how about drinking?



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2014

    Oh yeah????  Oh you just wait!  Wait until THEY hear about you and  Billy Bodendistal! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Who the hell is that---I think it's u and Billy not me

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited February 2014

    Good morning lovely ladies. I have a very busy day today, made busier by my early morning phone call. My mom's birthday lunch at the Red Lobster and my friends birthday dinner. 

    But my phone call was too let me know that my FIL passed away at 430 this morning. He went peacefully (pneumonia, so maybe not too peacefully) in his sleep. I've spent the last hour on the phone with the kids. 

    He was a wonderful man and he will be missed very much. Say hi to mom for us dad. Love you.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Guess what happened to me
    yesterday?We got nailed at work, 4
    admissions to do on Friday, one nurse out on emergency leave (death in the
    family), and a list of visits to make up that was a mile long.Big confab in the office in the ayem, got the
    admissions and visits worked out (me doing a 3rd admission for this week,
    YIKES! But it made the most sense), got the weekend visit scheduled worked out
    with me working Sunday.I had to keep
    telling them I couldn't work today, need the day to deal with getting my car
    checked, the weekend nurse kept trying to give me visits to do today AND on
    Sunday.I kept telling her I would work
    a full day Sunday, but not Saturday.I've been working some of every weekend for months, and at this point I
    will only work ONE weekend day, the other must be completely off so I cad do
    things like getting my car looked at, grocery shopping, etc.Finally got it all settled out and hit the
    road.In the afternoon I got a call from
    the scheduler who told me that she and the office manager had made an executive
    decision and I would NOT be working this weekend, at all.Since I have worked every weekend except
    vacation time for months, and since I did 3 admissions this week and still did
    as many visits as everyone else that I was NOT going to work this weekend and I
    was going to have a full weekend off before I get burned out!Imagine my surprise and delight!A chance to get the house cleaned up AND the
    car arranged for!And time to play with
    Sadie!I am so tickled, and Sadie seems
    to be pretty happy, too, we've played more games of fetch this morning than all
    last week!

    Cammy--I DO have the
    weekend off, HORAY~!

    Goldie--good advice
    to Deb about quitting smoking, trying to do that during a stressfull time is
    not a good idea.Glad you had such a
    great time!Talk about last minute
    cancellations!What a good news/bad news
    scenario!Then to just miss the
    ferry?Holy cow, what a trip!$42 to go to the beach?Wow!, but what a beach!And there's Stella!A baby goat?How adorable!With yet another
    problem and delay, WOW!A trip to
    remember!GREAT pics!!!!

    Chrissy--lots goes
    into getting a hearing aid, doesn't it?But to be able to hear well, hooray!


    Mema--if it isn't
    one thing, it's another with the car or the house, it seems.Oh, well.

    ever happened to letting nature take it's course with babies?At least she didn't scheduled a c-section as
    soon as she found out she was pregnant!Not fair at all about Natalie, not at all.


    Beanie--working on
    the car, the garage phone line has been busy all ayem.Still trying to figure out how to get the car
    there and then me home.One problem at a
    time, right?

    Wahine--So how long
    did it take for the sounds to get to DD's from your place?That is a fun experiment.Praying DD2 can travel and arrives safely.

    Red RH--changing
    your vote to boy?OK--

    Alien Count Update:

    Boy:(6)NativeMainer, Camillegal, MemaSue56,Goldie0827, Alyson, RedReading

    Girl:(6)BernieEllen's Aunt, Bernie Ellen,Juliet62, Wahine, Cindielou, DorK,

    CynCyn--don't know
    when the car will be fixed, haven't gotten it in anywhere yet!


    cocktail, love it!

    Aly--Another great

    Hey, chevy!

    On to house

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014

    Good Morning!

    Wow, a DOTD with kiwi! Awesome, Alyson, we actually have some kiwi's on the kitchen counter right now. I sure miss pavlova with kiwi though...that is the most awesome dessert ever. Did they ever decide where it OZ or NZ???

    Lara, soooo awesome about the PT job....YAY!! I would do the happy dance but my back won't let me, till I have been up and moving around for awhile. I will do it in my chair, ok?

    Chrissy, my DH gets his hearing aids free, and STILL won't get another one to try/ Sheesh. I think he gets a free pair every 2 yrs, only because he has the full Federal Blue Cross insurance AND medicare. Since I don't qualify yet for medicare, we had to keep the family plan for our BC insurance on both of us. And I think they are around $3k for just a normal pair, here? I dunno, maybe more. Sure hope you get a pair that you are real comfortable with. Getting old sux, but better than the alternative!

