how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    NM Yummy and stay safe and wait for sand, salt whatever they use.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2014


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014

    NM, you are always very wise...glad you are not going out on those roads yet! Hope it won't snow after they are plowed, and you get home safely tonight. I loved my jobs where I went into peoples homes every day (decorator), but when the weather was wicked, it was NOT fun. And you have such long, hard winters, that makes it very hard. But it is nice being in your car, being your own boss, sort of. I could never survive being in the same office everyday, I needed variety and change!! Hope that rental car keeps you safe, and you get your car back soonliest. Hope it isn't too much $$$, also, to have it fixed! Snowstorm DOTD, very appropriate!

    Cami, it is VERY good you can stay inside in this bad weather!!!

    Can't wait to hear from Lori about her trip!!! Hope you have wifi at your dads house and can come onto the thread, Lori!

    NM, We loved St. Martin too....both sides. When we went the first time, with my mom and stepdad (he was mid to upper 80's), we rented a jeep and my DH drove us all over the island, ended up at a nude beach. Well of course WE didn't get nude! But when my mom and my DH and I were swimming in the ocean, my stepdad sat on the beach. I was watching him, and everytime a nude gal walked by, his head almost broke off of his neck! So funny.....he just watched till they were way down the beach. Then another one would come by, and his head would just follow them. But what I didn't come the nude gals always had nice figures, but the nude (old) men looked all paunchy and ugly???

    OK, gotta get ready for my early day...long day....hoping my DD tolerates it all well. Also hoping my DH does well getting the g'kids where they need to be, and caring for them all day.

    Wish I had a Snowstorm dwink to take with me, sure sounds yummy!!!!



  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited February 2014

    Troll from hell is back.  I'm on car duty today, Sinead's fella is working and today is the D DAY.  So went over and offered to take her and the devil's spawn out to lunch.  Before Sinead could even speak it jumped in with - Can't I've just taken my fluid retention tablets so have to be near a toilet.  WTF.  Then it went on to tell me about the Indian takeaway they had last night and had so much leftovers she put it out for the goats and chickens. Now Babes every person I know in this world knows that Indian food is my all time favourite.

    Fear not my lovely's revenge is mine - I am cooking a roast chicken - the trolls favourite - and I am going to feed it to my dogs - All of it.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited February 2014

    PET results today.  Your drive by short post writer has empty pockets!  (c:

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited February 2014

    Oh Bernie!........revenge can sometimes be very  Hope the bump arrives on time!

    NM so glad you are ok after the mishap and you are indeed wise to stay put until the roads are cleared.

    Cyn that pic is fantastic!!!!  Love it and Lori and Julie you all look gorgeous!!   Yup, would have been great if we were all together........guess we'll have to work on that one........can you imagine what would happen if we were all in the same place at the same time?!!  Holy moly!!!! We would wreak havoc!!!!!! 

    Well, it's official!!  Im a deaf old broad!!!!!  Yup, visited with the ENT today and after a another hearing test she officially declared me I have to get a hearing aide!.........oh no!!!   I'm getting O L D!!!!    Wash my mouth out!!

    I needs me a few Jell-O shots .......who's dropping them today?!

    TITTIES UP!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited February 2014

    BTW What a great pic.  I so enjoy meeting in the flesh people from this board.  Peace to all.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Chrissy not so fast-----what do u mean? Both ears, but u can hear a little When did this happen.? WTF this is a shock to me. I don't remember u taking about this. Please explain.

    Adey we're all waiting with u, now don't fly by stop and tell us exactly what's going on.As soon as u know.

    OK Bernie u'r on car duty today, but the biotch is back--I like that u'r going to cook a chken and feed it to the pets. hahaha U r so funny how can anyone not love u.And the alien is set for landing soon now--Tell us everything, when it's time.

    Kat even when I did work, my drive was across the street, so I never had to worry, but when the weather was icy, it was safer taking the car cuz I'd slip and slide and fall and crawl (literally) on the ice, the streets were better than that.

    BBL stay safe and warm everyone.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited February 2014

    Cami after DDs wedding at the end of Sept last year I caught a virus and a bad chest infection.  I got anti Bs for the infection and I was just getting over that and I had a good dose of vertigo that laid me low for a good couple of weeks but ended up stone deaf in one ear. 

     I was still that way after a couple of months so my doc sent me to an ENT to investigate further.  I had an MRI to rule out RB and see if anything else showed up and the review was today to see if there was a further improvement.  I felt there was a small improvement from Decembers visit but if there is back grown noise......well I can hear nothing but the noise and if anyone wants to say something to me they literally have to get in my face before I could hear them. 

     The hearing test she did today was really good on the right side but I failed miserably on the left.  I am effectively hearing everything mono on a single channel so to speak so she has said a hearing aide is in order.  She also commenting that I was very have my hearing affected this way as it usually doesn't happen till later in life.

    I also chatted with her about the possibility of it being caused as a SE of Femara which I'm on  and have been for three and a half years.   She said it's not listed but still possible.  I know I'm not the only one to have their hearing affected as there are other women on these boards who have mentioned similar stuff.

