how about drinking?



  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited February 2014

    Hi all

    Sitcom is as such

    Sister: a widow. ?H abusive. Two sons both adopted.

    Elder no good;six kids, two wives two partners (one at a time thankfully). Has done time, is not very bright, has abused his mother and has taken every cent she has had. She is still paying off a very large debt that he billed in her name.

    Eldest a daughter 22 with a 6 year old is married but!!!! Covered in tats etc.

    Her brother 21 living with 35 year old who has 2 kids. He has borrowed money from his grandmother and hasn't paid it back and this is threatening her going to Prague.

    Their mother was just 16 when she had first one, she is absolutely crazy, very rough. Divorced and has another son.

    Next daughter 17 and not a bad kid and has gone back to school to finish education  - her mum wasn't allowed to marry my nephew best thing she ever did or rather didn't do.

    Next two sons somewhere in Australia with druggy mother - that's for real.

    Last one son aged four and is socially very behind. Nephew still with this partner but that situation is also crazy.

    Second nephew, scientist worked on genome project and now teaching in Prague and is getting married in May.

    Sister has only her State pension which is not enough to live on so we took her in, she is 12 years my senior. 

    She tried very hard to break the pattern of early pregnancies and lack of education but it didn't work. 

    I feel I subsidise her family because if she wasn't here there would be no money for them at all. But because I am me, and I promised my mother I would look after her, I do and so, we are paying off her debt because I found she was just paying interest and it was getting bigger of course and will pay for accommodation in Prague so she will have some money. The first three fight continually and then try to bring sister into it. It is a circus sometimes.

    Does any of this make sense, probably not, but most of the time it is a circus with so much yelling etc and so many phone calls it drives me crazy. I don't want thanks but just a little bit of appreciation at times would be nice. She really resents that DH and I have worked hard and we are comfortably off. We have three highly educated and successful children. The whole thing is difficult, one expects that you might have to care for a parent not an older sibling.

    Gee do I need a good drink.

    So when I get uptight that's the background - sometimes the things that go on are so funny that others don't believe me. 


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    OMG Aly. that actually does sound like some British Comedy-- But nobody wants to live it. May u find peace somewhere in the chaos of the life around you. I'd drink a lot more, that's for sure.

    Hi Cyn u sound happy about u'r hrs. and furcited about Dorkies arrival--so is she. I am happy for your good weather. Did that sound believable? It's funny pictures of the snow look so pretty, but living in it is crap.

    My kids aren't home from the wedding yet, saw a few pics on FB, but not much. They were all staying overnite in a motel so no driving---So I took care of my furbabies and my little one slept on me again all nite. It was to long of a time for me to go, otherwise I would have gone, but I really like being home alone. LOL

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    image Oh u knew this was coming.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2014

    Hi Princess and welcome. Sorry you have to be here, but like the others have said, great group of women here in The HTL (The Hot Tatties Lounge). We totally understand about the not feeling too much like laughing these days. Stick around and we will help you through this.........YOU GOT THIS and will kick that Rat BasTURD to the curb. Are you an RN? We have 2 other nurses here in the lounge. I see CyndieLou beat me to sharing that info and asking the same thing!

    Lots o snow there Red, but indeed the sunshine looks nice!

    Wow Cyn, that looks like a LOT of hours. What do you put in in a week? Have you and your DD decided on your tat? Yes, I am settled back in at home. As for Stella, I told Red briefly about Stella, for whom I have not seen. I can't imagine her being humbarrased by ANYTHING! Shirley she'll show up with Dork, when she bisits you.

    Oh dear Alyson, that is some drama. But so sweet of you to take care of your sister. But I think you need more than ONE drink!

    LOL, Cami "Home Alone". Did Joey stay home with you, or did he go too. I actually thought you were going to the wedding?

    Wow, short post=quiet lounge! Well, we still need a DOTD.......
    2oz vanilla vodka
    2oz Godiva white chocolate liqueur
    splash Frangelico
    splash of cream

    Pour ingredients into a shaker filled with ice. Shake and strain into rimmed martini glass. You can rim your glass with chocolate or coconut flakes, crushed peppermints or skip it all together and garnish with a few cranberries threaded onto skewers.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2014

    Good mornig,
    Loungettes!Looks like this latest
    storm is a bust.Got about an inch of
    snow, just cloudy and breezy, but not windy now.Unless there's more to the forecast than
    I've heard yet.I'll take the next to
    nuttin' Nor'Easter!

    Cammy--Here's hoping
    it's all over with, snow-wise!

    Goldie--NOT working
    this weekend.Been a crazy week and I
    didn't offer to work this weekend.Haven't heard fromthe weekend
    nurse,hoping things are going smoothly
    for her.And apparently this current
    "storm" is a fizzle.NOT that
    I am complaining!

    princessrn!Are you a Princess of an
    RN?What's your tipple?


