how about drinking?



  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinKs!!

    Lara - my freakin goodness...that is X C Lent news about dat doc from Chicago calling you.  Am fercited to hear what she says.  Think it wud b sooo wonderful to get some REAL answers and tx for your situation.  Keep us posted.

    Unde - whoop mese is in dire straights...needs dat last tender bad.  Looks like I hafta settle for sloppy seconds, thirds, whatever....looks like he can handle all us goils anytime...heehee.

    4 - so looking forward to it.  DH will drive himself and go back to Mesq on I'll b free free free. 

    Happy Birfday to Red and Princess!!  Looks like I missed da party lasterday....heavy sigh.  Hope you both enjoyed and dwank lots n lots!

    NM - I so kno bout da phone thing.  I did a google acct and it backs up all my numbers like Lori sed, but I too don't/haven't found out how to retrieve them.  Now here is a story.  Last Tues, dh and I in lv for my onco/tx day.  Git done go to Arby's.  We don't have but 2 fast foods here in Mesq, so this a treat for us.  Go in...dh to boys room, me to counter.  We eat and go to leave.  NO KEYS NO Cell phone (dh's), he put them on back of toilet and left them.  He even had POCKETS that he cud have put them in...aaarrrgggg!!!! My new van is loaded with my entire bc med history, my laptop with all my stuff and DS corporate stuff..ugh, DH's wallet with his police retirement badge (which looks jes like a reg police badge), and his GUN.  Some tweaker on moped in a hurry to get outta restaurant, watching me wif funny beady eyes.  (this b4 I kno bout key/phn).  DH later sed tweaker went in br while he was coming out, we kno he took them.  Well....police don't respond to sumpin like that...don't blame them, Vegas toooo freaking busy.  So we have NO WAY to get into car.  Key is a fob...opens door and starts engine.  Had to call tow truck, tow to Chrysler service, get new fob and program it.  All this took 5 hours and $400.  I was a wreck.  DH jes got new phone and we spent yest getting it set up.  Nightmare...we were sure this druggie wud come back with thugs and take the van.  He will have to re-do his contacts 1 by 1....and I'm not helping him!!  Can u tell I'm still mad...heehee.

    Oh, and NM....I can attest to the hot water on demand being 'on demand' while I was at Lori's last year.

    Lori - yeah...dat dust got in my eyes and mouth too.  Hate it!  And yest I was allergy bitten.  Eyes, nose, sneezing.  Haven't been this bad since highschool.  Everything blooming and blowing around here...and my body must be in another cycle to be so miserable as normally doesn't cause more than nasal drip.  Jeez....can I quit complaining...NO!  LOL

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2014

    Dory - so glad your dad is outta da hospital and a medical marvel...but still...ya gotta do sumpin else to alleviate some stress girlfriend.  Go to the DOC....get dat dang stitch removed right.  So glad to see ya in da lounge tho...u always makes me smile.

    Cami - poor Joey...hope he gets better soonliest.  I cwacked up at ur comment to Unde 'kno how to pick em, the tenders too'  LOL!

    Gotta run....Big HugZ to everyone!!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Oh 4444 u'r going to love Vegas--even by chance u just sit at the pool--but knowing u now way will u just be doing that--I've heard all great things about the Bellegio---I don't gamble or really drink but when I've been to Vegas I can't stop either one--I drink all day and nite and I love to gamble--And I think this is a good time of year too, now this is where u'll meet Sue? Right--Oh Marvelous to everything.

    Loi I could never say u'r predictable, I just count on u--there's a difference.

    Kids there immune system is like a warrior--it comes and goes, while ours are like the 3 stooges foolin' around having a good time not wanting to leave.

    It's raining here so not so cold, just damp chilly. I was in one sand storm In AZ but inside and I remember closing windows and putting towels certain places and after the windows were so dirty. It was strange for me. Oh well/

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    image Happy St. Joseph's day

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    pooping in for some dirty snowballs, num num num, down dey go! 

    cheers girls!

    ps cant go to the dr, have no more time off of work until next month, mese in trouble over dere. do I look like I care SillyHeart

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    Cam are those italian cookies oops i ate them all

    NM yes it is real

    its so good seeing the thread popping again

    Ok well the nurse called me from chicago sent all pics the doc will becalling me tomm or friday waiting for the exact day

    Just got mese my oills from my new doc

    another thing do you know they cut your intercostobrachial nerve during a masectomy and it can fk u up they think oh well to that nerve.... to save u but this is part of this syndrome and you can  get neuromas I m telling u this doc is the expert on this crap.

