how about drinking?



  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited March 2014

    Here's former Big Brother contestant Dan Neal resting his arm on a pole..

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited March 2014


  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited March 2014

    Ritchie Neville from 5ive was not afraid to get his hits out for the lads..

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited March 2014

    Cheers Red,Goldie,Cami,Juliet,Cyn,Dork,NM and the new girls. I'll remember all your names next time. And for some reason the pics didn't fit so it showed nothing last night. Had better luck tonight. You all should know I never come to the party empty handed;)

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    yes cam its pain pill slash nerve pill

    On the news they came out with a hydrocodeine extended realese tablet

    makes zero sense since they r cracking down on pills...

    This one is stronger as well

    I cant believe about tht a missing plane they can not find it how strange

    Scary movies today , I am off need to do a ton of school work

    Red I know it sucks but you know just working three days is good for me know I think a big postion will b to much but I am getting my strength back

    Undie yummy candy

    poop in latah

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    My First Good Morning===

    Lara u'r up early, I hope u feel OK. U've got to meet Dork Fried-day. She'll make u feel better, I know she will. She's so good and understands so much.

    NM How's the weather? LOL Spring is in 10 days (I think) we'll see how the weather reacts. I do't think Mother Nature knows yet.

    Well Undie u know how to have a partay big time--I think it's big time. Can't see everything.

    I sure hope today brings everyone feeling OK.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Getting up to another dark
    morning, this time with acoating of
    snow on the ground.Really, this is just
    crazy!Supposed to be in the 40's later

    Goldie--tell your
    Mom that she needs to have an "oxygen in use" sign on her doors, when
    (not if) she has a fire the fire department needs to know there is explosive
    gas in the home.And tell he that her homeowner's
    insurance won't cover any fire damage caused by smoking in the presence of
    oxygen.Not to get her to change, she's
    not going to do that, but to make sure she knows the consequences.And maybe it will scare her just enough to
    take of her oxygen when she smokes.Maybe.

    outfit?Have I missed some news?Wait,you need an invitation to your own wedding?Oh, wait, I see, you are going to a
    wedding!Sounds like fun!Happy Birthday to you Dad!It must be nice to be able to buy good pain
    meds over the counter.Congrats to baby
    sister's 8 years!

    like your Dad is doing well in the facility.Quick thinking telling him Julie is married, funny about him making you
    stalk her!Hope the call to the
    bazillionaire goes easily. What is it about having lots of $$$ that makes
    people think the rules don't apply to them?

    ORLA--no crazy
    patients just at the moment, give it time though.Currently playing PCP Ping Pong trying to get
    an admission order for a potential patient.One doc's office says care has been transferred to another office.The Other office hasn't received the
    records.Office 1 saysthat's right, patient hasn't finished the
    paperwork to transfer records, so technically, Office one is the patient's PCP,
    but since patient wants to transfer not sure the doc can order a Hospice
    admission.So we are all waiting.And waiting.Too bad about not getting another interview.Why do people interview candidates who they
    aren't going to accept anyway?

    Red RH--be careful
    bringing the Tylenol C into the states, it's a prescription only, controlled
    substance drug here and you can get into trouble if it's found in your
    baggage.We've got snow again today and
    another foot or so predicted for tomorrow or Thursday, not sure which, not
    paying that much attention to the TV.If
    your clothes are stiff after drying on the line try giving them an extra rinse
    before hanging them out.I've found that
    not using fabric softener also helps with that.Some materials will dry stiff unless it's really breezy, like cotton
    towels, but they soften up with afew
    shakes when I take them off the line, usually.

    Morning, Cammy!

    Undy--you do know
    how to heat up a morning!

    ORLA--it is crazy
    that a plane can go missing like that.Good to hear you are getting your strength back!

    Cammy--I am
    convinced that Mother Nature has Advanced Dementia.Old Man winter has OCD.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Snow Melt

    1 oz Vodka
    1 oz Amaretto
    (Fill to
    Top) Hot Chocolate


    Pour Vodka and
    Amaretto into a coffee mug then fill with prepared Nestle Hot Chocolate.Top
    with whipped cream or marshmellows and cherry.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Good Morning NM Oh the DOTD sounds really good but I have Kaluah so I think I'll just use that with the vodka--have to mke use of what I already have. Now to find the Hot Chocolate--Well I could use my Starbucks coffee and add the rest. Oops I just changed the whole damn thing. Hope u have a good day and be careful--

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2014

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD ALTERNATE  is 

    1 oz vodka, 

    1 oz kahlua

    full with Starbucks Coffee


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2014

    Julie, I hope we get to see the dresses, AND I hope you get the invitation!!! Happy Birthday to your dad and congrats to your lil sister. I hope your pain flare up has eased up.

