.

    I'm waving like crazy---to everyone cuz

    I lubs u all

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited February 2014

    kat no she will always have this disorder

    My back went out today to

    Kat what about an elliptical ?

    Stupid ball today

    Making ribs and potato 

    I feel ok except for back never ends


  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited February 2014

    Lol Wahine!! I am currently sitting with Dr Ho zapping my lower back and upper shoulders. It's a T.E.N.S. + EMS + Pulse Massager. 

    I love my little guy who comes to fix my stuff on a Sunday. A burnt out relay had tripped the circuit breaker. He's lying on the floor saying 'see I can touch with fingers, see, see' with the electrical connection in his hand. So he replaced the relay and reset the circuit breaker. He spent about an hour on it and says $100, is that okay with you. I'm like, YES! And I have a dishwasher again! Thank goodness.

    Kath all this travelling is because it was always a wish to travel and see the world. Bc made me realize that I might not have the time or energy to do that. I had planned it for my retirement, but now I am stepping it up. I get 3 weeks vacation plus lots of lieu time so I plan on 3 vacations per year. This year, they are my choice, next year my DH will decide where we go. In past we went south each winter for a week but that was it. So - it's my bucket list.

    Bernie, you're drinking a glass of Red? I don't feel a thing! Teehee. Hope you're enjoying the game and that the biotch falls off the face of the planet. It could happen. You never know. Thank you do much for the open armed welcome. As it stands right now our trip leaves Dublin for Cahir, Cork and overnight in Kinsale, then Cobh, Tramore, Waterford and Kilkenny where we arrive in the afternoon and dont have to leave again till noon the following day. Then off to the Wicklow Mountains and Glendalough and the Sally Gap before heading back to Dublin. Does this itinerary sound OK? I'd stay in Ireland longer, was there for 2 weeks years ago, but I want to have the pleasure of showing my DH Scotland too since I lived there at one time. Truth to tell, I only diverted to Ireland because I really wanted to meet you. You have such a super sense of humour and seem like a very caring and kind person that I couldn't resist.

    Julie, my DH has a blackberry PlayBook. He loves it but uses it for email and games so I really don't know how it works for Internet surfing and such. I have a Kobo Vox tablet. It is super for reading, but it's an android so I would have to make a new Gmail account and I can't be bothered, so I don't get emails on it. Also, it is 16mb so it is really slooooowww if you want to play scrabble or something with a friend. 32 mb is better but I would recommend 64 mb as you won't experience the same slowness of operation. If you tell the child serving you at the electronics store what you wish to do with it, they can usually point you in the right direction. Loved your pics too.

    Lori I hope you made it and are having a marvelous time. 

    Lara still praying that your pain subsides. What a horrible thing to have on top of the natural worry we all go though with this RB. 

    Dork, praying for you and your dad. Did my imagination fail me or was there a sober Dork in the posts. My goodness. I had so much fun bantering back and forth with you and Cami and Kath and Chrissy and Adey and a couple others on Friday night. I actually did laugh out loud several times. It's the jello shooters I think! They are insidious. Sneak up on you and all of a sudden you're hammered. Lol

    Aly, that post I made last time had a whole paragraph devoted to you, but somehow I didn't put your name on it. 

    Chrissy, thanks for being there for me when I need a good giggle or some comfort.

    Well I know I missed a whole bunch of people, but you know I love you and ma thinking about you all. {{{{group hug}}}}

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014

    Glad you are getting to do the things on your Bucket List, Red. Lots of people never really try to do the things they want to do. BUT when you put your mind to it, it can happen. SO glad you put your mind to it!!! And who knows where you will go next yr with your DH making the decisions! Most of our trips are determined by the deals we find. Like I would have never thought of going to Iceland, and even though it was soooo cold, we would go again and stay longer. Never been to Scotland. We love Madeira so much we usually go there once, sometimes twice a yr. But its hard to get to from here....sometimes takes 30+hrs traveling just to get there. And we loved Toronto, and you aren't too far from there, plus loved the Banff and Calgary areas. Wasn't too keen on Vancouver, but prolly didn't go to the right places. Just spent a couple of hrs in Montreal, since my parents were with us  (on a trip to VT), but would like to spend more time there or in Quebec. I dated a guy in HI who was on vacay from Prince Edward Island, and that area looks like it would be so beautiful, but NOT in winter.....tooo cold.