    Oh Red, I am so sorry about your FIL passing. How is your DH doing? And the kids and grandkids? I do hope it was a peaceful passing, too, and that he was in no pain. The special meals out today may help you, and I am sure he would want you to be happy and not be grieving. Hard not to though. Sad.

    Yay for your employers to recognize you NEED and DESERVE a weekend off, NM! That is awesome, as they should want to keep you at all costs. Nice of them to want to prevent a burn-out. That happens so often with nurses, as they are expected to do such a hard job that is mental, physical, and very emotional. Good for you, and for Sadie too! Now to hope your car repair will not cost too much and that they can do it this weekend.

    Hi Chevy!!! Long time no see! Is she really sick, or is she so good at fooling everyone? Hope you have been doing well!

    Dotty, Is your dad back with you now? I sure hope and pray that he behaves, but he is SO smart and can easily figure out how to do what he wants to do. Will one of you have to be with him at every visit at mom's place? Hope he behaves, and you can enjoy being with him again.

    Cami, Love your happy cat dancing on the table, for Lara! Are you OKAY???? Now Chevy has me worried bout you. It is so funny what you said about how to keep a job!! LOL. I bet he LOVES it that you are taking all those calls. We know you are doing a good job, no matter what you say!!!

    CyndieLouWhoHasAHousefulOfBoys, Did that talk work? Are they picking up after themselves and being neater? If so, let me know what exact words you used so I can try them on my DH!!! He never puts anything away, and I spend hours cleaning the garage, then whatever he takes out ends up on the floor, and when its cold, it just piles up and up and up. I told him pretty soon I won't even be able to fit the car in the garage...sheesh. He promised me before I agreed to marry him that he WOULD be neat, as my home and yard was always neat, and I did it all myself, plus worked full time, plus had 2 teenage girls still at home. But for 16.5 years, it has NOT been neat. I told him he needs to shape up as I want the next 16.5 years to have a neat house!!!! He agrees for the moment, but it doesn't ever sink in. I need some drastic measures.....

    But today I have a lot of housecleaning to do as my DD2 will be driving in from Texas!!! YAY!!! I was trying to move the treadmill over, by myself last night as it doesn't seem to be in the right place, yet. That's a NO NO from my dr...he said not to ever lift or move anything can I live with that??? But I have a lot to put back in place and get things clean again. Can't wait till she gets here, and her sister will be SO happy to see her. The g'kids will be over the moon happy, as their love their aunt!

    How are you doing today Bernie?? Wish we could all give you a big hug in person! Hope the alien shows up soon and is perfectly healthy, and that Sinead does well too. Then the devil sis will maybe go home shortly afterwards???? Hope so!

    Julie, Sue, Jean, Allison, Unde, Lori, and anyone else I may have forgotten, hope everyone has a super-duper wonderful-funderful day!



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2014


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014

    Julie, I forgot to comment on what Lori said about your nice, smooth, beautiful skin. That is awesome!!!! You look so young. Hope your day is going well.....

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited February 2014

    thanks everyone I'm excited for the job

    Kat your back darn it stay on pills

    Oh ok that's the movie cyn yes it was creepy 

    I like movies with subtitles broken circle highly recommend tear jerker

    Can lol getting fired

    Dh and I have been eating cabbage soup and kale yum I want a god damn pizza now

    Hi Juliet

    Red do not stress the smoking I did quit but might sneak one they told my mom to keep smoking she did through both cancers but she is a year free non smoker so proud of my mom

    I'm cleaning going through my closet looking at what work clothes fit ugggggg


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2014

    Morning DahhhLinKs!

    Bernie - very strange about the alien. Never heard of it. When I was in labor with my DS, they did some 'stretching' around it, but that was so my big headed boy wudn't tear me up. Did I tail u he still has a big head...literally and figuratively...LOL. Saying a little prayer that the baby boy arrives soon (((B)))

    Lara - whoop whoop...ya hoozie on the job. Jes perfect, pt is the way to go after all u been thru. I did the online forms for SSI at least a year ago. Then I found out that once on SSI your insurance can drop you as you now have to be on Medicare. Am still gonna check out the money differences tho.

    JeanBeanie - Those uti's can be real glad you are going to call doc and hopefully get a stronger anti-b's. Don't want to risk it getting to you kidneys. NOOO I missed my SueBHoney....I will habs to go back and look fer it. Muah!!

