how about drinking?



  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited March 2014

    Heya girls!!

    Should be out of Austin in an hour or so...mechanical delay. Bitter sweet leaving..can't wait to see my Reese and get back into the swing...hate leaving D. 

    OMG Lara and DorK...I'm so glad your dad is doing better Dorty.  How scary.  Where can I see pics????  Hello!!!?!!!

    Gotta plug my stuff in so I'll have juice for zee plane.



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    we did not take many pics so this is it. This is Lara and me in my "cottage" ! we wuz purdy dwunk at de time so don't remember much. 


    tanks all for your good thoughts and prayers for me Daddy, jest love him so much and so happy he is with me on dis earth. Cheers!

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited March 2014

    dork.., so sorry about your dad and your leg. 

    Nm... Crap ass winter here too!!

    Making it through my second chemo aftermath.  Better this go around. My sister came today as the kids come home from my ex-husband's.  She's been a super peach. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Princess I'm glad u'r sister was there for you.

    1 Picture---oh but I'm glad u took it--after the whole weekend thing oohh we're glad u took one.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    Hi ladies! 

    My Dad has been moved out of ICU and in to a regular room, that is good news that I needed. 

    I got a lot of new info today, the issue was not heart. It was his kidneys. His potassium is way too high from his blood sugar being so wild for many years. His kidneys were overwhelmed by the potassium which made his heart rate to drop. The doctor said once again that my Dad is a lucky man who
    dodged a huge bullet yesterday,  he was gone for 8-9 seconds. I still thank God that Lara was here to wake me de hail up outta a dwunken stooopour.  and I thank God there will be no long term affects from that.  Dad need to change his way of eating. He has to give up donuts and I think he is ready to make the change. He is very scared as I think he knows how close he was to dying yesterday. His doctor said that he is very fortunate that he will not need to start kidney dialysis. he is having so many tests of his heart and kidneys which left him very tired. He was sleeping when I came in tonight. He was so cute, he kept telling me that he is in the basement and I had to remind him that he was moved from the 4th floor in ICU to the 3rd floor where people are not that sick. Oh, his doctor also mentioned that Dad's carotid arteries
    may be partially blocked and they will be checking on that further as well. 

    I have a question for NM and for Julie regarding my puka. There is an area where my naval is or was, not sure which as I have sorta two navals. But the one to the left has always felt very course and very hard when I wash it. Well yesterday, I noticed an area that was not attached and started to gently pull on it. Seems it is some sort of stitch or mesh sumting or another that is very course. I cut about an inch off of two strands of this but intially it was like a very small piece of a vinyl like screen tingy. Me gonna has to call de doctor but hail no, not gonna call de PS that made the fn mess of me. It gonna has to wait, it has been there for nearly seven months so another week or so won't hurt. I am so over seeing doctors and missing so much time at work. I HATE THE RB so berry much. 

    I thank you all again for the support and I am sorry to be so all about mydernself lately. I just don't have the energy to post much these days. I promise that I will get back to saying hello to all mese fwends soonliest as I can. I am reading you all and tinking good tings. Praying for Princess and Gennie who I tink are having RB treatment right now, along with our Red goil too. Also praying for mese goils Kat and for Bernie and de new alien baby too. 

    Wese gotta gather de UFO for Lara's nipp surgery this week and iffen de other golils want us there for treatment, jest say the word and the boys will gather de goils and meet you whereebber. 

    So finally a thanks of biggliest to Lara who potenshally saved mese Dad's life cuz if he be laying on dat floor all de dey long, he mighta been still there when his heart farted out. Geez, so surreal it is. Lub ye all from de bottom of mese fart and mese heart too! Peace and love to ye goils past and present, wese all surbivors. Titties UP if ya gotzem! I go now.....

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited March 2014


    Well it is here. Slainte


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited March 2014

    St. Patrick's Day Mint Schnapps Shakes



    1 pint vanilla ice cream (2 cups)

    1/4 cup peppermint schnapps

    1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

    3 to 4 drops green liquid food colouring

    2 mint sprigs


    Blend the ice cream, peppermint schnapps, vanilla and food colouring in a blender
    until smooth. Pour into two serving glasses and garnish each with a mint sprig.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited March 2014

    Where is everyone. Too much Guinness!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Another cold ayem here, even
    Sadie did her "business" and scooted right back in to the house this
    ayem.At least the top of the snow pack
    is frozen and she isn't swimming through the snow anymore!

