how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Good Morning NM --again I like the DOTD choice,

    CAR PROBLEMS??? Oh I hate that---but at least u can get a car for the meantime--that's one thing u have to have ready to go at all times. I figured the same people who write the IRS BOOK are the same group that are writng all this crap for medicare and no one can ever say it doesn't say that, because no one know what it says. So no one is really responsible. Oh well.

    I always start my day praying that everyone had a decent day, I never say wonderful, I figure decent is OK. So I hope that's true. Well the weather isn't helping.

    BBBBernie time is almost here now--I hope u'r feeling good. U need u'r strength now.

    Red I hope u'r mind is more at ease, Chrissy did a wonderful job of explaining everything so u see it's not scary, it just takes u'r time.

    OK I'll be back later--and I hope everyone has a good Morning waking up/

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2014

    red- chrissy's questions are spot on!  each center seem to have a preference for aftercare cream! but do usually give out a bit red towards the end but no skin breakdown ,biggest issue for me was the tierdness!  did work through out the treatments

    picking cyndie lou up at 1100!  so bbl

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited February 2014

    Thank you for the kind words, we knew it would come to this.  Breast cancer then returned to the brain.  I was last with her in November.  So sad for her husband and children, as always.

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited February 2014

    {{{{{Bernie}}}}} my prayers are headed Natalie's way. And yours too.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014

    Oh Bernie, I just read this. I am so sorry. I sent you an email when I saw your post that she was in a coma, and was praying for recovery. Didn't realize how very, very bad it was till I read further. My heart goes out to you, dear friend. I think Chrissy said it best about praying for a peaceful passing. You know we are all praying for your friend, and for you. Beyond sad.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014

    Red, Let us know how your appt goes, ok?

    Julie and Cyn and Lori, you all will have a great time, we know it! Wish we were all there with you girls, but have fun for us, ok?

    NM, OMG car troubles now, esp in this cold, snowy winter. Hope it is not anything major.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014

    NM, the injection med is called ARANESP (procrit).

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited February 2014

    Morning Dollinks,

    Cyn – have a great time with Juliet and Lori. I send hugs to you all! The health ins stuff is so scary. I checked with my ins co and we are on some “grandfathered” plan that won’t change until July. I’m so scared of what will happen in July and if it will still be fairly affordable, which it’s already expensive. Aaaaarrrrgggghhhh!

    Wahine – fantastic you never got a UTI, that is a blessing! That is great advice to Red to take someone along.

    ((((((Red))))) – so sawwy you are stressing so much. I had the same problem for so long going to apts, even this week for a toopit bladder inf. The RB apts were excruciatingly anxiety provoking for so long. Being 4 years out now I’ve started to ease up and not get so nervous. Wese all be wif you all small in de pockets, giggling and pinching docs and nurses on de butts to make sure they do everything right. I dint know wud to aks the rad doc either, so fortunately they tode me wud to do. My rad nurse was fantastic too as she is a 20+ year bc survivor. I’m very fair skinned and got through with minimal problems. Every day I just METICULOUSLY followed their advice. If my nurse said aloe vera 4 times a day I did exactly that. They were so wonderful to me. I tail you de truf dat if I could do this anyone could do it and I wish I could take de worry away from you and place it on me instead since I am an expert at worry. I think going on an airplane would have put me over the edge though. I very afraid of air travel. Well really it the NSA that freaks me out and having to take off shoes etc. It was fun to fly when I was a kid and you just boarded and took off. I don’t fly anymore. Oh, yes, take your DD, great idea, anything you can do to baby yourself I recommend. I always took “good luck” charms too, things that were personal, like jewelry my beloved sis and DH had given me that made me feel good. You are a Princess and need to be treated as such. Time to be selfish and Wahine is right, your DD may feel honored. I felt honored that my bro aksd me to come help with his FURB episode. I felt so helpless so it was something I could do. And don’t foygit we all real small in de pockets, he he he he he! I will put on my foil cap too!


    Chrissy – super great info for Red on the rads questions. Thanks for the UTI sympathies too, me pee hole is feeling much better now. Tee hee! Speaking of sleep, I was so wide awake last night, lots of time to think about stuff and say prayers. Have fun getting yer nails done. Titties Up!!

    Cami – You are so brave to have gone alone all the time and not listen. At first my wonderful DH went with me, then I went alone more and more.

    Aly – yay! Another bunch of good words bout how easy de rads is. On de table wif de titties up I said The Lord’s Prayer and Hail Mary about so many zillions of times, but if I could do it, anyone could get through this!