    Kat - is funny...the sonic booms. We have same here, ya kno I live very close to where they tested atomic bombs in the 50's. The gov tailed the peeps 'no prob', so the peeps wud pack picnic lunches and take their kids to top of the hill and watch em. Crazy huh. Anyway, yest they were doing something at the 'range' and mese house shook and den the BOOM. Pooches went nutzOfreakO too.

    Am soooo glad DD2 is gonna come and bisit u n DD1. HEY...stop that...moving dat treadmill can wait...dangit mese hab to call Dorks peeps to come tie you to da bed or sumpin? LOL....if u had a tender in der, u prolly wudn't mind...j/

    My dh is a messy one too....and I am way tired of picking up after him...but I don't think anything is going to change. I shud, we shud, jes go on strike and not clean nuttin. Only I kno (and they kno) WE wudn't be able to stand it. UGH!!

    Red - YES he shud b able to read ur mind and kno when u need extra attention and hugs!!! After 20 years I'm still waiting for my dh to...heavy sigh...oh well....we have each other...of which I am soooo grateful.

    Big HUGZ to you and ur dh family and sorry to hear of your loss (((Red)))

    NM - yippeeskippy...a whole weekend off. Good for u for putting ur foot down..and wow, so impressed that the other 2 actually looked and agreed u the MOST AMAZING and shud have 2 days off. Have best time with Sadie. If u take ur car to reputable mech, they generally will drive you home and bring u back. Sometimes they give u a loaner...insist on that K?

    Cyn - I seen Baby Jane, it is a good one. Where is ur Kayla? Do u ever get pics or phone calls, skype, anything like that? I can't imagine not seeing my gk's...(((Cyn)))

    Hi Adey!!

    WOW...PB Cup that looks yummy and fattening...but I'll take it...make it 2!

    Cami - u n ED hab me cwacking up. Tanks for da info on not getting fired. I keep telling my DS that he need to find someone else to do his books....cuz I AM getting tired! OMG...the toothpaste post...that was a coffee thru da nose one...lmao!!

    Aly - I lubs kiwi, but not lime...but dat sure do look perdy! Looks like a good one for Kentucky Derby.

    Well goils....another let down by DH. He said he wud drive me to Phx over Easter. Lori posted pics of the beautiful canyon we cud bisit too. sure ya'll not surprised, but he begged off. So...I booked a flight and a car and am going by myself. Lori, will only b there 4-17 thru 4-21...and I kno is start of ur bizzy season...but mayb we can fit in a widdle face-time?

    Lubslubslubslubslubslubs and mucho prayers, and tons a hugz to everyone!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014

    Hi girls, no time to read right now, but asking for prayers. My DD2 is stuck in horrid traffic on I-30 right now, in Arkansas. there is a lot of ice and snow, and traffic is not moving. Semi's were even going backwards on the side of the road to try to get to an exit, behind them, miles away. Two people even jumped into the icy water from a bridge, where she drove through earlier. They were out of their cars due to a crash, and then a semi had jackknifed and was skidding towards them, so they jumped. One is still missing. How awful. But she has a lot of hours of driving to do, and the interstate looks really bad. Just posting to ask for prayers for her to get here safely, thank you all SO MUCH.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited February 2014

    Babes, today is my 3 year anniversary of being diagnosed with the FURB.  It is also the 3rd anniversary of my friend who died from the same.  I am taking a huge decision to step away, the loss and the sadness associated is too much right now.  You have seen me through the highs and the lows, unfortunately more lows than highs, Right now my focus is on Sinead and the future. 

    I will let you know when the alien arrives.

    If anyone would like to stay in touch, please PM me for my email address or befriend me on Facebook.

    To all my beauty's you will always be in my heart. 

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited February 2014

    Wahine just seen your post - prayers for all

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014

    (((((Bernie))))), Hugs for you, dear friend. Thanks for the prayers for my DD's. You know we will keep in touch, but I will surely miss you if you leave this thread. Totally understand, just will miss your posts. Be sure to post again when you feel up to it, ok??? Can't wait for baby news!!!

    I got my DD2 on another highway, just so treacherous all the way thru AR and then MS. Lost of horrid wrecks overnight in Little Rock and they ask everyone to stay off the roads. I just want her to get here safely. Told her if she wanted to stay in a hotel we would gladly pay for it, just so she is ok.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2014

    Hey Girls,

    (((Bernie)))...I understand that you have importat things to focus on that will take away from your visits to the thread..Life does happen and you have a lot going on...I love you girl. You are so very special to me.  You know how to reach me and I will keep in touch.  Cant wait for that baby girl to arrive.  

