how about drinking?



  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited February 2014

    OK am I a sick person because I find it funny that a suicide bomber instructor in Iraq accidentally detonated his bomb and eliminated 21 of his suicide bomber students? Yes I am probably a very sick person. Bahahaha. Oops sorry. That slipped out.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited February 2014

    Hi all!!!!   

    Glad you finally arrived home safe n sound Lori!  What an adventurous trip you had!

    NM isn't it nice to get a whole weekend off occasionally?  Sounds like it was pretty productive on the home front.

    Beanzzzzzz are you feeling better?   Sure hope so!

    Red, I'm fine........the fire front is a fair way away from where I live but if the wind is in the right direction I am getting it and it is choking.  I do have friends right in the fires path and am very worried for them but they are well aware of the dangers and have a fire plan in place.  Red if I were in danger I promise you I would be out of here in a shot and on the way to Adelaide.

    Cam I think as teens we all had a body part that we felt needed was my ears and always had to have my hair long enough to cover them.  I guess that's just part of growing up as I now think my ears are just fine.

    Dork do you think it is time to start looking at care for your dad?  If he is not remembering doing something he could well be a danger to himself as well as others and I would truly hate to be the person in the other car if he has an accident while driving.........very scary.

    So sad to read that Kat and Bernie are taking a break.........they are truly missed and I hope they feel up to popping in every now and then.

    Hi ya Addey, Cyn, Ed, Aly................mmmmm, my brain says I've forgotten someone but I don't know who.......

    Loves all ma buds!    Chrissy

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2014

    red, there's 2 of us in that club because i laughed when i read it to!        haven;t heard fill your boots in a long time.

    doing a scrapbook for my dad's 80th  and looking at the old family photosHappy

    cammi-glad its now warrm enough for your nose to run and you don't have snot icicles hanging

    hello everybody

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Oh u silly Julie=

    Chrissy I'm glad u'r safe, just stay that way.

    Red It is hysterical---suicide bombers die by accident--oh please.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Another brrrrrr ayem
    today.More snow coming later in the

    Morning, Cammy!

    plate!The Maine bc plate is so pink
    that it stands out like a neon sign.Arizona's is much better!So
    glad you are home again!You must feel
    relieved and so glad to be back in your own bed.Airport food isn't the greatest, but at least
    you don't starve.

    Mema--Good to see
    you, catch a drink at the bar latah?

    DorKable--So hard
    dealing with your Dad.It's probably
    behavioral AND memory issues.Meet me
    and Mema at the bar latah?

    Chevy--Yup, born and
    raised in Bah Habbah.Love the
    ocean.And I have NOT read 50 shades,
    yet!It was me, or more accurately, my
    office that got nailed at work last week, as in more work than we could handle,
    even though we did manage somehow.It is
    hard to lose a pet, I know.Hang in
    there, another furbaby will pick you out when the time is right.

    Cammy--LOL at the
    results of the group hug!

    Julie-- I didn't
    know my condition had a name!

    Beanie--thanks for
    the support with the work boundaries!

    Red RH--so sad to
    hear about your FIL, but glad he is with you Mom.The two days off were fun and relaxing, not
    particularly productive, though.But
    that's ok with me!And yes, tats hurt,
    and getting them taken off after isn't fun either.Not to mention costly.Mine were so big and noticeable, people thought
    they were moles.{{{{Red}}}}}}

    Aly--aha, a reason
    to watch the Olympics for a non-sports person like me!Lycra clad men!

    Cammy--they played
    music where you got your rads?That
    would have been really nice.

    Red--did the
    instructor get killed, too?That would
    make that incident a very good one, indeed.I guess I'm just as sick as you!

    Chrissy--the weekend
    was not as productive as I wanted, but productive enough!And it was nice having the whole weekend
    off.Keep an eye on that fire, and let
    us know if you have to move, so we know you are safe.

    Julie--I guess I
    make 3 in that club!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Brown Bomber

    1/2 oz Peanut

    1/2 oz White Creme
    de Cacao

    2 oz Light Cream


    Shake all
    ingredients with ice, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2014

    SuZ, whatchoo got going on dat youse so bizzy?

    Dort, does your dad remember being in the physchiatric facility that he was in? What are his thoughts on it, and what did THEY say? Would he go for assisted living?

    Elizabeth dahling, Cami did tell us about your sweet Lacee, losing our furbabies is hard, they are like our children. So our hearts go out to you and your loss. It's good to have you back, you will get to know us in time. And if there's something you want to know, just ask us, or ask one of our most handsome Tenders! I did NOT read 50 shades. Maybe if sex interested me, I might consider it!!! LOL, I think it was NM (Native Mainer) that got "nailed" at work. I can say, that HAS happened to me!!!!