    Lara, darn it, your back too???  We both tried ellipticals, and my DH has bad knees, and it seemed to wear his legs out too quickly. Mine too, like in a couple of minutes my legs felt strained. When I told the salesgirl that, she was like "Well....." because duh, that is what you do exercize for! LOL. But we both realized we wouldn't keep up with it if it were a chore. With the treadmill, we walk and watch tv, can run, whatever, but its enjoyable. Well, USUALLY, just not when it does what it did to me. If I had a big room just for exercize equipment, I would add an elliptical. But for us, to choose 1 thing, the treadmill won out. He's getting excited about getting it, as he finally looked up all it does.

    OK, gotta get back to do some work....

    Latah Tatahs

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2014

    well done Ireland! did you enjoy the match Bernie?

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2014


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014

    WooHoo! Thanks for letting us know, Julie. Yeah Bernie, "Slainte"!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited February 2014

    Morning all

    With my sieve like brain I forget what people have said what.


    Re will definitely try to see you in June.

    Kat I am about to send you a PM.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Aly I hope u feel better today and I love that kitten waving at u.

    Julie hysterical as usual, u have a wickedly funny sense of humor like BBBernie--it's so subtle and then hits u in the face. LOL

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2014

    hi girls! 

    can't stay long, the tenders just gave me mese beauty treatment and mese fingar nails is drying. so jest say high hey and cheers! I hope ye all having a beautiful night. Love, peace and JD! 

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014

    Hi DorkaRoni! Geez girl, you need to find some time to hang out here longer!!! Then the Tenders get "longer" too....hehehe.

    Saw this on someone's byline....

    I got a dig bick,.....

    you that read wrong.

    that awkward when you read that wrong too.

    And said "moment" after awkward.

    this is awkward..

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2014

    Julie, I have the Kindle Fire HD also and its great!! I love it and use it constantly...and its so portable so I bring it everywhere.  If there is wifi where I am then I connect to that otherwise there are a number of games you can download..and movies and of course books and a lot of available free books.  So there is my sales pitch. I believe you can get one for about 139.00.

    Im not all that caught up on things..been so busy with the weather ..Im  over it!  I signed up for 2 hours OT yesterday and 2 today but cancelled todays because I realized I need to slow down and enjoy I took Reese to the dog park instead. 

    The new shift bid is almost here..we received the bidding order I am number 48 out of 65...I know it sounds like Im pretty low on the totem pole but the last bid I was like number 60 so this is quite an improvement.  I cant wait to get off this crappy night shift. I think the bid will start next week. 

    Just 3 days till Facetime with Lorilou!!! and Julie T too!! whooo hooo!

    Im sure the Rugby game was much more exciting that that stupid Superbowl game that Im glad I didnt watch. Go Ireland!! BTW...before you know it will be green beer and corned beef and cabbage of my favorite times of the year.

    Bernie..hope you are doing well with you know who...I bet you wish you had stairs right about now.  

    ~ waving back to Cami~ are you feeling?  When you get to feeling better you should head south to bisit me here in sunny FL ...I hear that I will be loosing some of these smelly boys in a couple of months. 

    Rumor has it that the new owner of my place is going to either A...raise the rent a lot  Or B. going to ask us all to leave so he can rent the units out weekly....I hate to leave here ..makes me sad..I havent had a place I really liked in a long time..and I hate the thought of looking for another apartment.  Im hoping its just a rumor..they havent closed on this deal yet due to complicatons. 

    hugs and hellos' to everyone...I hate getting so behind.  

    Love ya girls.



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Another Monday morning, and
    I would rather be snoozing in bed.I so
    need to start exercising and getting more energy!

    Wahine--When I was
    trying to learn to knit I remember my mom saying I had two wrong sides, and way
    too many stitches, too!Not sure how I
    managed that at all.Do you remember the
    name of the drugthe onc gave your
    DD?I'd like to do some research on it,
    too.First time I've heard about a drug
    not to be taken if you expect a cure.Is
    it red or white blood cells that DD needs to get built up?I don't think iron supplements feed cancer

    Red RH--aha, 4
    months to ITALY!Good for you guys!Sounds like a great vacay!

