how about drinking?



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014

    Dang it, Chrissy, hate that your hearing has gone. Supposed to be the RB kicked to da curb , NOT our hearing!!!! Glad you will get a hearing aid, and I know you will wear it, too. My DH got some about 3 yrs ago or so, tried it once then never used them again. I love your attitude, you don't let anything get you down! You go, girlfriend!

    Cami, that wedding sounds so nice, esp with the clothes they got for it. Wow. And geez your SIL sure has a lot wrong with him, but sounds like he still does so much. So if you really want to freak him out, just pretend to sneeze right near him! lol

    Dorkie, Dorkie, Dorkie.....why do I smell something???? DId youse fart again????  NO, I will NOT pull your finger again!! LOL

    Cheers Dears!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Oh Kat hahaha I've done that and the look on his face is priceless.

    Chrissy of course I'm sorry about u'r hearing aide but it's really good u don't have to pay for it. They can really be expensive too. So that's a good thing.

    Oh Kat that's another thing with my SIL he's deaf in one ear since burth so he wears a hearing aid LOL--it's not funny I know but he has so many things going on with him and he doesn't stop bless his  heart.(that had an extra valve in it)

    Dor I can smell it ll the way over he--oops dat's mese.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2014

    hehehe ~hiccup...Cammy, nice to know dat stench not bese mese tehehe.. lubed yer chat about de upcoming wedding. glad that yer SIL will be profreshionally dwested for de okaysion, tanks to widdle Joey. gawsh, he a Saint in mese book. God love ye all family. sawry bout your sil's ailments, dese suck but he still berry cool in spite of it tall, I lift mese glass to him, *clink* cheErz! 

    sawry kat, dat wat ya git wen ye pull mese fingar tehehe! you smart for not pulling it again, I do believe that ChirrsyB jest pulled it, ~~ ya hear dat one, it turdteen sylables (sp?). is it Cylables or sumtin g  like dat, i hope ye all undercomprehendostand mese. ~buRP! ooops. mese not olny a loser, mese a pig. OINK OINK hiccups BUrP .................oh miese, esczueze mese. hiccup, fart. oopsies, slipped out. 

    did I tail ye all bout mese fariting on de elevaTor at work? uh, do you all tink dat people can hear de ten sylaball farts when de elevator approaching destination with other noses and ears standing at de bottom waiting for a ride UP when mese going down??? uh oh, mese tink mese humbarrased. 

    chrissY, ye so sweet. but I still feel badliest for de omission. i jest pankeed mese fingers. each fingar git five smacks, OUCH ouch oucH oUchEEEEE!! i jest love ye. and soooo happy dat yer people pay for de hearing ade. mese people sez, in essence, wese no pay. Dad's hearing aid was ober 3k. it werk good but geeze, insurance in de US does NOT pay for hearing aids. wtf up with dat, so not fair. dat's it .... MESE mubing to OZ. I want a free hearing aid. cuz mese hasing a hard time hearing too. and de aids of todey are uber cool in that they not bulky and fugly as mese ass. dey acshally look good or .. well actually, dey cant bese seen and dat is good, right?

    Right on. tehehe, reminds me of a game I playing now. it silly and stooooped. but mese cwack de hail up at de noise and de sounds de goils make when singing dere songs. here an ex -AMple. 

    oh yeah

    oh yeah baby

    that's RIGHT.

    oh yeah, that's right.

    but my favorite is "YOU"VE GOT IT" !!!!!

    lame game i play but mese play to hear it say that I've got it, wooopie, calabunga mo fo's, cheers!


    sawry, mese manners are overriden on dis night.

    pss - tinking dat de alient coming out now. NOW wouldnt dat be uBAR coolIEST! 

    more cheeRS!   

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2014

    bernie- so sorry , hugs  and prayers for you ,dave and natalies family, another star in the sky. much too young

    cammi- Happywedding,


    dorty see you soon hopefully not smell you soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Driving was much better
    yesterday, thank You, Lord.Still don't
    care for the how the rental drives in winter, but it is getting me where I need
    to go, so I am blessed and need to shut up and stop complaining.Will be glad when I figure out how to get my
    car to the garage and find out what is wrong with it.The rental is keeping me safe.And employed.So it's good, right?