    Cami, you're sleeping on the job?? You're allowed, I don't think they pay you enough not to. And OMG, Atlanta is getting hit again, and all flights to and from are canceled. LOL, that's what ED gets for being in the middle of the that group hug! When is the wedding you are going to?

    BeanZZZZZ, I lubs to see you! Cyn does hula hoop for exercise. Our weather is CRAZY warm, suppose to get in to the 70's this weekend, it's unreal. But we have had NO precipitation to speak of. DH said it snowed a bit while I was gone, but nothing to make any difference. Oh dat poor Monkey not habing a goot Monkey Day!

    Oh my Red, you sure have LOTS going on, in regards to your FIL passing. I'm so sorry for your loss, but glad that he is with his wife now. Forever happy. Sawry your tats hurt, I don't remember mine hurting too bad, but maybe dey did? But you right, it's ober now, and you are allowed tears. LMAO, Stella is nuttin but trouble, with a capital T. She started out as Dork's alter ego, and just sort of evolved from there. She and Mole Boy, aka Moler Focker, aka John Boy Walton, had a thing going on, and Stella got pregnant. Then she went and sold her baby for the baby goat. She goes with several of the girls on their vacations, she has been to most of our homes. Cami had her for awhile and made her clean, she didn't like that at all. I did not see that about the suicide bomb instructer, but I will laff wif you.

    LOL @ Alyson looking at all da boyz in dere spandex.....he he he!

    Ha ha Chrissy, I have HUGE ears, get them from mese dad. Glad you are not near the fires, but I hear ya wif da smoke. We have had dat wif some of the big fires here. And you haven't forgotten anyone in particular, we know you are thinking of us all.

    Julie, I know you are having fun looking at the old photos, and certainly your dad will LOVE the scrap book. LOL at the snotcicles!

    NM, no the airport food was not so good, and no I didn't starve AND it was FREE. You can't beat FREE. And YES, it's good to be home, in my own bed and eating my own food. The entire time I was gone, I only ate in twice. One was spaghetti my DD made with Ragu, and then another night we made salmon. All other meals were eating out. Oops, mese and BeanZ sayed YOU got nailed at woyk.....LOL. You had your tats removed? Mine are quite tiny, look more like a black Das sure a sweet dwinkie for today. Sweet drink for sweet ladieZ. I didn't know each state had their own version of the BC plates.


    My son, it seems, has come down with a cold. I'm so hoping my mom doesn't get it, she will surely end up in the hospital. She hasn't been sounding too good lately, like she hardly has enough air in her lungs to talk. Scares me.

    Bernie and Kat, you know we are all thinking and praying for you both in these hard times. I can't wait for them to be over with and everyone can heal.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    NM that DOTD sounds luscious--oh to have all the likker to make all of these, every day. BTW u'r not talking about the tats for rads right? U talking about regular tats, Oh those hurt and very hard to get off. Cuz the tats rads u don't even feel, that's what I was talking about.--Yep it's cold and maybe more snow--It's a crazy cycle here but consistent.

    Well I hope everyone stays warm and safe today--Just be careful.

    And see u in da lounge, I'm going to de chapel today--we need to say prayers.

    Lubs u all

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited February 2014

    Nuckinfutz!  It's a keeper.  You were smuckinfart to think of it.  (c:

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited February 2014

    Lori, Cami, NM and Julie, not only did the instructor blow up 21 bombing students, he DID in fact expire as well. In addition, he injured 22 more students and the blast brought out the military police who were able to arrest them as they limped, hobbled and ran away. Also arrested unhurt students and the organizers who were at the school that day. Yay for da cops! And I don't say that too often. 

    Someone upstairs was looking after a whole bunch of future victims up there.

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited February 2014

    HowDeee Galz,

    Red - so sawwy bout all the logistical problems and de tat hurt, ouch. I guess I blocked dat part out, but LOL at Lori's comment dey look like blackheads.

    Aly - Lycra dudes, LOL!

    Cami - LOL at Roamin nose...since I moved to high desert mine is like a downfall too. Tink I'll invest in Kleenex.

    Chrissy - Did you get the hearing aid yet?

    Juliet - LOL at de gas pic. Hope your Dad's 80th is great.

    NM - Keep bundled up till spring thaw. Tanks for de Brown Bomber DOTD, yummy!

    GoldBug - tanks 4 clearin up de hoop question. I love hula hoop but don't have one. Maybe dat wud help rid me muffin top and all - tee hee! Enjoy the warm weather, it's nice here today too but prolly in 50's not 70's. Love your heartfelt wish for Kat and BBB. I hadda step away too, as you know, cuz I was in such a state over my bro's situation. He better now. I better now.

    Adey - LOL at smuckinfart.

    Red - de bomber gets a darwin award.

    Bizzy day. Hi to everyone. Missing some of de goils and hope you are all okay.

