how about drinking?



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014

    ((((((((((JeanBeans)))))))))). Hate what you went through all weekend, but glad you now have a good dr because of it. AND hoping the auntyb's help quickliest!!!!!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited February 2014

    bad day my best friend has cancer

    Surgery in 2 days

    Both parents dead all she has is me

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014

    Oh Lara, that is awful. So sorry. Hope and pray that the surgery will get it ALL, and kick that RB to da curb. Glad she has you.

    Chrissy, which "city" do you go to? Is it Adelaide? Will be fun to meet your new Grand-Furbaby! What will the temps be like in Auckland at the end of November???

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited February 2014

    Oh Lara.......sending (((((hugs)))))).  Hope your friend does well with her surgery and recovery. FRB!!!!

    Kathy the 'city' is  Adelaide that I'm going to its about a two hour drive from me and that is where my docs are as well as my kids.  The weather in Auckland at the end November should be warm but not too hot which is just fine with me but Aly will know more.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014

    You are STILL up, Chrissy???? Hope you get some sleep! For some reason I thought you were closer to Adelaide than that, and was thinking it would be another city. That is quite a distance! Sure love that city though.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited February 2014

    Chrissy - have you been to sleep or are you up early!!!!! Tis only 6am in your part of the world.

    Should be nice in Auckland in November it won't be hot and shouldn't be humis oops humid at that time of the year. Wese get very humid I hat it.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Hi everyone----

    Lara I'm so sorry for u'r BFF she is so lucky to have u tho and I'm certainly wishing her well.

    All the planning and traveling u all are planning I loveit.

    Beans when I was younger I got some (a few )uti's but never hurt really---Now I have at least one a month and it's alwys painful and after so many I can recognize it really fast but my one kidney is getting tired of it (as they kind of said) so I can appreciate the pain cuz I never thought there was any.

    I just got a complete LIBRARY of Medicare crap--they have to be kidding--who can read or understand all this crap. There is total insanity in our health care--This is what I have read so far blah, blah, blah blah etc. so this will be fun.

    Kat Prayers always for u and u'r DD, never stop.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited February 2014

    Orange-  Prayers for your bestie and you.

    Cami-  It's 2014....... shall we try again!?

    Warm thoughts to all.  It seems a bit stormy right now.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2014


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2014

    Good Afternoon 

    First let me say FURB!!!!!!!

    ((( Orla )))...

    Beans...Im glad you got to a good DR and you will get rid of it quicker with Aunti B....Too bad you drove an hour to the hosp but good that you saved the green.  how horribly uncomfortable thing to have and all that Peeing..I hate to think of the mortality of  my parents tho I know its a reality for everyone.  I just enjoy living close to them and spending the time I can with them. 

    Crocheting (sp) looks like more fun.

    Got so busy at work this has been sitting on my screen for hours...damn....

    Better send it off....I'll bbl

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2014

    lara, prayers for your bf

    beans-feel better soon, keep on drinking! unfortunatley not the alcamahol

    dorty-excited to see you soon!   glad your dad is doing better but where is he being dc to?   if its home,do they have a community psyche team that will follow him or do they have a  day club for seniors he can go to so he takes his meds

    cyn- the only days off are 28th/1st, flying out on the 5th for dad's birthday so have no wiggle room for changing shifts, . and see you to morrow

    kat-prayers and hugs, need to pick my needles up again, can crochet but only blankets can;t follow a pattern!

    bernie- why is the she devil being nice to you!   what does she want?      more importantly, the alien does 

    have a lot of aunties who want to go shopping 


    had the mammogram today got see you in a year!Happy

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited February 2014

    Wahine – thanks for the hugs and sympathies! It is so awful to find a good new doc and I just hate going and filling out those forms and getting the questions about RB and all. So now that is over for next time. How is your DD today and how’s your back? Prayers going out every day for you sweet friend.

    Lara – so sorry to hear about your friend, sure hope she has an easy surgery. I’m an orphan too so really sympathize and count on good friends like you are to her. Wishing her and you the best.

    Chrissy – Sounds like a nice city, hope the weather treats you great!

