how about drinking?



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    funny pictures

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2014

    good morning all, back in work tonight, so will catch up later

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Good Morning everyone.

    Marty is gone and the house is quiet so here I am.--I have to take a shower soon.

    Red I think our Tylanol has different mg here--but of course I can be so wrong. OK weather better tody so u'll got for Rads I'm sure. I think it'll be better now--Oh who knows--we just have to wait and see.

    Lara there hasn't been a whole bunch of scary movies lately, so I've been watching action--extreme action. LOL

    Joey and I watched TV last nite together so I didn't get on the board, oh and of course Katie too-plus all 3 of us cuddled, I always like that.

    It's still dark now, but with the snow last nite and we had sun it was soooo bright out at 7PM, I was so confused at the time--Really screws with u'r head.

    OK BBL

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!I am now buried in about 2
    feet of snow, on top of who knows how much sleet and freezing rain.Got the furnace going at 4 pm, then power
    went out at 6:30. Not sure what time it came back on during the night but I'm
    happy it did. Learned that I need to find some place to keep the box of matches
    where I can find them in the dark!The
    state police are still asking people to stay off the roads, so I'm waiting to
    hear whatthe management is going to say
    about going out today.I know I'm going
    to need to be plowed before I can get out of my driveway, and that's before I
    tackle the road conditions.Time will
    tell, it's only 6:20 ayem right now.

    4--no problem, and I
    wish it WOULD warm up outside!

    Red RH-I know
    getting another day tacked on the treatment calendar is upsetting, but better
    that than a car accident on the way in or way home.I'll sign the letter of surrender to Old Man
    Winter, too!

    ORKLA--I thought
    that was a lot, too!This tankful better
    hold me for the rest of this winter, at least!

    Aly--Eeyore has a
    good point!

    ORLA--I've seen some
    big hair before, but that takes the cake!

    Julie--hope it was a
    peaceful night at work.

    Cammy--I can just
    imagine how comfy it was with all 3 of you cuddled up together!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzles DOTD is the Snow Plow

    1 oz Coconut Rum

    1 oz Irish Cream

    1/2 oz Creme de

    1 dash Cinnamon

    8 oz (Hot) Chocolate

    1 1/2 oz Whipping


    Mix hot chocolate to
    taste, add booze, top with whipped cream and sprinkle with cinnamon.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Good DOTD NM. U got that much snow? OMG I knew u were in for it but whoa that awful and that bill was awful too. I didn't know the price of that at all0 but it seems like a lot but what can u do. Just don't venture out til it good enough to--cuz I know u will try.

    I wasn't quite awake the first time this morning--

    Julie are u home already? U just left. And u'r back to work-Wow u nurses are a dedicated bunch. that's for sure.

    NM stay safe and let us know how u'r day goes. Our snow has stopped (I think) and hopefully for good, but who knows.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited March 2014

    Good Morning Girls!!

    Below Freezing in Atlanta again today!  We need to pass a hat and send Old Man Winter, Jack Frost and Mother Nature on a trip to someplace tropical to get them a clue!

    NM, yummy sounding drink!  I hope your tank holds out for the rest of this winter and next!!  Let's toast with that DOTD to Spring arriving soon!

    Red, Good Luck with rads today.  You are in the home stretch!

    Julie, Hope you had a great trip and work takes it easy on you tonight!  Did Stella make it back, or did you have to leave her with a custom's agent?

    Hope all the Loungettes have a great day!  Weekend's just around the corner :0)

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited March 2014

    Morning all you crazy gals!  I READ you, honest I do!  And I send those silly  pictures to my two Daughters!  I just crack up whenever I drop by here!!!!!!!!! 

    And Cammi, I didn't KNOW about that recockulous PERSON that was causing this grief with your DD!   Sometimes these guys think they can get away with just ANYthing they WANT!    One time, when I was working for Pepsi, this little toad dwarf guy grabbed me in the back room, and thought he would pleasure me with a big smack on my lips!  Well, I wrestled myself away, almost threw up, gagged and went HOME! 