    Hey Dort, tail your daddy I'm jealous now, I thought he liked me! Where is he now a days? Wow, 4K a MONTH? I hope they do not give you any trouble, tell them it wasn't YOUR decision, you are just the messanger. And if you had the money, you would give it to them......LMAO!

    Lara, sawry bout the job, but like you said, if it's meant to be, it will be. Do you like that new pill? I've never heard of it. And are you laying off the exercising?

    Ha ha Red, telling Julie not to put the drugs in her bag wif Stella. Boy, you got dat goil pegged! LOL @ the case of CRS! That is usually a SE of chemo, and a permanent one at that! DH has never been camping, so it will be an experience for sure. He is used to camping Hilton style.

    Cami, I'm waving backatcha! I wonder if that pain pill that Lara is taking would help you? Or do you have yours under control when it hits? Spring can be such a tease, can't it? I hope you don't get too much snow.

    LMAO Shannon, I'm picturing what that bird looks like without the splendid sign!!!! Never empty handed eh??? I can only imagine what is in your hand!!!!

    NM, I will tell mom. I have to think of a nice way to do it, so I don't come off the wrong way. I don't think she will do it. She has visiting nurse, maybe they can help. As for her home, the bank actually owns it. So I have no idea what would happen. She does have to keep up the insurance and taxes. She did a reverse mortgage several years ago, and didn't pay it back. Took like $35K and put most of it into the house! The house she doesn't own! Awwww, Cami should love that DOTD with hot chocolate. You girls in the east and the north have had just horrible weather this winter, and it's still going on.

    LOL at the secondary DOTD!

    Cami, how is ED doing? And your brother?

    Well, I went to take the quad down to the neighbors yesterday, and it wouldn't start. We just got it back from quad place, had it there twice in the last month or so. And now this. So, I don't know if we will get to go camping or not. Sad

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Oh Goldie again with the quad I hate if have to cancel things because of it and why did I think it was u'r DH that loved camping.

    Thanks for the DOTD2 NM funny too

    Chevy is actually doing good she's starting to get around too much no doubt--she's a wonder to me. My DB won't be operated on for a couple more weeks--I actually forgot why, but there are some reasons and he's taking it very easy like he has a choice and I'm sure he's crabby as hell to live with. I usually talk to him on the phone now I ask to talk to my SIL she tells me what's going on.

    oops back to work

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    yea Goldie it's good but a C 2 very high narcotic so not staying on it

    No exercise now I hardly eat to drop the weight

    Hi can watching jaws marathon on my big TV it's scary

    NM sounds like a lot of loops

    What's Tylenol  C?

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited March 2014

    Golly gosh you lot have been busy. I just can't keep up with all the partying and things that have been going on.

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2014

    Answer to questions about tylenol C - it is what we here call Tylenol 1 (there are 4 of them). It is Tylenol with 15 mg Codeine added. It is OTC in Canada. The other 3 (at 30, 60 and 90mg respectively) are prescription drugs. 

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited March 2014

    Hey Ladies,

    Just wanted to pop back by for Happy Hour and say Hello!  Hope everyone is doing well!

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2014

    Hi you! How's it going? You did miss a Partay on Saturday but it's pretty mellow right now. See you later.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    4 hi for poppin' in.

    Boy is it quiet here.

    OK Red I get the mil. on the otc Tylenol so all in all u'r better off getting the script for it, I guess cuz 15 wouldn't do much unless u took a few I guess????

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited March 2014

    Red I get confused with the different names for the drug. I use paracode - panadol and codeine  think its tylenol and codeine in North America. Also have tramadol.

