how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Good Morning all

    NM like that drink and we're supposed to get a little more snow soon, but I think it will just be a little--who knows.

    Princess I'm glad this one was easier on u--remember water and protein and walk when u can.

    Dork I hope u'r dad is doin better and u'r puka too. Oh u and u'r pukas, never heard of that before u.

    Lori's back, she'll be here soon.

    I'm going back on Aromasin this week, I took abreak and I did notice one thing I slept pretty good, So now we'll se--Every so often I take a break on my own. I hate that evil little pill. Oh well

    My clothes are washed and in the dryer and I'm all dressed and no one is up yet, So I get everything done before.

    I hope everyone has a good day today.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2014

    Morning loungettes, Top o the morning' …er, guess that was yesterday. Thanks all for cheering me up, I'm much better today, yesterday was my 1st day of SE and I guess it all hit me. Hubby's out of town and my BF stayed over last night and while she got pretty toasted and I did not it was still fun. My administrator where I work had BC last year and gave me a bag of goodies the other day. Anyway, there were 3 wigs, all too long and young for me, but 1 was my exact color. She said she paid $600 for it and only wore it once and I could do whatever I wanted with it. So I put it on my BF's head and gave myself a haircut! I've always said wish I could take my hair off and cut it myself, and now I have. It was past my shoulders and I just cut the s**t out of it. It came out pretty good, not that I think I'll wear it much but it'll be nice to have if I feel the need for hair.

    Just got back from takin' the brats for a run in the woods, get to go see the rad onc today (does the fun just never end!).. then putting a crib together cause I get to babysit my 2 month old granddaughter on Friday…yea.. can't wait!

    Orange, I'll be thinking about you on the 26th, hoping your boobies come out beautiful!… Dork, I hope your dad is getting better and NativeMaine they're calling for 52 and sunny today… I think the dogs are gonna be getting a good long walk this afternoon.. ahh, I can feel the vitamin D now.. Hope you get a taste of spring coming your way soon.

    By ladies… have a good day!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2014

    Dort, glad you landed so comfy yesterday morning, in the pool. I certainly was not expecting to see you so early. I hope you got to rest and relax. Oh those nasty poopy pants in Wal Mart. I saw a lady like that one day in Panda Express, which happens to be in the Wal Mart parking lot, but she was a homeless person I think, so it was sad.

    Genny, it's a sucky thing isn't it. Soon you can say you HAD cancer, cuz you gonna kick it to the curb!

    Cami, weather is getting nice for you? How is your brother doing? Sorry about the a$$hole customer. Some people you just can't talk to. I get them once in awhile, I just let them ramble, cuz there is nothing you can say to make them think differently. How sweet and funny about your BIL. You have such a special family. Glad you made your appointment, I just wish they could figure out that damned D and all the pain you are in. You are such a trooper, and just brush it off and live with it. Be sure and tell the good doctor how you felt NOT taking the aromasin.

    SuZQ, you wasn't up for the crawl??? Wowsa, doesn't sound like you at all! Hope you got up there a few of sumpin. Hey, is hunk Eric still workin there?

    Lara, how far are you from Dork, did I see something like 3 hours? Wow, you could go and visit a bunch! Did your DH get to meet our Dork?

    RED....WHAT? 5K for the hot water? Our unit cost about $400, but we installed it. And we LOVE the pellet stove. They are not as messy as wood. I guess you might need 2 of the hot water things if you have more than one person running the water at the same time. That pic of Dork in the pool with a drink on the way certainly is inviting, isn't it?

    Princess, if you were born almost on St. Patrick's day, that means you have or had a birthday. Spill it girl! We need a party!

    NM, you can see in my post to Red about the hot water. Our price vs. hers, is WAAAAYYYYYY different! There are images if you search it, but I couldn't find any like mine. The copper tubes that run through mine have a flame under the copper tubing. Hard to explain.


    Lara, I can't believe you are getting nips when you are still in so much pain. Enjoy your lazy day in bed and feel better.

    Genny, I had to chuckle at your comment about your DH being out of town and your BF came over, as BF can be boy friend too!!! How fun that you get the grand baby on Friday. Nothing more precious than babies.

    Well, we got through Monday, now it's 2'sday. So we can have 2 drinks at a time today!

    There is someone bringing mine right now!


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited March 2014

    Good Morning Ladies!

    Mema!  I replied to your PM!  So furcited that we can meet up!  Maybe we can make up for you missing the Pub Crawl!!!