    Cammy--Sadie cuddles
    are such fun, and so warm!

    ORLA--ouch for the
    back.Where did it go and when is it
    coming back?

    Red RH--sounds like
    a great repair guy!Good for having the
    dishwasher back!

    Edward Island is beautiful, I've been there a couple of times.Very quiet, laid back, and gorgeous
    scenery.You'd love a visit there.They say the best exercise equipment is the
    stuff you will use and keep up with, so good for you guys for going with a


    Aly--Good morning!

    Morning, DorKable!


    CynCyn--praying you
    get your choice of shifts!Yikes about
    the apartment rumor.I hope it turns out
    to be just that, a rumor!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is The Repair Man

    1/2 oz Amaretto

    1/2 oz White Creme
    de Cacao

    1/2 oz Maraschino
    Cherry Juice

    6 Maraschino Cherry

    1/2 oz Half and Half


    Combine all
    ingredients together with half a cup or less of crushed ice in a blender. Blend
    until smooth. Pour into a medium-sized cocktail glass, garnish with a
    maraschino cherry, and serve.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Good Morning Ladies---

    Oh NM good DOTD and I hope u'r work is slow paced today--I know.

    Cyn crummy rumor, but that might be just that--I hope it's just a rimor, especially since u like it there. and WOOT WOOT u see Julie and Lori in just a few days. u'r so lucky. Give them both a HUG kiss from me please.

    I miss Lori

    Kay a new week and so much more to do for u--(PRAYERS) for all of u.

    It's cold here again, then more snow, then more cold, then more snow----it's like a repeat every week so far, just plain crappy.

    Red start count down on next trip, it sounds wonderful and glad u'r going where u want.

    First time in a long time Joey had a bad dream and was with me for about an hr.then I tucked him back in bed he had a big smile and a big kiss and he was fine. But I was actually sleeping nice. OH well-it's always fine for Joey to wake me,

    Lara I hope u'r day is good today.


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited February 2014

    Cyn - hope the apartment works out.

    Red sounds like a great tour.  If all works out and it's ok with you - I can meet you in Kilkenny and show you my idea of Ireland then you come to my place for a meal.

    I want a new hat.

    Darling D, did you drop the kids off.

    Lara - you go get that back back.

    Cami stay warm.

    IRELAND won the rugby - still celebrating.

    Julia - Ireland versus Wales.

    love and drinks to all.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2014

    Good morning girls!

    I wish I had watched rugby yesterday instead of football, what a snoozer of a footbal super bowl. I did love the Budweiser commercial with the lil puppy and the horses, that made me smile.

    I am at work but we are closing in 15 minutes for inclement weather. We are getting hit again with a walooping of snow which started as rain and ice. The office was dead when I got here. Between the weather and call outs due to super bowl hang overs, there are only two people here on my team other than the boss. I get paid for the whole day, others have to take personal time of 7.5 hours, wooo hooo, I only worked two. Well I did not work, I woke up slowly and drove here in mese sleep lol.

    Kat, still praying for you and your daughter, God Bless you both and look upon you, hold you up and keep you two strong.

    Bernie, good evening. Is it wine o'clock? I did drop the kids off at the pool but don't cha know, more FN kids showed up and they are refusing to jump.

    Cyn, musta missed someting about your apartment, I did read but musta been dwunk. Oops, I see it above, duh me. GOod luck getting a better shift. I will say a widdle prayer for ya dahling.

    Cammy, good morning, sorry Joey woke you up but glad you were there for your sweetie pie.

    NM, I hate monkey deys too, sorry you had to git up outta de warm bed. I bet you berry envious of silly Sadie who gits to sleep in. Don't be jeolous but God willing, I will be back in mese warm bed shortly.

    Red, you were right, I was sober when I took dat test. And I am sober now, ken you eben believe it? I was gearing up to retake it this morning but sincen wese gitting out of work early, I try to pass that SOB tomorrow. I hate effing up, if I fail again, I have a problem. Only three attempts allowed. ~sigh~.

    Mese puka is doing alright, berry slow to close. But it took six months for the puka in mese titty to close so I am not expecting it to happen quickly. To those who asked about mese Daddy, he is doing quite well. He is still in the phychiatrict hosptial for geriatric patients. He has started on an anti-phychotic drug and will likely be put on an anti depressant as well. I am not sure how long he will be there but he really is not bitching about it. I think he understands his need to be there. Each of us has visited daily although it is a long drive.