    Much love, big cheeers and keep de titties up.


  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited February 2014

    JeanieBikini, Darwin award - love it! Do you watch the yearly Darwin awards? I do. Some people are stupid beyond belief.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    That story is unreal--he could actually get the peace prize postemassly (sp) look at all the peace he created.


    Just thought I'd let u know, I called my Onc today and now with computers they keep track of all calls, anyway I forgot where I wrote my date and time etc.===This poor woman was laughing so hard, she reminded me that this is the third call about the same thing. But she was so nice. Thank God, cuz I didn't remember. Oy Vey

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited February 2014

    O Cami, I'm glad she was nice about it. I hate when I forget things. I started putting all my appointments in my cell phone. But if I ever misplaced my cell phone. I'd be lost.

    That was funny about the teacher getting the Peace prize. For wiping out a terrorist cell. Bahaha. Oops slipped out again.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2014

    well red ,i think it was a HOME GOAL!!!!!!!    and i still think it s funny, someone upstairs has a sense of humour.     

    cammi-got an old fashioned calender plus signed up for all the e records !  to keep track

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    OH I think I see a new name here---welcome force---I hope u like it here we have loads of cocktails so join in and tell us more about ur's

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited February 2014

    Cami-Forse looks like another sleazy intruder trying to scam us or hawk something. They have no bio,it's their first post and they're putting a link in their first post. Now on to more important biz,thought everyone could use a drink. image CHEERS!

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited February 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Thanks undie------ooo all looks good.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited February 2014

    Suitable drink for watching the Olympics

    Snow Champagne Cocktail


    - 1 sugar cube

    - Champagne

    - Angostura bitters

    - Orange peel, rosemary, pear slice, or lemon peel to garnish


    Soak sugar cube in bitters or liqueur of choice. Drop into a champagne flute and top with champagne.

    Have been watching skiiing. Thats as close as I usually get to snow.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Good Morning---

    Aly that as close to snow as anyone should get, unless u choose it. As u know we're loaded here. That drink sounds yummy to me, how can u go wrong with champagne> I hope u;r day is good. Or now nite???

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited February 2014

    Nite now Cami. Thinking about be, Dh is watching TV with his eyes closed and the cats are asleep.

    Good night from me.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Sweet Dreams Ali, it's still dark here. LOL

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2014

    Good Morning,
    Loungettes!Kinda dragging today, one of
    my favorite patients died yesterday morning.Died peacefully in his sleep, is finally comfortable and able to do
    things again, but I miss him.He was
    always so kind and funny and happy to have a visitor.Nothing compared to what others here in the
    lounge are going through, though.AND
    another snow storm coming through tomorrow.I am sick of snow, and cold and winter in general.Where are my cruise pics, I need distraction.
    . ..

    Goldie--Free food is
    always good food, even if it is airport food!Eating out is fun, buteating in
    has some real attractions, too!Yes,I had my tats removed.The one in the middle of my chest was the
    size of a pencil lead and very visible above my bra and clothing, people kept
    commenting on the "new" mole there.Not to mention that I got freaked out every time I looked at it.The ones on my sides were the size of pencil
    erasers.Yup, every state has it's own
    version of the bc plate.Maine also has
    conservation plates, veteran plates, and about a dozen others.Praying for your Mom.

    Cammy--yup, talking
    about tatts for rads.And I did feel the
    tatts for rads, they bled and hurt for over a week after they were put on.And were huge and noticeable.Joining you in the chapel.

    Red RH-Amen and
    hooray for those cops, indeed!Can any
    one say "karma"?

    Beanie--I'm keeping
    bundled up and cuddled up with Sadie.And I want to see spring, SOON!Then I can complain about mold and mildew and mud and bugs. . . .

    Cammy--LOL!It's scary when the doc's office keeps better
    track of things than we do!

    Undy--you're right
    about forse,I've reported the post to
    the mods.The link goes to a sales

    Oh, yum!I'll take the one on the far right, please!


    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle is asking the Tenders to mix up a BIG batch ofSnow Champagne Cocktails!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2014

    Morning gals!  Oh?  You have a spy?   Do we all have to go under-cover now?   I don't mean THOSE covers, I just mean generally..... or something similar. 

    And what group blew themselves up?  Probably couldn't happen to a more deserving people!   

    There is someone "new" on another thread, who only started posting for one day, and  just riled EVERYbody up, and same thing... no diagnosis, no nothing! 

    I just like to think what-ever we say, and all our exploits, whether true or not, are just for US goils to read.... but ANYone can join BC.ORG, and not even have cancer!  I mean WE could be invaded by even crazier folk than WE are!   So we have to go under-cover....  and we have to hide our identitties..... (a little play on words there)..

    And you ALL know me as Elizabeth DAHling.... or Ed.   So that's who I am....  Ha! 