    Cammy--Maine weather
    is probably no worse than anyone else's, I think I just complain more!Good advice to DorKy.

    Genny--I think
    springhas gone on strike.Or been kidnapped.Happy Anniversary!

    4--That is really
    interesting about the stem cells in fat transplants, thanks for sharing!Gives some real hope for us getting recons
    and not having pain from rads damage.Good luck with the research.

    CynCyn--gotta love
    delays, not.Any plans in your future to
    move you and Reese to Tx?

    DorKable--you two
    look pretty happy!Good for you!

    Princess--yup, you
    guys get miserable winter weather, too!If only the summers were as good as the winters are bad. . .

    DorKable--Hooray for
    your Dad getting moved out of ICU!What
    you describe in your left hand navelsounds like it could be a stitch or a corner of mesh.Was any mesh used in your recon?In areas like navels there is a bit less
    bloodflow than in other areas, and
    sometimes the body treats a stitch like a foreign body and tries to wall it off
    and push it out.I had one spot on my
    tummy incision line that would not heal up, spot about 1/2 inch long, one day
    when I was cleaning it out I found a stitch way down in the bottom, cut it out
    and it healed right up after that.It is
    surprising how coarse and stiffthe
    stitch material can be.If you can stand
    it, use some tweezers and see if you can find the rest of the stitch down in
    the bottom of that navel, pull it up a bit and cut it out.That's what the PS or any other doc is gonna

    Aly--GREAT DOTD!!!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2014

    probably the mesh ,they use it to reinforce areas with a lot of movement or weak tissues  to add support, nm is right ,your body is not liking that ly pic of you and lara

    HAPPY ST PATRICKS DAY. well done ireland on winning the rbs 6 nations

    ed-  less pole dancing ,glad your on the mend

    happy monkey day people because it is st patricks day


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2014

    I'm hoooooome!

    Hey Cyn, how'd ya like the mobie? Non Stop is what you saw, I think. We liked it. You are home now, that is sad, but i know you will be going back soon. Hope you can get that tingling taken care of, I thought carpul tunnel too.

    Red, I live off the grid on 80 acres. Hot water on demand is a unit that is on the wall, it is propane. I guess you can use natural gas if you have it, we do not. But it has copper pipes all through it, and when you turn the hot water on, all these little flames heat up the copper as the water runs through it, and that is what heats the water. So you just heat water as you need it. A pellet stove, well I was going to explain, but figured NM would tell you, and she did. Also congrats on almost bein done with rads, just boosts left. What is the plan after that? Also glad to hear you taking those naps when needed, good girl!

    Genny, I love your scenario about not getting sick from chemo! Fits for me too! I hope that train ride is still going good. I did Taxol, I know it's related to Taxotere, I did not lose my nails, not sure if it was from the supplements I was on, or the fact that I ALWAYS have polish on. Happy belated Anniversay to you, and I would have that real glass of wine if you are up to it. One glass (IMO) isn't going to hurt.
    Hey Shannon! Love the sound of that Big Wave beer. But by the time I get around to trying it, I'll forget what it's called! LOL at there being a time limit on the doity pics!!! I tried to copy the link for your pics and bring them up, I was denied!

    NM, baby steps indeed. Of course all of these cost money to get it going. I'm sure just getting the propane in itself will be a bit. Get the tank and the piping to the house. On the pellet stoves, those have to be vented to the outside. Sorry to say, but they do need electricity, as they have a fan in them to blow the hot air out. With your weather, I think I would have to move!

    Dere's my SuziQ, glad to see you made it back lil doyty butt, I knew you would!

    Hmmmm 4, need to check out that link for rads damaged tissue and fat grafting. Although I cringe at the thought of going under the knife. Sorry to hear about losing half of the recon. Have you gone back to get it fixed. Why is this happening to so many girls. SOOOOO NOT FARE!