    Wahine--I'm sure the
    not so nice figured gals don't go to the nude beach, we females care too much
    about our looks.Men's self confidence
    comes from testosterone poisoning and isn't based in reality.At least, that's my opinion, and I'm sticking
    to it!Hope your long day went well.

    troll will be sooooo jealous! Or give troll some roast chicken laced with some
    extra water pills, then take her for a long, long ride.Or something.

    Adey--praying for
    good results!

    Chrissy--I'LL JOIN

    Cammy--Funny how it
    can be safer on the roads than on the side walks sometimes, isn't it?

    Chrissy--Oh, dear,
    gotta hate the treatment protocols that just keep on taking and taking and
    taking that we are supposed to be so happy about being able to take to protect
    us from more RB.Yeesh.Stereo hearing will be better, I'm sure!

    ORLA--gotta love all the conflicting info
    about drugs.Just gotta.Yeesh.

    Adey--stable is

    Julie--I am staying
    safe, thanks!

    {{{{{Bernie}}}}}Praying for Natalie and her family and

    clink!Drinking to vacay memories.The trip south sounds great!Hope you have a ball!

    Cammy--not boring at
    all!I love hearing about the chaos
    around weddings and the like, always some good stories there.Hope you manage to stay not sick!

    Oh, DorK, your poor
    elevator mates!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Emerald Star

    1/4 oz Apricot

    1 oz White Rum

    2/3 oz Melon Liqueur

    1/4 oz Lime Juice

    1 oz Passion fruit


    Shake ingredients,
    strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Good Morning Sweet Ladies

    NM good DOTD--Passion Fruit wow sounds sexy. Just so u'r streets are good u don't have to worry about u'r car. Didn't u find out hat needs to be done yet? Fried-Day NM I hope u have the week-end off. And u and Sadie can cuddle and u can relax.

    Julie hold u'r nose u might smell Dork before u see her--lately she really givin' the bombs. Are u off this week-end? I hope so.

    Kat I pray today is better than yesterday for u'r DD and u.---this is so hard--I hurt for her. (((HUGS)))


    Lara if u go on disability can u manage moneywise? Cuz if u can that's a real thinker than?

    OK this is my first good Morning just getting started--but I already washed a load of clothes and they are in the dryer and took a whore bath this morning--I'll take a real shower on Sat. It's so cold till and snow tomorree so here we go again. Joey and I cuddles like crazy last nite cuz he can't with his mommy LOL

    Lubs everyone muchly

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2014

    Katrinka with no RB in her back, yippee skippee!

    Deb, great news that you don't have to do chemo, and the other 3 lumps were nothing, more yippee skippee! As for the smoking, if it's too much to try now, you can try when you are done with treatments. Or at least try to cut down. Try being a closet smoker and you can't get caught.

    Oh no Cyn, you mentioned you might have to leave or endure a high rent. BUMMER, I hope neither happens. And a Dorfy visit, woo hoo!

    Lara, I'm so sorry about friend. I'm glad she has you.

    Beans, I hope you are feeling better. I keep medical records on my computer, of all my surgeries, and RB treatments, and meds I'm on, prescription and OC. Take one with me for everything, then I don't have to fill out any of that, just give them the paper.

    Oh BBBB, and your friend Natalie, I'm so sorry and sending prayers to all of her family and friends. Definately too young, hugs to you my friend. But I must say, you have me in tears laffing about the Devil's spawn and feeding your chicken to the dogs.

    Chrissy, sawry about the hearing aide, but that doesn't mean that you have to fess up to being old. Definately too young,  I wouldn't own that one, no sirree!

    Adey, how were your results? I see STABLE! Good news!

    Dort, you sound just a lil essited about going to bisit Cyn and Julie. You all will have such a great time!

    Thanks goilies for the kind words on our picture. We had a couple taken whilst out to eat, but they weren't that good. The one Cyn posted was the best. We had a great time, but much too short. It was awesome to meet yet anudder bweastie. That would be Julie, for me, as I have already met Lucy. I will tell you a little sumpting about de Ms Julie, she habs berry pretty skin. I tail you it is flawless and looks like silk. She also habs dis berry beautifulest accent, but if hers talks too fast, it was hard for me to unnerstand..he he.

    Ok, I will be back with my trip!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    YYAAAYYY Lori's posting again, I always miss you so muchly.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2014

    I had just sorta skimmed through the last 10+ pages of posts, so just commented on some of the more important ones. But forgot to mention your DD Kat. I'm so sorry it's becoming so hard, just wish it were over with. How much longer?