    I told my boss, don't EVER send me to that commissary again!  That manager deserved a kick in his coolioons!  He was the MANAGER of the whole store!    Irresistible I know, but STILL!  Ha! 

    I can't even drink....  Only taking Aleve morning and night, but nothing even sounds good yet....   My hip, is doing a LOT better.... Been a month today...  The rod, and screws, and whatever ELSE that thing is that they put in, is doing great!  I SHOWED it who's boss! 

    See, I was in the alley, just walking, and all of a sudden my stilletto's tripped on the pole I was swinging on, and I went down with a thud!   Could NOT even move that damn leg!  I was trying to pull myself up on my Husbands pants, and HE was trying to LIFT me, and FINally I got up-right!  But I was dead in the water....  And it really is hard to walk with one leg. .... thought I would mention that, so you all won't go out and try it...... 

    Thank God neighbor came by, in his car, and he dropped his Dad off, got the wheel-chair out of his van, and they toted me back down the alley, (dragging my pole and stilletto's all the way..... to our driveway, into my car, and DH took me to the Emergency.  What a CF!!!!  We didn't get to go gamble that day!!!!  But all is well now....

    Love you guys! xoxoxoxo

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2014

    Cami, you've had too much to drink. Talking about Red and living in OH, she is in Canada! Unless you meant Genny, now she is in OH, and I think Princess is only about an hour from you. Winds here in the spring are typical, just like other places get rain, we get wind (no rain). Damn that D!

    NM, we LOVE our pellet stove, it's our only means of heat. Of course our house is pretty open, so it heats the whole house no problem, for about $4.00 a day. It's just that initial cost of the stove and installation. Mom has had the O2 for quite some time, so if she did get a sign, I'm certain she doesn't know where it is. I hope you enjoyed your spanking, but you are excused for the frozen brain.

    Red, my family all lives just outside of Detroit, so getting the same kind of weather you are! Glad you decided to stay home. One more day won't be too bad.

    Love your little ghost Lara. I hope you and Dork can still meet up tomorrow. Do ya's have a plan?

    Snow and cold defeniatly better than an earthquake Alyson!

    Wow Julie, you are home ALREADY?? How about Stella, did she make it back ok too?

    NM, I know you will not go out if it is too bad out.

    Sending the UFO right now, to pick up Old Man Winter, Mother Nature and Jack Frost, and anyone else that is in cahoots with em, and sending them off!

    Elizabeth Dahling, that is some story, and I see you in those chicken stilletos on the pole. For which you are BANNED!!!!!

    Our onions came the other day, so I got those in the ground yesterday.....all 80 of them!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2014



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Goldie---to many Hot Chocolates, I guess but I do know where Canada is, but not the areas of where the territories are.

    The name of the strip club that ED works at is The Alley, name alone tells u all.

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2014


    I have no explanation for this kind of inexcusable behavior on the part of my fellow Canadians. Suffice it to say the weather has all of us just a little bit crazy.
  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited March 2014

    cami..... The alley as in downtown Chicago?  If so. Uhmmm,  I know they place.  Snooze

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited March 2014

    red... That's too funny. Gah chemo today. Sheesh

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2014

    Princess, sorry about it being chemo day. We'll be with you. In you're pockets, keeping warm.

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited March 2014

    I bake when I get nervous. I made triple chocolate chip cookies to take to the center. Sigh

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2014

    Aww. How many have you had princess? Chemo I mean, not cookies.

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited March 2014

    this is my second. TCH. I had a tough time first round. Really about 8 days before I felt ok. I am still working, albeit a desk job. 

    I brought cookies to work they've been soooo amazingly supportive. They've given meals and even had a big "your off to chemo!" Luncheon for me!! Great  gals!!

    Made some for chemo center too front desk, lab area and chemo room. Maybe they'll be nicer too me!  Lol

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    Goldie u found my shoes.............

    stripper shoes

    sparkly dazzzling lovely going to see dork tomm


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    Princess, how nice that your coworkers are so supportive. Hang in there girlfwend!