    Hi Julie, hope you aren't working too hard.  It's tough to get back in the swing after a vacay.  Always wanted to go to England, maybe I'll get there one day!

    Cami, Goldie is right!  you roll with the punches better than anyone!  Good luck with your onc this week and sorry you have to go back on the Aromasin, but better to keep the RB at bay and keep rolling with the punches.  Speaking of, you should get a punching bag and put a face on it.  Then you can punch your bad customer's in the nose!!

    Red,  Yeah for only having Boosts left!!  Home stretch girl!!!

    Lori!  Sounds like camping was fun.  I love to camp, so does DH.  A couple of my kids would rather be drawn and quartered however!!

    Aly, How you feelin' today?  It should at least be cooling off for you.  We are going to steal your hot weather and sent it to Maine!  

    Genny and Princess, hope your SEs are minimal.  You will be done soonliest and it will just be a memory!  Genny, sounds like fun giving yourself a haircut!  And therapeutic too!  YOu ladies enjoy your heat wave while it lasts!

    NM, myneighbor has one of those "tankless" hot water heaters and LOVES it.  We could sure use one at our house with 6 people here.  I don't think he paid that much for it and I think you can get them in gas or electric.  Not sure about oil or propane??  I sure hope it thaws out up there for you soon.  This winter has sure been rough all around!   Poor Sadie out there trying to find the right spot!!

    DorK, your dad, your leg, your puka!  You need a break!  Hope things continue to improve for your dad!  Back in the early 80's we went to FL to visit my grandfather and the witch he married after my grandma died.  She was wearing white pants and looked similar to that picture!  My brother and I were young and she was mean, so we didn't tell her.  Just walked far enough away from her that nobody knew we were with her!  EEEWWEeee!

    Hi Cyn!  Glad you are home but sorry you had to leave D.  Hope you guys get together again soon.  Could you send some of your beach weather to NM please?  She could use it!

    Hi Undie and anyone else I missed!  Lara, I'm posting stuff for you next!

    As always too, prayers for Bernie and Kat!  I hope Bernie is having fun times with that baby though.  And I hope things get better soon for Kat's daughter.  I can't imaging watching your child through that.  Nobody deserves to go through it or to watch their child do it either.  Hoing the best for all of them.

    Have a good day Ladies!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited March 2014


    I hope things go really well for you on the 26th.  I just had day surgery last friday.  They did it in the "local" room at the hospital though instead of in office.  Everything went well, but it still stings some!

    Here is the information I have come across.  Some of it might apply to your situation or not.  Can't  hurt to ask the doc though.   This is kind of interesting to see the topics and then you can look up the presenting docs to find more info.  This lady is going through fat grafting and talks about her results and also about conversations she has had with other patients.  This article is from Europe and is interesting because it talks about radiating with a fully expanded TE then 6 weeks later doing fat grafting, waiting 3 months then doing the exchange.  They are having good results and less contration and rejection.  I know you already had the exchange, but it might help after too!

    Here's one more!  

    Dr. Semple in Toronto is doing a ton of fat grafting on rads patients.  I have heard from some of his patients that he has done it on 50+ ladies with radiation and then placed TEs and moved onto implants and not had one fail yet.  I don't know how it would work on the pain aspect though.  But I imaging if the tissue/muscle was more pliable and soft, it should help?  He is also doing node transplants for LE patients.

    I hope some of this is helpful!  Will be thinking about you on the 26th.  The waiting sux!  I am in an eternal holding pattern until I heal up :0(  I am also swimming around like Nemo with one full size fin and one tiny one!  Really hard to find something to wear!  Maybe when I am in Vegas Mema and I can shop for some Falsies!!!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2014

    Morning DahhhLinKs!!

    OMG...yum yum...hafta 1st comment on Lori's 2'sDay man...I WANT him....NOW!!!!  I remember u showing me ur 'hot on demand' system and how I worried about taking too much when I showered...LOL.  Yes, Eric is still working there, however was his day off yesterday.  Dayshift tender is slow, as was the Swing tender, so my DH helped from noon til bout 6.  I got there about 4:30, wasted no time with a few tini's...but my car did not get dwunk...cuz dh's truck was already dwunk by the time I got there.  LOL...but it was an OK time.

    4 - jes remember...when we meet up....we can't let mese car get dwunk...that wud b sooo bad.  We can let da car dwink a little only after we have seen a few LV sites K?  LOL

    NM - didn't mean to steal the bad.  Had my pooches to the doggie park yest....big blast of wind picked up like a dirt devil or sumpin and flung it at me and Bella (she was on my lap)...crap got deep into her coat...what a mess.  I hate the wind.  I kno I'm whining for no and others are going thru winter hell...forgibs me.  I'd send lots of sunshine ur way if I could.