    Red RH--Lots of

    sounding hours!Do you actually leave
    for lunch or do you end up working through lunch?Nope, not working this weekend, and, so far,
    no productive either!But I feel like
    baking some bread, especially since Sadie nipped the loaf of bread I had off
    the counter yesterday and ate it all.And maybe start some ciabatta.That will mean cleaning off the kitchen counter, at least.

    Aly--Wow, what a
    circus indeed!I'm going to have to
    diagram that one to sort it all out, I think.Aren't families are crazy, aren't they?

    Cammy--isn't it nice
    when the furbaby sleeps all over you?It
    amazes me when Sadie lets me use her as a pillow.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Beach Sunday

    1 oz Raspberry

    2 oz Peach Vodka

    1/2 (Juice of) Lime

    3 oz Cranberry Juice


    Pour vodka and
    raspberry liqueur over ice. Add cranberry juice, and the freshly squeezed lime
    juice. Stir and serve

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited February 2014

    Hello Ladies...

    Thank you for the warm welcome and FAB drinks!  If I don't say!  I have adopted the new motto..Drink early and Drink Often!  

    Yes, I am a nurse.  I work now, at a desk, as a Behavior Health Case manager. I have worked as a floor nurse in adult and pediatrics. And oddly enough, I worked 6 years as an IV Infusion nurse!  GRRR..Just figures right?Devil   LOL.  My sister is also a nurse and she is with me through everything.  I am very grateful for her.

    I live near Chicago.  We have had quite a brutal winter this year.  Snow, snow more snow and a large side of wind!

    And sorry, I'm a loser  what's a tipple?  Happy


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2014

    Ha ha.....First of all, you are NOT a loser. A "tipple" is a drink!!! NM (Native Mainer) who asked "what's your tipple" is one of our nurses. She does hospice for the elderly. Juliet is our other nurse on board, cardiac care.....right Julie?

    Our adorable Cammilegal aka Cami is also in the Chicago area. Hope you stick around, and get drunk with us on a regular basis. Here is a little video about the lounge.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited February 2014

    hi princess here's a drink

    Cam yes scary all day

    First day tomm I'm so excited going crazy in the house

    Goldie yes I know I get activated I feel super and then do to much

    A round for cyn yeaaaa days

    How's the house?

    Weird movie never heard of it

    Red cute in the snowing thought it was dog pee at first lol just kidding that would b cool if a dog could do that idk on wacky pills


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2014

    Whoahhh Aly....quite a lot going on there..  You should be appreciated.  You are doing so much for her.  You deserve to reap the rewards of hard work..damn that makes me angry that some people have this sense of entitlement when they havent worked for it.

    Such a purty drink Goldie.

    So Cami has a night to her self while everyone is out partying at the wedding..hmmm  ..sounds like we need to crash Cami's and have a lampshade party..havent had one of those in a longggg time.

    Great that you get another weekend off NM..enjoy...guess you gotta keep your eyes on those hungry doggies. 

    I do expect Stella to come along with Dorty...she knows how much fun I than two weeks..getting essited...

    Im essited for my new shift..which is a regular 40 hour week just some days are 10 hours an a couple are less than 8...important ones like FRiday and SaTurDay..If I have an hour lunch I do sometimes go out to the store or what not..I had a shift last year that I had an hour lunch..we arent allowed to work when we arent scheduled unless its OT so we have to take our breaks and lunches...I dont necessairly eat at that time..but I always let Reese out so he can and get out of doggie jail.  

    Good luck tomorrow Lara!!

    Nice to see you again Princess!

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited February 2014

    CyndieLouwho.... it was the first thing I thought when I saw your name and my good friend is a Syndie.  What do you do and congrats on the new shift.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2014

    yep..thats meese CyndieLouwhoisfurcitedforthenewhours!!  Im a corporate travel consultant. I assist IBM employees with their business travel needs. Im virtual as all the agents are who work this account and I've been stuck on this God awful night shift since July!!!  Sundays are the worst, Im work until 2am blech.  

    What did you think of the HTL video?  I will have to go check it out me up.  Thanks Lorilox.  

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2014

    ooops, DAMN it. I wrote a long post, again addressing eberybuddy and I F N LOST IT. I again left the computer to switch laundry to de dryer, came back and hit freaking refresh to make sure mese did not miss anybuddy. DAMN IT again. I would try to recreate mese post but due to time restraints, mese sez phuck it! Not dat mese does not love ye all, I truly do. 

    I wuz tinking todey how fun it would be to have a beach party at de HTL Beach on dis night. In de partay in mese mind, dere is a bootiful fire. Yep, I can jest put meseself dere for a fewteen minutes and twy to relax. kk, will be back after I get mese Dad off to bed. De time not coming soon enuff. 


    CheeRs...No FeaRs...No TeaRs !! 