    Oh Dort, I'm so sorry to hear about your dad and that Lara made you call 911. Please have him placed somewhere girl....IT IS TIME! For HIS safety. So glad your visit was fun with Lara. And it was NOT your fault that your dad put Lara's keys in the drawer. Just realized that all the drama happened during the night while everyone was in bed. Lara, so glad you got up, but not to that!

    Lara, certainly your DH was not upset with you, please say it isn't so. Love the picture of you two. Going to grab it and save it. You say Shan has more???

    Princess, glad your chemo went well, well so far at least. Ok, so you and Genny are doing chemo, do I have this right. Both of you just did your second?

    Alyson, the Mint Shakes sound and look yummy!

    Oh Dork, I do hope that is just a piece of stitching or mesh. You poor dear, you have been through too much. I think if I were you, I would just STAY DRUNK! (((((DorkAble)))))

    Full moon has been out Julie, hope you are ok at work. When is that wedding?

    Bernie/Kat.....Miss and love you both. Hoping to have you both back in the lounge soon.

    Camping was lots of fun and good "us" time. The scenery was beautiful, as the drive. It was a lot for just one night, but DH liked it. We didn't have to do any cooking, not this trip, not enough time. The only bad part was that it was a little windy during the night, and the tent flapping made a bunch of noise, so we were both awake a lot during the night. So we know not to go when windy! We both slept well last night, home and in our own bed. If you remember when we went riding out to Four Peaks, well we camped on the back side of that. There is a lake there, Roosevelt Lake. We were not on the lake tho, too many peeps there.

    Happy St. Patricks Day to all!!!


    Bridge that crosses the lake. ( I did not take these pictures)


    You can sort of see the lake at the base of the mountains.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    Good morning girls, 

    I called out of work today, using my Dad as an excuse. Is that terrible?  I will also go to visit him today and also visit mom. We had about 4" of snow and truth is that when I found out we were not having a delayed opening at work, I was ticked as I did not want to get out of bed early to clean up my car. Oh how I wish I had a garage on days like this. Last year, I opened my pool on 3/21, the 2nd day of spring. Not even close to thinking about doing it this year. So who other than Cyn and Lara are coming to swim at my resort this summer? The resort is a dump right now, needs a lot of work to make it cute n cozy again. Oh I can't wait for this winter to be long long gone. I know Camille and NM can relate along with many others who have been hit with record breaking snow falls this winter. THREE DAYS baby, three days til Spring! 

    NM and Julie, thank you so much for confirming that this mesh stuff can be pulled out. I was too afraid to pull too much. But when I did, the mesh stuff turned into several threads so thinking it was something that does have to come out. Dr. Dorothy can remove that, oh hell yea. 

    I've heard from Kat and her daughter is really struggling, asking for more prayers for her and her family. I want to also contact Bernie and see how she is doing. I miss my goils here so much. 

    Lori should be pooping in any minute and bumping me into the pool. Oh I hope the water is heated nice n hot, ahhhhhh! 

    I will try to pop in later and keep up with you all today. Have a great day and think Sunshine n Flowers! It will happen soon I promise!


    and for a laugh, a few pics of my favorite people of Walmart compliments of our own Goldie




    CHEERS to all my Irish Friends (hey we are ALL Irish today)! Party on! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    ahhhhh, the water is splendid, as predicted I got bumped into the pool. Thanks for sending drinks Goldie! 


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2014

    Thanks for the Happy Anniversary wishes, we had a nice dinner. NativeMaine, it's sunny but cold here, but tomorrow 50!!!!! It's going to feel like shorts weather after this winter. 

    Dork, I'm glad you're getting some answers, hopefully your dad will be up and about in no time.. and following his diet. 

    I think it just hit me at 1 in the morning that I have cancer, funny got dx on Valentine's Day and it took till St Patty's Day for me to really realize "oh damn, I have cancer" Guess I'm a little slow… or maybe it's just the chemo cursing through my veins. 

    Well anyway, hope you all have a good St Patty's day, and for those of you that can drink have a good green something for me… thanks girls... 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Good Morning ladies

    Aww Genny now it's hitting u--but see how much u'v been thru and we're here for u all the way.

