how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014

    lara -hope the metabolic test shows why your not absorbing  and fingers and toes crossed for your good news

    nm-here's to a neverending vacation

    bernie- i can help you with your jumper but with your phone your on your own.   hows devil spawn today? 

    have a good evening ladies

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2014

    here we go again, I wrote another post from work this pee-em and I must have not submitted. dern it, mese too dwunk alreddy to make anuder long post. oh well, a time saver for all ye biddy goils. hAPPy fwydey! chEErs!

    (mese got mese poypul hat on again ...


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited February 2014

    BBBBernie, I've got a Samsung.......tell me, what is yours doing that makes you thin it hates you?

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited February 2014

    BBBBernie I know you don't want to think about more company right now, but we are coming to Ireland in Sept. If you don't mind I'd like to meet up with you, maybe for dinnee? Believe it or not, our overnight stop is in Kilkenny. Keep it in the back of your mind, if things work out OK, maybe we could meet up.

    Meanwhile the next trip is 9 days in Italy in June. So fercited.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2014
    1. I am so jailous, I wanna go to Ireland and meet you Red. And finally meet Beautiful Biker Babe Bernie ♥. I am sure she will welcome ye with open arms, she will allow anyting in her home hehehe! ~burp~
    2. Chrissy, I hope ye can help Bernie, you is a great teacher, you taught me a few tings I know. I jest cant rememBAR dis night *hiccup burP farT, eww, sawry mese stanky dern farts sneaking out of mese pants. Ya see, mese been still carrying dese rock hard turds with me all dey and all night, it a bitch being constacapated. n dwunk but dat not a bitch nor a basTURD nor a TURD, dammit.
    3. oh well, life goes oh.
    4. ChEErS mi' dears.
    5. I go to floor now and chill with ye all. 
    6. Julie, ya werking dis night? you weely weely need to dwink at werk. dat way, iffin ennybuddy be mean to you, ya can tell them to _UCK off! hehe! ~buurrrrrp, oh mese oh mise, was dat burp eber a long one.
    7. mese ken sing de stars bangled banner in burp, eny buddy wanna hear? Call me. 1-866-BURPNFARTNOW hehe, jk!
    8. MoRE cheers. NO tears. No fears. 
    9. jest likker and more likker for wese alcamaholics !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
    10. YIPPIE!
    11. where cammie? mese tining of all of you goils.
    12. does anyone know if LoriLou made it to VI and when? 
    13. WTF!!?!?! Mese not eben typing dese numbers, it is auto-FN sumone playing with mese head dis night, make it stop.

    kk, had to double click to make de numbero 1- turdteen nesappear and it still dere. or here or whereber ye may be ~hiccup, burp, faaarrrrr .............ooops, false alarm....OOPS I CRAPPED MYSELF! haha, has anyone ever seen that skit on SNL?

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited February 2014

    Red, I would love to meet with you and show you the hidden delights of Kilkenny.  Do you know where you will be staying.

    Getting used to phone, just have all the phone numbers to sort out.

    Camera not much good and can't find pictures or stuff.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited February 2014

    Should not have laughed about the weather, the field and garden are ankle deep in water and it's still raining.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited February 2014

    BBBBernie your pics will be in the Gallery which is in your apps.  The camera can do some amazing stuff just play with it!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2014

    ok tech girls,  want a tablet!   been told by several people that kindle or galaxy is better than I pad, is a kindle hd 32mb a good thing ?

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited February 2014

    Juliet it depends on what you want it to do.  Some tablets are almost the same as a computer where as the iPad is's great for surfing the net, downloading books etc but you can't really do much more on them.  I have an iPad and if I knew then what I know now I would go for a Samsung Tablet.  Can't give you any advise on the Kindle.  Fine a store that will let you play with each of the devices then you will know how you feel about each.  Good luck!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    OMG did I miss yesterday???

    Good Morning everyone--

    I didn't realize I was a little busy yesterday, my boss did not return a phone call and mese had to get the complaining calls after that--I don't like--I was very kind, but I told my boss if he didn't take care of this person, I was gonna call his grandma and tell on him (my cousin) he called. My leverage.