    Howdy Alyson

    Howdy Adey

    Cami – thanks for the understanding bout de pain. I am so sorry you get them so often. It’s been 3 years since the last one for me. It’s always the same feeling so I know right away wud it is but I was hesitating going cuz I am like my cat when I used to have to drag him to the vet. He would howl and drool and pee and poo and all kinds of things. I totally relate to him. I felt so lucky that they were so nice at this new place. Even the patients in the waiting room were fun. I got to meet a beautiful little baby girl and see her smile, just precious! I had a kidney stone once back when I was in my early 40’s that hurt like a somabiotch! One a month UTI’s, I’m so sorry Cami. I was reading that other women on this Femara seem to get more of them so I guess I will just have to drink more water and cwanbewwy juice. You are so right about insanity in our health care. How many businesses are there where you go and ask how much something costs and they just say “I don’t know?” Sunday night DH and I were trying to find out if it was $200, $300, $3,000, $10,000, $100,000 to be treated that night but there was no clue so I opted to suffer and wait cuz it could have been $2 or $2 million! Who knows? I think it’s barbaric (no anger at the nurses it’s not their fault, they truly were helpful). I was going to have my ovaries out a couple years ago and tried to find out what it would cost and no one could ever tell me so I still have my ovaries. I just like to know ahead of time and kind of weigh all the pluses and minuses and check me pocket book to see what is worth what. Okay I will stop my rant. With your medicare library you have had enuffff blah, blah, blah, so I will stop. But thanks for your understanding and hope you don’t get another one!

    Juliet – Wow! Great photo! FURB!! (yes, no alcamahol fo sho but lotta dwinking!)

    Cyn Cyn – thank you for the sympathies. Yeah, I miss de folks and so glad you have yours to enjoy. I used to live so close to mine that I could ride my bike over and hang out with them. They were good cooks, Dad BBQ'd and Mom baked and made pies and stuff, so good! We used to go shopping at the mall together and my Mom was so talented. She could sew and knit and make jewelry and paint. Mom got FURB in de breast when I was 19 but she was cured of that which was such a blessing. I called her my Miracle Mom because she was STIV at dx and kicked it to de curb. Later she got a new primary FURB ovarian and I lost her to that when I was 35. I got to keep me Papa till I was 51. I was dx at age 52. I am the youngest of their children so they were older when they had me. I never get over losing them, but was glad they never had to know dat me or me bro got FURB.

    Thanks again for the hugs and love my friends. I am not feeling so great so will sign off and just say hugs and love back to you in bundles!

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2014

    Yes, Julie...see you at 11..right?  Here? At my house?  I will keep a look out for you at that time. No need to come up unless you want to..I'll be ready..I have my hoop class from 9-10 so will be home in pleanty of time to change and go out the door . Why dont you come up the 28th while Dorty is here?  

    Cammi do you really get UTI's that often?  thats terrible.

    I agree about the healthcare costs Bean..really...Its like there is no way to avoid the surprise bills at my onc's office i never know..they make me pay before i leave and its always different..and they have a super biotch in the back office who will chase you down if you dont pay them.  There has to be a better system and I dont think its what Obama has in mind either.

    Chrissy..have a great road trip and congrats on your new grand fur baby.

    Safe travels to GoldiLox tomorrow....see you in Tampa.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014

    I feel lucky to never have had a UTI, sounds so painful. And Cami, you endure sooooo much! And Beans (and Cami, and others), it must be awful to have lost both your parents, I am so sorry. Cami, I love hearing stories about your dad, you always find a way to have fun. Beans, your mom sounds like she was such an amazing woman!!! I know you all miss them so much.

    OK, Cyn and Julie...countdown if you meet at 11, what time will you both be picking up Lori??? Want to be thinking of you all when you are together. SO happy for you three!!! Awesome. And you get to hear abou her trip, too. Have a drink for us, ok? And yes, hugs all around to all of you from all of us!!!!!!