    I so furcited, having Lara for a sleep over partay tomorree! I hope we take more pics than I did of Julie, Cyn and me in Fl.

    Chevy, you so funny. No more pole dancing, k? 

    Hello to de rest of you. I am making a quick drop in, have to go and bix my fence. seems mudder nature is evil today and she knocked down a large section of my fence. I need to get it bixed before it gets dark so that I can let my widdle Belly BOo outside to pee and poop. She is crying to go outside and I tailed her it is ok to shit inside today only! 


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    where de hail eberybuddy been? i so glad to see that both Goldie and NM post ebery day. me is guilty of not posting daily dese deys and gonna try to do better. 

    Cammy? it feels like friedey night but because mese is feeling happyest which typically olny happens on fried deys. I have a moral dilemma to talk about but don't feel like putting it out dere cuz ye all prolly not gonna be back until tomorree. So I go cry in a corner den dwink. Den I dwink more cuz mese sad whilst mese happy. Why you ask? Well I not gonna tail inless me seese sum goils in de lounge. iffen ye dont come, I go to Oz to seek mese fwend Cwissy advise on mese dilleminna. 

    sorry about mese, jest too hexausted to talk dese deys. tree words spain it all hATE mESE jOB! 

    sigh~ bigger sigh den ok, all betteh. cept mese gonna why I outta well I am gonna uhh,  wait, I know...well i tink i mighten jest have a brilliant idea. bbsimfli! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    so I jest wasted anudder 80 minutes of my life on de phone wtih my IT people in freaking India. Still can't gain access to work from home. I am done, over it all. I mighten even call out sick tomorree so I can rest for an all nighter with our dear Orange OrLa Lara Aral backwards! 

    tities up goils, if ya got em'! 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited March 2014

    Hise alls. I vill need dwinkies tonight. Tropical cyclone coming in tonight. Hope wind not too strong. Loads of rain expected..


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Cyclone??? Isn't it to early for them or I'm all screwed up with eberybodies weather--Aly do what u need to for that thing and I do hope u'r feeling better.

    Dork I feel bad for u and u'r job. --it's awful when u don't like to go to work and have to. And I know it's been goofy there lately with changes. Damn like u need this now well anytime. But it sucks and not well. But Lara is coming and spending the nite--I love it, u've been all over meeting everyone and there better be pics so we can all share u both--u'll have so much fun together, I'm so furcited for u both. Great weekend planned for u2.

    In fact I hope a good week-end is in store for all of us.

    Princess so nice of u to bake for everyone and I'm sure everyone appreciates it. I do hope this round goes easier for u, remember drink a lot and protein is important or is it no protein, jeez I forget but someone will remember or knows I'm sure. I'm just sure about the water always.

    Red that pic is so funny and I hope u'r doing OK for sure.

    OK be back later and it is quiet here lately----missin' Bernie and Kat.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Another lost work day
    yesterday.I did get into the office,
    one of the very few who could get out of driveways.The boss showed up late after getting his 4WD
    jeep got stuck in a snow bank and gave the ok to stay off the roads.So home I went.I took Sadie with me yesterday 'cuz I wasn't
    sure the power would stay on and I wanted her close.There is now so much snow in the yard that
    Sadie has to wade through it, it's only a few inches shorter than she is!So, I'm in a for a long day making up visits
    missed, but have to start with a call to IT since I can't transfer info, and
    can't work until I get that fixed.Sigh.

    Cammy--yup, lots and
    lots of snow.20 inches in some areas
    nearby.I have 5 foot drifts in a couple
    places.I swear Spring is a figment of
    our collective imagination.It's never
    gonna happen, I'm afraid!Oil prices are
    over $3 a gallon, I have a 250 gallon tank that took 256 gallons.Natural gas isn't an option for me, won't be
    for many, many years.Propane is almost
    as expensive as oil here.Gonna have to
    look at pellet stoves and see how that will work since I get my hot water off
    the furnace.I may need to get another
    hot water source.This oil stuff is
    breaking the bank big time.