    Hi Beanie, Lara, Chrissy, Julie, Lori, Red and all de other loungettes. I luv ya goils! I be back to dwink with ya all.If I missed your name, rounds on me! and a free dinner of your choice from de below:


    -peanut butter n jelly

    -soup and a sammy (grilled cheese, no bacon as no money)

    -a bowl of cereal


    Cheers mese luvs!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014

    Good Morning Ladiez

    Bernie, I can imagine that in Ireland you don't need a reason to celebrate! LOL. Oh and Red is in for a big treat, to get to have a meal fixed by you, and in your home! I want to go too....waaaaawaaaawaaaa.....

    Cyndie, Look up the FL laws about raising rent. When I was telling my DH we need to raise the rent if we want the beyotch tenant to leave when her lease is up, I read that the rent cannot be too much higher than other comparable properties. I am not sure if there is a formula, or some way to know. BUT of course if they want to raise the rent and you come up with a legit reason why they can't, they will prolly make life miserable for you and you would end up moving anyway. Sucks. Hope they don't do that. I love your place too, very open and roomy, and the LOCATION can't be beat. Well, unless you were right smack dab on the beach! But walking a short distance is good exercize, and you can go one direction to the beach and walk the other direction to the quaint shoppes. So perfect. Praying you get to stay there!!! Hope you get the shift hours you want, too!

    NM, Remind me to look for the name of that med...I wrote it down, but its downstairs and this ayem my back is killing me. Was hard enough to come upstairs. I think I added stitches when I dropped them. Because I would try to get them back, and I think I would end up with 2 each instead of 60, I had 68! lol. Funny you did that too. I think if I had shorter circular needles it would have been better, but I didn't know. Was being stretched to the max, so that made it harder.

    But I got such a sweet PM from our Alyson....what a dear she is!

    Oh Cami, NM, Lara, Dorkie (anyone else getting all this snow?)....I hate that you all are getting so clobbered this winter. Yikes. We have had a lot of rain, but it was up to about 60 on Saturday, which was nice. No snow or ice here, except that dusting one day. When it hit the South, it hit above us and below us, mostly. 

    hmmm....hearing about the Kindle Fire from all of you makes me think about it too. The stoooopid 2 cheaper tablets I got were more than 1 Kindle, which would have been a smarter move. Since I don't really read books on tablets, I didn't consider it. My DD1 has the 3G so she usually just uses that to be online when she is out. I use my tablets more to play solitaire when waiting in drs offices! lol. And I bought the last one because it came with a case and a keyboard, but it just doesn't work well, so I unplugged that. Awwwww, much to learn! When we get the treadmill it will really be a learning process many programs, and can connect the tablet to it, and get Google maps to show the route as it changes speed, etc. I don't like that though, so will prolly still watch tv and recorded programs.

    Hugssssssssssssssssss to all of youse!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014

    OOPS ,missed ya Dorkie! Glad you get to leave work, but get paid for the entire day..WHOOP WHOOP! Drive home safely, those other drivers better not hit you! So scary unless the roads have been cleared. When we were in NJ that first time we met you, it snowed all the way to the venue, at night, and we were in FRONT of the snowplow, so it was a bit treacherous. Glad your daddie is doing well, I kept asking about him, and prolly others did too. HOPE those meds really help him. If he gets an offer on the house, he can still sign for it, even if he is in there, right? Do any of you need a POA even if just to be able to sign a sales contract?

    Thanks for de food for us! My diet actually called for a grilled cheese sammy this ayem...yummmm. I lost 9 lbs in 3 wks (on wk 4 today), which I am happy with. Esp since I was supposed to exercize almost every day. Started at 30 min and this week would be 60 min, but I have done NADA. I like this diet with all the food choices, but they are small meals (at night sometimes just a small green salad), but you eat often. Never before have I still liked a diet after 3 wks. I think I am getting used to not drinking (OOPS I said a naughty word!).....but this week I get 3 sm glasses of wine again...for all week. Last week was nuttin. I am sure I can get into the swing of drinking everyday again with no problem!!!!