  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited February 2014

    OK mese seems to bese habbin a mini crisis. Ise so scart. Mese need youse guy so muchliest dat mese looked up flights to Illinois cus Cami be da closest to mese. Omg. I knows it's just a dumb appointment and it'll bese finest but I seems to be stressing big time. Aww hell, I hate to see mese like dis. Pooh. And fart. And darned!!!!! Why? Am I like this. Damn.

    So Monday is my rad planning. And I don't know what to ask. And my dear, darling DH is the worst set of second ears. He hears it'll all be okay and off he goes. Remembers nothing else. And ise scart ob docs so I don't ask nuttin and ise get home knowing absofnlutely nada about anything. 

    OK, I'll stop now. Sorry. (((hugs)))

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014

    Oh Deb, we will be with you in your pockets, you know that! But we will be teeny tiny and the dr won't be able to hear us. SO, is there anyone else that can go with you? That might think of questions you'd want to ask, and that would remember what the dr said, or they could take notes? Would it help to look up info, and then think of questions that would relate to you? Then make sure to write them down, so you won't forget to ask. Oh my dear, I wish we were closer. If you want to talk, pm me and I can give you my number. BUT I have not been thru rads, just seeing my DD1 go through rads. She took me once just so I could be her ears, and ask questions she might not have thought of. Wish you did have someone else to go with you since your DH will not be of much help at your appt. (((((Deb)))))   And I know you will be just fine, your doctors will make sure to have the best plan for you!

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited February 2014

    Thanks Kath that makes me feel better. I think in just stuck in a night terror. You know, when it's late and your brain thinks weird stuff designed to scare you. I'm thinking I might take my DD with me too. But that's a lot of pressure on her. Damn. Wish this would all just go away. 

    love ya

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited February 2014

    Red rads are fairly easy, the longest part is when they do the, set up the marks on your body so they get the exact alignment each time.  No biggy there, you just lay on the X-ray table and the move the machine around you and put little tattoo dot on you that just look like a dark freckle after.

    The questions you need to ask are:- how many?   What creme is best to use for moisturising the skin?  What if any SE's can you expect both long term and short term.......What damage can the rads do to internal organs they contact and possible consequences of?.........what can I expect to see from the rads?

    These are just a few to get the ball rolling and depending on her answers you can go from there.

    Hang in there hon it will all be okay and you know we are all there with you.

    Oh Beanzzzzz a UTI and having to drive all that way twice?  Sure hope the anti B's kick in quickly to relieve the symptoms.......not good!

    Kath I did end up sleeping for a while, not long but long enough.    Sleep is becoming a problem again but I'm going to have to start making a certain time bed time tired or not.........

    Aly, I just hadn't been to usual.  So looking forward to seeing you again in November and if you wouldn't mind could I stay for a few more days after the get together?

    Dork I'm so glad your dad is meds to keep him on an even keel, so scary for you.  Have fun with Cyn and Julie!

    NM, I guess t feels like you never went away on your doesn't take long to get back into routine.  I'm sure Sadie likes having her mama home to snuggle with.

    Hi ya Julie, BBBBernie, Addey, Cyn, Kym and any one else I've forgotten.

    Time for me to tootle off and go get my nails done....oh yeah!!!

    TITTIES UP!!!!!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Red I'm confused please explain to me--what is scaring u so badly. I want to help of I can==If it the rads app'tment that there easiest one there is and even the markings of the rads--it's all the simple part now. please tell me in more detail cuz I always went alone to all my stuff and it was OK for me- I always said I don't need another set of ears cuz I wasn't going to listen anyway--much easier on me that way. And they are usually all so nice u'r in and out in no time, and once u start rads u no sooner get in position u'r ready to leave and if u'r going for the tats, u don't feel a thing. U'll be fine and they just talk about what they are going to do for rads that's it. Red I hope u feel better this will be fine.

    Cyn yea I get these durn infections at least once a month--they/ve done culture and different testing and they just give me anti-Beez always different, maybe they think it will help I don't know, but I never knew they were painful until these started, it doesn't burn to pee it's just pain in the lower abdomen and around the side, and again no one knows why???? Well it could be worse, LOL

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014

    Oh thats such good advice for Deb, Chrissy. And how awesome to stay longer in New Zealand and have more time to be with Alyson. Hope you get a good nights sleep tonight (whenever that is!).