    I'm not really worried about getting an aide, I just want to be able to hear properly again and this single channel chit is really that, chit!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Oh Chrissy, I didn't know it got that bad--wow and u r right--I have read on these boards tht some women have kind of quickly gone deaf on one side but they can't say for sure why. So who knows if it's from a med or not--it has not been proven but that doesn't mean anything. Most people don't associate deafness with any of these meds, but us. I'm so sorry, u must have been miserable, but now u will be able to hear again which is great.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited February 2014

    Cam it's just annoying as my hearing was perfect  and this happened sort of over night..........grrrrr!!   Never mind it's just something else to get used is like that, never boring.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Chrissy u have a wonderful attitude, u'r a sweetheart.

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited February 2014

    Adey, Cami and I are in yours pockets, all small n stuff. Wese makin more jello shooters for Chrissy and Kat. Wese twyin to bese quietliest, but Cami keeps telling mese jokes and den I laugh. Sowwy.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited February 2014

    red we will get u through this!

    Great pic u three

    FaceTime lol I thought cyn meant through the I Phone u can facetime and see each other

    Kat sounds yummy the soup

    Idk my one doc thinks I should do long term disability but I want to work yes mybe they will cal

    NM glad your ok this weather is the worst

    Cam I'm all bundled watching children of the corn issac return us and are scary movies

    Oh well I guess this water pill I take diluted my pee a pharmacist told me to take it for bloat so I did but the PA said that it can ruin your kidneys so I better stop taking the water pill

    Pop in layer

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited February 2014

    Tanks Red and Cami.  The doc heard your laughter and decided it had to be good news!  For some reason rads freaked me out more than other treatments too.  But it soon became old hat, easy breezy although it was forever weird and Clockwork Orange-ish.  Oh, mets stable and still only in bones.  Status quo for now.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2014

    wonderful news adeyHappystable boy is second best to ned

    cammi-hope your staying warm,wish you were there yesterday too! wish i could have spend longer with lori but work will intefear with my social lifeScared

    red, go to the radiation thread and join the group going thru rads at the same time, it helped me .

    nm stay safe

    have a good night ladies back in work tonightBawling

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited February 2014

    Our beautiful Lady, Natalie passed away this evening. Please pray for her family and friends.  Too young, too soon.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited February 2014

    Natalie was only 48 with 6 children.  Does this fucking pain ever end

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014

    So very, very sad, Bernie. (((((Natalie's family and friends)))))

    Just got home, was a very hard, long day, hard day for my DD1. But  I feel so sad for Natalie's family, praying for comfort for them.



  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited February 2014

    Bernie I am so sorry for your loss. A bff is a special person who deserves all the love and care we can give them. I'm sure that Natalie knew you were there for her. But I can feel your pain. 48 is waaaaayyyy too young and her children will feel her loss forever. {{{{gentle hugs}}}}. We're here. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Bernie I'm so sorry, how awful--so young.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Kat this has to be so hard for u'r DD and of course for u--(((PRAYERS)))

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014

    Thanks for continued prayers for my DD1, girls. And thanks for reminding me that you are keeping her in your prayers! Means the world to me.

    How are you all dealing with these continuing storms??? Hoping everyone has power and can stay safe and warm.

    Lori, Anxious to hear about your trip!

    Bernie, You have been through so many losses lately. Just hate this, and with your DH away, too. Hoping the alien will show up soon and bring happiness.  (((Bernie)))

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited February 2014

    Bernie, sending love and prayers.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited February 2014

    Awe Bernie..........((((((hugs)))))))).  For Natalie, she is at peace, no more pain.........for her family the pain of loss will pass but for now it hurts.........for all who loved her, your pain will diminish with the days and you will remember the beautiful person she was, her laughter and her love.  May those days arrive with the sun.

    Sorry for your loss.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2014

    Hi girls!

    Checking in for alien updates ...

    Bernie dahling, I am so sorry for another loss. ((((Bernie))). Praying for you and your friends family. You are sooooo funnneee talking about the food. Did you really cook her fav and feed it to the dogs? That is classic, I jest love ya girl!

    Kat, me silly? nah, wazn't me, mussta been Stella. hehe! Continuing prayers for your daughter and for you too. It was my prayer for time to go fast and for her to be done with the TX. I HATE what you are all going through, jest hate it. FURB. 

    Addy, glad tings are stable, glad you made time for a quick dwink.

    NM, I feel ya on de fayecation. Having one makes us need anudder one, sorta like dwinking. I;ll how that dwink with ya now *clink* cheers! 

    Hi Lara, good to see ya. Hoping that you are able to do what is best for you whether working or going on disability. It is really hard to get approved for that. I have given it some thought for mese dern self. I will neber be the same worker bee that I wuz before all of the RB chit and I tink ye know what I mean. I try to stay positive in tinking that somedey, I will not be in pain. But it gets to be tolling on de brain with having pain ebery dey ((((Lara))). you and me gonna tear down dis town. jest like me and Cyn gonna give her town a new name. not sure what it'll be. how bout fartyPartyville? nah, dat lame hehe!