    Im seeing a new breast doc to for this chest crap might need to hold off on nips might need a surgery to correct this oh also getting lydo derm patches but insurance has to cover it

    I will keep everyone updated

    I did not work today I will tomm

    Yes I wanted sadie

    I just rented a scary movie...........................................

    happy b day red and princess

    mema OMG the keys who stole them..??????????????????????????????????????

    Dork u throwing snowballs again at the neighbors lol glad dad is home

    poop in later

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    funny pictures

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited March 2014

    Hi everyone,running errands today but will be relaxing later on this. 

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited March 2014


  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited March 2014

    Hello everyone,can't seem to post this cool pic from fb. I really don't like this chromebook. Running errands,will be back later to drink,cheers.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2014


    happy birthday red

    have a good evening ladies, back in work

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Julie I LOL at Maxine--that's a good one.

    Lara this is so exciting for u to see about help. I'm just happy that this dr. has called u. Wow What hospital is she from?

    Oh those are like custard cream donuts==Zeppoli Italian have it expecially for St. Joseph's day, kinda French donuts with the cream middle----One of the few Italian desserts I like. Didn't get any tho. My DD thought tomorrow was St. Joseph's day so she planned a special meal for tomorrow. Joey went to school today wearing red.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    Hi Julie, good to see ya, bin missing ya here. how was vacation? Did I miss sumting? Sorry you working again, always working WAHHHHHH!

    Lara, very cool that you are getting a pro to view your "case". I hope you get all bixed up and kick de pain to de curb.

    Hello UndeCove'- how tings? You do not say much. Wuz fun to hear yer voice, it is a sexy one hehe. Dat is all about mese brerember.

    Soo mese feeling really really guilty for not being with mese Dad at dis moment. He was told by his docTor point blank, he can not stay by himself anymore, haas to consider assisted living. I try to tail him it not like a jail like where mese Mom is. it all jest so sad. tanks for hearing mese vent duDoor. hehe. 

    I love you all and miss the good ole days here in de lounge. I specially missing dis night our June bug. dont knowY I tinking of her but I am. I tink cuz mese tinking too much about mortalitality and it not purdey. ya see, people I went to school with dying, i reminded of mese young cousins death, way too young a year ago Christmas then a close call for mese Dad who knows what happened. and todey, not a good dey. he asked my nephew ober and ober "did you get a dog"  while referring to my Bella. Then asking over and over, where ist he bathroom. 

    SIGH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pants, Meestar Big, Meestar Biggar and Meestar Bigglyest, bring me some stiff ones or twos or turdeen inches pleeze ~hicc ~ mese means turdene dwinkies of de dey of de hump dey hump dey hump ~ ohhhhhh,, t a n k    y    e  !    !    !  !  !  


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    (((HUGS))) Dork this is the hard time to make decisions for our parents when it was not like that. But he has to be kept safe and taken care of. This hurts a lot I know but talk with u'r family and see where the best place would be--I;'m so sorry u have to go thru this --it's chit. And I have no wisdom to give u cuz there isn't any--it's like a duty to take care of an no one want this done.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    aww, Camille, dis why mese lub you so. menny tanks for saying. it IS a duty, one dat needed n not purdy. I wuz jest watching some american idol with daddy. and trying to talk to him ober de tv when I have to talk loud enuff for him to hear me yet I am losing my voice from the job, happens often cuz I get paid to talk de chit talk. I ended up leaving him after jest 45 minutes, jest gets too sad. He tailed me dis night that he won't be here for long. I tailed him that a new place would be nice and he would have fwends. well he says I not talking bout that, I am not gonna make it til mese next burpdey (which is late May, he de offical Memorial Dey baby, 5/30/35 his DEE OH BEE! and he keep sezing he is 79 and gonna be 80. He 78 and gonna be sevenTy niner. speaking of, tomorree mese exDH2 burpdey, he turning double nickels on dis first dey of swping. oh yippee, flowers and bumble bees and no snow, yippee cay aye! woop woop ~hiccup~ ok den, tank ye all. in advane and in aporsheation of eberyting ye all sez. witch why mese lub ye all. and uhh, i mighten miss "de witch of de west " harharharharhar! tehehehehe, bahahahahahahahah. ok den, hiccup~chEars!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    geeze, I mighten has to leave this joint, ye all borrrrring zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    jest kiddng. I am glad to have a place that I can write whatebberdephuck I wanna write. one more sigh and I pass out. 