    Cammi - U stop taking Aromasin?  For how long at a time?  I don't think I'd have the cajones to stop.  I'm going to be stopping the Herceptin in May and I'm afraid of that.  I get my PET and MUGA on April 2, but won't get results til I c my onco on the 22nd.  That's fine with me, as I won't want any 'downer' info before or while I am in AZ. 

    Ginny - sad that the se's are hitting, but no surprise right?  And that u can take ur 'brats' for a run is a good thing.  Awwww...a baby baby...tooo much fun.  I still have port-a-crib and playpen in closet, really miss those days.

    Lara - some good info from 4 looks like.  Will b thinking of you on the 26th.  Praying things go really really well this time around.

    Princess - yea...spill it...we need to party...when was/is ur BDAY?  Was it anti-nausea meds they put in ur tx?  (((P)))

    Red - how are you feeling today?  Did u get a nap on da floatie in da pool wif a handsome tender? 

    Danggit screen jumping!!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    yes all good info 4

    I looked up pmps I think I have that

    Post masectomy something syndrome

    I just wrote a doctor about it who actual wrote the article I have this it's chronic pain it's real alot of docs don't know about it they should because breast cancer is among a lot of women

    Mema glad your back on the board

    Oh u and 4 r meeting funnnn

    No Goldie dh turned around when the keys were found what a time

    He forgave me it was no ones fault

    Nice hunk there I need to burrow him


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    omg so I emailed the doctor who wrote the article and she's calling me tomm she lives in Chicago 

    Ill let u all know what she says

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited March 2014

    That's awesome news!!!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    funny pictures

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited March 2014

    Hi girls,always running in and out of here. Today I can stay and play a little while. 4sew-how are you doing? Hi Mema. Goldie-I need to borrow that hunk when Lara's thru with him. Hi to everyone else. Brb,going to get some drinks.

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited March 2014

    image image That's better

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited March 2014


  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited March 2014


  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited March 2014

    Anderson Barbosa - Hunk du Jour.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Undie u sure know how to pick them, the tenders too. Ahh relaxation and anticipation double the fun.

    OK I remember nothing of what was already written and it's on the other page. But I'm glad to see everyone pooped in.

    Oh Lara what a find thanks to 4444, u must haave found that on one of her thingys for u and now a Dr. is going to call you--Oh this might finally mean some answers for u I hope and pray. And she's from Chicago--not far from me girl. She must have found u'r case to really be of interest to her--Good News.

    NM there is barely a spot of snow here and yet it hasn't been that warm but the sun is melting it like crazy--it's so strange how it's just leaving--we had so much just last week and now nothing.

    Dork I really hope u and u'r dad are doing OK

    Been a little busy today and Joey has some kind of flu so we spent the day together with my phone in my pocket. Always on the job.LOL

    I'm waving Hi to everyone--literally cuz that's how I am.

    Oh I remember too someone princess WHEN IS U'R BIRTHDAY BTW?????????????????????????????????

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2014

    Holy hell, Shannon, is he my birthday present? Thank you so much. It's - he's - lovely. 

    Birthday from hades ladies. Dear lord, I appreciate my bday's, each and every one, but next year, may I please be on vacation with my DH? Thank you.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    Hi girls, I am reading but jest too lazy to write much. 

    My Dad is home, he was discharged ... his doc said that he is a medical marvel. That is the great news. Not so bad news is that he is already driving me nuts. but I love him. 

    Hello to eberyone, good to see Shan-na-ahh in de lounge, yippee! and SuzEbee, you too, good to C ye. Lori, me being good for more likker. I ken behave ya know. ok den. !sigh! mi llamo dorotea y tu come te llamASS? ~ gas expelled. oops. wherz Jul? ~hiccffart~

    And do wese have a double reason t o partay? Red, Happy FREAKING BURPDEY! How did i not know? 

    And when is our Princess' bday Geeze LOUIZZZZE, we need to give de tenders advance notice of dese here events! I mean really, ye espect us to jest trow a partay? Well ok...a partay it is! 