    Any way need a wee drinkie with my dindins


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2014

    Hi ladies, just wanted to pop in before work to say hi. Haven't been here for a few days, getting' ready for starting that nasty old drip, drip drug on Friday. I get to have my cocktails tonight then that's it… I'l have to see if I can find a really great place for all of us to meet this weekend.  I'm definitely thinking somewhere tropical. We've got weather reports just short of blizzard conditions today. Our local school district just canceled and they almost never do that. Come on old man winter…DIE already!!!

    camillegal…how're things in your neck of the woods?… whatever you're gettin' is coming our way.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Well, morning, anyway.Oil tank is empty, despite having a
    monitoring system that I pay $16.99 a month for.House is 55 degrees.Chilly.Storm coming in and I wanted to get the traveling part of the day over
    with this morning.Oh, well, lets see when
    the oil guy can get here.

    Goldie--DH is in for
    a surprise if he's only been camping Hilton style!Bet he likes it, though.Sounds like your Mom is getting all the info
    she needs to avoid getting an oxygen burn or to burn down the house.Hot drinks are definitely the way to go right
    now.My coffee supply is getting low,
    I am certainly going through it faster than usual!

    Cammy--Gladyour DB is taking it easy and doing ok while

    ORLA--Tylenol C is
    tylenol with codeine.Tylenol #3 has 325
    mg tylenol and 30 mg codeine.Codeine is
    a level 2 controlled substance (aka C2 drug) that has special restrictions on
    how it's prescribed.Pharmacy must have
    a paper prescription, no phone in prescriptions.No refills allowed, need a new script for
    each fill.All to help decrease forged
    prescriptions, diversion and misuse.Not
    working really well, but there it is.

    Red RH--I knew
    Tylenol with codeine was available OTC is Canada and most of Europe, didn 't
    realize it wasa 15 mg dose.Didn't even realize it came in a 15 mg dose!Funny how drugs are used differently in
    different places.

    4sew!Welcome back!How are you doing?What are you

    Aly--it's crazy how
    the same drug can have a different name in just about every country in the

    Genny--the schools
    in my area are closing at noon today, probably the same storm you're
    getting.Not fun at all.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Castillian Hot Chocolate

    1 cup Sugar

    1/2 cup Water

    1 qt Milk

    1/2 cup Cocoa

    7 tsp Cornstarch


    Shift the cocoa and
    sugar together into a medium-sized saucepan. Dissolve the cornstarch in the
    water, and stir into the cocoa and sugar until it is a smooth paste.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2014

    Update:  the oil guy will be here ASAP to deliver oil and bleed the line.  This whole thing is crazy.  I've told them I want the monitor taken out, needs a tech to do that so that will be another day, but that's ok.  I'm stopping payment on the monitoring system as of today. 

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2014

    Cami, glad to hear Chevy is doing well. But your poor brother, to have to wait. That has got to be so painful??? Well, the quad started right up with my husband tried it, so seems to be ok. However, they are calling for possible rain on Friday and windy on Saturday. So doesn't sound like we will go.

    Lara, not eating? Girl, you need many spankings. Which Tender would you like?

    Red, when do you find out about your heart?

    Genny, just pretend you have your favorite cocktail in that drip drip. Good luck, I hope the Nuelasta doesn't cause you too much pain. Are you doing every 2 weeks or 3?

    NM, stay warm! That sucks that the monitor doesn't work, and now you have to freeze! I did talk to my mom and my son, and passed along the message. My son says he's never seen her smoke with the oxygen on her face. I told him that I thought she had done it in her bedroom. She said she would call the oxygen place and see about the sign. My guess is she was just saying that to me, to shut me up! We keep several cans of coffee, cuz when it goes on sale we buy lots!

    Uh oh NM needs a spanking too. No alcomahol in the DOTD. We'll have to add our own. I'll put some Bailey's in mine.

    Aly, 4.....howdy hi!

    All of this snow needs to STOP! For all of you ladies getting hit again....



  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited March 2014

    Yes Goldie!  Mother Nature needs some BiPolar meds!!  And the DOTD does need sum likker!

    NM, glad your gas guy was quick!

    Red, sorry I missed the party.  When is the next one??

    Hi Cami!!

    Aly Feel Getter Soonliest!

    Genny good luck with the drip drip.  Getting through the first one is huge!  Nerves settle a little after that.  The pic of you and your girls was adorable!!  Keep the smile no matter what!

    Lara, hope you feel better soon too.  Sorry about the job thing.  The perfect thing will turn up eventually!