    (((((Bernie))))) – prayers going out to you and Natalie big time.

    NM – yuck at de car acting up, that is such a hassle on top of work and all. It was 1 degree outside this am. We are all set up with propane back-up when needed for cloudy days. We have a huge propane generator and 500 gallon tank (may trade for 1000 gal but last year we only used about 60%) this will power the whole howse. Also we have a stand alone gasoline generator we use sometimes for running the shop vacuum and bigger equipment. Thanks for the info on the UTI. I so much like to be independent and not need help for anything so it’s frustrating to “need” medicine. I am feeling a lot better today, thank you! And drinking lots of cranberry juice with wirtual wodka – he he he he he! He only gave me 6 pills, 2 a day, some kind of sulfa, so I’m half way through already. LOVE LOVE LOVE THE PRAYER DOTD! Perfect, thank you so much.

    Juliet – I was told rads would cause so much fatigue but it didn’t for me, I’m sorry it did for you. I didn’t have much fatigue through any of the surg, chemo, rads, tamox…just the femara has kicked me boot. Even so I’m getting through ok…1 year 10 months, 23 daze to go…yeee haw! Have a great time with CynCyn!!

    Thanks so much friends for all the support and putting up wif me water-logged bwain yesterday all weepy and whiney, sheesh. Much better today and big time prayers going out for all.

    TITZ UP!



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited February 2014

    well I had a complete breakdoen drank 2 bottles of wine and vodka

    Im ok

    Cyn u can face time me I love that just not today Im awful looking PM me ill give u my number

    Dork is visting I need to visit with u all dork we were mybe in summer


    Hi cam I rented vistiors something like that

    och a painful UI

    Beanuis thank u

    Bernie I was on those meds felt to weird went off them like very even if that life I want no part Ive been a wild child if u all only knew

    Well the good news was about this recruiting job I was hoping for the offer running three locations but I have heard zero the market is bad

    Thank u everyone im missing Chrissy, NM Juliet love u all



  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited February 2014

    Bernie sending big hhugs to you. May God hold Natalie in the palm of His hand. 

    Red we will be there with you, just think about all of us in your pocket and you may have to explain why you get the giggles.

    Beanius that is a lovely prayer from Catherine Macauley. She is now a Saint, I think the first from Australia. 

    Hope the rest of you got plenty of supplies. I means those on the eastern side and in da middle. Hear deres loads of snow. You knows brandy real good for keeping youse warm.

    Hugs and hic!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014

    Lara, I wish that company would call you and offer you that job...they don't know what they're missing. AND we need for you to get totally well, girlfriend! I mean totally. Sucks what you have been through.

    AND our Cyn, Julie, and Lori are together today....yippppeeeeee!

    Alyson, Think there will be enuf brandy for all our gals that are in this horrid cold weather??? Good idea, though! LOL.

    And, speaking of you in the cold and snow, my FL friend (former SIL) posted this on FB....


    Now don't hate me, I am just the messenger!!!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014

    The 2 guys are assembling our new treadmill right now. Was so hard for them to get the other one down the stairs. OMG, they are strong.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Kat please strt slowly, u'r DH too. Don't rush u'r legs, they belong to the rest of u'r body.

    How exciting the girls are together now---can't wait to see some pics,

    Lara u might still get a call I imagine a lot of people came for that job===but I want u to feel better. I'm watching Clone ??? different. but all bundled up tho,

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014

    LOL Cami, Ok, Ok, Ok....will start slow if you insist. Well really I of course am a bit apprehensive anyway. Was hoping DH would try it first but he is hurting, so can't. So I will have to be the guinea pig. Love your comment about my legs belonging to the rest of my body.
    WooHoo I get a glass of champagne maybe I won't get kicked off the drinking thread!!!! I know this is not a cooking thread, so bear with me. This is all so new to me, to be cooking so much. Remember, we are usually on a trip every other week! Well this afternoon I made tomato basil soup with fresh basil and full of all good chit. It was soooo yummy. If anything, I am eating healthier chit.

    Can't wait to hear about the get-together and see pictures!!!!



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014

    *hic*, *burp*, *ahhhhhhhhh*.....this champagne tastes sooooo good! Where is ebberyone?

    Bernie, how are you holding up? Praying for Natalie, and her family. So very hard on everyone, and not fair.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014

    Me again....must be the "Kathy Show". BUT the national news was just on, and I am very concerned about all of you in the grips of this storm, and HOPING and PRAYING you all have power. Very scary. My friends son with a new baby is able to go to their church in PA, as their entire parish is without power, so someone brought a large generator to the church. I hope you are all okay!!!!