    Ok, here goes. Well, y'all know that all flights were canceled out of Atlanta the day before I left and that is where I was flying into. Well I was watching watching and everything was fine and a go. Flying in, you could see all of the traffic backed up. Well, about time to start boarding and we get canceled! Yeppers, we got it. But the reason was because we did not have enough stewards! Folks could get into work. So anyways, 3 hours later, we are good to go! I ended up meeting some folks in the bar, which was right next to our gate, and having about 3 beers with them and lots of laughs.

    In the mean time, my son is suppose to fly out of Detroit, his sister does not know he is coming, it's a surprise. So they take off, and have to turn around and go back to the airport, landing gear won't retract! He is delayed many hours now, and once he gets to FL, it is too late to get his connecting flight to St. Thomas, so they put him up for the night in FL, and food voucher.

    So I get there, and I tell my DD, I have good news and I have bad news, and she says "what are you talking about?" I said, "well the bad news is we have to come back over here (St. Thomas) tomorrow." She says "why?". I say "you want the good news? Your brother is coming!" She was like "REALLY?".

    We go back over the next day, you have a to take the ferry over. Waiting for my son, he gets there, we hug and laff and so on. The ferry leaves in about 45 minutes. So we are just sitting and waiting, not in line with all of the others. We wait until everyone has almost boarded and we head over, and they close the gate right in front of us, and won't let us on! Daughter and Son are furious! So now we have to wait another hour!

    We had a great time, but it is so expensive. Mostly we hitched to where we had to go, as my DD knows EVERYONE! One day we went to the beach, had too much gear and 3 of us, so we took what they call a taxi. Truch with several benches in the back, holds 20 or more people. Well, it was $7 each for us to go to the beach, and then the same to go back. So $42 just to go to the beach!

    My DD's friend does tours there, so we rented a jeep one day and he took us on his tour. Alot of history there with slave days and with the sugar cane.

    Went to see this same friend play one night, he is in a raggae band. Had loads of fun, danced all night and had sore calves that following day!

    One day was spent at the villa where my DD works.  Here is me in the infinity pool.

    And look who joined us!!! And also had a great time. We left the villa and went to DD's work, well we left Stella behind, not on purpose, but we did (true story).

    Next day, we find her on the streets! Now guess what this crazy went and done? She went and sold her baby to a drunk for a baby goat!!!

    Lots of bar hopping! While at one bar, one of the homeless came up and was selling coconuts. My son wanted to try, so he got one. "Santa" sells these and the other guy is Irvan I think. My DD knows EVERYONE!

    It was an awesome time, but goes by WAY TO FAST. I have to get up at like 4 am to start getting ready to leave. My plane doesn't leave until 9 am, but we don't know what traffic will be like or anything. Any who, I make it to the airport and I'm 2 hours early, no biggie tho. Finally it's time to board, so we do and we're sitting there, pilot comes on and says they are having trouble with the electricity and we have to get off the plane so they can fix it and it will take up to 2 hours!!!! I'm freaking, cuz I have to way to get a hold of anyone, except text messages. Thinking Julie and Cyndie are gonna be waiting for me and I won't be there. Finally my brother calls Cyn and gets it all taken care of, and they are sweeties and still come to pick me up! Enjoying my stay with my dad, but half the time he doesn't even know who I am.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited February 2014

    Yay!! Lori is back at de HTL!!!!  Sounds like your trip was a good one and like all good ones they go waaaaay too quick.  Great pics!!!  That water looks like it is crystal clear!

    Yup NM, I hears ya

    Cami it is will take a few weeks as I'm applying for the Government Hearing Assistance as I'm on a disability pension.  I rang today for the forms and I will get them in the mail probably Monday or Tuesday so then I fill them out and post them back........then I wait until I get the word yay or nay.  Once that comes through I just make the appointment with the supply place and then go get fitted.  They taylor make each one as we are all different and it must fit in such a way as to be not annoying.  Once the fitting is done it takes about ten days to two it will be probably mid to late March before it is delivered.  When I get it you will all hear me yelling and whooping at the top of my

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    OMG I love those pics, u look like one of the kids, u'r so beautiful. And it looks like so much fn, and I'm sure it went by fast--good times always do. Oh u really had some travel problems too, but u made it all of u and happy as can be. I'm glad u saw u'r Dad but sure sorry he didn't always know u--that's sad. Super pictures glad u take them so we can share in all of u'r good times.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    OK I have to say this---I love the way u gals take pics. of u'r good times, everyone of u are so beautiful in so many different ways, I see sparkling eyes, smiles that just make me happy, faces that are perfect, hair (yes hair) that is so perfect for u and so beautiful, skin that looks amazing---It just proves to me u really are beautiful inside as u are outside and u all make me feel happy to be here and thank you for always sharing.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2014

    Morning DahhhLinKs!