    Kat prayers going u;r way, u'r poor DD what she's going thru.

    NM it's easy to get used to wking up and moving at u'r own pace.

    OK Dorky no drinkin' on u'r next test--not one drop, well maybe a drop.


    BBBernie u sound so much better, never underestimate Mother Nature--u know that and Red Bernie will welcome u with open arms--she's a sweetie, I know that from Illinois.

    Julie's another one, their reputations are stellar. and Lori, Kat, Dork oh shit everyone- This is such a great group.

    I've lowered my pain meds a little so I'm feeling better--Joey and I watched TV last night in a complete cuddle while he rubbed my head. So I really relaxed last night and I SLEPT THE WHOLE NITE---YAY

    OK be back Later

    I'm wving Sue---LUBS TO ALL

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited February 2014

    Outside water tap broke.  Having to do the animals water with a bucket.  Do you know how much shite one horse and two goats can produce in one day.  Don't even get me started on the bloody chickens.

    Calva went and played in the river and the mud.  Washed floor for the third time.  Obviously I have naff all else to do.

    DH has a lot to answer for - I only wanted a guinea pig.

    Finally took photo with new phone.  Can't create album so photo somewhere in limbo.

    It's still ucking raining.

    Sinead and Pa took the she devil out for a meal.  Obviously I don't eat.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2014

    here's to a good night s sleep cammi. cheers

    the tablet will be mainly for traveling,surfing the net and reading.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014

    Oh no Bernie, sooooo much always happens when your DH is away. I think he plans it. Nah, jest kidding. Dang, thats a ton of rain you're getting. OH YEAH I know about horse shite....we had 2 horses, and "mucking" the stalls was not fun. Luckily we usually let them come and go, so most of it was somewhere in the great beyond of the pasture. But my girls still remember when we would make them muck the stalls. AND omg in winter the water in the barn would freeze up even with that heat tape on it, and I would have to lug bucketfulls of water from the house, way downhill to the barn. I just kept them for a year after I lost my DH...they were his horses and although I loved them, I didn't feel confident caring for them. And when the neighbors called in the middle of the night to tell my one of my horses was in the road, and I knew it was up to ME to get up and get her back in the pasture and repair the wood fence, well that was NOT fun. But when he would go to "summer camp" for 2 wks to places like Italy, Montana, etc., that seemed to be when so much  would happen at home. I hate, hate, hate how the she-devil mistreats you. Oh yeah, you don't want to go out to eat.....what a beyotch. Well, really, you prolly would rather not be around her, though. (((Bernie)))

    Red, so awesome that you will get to meet Bernie! She is super-duper, I love her to death (well not really death, but ya know what I mean). Have you been to Ireland before? We met her on our very first trip to Ireland (and met with her again last year), and really, even though I had wanted to go to Ireland for years and years, meeting Bernie was the highlight of our trip!  And Italy too, awesome! I want to go there sometime, that was the last place my late DH went to, before his fatal heart attack. He was showing my DD1 some of the places he was at (Sophia Loren movie was on, filmed in Italy), when he had that heart attack. So I do want to go there, at least to see what he saw and loved.

    Chrissy, good info on the phone for Bernie!

    Julie, I have 2 tablets, but they are panasonic and were cheap. My DD's have Kindle Fires, and they seem to be able to do a lot with them. Takes good pictures, and seems easy to surf, etc. But I really don't know much about them. I bought cheap ones for travel, but the cheap ones aren't as good, for sure. Our new treadmill (delivers Wed) has programs that we can plug either a tablet or Ipad we may try that.

    Cami, Cami, Cami, I hate it that you had the complaints, but good for you, pulling the "I'm going to call your grandma" card. Hahaha, good move!