    Dork u and u'r Pukas--I never heard of anyone having so many and now 2 belly-buttons--u sexy thang you. What a horror for u and u'r dad but they found the culprit and now can fix him--I do hope u can come home at nite and rest as much as u can--u still need downtime and I am glad too Lara was there with u.

    Lara are u working today--what's going on.

    NM our snow is almost all melted yet it's been cold--it's amazing-it looks like we haven't had much at all-so maybe it's all done.

    Hi Julie are u working tonite too.

    Lori I love when u and u'r DH have good time together--I just enjoy when a couple is happy--I guess I missed that.

    My phone started at 7ayem and been busy--trying to catch up here--more  important to me-but I have to do the calls too.=I'm watching a marathon of NCIS Los Angeles--these guys are sexy to me and a fun show too.

    Well I have to find my pot-O'-gold oday and share it, can't just take it I know, but I can ask.

    Good days for everyone.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2014


    Chit....dis says   "May the wind at your back not be the result....etc.  It cut it off..hate dat!!

    Dork - OMG....thank goodness you listened to Lara.  So glad your dad is getting 'full' workup of tests too.  And, I agree with must think seriously it K?  Ugh...that mesh/stitch thread sounds horrid.  But dang right...u kin git it out.  Jes continue to watch it tho.  Have a fantabulous day off today.  Love da pic of you and Lara.

    Lara - u bootiful and tank u tank u fer convincing da Dork to call 911.  Am sure DH will understand when he hears da whole story.

    Princess - Are you doing Neulasta too?  I was with that cocktail.  Made my bones ache like crazy, but walking helped ALOT.  Sometimes I cud only do 5-10 mins walking from one end of my house to the other a couple times, but it does help.   Nails...I kept OPI Nail Envy, clear, on my nails.  Did not lose them, but they did lift about 1/2 way and got super thin, like they weren't already.  So I kept really short and the polish on them.  Was fine.

    Ginny - I too had the big C 1st 2 tx's, but after that was big D.  If u get to the D....liquid Imodium da bestest.  Still use it.  Neurapathy, got in both feet, but never to point of not being able to walk etc.  Jes a weird feeling. 

    Lowee - Lake looks gorgeous, so glad you had a pretty good time.  I'd been awake most of night too with the wind, but still fun fun!

    NM - I kno lots of bad weather areas, but do believe u gittin da woist of it.  I can only imagine da mess once it all melts off.  Den u'll be dealing wif Sadie's muddy paws.  But hey, I'd take that over all dat white stuff.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2014

    Oh it worked...da pic....LOL

    4 - will pm u....yes I will be in LV the 7th til the 10...I have transpo...we WILL git face time.

    Cami - am bad to b away, but am back, maybe not everday but more K?  Tank u fer missin me.  Muah!!

    Dork - thanks for the update on our Kat.  I have been praying crazy for her DD.  Am missing Bernie too...hope all is OK with her too.

    Undie - no see pics either.  Think u right about time limit.

    Cyn - u home...yay, but not yay...I kno sad, but u'll be back together soon.  When's da next time planned?

    Hi Hi to Julie and Aly...and anyone else I'm missing.

    I was supposed to do the Pub Crawl today, but have cleaning ladies coming at 2:30...not in the mood anyway for an all day caper.  DH will be going in as 2nd bartender at noon.  Crawlers hit in a wave bout 1...ugh!  But I will b ready to go have a DOTD later this afternoon.  Prolly 6 or 8...heehee!!

    lubslubslubslubslubslubslubslubs all ya'll and may da LUCK 'O D IRISH be witcha!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Awww Julie

    I've been super busy

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    happy pattys day

    I worked now I'm going out for drinks

    Guinness car bombs

    So glad I met dork poo

    So worth it to meet up 

    4 sew and mema I'm going to show my doc that info

    Ted how u doing lol red I'm typing on I phone

    Hi cyn

    Mema pop in more

    Nice pics

    Hi Bernie in Ireland

    Love u all

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    yes prayers got Kat 

    Miss her

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2014

    No Genny. That's not unusual at all. Took me a good two months (Christmas took a chunk out of my 'me time') to figure it out.