    Forgibs me for being away...had so much 'end of month' catch-up to do after Maddy went home. Oh and DH had a bday and we spent the day in St George.

    Bernie - HUGE HUGZ for you and for Natalie's family, this f'n RB...taking a young mom...jes no sooo sorry (((BBB))).

    How much longer do u have to put up with the spawn? I'm mad as hell reading what she is doing...then u git me giggling with ur revenge...U ROCK!! But still, I want her outta ur life NOW!!

    Lori, Cyn, Julie look how marvelously gorgeous you all are. Am soo glad u got the face time and Lori you had to be freakin about the plane delays both going and coming home...sounds so dang stressful. But u are safe now and you had good times with ur kids and visit with your dad. I say a widdle prayer for him too k?

    Lublublubs all the pics and u r right....looks like Stella was baaaadddd....lmao!!! cwackin ups!

    Red - my heart jes ached reading your post from Weds. You, and the rest of us, did nothing wrong. RB does not discriminate. We are here for you now and forever so always feel free to cry, scream, rant, vent, whatever you need to do. ((Red))

    JeanBean - wonderful advice for our are such a beautiful person. U hab a bladder infection??? Dangit...jes not fair. Dat prayer mades me teary-eyed too, thanks for sharing.

    Kat - lol about going topless...heehee. Sad to hear DD1 had such a horrible day, you are both still in my prayers. Sounds like the diet is going well too. And you got ur treadmill...woohoo. We've had rain and cold last few days, so missed my elliptical. DH told me he'd have to take legs off to bring in spare room..idk, sure is warmer in here than the garage.

    DorK - praying for you and your dad. He comes home today right? What restrictions does he have with visits at mom's place? How are things going with DD? And I obviously missed it, but u going to bisit our Cyncyn and Julie too...woohoo....19 days and counting. Hope da weather cooperates for u to git outta dat snow girlfriend!

    Adey - Congrats on being stable.

    ChrissyB - You are NOT old. I find my hearing and my eye sight not at alll what it used to be. Gr8 news that it will be paid for tho. My dh has some loss and gone thru sev aids, but doesn't wear them. He says is mostly 'womens' voices he has trouble with...i.e., me naggin

    Lara - when u say long term disability, u mean thru social security? I'm thinking, actually made the call yest, for SSI. But glad no one was available. My insurance rates are skyrocketing, but we need to find out how much my Onco etc will take from medicare and how much will b out of pocket. We shall see.

    NM - glad you are safe, not good about ur trusty vehicle and having to use a rental tho. But u r smart to wait til roads are OK to venture on.

    Cami - phunny story bout all da cammotion goin on in youse house. Sorry to hear bout all da bad stuff u SIL suffer from. Sounds like little Joey has all the wardrobe figured out...can't wait to see pics.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited February 2014

    Thanks for all the beautiful comments.  I had known Natalie for 18 years, an amazing women.  She went back to uni after she had her children and got her masters.  Then this.  It isn't always the sadness that is the hardest - it's the anger and the unfairness, that hurts the most.  Life really is a bitch and then we die.

    Darling Sinead - now this I don't get - only one day overdue so they did a procedure today called the membrane sweep. They do a finger massage around the neck of the cervix to hopefully induce labour.  What the hell is that all about.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited February 2014


    Yes SSI you fill out a form her in NY and send it out they talk to all your docs

    My doc thinks I can get it and dork u can for sure !!!!Do it !get the form u will know in a couple monthsdownload it off the computer.

    google your state forms, mema I am not sure either

    heres the good news I got that job called today it is part time I work three days a week so its perfect for me to ease in and see if I can get  going again. It was orginally part time and then they saw me and said FT well they called today and its PT thank god because I have PT and school and fear going bk out in the world so I can handle this I hope I start MONDAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. So we will see how it goes in the office sitting talking recruiring for a staffing agency thats what ill do.