    Glad you are feeling a bit better, Deb. Love you too! And I know your DD would want to be of help, so it might be an honor to her if you ask her to go with you. Great idea!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Oops I bumped Chrissy, sorry--oh she explained everything much better than I did, she always does I just throw words together.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014

    And then I bumped into you......

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited February 2014

    I'm lucky, Cami bumped me right into the arms of Mr Big!  Yay!  Been wanting to get there for quite some time now but he always too busy wid some buddy else!   Thanks Cam!! Woohoooo!!!

    Ooooo Mr Bigliest!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited February 2014

    Red, you will be fine. Rads are easy. They will work out the area that will be radiated and as Chrissy said they will place tiny tatoos to align the machine easily. Each appointment will take about 30 minutes but most of that will be getting changed and then getting you in the correct position on the table the actul zap is seconds. You may feel a bit tired afterwards but many folk don't until you have had several  treatments. You should be told about keeping the area clean and moist. You will be told how many treatments you will have - don't worry if it is more or less than others - it is basically the same total exposure. Some people do burn towards the end of treatment, however they will help you look after that.

    And as others have said you just need to ask.

    Red you need a dwink

    i do too.

    Big hugs

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2014

    Awe Deb...You got's exactly as described. Keep a note pad with questions that come up ...You may also use it to take notes at your visits especially your RO discussions. 

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited February 2014

    Prayers please, my friend Natalie from Belgium is now in a coma at the cancer care hospice. 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited February 2014

    Oh Bernie, I'm so sorry.  Prayers coming her way.  As hard as it is, I hope and pray for a peaceful passing for her.

    Love n hugs.     Chrissy

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Oh Bernie, Im', so sorry--Prayers going rigt to her.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Another long day yesterday,
    topped of by the car acting up on the way home.So I'm going to see if I can catch a ride into the officeand get a rental to use until I can get the
    car checked out.Sigh.Not what I need when work is really busy.Oh, well, such is life I suppose.

    BBBBernie--stay warm
    in that storm!Goats in the garden,
    sounds like a country and western song.Why did devil sis apologize, does she want something?Gonna meet the alien soon, yeah!Oh, wow, look at those waves!

    Wahine--next time
    you go past your note, stick it in your pocket and then put it next to the
    computer so my curiosity about that drug will stop eating me up, puhleeze?

    Chrissy--Wow, Raven
    will be a big girl, but I bet she'll be adorable!Wish you could come back to the USA, too, so
    I can make arrangements to ketchup with you somewhere.Maybe someday, right?

    Beanie--Why does
    such pretty winter weather have to come with such coldness?I always wondered if people using solar power
    needed to have a back up plan for cloudy days.Hopefully the sun will come out soonliest!Gotta be careful about the UTI, if it's mild
    you can sometimes wash it away with lots and lots of water, but if it's painful
    it' progressed to the point that kidney infection is a worry and Auntie B's are
    indicated.Hope you are feeling
    better!Cranberry juice (and
    supplements) help keep the urine acidic so that bacteria have a lot of trouble
    growing, if you are prone to UTIs taking some every day can help.So glad you found a good doc!


    Cammy--Welcome to
    the world of health care.Medicare is a
    4 letter word in my mind!Rules for
    health care written by congressmen,who
    don't use that system.Insane.



    Cyncyn--I crochet
    and love it.Can't knit to save my

    Julie--Hooray for
    the mammo all clear!

    Beanie--No other
    business but health care where the providers don't know what their services
    will cost.Crazy.

    Red RH--Oh, my dear,
    I hear you.Is there a friend or other
    family member with better hearing that can also go with you?We'll all jump in your pocket and keep you
    company, too.{{{{{hugs}}}}}

    Chrissy--I had to
    pull out my vacay pics yesterday and remind myself to breathe and relax.It helped!


    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Prayer

    1/2 oz Triple Sec

    1 1/2 oz Gin

    1 oz Lemon Juice


    Shake all
    ingredients with ice, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.