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2014

    Quickly popping in...Today was GREAT!!  

    Love you guys...Love every second of facetime


  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited February 2014

    Thank you so much everyone for all the help last night. Strange as it may seem, I think I finally clued in. I have c*#cer. Holy hell. How did that happen? Why? What did I do wrong? 

    When I first came on board, I posted that I felt like I was numb, I really had no feelings about it at all. I wondered when I would have the inevitable moment. My meltdown. Over the last few months, every once in a while, an emotion would struggle to the surface and make my life stutter a bit, but on the whole, I stayed in limbo land.

    I think the last 24 hours have been a bit of a shock to my system. I don't know why receiving that letter confirming all my future appointments impacted me so hard. Maybe I have been living in the 'now' and that made it my future as well.? Sounds maybe right. 

    I cried and panicked last night. I cried more at work today. Thanks for being there Savvas. My boss came in this afternoon and said, he doesn't want to treat me any differently, but that sometimes makes him forget that I am going through stressful things and if I am ever just having a bad day to let him know and go home.

    I am surrounded by people who love me, workmates who really care, and a group of total strangers, who aren't strangers any more, who welcomed me to this thread and into their lives. I am blessed and if it took this RB to make me realize that, then that is one good thing about this journey.

    Love you all. Thank you for being there when I need to cry, laugh or just be silly. Open up - got another jello shooter for you. 

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014

    Love it, love it, love it!!! You three look SO GREAT and SO HAPPY!!!! Thank you for sharing with us, wish we had all been there with you. Hugsssssssssssssssss! 


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014

    You sound so much better, Red! And what a sweet, sweet, sweet post, saying how much we all mean to you. YOU mean so much to all of us, too!!! Yes, one good thing from the RB, is all the new friends we have made, across this big world. So nice of your boss to say you can go home if you need to. Opening up my mouth for one of those shooters....  :0

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited February 2014

    Thanks Kathy. I forget, whipped cream or no? I got em both ways! Lol

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2014

    red what kind words from a boss

    bernie-hugs and prayers that he hold natalie and her family and friends in his arms

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Red I'm glad u got some kind of relief and u'r cowokers and boss sound amazing--See u'r not alone and here we are there for u too. U'll be fine, better than u think.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I love that picture except it's missing the rest of us. Oh I'm so glad u were all together today and u all look so beautiful and happy too. I'm sure u'r day was great and so was the weather. WELL, IT'S CHIT HERE. Just so u know.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014

    Deb, I love whipped cream, but maybe will go topless for the shooters! Thats in, no whipped cream, not showing my boobs!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2014

     if its makes you feel better cammi ,it did rain a little bit,but we needed the ac because it was so hot! and i only got us lost 3 times, 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2014

    yippee, Lawrie Cyn Cyn aka SinSin and Julie, YOU ALL LOOK BOOTONIMOUSLY BOOTIFUL! And Cammy, right on with the fact that the pic is missing de rest of us. wouldn't it be a dream come true?? So glad you goils had a blast. And I am enbious cuz ye all in short sleeves with a tan, biotches! hehe, jk! 

    Kat, OMG, what a crazy weather week it's been. I jest have three words, well make it four. I HAVE FN POWER! Me so lucky. Mese went to work but had a two hour delayed opening. It was WILD. chunks o' ice was falling outta de sky and sounded and felt like WWIV! And in mese short 6 mile commute, mese seed lots of trees down. only one detour though. and mese was skating in mese slippers on meses dick dis morning. oops, I mean mese DECK. yep, deck I said. mese doesnt have a dick. or a john. well I do have two johns but dey gibing me chit. hehe. good luck with the new ginormous exercise tingy. and jest say no to "break a leg" !!!

    oh Red, so so sorry you were in such bad shape yesturdey. it was a chit dey for you foah shoah. I glad de other goils stepped up to give ye de love and support you disserve. And tanks to chrISSYb whom always nose de answers to de impotent quextions. ((((RED)))). a hug from mese to yese, you poor dear. It will be alright, k? mese promise. WESE promise! before you know it, you will be all done. and like Cam, I did not take anyone with me and did not take notes. I jest showed up. did not wanna know details. den mese dwank and it was alright once it HIT me like it HIT you. 

    Beans, sorry bout de infucktion. Hope it git all better. 