    Oh yea jersey will not b called jersey when we r done u prob wont b able to go certain places lol

    I love the pics goldie and stella what does DD do ? she lives there right?

    Sorry to hear about your hearing chrissy

    cam scary movies all day I have to rest all weekend lol because of my 6 hour day Mon.

    Ill ketchup bbl

    oh it was a 60s movie I think cam u might know what happened to Mary Jane???? My mom said its scary




  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited February 2014

    Bernie - sending hugs, I'm so sorry about your friend.

    Wahine - prayers going out every day for your DD.

    Chrissy - so sawwy bout de hearing loss.

    NM - glad u have a rental for now and I sure hope you get your car bixed soon. tanks for de Emerald Star, will still have mine wirtually.

    Lori - thanks for posting the vacay pics, looks like you had a great time. Your beautiful DD takes after her beautiful Mama.

    Lara - congrats on the job!

    Adey - great news, so glad things are stable.

    Juliet, CynCyn, Lori - loved seeing yer pic together.

    Red - hope you are feeling a little better bout the rads.

    DorK - you are soooooo funny! but no loser!

    Cami - lol at the snow on de car pic! And loved your story bout all goin on in de house.

    SueZQT - so glad you pooped in, I was hopin you are okay, missed U mucho. De doc gave me 6 pills which ended yest am but I don't tink I bixed so I'm running short here today so I can talk to doc again before the weekend. Sheesh. Did you see yer honey bottle from a few days ago? SueBHoney!!!

    Aly - tanks for the info and Catherine McCauley, I didn't know she was a saint.

    Hi to everyone! Love ya'll Cheers!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014

    Hi Jean Beans! Can I just "ditto" what you wrote? You responded to everyone's comments so purrrfectly. Been a bizzy day...I will now get yearly IV infusions of a bone med instead of Fosomax. Think its called Reclast or sumtin like dat...haven't looked it up yet, but I like the idea of 1xyearly. I like this dr, he spent a lot of time with me. I am having a glass of bubbly tonight...yipppppeeee skippppeeeee!!! WooHoo I might eben get dwunk on it. HOPING my DD2 is able to drive here tomorrow (10-12 hr drive) and the weather is very good. Talk of snow, and she has to go thru AR also, so I know she will check out the predictions before leaving. My DD1 is so looking forward to seeing her sister!!! Thanks for all the prayers!!

    OH...this was sorta funny...but we live near the Arsenal and when they blow things up or experiment with stuff, or the sonic booms, etc., we feel it here. Sometimes the house shakes and its like someone is banging on the house or ramming it with something. Well it did it again today, and when i was talking to DD1, it did it again, but not as loud. When I told her, she said she had heard something earlier but thought it was thunder. But I told her it was the arsenal stuff. SO then when I heard it, I would tell her, and we would see how many seconds later the sound would get to where she lives. It was a fun experiment, as she lives about 14 mi away from us. OH WELL what do you expect? I haven't had a good drunk for a long time, so this is whats funny to me....LOL. OK, gonna have my dwink...
    Cheers Dears!!!!

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited February 2014

    Hello lubbly ladies. I need to ditto eberones cuz it's been a few days since I posted (cept for Bernie, so very sorry still) and it's all been said so much better than I could have said.

    Bernie, has the alien made an appearance yet? They only try to stimulate labour if they suspect that the due date might be wrong. Maybe the alien should really have made an appearance last week? So fercited about meeting you and hoping I can meet Sinaed and the alien too. She'll be 7 months old then. Sitting up and all. Actually, I need to change my vote. I just wrote he'll not she'll. Darned. I'm my world if I write it, it's true. It's a boy.

    Cami you are so funny. I just lubs ya. Really, you aren't that far away. I could come if it was a long weekend. I'd bring shooters, honest! Lol 

    Dork, I don't know how you keep your sense of humour going all the time. I luvs it and I luvs you! Glad your dad's head is in a better place. Is he going to be living with you? Prayers for him and you. 

    Kathy, you are going through so much right now. My heart is with you and your DD. Glad DD2 is going to be able to visit. It will make dd1 feel so much better. (((hugs)))

    Face time - loved the pics Julie Cyn and Lori. Yay!!

    Lori your vacay had as many bumps as mine! Hope your DD was happy with her surprise (brother). The pics were great!! Glad to see you enjoying so much.