    OK, jest got up, finally got to sleep in, first time all week and I LOVED it. Still have to keep Molly confined for 2 more weeks, and have lots to do. Trying to renew my knitting skills from high school and make a soft cap for my DD1. Everything hurts her face and head and neck, I guess because the rads are focused there. Luckily I found youtube videos as I even forgot how to cast on! And I NEVER used a circular needle before, and didn't know there were shorter ones, as this one is tooo long and is stretching out the knitting, so this cap might end up being giant-size! HAhaha.

    Dorkie, you are such fun to read, when you are dwinking! Well, you are fun ALL the time, but you know.....

    Can't address everyone, or I will take up 2 pages, you know how much I can type when I first get up....and you don't want that! But hugs to you ALL.....


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited February 2014

    oh I love crochet when willy visit I made one blanket but it was a sad looking blanket

    Knitting is hard kat

    Cam scary movies chiller

    It's warmer here today my next class starts in 5 days ugg

    I was thinking about moving to Italy somewhere and teach English and wake up every day in an amazing place

    I'm thinking of getting a tablet Juliet they r not that bad price wise

    Ill bback

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014

    What type of tablet are you thinking of getting, Lara? Wish you could teach me to crochet....all I did was make a chain when I was a teen, my gf would make the cutest animals. Oh I think maybe she knitted them? Not sure, but they were small and she did a penguin, etc., and would give them to us. I have a long way to go...only got about 4" done last night! The LONG circular needles made it extra difficult...but Walmart had no choices, should have gone somewhere better. But after that deep gash from the treadmill at that store, and shopping for our treadmill after that, I was T-I-R-E-D. Not enuf energy on this diet, plus the stress of the week, plus haven't done exercize. Are you feeling bettah?

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2014

    Top of the morning girls (good evening to Bernie, I bet it is wine o'clock there!)

    Love waking up slowly and having time to read the thread. I used to read and comment without fail back when I was little and first set up mese BCO account. speaking of being little, were oh were is my Beanie baby? 

    Camille, nice to see you. I did notice that you were MIA yesterday. SO happy to hear you had a good night sleep. and I cracked up too at you pulling the threat to tell on your boss. but geeze, he has a bidness so he should be returning these calls asap. good for you in keeping HIM on top of tings. you sound really good this aye em. You know I was not really dwinking at work, right? this test I am trying to get through is making me nutty. The trick questions, omg...I ended up not hitting submit when I finished it as I was not confident with mese answers and I used all my flunks up.  love love love hearing about sweet Joey and yourself spending high quality time together, so much love comes out in your words and warms mese fart.

    Kat, I was purdry smashed last night. When I first sat down, of course my post is on de bottom. I read it and say wtf was I talking about? I can see why some loungettes jest skip through the Dorkster posts. Love reading your stories about the past, you esplain so well that I feel I is there with you in de pasture. I am so sorry your baby girl is having a hard time of it, damn it. she is always in my prayers. I find myself often hitting her up first when I talk to God since of all de peepul I know in need of prayer, she tops de list. 

    Does anyone know if Lori got out of ATL? I keep asking but I guess I should ask in English vs dwunk-speek/beanglish hehe. I hope she having a dwink on de beach or at de resort as I type. Nothing like being at a resort and making a dwink after de first cup of coffee. I did that on a recent faycation. 

    Cyn, where are ya dahling? I missin yer face here.

    Red, I knew BBBernie would welcome you with open arms. Kat is right, she is a true sweetheart. Not that we are not all berry nice people but honestly, I've heard stories about what a great host she is. It is uber kewel that you will get to meet her. nothing in de world better than meeting up and dwinking in person with a breastie.

    Bernie Bernie Bernie, you make me laugh in talking about the she devil beotch. and I laff when you speak of de little goil alien. I can't wait to see photos of yer newest addition. what will de baby call you? or should I say what name will you use when referring to yerself? I not making sense, hoping you know what I mean....will you be grandma, memaw, nanna etc? 

    Juliet, isn't it great having tech advise in the lounge? Chrissy and Lori are both very good at techy tings. Chrissy showed me a few tings, she helped me figure out how to do a number of tings on the computer. How is work? Do you have enough chocolate in yer stash? Have not heard you speak of it much lately. I hope you are enjoying some JulieTime and yer new wheels too! Loved the welsh hymn. 