    BBB, prayers to you and de family of de RB victim. FURB, WE    H    A    T   E      Y    O     U !!! burn in hell, you you why you fn rat basturd you. hope all is well otherwise and de alopogetic x-sista biotch is sincere with her apawogeeze. 

    so much to say but mese fraid it time to sleep. sorry to those mese not comment to. been crazy biddy around mo'town, mese gearing up for de arribal of mese Dad. he mostly prohobited from seeing mese mom cept on berry restrictied basis, he not gonna be happy.  

    so laides, i bid ye a dooo (or doooo not as mese DD sez caz she sed bidding a=doo is NOT wishing one well so I dunno. i not shirley sure what to believes. cept I believe in God. And I believe in ALL of ye goils...both past n present, in heaven or on dis Erf. I love ye all, cheers. n as CB would say ~~~~ TITTIES UP (if ya got em) !I!



    tose n nose.

    Lara nose! tehe! 


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014

    Oh you silly, silly girl! Hahaha. What a scary commute these days....yikes. Glad you have power, and staying warm (when you are inside at least). SO, your dad is coming back to your house? Will you be able to monitor his meds? Hope he needs to take them at a time that you will be there, till he gets totally used to taking them. AND praying he does really well "on his own" at your house. Yeah, he won't be happy to know he can't visit his lady love whenever he wants to.

    Bernie, are you hanging in there? Just so sad about your friend.  (((Bernie)))

    Well, I gots ta go too, and get ready for tomorrow....early, early long day.



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Good Morning my sweet Ladies.

    I hope u all sept well cuz u really need u'r energy for all u'r doing.

    Dork I hope and pray u'r dad will be better now at u'r home and he can be calm about seeing u'r mom this is so hard for him and u'r family--A huge change for everyone.

    Kat I know u'r so busy and I pray u'r DD gets better each day and doesn't suffer a lot--poor baby, yep they are always our babies. I can't even imagine what u'r going thru--I just say my prayers for u.

    NM should be up soon or I'm bumping her, and she knows I don't mean to.

    Be careful on de streets, they are mostly ok here this morning but super cold under zero and it will stay that way til it snows this weekend. Good thing it never bothers me I don't even leave my room, I've been alone so long that I never need to be on the go.. see that's laziness but it serves me well now. OK everyone stay careful and warm, put an extra blanket in u'r car--u never know.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Well, yesterday was
    eventful.Got a ride into work, got a
    rental car, managed to get to the house I was going to in the snow, got stuck
    in a snowdrift on the way home, stopped for a rollover on my road, finally got
    home just before 9 pm.The TV people are
    saying it's still slippery this morning.I am NOT taking that miserable little rental out until my road has been
    plowed and sanded, that's for sure!I
    want to go back to St Martin!

    Cammy--I agree, no
    one knows what's going on and no one is responsible, so it will never really
    get fixed.Thank you for the prayers for
    a decent day, while I was waiting for the wrecker yesterday I was talking with
    God about the day.I was safe, unhurt,
    warm.I was inconvenienced and unhappy
    about that, but I really was ok, and that is a good thing.The rest will pass, right?

    Julie--hope you and
    CynCyn and Lorihave a great get


    Wahine--I thought it
    might be procrit.It's been used a long
    time for people with anemia from kidney disease, developing cancer after years
    of use is a known potential risk.Using
    it with chemo does let the docs use higher doses of chemo, which can kill more
    cancer cells, but also increases the risk of permanent side effects.It's a vicious cycle.

    Beanie--yeah, the
    car thing is a hassle, but there it is and I have to deal with it.I just wish it wasn't so busy at work and
    snowing so much at the same time!But, I
    don't get to choose.

    Love the prayer!

    ORLA--2 bottles of
    wine and vodka?Sounds like a good way
    to end a day!

    Aly--brandy is very
    good for keeping the blood moving!

    Wahine--6 more weeks
    of Florida sounds just right!Hooray for
    the new treadmill!That soup sounds
    very, very yummy!

    CynCyn--yeah!Great pic of the 3 of you!

    Red RH--Yup, been
    there, remember that, I think I cried steadily for 3 years.I cried at every doctor's appointment for
    almost 5 years.This thread, and many
    others here at BCO were my lifeline, and life saver.Come in and drink, cry, rant, rave, yell,
    mope, whatever you need, whenever you need.We'll be here!

    DorKable--Good to
    see you, lets have a dwinky!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Snowstorm

    1 oz Kahlua Coffee

    1 oz Godiva
    Chocolate Liqueur

    1 oz Van Gogh Vodka

    1 oz Goldschlager

    2 oz Cream


    Pour ingredients
    over crushed ice in a shaker. Shake until frothy. Strain and serve in a wine