    NM - thanks for the info on pellet stoves. I'd never heard of them. Our wood stove is on its last legs. Maybe I should get a pellet stove. I've got the stainless steel double lined chimney and all, and a hydro source nearby for the interior fan. I'll look into it. Hmm.

    Lori, thanks for the info on the 'hot water on demand'. Turns out I have heard of them with a different name. They cost $5k here to have 1 installed. With a 4 bdrm, they recommend 2. I can't afford cheaper hot water. Go figure. 

    DorkAble - omg you must have been terrified when Lara woke you up. I am so glad she got up. I do believe in prescience, I do! Poor baby. I hope your dad will be just fine now. Especially since they've identified the problem. The pic of you and Lara is super great! And I liked the happy spring too. 

    Lara, dear lord, did you nearly fall on the floor yourself when you found Dork's dad? Holy cow!!!! I am so glad you got up. I'm glad you had fun with Dork, but boy, some of that adventure could have been left out of your visit, eh?

    Lori, what a beautiful area you camped in. I am in love with that bridge! Sorry about the wind spoiling your sleep, but glad you got to go! Thanks for the St. Paddy's day fellow. A bit of eye candy - yes!

    Aly - great DOTD!! I want one. Or a Guinness. Either would do. How did you weather that cyclone? Everything ok in your neck of the woods? 

    Cami, you say lots to other people about what's going on in their lives, but I'm calling you out girl!! What's going on in your life right now? ((hugs))

    Princess, Shannon, 4, SusieQ, ED, Chrissy, hope you are all doing well on this fine, green beer, monkey day.

    Did my first boost today - totally whacked me out. Need a nap soonest. On a floaty thing in the pool, with a handsome man bringing me an occasional drink. Like Dork! Dork, incoming!!!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Hi Everyone--busy bad today--wit people yelling at me for the guys being 10 mins late--really yelling--I calmed a couple down, but not one of the men, my boss called him to apologize but he had no part of it. I told him (my boss) that guys was lucky I was on my pain meds or I would have ripped him another hole, I think in the fron it would have been worse.

    OK I did have my sip of a drink ith my SIL today I imeediately got sick to my stomach, but I was having trouble all day. Oh I'm such a party pooper--literally

    Red u'r almost done--just a little more-- and I do the same things all the time--nothing much just, work a little, have pain, have diarrhea,and tired a lot. My evenings are big time with Joey and that's it for this winter. I have my Onc. app't this Thursday finally I'm about 6 weeks late cuz of the weather so have some tests to do-get my port flushed and hope the weather is OK. I talk to my sister, BIL and my cousin all the time, yes my BIL calls me all the time--my BIL is a good husband and great Dad and grandfather, but he's a perfectionist beyond belief (so he's not easy to live with) but I don't live with him he's one of my very best friends and when he used to take me for all my Dr things they all thought he was my DH cuz he was a pain in there A$$ that's why I always wanted him around--he'd even wear a Dr. smock to get in places he wasn't supposed to when he got worried about me so he still fills up my time. LOL I know I don't talk about him much but he's always around--such a character u'd ever meet.. So that's me Red.

    Joey wore green to school of course today and he's planning on wearing his red for St. Joseph's day but no one else remembers.

    Sun has been out all day, and the dog has been out more too, so it has to be better and I still smell good.

    Lubs u all

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2014

    Cami, so very nice to hear a bit of what is going on with you. I always knew that Joey was a sweetie and the love of your life. (didn't I think he was your DH when we first met?) I found however that I wasn't getting much info on you. I'm so glad you took the time to update me.

    So you managed not to kill the jerk! This is a good thing. Some people just think they are top of the heap and sustain themselves by making other people miserable. A$$holes. 

    Is your BIL going to your Onc appt on Thursday? After all this time, it'll be nice to get a few answers. Hope you do. 