    Oh lord Kat...praying for safe travels for DD...I didnt realize she was driving..I hope she is safe and smart and stays over somewhere if she needs to.  Dont move anything..I swear ..gotta watch you girls all the time..sheesh. The talk worked for a minute..they are still messy as hell.  I cant stand it!

    Whoo Hooo for NM having the whole weekend off.  Im with you on getting things cleaning suffered this week for me..ENJOY your time with Sadie and getting things done.  Hope you find time for yourself to have fun/relax..have a drink of course.

    YEAH ORLA !!  The PT job sounds perfect!!  I am so happy for you! can keep Lara in line by giving her tips on how to keep from getting

    Deb....prayers for your family's loss... (( Deb ))

    Chevy..whats this about Cammi and Billy?  

    Mema..I thought you were Sue bee Honey!!  I like that..should be another name for you.  Im gonna use it K?....Kayla lives with her mother and her family in NH.  I just sent her a Valentines Day card.  I want her to know she is in my thoughts even if I dont get to see her.  My mom sends her things too.  I saw her for a few hours when she was a new born..Then I didnt see her until she was 4 and she and mom moved here but they were only here for about a month and a half before they left and I havent seen her since.  If I can find her pic I will post it....she is a cutie pie...I creep on her moms facebook page to get a look at her. 

    Kat and SueBee....Arent you skerd of that government testing stuff?  Im thinking Hills have Eyes creapy homicidal mutant really..people packing a picnic lunch for a family outing to watch government testing...LOL...sounds crazy doesnt it?  

    I ran into my old neighbor the other day, Her and her husband are so sweet...I loved them as neighbors...well, he had his leg amputated and they had to move to a first story apt...the one downstairs here was vacant but the landlord didnt want to have to do any work on it (it had mold and other things).  So they moved to a small apt with their two dogs just up the street.  Its a really cute apt building..I visited once and they have a 1bdr..small kitchen.not really room to host a dinner party but good enough for a small table and comfortable..they share a laundry room with one other apt...its adorable..I asked her to keep her eyes and ears out for me..I would love to live there..JUST me and REESE!! Perfect local and on the Island...great distance from both the beach and Venice Ave!!!

    3 hours OT today but none tomorrow...Shift bid starts tomorrow evening.  I am soooo excited to get rid of this effing night shift...please if you happen to be praying..please please put in a little word for me with the big guy on not getting stuck with a night shift.  Thank you.

    Love you Ladies of the Lounge


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    OMG what's going on here>

    Kat I immediately said prayers for u'r DD traveling and I hope she can just get a room and stay until the weather permits. U have to be a wreck and I don't blame you. Let us know.

    Oh Bernie I too understand there is just so much u can do and experience and it's time to step back--I will so miss u, I think u know we all will, but my mornings are so fixed and u'r part of them--stay well and let us know about Sinead.

    Red I'm sorry about u FIL and for u'r family--This is a sad time for all.

    NM I'm so glad when u get a whole weekend off, u do work so hard with u'r heart to that's why it's so hard on you, but do what u need to today then relax with Sadie tomorrow--I hope the weather allows some good stuff.

    Cyn the place where u'r neightbors moved sounds nice and it's right near you so keep that in mind--oh and it's snowing here right now and it's that dampy and cold feeling. And I pray u get a good shift.

    Hey Julie are u doing all right.

    Lara I can't believe u'r starting this Monday--u have to come home and tell us everything.

    And I'm fine---don't anyone give a thought about how I feel, Chevy exaggerates EVERYTHING. but I love her too. I've known her for a while on here. She worries to much.

    LUBS to u all and I'll check in later.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited February 2014

    Bern-  Alien = Baby, duh oh!  I get it!  I vote baby girl.  I will miss your humor.  Take care.

    Prayers of safety to all driving in this winter shite.  My DD1 is driving back to school tomorrow, northern Indiana, blech and DD2 back to southern Illinois, blech again.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014

    A horrible day for my DD1. Now her hair is falling out and she can't swallow even a small pill. Rads to the face and neck, along with chemo are just doing awful things. I am so glad her sister will be here tonight. She is still stuck in standstill traffic on the interstate. Anyway, thank you so much for your prayers, I think I need to get away for awhile too. Just can't keep up with what everyone is going through (trying to type through tears). I love you all, and wish only the best for you all. When things are better, or if I feel better, I will try to come back. You can also message me on FB or email, not sure when I may check PM's here, but I might try to sometimes. Love you all, thanks for all the help and support and friendships! Kathy

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited February 2014

    Hi girls! Did I hear NM say she got "nailed" at work?? I would like to get hammered and nailed!! How the hecks are ya??!!!!!! Big group hug!! Chest bumps for everyone!! Lemme pull up a stool...