    Happy Burpdey Birthdey RED! Woo hooo!! I got de invidation in de mail but can't read it. maybe cuz i dwunk ~ hiccup, oops. 


    back to Red, De tenders heard yer request and are sending you on an all inclusive trip for two to beautiful ARUBA! ~ a package courtesy of K-LEIN tours brought to you by de goils of de HTL! Woo hooo..but uh de lounge budget in a deffisit cuz wese dwink more likker dan wese ken afford so will try to send ya next year to akomidatE you and yer DH, k? HAve a Bootfiul burpdey birfdey REDDIELUB! 

    and Prinvess RN, when yer burpdey err i mean birfdey? I wrote ya a song but has to know for when to come n sing it to ya! no seeeaKrits here, k? we gonna having a bangity boopity big arse partay. so instead of de song and ya gotta wait for de partay, I mean the big arse bash bash in yer name so de tendArs n wiNtches ken prepare! 

    Waving HI to CammY!!!! 

    Hello to all else. and for de record, puka stwing still stuck in puka. mese weak, gonna eat mese spinach den twy agen! Lubs you goils! me find de floor now, tank a ye n goodnight n chEARs! 

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2014

    I vote for the one bringing goldie her drinks… 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    I vote de same.

    and that is one bigarse infitation...I can read it now that it is zoomed up. but de printer made an error on the name, oh well, that is what we get with our current budget of negatory! but the dwinks and percs and fukitols will keep a-flowing so it all good.

    cheErs again, over and out. Roger that! 


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited March 2014

    Hiya Loungettes,

    Just pooping by on my way to finish my dirty book :0)

    Undie!  I'm good. Thanks for asking!  Still pretty sore where they out this drain in and pissed at the world about them taking my boob back out, but good!  Love the guys!  I caught them before the timer expired!

    Happy Birfday Princess and Red!

    NM. I was at Costco today and they had a big display on the way to the exit for Renai (sp?) tankless hot water systems.  Might be worth checking out.  You too Red if you have a Costco near by!

    Lara, Can't wait for your report on that doc.  I really hope it's some encouraging news for you.

    DorK, glad your dad is home driving you batty. Careful pulling the puka string.  Of it is a corner of a bigger piece you don't want to go there!

    Mema!  So furcited to meet up but we won't let the car dwink too much!

    Cami, Genny, Cyn, Julie, and anybody I'm furgittin, sorry been a long day!  Have a good night!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Yesterday Ileft my cell phone on top of my car and then
    drove off.Any one want to guess what
    happened next?Well, now I have a new
    phone and am trying to get the info out of my old phone so I don't have to hand
    enter all the contacts again, which will be a pain in the wrist and
    fingers.Gotta love craziness!

    ORLA--what is up
    with the bridge between the foobs?What
    is that from?Sounds odd to me.Also sounds uncomfortable.I'd be on valium on surgery day, too!I've even been known to take a double dose,
    just to make sure I don't turn around and leave before they even touch me.Another class starting?What is this on about?Sadie says she'll cuddle with you

    Cammy--I'm trying
    very hard to ignore the weather man on TV this ayem,he said the "s" word again.I think it's due this evening.Not sure how much.BUT, supposed to get over freezing for a
    while today before the snow starts again!

    Genny--babysitting 2
    month old granddaughter,what fun!Can you package up some of that 52 degrees
    and send it to me?Please?

    Goldie--I saw the
    difference in the price of the hot water thingy.Actually, that diagram is very helpful.Do you really get instant hot water?I'm thinking I could do with just one,
    there's only one of me and I don't run things needing hot water at the same
    time anyway.Can you adjust the
    temperature the water heats to?

    4--I'm going to be
    looking into gas, looking to get away from electric as much as possible, as
    well as oil.Just too much $$$$ involved
    oil and electric is just not dependable!

    Mema--I forgive you
    for stealing the Maxine Maxim, I used it at work instead of here!Gotta watch those dust devils!I've seen so many snow devils this winter
    that I'm beginning to thing that they aren'tRARE like the weather people keep saying.And dirty doggy is a good reason to

    ORLA--PMPS = post
    mastectomy pain syndrome.It is very
    real.Wow, that the doc will call you,
    can't wait to hear what she has to say!

    Pretty drinks,
    Undy!Even Prettier Hunks!

    Cammy--no snow
    there?SO NOT FAIR!Can I send you some from here????????

    Red RH--vacay with
    DH on your B-day?And deprive the HTL of
    a partay?No way, Loungettes!

    b-day invite!