    Mema, thanks for your kind words. In fact thanks to everyone who helped during my meltdown. I really think seeing all the appointments in writing just suddenly made it all real to me. I have been pretty calm about the whole process and this just made me panic. Funny, I told Kat that while I was having my meltdown, my hubby was watching TV and had no idea what was going on. I don't want him to worry, but damn, I do expect him to read my mind and know when I'm in trouble. Lol. I'm not unreasonable am I? 

    Gotta go make dinner. 

    I'll finish this later.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2014

    Hi Girls...

    Love the pics about that Stella. Just don't ever know what she is going to do.  Have safe travels back to AZ tomorrow.  Vaca time does go by fast , doesnt it? Like you always say the anticipation is half the fun of it.

    Cami...a festival of germs?  LOl...Im sure Joey will be quite handsome for the wedding.  

    I love weddings...havent been to one in a long time.  Someone needs to get married.

    Bernie, so sorry for your loss...this is so unfair. I hate how you have gone thru so much loss.  I think I have heard of that cervix thing you are talking about and have no idea wtf? Do they do that in the Dr office and then send her home to see what happens?

    Beans..are you feeling better?

    Kat, does DD have the weekend off from treatment?  So glad your back is RB free.

    Lara, its Whatever happend to Baby Jane, it has Joan Crawford and Betty Davis in the leading rolls.  It is great..I just love those old movies.  

    NM...when do you get your car back?  How are you making out up there?  

    HI MEMA....glad you had a good time with Maddy..I am envious that you get to spend time with her.  I wonder if I will ever get to see Kayla again.  She will be 7 in August.  

    Whooo...Hooooo...Dorothy is coming!!!!!  

    Hope everyone is and stays safe and warm!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited February 2014

    Rest in peace Natalie.  Prayers for strength and peace to her friends and family and Bern.  Yay for another baby soon to be in this world!

    Ditto what Cami said about the pics n such.  If that Red girl comes to visit you be sure and let me know!  (c:

    Take care.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Oh Kat u deserve any drink u want and that looks yummy, and double yummy

    Geeze Cyn u'r getting lots of face time goin' for u--Hmmm we're all jealous, well I'm happy but everyone else is jealous.

    And I diito what everyone is say, cuz everyone says it better than I do anyway, plus everyone types better than me anyhow.

    The kids took Joey to his school bingo tonight, so I had his big dog and little cat all over me tonite, my cat allowed it, he waited for her permission.

    My boss was here for a bout an hr, today hes' so cute and nice anyway I'm not fired yet. I told him I'm just waiting and not to feel bad at all. I tell him tat all the time, I think that's the secret for not getting fired/ Everyone remember that/

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    image Lara happy dance for a pt job, it's a good way to start to see how u feel.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited February 2014



    • 1 GREEN Kiwifruit
    • 12 fresh mint leaves
    • 2 lime wedges
    • 1/2 oz (24.2 ml) honey syrup (1 part honey and 1 part water)
    • 2 oz (56.8 ml) white rum
    • 1 sprig of fresh mint for garnish
    • 1 lime wedge for garnish


    1. Slice kiwifruit in half and use a spoon to scoop out small pieces into a cocktail shaker.
    2. Add mint leaves, lime and honey syrup and muddle to combine.
    3. Add rum, and shake all ingredients with ice.
    4. Strain into 11 oz (312.5 ml) glass (either bucket or stem glass) filled half full with crushed ice.
    5. Stir briefly; then fill glass with crushed ice.

    Garnish with mint sprig and lime.

    Thought yu girls might just like dis little drink.

    ise hot and tires cause I went to cricket match (DH wants to goes again tomorrow.)- 6hrs and just day three, den we gets fish and chips for dins.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2014

    Cammi Damnit!  I was going so very much crazy looking for you!  I was ready to send out the troops!  Are you still sick??

    Morning all you lovelies!  I was just worried about Cammi, because I know she frequents this bar.... I mean this thread!   You gals are all the best you know....  I love reading you....and laughing...  I'll be back...  I have to find Cammi!  Ed.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Good Morning

    ooo Aly that drink sounds yummy and looks pretty.

    This is my first wake up, altho I did sleep OK, but not enough--S I'm IVing my coffee this morning maybe it will help. I doubt it.

    I hope today bring some peace and happiness to all of u.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2014

    So why are you being serious?  Okay, you still don't feel good....  She don't feel good girls!   She is making sense, and it's not like her!  

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    I'm fine Chevy just likes to start rumors.