    Waiting to hear from Lara and hoping for wonderful news. Lara, hope todey is a no pain day, keep popping pills n wash em down with likker. That usually works for me. I have a hug for ya jest because.... (((Lara))))

    I hope I did not miss anyone but if I did, dwinks on me! oh what de hay, rounds for eberyone! 

    Love ya kids, enjoy your saturdey and keep your titties up if ya got em!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014

    Hiya Dorkie, Thanks for keeping my DD1 in yer prayers....she has so many people praying for her all over this big world, and I know that helps a lot! The effects really  hit her on the weekend, and I just talked to her and she is pretty depressed, but knows she should feel better by Monday or so. Lost taste of most things, so nothing sounds good. They gave her an injection to help raise her blood count levels, but it said something about not having it if you expect to be cured. When she asked, as she wanted to make sure they expect her to be cured, the dr didn't know why that was on the form. But that he is treating her, expecting her to be cured. Well she looked it up, and apparently it also feeds the cancer cells, which is why it said that. So, no more of those injections for her. She is anemic already, so has to work on that. Hoping there is a liquid iron that can go in the feeding tube, which so far is just used for some liquid meds.

    I forgot to tell yese dat I got injured on annudder treadmll yesterday. Yuppers, I was seeing how heavy one was to fold the deck up, and it wouldn't stay up, so I tried again. Well the bracket was falling off, so it caught my thumb between the heavy deck and the side, and ripped a big gash. Bleeding everywhere, but the sales girl only said "we need to get that fixed". Never said she was sorry I got hurt, didn't even offer to get a paper towel or bandaids, while I was searching my purse for bandaids. Had to put 4 on it and it still bled through. Hurt like heck!!! They were lucky there wasn't a kid next to us, as if it had fallen, it could have badly hurt someone. Anyway, after we left, it was still bleeding a lot, so I had to go into Sears with a wad of kleenex around my thumb! LOL. Anyway, finally had a good salesman and bought a Nordic Track, costs less than our treadmill we bought 10 yrs ago. Has a good fan (which I need), and good assist that makes it easier to raise and lower. Should get it Wednesday. I called that other store (Sports Authority) and told the manager what happened, and that their employees need to show concern when someone gets injured, esp on THEIR equipment which was on the floor in a damaged and dangerous way. She appologized, but I wanted to make sure if someone gets injured there, that ALL the employees know to at least ask if they can get them something, or say they are sorry, or SOMETHING. Also told her that was why we did not buy the treadmill from them. SO THERE!!! So January, got injured twice on treadmills, thank GOD that it is now February, hoping the treadmills will start liking me again!!!! LOL

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited February 2014


    Heyloooooooooooooo Wahine, Dofey, Orla, Chrissy, Cami, Bernie, NM, Red, Mema Sue, Goldie, Cyn, Allie, Aly, Juliet and Everyone. Just stopping by to say hi and to hopefully catch someone by the pool for a dog beer. I have been reading wutz up and Wahine I sawwy you got hurt again and I am keeping the prayers going so much for you DD. Also Dofey U no dunce. Lara I love crochet. and Juliet I love the Friday smile. Not much new wif me, still vertical. Dis my turd attempt to post so I won't comment on all but wanna say I hope you all have a funderful weekend. Cheers!


  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited February 2014


  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited February 2014


  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited February 2014



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014

    Cheers backatcha Beansie! LOVE the funny pics....esp the dog with the beer....fondly remember all the "dog beers" we all shared! Was it Junie that came up with that term, or you, or someone else???

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Bernie I feel so bad for all the goofy things that are happening to you, yet when I read u'r post I laugh out loud., U'r so funny

    OK Kat 2x on a treadmill are u careless or are the treadmills of u'r area out to get u. BE CAREFUL, u want to do everything fast and u should slow down. And Me like everyone else is always thinking of u'r DD. what she is ging thru and always praying for her. I can't even imagine. And U should crochet, I mean u have nothing else to do to keep u busy. So it's a good hobby. My sister always crocheted when she was home when u kids were little, her kids were 2 yrs apart, 4 girls and she's crochet outfits, hats whatever, they would fit someone again and again. She made me a black evening bag (what they used to call it) and I still have it. I put a huge sparkly pin nd it looks great.