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited February 2014

    Hi Loungettes,

    I was wondering if you could help me. Yesterday eve (Sunday) I started feeling like a uti was developing, burning pee and frequent, all the usual symptoms. So I started pounding water and took vit C and echinachea. DH made me some strong Indian tea and a vinegar bath. Also took some probiotics and advil. Then was peeing every 10 min and it was awful. By midnight we finally decided to go to the ER. It's in a small rural town about an hour away. It was snowing and so dark and I was so worried about the deer, I saw several and lots of rabbits. We got to the hospital and the nurse said it was not an emergency and that it would be very expensive if I was admitted. We tried to get a $ estimate but there was no clue and we got the idea it would be prohibitive even with insurance, which I have. The nurse said to come back in the morning and I asked if I would get really sick by then and was told that I wouldn't if I keep drinking tons of fluids. So my darling DH drove me another hour back home. I was up all night drinking water and peeing. The nurse told me to take advil or Tylenol every 4 hours, which I did, so the last time I had any pain med was about 4 am and it's now about 10 am. I feel better but not completely, but don't know if I should go back to pee in a cup at the clinic or what. I don't have a regular doc here and I'm so tired I just don't know what to do. I'm still just drinking a lot of water and wonder if anyone knows if the body can heal itself or if I should go see a doctor at a clinic.

    Sorry to be all about me this am but I am so tired and just wondering at which point I entered the Twilight Zone. If anyone has any ideas I would be grateful!

    Hope everyone is doing okay...Cheers!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Oh Kat u are doing wonderfully on this diet and no drinking--Wow that's a good amount of weigt in a short time especially with no exercise. Just start back slowly anyway--cuz u'r back needs u to. Keep us  up on u'r DDs too.

    Dork it's nice to have off and not use u'r time hahaha--u can keep it for another day. So now u'r getting all the crap, it's going to start again prolly by u in a couple of day cuz it's coming back to us like tomorrow. And don't worry at all about that test u'll ace it. Well at least King it.

    Oh Red everyone who has visited BBBernie comes back with raves so u'r in for a wonderful visit.


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2014

    Hello :

    I sure hope it is a rumor..but I think it may be more than that.  The buyer has been by here a few times and has hung out with my next door neighbor and Willie Nelson so the info comes from a somewhat reliable source. Speaking of Willie...I found Mr. Nelson sitting on my stair landing this afternoon when I went out for  a bike ride.  He is now resting comfortably in my bedroom.  Kat..I did look up FL Tenant/Landlord laws and they cant raise it as long as I have a lease ..unless the lease states the rent could change..which it doesnt..but once August/Sept roll around they can change it to whatever the hell they want to raise it to.  I have my eyes out for something that will make me happy..Something on the Island is the only thing I will consider. 

    I had a heated discussion  with certain grown men who live here about what is expected from them . I have allowed them to slack and become sloths and have been challenging my patience to a point of not only being lazy dirty asses but disrespectful asses as well. This will change IMMEDIATELY!!! Or they will be having a discussion with me from the other side of the door. 

    Dorty...glad the kids finally dove to get rid of the other ones. Glad you got to go home early..yippee for getting paid for it to boot..WTG!  Hope you arrived safeleyist and soundliest.  I was happy to hear that your dad is doing well where he is and isnt upset.  You must be so relieved.  Now , how is your mom?  

    Kat, did you get your treadmill yet? If not , when will it arrive? How is Glenn and how are you and your back? DD?? You knitted a hat?  I want to see....I went thru a stage of knitting but I can only make scarves and purses but they are tackey.  Arent hats hard? you have to use those needles that are together..right?? I mean a needle at both ends?? I would love to crochet..I may look that up online.  So on the TV front...what did you think of AHS and the finale?  I heard that next years AHS is going to be called "Circus"..sounds good..can do a lot with that subject..evil clowns ..hehe...I also saw a commercial last night for Bates starts in March.  

    I miss Lori too Cammi....will take pics Wednesday.

    OT offered again today and tomorree..didnt pick any up today and wont unless the corner me late tonight to stay an hour..picked up 2 hours tomorrow..bleh.. will love visiting Bernie..she is an amazing cook and so incredibly sweet..and so is DH and Sineade..I love that you are able to travel so much...I caught the bug lonnnnng ago...I wish I could do more of it.  

    Latah ladies