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2014


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2014

    Kat, I am so sorry. You are in my prayers as is your family.

    Hi Beckers! watcha dwinking? hi eberybuddy!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Becks it's nice to see u, I hope u visit lots.

    Kat I don't blame u, u need rest between all this crap just know prayers are on going and talk back as soon as u can. We'll be here.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2014

    HI BECKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited February 2014

    Yikes, big hugs for Wahine-DD1 and mom too.  Take care.

    I am never able to keep up with everything.  Probably why my posts are short and sporadic.  But you all are still in my thoughts and prayers.

    "Yes, but I hope not sporadically."  Anyone remember Clueless?  (c:

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2014

    Hi Addey, good to see you.

    Forgot to mention BBB leaving too. Gawsh, dis is so sad. I jest look forward to alien update! Tings jest gotta git better here!

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited February 2014

    Dork, I am drunkliest.  What will wese do without our bbb and our Kat. I lubs dem so much and am hurting for der pain. Prayers going out big time for dem both. (((BBBBernie + Kathy)))

    To many parties today. Now mese needs to sleep.

    Nite all. 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2014

    Good night Red.

    Good night JohnBoy.

    Boog night Lizabeth, you a ho! 

    Good night bad Stella! 


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2014

    not gonna be de same without de gooten mornings from our bootiful biker babe Bernie and out own Wahiney de machiney. I go to bed now but not without prayers for all of you girls and extra spayshall prayers for mese two goils affordmentioned aboves dis sentence. i go to de floor now zzzzzzzzzzzzz

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2014

    Just saw this on Fb: 



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!How is everyone this
    ayem?I had a lovely, lazy day
    yesterday, even if I didn't get the car taken care of.  Got a plan for tomorrow, though.  And the kitchenlooks good! On to the living
    room today.

    Wahine--I've got to
    admit I feel pretty valued at work right now!Hooray for DD2 coming to visit!Bet you will all have a good time, I'm sure.


    ORLA--Hooray for the
    new job, finding clothes can be a chore.Good luck!

    Mema--Good point
    about reputable mech, there's one in the town near where I live, unfortunately
    only open half day on Sat, not on Sun, so going to stop and talk with them
    tomorry, and will push for a ride home after dropping off the go-buggy.  Good for you for going on the Easter trip by
    yourself!Bet you have a blast!

    Wahine--Praying for
    DD2, and praying hard she is with you by now.Crazy weather!

    blame you for focusing on the future.Be
    looking for you on Fb!

    CynCyn--I had an
    absolutely lovely nap, yesterday, curled up with Sadie.It was heavenly!  It would be great if you could get into that
    apartment building, it sounds absolutely wonderful!  Praying for a better shift for you, too!

    Cammy--Having 2
    whole days off is such a treat, I really should do this more often!

    Adey--adding your
    vote for a girl:

    Alien Count Update:

    Boy: (6)NativeMainer, Camillegal, MemaSue56,Goldie0827, Alyson, RedReading

    Girl:(7)BernieEllen's Aunt, Bernie Ellen,Juliet62, Wahine, Cindielou, DorK, Adey

    Wahine--I can
    understand, so much onyour plate right
    now.See you on Fb!

    Becks--yup, got
    "nailed" wish it was more fun than it was!

    Dorkable--shall we
    have the Tenders blow up the inflatable church so we can have a big prayer

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Golden Friendships

    1 oz Amaretto

    1 oz White Rum

    1 oz Sweet Vermouth

    Ginger Ale


    Mix amaretto, sweet
    vermouth and white rum in a collins glass with ice, and fill with ginger ale.
    Garnish with an orange spiral and a cherry.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    NM u sounds happy this morning, it feels good to me and I love the name of the DOTD today Cheers.

    I'm already missing those 2, but I do understand and I'm wait patiently for them to get things going well and coming back.

    It's still been snowing here, I think we have more than Maine this year, brutal but itwill start to melt soon right Feb is 1/2 way (almost over)----OK

    I got a few calls yesterday one at almost nine PM -I'm not a happy camper at that tie, or any time really but I fooled her into thinking I was really nice--I should get an academy award, not these people with scripts. It's us who have to pull off believability when we don't want to.

    OK I do pray we all have a decent day and if u can drink--go to it--start early, pace u'rself and finish late.