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Red u'r so cute--no my BIL only goes to hospitals with me when I'm being put out---that's my fear, other than that things don't bother me, oh I have answers but most of the solutions are too risky or just have o live with certain things--so I do--my Onc just makes sure my cancer is still at bay and that's good and I know it is. it's just caused a host of all kinds of other things to be semi-ruined--it had to leave it's mark somewhere as long as it stays away I', all right. but I did want to work til I was 70 for a much better pension, I'm happy I get what I get so I should just shut up. LOL

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited March 2014


    I have some other info I will get together for you along with names of some doctors that are doing the AFT so maybe you doc could contact them. Sure can't hurt to look into it!  There is a Dr. Ahn in New York I have heard really good things from her patients.  She does the BRAVA but all other stuff too.  I will get the other links to you too.

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited March 2014

    red... I'm feeling pretty good. Much better than I did the first round. They gave me in mend this time and it made a big difference. I still seem to have quite a bit of a headache but what can you do. 

    My middle name is Erin and I was born almost on St. Patrick's Day so this is always one of my favorite holidays thank you girls for doing it up in style and having all the good green drinks for me!!!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Another ayem of below the
    donut temps.In the middle of
    March.A few days away from the first
    day of spring.Really, Mother Nature is
    clearly suffering from extreme dementia.

    Home!Can I be crass and ask about how
    much putting in an on-demand water heater cost?And does it really work?It just
    seems to good to be true to me, but then I don't pretend to understand exactly
    how it works.Pellet stoves need
    electricity to work?!?!Really???What a rip off!The vented to the outside part I can handle,
    there is a chimney that runs up through the house that the current furnace is
    vented into, don't see why that can't be used.I can see that I have some serious research to do! Thanks for the
    info!Sounds like you had a great
    camping trip, good for you guys!Gorgeous scenery!

    DorKable--No, it is
    no terrible to put your Dad before your job. The job can wait.3 days till spring, hooray!Record breaking snow, boo!Do you think you will be able to open your
    pool at all this summer?Oh, my, I may
    never be able to walk through Wal-Mart with a straight face ever again!

    Genny--it got up to
    25 degrees yesterday, I was running around without a jacket or even a sweater,
    at least until the wind picked up in the evening.50's would be heavenly!That moment of "oh damn, I have
    cancer" hits at odd moments.I
    don't think you are slow, I think you have been too busy to really think about

    Cammy--I hope you
    are all done with snow.I hope EVERYONE
    is all done with snow!

    Mema--you stole my
    Maxine's Maxim for the day!Oh, heavens,
    I hadn't thought about Sadie's muddy paws.I better get the covers out for the ottoman she likes to get up on.Easier to wash that than the ottoman
    itself!Muddy paws will be better than
    below zero temps, though!

    ORLA--Hope you had
    good dwinkiess!

    Red RH--yikes. I
    hope I can find something less expensive that that for my hot water!

    Cammy--some people
    have no patience, and no manners.Joey
    must have fun on St. Joseph's day!

    4--Good morning!

    Princess--Glad you
    are doing better, wish I could take the headache away.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is theDancing Leprechaun

    3/4 oz Drambuie

    1 1/2 oz Irish

    3/4 oz Lemon Juice

    Ginger Ale


    Shake ingredients
    with ice. Strain into a glass with ice cubes, and garnish with a twist of

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    ugggggg Guinness hang over

    Thanks sew that will. Helpful well dork saw what happens I get like a bridge between the foobs like a bone idk hard to explain hard to get your hands on pills so sometimes u see me post and it's 3 am because I can't sleep

    Cammie always catches on and know sim not well

    I'm exhausted I'm laying in bed all day work tomm

    I'm getting anxious for my surgery the 26 I know I'm going to feel it and I'm going to freak out she's cutting and tucking back in the sides and making nips 2 hours in office I know it's not going to go well ill be on Valium that day

    I'm watching bear on sci fy they get trapped by a bear 

    My next class starts tomm I'm burnt out

    My job is crappy they r freaking bitching at the other office because of all the new dots I'm way over qualified its fine for now

    Idk how long they will need me

    Red I'm going to Canada get meds lol like Dallas buyers club he got the pain meds for the aids patients 

    Hi genny, princess

    NM let me cuddle with Sadie today

    Love u all