    Hello to the rest of the Loungettes!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Good Morning finally--I had a little trouble with computer--ooops work is calling I'll be B

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    OK I'm back---

    Lori u'r supposed to get high winds too. Jeez

    Red I thought u lived on the otherside of ILL but I saw a map last nite and I see Pa and Ohio are different than I thought--yes we got snow but only about 4-5 inches, but supposed to get lots of bad winds--our snow is don for now I hope, next couple of days not so nice.

    Goldie I read the DOTD 2x to find the likker LOL I thought I missed it.

    Genny I'm sure this is part of u'r regime but ask about benedryl in u'r drip make sure--I loved it.I looked forward to it--

    OK I think the Tylenol # ok is 30mg,each right and the #4 is 60mg, is there a 5? I take the 4--better than the 3 for sure.

    Hi 4---

    OK I screwed up a number again for work this morning--got a email to please repeat the number--wel Of course it's my fault but when my D started right when he gave me his number I could care less--I had to get to the bathroom I was laughing cuz WTF so I sent the right number--it's in our files he's already a customer so I hurried it along. Oh mese Oh mice I'm baaad. I thought it stopped but it hasn't really-----

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2014

    Good afternoon,
    Loungettes!4 minutes before 4 pm and I
    finally have oil in the tank and will have heat and hot water in a little
    bit.Oh, and I have a bill for $971 for
    the oil.Definitely time to look into
    getting a pellet stove.Lost a whole day
    of work.I suppose it's a good thing I
    am already scheduled to work on Sunday, I've had to move a bunch of visits to
    Sunday to get everything in this week.I
    will be very glad for this week to be done with! It has sucked since day

    Goldie--Oh my
    goodness, how did I manage to find a DOTD without alcamahol?????? Will Pants be
    spanking me?Please?My brain cells must have been half frozen!Your Mom would have gotten at least one
    "NO smoking oxygen in use" sign when the oxygen was set up in her
    home, federal regs require the company delivering the oxygen to provide at
    least one.Course, they can't force
    someone to put the sign up...

    Heat coming off the
    baseboard!And guess what, the
    Homewatch people just called, they just registered a drop in temperature in the
    house.Big help they are.

    Great pic, shows
    what I think about winter, too!

    4--the gas guy was
    NOT quick. I called the office at 7:30 am, he got here at quarter to 4 PM.They're all very busy and it's crappy
    weather, you know.That's what the lady
    said when I called to check at 3 pm.The
    guy who stopped here said he "just got" the e-mail with my

    Cammy--Sadie and I
    have watched it snow, rain, sleet, and now back to snow here today.Just YUCK.

    OK, time for some
    hot chocolate, only I'm going to put some crème de cacao in mine!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited March 2014

    Oh NM!  Sorry!!  I obviously mis read that.  Now that you have a full tank it will warm up outside!

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited March 2014

    Hello all. I actually had to skip my rad appt this afternoon cuz the weather is too bad to drive in, so tack another one on to the end. I now finish on the 20th.

    Dear Old Man Winter, 

    I surrender, 

    Name your terms!

    Dear lord, for some reason you have seen fit to BURY Ontario in snow. Whatever I did I'm sorry. Please make it stop. Thank you.

    Aly, I want to be with you and Chrissy having a nice warm autumn day.

    Genny, we need another Partay! 4 missed the last one. OK, so...

    I realize there are a bunch of people, Lara hope you're feeling better, Lori whose mom is potentially smoke with oxygen in the room (omg)and who needs to get Pants to give NM a spank for neglecting alcohol in the DOTD, NM, who spent a chilly day and just got her heat back, at an outrageous price, just in time to field the call saying she was cold and managed to propose an alcohol free drink , Cami, tylenol 1 is 15, 2 is 30, 3 is 60 and 4 is 120. In Canada it doubles each time. Don't get 4 often but 3 is pretty common...

    But we definitely need another party. Genny we in your pockets tomorrow all small and stuff. Probly staring at the docs butt, but cheering you on for sure.

    OK I'm done now, and sorry, I know I missed a bunch of peoples but hi Dork, Julie, Cyn, Princess, and anyone else I didn't say hi to. (((hugs))))

    {{{{Bernie & Kath}}}}}

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    Hi Red ill take that Tylenol 3 yup I need that

    It just started ice here who knows what it will be tomm everything's closing now

    Genny in your Pocket

    Cam 👻

    Where's Juliet

    NM jeez that is a big bill 😜hot coca sounds yum

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited March 2014

    Thought some of you might like this