    4--thanks for the
    tip, I'll have to check that out.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Dirty Snowball

    1/2 oz Peppermint

    1 1/2 oz Irish Cream

    2 oz Milk


    Pour irish cream and
    peppermint schnapps over ice in a medium rocks or old-fashioned glass. Top with
    milk, stir, and serve

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Good Morning

    NM I can't get over more S for u--our is gone-it dumfounds me,??? Oh andthing with Irish cream is a good drink--the tenders better get stocked up. Dork said we're way negative but we have plenty of likker and tenders to take care of us.

    Lara u have to report back to us after the Dr. calls--this is really something u have to be furcited.

    4444 I think  u really need some extra time for u--I don't know how with u'r big family but u have to try.

    Red next yr u will go on the biggest vacation ever and u will have so much fun.

    Princess I hope u'r doing OK.

    Sue it will be great to meet 4 and make sure u take pics so we can enjoy too.

    Well I have to catch up, I know right now I'm not on as often--I just seem to not be used to being busy for anyone else but me.

    Hey Lori--shell be here soon/

    My prayers are going to Kat and her DD and Bernie I hope u'r enjoying u'r baby/

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    good morning girls! 

    I wuz jest kidding about the HTL being broke! Sorry Camille. haha. Love you.

    have a good day all! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Dork do u every sleep.????????

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2014

    Yes, I'm here Cami. I'm pretty predictable eh? NM and I both!

    Lil doyty butt, I had that hunk bring you over a few drinks, but after that, I didn't see him all day!! And we are gonna have another breastie meet up, woot woot!! And we get dat damn wind too, I hate when it gets in my mouth. And those dust devils are really bad! Can understand your anxiety about going off the herceptin, I felt that way when I stopped the arimidex, but all is good now.

    Wow 4, node transplants? I wonder how well that is working. My friend here is having a terrible time with LE and neuropathy, she's had to quit work due to the pain. Are you going to Vegas alone?

    LOL Lara, you gonna "burrow" the hunk! Glad your DH wasn't mad, as there was no reason. I hope some of that info helps you. And WOW, you're getting a call already? Keep us updated, this is SO EXCITING!

    Unde, so nice to see you, and you shouldn't have to run for drinks tho. Next time send a Tender girl. I like number 2, but he's a little too hairy. How are you and what's going on in your life?

    Cam, sorry to hear that Joey is sick again, I sure hope you don't get it. Hey, if that doc that is calling Lara is in Chicago, I wonder if she can help you???

    Red, it's your birthday? WHEN?

    Dork, if you can't get that mesh out, go to the damn doctor. Like 4 said, what if it's attached to something larger? Glad your dad is home, what was the final diagnosis? Was it the kidneys? I sure hope it doesn't happen again. I know you love him so much, but I really worry that he is not monitored good enough there at your home. Especially when you are at work.

    Genny, you can have dat boy, but you better get in line, seems he's quite popular.

    Oh shoot NM, sorry bout de phone. Doesn't all of that information save in iCloud or something? I think you have to back it up there though, which I should do too, but I don't know how! How sweet of Sadie to cuddle with Lara. I'll bet she (Sadie) would cuddle with anyone. My home town (Michigan)  is getting hit again, that must be the storm headed your way. And I imagine a chance for it to hit Red too. We can adjust the temp on ours, and we can have more than one person using hot water, say me doing dishes and DH taking a shower, no problem. If you don't have natural gas, your biggets cost might be getting the propane pig and lines put in to the house. And yes, instant hot water. Well, it has to run through the pipes to get to the faucet, it doesn't come out hot immediately. We had electric heat in our home in Michigan, so we got a wood stove. But now that I have a pellet stove, I much prefer it. Plus easier to store bags of pellets as opposed to wood. Never heard of a snow devil.

    Dust Devil aka Haboob! How funny is that word??? But really that is a dust storm.



    Need to go find some party favors, plus the screen is jumping......

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2014




  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2014




  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited March 2014

    Pretty cakes Lori!  I make cakes like those .  People don't like to pay for the time involved though!

    Going to Vegas with DH and a bunch of people from his company.  His boss is very excited I am coming this year. She and I both love to dance.  I will try to stay off the table tops unless i want job offers or need money for the slots!  ED has the pole entertainment taken already!

    They do a trade show type thing there every year.  Software company. I have never been. Don't like the term bucket list, but figure Vegas is something I should do at least once for S &G's!  I had a ticket last year then broke my ankle, then got diagnosed.  So this year I am going no matter what!  Even if I just lay by a pool it's a free week at the Bellagio and I love to people watch!

    Can't wait to meet up with Mema!!

    Have a great day ladies!