    Dork I know u good at work, but I think u'r mind has been all over the place lately, cuz we all know u can easily pass any test. Anyway how can anyone take tsts anymore--our minds always don't work in test order like they used to, well mine doesn't especially multiple chouce I can always come up with a choice that's not even on there, it's really hard to me. Really when I help Joey he always has toremind me he's learning as a 9 yr old not my way of thinking and I tell him it's so boring to learn that way, and as he puts it "but I am really nine" OK mr. I always see to many possibilities to answers to I would take a terrible test for anything. So I don't know how u do it anymore---oo ooo I know just the first thing that pops in your head cuz u'r so smart just answer that way.

    Beans love the pics, cute and fun.

    Lara chiller so far all day for me too.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014

    Oh yes, Cami, I know you are praying for my DD, and I am soooooo thankful! And I want to thank all the gals here that are praying for her, too. Its so hard to see your child (they are always our "child" no matter how old!) getting those infusions, and all the tx. Breaks my heart. I am so glad that the cancer area at the hospital is so NICE, and the nurses are great. Big comfy recliners that have heat too....if there is room, then I get to sit in one too (like this week), and it is nice and comfy for me. The rads area is nice too, and has a gorgeous waiting room with fireplace. Just so sad to see the people that look like they are about to take their last breath, and they have to undergo all these treatments. They did either chemo or rads (I forget) to my stepdad when he was in the hospital in his 90's, and he passed within a week, still in the hospital. I always wonder why they subjected him to that, when he was so close to being gone. Luckily he was pretty healthy until then, he even walked around the neighborhood every day. Just got weak the last month or so.

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited February 2014

    Hiccup, burp, fa...Katrinka, it was Junie that learnt me bout dog beers...I lern so many kewl tings fwom de kewl chics here!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

    Hiya Cami

    Well I'm off to bake make pita bread and den twy jogging (but not on a tweadmill, see wud I learnt from Katwinka?)

    Love and hugs to all! Titz Up!

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited February 2014

    OOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooppppSSSSSSSSSSSSssss Sawwy I almost knocked you into de pool Wahine! Glad Pants grabbed you so gently and saved your dwink too.

    Just so sawwy too your beautiful DD has to go thru all this. (((((Wahine & DD1))))


    ((((((Group Hug)))))

    Love and many clink clink clinks!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2014


  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited February 2014

    Cami - YES!!!! My brain thinks differently now than it used to. I don't get it. I want to say to one of my kids, but that idea sucks and is stupid, but I don't anymore cuz the other part of my brain says how do you know it's stupid, it could be brilliant and you just don't get it. I see too many possibilities now. It's confusing. 

    Kathy, you and treadmills should really part ways. I think they have it out for you. But since you've already bought another, I will just wish you safe use and operation of it. Still praying for your DD and you. Glad your DH is okay.

    Beanius, pics are too funny! Loving the puppy who smelled Saturday. I also like dog beers. Having one right now in fact!

    Bernie, thanks for the welcome to visit you in Ireland. My DH said, what if we really like someplace, can we just get off the tour and stay? I said of course we can. The tour puts in Kilkenny at noon on a Friday and we leave again at noon on Saturday to head to Dublin where we will then fly to Scotland.

    Dork, you a smart girl, you will totally ace this next time. Go with the first answer that pops into your head and don't second guess yourself. Love you big much. 

    I'm visiting with Bernie in Sept and I am hoping when you come to ontario we can meet up for a lunch or something. Then I'll have met 2 of my breasties. 

    Totally need to meet with a bunch of you. All of you really. Trying to figure out vacations that coincide with people and place.

    Gotta sign off, got company 

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited February 2014