    4--this tank full
    will hold out for the rest of this season, but my hot water comes off my
    furnace, so I have to run the furnace year round.So I will need more come next fall.Weekend just around the corner, but gonna be
    a working one for me, gotta play ketchup for the 2 work days I missed this
    week.Ah,well, at least I have a job!

    Chevy!!!!Holy cow, that manager was way on the wrong
    side of sexual harassment!How was he
    able to keep his job after that????Ouch, that whole experience sounds painful.I can imagine how hard it is to walk with
    only one leg, but I don’t feel any need to go try it.Tank God for the neighbor, indeed!Glad all is better now.Will get to go gamble to make up for that
    missed trip???

    Goldie--Does the
    pellet stove need to be on living level of the house?I don't really have room for a pellet stove
    in the upstairs, would like to have one in the basement to run the hot water
    baseboard heat that I love so much.Don't have air ducts for hot air circulation. Obviously I need to do
    some research.How often does a pellet
    stove need to be fed?I'm away from home
    for up to 15 hours at a time, 11 to 12 hours routinely. Did I say I need to do
    some research?80 onions?That's a lotta onion!

    Red RH--LOL!!!

    Princess--hope all
    goes well with chemo.There are worse
    ways of dealing with nervousness!

    ORLA--going to see
    DorKable?Yahoo!Bet you 2 have a great time!

    DorKable--wow, Mommy
    Nature took down part of your fence?Not
    nice of her at all!Hope it will be an
    easy, quick fix.IT problems are the
    pitts, I know, and even worse when you get the foreign accent people on the
    phone. . .

    Aly--stay safe, stay

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Irish Spring

    1 oz Irish Whiskey

    1/2 oz Peach Brandy

    1 tsp Cherry

    1 slice Orange

    1 oz Orange Juice

    1 oz Sweet and Sour


    Pour all ingredients
    (except orange slice and cherry) into a collins glass over ice cubes. Garnish
    with the slice of orange, add the cherry on top, and serve.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Good Morning NM goo DOTD today, sounds like it would warm the body up even with ice. I figured u'd have to work this week-end cuz of this weather--but u really got hit bad time and u'r checkbook too. All at one time. Be careful on the roads and as soon as u come home get warm and cuddle it always makes u feel better and relaxes you.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    HI Canm good morning

    oh dork I hope u call in

    Im leaving today to goooooooooooooooooooooo see dork

    we will post crazy pics lampshade party on

    The ice was nutty yesterday

    Im just pooping in read some posts not all

    Hi everyone

    kk im doing school work then leaving in the afternoon



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Lara that was really cute--LOL

    Safe travels my little chickadee and have fun.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2014

    Oh my, "The Alley" in downtown Chi town!

    Red, sorry for the riot....too funny.

    Remember Princess, that tube will be feeding you your favorite cocktail! Good luck today. I'm sure they will love the cookies. We can hang with you. Did you get yourself some wigs? As I'm pretty sure you will be losing your hair. Some don't, but most do.

    Dork/Lara....a sleep over? Wowsa! Have fun ladieZ.

    Dork, too funny you told Bella she could poop in the house. I hope you were careful trying to get that fence fixed. I sawry you are having a dilemma, can you tell about it today? I sawry too that you hate your job, that sucks big time.

    Alyson, stay safe girl, don't let that wind blow you away, unless it blows you ober here to the states.

    Cami yes, it's protien and water....and REST.

    Nice of your boss NM to let everyone stay home, since HE got stuck. The pellet stove does need to be fed, and depending how much you use it, and how big the hopper is, will depend on how often you feed it. 12 hours should not be an issue. The heat blows directly out of the stove, so not sure how well it would heat the house if you put it in the basement. Not sure how it would heat your water. They might have something capable of doing that. I know they have furnaces that run on pellets, but then you would need the duck, I mean duct work. For our hot water, we have the "on demand", for which you need propane, but it only runs when you turn the hot water on. Perfect DOTD.....Irish Spring.

    You goilies have FUN FUN FUN. Lara be careful driving.

    Huggles goils!