    Love to you all

    and may 


     be with ye all goils ♥ !!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    image well a lot of days

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    image Wedding is over.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2014

    Good Morning,
    Loungettes!  Well, this last snow storm
    was a bust for me, more of an issue closer to the coast, apparently.  Another storm coming later in the week, but
    they are saying it's not going to amount to much.  Hope the weather guesser are right on this
    one!Downloaded an update for Firefox
    this weekend and it's working much better now, I was thinking it was my
    computer that was not working well.Nice
    when an update actually creates an improvement rather than more problems!

    Princess--Welcome to
    the Lounge!I'm a Hospice nurse, with a
    background in neonatal ICU and geriatrics, managed a satellite oncology clinic,
    and have done some teaching.There is a
    nurses with breast cancer thread that is intermittently active that you might
    want to look into.It's been a brutal
    winter all the way around, this year."Tipple" is another word for adult beverage, or alcamaholic
    drink.I think it's of European
    influence.We have some ladies from
    "over there" that are influencing my vocabulary!

    Goldie--oh, good,
    you gave the translation right off!And
    you remembered the youtube link!

    ORLA--what kind of
    wacky pills are you on?I may want to
    get some of them for myself!Be careful
    not to over due on your first day at work!

    CynCyn--gotta keep
    an eye on MY doggy, hungry or not!Sadie
    nipped the bread bag off the counter right after she finished her morning
    kibble feed!She just likes human food
    way, way too much.Of course, that means
    I didn’t have bread for sandwiches for lunch yesterday. . . Thatwill teach me to put the bread back in the
    fridge when I'm done with it!I'm
    getting to like having the entire weekend off, I may keep doing this!Actually, the weekend nurse will be going out
    for surgery sometime soon and we will all be rotating through the weekends
    again.Not looking forward to that, but
    what will be, will be.I think it's good
    that you aren't allowed to work during breaks and lunch!I may start that myself!

    knows you lubs us all, and dang, we have GOT to get rid of that post
    gremlin!Great party site, and great
    bonfire!See you all there!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Campfire

    1 shot Cinnamon Schnapps
    1 pint Hard Cider


    Pour the liqueur
    into a glass, add the cider, and serve cold.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2014

    Woops, sorry 'bout the >>>>> stuff

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2014

    NM, YAY for another weekend off, whether you are productive or not. I was not as productive (house wise) as I should have been. Cut back and started propagating some of my geraniums, and transplanted some to my tomato plants. Spring really is just around the corner.

    Lara, good luck today on the new job. Do you have a location to go to, or do you work from home? Part time right? YES you do too much!!

    Cyn, new shift starts first of March? Woot woot, less than 2 weeks!!!

    Oh Dort, why not do your posts on note pad, or something? Sorry you lost your long post. LOVE the beach fire, and it looks SO REAL, and NM has the poyfect cocktail to drink by it.

    Cami, keep Chevy off of those stairs!

    Ahhhhh Monkey Day...........back to work. And I work through lunch!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    image My garden is growing nicely, I do have a special room tho--it said so on the instructions.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2014

    good morning all

    princess, i'm a pcu nurse on the night shift, worked vascular and cardiac surgery,plus med -surg.

    lara -good  luck with your first day

    cammi enjoy the fruits of your gardenHappy

    have a good monkey day ladies,off to bed now

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited February 2014

    Babes, I have been lurking.  Love you all so much.

    Officially since  1.10pm, I have become A GREAT AUNT..  Beautiful Baby Boy.  8lb 10oz.  Sinead had to have a caesarean.  Mum and baby are doing well.  


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    imageCONGRATULATIONS BERNIE--all good news Good to see u and help everything continues  to be wonderful----A boy some of us won. YYYYAAAAAYYYYY

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited February 2014

    Many congrats to Bernie, Sinead and baby Shay!

    Oh and my changed vote means I won too! lol Cami

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2014

    congratulations granty bernie, give my love and congrats to sinead and fella on their new arrival.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2014


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited February 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2014

    lovely aly

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2014

    Very nice ladies

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2014

    Weddings and births, vacations and day shifts...sigh....nice ThumbsUp

    After Dortys visit I am going to Austin for a week...spring break and D has the entire time off from work..this will be my first visit to TX when she didnt have to work so Im excited for that.  I found a place to take Reese for the week and she only charges 20.00 a day and includes a free bath..she will even skype with you so you can see your dog..she has a big back yard and two Bicheon (sp) of her own.  I really liked her and the place so now I can even feel content that he will be cared for appropriately.  In other good news DS2 asked me to be on the look out for an apt for him and Matt to move into...Praise Jesus ...  Did I already tell you all that??  Maybe I told someone else ..its very exciting for me.  Its unfortunate for them that the burned this bridge...I will never let them move in with me again...well, a mom cant really say that but right now I mean it.

    Enough about me me me

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2014

    woohoo cyndielouwho