    Cyn, de count down is ON baby, I see yer face in jest ninr-burpTEEN deys, yippee! if ye all wanna git in mese pocket, meet me at de fartport...flight # 341 outta Atlantic City on de spirit o'dwinkALOT airlines on 2/26 to arrive in de warmth, oh sweet heat in Tampa at 4:10 pee em! yippee hallefukkingLouya! yeee hawww!

    Cam, you gibs such gwate words of advise to all. You a smart one. I toast yer brains *clink*! ya know I love ya and wanna see ya soonliest. I hope ye not sad that I go South without ya. If only you and de other goils could come too, would be spendimondous. Me and Beckers still gonna see ya though, plan on it!

    Lori, I hope ya get back here soon and share more pictures. How was de VI? And did you git dere on time or late? Geez, a goil can't git an answer 'round here. tehehe, i tink wese all mighten be dwunk??? Maybe jest MAYBEE?? 

    Red, dahling...I hope ye feeling better after venting and letting it all out. Wuz nice to see that so menny goils have been in yer shoes and gibs ye words of comfort, sorta like southern comfert but who dwinks dat ennymore anyway? ~hiccup, oops, sawry! So but really. I jest know ye gonna get through dis easssy peasssy! and de greatest ting is no chemo, ye will still be able to lub lub lubs yer dwinkies, yippee, I give another haileyfukkinglouya!!! woo hoooo YA! 

    ok, so I missed sumone I tink. hmm. where Beanie todey? I miss you if ye lurking. 

    and Julia, did not see yer face eidder. working? geez, so unflair. working is so not cool, ya know? I gonna dwink with ye soon, yippee uh...hallefukkinLouya! ooops, scuzze de langwitch! tehe, dat make me tink of Bernie and dat wackadoo goil who fedd de Indian food to de FN goats, so not nice! but de goil a witch which made me tink of it cuz I wuz speaking of langwitch. cheers!

    and haileyfunkkinlouYA! who dwinkin?


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2014

    PS... I jest pulled mese own finger and farted and lmao.

    no worries, it do not smell farty. no waaay jose would I stank up de parTAY!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2014

    on noooo, foygot to comment on Chrissy B's hearing loss. Eyes so sawry, I need a wipping with a wet nooodle. I still hoping it git better. doctor's lie a lot. and dis is a lie. yep, too young for hearing aid. and uh, did I tail ya how menny times I had to ask others to repeat demselves jest todey? yep, mese too young too. not diagnosed but tinking mese gone deaf. but dis not about mese. I so sawry Chrissy. I go in de corner now with mese dwink. and mese dunce cap. I love ya, ((((Chrissy))))). Muah!!! I sent ya turdteen bottles of big ass bottles of wodka, k? foygive mese?? 



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Dork LMAO u soooo funny--Are u really going to Florida soonlyest---I'm so happy u'r going to be warm with Cyn..I love it or r u pilling mese leg, cuz it's hurtin' so don't pull it.

    Dis house is a festival of germs, Leslie has a cold and My SIL's sister is getting married a week from Sat. so he's spraying and wiping and cooking and souping and meding everybody so no one else gets it, cuz he spent money on so much clothes for this thing, hahaha Les has to sleep on the couch, Joey isn't allowed to cuddle with her--Oh he cracks me up, cuz he's serious--I'm not going so it's OK for me to go by her. hahaha My SIL has divertiticulitous (sp) has thick steel  screws in his hips and ankle, has an ulcer, has bad spasms in his back a lot, migraine headaches oh and some disease where he doesn't produce sodium and can't sweat so he has to have lots of salt in the summer so he doesn't pass out, barretts disease and a couple of other things---but say cold and he gets so so so upset all the time--It's like the plague with him--we laugh so hard and he doesn't,just at the mention of a cold--And now with the wedding everyone has to stay away from him. I think it's so funny--Oh and he also has wolfgang Puck disease that's what I call it with his heart but he did have an operation for his heart with that. He was fine--but a cold OMG LMAO at him. He's so sweet too. Oh her color is purple so Joey went shopping to pick out his clothes, black slacks, gorgeous black shoes, a purple shirt and a fantastic black and purple tie. He's got great taste. Les bought  a dress for 80.00 not bad, but I went on line for one of the shopping networks and saw one for 30.00 on sale by a real designer and it fits beautifully and is really gorgeous-so she brought the other one back. Marty is wearing a tux, cuz he's giving his sister away, I walked my own girls down the aisle. Anyway with all the parties and crap this house has been going crazy, and I just try and stay in my room and stay out of their confusion. I know this was boring but I had to tell u.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited February 2014

    Dorky you never doos anyting wrong dat ise needs to's jest dat ise toining into an old woman.......yup, it's happenin to mees......not sposed to but somehow it's creeped up on moi.  Da goot news is dat I may be able to gets mees hearin aid an it won't cost mees nuttin, jest it's maintenance......yup, I ringed for the application papers today so once they come ise gonna fill them out.  Parently dis is a government ting here an ifn youse on a pension (which I am) dat should qualify mees......yipeeeee!

    Lub, lub, lub da wodka!  Tanks mees Dorky girl!  Lub you lots!

    TITTIES UP!!!!!!