    Those boys are most perfectly delicious....

    CAMMI!  Are you still up?  Are you still sitting on your vibrating phone?   We are all on to you..... you KNOW that, don't you?   And  you said you wanted a nose-job when you were little?  I NEEDED to have my ears done.... I mean they called me DUMBO!  Bastards!  But my head sort of grew into my ears as I got older, so now they look 1/2 way normal....  So you have that little Italian nose?  Ha, ha!  Yes....!  But in men, that is somehow just expected in those Italian guys!    It's like big nose, big feet, big, um cars, and things......

    Hi Aly and "Undercover!"  I was just TALKing about you!    You fit right IN here, Ha! 

    Okay.... gotta go wake up....  more coffee is needed....  Love you guys!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Oh Chevy I like to see u here, I'm glad u'r posting and I really never thought about the one post person, ut I didn't open her thingy for a drink, maybe that what she wanted us to open that link, good thing I'm lazy and thought why doesn't she write the drink done like we all do. Hmmm. U'r right as usual, we have to watch ourselves even on here. So I will admit to nothing.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2014

    Oh no!  We can't tell our past....Ha, ha!  Like I have one!    Yes, she is probably a spy or a "wurm".... or a Trojan..... Weren't those some kind of rubbers when we were teenagers?  Now just watch.... "she" will sudden turn up to be sweet, and post her diagnosis, and we will feel bad.  She probably looks like someone cute.... maybe.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2014

    Adey, you have a good one too with smuckinfart!

    Red, glad the bombers were caught and arrested, too bad they lived. I kind of feel bad saying that, but if their goal is to kill others while doing so to them selves, well.... I miss most of the news in the morning, as I'm in the lounge, catching up with mese breasties!

    Beans, I'm so glad your brother is doing well. I'm hoping that Kat's daughter will be able to say the same thing, when she is done with her treatments.

    Oh Cami, 3rd call for the same thing? You are precious! I put things on my calendar in my email, so I don't foyget. Who is this "force" person? I do not see anyone new. You're up early!

    Ok, I see, Unde explained and looks like the Mods caught it. Unde, it's always good to see you, just wish we saw you more girl. How are you doing??? Looks like the Tenders are taking a much needed break. I think I'll join them!

    Alyson, no snow where you live?

    NM, of course it's sad to lose a patient, but you know it was expected and to die peacefully in his sleep is a blessing. I hope he lived a full happy life. How old was he? Some of you gals are really getting hit hard this winter, and we are the total opposite. We have lots of other plates here too. Wow, why such big tats?? Like I said, mine are very tiny.

    Chevy, the Mods are pretty good at removing those spam posts, thank goodness, or we would be bombarded by people and them trying to push thier website. I had the mods even remove one of my posts, cuz I mentioned something in regards to our website and something I was selling. Indeed, this is a public forum. You don't even have to join if you just want to read, but I think to post, then you have to join. But I agree that we think it's just us here.

    Dorfey, I miss you too. How is your DD?

    Ha ha, "Force" tried to make his/her link about a drink for us???? That is funny. Nuttin new on my end, just working and drinking and drinking and working. Kat and Bernie, always thinking of you.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited February 2014

    Oooooooooh!  The force was with us!  Yay Mods!   They must have a light, on their computers, that flashes red, when they see the words...  "spam, or wurm, or spy!"   And they take out their magic wands, and POOF, they are gone!   And we are safe again....    Whew!  It was close!  Had me worried there for a minute!   Like FORCE knew how to build-a-drink!   Not gonna' happen. 

    Morning Goldie-girl!  LOVE your ...uh..... picture!  Did any of you notice the water is moving?  Bet not!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited February 2014

    Well I start Monday I was starting mon ha confusing but my starter is out on my car

    The thing would not start sunday and on top of it the horn was beeping in intervals with out me in the car poor neighbors

    Im freaking out DH was at work he says if it keeps beeping ill leave quick and unscrew it well the beeping stopped

    He doesnt get payed until friday its going to be about 160 for a starter my brother cked the junk yards nothing

    so I called they were fine I am just going nuts with this snow another storm and I really wanted to get the F out of the house

    Bernie miss u, I get it

    Kat jeexz I would be freaking out prayers

    well it can only go up from here right girls

    I will be writing a governer or president this is absurd how they stopped unemployment you need gas to get or find a job, a car that works and then with all this snow I really feel bad for people with no food for their kids

    Yes canm Ill b writing letters like u

    Goldie I am doing the wrong thing I worked in the hotel industry off and on made a ton of monet I should just leave one way ticket to paradise let the land provide or a hotel

    Hi mema,Juliet undie always good for hot men

    Adey, red hope u all have a great day

    dork F the loan drink under the desk I will starting mon

    Cheers a round of that champage Cock-tail looks delicious