    I jest lub ye goils. 

    ps Lara, do ye hate me or sumting of de sorta? mese kidding AXshallallie. I jest saying that sincen I aint herd from ya in 1430 hours. 

    i made mesedernself laff so there. ha, I sleeeeeeep now. big dey tomorree, it is THIRSTDEY! wooo hoo, mese thirdsdey for mo likker but will wait like a good goils does.. n wese lived habbily ebber after. amen. chErAs! chaIRs and WWOTW is oustttTED! woop woop. lmfao here. ok, time for bed. lub you fella craaaaazeeee goils ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥3♥♥ x sideways 8 = infinity ITUS!  chirp burp. n a fart.  OKey den. me go now for wheelz! ch ch chia chchachacha chia petsfur reeeelz! ~smoooooootch~~ make ME STOP NOW. ha. ok. sail a vee and saloooooothe. bye! bon voyage aka BV! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    bdw, 1230 hr = 1pee emm or sumting of de sorta . k. cwacking de hail up and dont keer if ye all laffing but no golden sunshiney goil laffing and mese maME 2ly. i go now. hiccccup, oops gotta chit, "Touching cotton" oooooops

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    den okaye dokie now. 


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    wahat??? dere pwowlems posting esssisenshally ober n ober?? 

    one werd........

    wAAT deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee fuk? aka i simplify. defok?????????????????????

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    on a more serious note, I am grateful to have a place where I can jest be crazy me. ~i Bow wow bow down now n sleep. happy thirstdey mese fella beast kansar soyvivoirs! notting mo spayshall den ye ' all. FOR REAL DIS TIME, dork OUT. oh, one more tang, did ye all know............ 

    I now "name" my daily reports as Dork, then the date ie today be DorK03202014 aka de first day of spring! happy spring in jest a few hours.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    wdf is srping enny waay.

    way!! ok, dis it, for reeeelzies!

    bdw lubs talking to mi' dernself!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    and bdw (which means by de waaay AGAIN ...) .... 

    I could talk to my dernself all night long but will spare ye all. why ???? simply cuz mese lubs yese! g' DAY ie thurstdey march de twentyEST two towelSAND turdeen plus one year) and tanks for cwackig me de hail up!!!!!!! anudder big sigh witch aka wwotw sigh, tomorree anudder dey, yippee~ i GO NOW>

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    did I seriously jest post turdTEEN x's? 

    i ho fid yyimr grt fer weelzeeeeze! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2014

    I will stop this nonsense immediately. cuz I dunnot wanna git kicked outta de lounge again ebbbbber! so really for realZZZ, g night. i oo now. 

    ps  I know mee at risque of getting tossed now. if so, why...bon aveeeeee! 

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited March 2014

    Dork-u sound as drunk as I am. Back to the booze,can't remember anyone's name including mine. Am I Mema??? That sounds familiar. Let me know so I can sew it into my underwear. I don't talk much Dork,very private. But once u get to know me-WOW! Dat is why de name undercoverebel. You never know who I really am til you hang out wif me.Singing Cheers all. Wait,wait,wait,sexy voice? I'm flattered and surprised. Didn't think it was sexy but if u say so it must be. Cheers again.

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited March 2014

    image Great shot, love a hot guy stretched out on warm sand~ .

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Running lat this ayem, and
    it's snowing again, so I'm just pooping on to say "hi" and I'll
    ketchup with you all latah!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is

    Put your fav likker
    in your fav coffee, fill every travel mug you have and drink all day!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    sexy Shan

    Dork a poo I love u dont b silly

    Yea what's up with this joint

    We r getting the party on

    The den very freaky movie that's my movie review for the week

    Where the hell is everyone

    Dork u miss the old days these are the new days

    I still need a name u were lol a farta 

    Sugar that's my stripper name


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014
